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Dr. Gerhard Schiller

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:33 am
by Laraqua
Name: Dr. Gerhard Schiller
Occupation: Nazi Archaeologist (Field Researcher)
Degrees: PhD in archaeology, University of Leipzig
Birthplace: Königsberg, Germany
Mental Disorders: None (yet)
Sex: Male
Age: EDU+6 = 23, raised to 43 (+2 to EDU, +40 to Occupation points)

Background: Schiller was born in East Prussia into a old, wealthy family whose patriarch was involved in local nationalist politics. He followed his father's beliefs in a Greater Germany and also became a devotee of the Teutonic Knights, a passion which both reinforced his political beliefs and convinced him to follow a career in archaeology. His first major work was at the Viking settlement at Haithabu where he directed the excavations. While in this post he met Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler who was impressed by Schiller's work and provided significant funds to the operation. As a professor of archaeology he also worked at the University of Kiel and the University of Rostock.

Schiller and Himmler would become close and within a few months of the meeting Schiller had joined both the Nazi Party and the Ahnenerbe, the research institute set up by the Nazis to research the archaeological and cultural history of the Aryan race. Appointed to the excavation and archaeology department, Schiller supervised digs across Germany.

Last year, Schiller requested and received sponsorship for a trek to the Middle East to study an internal power struggle of the Roman Empire, which Schiler believes was fought between the Nordic and Semitic peoples. Eager to prove that the Aryans were the ancestors of all Indo-European peoples, the Nazi government has eagerly endorsed the expedition. Schiller was in Paris doing research when he heard the news and is now boarding the Orient Express toward Istanbul, with a brief layover in Germany to pick up some additional materials for the expedition.


1. To meet a fellow academic on the journey and exchange contact information
2. To practice his Arabic with some of the passengers
3. To find some fellow Germans to talk about current events in Germany with

3d6=6, 3d6=13, 3d6=10, 3d6=9, 3d6=17

STR: 6
CON: 17
POW: 10
DEX: 9
APP: 13

2d6+6=9, 2d6+6=12

SIZ: 9
INT: 12


EDU: 17+2 due to increased age = 19

SAN: 10*5 = 50

Idea: INT*5 = 60
Luck: POW*5 = 50
Know: EDU*5 = 95
Cthulhu Mythos: -99
Damage Bonus: STR+SIZ = 15, -1d4
Hit Points: CON+SIZ = 26/2 = 13
Magic Points = 10


Income = $20,000

Occupational Skills (19*20 = 380+40): 420
Personal Interest Skills (12*10 = 120):

Accounting (10%): 10
*Anthropology (01%): 24+1 = 25
Archaeology (01%): 79+1 = 80
Art (Painting) (05%): 5
Astronomy (01%): 1
Bargain (05%): 46+5 = 51
Biology (01%): 1
Chemistry (01%): 1
Climb (40%): 40
Conceal (15%): 15
Craft (05%): 5
Credit Rating (15%): 50+15 = 65
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 05%
Disguise (01%): 1
Dodge (DEX×2): 18
Drive Auto (20%): 20
Electr. Repair (10%): 10
Fast Talk (05%): 5
*First Aid (30%): 14+30 = 44
Geology (01%): 1
Hide (10%): 10
History (20%): 50+20 = 70
Jump (25%): 25
Law (05%): 5
Library Use (25%): 50+25 = 75
Listen (25%): 25
Locksmith 01%): 1
Martial Arts (01%): 1
Mech. Repair (20%): 20
Medicine (05%): 5
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%): 10
*Occult (05%): 40+5 = 45
Opr. Hvy. Mch. (01%): 1
Own Language (EDU×5%) (German): 19*5 = 95
Other Language (Arabic): 50
(+) *Other Language: (French): 42
Latin (01%): 1
Persuade (15%): 40+15 = 55
Pharmacy (01%): 1
Photography (10%): 10
Physics (01%): 1
Pilot (01%): 1
Psychoanalysis (01%): 1
(+) Psychology (05%): 45+5 = 50
Ride (05%): 5
Sneak (10%): 10
Spot Hidden (25%): 25
Swim (25%): 25
Throw (25%): 25
Track (10%): 10

Fist/Punch (50%): 50
Head Butt (10%): 10
Kick (25%): 25
Grapple (25%): 25

Handgun (20%): 20
Machine Gun (15%): 15
Rifle (25%): 25
Shotgun (30%): 30
SMG (15%): 15

-A wallet containing $200 in francs, a photograph of his mother, ID cards
-20 expensive cigarettes in a fancy silver cigarette case
-A silver lighter
-A gold pocket watch
-A cleaning cloth for glasses
-A keyring with keys to his flat in Kiel as well as his his baggage

Sleeping Compartment Baggage:
-Changes of clothes for one week, suits and ties
-Basic hygeine items (razor, shaving cream, toothpaste and toothbrush)
-A copy of Mein Kampf for recreational reading

Baggage Car Baggage:
-One large suitcase containing research material purchased in Paris -- around a dozen non-fiction books dealing with the Nordic and Semitic peoples, the ancient Middle East, the Roman Empire in Asia, and a few on Sufism and Islamic mysticism[/quote]

Re: Dr. Gerhard Schiller

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 1:37 am
by Laraqua
Yennifer Second Class Car: Compartment 1 ticket.

Re: Dr. Gerhard Schiller

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:28 am
by Laraqua
Schiller gains a +20% to Credit Rating due to his connections. He also may add +20% to any social rolls made to convince or bargain with Nazis, Fascists, and German officials who are convinced of his credentials. It may be worth adding to your gear some letter from Himmler or some proof of rank. A low-numbered Nazi Party membership card would help with this as lower numbers meant earlier memberships and earlier memberships are impressive to Nazis.