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Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 4:37 am
by Laraqua
Here's where people can sit around and have a bit of a conversation about life, the game, philosophy, or what-not. You don't have to be a player to post in here. That's cool. It's just a chance for folk to relax, take it easy from the perils of the train, and talk about whatever's on their mind. For example, I just now drank a whole can of Mother and I'm one of those people who reacts strongly to caffeine if I haven't had it in awhile. Like, bouncing off the walls strongly. I'm a bit more chill at the moment but I'm sure that the energetised caffeinated excitementorific times still await.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:52 pm
by jdd2035
Howdy yall! Here's hoping for a great campaign looks like our campaign is going to be a good one!

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:46 am
by jdd2035
So just because I'm excited (this is my first CoC game) who all am I playing with?

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:57 am
by Laraqua
I certainly hope so!

Game will begin on Friday (Australia-wise) which means tomorrow so feel free to start posting then. Basically each thread represents a different location. You can pass between locations freely. Just remember to leave a post saying something to that effect. As an example:

"After taking a brief look around the store, Clive headed over to the cafe."

Then you start posting in the cafe thread.

Yeah, it'll seem a bit clunky at the start but you'll soon get the hang of it and it enables me to run several individual plots / threads with greater ease without getting in the way of what you want to do.

Please don't read the threads you're not present in simply because this game is based around layers of deception and it's easier to be deceived if you don't already know the answers - especially as the other PCs are most likely to end up your allies (even if they are enemies masquerading as allies).

Also please don't read any language spoilers unless you have the language. The spoilers are the easiest way to cover up the dialogue you can't understand while easily revealing any dialogue you can. This is because I don't want to have to keep sending PMs to those people who are in the same area who share the language. You can, of course, use Psychology to read their interactions and might get a pretty good understanding that way.

I hope you have loads of fun and if you have any questions, need advice, or are starting to get frustrated on what to do next, please don't hesitate to let me know. If you notice any inconsistencies in the plot, feel free to PM me if you're unsure whether it was a Keeper mistake ... or just a startling realisation based on the evidence.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:26 am
by Mr. Handy
jdd2035 wrote:So just because I'm excited (this is my first CoC game) who all am I playing with?
Welcome! I'll be playing Elena Orloff in this game.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:38 pm
by darchildre
Hi! I'll be playing Harry Simmons - this is my first game too.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:44 am
by Laraqua
You will find your choice of platforms in the platform subforum over here: viewforum.php?f=267

Character sheets are in Sheets, Handouts and Things. Please only refer to your own. Feel free to add posts in that forum for any notes, comments, or anything else. I will be adding the handouts you've grabbed to your sheet thread.

And on that note:

Game On! Pick a Platform Thread and start posting. Let's get this game underway.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:42 am
by Laraqua
My, my, that newspaper stand is popular! Always the way in retail. First there's nobody and then half a dozen people come in vying for newspapers!

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:20 am
by Nero
I suggest buying some of those gossip rags, because we all know the old say "Gossip is pow..." Wait... Wrong saying.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:32 am
by Laraqua
You guys can all start posting in the cafe when you please.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:35 am
by Laraqua
Elena's got admirers!

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:39 am
by Nero
Don't mistake Vergil's gentlemanly ways for infatuation. I mean he has studied a broad.... Or two. -Comedy drum effects here-

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:35 am
by Laraqua
You all have your ticket numbers in your Carried inventory. Please only enter your own compartment unless you are invited (or break into) a different compartment. You can always access the corridor or toilets. The toilets are especially a nice private place to stow your character if you're off for a week, though I wouldn't recommend leaving them for hours. There might end up being a line up! I'd put them in your sleeping compartment if that were the case. If you disappear for awhile and don't get the chance to do so, I will puppet them into your sleeping compartment and send you a PM to let you know where they are.

I will be editing everyone's inventory to ensure you all have your passports. Let me know if you're carrying any cash and in what denomination, lighters, cigarettes, medicine, flashlights, chewing gum etc. Otherwise you'll need to ask people on the train for it. Most of you are in the Second Class Compartment. Harry is in First Class. Fernand and Vergil both have double cabins. Everyone else has a single cabin.

Once you end up getting into your compartment, you'll need to think about where you're stowing your luggage. There is a rack, an inlaid little table, or your couch (though the couch will become a bed soon enough).

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:14 am
by jdd2035
A box of camping matches would be nice :)

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:48 am
by Laraqua
It's a good idea to quickly flick through the new time stamped posts when they appear in your thread even though much of it will doubtless be a copy / paste as there may be new information or changes in behaviour highlighted within them.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 3:46 am
by Laraqua
I've given you all a Special Ability or Special Equipment depending on your background as well as a reasonable skill boost to a particular skill. You'll find it in your character sheet under all of your skills. Feel free to dispute it if you don't like what you've received. I'm happy to change things about for you.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:56 am
by Laraqua
Also, when there's a link attached to phrases like "the man" or "the woman", the link actually takes you to the correct post in the Passengers Thread so that you can see their faces. Will this work for people or would you rather if I embed the links so that the face pictures were visible?

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 1:07 pm
by DrPeterson
I'll be following this campaign with great interest, it promises to be a very interesting story and congratulations to Laraqua too! Your fingers will be typed bare to the bone when this is over.

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:35 pm
by Laraqua
Yes, yes I have sensed that predicament....

Re: Chit-Chat

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:14 am
by jdd2035
Just trying to figure out what it all means :)