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Orient Express Timetable & Compartment List

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:33 am
by Laraqua

Day 1: August 26, 1939, Paris to Chalons.
Day 2: August 27, 1939, Chalons to Budapest.
Day 3: August 28, 1939, Budapest to Sofia.
Day 4: August 29, 1939, Adrianople to Constantinople.

Re: Orient Express Timetable & Compartment List

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:01 am
by Laraqua
Train Timetable:
August 26, 1939
18:30: Game Begins on the Platform.
18:45: Orient Express Arrives At the Platform. People may begin to board.
19:14: Train departs Paris.
21:16: Train Arrives At Epernay
21:21: Train departs Epernay
21:41: Train arrives at Chalons-sur-Marne
21:46: Train departs Chalons-sur-Marne

August 27, 1939
12:14: Train arrives at Nancy
01:18: Train arrives at D.-Avricourt
03:36: Train arrives at Strassburg
04:30: Train arrives at Oos (Baden)
04:57: Train arrives at Carlsrume
06:40: Train arrives at Stuttgart
08:13: Train arrives at Ulm
10:18: Train arrives at Munich
10:28: Train departs Munich
12:45: Train arrives at Salzburg
13:57 The train arrives at Attnang
14:23 The train arrives at Wels.
14:55 The train arrives at Linz.
18:00: Train arrives at Vienna - West
18:19: Train departs Vienna - West.
18:51: Train departs Vienna Ost.
20:08 The train arrives at Poszony.
20:47: Train arrives at Galanta.
21:05: Train arrives at Budapest.

August 28, 1939
02:30: Train arrives at Szegedin
05:58: Train arrives at Belgrade.
06:13: Train departs Belgrade.
11:22: Train arrives at Nish.
13:05: Train arrives at Crvnt Krst. (check)
13:48: Train arrives at Dimitrovgrad.
14:40: Train arrives at Tzaribrod.
15:02: Train arrives at Kalotina.
16:20: Train arrives at Sofia.

August 29, 1939
02:01: Train arrives at Adrianople.
03:50: Train arrives at Svilengrad.
04:55: Train arrives at Kapule.
11:00: Train arrives at Constantinople (now called Istanbul in the 1930s - ignore the prop above which states otherwise.

Unless otherwise indicated, each stop only lasts two minutes.

Breakfast is brought to you by an attendant at your request (or by an earlier order).
12:00 First Service Lunch is announced.
13:00 Second Service Lunch is announced.
19:30 First Service Dinner is announced.
20:30 Second Service Dinner is announced.
21:00 Sleeping Car Attendants turn down the beds.

(Note: Timetable is a mixture of that depicted in The Last Express with details of minor stops on the Belgrade to Instabul line coming from the Belgrade - Istabul Balkan Express Timetable which meets all the major stops along the way but right now I need to run it by a map to see if my extrapolations are correct).

Re: Orient Express Timetable & Compartment List

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:51 pm
by Laraqua

Re: Orient Express Timetable & Compartment List

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:51 pm
by Laraqua

Re: Orient Express Timetable & Compartment List

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:41 am
by Laraqua
Agatha Sleeping Car - First Class - 1 to 9
Harry Simmons in Compartment 1.
Svetlana Altukhov in Compartment 2.
Johannes Sprech in Compartment 3.
Lord Cecil Linscott, Earl of Horfield in Compartment 4.
Farooqi & Amadi Al-Rassam in Compartment 5.
SS Officer and Empty in Compartment 6.
Sulamen & Waleed Hijazi in Compartment 7.
Minoo and Nafy Hijazi in Compartment 8.
Charles Gavigan and Lily Gavigan in Compartment 9.

Yennifer Sleeping Car - Second Class - A to G
Magdelena Bartenstein in Compartment A.
Johnny Reticus in Compartment B.
Elena Orloff in Compartment C.
Jonathan Parker in Compartment D.
Alexander and Caroline Roby in Compartment E.
Harriet and Henry Roby in Compartment F.
Vergil Caine and Fernand Bedel in Compartment G.
Father Michael and EMPTY in Compartment H.
SS officer & Charles Bortolo in Compartment I.

Jeanette Sleeping Car - Second Class - 1 to 9
Dr. Gerhard Schiller in Compartment 1.
Charles Belanger in Compartment 2.
EMPTY in Compartment 3.
EMPTY in Compartment 4.
Wolfgang Ritter and Kieran in Compartment 5.
Nico Dubois and Boyana Buchvarov in Compartment 6.
Durante Pontarelli and Erminia Pontarelli in Compartment 7.
Kliment Rukov and Khan Heischell in Compartment 8.
George & Nora Rimwald in Compartment 9.

Re: Orient Express Timetable & Compartment List

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:30 am
by Laraqua
Agatha Sleeping Car - First Class - 1 to 9
Harry Simmons in Compartment 1.
Svetlana Altukhov in Compartment 2.
Johannes Sprech in Compartment 3.
Lord Cecil Linscott, Earl of Horfield in Compartment 4.
Farooqi & Amadi Al-Rassam in Compartment 5.
SS Officer and Empty in Compartment 6.
Sulamen & Waleed Hijazi in Compartment 7.
Minoo and Nafy Hijazi in Compartment 8.
Charles Gavigan and Lily Gavigan in Compartment 9.

Yennifer Sleeping Car - Second Class - A to G
Magdelena Bartenstein in Compartment A.
McNadh in Compartment B.
Elena Orloff in Compartment C.
Jonathan Parker in Compartment D.
Alexander and Caroline Roby in Compartment E.
Harriet and Henry Roby in Compartment F.
EMPTY and Fernand Bedel in Compartment G.
EMPTY and EMPTY in Compartment H.
SS officer & Charles Bortolo in Compartment I.

Jeanette Sleeping Car - Second Class - 1 to 9
Dr. Gerhard Schiller in Compartment 1.
Charles Belanger in Compartment 2.
EMPTY in Compartment 3.
EMPTY in Compartment 4.
Wolfgang Ritter and Kieran in Compartment 5.
Nico Dubois and Boyana Buchvarov in Compartment 6.
Durante Pontarelli and Erminia Pontarelli in Compartment 7.
Kliment Rukov and Khan Heischell in Compartment 8.
George & Nora Rimwald in Compartment 9.