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Character Generation

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:11 am
by Laraqua
Please don't post your character sheet here nor give anyone any information on who you will be unless you're forming a group with them (which I heartily encourage). I will need a picture and any visual details for your entry in the Dramatis Personae list. Details might include what Credit Rating, Spot Hidden or even Anthropology might be able to tell about you. They need to be things one could tell at a glance. Please send me your character sheet in private alongside a few extra points:

Three goals for the journey (steal something, win a bet, win at cards, seduce a woman, meet a nobleman, read an occult text in public without being disturbed, spy on someone, poison someone, meet every guest, survive the journey, make amends with your sweetheart, find the next thrilling plot twist for your novel, get drunk every night, indulge your voyeurism in other people's compartments).

An inventory of what you're carrying on your person, in your compartment (anymore than two suitcases and a hat case will get quite cramped) and what will be in the baggage car.

Any secrets your character might have which could get them into any trouble.

Any connections you've made with other PCs before the game begins.

Whether you've travelled on the Orient Express before.

Regular character history.