
This Sleeping Car connects between a Sleeping Car and the Lounge Car. Rooms A - D are Single Cabins, E - H are Double Cabins, and I is a Cabin Suite with a double bed.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily stumbles into the car, teary-eyed and reckless. She stops behind Nico, takes a breath, looks up--and is immediately captivated by one of the flyers. Blinking rapidly, she raises her hands to her temples and grits her teeth. "No, no, no," she mutters to herself, unable to hear anything but the static in her head.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Raziel »

Dr Bedel enters the compartment and approaches Nico carefully. He spots one of the flyers but after looking at it for a brief moment pays it little mind.
French,"Are you ok. What is wrong?
Listen,[url=]Fernand fails to notice anything.[/url]
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

Lord Horfield enters Yennifer Car, "More damn posters!" He keeps his eyes averted and is only mildly phasedby the ghastly swirling imagery. He hurries down along the corridor, not worrying about appearing to be drunk, and comes to a stop where Dr. Bedal is talking to Nico and a woman in black. Then he realises that Nico, at least, isn't moving. "Not you as well madam! Dr. Bedal, we must move these women out of the corridor; these symbols are causing seizures in some people. Quickly, man, is your compartment in this carriage?"
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

France, 23:00

High above him was a white marble ceiling with small bright lights inserted. The walls were made of rich teak and mahogany wood with green and brown doors for each compartment. There were also complicated patterns painted finely on the doors, each having a golden flower on the front. The corridor was quite narrow with only the space for one person moving at a time. There is no sign of the conductor though his clipboard and pen have been left sitting on the fold up seat in the corridor. Someone can be heard vomiting in the WC (toilet cubicle) at the end of the corridor.
There is a flyer hanging from the handle of each of the compartment doors that show images which seem to blur when you gaze upon them even though they should, by rights, be clear. The sight of them draws your eye and inflames the imagination. There is something exciting happening here. Some possibility which you are inspired to write down. (SAN Loss 1 / 1d6 - keep rolling for each corridor you pass until you have either passed all three or lost 6 Sanity. If you go temporarily insane, you become obsessed with the imagery or consumed by a bizarre bout of creativity for 1d10 minutes.) There may be more information attached were you to open the flyer and read it.

There's a sudden giggle in Compartment I followed by two low voices speaking breathlessly in French.
French & Listen Check (may retry),"Ooh, lovely," says a woman. "I do so enjoy that." "I am so glad to hear of it, my lovely," says a male voice. "You must tell me where you learned to do that," breathes the woman. "Shh, relax," says the man.
There's a far less enjoyable sound coming from the Water Closet which is currently locked. The sound of retching.
Listen Check,Between retches comes the sputtering sound of two words: "Praise him!" The retching sounds almost like sobs as well.
Nico silently stands in the corridor only a few feet beyond the door, staring at their departing backs, otherwise silent though seeming to be listening to something that perhaps only she can hear. "It's too late ... too late."

PRESENT: Dr. Bedel, Someone in the WC, Giggler in Compartment I, Lily, Nico.
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Re: Corridor

Post by aine »

Cecil hears what's going on behind the doors. "Ugh! This train is going to pot." and he realises he's going to need help urgently. "Madame, I must get past! Excuse me, Sir, Madame, terribly sorry, what." And he politely but firmly squeezes himself past everyone. He tries one last time before leaving the car and says to Nico, "What's too late?" Looking into her eyes to see if she's in a trance.
Listen,In case I need a second listen check for something else... [url=]1d100=89[/url] (fail)
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Re: Corridor

Post by Raziel »

"I'm in compartment G we will be able to talk in there."
Listen,[url=]Dr Bedel continues to fail to hear anything. He is obviously to absorbed by the events in front of him.[/url]
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily sucks in a breath and lowers her arms, still trembling, still unable to focus on anything. She balls her hands into fists and goes the way of the well-dressed gentleman, breath catching in her throat as she squeezes past Nico.

Swiftly, she disappears into the first class sleeping car.
Keeper,[i]Let her have him, you damned fool, she surely hates you! Hold it together, you stupid girl, don't let anyone see you cry.[/i]
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

France, 23:15

High above him was a white marble ceiling with small bright lights inserted. The walls were made of rich teak and mahogany wood with green and brown doors for each compartment. There were also complicated patterns painted finely on the doors, each having a golden flower on the front. The corridor was quite narrow with only the space for one person moving at a time. There is no sign of the conductor though his clipboard and pen have been left sitting on the fold up seat in the corridor.
There is a flyer hanging from the handle of each of the compartment doors that show images which seem to blur when you gaze upon them even though they should, by rights, be clear. The sight of them draws your eye and inflames the imagination. There is something exciting happening here. Some possibility which you are inspired to write down. (SAN Loss 1 / 1d6 - keep rolling for each corridor you pass until you have either passed all three or lost 6 Sanity. If you go temporarily insane, you become obsessed with the imagery or consumed by a bizarre bout of creativity for 1d10 minutes.) There may be more information attached were you to open the flyer and read it.

There's a sudden giggle in Compartment I followed by two low voices speaking inaudibly in French syllables.

The Water Closet is currently locked.
Nico is gently led by Bedel into his compartment muttering, "It's too late ... too late."

Nafy Hijazi, Minoo Hijazi, Waleed Hijazi and Sulamen Hijazi keep their eyes downcast, shading the sides of their vision with their hands. Nafy ]covers her eyes and is guided by her shoulders by Sulamen. They leave the compartment, entering the Agatha Sleeping Car.

Two children rush down the corridor to their rooms, then reappear dragging a lightweight but largeish case between them as they head back into the Jeanette Sleeping Car

PRESENT: No one now.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily flounces into the Yennifer Sleeping Car, and stops short when she realizes there is no one around. She grabs the nearest yellow flyer and tilts her head at the strange image.
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Seon »

Sanity loss: How do I make the URL link look like normal text again? I forgot how to do so.
Jonathan Parker slams open the door to the compartment as he enters. He is pale and has a panicked, haunted look about his face.

Parker strides past his cabin, seems to consider his options, and moves towards First Class compartments.

"How- I mean, hello miss," he says to Lily, stopping momentarily.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Laraqua »

Lily's Flyer
Welcome One And All!
You are cordially invited to a sock puppet performance extraordinaire.
One based on the fabulous and oft-buried King in Yellow production.
It will be held in the Smoking Car at eleven o'clock tonight!
You will see a story to amaze you!
To excite you!
A story of drama, the anguish of solitude and suicide....
The romantic misery of the aristocratic classes
The needfulness of dreams.
See you there!
It seems a little ... childish ... on multiple levels. Yet the image on the front of the flyer seems seared into your very mind.[/spoiler-button]
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

"Oh, hello again," Lily says, not looking away from the flyer. "Do you have the time, Mr. Parker?"

She hangs the flyer neatly back on the door handle, notices Mr. Parker is leaving, and heads for the Jeanette Sleeping Car.
Last edited by Kadael on Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Seon »

"Actually miss..." Parker pauses. "I don't... recall what your last name was... but Miss, I would appreciate your help in some matter."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

"Hmm?" Lily looks over her shoulder at him, hand on the door. "My name is Lily Gavigan, sir."

She turns around to face him and smiles coldly. "Is something wrong, Mr. Parker? You don't look well."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Seon »

"Yes, well, The conductor got insane and tried to lead me into the wrong compartment, a cowboy choked, I mean, caught a thief with a lasso, people are talking to invisible people and certain people are making rather poor fashion choices as if they never bought a single pantyhose since the bloody 1890s. Pardon me if I look a little exhausted," Parker snapped before composing himself.

"Do you know where Dr...Bedel was it? Where Dr. Bedel went? The friendly-looking doctor with the Frenchwoman. He is... Well," he seems lost for words.

"Wanted for questioning. No, wait, just wanted in the Drinking room. By the other people taking care of the conductor, I mean. I didn't mean to imply that the authorities want him just that other people had questions to ask him. About how to take care of a man not right in his head, I mean, and... I should stop talking."

He stays silent and stares across the compartment towards Lily.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily's eyebrows arch and she tilts her head at him, a playful glint coming into her unblinking eyes. Her smile broadens but it doesn't look happy, it doesn't look right. "I think you're right, Mr. Parker. It would serve you well to stay silent."

"Now, why would I know where the good doctor went? He left the car with her, I'm sure you can figure it out yourself."
She lays a hand on her collarbone and closes her eyes, as though she's an actress monologuing under the lights.
French Conversation,[color=#800080]"Do you suppose they're dying? Just a little?"[/color]
She suddenly bursts into a peal of overwrought, forced laughter.
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Re: Corridor

Post by Seon »

Jonathan opens his mouth to say something before shutting it.

"You headed towards the social cars, miss?" He says, his voice as neutral as the color of his coat. "I might as well head back towards it. Conductor be damned."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily nods, looking innocent as though nothing strange ever happened. "Yes, Mr. Parker. I was hoping to see the sock puppet show."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Seon »

"Oh. Sock Puppet Show. Good. Good," Jonathan Parker says, speaking as if trying to calm down a rampaging tiger.

"Let's...uhh... Go watch some... Sock puppets... Miss Gavigan."
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Re: Corridor

Post by Kadael »

Lily beams at him, clasping her hands together girlishly. "Yes, let's. After you, sir." She gestures with her purse toward the door.
I'm a smooth criminal and a neurotic lawyer with a crush on a pretty-boy author, and I'm being controlled by my creepy older brother (twice!) while I worry about not having a can opener.
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