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Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 5:32 am
by Laraqua
Stuttgart Station, 06:40
Theme Song: Grisly Reminder - Midnight Syndicate
Wan sunlight appears over the horizon, sending a scattering of pink hues across the scudding clouds which pattern the skies overhead. Two German SS officers stand together, blowing on their hands and stamping their feet, cold despite their trench coats, while a third man in the outfit of a German Customs Officer stands a few feet away to one side. Finally a victualling clerk stands further from all of them, near where the Baggage Car will pull up, beside a stack of crates and cases ready to be hauled into the Baggage Car to feed them only the freshest produce. They watch the train enter the station.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 1:04 am
by Laraqua
There is a taxi cab parked on the car park on the opposite side of the platform itself. The driver leans against the cab, smoking a cigarette, and watching the train rather idly. (You would only see this if you look out the window on the other side of the compartments, i.e. the corridor windows).

The German porter says to one of the kitchen hands as he comes out of the baggage car,
GERMAN,"Listen, we must get this loaded up. I need to get home before they think to check my ID."
The kitchen hand nods,
GERMAN,"You are luckier than I am. I have to keep on with this train."
The German porter nods,
GERMAN,"I wish I could leave with you. Now is the time to find another job, I think."

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 8:55 pm
by Seon
keeper,do I see the taxi driver as I go out of the train?)

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:18 am
by Laraqua
Seon,You will if you step out of the non-platform side through the door on the opposite side of your compartment.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:35 am
by Seon
keeper,...considering what I saw on my comportment side of the train I think that yes, I will exit on the taxi driver's side.
Noticing the taxi driver, Ambrose runs towards the car.
German,You there! Official business!

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 3:44 am
by Laraqua
The taxi driver's lip twitches, and he throws down the cigarette, stamps it out and hops into the driver's side of the car. For one worrying moment, you wonder if he's about to drive off but no, he's not that stupid. He simply gets the car started and waits for you to thrust yourself into the back seat.
GERMAN,"Where to, sir?"

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:39 pm
by Seon
Ambrose almost leaps into to the taxi car
German,Drive along the train tracks until I tell you to stop. And then you will take a very generous compensation, head to the nearest bar, get drunk, and forget that this thing ever happened. Fuhrer's will. Understood?

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:56 am
by Laraqua
The taxi driver nods like a puppet with his strings pulled and drives speedily along the road by the tracks, heading onto the tracks themselves when the road kinks left out of the way. It doesn't take long until they start approaching the woods outside Stuttgart.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:45 am
by Seon
German,STOP! Thank you for your time.
Ambrose hands over the taxi driver a large clump of money from his pockets without even bothering to count it.
German,You had best be off now. Now,I do not want a rumor of a crazy officer gallivanting about Stuttgart tomorrow, do you understand?

Keeper,Ambrose will now begin wrapping the explosive caps around the tracks as soon as the driver begins to pull away. Can we say that Ambrose gave away half of his spending cash right there? I realize I never specified it now.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 2:04 am
by Laraqua
Bribery,It'd be more suspicious if you gave him much money for it. You're SS. You demand, you do not ask. You'd be better off giving him the fare money and acting like that was the greatest kindness. You didn't shoot him. He should be pleased.
Regardless of the bribe, you hear the taxi driver quickly head off, eager to be rid of the place, as you set down the explosive caps.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:46 am
by Seon
Keeper,I am with you until the 'he should be glad you didn't shoot him part,' I don't think the Nazi SS were that casually cruel to the German citizens at least XD. Well, Ambrose isn't actually SS so maybe he can't really copy the casual cruelty part well.
Explosive caps in place, Ambrose jogs at a steady pace away into the woods. Here goes nothing.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:34 am
by Laraqua
Seon,You are right that the odds of being casually shot would be quite low but this is obviously black ops involving an upper class train in a manner that would be an international incident if it were known. After all, war hasn't happened yet. The man, judging by his anxiety, is also obviously not a 'good Nazi' judging by his fear so he would probably assume the worst to cover things up. He may not even have a Nazi Party Card! I never meant to imply that the average SS officer would shoot a man for this (especially so close to the declaration of war). I imagine the average SS would probably just think "It's for the Fatherland. Why would you expect payment?" and leave it at that. But anyway the taxi driver'll take the money and shut up because he's terrified anyway. Not that his opinion matters once you hit Istanbul.
The explosive caps have a timer which will give you two minutes before they explode. They go off without a hitch with a sharp Bang! Bang! Bang!

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 7:45 am
by Seon
Keeper,Knowledge Roll: [url][/url]
Ambrose runs through the forest at a steady pace, pulling out a crumpled piece of poetry out as he did so. He used to play in the Stuttgart woods when he was little, but the forest was a place that never quite ceased changing. Exact directions were to be in vain, but basic hints towards the loot's location were possible. There, in the distance, was a hilltop that vaguely looked like a face in the morning sun. There was the little creek with stones made round by age.
German,Come on, you little bastard, where did I hide you?
Ambrose stopped over a small spring. It had to be close.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:01 am
by Laraqua
There are no sounds of sirens or warning shouts from the railway tracks just yet. Someone will be bound to come along to investigate to see if some train were truly in trouble, though hopefully it would take the station some time to send out the mechanics to check.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:34 am
by Seon
Ambrose leaps down next to the spring and begins digging under a large gnarly oaktree. It was buried shallowly, as far as he remembered. This would only take a minute... hopefully.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:59 am
by Laraqua
It feels like it takes ten minutes to find the right spot, though he's sure it doesn't take that long, as he digs and scrabbles at the soil. Finally his fingers catch hold of what he needs. There! That's it.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 8:23 am
by Seon
Nodding in satisfaction, Ambrose begins his jog back towards the stopped train.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:02 am
by Seon
Keeper,What should I be doing right now?

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 12:14 am
by Laraqua
OOC,I'm giving others an opportunity to post but they're not online. We'll give them to Friday, yeah, then advance things to the train.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:17 am
by Laraqua
Stuttgart, 07:10

It takes a full fifteen minutes to return to where the train stands in view. Unfortunately, it will be hard to circle around to the other side of it without being seen ... unless he wants to back track over the city streets. The SS officer's friend is still standing at the corner of the platform. A set of mechanics are hopping into their vehicle and setting off, likely to check for whatever caused someone to let off the three explosives further along the track. He has some time, at least.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:00 am
by Seon
Jonathan takes off the SS Greatcoat and folds it so that the insignia cannot be seen. He still has time, apparently. He decides to backtrack to the city. No sense getting spotted now.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:31 am
by Laraqua
Stuttgart, 07:10

The mysterious gentleman appears in a laneway across the street that directly overlooks the side of the Orient Express and quickly crosses the gap. He can vaguely make out a vehicle on its way back down from the tracks where he had set off the explosives. The gentleman reaches the side of the train beside a certain Sleeping Car ready to enter and unseen by anyone else thus far. The trick will be entering without drawing too much attention from the conductor. He could enter the communications compartment between the two cars, though that won't really help if the fellow is awake. Alternatively he could venture a risk by heading to the platform side and slithering in through his own window. Or perhaps flabbergast an awake and alert conductor? Trickiness, trickiness....

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:31 am
by Seon
Keeper,Can I enter through the communications compartment between the social cars?

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:33 am
by Laraqua
OOC,Yep. You can find it among the Social Cars. You would also notice a young girl looking through the window through that side of the Yennifer Sleeping Car but she pointedly doesn't make eye contact with you so she's unlikely to recognise your face nor see you enter through the accordion-file section since that is outside her frame of view anyway.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:37 am
by Seon
OOC,She's the evil witch-little-girl-god-thing from Silent Hill! RUN! Nah probably some other mysterious little girl.
The mysterious gentleman walks towards the communication compartment of the social cars and try to look into the compartment, if possible.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:48 pm
by Laraqua
OOC,Cracking open the door he sees that it is empty - for now.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:56 pm
by Seon
Mysterious gentleman gets quickly inside!

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:15 am
by Raziel

Fernand steps off the train into the morning light taking a deep breath of the morning air before looking around the platform. There is a small suit case in his hand.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:17 am
by Laraqua
A fellow approaches the good doctor as he steps out onto the platform. "Taxi?" He looks around nervously, licking his lips. There's a lot of people on the platform and judging by the station clock the train is almost half an hour late. "You need taxi, sir?" he asks in heavily accented German.
Raziel,this is your contact. You are meant to remark that you don't need a taxi but need to make a delivery to your mother's and pass him the money in the case. Unfortunately I have forgotten the details of your mission - which isn't listed in your character sheet so please remark on it in a spoiler button.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:37 am
by Raziel

"Umm no. But I do have a delivery for my mother would you take it to her."
Keeper,He is to take the money and smuggle my family out of Germany. My mother two brothers and sister have been suffering under the Reich after my father was killed as a decenter. The most disturbing resent development was his youngest brother talking about joining up when he comes of age. This is why he has not given them forewarning in order to assure he does not tip off the nazis.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:33 am
by Laraqua
The man nods and clasps the doctor's hand as he takes the suitcase. "Of course." He nods for the moment, then seemingly trips, laying one hand on Fernand's hip pocket to steady himself, before apologising profusely and turning to head back into the crowd, disappearing quickly.

Re: Stuttgart Platform

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:03 am
by Raziel

Fernand nods and watches him depart before re-boarding the train.