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Dining Car

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:22 am
by Laraqua
Dining Car, Paris, 19:30
Theme Music: Anson Weeks & His Orchestra - The Clouds Will Soon
The Dining Car is an illustrious affair of white tablecloths, gleaming silverware, crystal wine glasses and friendly waiters as well as a Maitre D' who will greet you and guide you to a table with a query about what you might like for dinner though he regrets to inform you that the First Service (for the numbered compartments) won't occur until 19:30 and that Second Service (for the alphabetical compartments) won't occur until 20:30. If you aren't scheduled to be part of the First Service then you are politely offered a refreshment and snack in the Bar Car while you wait with a polite but firm insistence that you will need to soon leave. Otherwise, you are allowed to be seated though regrettably all they can do for now is take your order. You can choose to be seated at a table for two or a table for four and as there are two services (neither of which are currently occurring), there's no fear that you will be forced to share your table. The three-course lunch and four-course dinner are lavish affairs judging from the menus and guests are expected to make an effort when dressing for the occasion. The curtains are tied back to reveal the Parisian cityscape as you sit at your table. Naturally the three waitors are all available to fill your drinks and ensure that you are comfortable while you wait. A red curtain at one end of the car lead to the Kitchen Car. Naturally the train is not yet moving nor is there anyone currently waiting in the Dining Car.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:28 pm
by Mouchinator
Charles enters the dining car and takes a quick casual look around. Charles looks for the Arabic man who recently passed through the lounge car. If he is sitting down, Charles asks the maitre d' for a seat across the aisle from the man - close enough to engage in a conversation, but not too close as to seem strange.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:57 pm
by Laraqua
The Arabic man is about to sit at a table for four so Charles must sit at a table for two to be next to him. The man does acknowledge him with a smile and, seeing his openly friendly expression, stands once more to offer his hand in a shake. "Good evening, my name is Farooqi Al-Rassam." He has a pleasant Arabic accent and a clear grasp of the English language. He is also impeccably dressed in an easygoing and quite rich sort of way.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy
Elena walks into the dining car and waits for the rest of her group to catch up with her.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:53 am
by Laraqua
The Maitre D greets her as she waits. "Table for 2 or 4, mademoselle?"

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy
"Four, please," says Elena.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:21 am
by DrPeterson
So am I also! I have more hungry zan zinking of.

He joins Elena and Johnny as they sit down at their table, greeting the other dinner guests with a friendly nod. He extends his hand to Johnny:

"Ve have not make ze introduction, no? Wolfgang Richter, by origin of Munich, but in Spain for passing years now."

After shaking the man's hand, he smiles at Elena.

"If I may being so open, Orlov is ze very specific name for a voman. Are you Bulgarian?"

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:43 am
by Laraqua
OOC,anyone entering this thread in the next five posts may read this as it will take about that long to resolve.
A little girl enters the Dining Car alone and waits coyly by the doors until the Maitre D approaches her.
"Hello Fraulein Bartenstein, my name is Monsieur Vincent Rosseau, and I will be your Maitre D for today," said Monsier Vincent Rousseau, ushering her over to one of the tables. He seems all the more warm and sincere with her than he had with even the other passengers. It is also interesting that he has chosen English rather than French or German. "We have prepared for you a wonderful table for two over here. Might I enquire as to my lady's preferences for food? Do you prefer sweet or savoury? Might I take the liberty of selecting for you our most delightful of meals?"
Fraulein Bartenstein stares at him in astonishment then giggles nervously. "Oui! Oui! I would like that." She has a German accent but she pronounces both the French word for yes and the English quite well. She gazes around the Dining Car as though she had never before seen such luxury before looking over at Monsier Vincent Rosseau, suddenly apologetic for her distraction. "I would like some water, please."
"Ah yes, of course," said Monsieur Vincent Rosseau, snapping his fingers to summon over another waitor. "Monsieur Mullins, please, our finest vintage."
"Right away, Monsieur," said Mullins, clicking his heels together and heading off to fetch some water.
"Now is there anything else I may do for you?" asked Monsieur Vincent Rosseau. "Anything at all? Please don't hesitate to call on me."
"Your water, Fraulein," said Mullins, returning with a flourish, a grin and a wink to pour the water. "It is our finest vintage, as requested."
Fraulein Bartenstein giggles over her water, blushing a deep shade of crimson.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:41 pm
by Mouchinator
Charles accepts the man's hand and smiles when he replies. "Pleased to meet you sir, my name is Charles Belanger. What brings you on the Orient Express?"

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:19 am
by Laraqua
Farooqi Al-Rassam has a good, firm handshake. "I thought it best to ride this lovely train before the likely war puts an end to it. I collected my son from England not too long ago and am hoping to check on my real estate and furniture business in Istanbul before returning to my home city. And you?"

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:29 am
by Mr. Handy
"No, I was born in Russia," Elena tells Wolfgang. "My true family name is Orlova, but I use Orloff as a sort of nom de plume. I'm a travel writer, you see."

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:51 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang's face brightens and with a big smile, he releases a stream of
Fluent Russian with a slight Muscovite accent,[color=#0000BF]My sincere apologies, [b]Elena Orlova[/b], but your [i]nom de plume[/i] had me fooled. It is always the sincerest of pleasures to find someone to speak Russian to. You write? This can be no coincidence, I study literature![/color]
He laughs joyfully.
Fluent Russian with a slight Muscovite accent,[color=#0000BF]You must let me read your work some day![/color]
He bows his head to Johnny:
"My apolow-gies, it is happy to speak a good language. Very exercising to speak unfamiliar language, no?"

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:07 am
by jdd2035
"If yall will excuse me. I am starting to get a little...train sick." Johnny said before heading to his compartment.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy
Elena gives Wolfgang a wide grin and speaks to him in fluent Russian, also with a hnt of a Muscovy accent, but mixed with other subtle nuances that are hard to place.
Russian,[color=darkred]"That's all right,"[/color] says [b]Elena[/b]. [color=darkred]"Your Russian is excellent! It is good to speak in my mother tongue with someone. It has been a while since I've had an article published in a magazine, but that will change after this trip. I haven't written any books as yet, but I am considering it. Perhaps you could proofread for me."[/color]
She turns when Johnny walks away and speaks to him in English. "Good evening, Mr. Rheticus," she says. "I hope you feel better soon."

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:13 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang bids Johnny a restful repose in his heavily accented English and then relaxes back in his seat, happy to not have to speak a language he isn't too fluent in, and maybe even happier that the table turned into dinner for two.
Fluent Russian with a slight Muscovite accent,[color=#0000BF]Really? You are serious? I am deeply honoured, [b]Elena Orlova[/b], and happily agree. Are you travelling to Russia as well, or are you still gathering data for your writing?[/color]

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:46 pm
by Yigcredible
Schiller arrives, checking his ticket to ensure that he qualifies for First Service due to his numbered compartment in the Jeannette car. He scans the room and examines how the tables are arranged. When approached, he requests a table for two. He smiles approvingly at the view of the Parisian sights visible from the windows.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy
Elena replies in Russian:
Russian,[color=darkred]"Yes, I am planning to go to Russia after Istanbul. I was thinking about a nice boat ride across the Black Sea."[/color]
In English, she says to the Maitre D' "We'd better make that a table for two, please. Our friend will not be joining us after all."

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:03 pm
by DrPeterson
Russian,[color=#0000BF]That is my exact plan! I plan to visit a friend in Moscow and hope to find a position there on the ComIntern board. I have never been there and I'm very anxious to see what it is like. I have been told that Gorky Park is breathtaking in the evening.[/color]
Wolfgang gives a curt nod at Schiller as he passes and then looks back at Elena.
Russian,[color=#0000BF]Have you seen the park, Elena? Is it as beautiful as they say?[/color]

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:57 am
by Laraqua
Dining Car, Paris, 19:45
Theme Music: Anson Weeks & His Orchestra - The Clouds Will Soon
The Dining Car is an illustrious affair of white tablecloths, gleaming silverware, crystal wine glasses and friendly waiters as well as a Maitre D' who will greet you and guide you to a table with a query about what you might like for dinner. You can choose to be seated at a table for two or a table for four and as there are two services (neither of which are currently occurring), there's no fear that you will be forced to share your table. The three-course lunch and four-course dinner are lavish affairs judging from the menus and guests are expected to make an effort when dressing for the occasion. The curtains are tied back to reveal the Parisian cityscape as you sit at your table. Naturally the three waitors are all available to fill your drinks and ensure that you are comfortable while you wait. A red curtain at one end of the car lead to the Kitchen Car. Naturally the train is not yet moving nor is there anyone currently waiting in the Dining Car. Due to the surprisingly small number of bookings for this trip diners have been given the option of eating during either the First or the Second Service, as they please.

Currently the Dining Car has grown full with a number of individuals who have come for the First Service. Wolfgang and Elena sit at a table for two. Schiller sits alone at a table for two. Farooqi Al-Rassam sits at a table of four, inviting Charles to sit with him, his son Amadi and their friend, if Charles would prefer. Bartenstein - a girl of around 12 - sits at a table for two and seems to be getting fussed over by the waiters more than a child of her age normally would. The handsome young man who would have lost his wallet if not for Johnny sits alone at a table for two as well.

The other noticeable passengers out of the throng include a black family of two men, one woman and a little girl at a table for four who speak in French about the train's history; a typical nuclear family of four including an older father, plain wife, young girl and even younger son who speak in English about the sights they will see; the honeymooners met at the cafe who sit at a table for two and speak in French professing their adoration for such a fancy train; and the rather grumpy and stern-looking Meditteranean couple also glimpsed by several passengers at the cafe. There is no sign of the mysterious fainting woman who must still be in her cabin nor the man she had spoken to though occasionally the nuclear family of four mention the duo and wonder at the cause of the altercation.

The entrees arrive at the tables in beautiful arrangements and the Dining Car is soon filled with the aroma of delicious meals. Passengers were given a choice from five options including Little Neck Clam Cocktails, Caviar de Belugon, Terrine de Foi Gras, Plover Eggs and Smoked Salmon Balmoral. The current eminent chef working in these kitchens obviously has an interest in both seafood and New York cuisine.

Re: Dining Car

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:41 am
by Mr. Handy
Elena orders the caviar, then resumes her conversation with Wolfgang.
Russian,[color=darkred]"Oh, yes, [b]Wolfgang[/b]!"[/color] she says. [color=darkred]"It is every bit as beautiful as you've heard. I grew up in Moscow, and I visited Gorky Park on numerous occasions. It's been too long since I've been there. I'm sure that with your background you'll have a good chance to get that position. One thing to keep in mind is to have a positive attitude. They'll like confidence."[/color]