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The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:05 pm
by Priest
The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

You had all booked passage on the Westray IV, a small, but attractive, sailing boat with diesel engine backup out of North Berwick, to the north and east of Edinburgh. Owned and captained by John Cooper, ably assisted by his 14 year old son, Aidan, the Westray IV is capable of carrying ten adults, both John and Aidan included.

Beside the six of you a young newlywed couple from Ireland, Michael and Emily O’Keefe, were taking the trip as part of their honeymoon. A trip which it was hoped would enable you to enjoy the rich variety of wildlife that inhabit the seas around the south coast of Fife near Earlsferry and Pittenweem.

The trip had also been designed to allow one of the passengers, Mr Carruthers, to scatter his father’s ashes in the Firth off the coast between Edinburgh and Dunbar. The intention was to carry out that act on the route out from North Berwick then to briefly head out into the North Sea before curving around Bass Rock and pulling back into North Berwick in the late afternoon.

The Westray IV was, as stated, small but well maintained. Both the Coopers seem efficient and experienced in their business. You estimate that the elder Cooper was somewhere in his mid thirties, tall and, unsurprisingly given his occupation, well muscled. He had thick brown hair which, given the vigour of its growth, appeared unkempt, he also sported a thick reddish brown beard which did little to disguise his welcoming smile that made his eyes sparkle with merriment. He wore an old, much repaired, yet serviceable navy blazer and an aged and battered captain’s cap. Overall he came across as a most likeable fellow who makes little secret of his devotion to his family and Aidan in particular.

Like his father, Aidan Cooper, was a most likeable and jolly chap who certainly favoured his father looks if not his physique. He saw himself as the unofficial first mate of the Westray , taking his duties and responsibilities in deadly earnest.

OOC: could each player please note down any items of their possessions currently with them on the boat. Bearing in mind this is nothing more than a simple day trip.

The trip had started well a typical early June day, bright with a slight offshore breeze. Excellent sailing conditions the breeze just enough to fill the boats small sail. Following expectation John Cooper had set his initial course to allow Mr Carruthers the opportunity to scatter his father’s ashes. The proceedings were carried out with all the dignity and ceremony that Mr Carruthers could effect. Such was the somber mood of the proceedings that all aboard the boat were moved, even the O’Keefe’s despite any Catholic reservations.

Proceedings complete and the late Mr Luther Carruthers’ ashes duly scattered, Captain Cooper had headed the Westray out into the open waters of the North Sea to do a little cruising along the Scottish coast, prior to returning to port via the rocky prominence known as Bass Rock, home to little other than a long ruined castle and a small, but well maintained, lighthouse. It was hoped that the trip around the Rock would allow the passengers a glimpse of the seals which make up the majority of the islands population, if one discounts the large numbers of birdlife.

It was at this stage that the weather conditions had begun to deteriorate. Dark clouds had suddenly appeared to the east and the waves, which prior to this point had been little more than a gentle swell, began to grow in size and severity, quickly turning from a pleasant blue to a white capped steely grey. John Cooper, showing his skill and knowledge, quickly started the boat for home. As Aidan hurried to start the small diesel engine while his father swiftly dropped sail, the O’Keefe’s, amongst others, had become increasingly nervous despite the reassurances of John Cooper.

As Cooper pushed the small boat hard against the rapidly increasing waves in an effort to return to North Berwick before the full might of the oncoming storm hit. It became obvious to all that it was not going to make it. In the lee of Bass Rock a sudden explosion shook the boat violently and thick grey smoke poured out from below the deck. With a curse, its severity covered by the rising wind and crash of waves, he had run towards the covered engine hold carrying a fire bucket of sand. However even through the thick smoke and wind thrown spray you could see that the Westray, still moving at speed, was drawing dangerously close to the rocky shore of Bass Rock.

With his father below in the main engine compartment, Aidan tried desperately to steer the boat away from the rocks, but he has neither the strength nor weight to control the boat, even with aid from several of the passengers, and with an inevitability the Westray was steadily turned by the force of the surf towards the rocks

As the boat began to lurch towards its doom the fourteen year old lad screamed for his father. Cooper appeared from below, face and clothing blackened by smoke, to see the ominous shape of Bass Rock looming above them. Eyes wide with terror, he turned and rushed towards a small cabinet; threw open the doors and began handing out bulky cork life-jackets.
Seconds later, with a scream of breaking timber, the Westray IV lurched sideways as her hull struck the first of the rocks.

OOC: Please roll STRx5 to maintain your places aboard the boat. Failure means you are thrown violently to the deck and suffer 1d4 points of damage.

This presents the moment that the adventure begins, as the doomed boat crashes, violently, onto the rocks. For a moment, little more than that, the Westray IV rights itself. But only momentarily as it is driven onto the next rock.

OOC: Once again all characters please roll STRx5 to avoid 1d4 damage due to be slammed to and fro. This is cumulative to any damage taken earlier.

You are now faced with two options, either to jump from the boat and attempt to swim ashore, or stay with the floundering vessel and trust it to deliver you safely ashore...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:56 pm
by DrPeterson
Dice rolls,[dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice]

Robertdidn't like where this was going. Despite his trying to assist with the helm, the boat was sure to ram the rocks. The bulk of the life vest didn't make it easier to steer, either.


He just had time to shout the order, before the deafening sound of breaking wood shook the boat and sent him flying to the deck, smack on his face. He could barely hang on to the railing and lift himself up, when the boat shook a second time.
This time, however, he was prepared and he stood firm as blood from his cut lips mingled with the spray.

He looked around over the deck, to see if no one had tumbled overboard.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:14 pm
by Cearlan

Having scattered his father's ashes, Hammond thanks those who are near, and Captain Cooper for their forbearance during the ceremony where he read his speech / sermon and a couple of quotes from his battered bible, having left the remainder of his belongings other than his mask, wide brimmed hat, cloak and other clothing back at the family home, now a cold and desolate place. By all that is holy he cannot wait to sell the house and move back to the Belgian Congo. He watched the approaching storm with detached interest ... he'd seen these squalls before, but this one looked to be a doozy. Massive thunderheads loomed overhead when the storm hit and despite Cooper's best attempts, the boat suddenly pitched and Hammond fell awkwardly hitting his knee on the way down just as someone shouted "Brace for Impact."

[dice]0[/dice] Str x 5 First Roll

[dice]2[/dice] First Damage

Pain lanced down his leg as his knee cracked off the gunwale of the boat, causing him to cry out. The boat lurched again and he tried to grab onto something or other to prevent further damage to himself, but the pain clouded his perception of just where the handrail was and he fell again, this time hitting the back of his head on the opposite gunwale.

[dice]1[/dice] Str x 5 Second Roll

[dice]3[/dice] Second Damage

Dazed he tumbled over the side of the boat and into the water where the freezing water quickly brought him back to his senses, though the salt water stung his burns.

[dice]4[/dice] Swim

He struggles in the water, never having been a strong swimmer.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:02 am
by RulerMan
Despite all his efforts, Roberto just couldn't avoid his painful memories while he was here, even if here meant the waters of Scotland. He saw Kirsty's face everywhere and the newlywed couple that was present aboard didn't make things easier either. he had a moment of distraction when one of the passengers threw his father's ashes in the cold waters. shortly after that, the weather changed abruptly and he found himself with shocking fear as the boat approached the rocks of the Bass dangerously fast...

First roll 12X5=60
Second roll 12x5=60
Damage roll
No matter how much the captain of the boat and his son tried to control the vessel, Roberto had the feeling that something bad would happen no matter what. and so it was. the boat rammed into one of the rocks of the Bass as soon as he heard some kind of explosion. desperately and instinctively Roberto grabbed himself into one of the rim bars of the boat and avoided being throw in the floor with the impact. he didn't have much lucky the second time when a wave hit him and made the rim slippery enough to break his grip on the bar. Roberto lost his balance and fell to the floor rolling into the wall of the cabin with full force. ''Aaarrghh!!!'' he screamed though nobody seemed to notice among all the chaos. he painfully regained his balance again and thought about throwing himself into the water but he dismissed the thought fast when he remembered how cold it could be and that he never practiced swimming his entire life.
Oddly enough, the word Titanic run across his mind for a second, but he quickly dismissed it. the situation in the doomed luxury ship was much worse than now he though, desperately trying to find some comfort in that...

OOC: Roberto is carrying his pocket watch and his wallet with himself and some clothes in the bag.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:53 am
by yockenthwaite
OOC first STR roll,[url=]STR x 5 (40%) roll to maintain place on boat (1d100=7)[/url]
OOC second STR roll,[url=]STR x 5 roll (40%) to avoid damage as boat hits another rock (1d100=79)[/url]
OOC damage roll,[url=]Damage after failing STRx5 roll as boat hits rocks (1d4=4)[/url]
Claire looks alarmed, but grabs the life jacket, just before the boat rocks. She manages to keep her place on the boat, and quickly puts the life jacket on, but shortly after as the boat hits another rock she is thrown violently around and sustains heavy damage.

Looking around she spots Hammond in the water. "Man overboard!" she shouts to the others. "We need to help him." She looks around to see how everyone else is doing. For now she will stay onboard.

Claire left much of her belongings in the hotel she is staying in. Today she just has her satchel, with notebook, pencil and pens, and camera.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:00 am
by Priest
(Written in Mr Handy’s absence by the Keeper)
William Maclean, exhibiting the dexterity of a professional sportsman holds tight to the rail at the first impact of the boat, efficiently resisting the force of its collision with the rocks.
1d100 → [57] = (57) STRx5 – 80%
1d100 → [56] = (56) STRx5 – 80%
And, despite the violent to and fro motions that quickly followed as the boat pitched this way and that on the waves, manages to maintain that grip throughout.
Seeing Carruthers disappear over the rail into the raging maelstrom, he, without thought for personal safety dives into the cold waters of the north sea toward him.
1d100 → [93] = (93) Swim Roll - 55%
As the churning water closes over his head, William not only momentarily loses sight of the struggling Carruthers, but has difficulty maintaining his own safety with the force of the current threatening to throw him onto the sharp rocks at any moment..
1d100 → [23] = (23) Luck – 40%
Luckily he manages to surface a mere two yards from the spluttering Carruthers. Grabbing hold of the struggling man he is able to use his strength to keep them both above the swirling waves. And strike out through the water for the safety of the shore.
1d100 → [39] = (39) STRx3 – 48%

OOC: William is carrying his; Lighter, humidor full of cigars, cigar cutter and various keys.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:28 pm
by Cearlan
A moment of panic ensues as Carruthers seems to be sinking but fortunately someone who, thank the Lord, who knows what they are about manages to raise him to the surface once more. Taking in vast lungfuls of air as his head breaks the surface, he relaxes, knowing he can do no more. He murmurs a prayer of thanks to his saviour whilst patting the strong arm around him to show appreciation. 'I can thank him properly when we get ashore' muses Carruthers

He realises with horror and shame that his hat has been lost and that the man(?) saving him will be able to see his scarred head. He panics for a moment but manages to find his bible and crucifix, the only things of import to him right now, other than his faith.

"The Lord indeed moves in mysterious ways his wonders to impart ..." he says between the waves of sea water washing over him as they head for shore. 'I will have to find some way of hiding my scars!' he thinks to himself.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:44 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham.jpg
Cynthia Isham.jpg (27.41 KiB) Viewed 4818 times
Cynthia Isham has been somewhat appalled by the uncouth company with which she finds herself crammed in this small boat, which smells... of fish. Nontheless, she is strangely excited at the same time, this she thinks, must be what living is like.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:50 pm
by PatGrillo

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 11:54 pm
by PatGrillo
She retains her place on the wet and slimy slatted wooden seat, back upright for good posture. As the boat makes its second lunge however, she is within a hair's breadth of being flung to the floor. She bites her lip to help resist the temptation to cry out.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:04 am
by PatGrillo
OOC: Miss Isham has with her her pocket dictionary, tour guide and a small day bag with powder compact and handkerchief.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:58 pm
by Priest
At that second impact the vessel shudders and slowly begins to turn over, the turn gathering pace as the waves smash into her exposed keel. Unable to stay with the doomed boat any longer each passenger left aboard leaps, falls or slides into the heaving water and is instantly flung towards the needle sharp rocks the are exposed with every fall of swell.

OOC: All Characters apart from Carruthers and MacLean, who are already in the water and swimming for shore, need to roll against Luck or take 1d2 points of damage as they are smashed against the rocks. Following that would the same characters please make Swim rolls + 25%. Failure means another Luck roll to avoid another 1d2 points of damage.

With each rise of the fast moving swell you are able to glimpse a rocky shore ahead, and it is for this you head. Luckily it is also the destination for the storm driven surf its very violence assisting your progress.

After a few intense minutes of noise, pain and fear, you find yourselves on a small rock strewn beach dominated by cliffs above which rises a lime washed lighthouse.
As you rise to your feet, dripping sea water from your sodden clothing and shivering in blasts of sea foam and rain laden wind a quick head count reveals that of the ten people on the Westray IV only nine have made it ashore

Jonathan Cooper, captain and owner of the boat has failed to come ashore. Immediately Aidan begins rushing up and down the small shoreline, screaming his fathers name although with the crash of waves and the noise of storm disturbed gannets, the small voice of a fourteen year old boy is soon lost. Search as you will no sign of the captain of the Westray IV can be found.
(The white zig-zag line marks a rough pathway that leads up ward from the beach.)
OOC: Now everyone must roll luck for each of the possessions they had with them on the boat. Success means that item has made it ashore with them, failure means it is lost to the depths.
This also includes Carruthers and MacLean who managed to gain the shore moments before any others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:20 pm
by PatGrillo

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:22 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham is lucky to avoid being smashed against the rocks as she tumbles into the foaming sea.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:24 pm
by PatGrillo

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:27 pm
by PatGrillo
She is unable to fight the waves as the water pulls at her tweed skirt and jacket. Barely, but only barely she manages to hold her breath until the next surge casts her ashore.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:01 pm
by DrPeterson
Dice rolls,Luck (75) check to avoid the rocks [dice]0[/dice] Swim (50) check in the water [dice]1[/dice] Another Luck roll to avoid the rocks [dice]2[/dice]
Robert tries to hold on as the boat starts capsizing, but quickly realises the futility of his action as more and more water streams into the broken ship.

Just as he lets go of the railing, a wave swoops up and carries him past the first set of sharp rocks and he tries to swim away from the next set in his path. Alas, he in encumbered by the life vest and the seas toys with the buoyant officer as if he were a rag doll.

He shouts as the current sweeps him onto the rocks and lets out a cry of relief as another wave miraculously lifts him over unscathed. Moments later, Robert Parkhurst rather unceremoniously washed ashore and takes tally of the situation.
Luck (75) rolls for stuff,Suitcase with Dress Uniform and pistol [dice]3[/dice] The Island of Dr Moreau [dice]4[/dice] Binoculars [dice]6[/dice] Pipe and tobacco purse [dice]5[/dice]
Patting down his pockets, he notes the missing Wells novel and let's out a silent "What rotten luck...", that the wind fortunately blows away before anyone can hear.

Just as he is about to walk up the beach to the young boy, he notices a square object float ashore and a smile breaks on his lips as he rushes through the surf to go pick up the suitcase with his uniform in it.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:21 pm
by Cearlan
[dice]0[/dice] Luck 39/75% Mask retained

[dice]1[/dice] Luck 90/75% Hat lost

[dice]2[/dice] Luck 87/75% Cloak lost

[dice]3[/dice] Luck 68/75% Bible retained

[dice]4[/dice] Luck 37/75% Crucifix retained

Standing shakily on the rock strewn beach whilst struggling for breath he nods a thanks to MacLean before assisting everyone else ashore who needs his aid. Once he manages to get his breath back he clutches MacLean's arm in gratitude and with a thick accent he says "Thank you my new friend - it seems that I owe you my life for I would surely have perished out there, but the good Lord sent you and we have both survived. I am sure I have seen you before Sir, perhaps in the Great War. I'm hopeless with names you know, but nearly always remember a face. Anyway, my name is Carruthers, Hammond Carruthers" he adds proffering his scarred hand. "Don't worry, it's not contagious, just the effects of the hun's Mustard Gas. But we must search now for the valiant captain of the boat for his son is quite naturally distressed by his absence."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 11:22 pm
by RulerMan
Roberto realizes that the boat will sunk soon as more and more water enters the ship. so he leaps to the water hoping to come out of it alive.
Roll for avoiding the rocks:
Unfortunately the waves carries him towards a rock formation, the strength of the water makes him helpless in avoiding a collision.
Damage roll
Roberto hits the rock with full force, his left shoulder taking the bulk of the impact. he barely has the time to breath when another wave get on his way. though he never practiced swimming on his life he tries desperately to swim out of the way of another rock formation.
Swim roll (50%)
He manages to avoid the second rock and finally reaches the shore.
Possessions rolls:
Golden pocket watch:[dice]3[/dice]
Bag with some clothes:[dice]5[/dice]
Incredible as it may be, he still has his pocket watch and wallet with him and as he glance around he is able to see that his bag also made it ashore.
He then catches it and take another look around as he see that another survivors also reached the beach. he then shouts: ''Is anyone seriously hurt? i can't barely breath!''- then he quickly open his bag and take a small device and put it into his mouth to try to control his asthma.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:00 am
by yockenthwaite
OOC Luck roll and damage,[url=]Rolling Luck (stat 50%) as smashed against rock, and any Damage (1D2) if that fails (1d100=64, 1d2=1)[/url]
OOC,Swim+25% and (not needed) damage roll,[url=]Rolling Swim+25% (50%) and any damage that happens, as boat is smashed against rocks and need to swim (1d100=11, 1d2=1)[/url]
OOC,Luck rolls for possessions all PASS,[url=]Rolling Luck (stat 50%) 5 times to see which possessions (satchel, notebook, pencil, pens, and camera) make it safely ashore with me (1d100=33, 1d100=19, 1d100=6, 1d100=33, 1d100=44)[/url]
Claire falls into the water, and is knocked against the rocks, sustaining some damage. But quickly pulling herself together she manages to swim for the shore, without any difficulty. She drags herself out of the water, like a bedraggled rat. Surprisingly all her possessions seem intact, at least on first glance. She is most worried about her camera, and looks at it quizically, before looking around to see what has happened to the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:46 am
by Priest
(Written in Mr Handy’s absence by the Keeper)
Luck 40%
1d100 → [42] = (42) Lighter
1d100 → [91] = (91) Humidor of cigars
1d100 → [80] = (80) Cigar cutter
1d100 → [60] = (60) Various Keys
William, slightly embarassed by Carruthers' efusion of gratitude, accepts the proferred hand. Shaking it, noting that even Caruthers' near drowning experience had done little to unerve the man, he answers, "I've seen gas victims before old chap."
He patted the pockets of his water sodden clothing, "Damn and blast I've lost the lot." Hearing the agitated cries of the lad he turns and looks toward the wave lashed shoreline seeing the frenzied searching of Aidan, before a quick headcount discloses the missing captain. He notes that other than John Cooper everyone seems present and accounted for, including the nice young newlyweds who are having a more exciting honeymoon than they had anticipated.
Giving the small empty beach a quick glance and immediate state of the shivering survivors he looks up the cliff towards the looming lighthouse, noting the zig-zag path that leads off the beach. "Well I suggest we get off this beach and find somwhere warm and dry", he looks around at the others, "Unless of course others have any suggestions?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:01 am
by Priest
With one arm wrapped around the shoulders of his shivering wife, Michael O'Keefe, nods towards the franticaly searching lad, "I don't think he'll be finding him. Last thing I saw was the captain still trying to turn the boat as she hit for the final time. So I'm guessing that he'll be somewhere out there with the boat."
He doesn't indicate where, but it is obvious he is referring to the waves that still hurl themselves in their storm driven fury against the rocks.
"Sir's, and ladies of course, I think the gentleman here is right we must get off this beach and find somewhere warm to await rescue," he points up to the lighthouse, "That would seem to be our best bet, I'm thinking."
As if in agreement with her newly married husband, Emily O'Keefe sneezes and shivers violently.
Down close to the water's edge, small against the looming waves, Aidan Cooper continues his wild search, "DAD, WHERE ARE YE?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:50 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham gets to her feet and discovers that she has managed to retain her pocket dictionary, tour guide and day bag... though they are all sopping wet.
Luck rolls vs Luck 40:

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:54 am
by DrPeterson
Robert nods his agreement to the others and approaches the boy, putting a soothing hand on his shoulder and tries to look him straight in the eyes.

"We won't be able to see your father from down here, Aidan, but we'll have a much better vantage point from up there by the lighthouse."

He takes off his binoculars and pushes them into the lad's hands, giving him something physical to hold on to.

"Here, you can use these once we get up there."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:41 pm
by RulerMan
Fortunately Roberto manages to control his asthma crisis. he then takes a deep breath and says to the others: I agree with you all. we need to reach the Lighthouse. at least there is shelter in there. besides that, there could be some sort of communication device up there, like a radio. this way we can contact North Berwick for help.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:30 pm
by Priest
As if her sneeze had been a starting signal for a race, Michael O'Keefe, without waiting to see if others were following, begins following the obvious path off the beach and towards the light house.

Still fervently staring at the breaking waves as if at any moment the figure of his father would stride forth, the battered captains cap at a casual angle upon his head, Aidan looks up at the figure attempting to comfort him with red eyes that show little awareness of the offer of the binoculars. "He'll be along in a moment. I just have to wait here for him." He shivers, but whether from grief or the cold salt water that dripps constantly from his wool sweater you canot tell.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:00 am
by DrPeterson
"If he's along, he'll know to climb the path up to the lighthouse. Now let's get you up there and get you dry too. Your father wouldn't think much of you getting a lung infection out here, now would he?"

Robert gently tugs at the boy's shoulder, trying in vain to get him to move towards the path.

Persuasion (60) roll,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:35 am
by RulerMan
Seeing as one of the survivor is trying to bring the boy up to the lighthouse, Roberto thinks in helping but give up as he realizes he is so unsure of all this that he probably would just make things worse, after all he never was too much a convincing person. he then heads toward the path to the lighthouse with or without the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:15 am
by PatGrillo
Aware that she probably resembles a drowned rat, Cynthia Isham follows the men up towards the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:32 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire gathers up her belongings and follows the others, looking around her as she does.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:17 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers says conspiratorially to William. "Well whether or not we do manage to find the lad's Da it would not do to let everyone die of pneumonia attempting to do so. I'll try and see if I can persuade the wee fella that he'd be better off waiting in the lighthouse." Carruthers approaches the lad and Roberto carefully, he winks at Robert when Aiden cannot see before realising that Robert may not see his gesture with this accursed mask on. "Dear Lord, how I wish I was back in the Congo once more, freed from this mask that hides the grotesque that I have become." he thinks to himself.

"Laddie, yer Da is a brave man who knows these waters better than anyone I am aware of, we a' knaa that. He would expect you tae look after yersel in his absence ... am I right? The best thing ye can dae is tae take shelter in yon lighthouse till he can get back tae ye. Aye get back tae ye an' the rest o' us an a'. Ye are his replacement till his return so we are all countin' on ye tae keep a cool head, 'specially them women, they need a leader and ye are the one it has tae be I'm afraid 'cause we don't know the area as well as ye and yer Pa. Are ye up fer it Aiden laddie?"

[dice]0[/dice] Persuade 53/45% not too successful at all

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:50 pm
by Priest
The lad sniffs and gazes up at the two adults, responding to the concern in their voices if not in the face of the one with the mask. "I suppose ye are right". He kicks at a small stone sending it leaping into the surf, "If auld Charlie Carluke is on duty in yon lighthouse he may know what to do".
He turns and looks toward the zi-zag path that leads up toward the lighthouse where several of the party are slowly picking their way off the beach, "Da always said that 'Charlie' kenned the ways of the sea". With eyes reddened by crying he gazes from path, to binoculars and finally to the lighthouse, before beginning to move toward the path.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:52 am
by Priest
The path off the beach climbs steadilly. At points the combination of rain slick rock, steepness, and narrowness combine to make the footing somewhat treacherous. With certain sections being exposed to the full force of the winds giving you the impression that you could at any moment be plucked from the path and dashed to the rocks below. However the path is less dangerous than the impression and without major mishap after a stiff and bracing climb, you stand at edge of the level ground upon which the authorities had chosen to construct the 'Bass Rock Lighthouse.
The lighthouse is a dirty white, cylindrical building with a rectangular annexe to the rear facing towards the beach. In all you estimate it to be some sixtyish feet tall, the top of which is a dome shaped glazed construction from which you would expect the light to shine as a warning to shipping as to the nearness of rocks. However you note with some consternation the lack of light and that the door of the lighthouse appear to be open...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:10 pm
by yockenthwaite
Well, on the plus side the door is open, and we can get in easily says Claire to the others as they climb up the path to the lighthouse. But why isn't the light on? She steps forward towards the door tentatively.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:35 pm
by RulerMan
''It seems whoever was in there was not expecting visitors so he just let the door open. though i must admit that the light should be on, anyway.'' Roberto says to Claire. then he picks his pocket watch and look at the time.
OOC:Which hour is now? i would like to know how late it is and how much natural light do we have.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:32 am
by DrPeterson
Robertis glad the young boy came along and follows the rest of the group up to the lighthouse.
Frowning for a moment at the lack of light and the open the door, he clears his throat and as he pushes the door farther open, yells:

"I say, Hullo! Is anybody there?"

Not waiting for an answer, he steps inside, one hand on the door, the other holding his suitcase.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"If the light had been on, we'd have seen it from the sea," points out William MacLean. "Well, we'd best get inside." He follows Roberto through the door.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:14 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham wonders why they are discussing what is an obvious sensible course of action - the entering of an open door when in dire need of shelter - and which of the men will step forward to take a lead. She assesses her fellow castaways: The fat Brazilian seems likely to be a liability in this situation, he was struggling on the path. He's an arrogant swine, but I suppose they'll have to look after him nonetheless. The poor man in the mask seems like he's trying to befriend the boy... I wonder if I'd have that much courage. He seems nice, but I can't understand a word he's saying... is he speaking Gaelic perhaps? The other Scot is not much better, and worst of all he's a _golf_ bore. I didn't think I could bear it any longer on the boat when he and the captain were talking about birdies and eagles and on and on and on and on. The Captain at least can speak English, and looks after his clothes... until now that is... though much could be said for my own. And the poor photographer girl. Seems pleasant enough, and she's been brought up with proper manners, but I expect she was bullied at school. Who ate all the pies eh?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:56 pm
by Priest
The first thing you notice as you step through the doorway is that the door itself is missing from its place and lies and now rests further along the entrance hall at an angle against a damaged table and the remnants of a broken chair. A closer study of the door frame shows that the door has been ripped free of its hinges two of which still remain half in the frame, splintered wood and bent screws attest to the force that must have been used to affect its removal.
In the dim light of the interior you can see that a wrought iron stairway follows the curve of the walls upwards towards a timber beamed cieling and downwards into a deeper gloom. Opposite the doorway a collection of jackets, oilskins and hats hang from hooks fixed to the wall, one of which almost obscures a light switch.
The lighthouse seems in total silence marred only by the gusts of wind and the cries of the storm disturbed Gannet population. Robert's hello receives no answer.
OOC: Roberto; The time by your watch is 1:30 pm however, the swim has had an detrimental effect and it appears to have stopped. But you are certain that it was working okay minutes before the storm hit so you would imagine it to be around 2:00 pm by now. And allowing for the storm you don't expect it to get dark much before 21:00 hrs (9pm).

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:19 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I imagine the storm must have taken the door off its hinges," says William.
OOC,Are the lights currently turned on?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:15 pm
by DrPeterson

"All of you, get inside quickly! We're in luck to find some clothes on the wall, so change into something dry before your lungs give out. The ladies can change behind the staircase, we'll all be so civil as to look the other way while they do."

Robert felt elated he had something to do and people to give guidance to, he never felt good sitting around idly.

He put down his suitcase and made for the light switch, nodding his agreement to William.

"I think you're right, but where is the lighthouse keeper? Aidan, do you know if he lives nearby?"

Not waiting for the lad's answer, he flicks on the switch.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:42 pm
by yockenthwaite
Grateful for Robert's straight talking Claire enters the lighthouse, and looks around her, though she is somewhat unsure about changing clothes in the same room as the men, even with his reassurance, and a staircase to hide behind.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:29 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers looks up the 'well' of the lighthouse and notes the curving iron staircase before his eyes light on the clothing.

"It would be guid tae change out a these claes sure enough. I'll wait ootside till the ladies are changed if ye don't mind, If ye could gie me a shoot when ye are done lassies." So saying he steps through the door and shelters in the lee of the building.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:11 am
by RulerMan
Not the bold type of person, Roberto waits until Robert enters in the building. since it seems safe enough after a few moments he follows everyone inside.
He then looks at the broken door and says to William: ''Are you sure about that? i would think whoever built this would make sure to put a door here strong enough to withstand the winds.''He then takes another look around and tries to find a set of clothes of his size. a little embarassed about his weight he searches for a dark space in the room and tries to change clothes. he says to everyone else then: ''Should we go upstairs? as i said before, maybe there is some sort of radio communication around here. with some luck we can contact North Berwick. i'm sure Robert would know how to operate such a thing.''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"A sound idea," says William, turning his back on the staircase so the ladies can change in privacy, "I'm nae sure the storm broke the door, but I cannae think what else it could hae been.". He picks out a jacket, oilskin, and hat close to his size. "I can wait ootside too if you like," he says. "The oilskin will keep me dry enough."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:01 am
by yockenthwaite
Nodding her thanks to Carruthers, Claire looks for some suitable clothing to change into, looking for an oilskin, jacket and hat that will fit her. Then she will try, as discreetly as possible, to change behind the staircase. "No turning round remember, gentlemen," she says, rather nervously while she changes. Once she has changed she will step forward again.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:18 pm
by Priest
The collection of clothing hanging on the wall is far from fashionable or in good condition, the best it can be described is serviceable. However, ratty as it is it is in a better state than the water logged tatters you have been left with by the wreck.
All in all there are four jackets and two oilskin overcoats, as well as an odd collection of peaked caps and 'souwesters'

OOC: Luck rolls +10% please.

The presence of a light switch points to the lighthouse being equipped with electricity of some sort and from a position halfway between the floor and the above beams you can see a bulb extended over the stairs from a curved hook. However at the moment it is unworking, possibly switched off. Robert steps smartly over to the switch and flicks it to a downward position - nothing happens. With a muttered curse he flicks it upward to its earlier position - nothing.

Aidan, politely turning his back to the ladies, shrugs, "The lighthouse keeper lives in this lighthouse on the next floor. CHARLIE CARLUKE, ARE YE HERE? CHARLIE ITS AIDAN COOPER THE BOAT'S GONE AND MA DA IS MISSING - CHARLIE, DO YE KEN?"
Again other than the sounds made by yourselves, the wind and the agitated birdlife, there are no noises, no answering cries of welcome, no sounds of running feet...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:51 pm
by Mr. Handy

William is in luck.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:44 pm
by RulerMan
''Well, it seems this Charlie fella isn't around here lad.''Roberto says to Aidan.
OOC: Luck (45+10:55%) roll: [dice]0[/dice]
After Robert touches the light switch and nothing happens: I'll try to find the source of the light around here. maybe the main switch is just turned off if we are lucky.''
Which skill should i roll for that? spot hidden or luck? i'll roll both since i'm not sure.
Spot Hidden (25%):[dice]1[/dice]
Luck (45%): [dice]2[/dice]

OOC:I'm definitely out of luck today. :(

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:47 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers is very lucky,Luck roll (1d100=6)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:39 pm
by yockenthwaite
OOC Luck+10 roll passes,[url=]Rolling Luck (50%) + 10% when looking at the clothes available on ground floor of lighthouse [redoing cos got sums wrong last time!] (1d100=50)[/url]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:05 am
by PatGrillo
<a href=" ... 1d100=9</a> Luck, within. OOC: What was that for?

Uncomfortable and embarrassed in newly donned "Lighthouse Couture," Cynthia Isham begins making her way up the stairs. She considers that as it is early afternoon and the door is off, there will be enough light to ascend in reasonable safety, despite the lack of electric illumination.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:44 pm
by DrPeterson
Luck roll,75+10=85% [dice]0[/dice]

Robert turns to the young sailor looks him deep in the eyes.

"Aidan, I know you're a bit shaken, but you're the only one with terrain experience here. I need you to take the ladies and gents who've finished dressing up to the lighthousekeeper's rooms and see them installed there. After that, you should take those binoculars and move on up to the top to look out to sea and search for your father. I'm sure most of us will gladly join you up there to help."

He stares at the switch for a moment.

"It might also help to find the main lines of this place..."

Anyway, I'll be up once I've changed out of these wet clothes.

"With that, he picks up his trunk and moves to secluded spot behind the stairs to change into his uniform."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:10 pm
by Priest
OOC: The following was what the luck roll was for.

Inside one of the pockets of your new found attire is a set of keys on a steel ring.

Inside the inside pocket of the coat you picked up you find a folded sheet of paper. It contains the following handwritten list;
Grease lamp bearing
Call lighthouse Commisioner about foghorn wiring
Arrange for delivery 20 gals parafin oil - Tuesday
Potatoes for dinner
Write Martha and Timmy
Take a bath

Within an interior pocket of the overcoat you find a much thumbed copy of Herman Melvilles's'Moby Dick'. A tattered cloth bookmark marks page 560 and a few lines have been underlined in pencil. It reads;
"Suddenly the water's around them slowly swelled in broad circles; then quickly upheaved, as if sideways sliding from a submerged berg of ice, swiftly rising to the surface. A low rumbling sound was heard; a subteraneous hum; and then all held their breaths..."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:15 pm
by yockenthwaite
Seeing that Cynthia is changed now too Claire goes to the door and calls out to Carruthers. "We ladies are changed now, thank you. Please come back inside."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:03 pm
by RulerMan
Without any luck on finding the main switch Roberto says: ''I can not find it anywhere around here. maybe is up there? I'm going to go up.''
Then he starts carefully climbing the steel stairway.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:29 pm
by Priest
Other than the noises outside from the storm and the birds, the building is deathly quiet, with only the sound you are making distubing the quietness. The wrought iron staircase circles the curve wall upwards and downwards both ending in closed wooden trapdoors.
Hiding her discgruntlement at having to wear someone elses rags, Cynthia climbs the stairs upwards swiftly followed by others. She finds her way blocked by the wooden trapdoor which leads, according to Aidan's assurances, into the living quarters of the duty Lighthouse Keeper who, his father had mentioned, was currently Charlie Carluke.
At the entrance hall level Roberto and Robert had, after a quick discussion, come to the conclusion that it was a lack of power in the lighthouse's electical system that was to blame for the apparent lack of power to the light switch. Of course it is common knowledge that such a power system would rely upon a diesel generator.
Before he follows Cynthia upwards, Aidan turns to Robert and says, "Some times Da brought some diesel tae Charlie for the generator. I think it's doon in the cellar." Then with the binoculars held tight in his hands makes his way up the stairs.

OOC: Would those who are going upstairs with Cynthia please indicate who they are, likewise any going down in search of the cellar.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:02 pm
by RulerMan
OOC: As i already wrote at my last post, i'm going upstairs. Roberto hopes to find a radio or something like that so they can communicate with North Berwick. if he is the first on line in stairs he will open the trapdoor. otherwise he will help Cynthia open it.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:07 pm
by yockenthwaite
OOC: Claire is going upstairs with Cynthia and any others. She is probably not first in line, but will offer any help she can re opening the trapdoor.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:19 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC: Robert is going to go downstairs

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:26 am
by Cearlan
"Uh Thankin ye Ladies," utters Carruthers as he steps through the doorway before changing out of his sodden clothing into something that is at least sevicable, if only just.

"Aye Laddie that wuid make sense tae keep it in thae cellar, Let's agan lookin' then."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:43 pm
by Priest
First floor (British first floor): Cynthia; Claire; Roberto, Aidan and the O’Keefe’s.
Led by an intrepid, if badly attired Cynthia, the wooden door blocking the stairs is found to be unlocked . It opens into a circular room, sparsely furnished which although neat and relatively clean shows all the hallmarks of a simplicity of style and functionality that is rarely found beyond a male only work area. No pictures adorn the white painted walls, and other than a solitary window overlooking the sea below, a single roughly levelled shelf bearing a collection of books of various size and age and a large chart detailing the are around the rock they are bare of any embellishment.
There is a much battered roll-top desk of a pre-war age and style upon which a pile of papers and an open book rest, with an uncomfortable looking office chair, complete with castors, at an angle in front, as if recently used and casually abandoned. Beneath the desk a partially open wooden crate appears to have been used as a footrest from the marks and stains that you can see.
Other than the desk the room contains two ancient, but sturdy, tables upon one of which sits a large black radio transmitter. The other is covered in an untidy collection of bits and pieces, some boxes and others various mechanical parts.
Of the lighthouse keeper there is no sign, but of his recent presence there is. On the desk, beside the open book, there is an empty stained plate, and an equally stained mug, an unstoppered ink bottle and a pen resting upon the book itself.
The wrought iron stairs continue in a spiral around the walls upward to another door.
Basement: Carruthers; Parhurst and MacLean
Where the steps descend below the entrance hall, a wooden door blocks further access. Below this, you were assured by young Aidan before he had joined those going upstairs, was the basement where the generator would be found.
The door is unlocked and opens easily on well greased hinges, revealing that the stairs spiral below into some form of room, though the dim light which seems to be coming from the southern end provides limited vision.
However, the first thing you notice upon opening the door is the smell. Strong enough to make your eyes water and have you retching it smells bad, akin to a hot day at a fishing port mixed with the smell of decaying and rotting foodstuffs.

OOC: Please roll Con x5 to avoid suffering nausea effects. Failure -1 to Hit Points (Temporary)

From the steps as your eyes adjust to the light, you can see that the room itself is mostly circular but a oblong annex has been constructed. This ‘annex’ opens to the south, unnoticed during you hike from the beach, whatever doors block access to the basement from the outside must be open to allow so much light in. Normally you would imagine that the area is lit by the single light flex which protrudes from the centre of the ceiling, yet even in this light you can see that the end of the flex is bare of any bulb or housing.
In the brighter light that spills from the southern end of the room, there is something near to the opening that looks vaguely mechanical but as to what it is there is no way of telling without entering the basement proper.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:48 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Interesting old-looking books," says Claire, looking briefly towards them. "But first things first. Does anyone here have experience of using a radio transmitter? I'm quite handy with electrical gadgets, and so may be able to get this working." She walks towards the transmitter, looking to see if it appears straightforward to use.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:36 pm
by PatGrillo
Hmm, what's that Dear?.. Oh, one of the gentlemen downstairs perhaps. It's boys who tend to like tinkering about with mechanical things." ~ Except for you and your silly old camera. ~ Cynthia walks over to have a glance out of the window, then returns to the table to examine the open book.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:45 am
by Cearlan
Carruthers,[url=]Con x 5 (65%) (1d100=42)[/url]
"Gods that stench is foul beyond all reason" Carruthers coughs as he waves his hand in front of his face as he enters the room.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Ah, nuts, I'd wanted to go upstairs. And of course I failed the roll. :(

William feels queasy when the stench reaches his nostrils. "Did something die in there?" he asks as he covers his mouth and nose and follows Carruthers inside.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:07 pm
by Priest
Basement: Carruthers, Parkhurst and MacLean

“Crikey!- several something’s I should say and a while ago”, answers Parkhurst, nose wrinkling as he steps from the stairs onto the stone floor of the basement.
“Yuk, everything seems to be covered in some sort of oily residue. Look you can see it dripping from the ceiling.” Indeed he seems right every surface, walls, floor and ceiling are coated with the foul smelling slime from which the stink of putrefaction arises.
Scattered around the basement, no doubt adding to the smell, are the rotting remnants of various foodstuffs, boxes, cartons and tin cans seemingly crushed and split open without any rhyme or reason, and the device that can be found opposite the stair was indeed once a generator. However whatever caused the damage in the basement has also damaged the generator.
In the centre of this mix of rotting food and dripping slime is an area of particular note, an irregular shaped patch of the noxious slime and rotting food mix seems to be a focal point of some description. In that patch the slime has pooled to form a coating of semi-gelatinous residue which gives the impression that whatever the source of the slime, it had lain here.
In the southern part of the basement, the area that had been enlarged to create the annex, you can see that the entrance is open to the elements. Indeed the double doors that had once closed off this entrance now hang, barely supported, on torn hinges.

OOC: Dice roll for Robert Parhurst in Dr Peterson's absence 1d100 → [23] = (23) Con x 5 60%

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, I cannae fix that," says William.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:44 am
by RulerMan
''I don't have much experience with these kind of radios'' Roberto says to Claire - ''but we don't have much choice besides trying to make it work,right?.'' He then will see if he understands any basic concept of operation the radio has.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:23 pm
by Priest
First floor: Cynthia, Claire, Roberto and the NPCs

Cynthia, seeming to show no interest in the presence of a radio, glances briefly out the window.
The view is monotonous, little more than rough sea and pounding surf breaking far below on the same rocky beach from which they had so recently escaped. Rain lashes at the glass providing evidence of little change in the current weather conditions and from the dark grey of the sky little prospect of any. Sniffing at Claire and the foreign Johnny, Roberto she thought he had said his name was, and their interest in the radio, she walks over to the desk and picking up the book, noting its handwritten style, she reads:

Tuesday, 19:39
Everything working as it should. Perhaps Moby-Dick is getting to me. I could have sworn I saw something—small whale? Huge killer whale?—down near the water’s edge just now. Maybe just a trick of the light, shadow, dark and unmoving. Dinner.

Wednesday, 20:01
Lamphouse again. Lamp working fine, all is fine. I thought I saw the dark shape in the water again. Shone my torch, but it has no reach, nothing there. Not sure it was a killer whale. Something about it not right. Went to look again. Nothing. Probably just tired. Need a break off this rock.

Thursday, 19:22
Rotten weather, but all’s fine. New lamp still ticking away grandly. Need to call Adamson at the Lighthouse Commission to get another shipment of paraffin sent out. Saw the killer whale again just after sunset. I’m sure it’s a killer whale now: even through the rain I could make out black and white markings, bobbing up and down near the shore. No idea what it’s doing— no seals on Bass Rock to my knowledge.

Friday, 19:50
Gale outside, but all’s well with lamp and lighthouse. Made nice stew and had to get candle! Checking downstairs—electrics out and generator just made bloody awful bang. Shook the whole lighthouse!

Claire and Robert study the black bakelite radio noting the large tuning dial in its centre which seems to be set to 195 kHz long wave, and the myriad of switches and knobs that all seem to have various functions. However one, the largest switch, is labeled on/off and seems to currently be in the off position.
Repeated switching of this on/off switch elicits no response in either noise or motion of the power display needle. It would appear to be without access to a power source.

OOC: Claire and Roberto may attempt either Mechanical or Electrical repair rolls (highest your choice) + 20% to ascertain the problem.

Aidan points to the stairs that continue upward, “Yon steps lead up to the keepers quarters then again to the light housing, from there I should be able to watch for signs of me Da, with these” he indicates the binoculars that Captain Parkhurst had given him, he glances over to where Michael O’Keefe still attempted to share warmth with his shivering bride, “Wherever Charlie may be, there will be warm dry clothes upstairs, you ken.”
Michael O’Keefe nods and steers Emily towards the stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:29 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire takes a closer look at the radio transmitter, trying to figure out what's wrong.
OOC Easily pass Mechanical repair + 20,[url=]Trying Mechanical Repair (50) + 20 (=70) to try to see what's wrong with the radio transmitter (1d100=8)[/url]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:21 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "I say, seems like Mr. Lighthouse Keeper was starting to see things. I'm surprised he wasn't claiming a monster! Don't they say they have those in your um lake thingys up here in Not-so-bonny Scotland?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:55 am
by RulerMan
Roberto awaits to see if Claire has any success in operating the radio transmitter before he attempts anything.
OCC:Mechanical Repair roll - [dice]0[/dice](20+20=40%)
Then when he hears what Cynthia says about the book:
''Not trying to sound cold but it seems this Lighthouse keeper was starting to get crazy for staying such a long time alone around here. believe me, I had similar sensations in my life before. Thankfully, I was able to overcome all this loneliness.''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:18 am
by Cearlan
Carruthers, fighting the need to retch and gag, stumbles over to the remains of the generator, making sure that he doesn't step in the pool in the middle of the floor.

Mechanical Repair roll (1d100=66), fail 66/20

"Well looks tae me as thae it is totally beyond hope o' repair, not that I'm an expert mind you. As for whit has happened here, I neither ken nor really wannae."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, let me give it a go," says William, examining the generator. ""Hmm...I may be able to do something with this after all.""

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:18 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia (to Aidan): Well, it doesn't look like there's much more I can do here. Come along Young Man, lets go up to the housing as you suggest.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:39 pm
by Priest
Basement: Carruthers, Parkhurst and MacLean

Steeling himself to the odor, Robert, careful of where he treads, joins the others at the ruined generator, “Let me have a look old chap”
OOC: Dice roll for Robert Parkhurst in Dr Peterson’s absence 1d100 → [83] = (83) Mechanical Repair 20% failed.
For several seconds he peruses the machine with a most serious expression, “No don’t understand it at all, old fruits”

After a few minutes of intense study which includes the opening of various panels, William MacLean concludes that the generator is beyond salvaging. Even with replacement parts it would need a major reconstruction to start it working again.

“Hmm…” says Robert studiously looking around at the ruin of the basement, “Whatever caused this…damage, seems to have left through the doors.”

OOC: please roll a Spot Hidden. If successful a track roll +40%.
First Floor: Cynthia, Claire, Roberto and the NPCs

Claire and Roberto study the radio attempting to ascertain its lack of power. To Roberto’s chagrin it is Claire that spots the wire leading to the wall plug. Although switched on the fact that the radio is dependent upon the light houses electrical circuit explains its lack of power. However she quickly concludes that other than the power problem there seems to be nothing wrong with the set. She also notices the panel near the base of the set marked ‘Batteries’, however when opened the panel reveals its empty condition. If there are batteries here they are not in situ.

Taking the journal from a disinterested Cynthia who seems bent upon going upstairs to the keepers living quarters, Roberto reads the entries for himself.

Led by the eager boy, and closely followed by the O’Keefe’s, Cynthia finds the door to the keeper’s quarters unlocked. Beyond the entrance she sees a small kitchen and washroom separated by a long threadbare curtain. Once again, as downstairs, the room contains a single, porthole style window and more stairs which again rise to the ceiling.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:46 am
by RulerMan
With nothing more to do in the room, Roberto follows the others to the next floor. When he reachs the floor, he gaves a quick glance at the window to see if he can notice anything of interest from here.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:57 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Er HELLO.... Is there anyone at home?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"Ach, it's as I thought," says William. "It isnae possible to fix it without replacement parts, and even then it would take a lot of work and time. But how did this happen?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:17 pm
by yockenthwaite
Having determined that the radio can't be made to work, at least yet, Claire follows the others up stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:42 pm
by Priest
Upstairs: Cynthia, the NPCs, Roberto and Claire

Cynthia, receiving no reply to her hello, is first to enter the living quarters, or at least the kitchen and bathroom. A quick look around at the area revels little more than she expected from a men’s working quarters, a ‘poor’ men’s working quarters at that. The kitchen seems sparsely furnished with little more than the bare essentials, a stone sink, two small cupboards, a rather quaint two ring electric stove, which from its state was in desperate need of cleaning, and a small table flanked by two mismatched chairs.
What she can see of it, the washroom does little to contradict her opinions of the poorer sorts.
From behind comes the irritating nasally whine of the Irishman. O’Keefe, “Well at least there is a kitchen so we might be able to make some hot drinks.”
Of course the boy is as is to be expected only interested in reaching the light housing so as to begin his search of the seashore for his missing father.

Roberto having entered just behind the other heads straight to the window and takes a long look at the shore line, but other that the pounding waves and wind tossed seagulls, there is nothing of interest.

For anyone taking a longer look around the room they can see various plates and mugs atop the cupboards along with a large iron pan, with the end of a spoon protruding from its top, on the stove. A closer look at this pan reveals that it is coated with a gelatinous furry sludge that may once have been a beef stew.

The washroom contains little of interest, basically a small tin bath and a ceramic basin set within a wooden surround. On the shelf of this surround is someone’s shaving gear and a small block of hair wax. The privy itself is outside.

Of the lighthouse keeper there is no sign.
Basement: Carruthers, Parkhurst and MacLean

OOC: Please roll Spot Hidden. If Successful roll Track + 40%

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:50 am
by yockenthwaite
"It all seems very basic," says Claire, "although I suppose that is to be expected."

She walks over towards the kitchen area and takes a closer look. "Eeeww, look at this pan. It looks like it's been ages since it was last used - there's horrible furry sludge all over it, not something that looks recent at all. I wonder how long ago that was?".

Then wondering what is in the cupboards she tries to open the cupboard doors to take a closer look inside.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:25 am
by Cearlan
(1d100=68), Spot Hidden 68/40 Fail

"Through yon door ye say laddie, I cannae see it myself" murmurs Carruthers to Robert.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Whoops! I missed noticing that you asked for a roll in the previous post.

William is too focused on the generator to notice anything else.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:23 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Come on then, there's evidently no one here. She starts on up the stairs. I've got a horrible feeling that the lighthouse keeper may have expired, better keep the boy back behind me, in case I'm about to come across his dead body... I've never seen a dead body before. I wonder where those spineless men have got to? She thinks.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:03 pm
by Priest
Basement: Carruthers, Parkhurst and MacLean

Drawing the attention of his fellows away from the broken generator and the general state of the room, Robert points towards the double doors, “You can see that they have been burst open from within by something applying a large amount of force. The last time I saw doors burst open like that was in the trenches after an accident in the company’s ammunition bunker back in April 1917 when the whole lot had gone up thanks to a stupid action. However…” he, gazes around at the squalor “Whatever did this I am sure it was not the result of an explosion, or at least not the explosion of anything I’ve ever seen before.”

Looking towards the ruins of the doors, and seeing the way they have been smashed open against their hinges, you are forced to agree. Beyond the doorway you can see a barrel lying just to one side of an obvious trail of the same slimy residue as covered the basement Large enough and plain enough to see the trail appears to be heading downward towards the sea.

OOC: Please roll Luck (lower the better)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:42 am
by Cearlan

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:45 am
by Mr. Handy

William is unlucky, as usual.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:01 pm
by Priest
Carruthers: Basement

A few feet from the wrecked doors, and to the left of the trail, Carruthers’ eye is caught by something silver glinting amongst a group of rocks, going over and stooping down he pulls free a man’s pocket watch bearing a few links of broken chain. It shows the beginnings of tarnish pointing out its inexpensive construction, however, that it was a thing to be treasured and therefore not easily lost is shown by the simple inscription on it reverse which reads “To Walter, loving husband and faithful father. 1917”
It no longer works, and the glass is cracked and made almost opaque by moisture, but the hands read eleven thirty three.
Claire: Second Floor; Kitchen

Although a little stiff the cupboard doors open easily to reveal in one a colection of mismatched crockery and in the other a few packets and tins of foodstuffs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:31 am
by Cearlan
"Here Will, Rab," calls Carruthers, "Whit dae ye make o' this then? Nae summat tae be discarded casually. Look at the use it has seen and although it's nae an expensive silver watch, it obviously has meaning. Can ye read this inscription ... it's a bit dim doon here fae my eyes. Tae Walter, ... something ... husband and faithful father ... I think it 's dated 1917"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:29 pm
by yockenthwaite
Pretty much what we would expect to be find in a lighthouse's kitchen cupboards muses Claire, closing the cupboard doors carefully again. Wonder if we'll have any more luck upstairs she ponders. "Coming with you," she calls to Cynthia, as she turns to follow her up the stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:40 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Loving husband, I think it says," says William, squinting at the watch's inscription. "1917, all right. He'd nae have dropped it willingly. I wonder what happened to him, and what could have doon all this. Some kind of wild beastie, by the look of it. It must have smashed those doors."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:33 pm
by RulerMan
''Yep, not much too see around here. let's move on to the next floor then.'' Roberto says as he follows the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:09 pm
by Priest
Upstairs: Cynthia, Claire, the NPCs and Roberto

Allowing the lad to be held back by Claire and the O’Keefe’s, Cynthia presses on, ready, she hopes, for what the next floor may reveal. Expecting the worst she discovers that room above is as empty as those below. Obviously the keeper’s sleeping quarters, the circular room, with its solitary window, boasts a small single bed, a small white painted chest-of-drawers beside it, and a solitary wardrobe of modest dimensions.

The bed, although neatly made, is covered in a fine layer of dust which attests to it having been unused for some time. The wardrobe’s doors are partially open and within you can see several articles of clothing suspended from wire coathangers. The contents of the chest-of-drawers are hidden from view but on its top, also covered by a fine film of dust, lays an open pocket watch beside a brown envelope bearing the handwritten address of a Martha Carluke, 51 Allison Street, Glasgow. Unsealed the envelope seems to contain a single sheet of neatly folded paper. The letter reads;

My dearest Martha and Timmy,

I’m counting down the days. The Lighthouse Commission has confirmed Craig Hinton will be coming to replace me in less than three weeks, which means that I’ll be back in Glasgow with you within the month!

I’ll stop by at grandma and granddad’s in Rosyth like I promised, and get a birthday present for Timmy from that toy shop in Edinburgh he liked. If he’s got his heart set on anything particular, let me know in your next

Also, if there is anything you would like for yourself, dearest, let me know that, too. I am sorry for being gone so long, but I know my love for you is even stronger for being apart. You are my world, my everything, Martha. I’ll be with you soon, my love.

Your devoted husband,


p.s. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you both.

The open pocket watch engraved with the initials C.C. has stopped at 2:45. Inside the lid is a small photograph of a woman.
Across the room more steps lead upward.
Basement: Carruthers, MacLean and Parkhurst

Robert like the other stares at the watch for a moment before indicating the obvious trail, “Well whatever ‘beastie’ may have made this it seems it was heading for the sea.” He looks at the devastation marked by the same slime as that within the basement itself, “Question is chaps, do we follow and see where it went, or return to the others and see whether they have managed to find Mr Carluke and alert the authorities to our plight?”

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:00 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers puts on a resolute stance by declaring "I say we tyek a look see at whit we're dealin' with here. I'm sure Roberto can tyek care o' the womin-folk upstairs like and we can handle oorselves I'm sure tae. If this leads tae the sea, then we should be aware of whitever dangers confront us"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:09 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, if we're careful, we can follow it," says William. "It's been some time since it was here, as that watch was stopped at 11:33. Could be that's this morning, but it could have been days ago. We don't have any weapons, so it might not be so easy to kill it if we alert it to our presence. Whatever it is, it must be strong to burst through those doors." He looks around for a metal bar or a long piece of wood he could use as an improvised club.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:37 pm
by RulerMan
''Look at all this dust!'' says Roberto - ''It seems Charlie didn't sleep here for quite some time.'' Then he notices the pocket watch and the envelope in the drawer . he takes a look at the watch and then reads the letter loud enough so everyone in the room can hear. ''I wonder what happened to Charlie? did he leave the island earlier than he should?'' Roberto then open the drawers to see if he can find anything of interest besides the pocket watch and the letter.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:08 am
by PatGrillo
"It's certainly curious Mr. Algarve," says Cynthia Isham, "this letter is undated! That's state education for you I suppose. Nonetheless, you're right, the French Maid has certainly been slacking in this room! It's been untouched for some time. One might have thought that if he was writing a letter, the supply boat must have been due... but it looks like neither it, nor the relief lighthouse keeper who was due in another three weeks, ever arrived. You, um, young Scots Boy, has the weather been tempestuous on this coast for many weeks?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:16 pm
by Priest
Upstairs: Cynthia, Roberto, the NPCs and Claire

Roberto opens each of the drawers in succession, but other than a collection of neatly folded clothes there is nothing of interest, Sadly the wardrobe is the same other that a couple of threadbare shirts and a pair of leather shoes the only other thing is a canvas kitbag, empty and folded in the wardrobes base. The kit bag is obviously ex navy issue it is stencilled with a string of numbers and the name Carluke. C. HMS Defiant.

Aidan halts in his progress towards the stairs at Cynthia’s question, “Nah, the weather has been nay worse or better than usual for this time o’ year. There has been the odd storm, but not enough to concern Da’ or any o' the local boats. And I ken Da would have checked the weather before hiring out to yoursen.” His eyes mist over and the final sentence seems forced, with added impetus he begins to climb the steps toward the floor above.
As the lad begins to climb Michael O’Keefe looks towards Roberto, “Should we follow him?” Without waiting for a reply he turns to his wife, “It seems that Mr Carluke is not here, so we may not ask his permission to avail ourselves of dry clothing, but I do not think he would deny us. Emily look through the drawers and find something dry and warm to put on.”
Basement: Carruthers, MacLean and Parkhurst

From his jacket pocket Robert produces an old, worn but clean and oiled Webley Mk IV and a handful of extra bullets,
“Lucky thing I brought this with my old uniform. Left the holster and the belt upstairs in my case, dry clothing was important the belt not so.” He breaks open the pistol and checks the cylinder, “Served me well in the war, and I would imagine its quite useful against Scottish beasties too.” He gives a small laugh and points the pistol towards the trail, “Well then chaps, shall we?”

OOC: There are several pieces of wood and metal bars scattered around the basement floor. If you can stand the idea of picking something from the slime, you or Carruther’s will have no problem finding something suitable as a rough weapon.
Whatever is picked up will smell terrible, be covered in the same sticky coating that can be found all over the basement and proves difficult to remove as well as causing you skin to irritate as if subject to a mild acid. Although it causes no physical damage to you it is annoying. Of course there may be other bits and pieces to be found beyond the confines of the lighthouse.

The weather is still stormy, although not as severe as earlier. The steady rain has turned to squally showers, hard but endurable.

So far you would imagine that it has been around three quarters of an hour since you climbed from the beach.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:13 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Yes! We must follow him at once. The lighthouse keeper may be laying dead up there. He's only a boy." She heads on up the stairs attempting the catch the boy up.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:11 pm
by Cearlan
"Well, ye are armed well enough, I guess we should be as armes as the Good Lord and fate allows us to be." Carruthers says as he bends down and kicks over some wood and metal bars before selecting one that looks sturdy enough.

"Urgh this feels horrendous ... and the stench is vile - even worse than the smell o' the room."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:52 pm
by RulerMan
''Yes, it wouldn't do any good to leave the boy alone. but before Miss O’Keefe changes herself, i would like to see if those dry shoes over there fits on me.'' Roberto says to Michael as he trys to put the shoes on his feet before leaving the room.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

William hefts a long metal rod. He's willing to put up the discomfort, not wanting to be without a weapon in case they find what they're seeking. He reasons that if he finds another one later, he can always swap. "Aye, I think we're ready to hunt this bogie," he says with a nod. He joins the others in following the trail.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:52 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,WHat's the lighting situation down here - wouldn't want to be stumbling round in the dark with my acid-covers crowbar in my hands.
We head through the door to the outside of the lighthouse. I heft the metal rod in my hands and the feel of the 'slime' remains on my hands when the bar is not there ... ughh!

Edit: Change of destination through smashed doors

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:31 pm
by Priest
Upstairs: The NPCs, Roberto, Cynthia and Claire
As quick as Cynthia is, Aidan is quicker, before she can catch the lad he has pushed through an iron reinforced hatch leading into the lattice pane glass lamp-room. Again before he can be stopped the lad has thrown open an access door and stepped out onto a narrow walkway with a waist high security rail. “Dinnae fass yerself. I’m nae in danger.” Once outside his hair whipping in the storm driven wind and his body bent to combat its power the young lad raises the binoculars to his eyes and begins to scan the shore below.
Inside the room the large mirrored reflector stands unmoving, the faint covering of dust despite the wind from the doorway showing its lack of recent use.
Other than the reflector and the lamp, the room is empty. No dead body awaits discovery, and there is nothing to shed any light on the keepers absence.
Beyond the comfort of the glass, the gale howls and screams like a demented banshee. The rain which had been a downpour of monsoon proportions earlier has now lessened to the occasional squally shower, hard enough to produce a deafening sound as it smashes against the glass, but nowhere near as bad as when you had first arrived on this rock.
It would seem from the intensity of Aidan’s search of the wave lashed shore, that he has no intention of leaving his task before his father is located. Michael Okeefe, who has climbed into the lamproom beside you, shakes his head, “He’ll not be seeing his father again, at least not in this world.”
Despite the occasional burst of rain that cascades down the glass the views from up here is spectacular. To its east you can see the small bay from which you had so recently climbed, indeed you can see some of the path.
To the northwest , some distance from and above the lighthouse can be seen the grey stone ruins that mark the site of the old castle made even more noticeable by the cloud of screaming and wheeling gulls that flap and rise above the stones.
To the northeast another trail seems to disappear towards the shore over the cliffs. You interest is further drawn to this trail by the sight of the three gentlemen who had gone in search of the generator beginning a slow move along it. Even from this distance there is something in their attitude that speaks of hunting.
As you watch their slow progress, as they disappear from sight amongst the rocks of the cliff, the sudden eruption of a cloud of screaming gulls in the sky above where you judge the trail to end sends shivers of apprehension down you spine.
Outside: Carruthers, MacLean and Parkhurst.
The trail is obvious and leads away from the lighthouse towards the cliffs to the northeast. The width of a tank, the area of destruction resembles the track that would be led by the dragging of something, but what something? Nothing you can imagine would desecrate the ground with such an odious, gelatinous spoor. If indeed it was a ‘beastie’ as William had suggested, then it was a beastie like nothing you had ever heard of.
Eventually, moving slowly as if hunting the Indian tiger, you find yourself at the cliffs. The trail continues picking its way down the cliffs to another small beach, this one obviously more sheltered than that upon which you had arrived as the waves rolled ashore with less violence.
As you crest the cliff and are about to begin the descent a sudden commotion draws your attention and causes Robert to halt momentarily and aim his pistol toward it source at the waters edge. Possibly disturbed by your sudden appearance a large flock of the indigenous gulls flap noisily into the air, leaving something rolling and bobbing within the surf.

OOC: Please roll Spot Hidden to identify the object.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:07 am
by RulerMan
Roberto looks to Michael and says with a whisper: ''Let's leave the boy search for his father until he tires. i don't think any of us could take him from there. the boy has determination.'' Then as he glances around the huge glass windows of the room he spots the others survivors who was supposed to look after the generator. ''What the hell? Hey people, look over there.'' he point his finger in the direction of the party below. ''What do they think they are doing out there at this weather? I don't like this. we should go down.''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

William can't make out the details from this far away.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:05 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire has also climbed up to the top, and hears what Roberto and Michael say. "Perhaps the others have found a clue and are following it?" she says. "I agree that we should find out what they are doing. The lighthouse keeper doesn't seem to be in the lighthouse anyway."

She peers out towards the northwest, intrigued by the castle and the birds swooping above it. "There are a lot of birds above the castle," she says to the others, pointing towards it. "I don't suppose that might be where the lighthouse keeper has gone? What do you think?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:20 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "It seems possible I'm afraid" (aside to avoid Aidan hearing) "I'm afraid that they might be attracted to... carrion. Let's get over there while the boy is preoccupied."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 7:36 pm
by Priest
Upstairs: Cynthia, Roberto, Claire and the NPCs.
Michael looks to where the gulls wheel and dive above the ruins, “To be sure, you could be right. But leaving the boy alone? I’m not so sure.” He looks back into the bedroom where his wife is sorting through the contents of the keeper’s chest of drawers.
“Of course we could leave Emily to look to the lad. I’ve a feeling that she won’t want to go traipsing over this island and get wet again." Nodding as he comes to a decision he ducks back through the trapdoor to the keepers sleeping quarters, “Emily…”

Outside on the precarious looking walkway as if oblivious to the wind and the occasional downpour, Aidan paces back and forth binoculars seemingly glued to his eyes. Suddenly he gives a gasp of surprise and wrenches the glasses down. For a moment he furiously rubs his eyes, then turns and ducks back into the lamproom. “Doon there where the Captain and the others have gone, where the birds dance. I saw, or thought I saw, a whale. Twas but a moment, first there then gone, but it looked like a whale, a killer whale.” With a finger that trembles slightly he points in the direction taken by the generator party.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:32 pm
by Cearlan
Spot Hidden for Carruthers on clifftop (1d100=16)/40 - pass

Carruthers peers through the gloom and notices ...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:11 pm
by RulerMan
''Yes, you are right. it would be wise to leave Emily to look after Aidan.'' He says as Michael proposes to let Emily with the boy. then as Aidan enter the lamproom again, hands trembling and talks about his discovery: ''Are you sure it's a whale? i'm not a native so i don't know if this kind of sight is common around here. wait, now i remember that the lightkeeper wrote in his diary that he was seeing a whale around the island. so he was not crazy after all...'' Roberto says as he wonders what he said about the lightkeeper being crazy earlier. after a few seconds he says to Aidan: ''We are leaving the Lighthouse Aidan. we think that maybe Charlie could be in the Castle for some reason. Emily will stay with you.''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:57 pm
by Priest
On the cliffs: Carruthers, MacLean and Parkhurst.

You are not certain but for a few moments you thought you saw something large, black and white in colour exposed in the tumbling surf. There but a few moments and gone before you had drawn your comrades attention to it.
Despite Carruthers’ animated gestures toward the rolling surf, neither MacLean or Parkhurst notice anything at the ever moving shoreline. Although Robert taking no chances continues to advance, pistol held in front of him its hammer pulled back in readiness.
As you draw closer to the surfline a red discolouration of the rocks would appear to show that something had bled out here and recently judging by the pink froth that remains in the small rock pools abandoned by the retreating tide.
Above you the gulls continue their circling, their piercing cries revealing their annoyance of being disturbed, but disturbed from what?
As you watch a black object bobs to the surface of the water…

OOC: Please make Idea Rolls to identify the object.

Upstairs: Roberto, the NPCs, Cynthia and Clare.

Aidan looks at Roberto, “Aye it looked like one, but I could be wrong. Are they common? I’ve no seen one but I believe they are known doon this far south.” He looks at the binoculars and returns to the door to the walkway, over his shoulder he says, “Ye dinnae have to fass, I’ll stay up here and look for Da. Charlie may have gone to the castle, but I cannae see why. He might also have gone to the old Chapel further on” With that he ducks through the doorway and continues his vigil on the walkway.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:58 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Old chapel?" says Claire, raising an eyebrow. "Well that's somewhere else we're bear in mind. Shall we head down folks and see what we can find?" she asks, turning to the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:24 am
by RulerMan
Roberto ponders for a moment about what Aidan and Claire said and says:
''Though i'm very tired and i would like to sleep, i don't think we will find any help just standing here all day. i say that we go to the castle and if we don't find anyone there then the chapel. BUT...'' he then looks to Claire - ''... i'm not a fool and i don't want to die. the weather is bad still and we don't know this place, so if you and the others are hurt and tired too maybe then we should rest until we feel in better condition to search for Charlie.''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:23 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham is already well on her way down the stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

William has a pretty good idea what the object is.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:24 pm
by Cearlan

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:42 pm
by yockenthwaite
"I feel fine," says Claire to Roberto. "And I think we should look for the missing people sooner rather than later. Exposure could be a risk for them. Let's go now."

And with that she turns and follows Cynthia down the stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:14 am
by RulerMan
Roberto nods to Michael and follows the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:57 pm
by Priest
The Lighthouse: Cynthia, Claire, Roberto and Michael O'Keefe.

From the top of the lighthouse it had been simple to note the location of the castle ruins. It seems that the same path you had followed off the beach leads toward the ruins where the distubed gulls had been seen. Once outside the shelter of the lighthouse you are exposed to the cruel wind that had driven the Westray to its doom, however, you are pleasantly suptised to find that the clod driving rain that had accompanied it has now dropped to little more than the occasional wind driven outburst that is more annoying than life threatening.
The path, though really little more than an impression of a path zigzags over the steep, rain soaked grass, both of which conspire to make your passage hard work, leading toward the ominous looking ruins of a medieval castle, mad to look even more ominous by the scudding dark clouds.
Before you dark against the dark grey stone are the remains of a gateway, a few feet from which, caught in the branches of a small scrubby bush, a length of checked material writhes and twists in the gusts of wind.
Occasionaly, between the gusts, from within that gateway can be heard the angry cries of sea birds, as if bfighting over some tasy morsel...
The Beach: Carruthers, MacLean and Parkhurst

Idea Roll for Robert Parkhurst;
Robert peers at he object that suddenly emerges from the surf, then exchanges glances with William, who from his expression has also identified the suddenly appearing object as a solitary gumboot.
A closer examination reveals that it is indeed a gumboot, size eight you would estimate. Just inside, a few inches down from the top, black smudges seem to be the remains of ink, possibly a name or such, however immersion in the sea has rendered undecipherable, simply an inky smudge.
However, there seems to be something else within the boot…

Please make sanity rolls, failure 1d2 loss

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:51 pm
by RulerMan
Roberto carefully passes the gateway, ocasionally glancing around the ruins of the Castle, looking for any sign of life or even a light inside one of the windows.
OOC:Spot Hidden (25%)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:18 pm
by Mr. Handy

William takes it in stride. "That's rather awful," he says, "but I've seen worse in the war."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:38 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire walks over to the bush and tries to extract the piece of cloth from it. "I wonder who this belonged to?" she muses, turning to the others. Turning back towards the castle she looks up to see if she can see any of the birds. "Those birds are making a terrible noise. That is not exactly encouraging for our search."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:27 am
by PatGrillo
Pulling her waterproof hood forward, and glad now that she did not stop to change into other clothes. Cynthia grits her teeth and heads in to the castle. "Come on," she says to the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:43 am
by yockenthwaite
"Agreed," says Claire, following Cynthia. "Let's see what we can find."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:49 am
by Cearlan
San roll for Carruthers at sight of gumboot. (1d100=13) 13/75 pass

"That is very disturbing indeed, but as ye say friend, worse things were witnessed during the ..." I choke on the words but force them out "... during the great War! I hate to mention this but it must have come frae somwhere or ither. The only twa things I can think afe, neither of which are pleasant. This can only belong tae either the wee laddies feather or the missing Light hoos keeper"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, that makes sense," says William. "Was the captain wearing boots like these?" He tries to recall.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:54 pm
by DrPeterson
Robert is startled as he sees the thing in the boot.

"Blimey!", he exclaims and drops the boot on the beach.
Rolls,Sanity check 75% [dice]0[/dice] Sanity loss [dice]1[/dice]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:12 pm
by Priest
The Beach: Parkhurst, Carruthers and MacLean.

With a grunt of distaste Robert drops the gumboot and as it hits the rocky beach its contents are disgorged, and it is this that causes all three of you to gasp in a mixture of surprise and horror. There lying on the stones are the remains of a human ankle and foot, the remnant of a shin bone showing where it had once been attached to the leg of a living body.
For men used to observing the horrors of war a dismembered foot is nothing, but there is something about the white remnant of bone that causes you to catch your breaths, it appears to have been ‘melted’ or subjected to some corrosive acid of some kind rather that merely having been torn from its host. The condition of the flesh gives little indication of the timing of this incident as its immersion in seawater has caused enormous tissue damage. However one puzzling thing is the absence of marks on the limb from the feeding of the many life forms that inhabit the water and would have seen this as a suitable meal.
While the contents of the boot are at the same time interesting and gruesome, a sudden commotion further up the small beach amongst the abundant bird life reveal the remains of a black and white coloured whale, at least you think it may have been a whale but the remains are to mangled to identify with any certainty.
It is while looking at these remains that your eye chances to alight on what may be a narrow trail amongst the rocks leading above the cliffs that overlook the beach, and jugging from the direction of this path to a position some several hundred yards from the lighthouse. Rocky and in places airy, that this path has been recently used can be seen from the traces of the same sticky, gelatinous secretion as you had found in the lighthouse basement and the trail down from it to this beach. It would appear that whatever had made the trail had found another way form the beach to the land above the cliffs.
The Castle: Claire, Cynthia, Roberto and Michael.

As Roberto, Cynthia and Michael move toward the remains of the castles gateway, Claire crosses to the wind blowing tatter of material. It, it seems, a portion of a checked shirt, the sleeve to be exact. There is nothing to identify its owner, however there is something vaguely familiar about the weave and pattern of the material. OOC; Idea Roll please Claire.
Looking back to where the lighthouse rises above the level of the castle, you can see a distant figure hugging the walkway of the lightroom. Aidan, no doubt, still hoping for sign of his missing father. You smile but cant quite shake a sense of creeping doom that causes a momentary shiver to run the length of you spine.

Beyond the half ruined gateway are the remains of a courtyard, once paved and surrounded by imposing, walls now little more than a weed infested ankle trap collection of broken flagstones and scattered stones, probably the remnants of the buildings that once made up this castle of Bass Rock. Yet it is not the splendour of these ancient ruins that immediately grasps you attention, but that which was no doubt the cause of the excitement amongst the gull population. For within the confines of this maze of 13th century fortifications lie the remnants of some bizarre meal consisting of the half eaten remains of several dolphins and other denizens of the seas, large and small. Each scattered without seeming rhyme or reason amongst the stones it was, no doubt, these remains that the birds were fighting over. Indeed from perches high on the walls gulls of various species regard you as unwelcome intruders.
Amongst this carnage there is a spot where some creature of large girth has lain, discernible by the flattened foliage and recent damage to the flooring. Looking around you see that a large hole in the encompassing walls might allow access to the cliffs above the sea. That this is the means by which the source of this lair comes and goes is further indicated by the presence of a sticky, gelatinous, foul smelling residue that leads from this flattened area to the hole.

OOC: Any of you three wishing to try a Spot Hidden, be my guest

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:16 pm
by DrPeterson

"Well, Gentlemen, it looks like our creature has been quite active, though I'd rather not think about what could have caused the liquification of the poor man's bones."

Captain Parkhurst looks from the whale carcass to the trail leading up the path and indicates it with the barrel of his pistol.

"It also seems that our quarry isn't too concerned about hiding its tracks. Making it either rather backwards or rather powerful."

He smiles confidently at the two men and makes in the direction of the path.
"Time to find which it is! Tally-ho!"

OOC,[color=#FF0000]Can we make an Idea roll to remember if the ship captain wore this kind of boot? or if the boots in the lighthouse were more along this size? [/color] Idea 75: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:19 am
by RulerMan
''From the look of this place it seems someone was fishing Dolphins around here though i have no idea why one would eat them. i can't believe the lighthouse keeper would do this. look at all these fishes and sea animals.'' Roberto says with a disgusting look at his face. he know there is more here than meets the eye, but he just can't make sense of all this. then as he looks around the old courtyard he notices the gelatinous fluid. he walks closer to have a better look on what exactly it may be despite the terrible smell. ''What is this thing here?'' he asks though he knows his companions have no better answer than he has.

OOC: I'll make a Spot Hidden (25%) check again:

OOC:Two consecutive 32 on Spot Hidden checks? this may be my lucky number somehow, or i'm very unlucky. :evil:

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Whatever it is," says William as he follows, "it seems to drip acid. Some of it got on the metal bars from the basement. That's why I get a burning sensation when holding mine. We'll have to be careful not to touch its trail - or the bogie itself."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:17 am
by PatGrillo
OOC Cynthia's Spot Hidden 25% 1d100=69 Cynthia quietly surveys the gruesome scene.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:22 pm
by Cearlan
"Jist a word o' caution here ..." intones Carruthers gravely. "Whit if there are more than one beastie? Whit if there are a pair ... or more maybe?"

Carruthers Idea roll - if allowed - to see if he remembers if the good cap'n was wearing these boots or similar. (1d100=41) 41/70% Pass

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:38 pm
by Priest
The Beach: Parkhurst, Carruthers and MacLean.

Before leaving the wave swept beach both Robert and Carruthers cast a reluctant look at the solitary gumboot as it bobs in the tide, now empty of its passenger and given a renewed buoyancy. It appears to be a standard gumboot of the type much favoured by nautical folk but bearing nothing to distinguish it from the many thousands of boot worn by seafaring folk of all nations. It is marked inside as a size 8 which puts it firmly within the size range of those boots seen within the lighthouse, but whether this would mean it had belonged to the missing Carluke or some other lighthouse personnel is debatable.

As William starts to follow the trail upwards into the rocks away from the sea he notices that this trail looks slightly different to that which they had followed from the lighthouse. It seems somewhat oilier, gooier, fresher than the other…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"This trail is fresh," says William. "I think it - or they - is still up there."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:08 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire looks keenly at the scrap of cloth. OOC Idea roll - result! Idea roll (stat 50%) while looking at scrap of cloth near castle (1d100=1)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:31 am
by DrPeterson

Robert adjusts his grip on the Webley, comforted by the familiar weight of the pistol, and nods at William. In a hushed voice he says:
"Damn time to find out what we're hunting, wouldn't you say?"

He crouches and makes up the path, careful to avoid stepping into acidic trail.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:34 pm
by Priest
The Castle: Cynthia, Claire, Roberto and Michael.

Pulling the scrap of material from the thorn bush, Claire studies it closer. She is sure that she has seen such material before, its pattern and colour bearing a distinctive similarity to shirts she had recently seen neatly folded in the lighthouse keepers drawers. The scrap she has retrieved from where it had obviously been borne by the wind. Closer study does indeed reveal that it had once been part of a shirt sleeve, a much worn shirt sleeve as one portion of the material bears stress and wear marks that you would associate with an elbow.
OOC: Please make another Idea roll. Although this I will term Intuition for that ‘short hair on the back of the neck’ feeling.
Roberto and Cynthia:

Michael O’Keefe, his face paling visibly, points a quivering finger toward what appears to have been the centre of this resting area. “Wwwwhat’s that?”
He appears to be indicating yet another shapeless mass of torn and blooded flesh. Yet another dolphin perhaps?
However, now your attention has been drawn to it there is something odd about it, something non-dolphinish.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:24 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "That looks... How did that get out here do you think? Is there any blood on it?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 6:21 pm
by yockenthwaite
OOC Pass second Idea roll Second Idea roll (stat 50%) on looking at piece of cloth near castle (1d100=39)

"It looks very like one of the lighthouse keeper's shirts that we saw in the drawers, part of a sleeve," says Claire, showing it to Cynthia. "I think it's been blown here by the wind, though I don't know how far."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:26 pm
by RulerMan
''Where?'' Roberto asks to Michael. He then sees what he's talking about though he don't know what it may be. he goes near the shapeless mass to inspect it closer.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:06 pm
by Priest
The Castle: Claire, Cynthia, Roberto and Michael.

The feeling of impending doom intensifies and you find yourself looking once more in the direction of the lighthouse and the walkway in particular. On it, rather than a small lad fixated on scanning the seas for his missing father, a scene of animated panic is underway. The lad can be seen waving and pointing furiously toward something that you estimate must be in the direction of the wall with the hole in it and therefore out of your sight. Too far away to hear him it seems likely that his actions are being accompanied by shouts.

Claire’s abrupt turn of head toward the lighthouse draws your attention to the scene. Suddenly you are disturbed by a sharp intake of breath from your South American companion, and you drag your attention from the activities on the lighthouse walkway to the spectacle that has captured the attention of Roberto.

Closer inspection of the mass to which Michael had been pointing reveals that if this had been some form of dolphin or other aquatic creature then it was one that bore the remnants of some chequered material and patches of human hair. You feel bile rise in your throat as the realisation that this shapeless, bloodless mass may be the remains of a human being, possibly the missing lighthouse keeper himself…

OOC: Roberto please roll Sanity. Failure = 1-5pts. Cynthia whether you roll Sanity depends on whether Roberto fails or not. In the event of his failure you are exposed to the full horror of the spectacle and must make a roll, if he passes you are cushioned from it.

Michael has now frozen to the spot, his attention seems focused on the hole in the wall, beyond which something can be seen, something that heaves and palpitates in ever changing colours like oil on water…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:11 am
by RulerMan
OOC: Sanity roll (45%)
As Roberto takes a closer look he notices that the mass of blood and flesh doesn't belong to any sea animal but looks more something that once was a human being.
''Meu Deus!'' he says in his native tongue as he takes several steps back from the mass, his asthma threatening to take control of him.
''Ladies...i think that...the lighthouse keeper is dead. i don't know what kind....of animal did this.... but we need to get out of here now..... before it comes back.'' he says to Claire and Cynthia as calm and slow as possible, trying to maintain his composure in front of all this horror.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, quite right," whispers William. He follows along carefully, keeping alert.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:56 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "Perhaps... perhaps you are right Mr. Algarve. I think that the men... er, the other men. Have guns. We might be safer behind them.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:23 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Oh God," says Claire, in horror at what Roberto has just said. "I agree we need to go, now. Aidan seems to be shouting about something beyond that wall, beyond that hole. I think we may be in terrible danger."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 1:00 am
by RulerMan
Roberto takes a deep breath and nods to Claire and Cynthia before grabbing Michael's arm and pushing him towards the exit: ''What are you looking at? let's get out of here , there is something terribly wrong with all this!''
That said he looks for both women and says: ''You Ladies first, me and Michael will watch our backs.''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:53 am
by yockenthwaite
Scared to look at what has horrified the others so much, and horrified enough just by the description of it, Claire wastes no time. "Thank you, let's leave NOW!" she says to Roberto as she heads quickly towards the exit.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:40 am
by PatGrillo
Without hesitation, Cynthia hurries away.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:27 pm
by Priest
The trail from the beach: Carruthers, MacLean and Parkhurst.

The trail does indeed look fresh and fairly recently made. In places the way up from the beach becomes so steep and treacherous that you have to use both hands to negotiate your way amongst the rocks. Yet the trail never falters in its purpose, it is as if whatever had left this pungent, acidic spore had been able to move sluglike over gradients and sharpness of the surface without fear of falling or slippage.
After a while you reach a place where the trail seems to negotiate its way between two enormous pillars of rock, which appear like gateway upon either side of a narrow passage, beyond you can see that whatever had left the trail had turned sharp left. Unable to see what may lay to the left of this passageway, you face somewhat of a quandary. There is no obvious means of circumnavigating this gap and you have no way of knowing what may, or may not, be waiting around this bend…


The Castle: Claire, Cynthia, Roberto and Michael.

By the time you have decided on your next actions, Michael O’Keefe, with a cry of “Emily!!” swiftly rushes back through the castle gateway towards the lighthouse.
As the rest of you follow you see the animated figure of the young Scots lad still gesturing wildly towards the castle walls, it is apparent that he is attempting to draw your attention to something.
As you shorten the distance between yourselves and the lighthouse you begin to hear the odd sentence screamed by Aidan into the wind.
And indeed it seems that whatever the strange amorphous, gelatinous, multi-coloured mass is, it is moving toward the lighthouse too, perhaps drawn by the antics of the boy.
Michael showing a admirable turn of speed, no doubt spurred on by the need to save Emily from the fate that may have befallen the lighthouse keeper in the castle ruins, half runs and half slides the last few feet to the lighthouse doorway. Even as you close the distance between yourselves and the lighthouse, you hear a slithering, sucking, squelching sound that seems to come from the other side of the building…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:22 pm
by Cearlan
Climbing up the steep trail, Carruthers' hands sting from where he grasps the rocks and flora by the wayside. Once he stands before the two pillars he tries to get a 'feeling' for the way forward. "Ach, we cannae git rund thiae staenes and nae way te see whit awaits us once we dae."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:57 pm
by DrPeterson

Robert evaluates the situation for a moment and looks at the two other men and the way back down to the beach. He starts to feel his spirit waver, the rain and cold wind having no small part in it, but both fear and curiosity drive him to determination and he looks once more at his two companion with grim determination.

"We have seen deeper darkness and smelled fouler fumes many years back, men, let us not tarry in our search and give chase forthwith! For there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men!"

Satisfied with the ring of the Melville quote, he once again raises his Webley and pushes on into the unknown.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:34 pm
by RulerMan
''What's the problem boy?'' Roberto yells to Aidan as he approaches the Lighthouse. ''why are you gesticulating?'' He asks again as he turns his head to see what he's so afraid.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye," says William, nodding and setting his jaw. He follows through the gateway, his metal rod gripped firmly in his hands.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:07 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "DO something Mr. Algarve!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:59 pm
by Cearlan
"The madness o' men indeed Carruthers!" I mutter to myself as I step forwards and turn to the left. Hefting my iron bar as I take a few steps forwards then pause as I waits for my eyes to adjust from the light to the darkness of the passageway ahead. Squinting ahead in the dark passageway, I can just about see the outline of William ahead of me and beyond William, vague shapes abound, but I cannot see our Melville quoting companion with the Webley.

"Hsst ... William, can ye see Robert aheed o' us, we dinnae want tae get separated now."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll do me best to keep him in sight," hisses William, hurrying to keep up with Robert.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:53 pm
by Priest
Into the passage: Parkhurst, MacLean and Carruthers.

Robert, Webley in hand, and a suitable quote on his lips pushes his way into the gloom of the passageway. In the gathering darkness he approaches the abrupt turn.
OOC: Robert Spot Hidden -5% please, if failed make Luck Roll


Outside the lighthouse: Roberto, Cynthia and Claire.

Roberto’s questioning shout elicits no reply from the lad on the walkway above, other than a blood curdling scream of terror that may, or may not, have originated with the boy.
In moments you all descend on the doorway through which Michael O’Keefe had rushed mere moments before. Indeed as you enter the building, you can hear running footsteps on the iron stairway above and the anguished cry of his wife’s name.
Moments later, before you have had a chance to ascend more that three steps, a series of horrendous screams echo from above, followed by an ominous silence broken only by a sliding, grinding noise that seems to be growing louder as if the perpetrator was getting nearer by the second…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:37 pm
by DrPeterson
Dice rolls,Spot Hidden 25%[color=#FF0000]-5%[/color]: [dice]0[/dice] Luck 75%: [dice]1[/dice]
Favouring the tactics of Field Marshal Haig, Robert tramps blindly on, trusting in luck more than skill. Fortunately, Fortune favours the bold!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:00 am
by RulerMan
''MICHAEL? AIDAN?'' Screams Roberto as he starts to climb the stairway almost breathless, though he expects no answer after the terrible screams he just heard. Wasting no time and expecting the worst, he scans the area for anything that can be used as a weapon, from a piece of broken wood,a iron bar to a chair...anything that can give him some sense of safety, if that's possible.
OOC: Should i roll Spot Hidden for this? I'll roll in any case.

Spot Hidden (25%)
After this he says to Claire and Cynthia: ''Ms.Isham and Ms.Struthers, please run for your lifes! see if you can find the others. I'm afraid a terrible fate has befallen Aidan and the O’Keefe's. I'll try to delay whatever is in the stairway above. now RUN, it's getting closer!''

With that said, facing the stairway, Roberto takes a deep breath and strong's the grip on his improvised weapon.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:41 am
by yockenthwaite
"I'm going to try to reach the other group," says Claire to Cynthia. "We need their help now. And I think they have guns. Come with me if you want, or stay here and try to help those here." With that she turns and heads out quickly in the direction where she saw the other group seemingly hunting before, off along the trail to the northeast of the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:44 pm
by Priest
Into the passage: Parkhurst, MacLean and Carruthers.
It would seem that fortune does indeed favour the brave, or perhaps the incredibly stupid, for Robert strides forward to find that the floor has suddenly disappeared beneath him. Luckily he manages out of reactions to grasp what must be the rough edges of the pit beneath his flailing legs, even luckier he manages to retain possession of his revolver, due to his unthinking use of its lanyard to keep it safe.
Immediately behind him William grabs his jacket and attempts to pull him free of the pit.
OOC: William needs to make a STR V SIZ roll of 50% + 15% for Carruthers’ assistance. You get 3 attempts, attempts 2 and 3 at -10% cumulative
The lighthouse: Roberto, Cynthia and Claire.
As Roberto gasps for breath his frantic search for something to use as a weapon reveals nothing
Behind him he hears Claire’s shout and the sharp staccato of heels tells him that both she and Cynthia have made good their escape.
Standing at the foot of the circular stairway he listens to the slow, remorseless progress of the unknown. He also hears another sound, a gentle muffled sobbing coming from somewhere above. Male or female he is not sure, but its pitch makes it as belonging to Michael O’Keefe unlikely...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:23 am
by RulerMan
Having found nothing to aid him to face the unknown, Roberto carefully and slowly takes a step by time in the stairway. his hands are trembling but he, nevertheless, is determined to discover whatever happened with Aidan and the O'Keffe's. Maybe, he thinks, he can be furtive enough to be not noticed.
Sneak (10%)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Though Robert is a big man, William is very strong. He effortlessly catches the man and hauls him up one-handed, setting him back on solid ground. "Watch your step there," he says.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:18 pm
by DrPeterson

Robert lets out an interesting yelp as he feels the very noticeable lack of terra firma underneath his feet. He tries to backtrack, shifting his weigh as much to the rear as he can and for a moment he balances precariously on the edge of the ledge, until William's powerful pull brings him back to relative safety.

He takes a deep breath, deciding it's best to reserve his terrified face for the darkness ahead of him, and forces himself to smile as he turns around to thankfully look at his saviours.

"Perhaps we should risk a little light...Maybe get some torches in the lighthouse?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, good thinking," says William. "It's a shame my lighter was lost to the sea. That would have been useful here."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:19 am
by Priest
In the lighthouse: Roberto.
Despite all attempts at quietly moving, it seems that physical bulk and construction material of the stairs conspire against you, Every step seems to produce unwanted noises, to your ears each footstep sounds like the ringing of a large bell – hopefully not a dinner bell.
As you climb the steps, ready at any moment to turn and flee, the sound of gentle sobbing grows louder indicating that whoever is the source is above you in the room that had contained the radio and the desk.
As for the other sounds, the ominous sliding and squelching noise, that seems to have stopped, leading you to think that whatever had been making it has either left the building, or, is patiently awaiting your arrival…
Outside the lighthouse: Claire and Cynthia.

Without a backward glance to see if Roberto is following, you race as quickly as you are able, given the ground conditions and the restrictions of your ‘borrowed’ clothing, for the cliff where you had last seen the three men disappear

As you run the familiar feeling of dread that had attracted your attention earlier to the gesticulating Aidan seems to draw your attention behind you.
OOC: You have a 65% chance to ignore the desire to look around.
You run fast closing the distance between yourself and Claire quickly. As you run across the slippery grass toward the gap in the rocks which the other men had taken, you suddenly have an ominous feeling that someone, or something, is right behind you. Indeed above your panting breath you are certain that you can hear a slithering sound that grows nearer with every step. You feel you all to look over your shoulder but fear drives you on, and makes it easier to resist the urge.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:31 pm
by RulerMan
Though the squelching noise has stopped, Roberto can't feel relaxed at all. He don't know what was making it and he can't forget the terrible screams he just heard a few minutes before. his attempts to draw no attention was futile too, since the stairway make as much noise as a locomotive. But there is no turning back now, he thinks. With his eyes scanning every bit of the room, he goes further in the direction of the sobbing sound...
OOC: I'll make a Spot Hidden check to know if Roberto can see anyone or anything.
Spot Hidden (25%)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:53 pm
by Priest

Tensing yourself for the unexpected, you are relieved to discover that the room is unnocupied. Whatever had been the source of the sliding sound has obviously gone, though evidence of somethings presence is obvious.
The room stinks of rotting fish and decomposing sea creatures, strong enough to make you gag, and for a split second you feel you are about to be sick, although it seems an age since you last put anything in your stomach to vomit.
The door above to the Kichen and bathing area is open so that even without the glistening trail of gelatinous fluid it is easy to see how the intruder had entered and exited this floor. The trail of vile smelling secretion finishes abruptly some three feet from the door through which you have just come. To your eye, it is as if the maker of the trail had almost come through but for some reason had decided to return whence it came - upward.
Looking closely at this trail, you try to estimate the size of the intruder but at different times the trail widens and narrows as if fitting itself to its location, narrow where it needs to be, wider where it does not, The trail itself reminds you in everything except size and constituent matter of some kind of slug or snail.
As you consider the information your eyes are seeing, you notice that the large crate beneath the desk has slightly moved from its earlier position, and it is from this proximity that the sobbing is coming. More stifled now as if someone was attempting to hold their breath so as not to give away their location...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:26 pm
by RulerMan
His mind can't think of anything that could have left this trail of strange fluid across the room, but Roberto knows that whatever it is, it is in the floor above that the source is now. The crate draws his attention though, leaving those strange questions for later. He goes near the crate and kneels before it. ''Aidan? is that you? It's me, Roberto!'' he says almost as a whisper.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:47 pm
by Priest
Silence greets your whispered question, but it is a false silence in that it makes you think that whoever is there is waiting with breath held in the hope that they will go unoticed.
After seconds a voice, female, whispers back, "It's Emilly, where is Michael and has it gone?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:16 pm
by DrPeterson

He agrees with William,
"And mine is in the lighthouse, but I'm hoping we'll find a more focused source of light there. Come, let us on our way now the tracks are still fresh!"

With that, Robert starts back towards the lighthouse, his pistol tucked into his pocket.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:06 pm
by RulerMan
''Emily! thanks God you are alive!'' Roberto says with a breath of relief. ''What has gone? I think Michael is somewhere around here. i thought you had seen him enter the room.'' he says again as a whisper as he gently pushes the crate aside and then offers his hand to Emily to help her get out beneath the desk. ''Did you saw Aidan? what happened here?''

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:04 am
by Cearlan
Carruthers heads back to the lighthouse with Robert and William. "Aye I never thought tae bring a light wi' me as we were due back in port after maybe a wee bit more than an hour."

OOC,is the corrosive 'gel' likely to react with my burns or not?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

William follows close behind.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:17 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire runs on, clenching her hands firmly as she fights the temptation to turn around. She is sure that doing so would be a bad idea, and manages not to look for now.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:43 pm
by Priest
In the lighthouse: Roberto and Emily.

Pushing the heavy crate to one side exposes the terrified young lady who has managed to squeeze herself in a space that Roberto would think impossible.
As she emerges from beneath the desk her eyes, wide with horror, swivel to encompass the scene in one quick glance. Little flecks of spittle dog the corners of a mouth that trembles with held back emotion, Roberto guesses that she is managing to keep some control through a sheer act of willpower.
“Aidan…No, he was, I think upstairs on the walkway”, her eyes alight on the silvery trail. She shudders – deeply, “I think I heard him scream then I heard it”.
Again she shudders and her whole body shakes with terror, “It was like some great slug sliding down the steps after me…I hid here. Then I heard Michael calling me, I was about to answer when I heard him scream with pain.” Tears spring to her eyes and he lip begins to shake, you guess that she is moments from breaking. “I stayed in here, God I stayed hidden in here. Forgive me Father for I have sinned”
Her mouth twists into one single scream that bounces and echoes through the structure…

On the edge of the Beach: Parkhurst, MacLean and Carruthers.

Having climbed up the trail, returning to the beach is little problem. As you walk toward the other trail that leads up to the lighthouse, you are assailed by the noises of the sea birds circling above you. Suddenly a single high pitched scream rings out, its source seems to be from the direction of the lighthouse and it sounds female in timbre. For a moment your blood freezes, that single scream seems to encompass all the fears in hell. You halt and look towards the cleft in the rocks through which you had descended from the lighthouse a short time ago.
A blur of movement suddenly reveals the familiar shape of two of the females that had been with you on the boat. They are running fast seemingly uncaring of the slope or the nature of its surface, as you stare something else rears up behind them…
OOC: Gentlemen please make San Rolls 1d6/1d20
At the top of the cliffs: Cynthia and Claire.

Onwards you run the fear of what may be following you driving you forward as if the devil himself was on your heels.
As the cleft in the rock through which the others had descended earlier appears you hear a high pitched scream of terror from behind you, enough to cause your labouring hearts a missed beat, but not enough to slow your flight.
Below you wending their way across a small rocky beach the three men can be seen. At the scream they seem to halt then look up towards you. You see them point at you, or maybe behind you…
OOC: Cynthia and Claire - 50% chance to resist the urge to look over you shoulders. Failure means a Sanity Roll 1d6/1d20

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:15 pm
by DrPeterson

As the shriek pierces the air, Robert intuitively grabs his Webley and aims in the direction of the noise. His aim is true for a moment, the moment before his mind's eye perceives the indescribable horror. His hand starts shaking and sweat beads on his brow as he slowly comes to grip with what he is seeing.
Rolls,Sanity check: [dice]0[/dice] Sanity Damage: [dice]1[/dice] Idea Check: [dice]2[/dice]
OOC: Priest, do you suggest our insanity, or do we make something up?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:46 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Don't look round!" shrieks Claire to Cynthia. She manages to keep herself looking forward. "We have to make it down to the others. Come on." She starts to go towards the cleft in the rock, aiming to reach the others, dragging Cynthia with her if need be.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:51 pm
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote: OOC: Priest, do you suggest our insanity, or do we make something up?
OOC: For any who fail the current Sanity check and perversley make the follow up Idea roll. You will be asked to make up your own temporary insanity once I have detailed what you are seeing.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:14 pm
by Cearlan
Carruther's San roll for seeing the ... the thing - San 75% (1d100=30)

Carruther's San loss for seeing the ... the thing (1d6=3)


I see Robert raise his gun then pause and I am glad I did as it gave me warning that something was not right. I saw the women running screaming for a' their worth then the thing ... all the horrors from the Great War come flooding back but like I have on so many occasions I am able, to some degree at least push them to one side. This time though there is something that manages to do this for me - the horrible vision that has raised itself up behind the girls.

The sight, to this day eludes my best attempts at description. Either my eyes are deceiving me or my brain refuses to accept the signals from my own eyes. The mere sight makes me want to gouge my very eyes out with my bare hands, my skin crawls with a million mosquitoes as my brain revolts. "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I call out at the top of my lungs. "This cannot be under Gods good graces." Shaking my head violently I tumble over and bang my head on a bank of earth gashing my forehead in the process. This seems to partially revive my senses and shaking my head once more as blood seeps from the gash I pause to gather my thoughts as I fall to my knees.

'The terrible sight I have seen were bad enough, but in comparison to this foul creature they are less than flies buzzing round my head ... this demon from the deepest of Dante's nine hells can only be beaten one way ... through God!' I fumble in my pocket and withdraw my damp, dog-eared bible and kiss the cross on the cover. spreading my arms wide I call out in a loud voice. "Holy Father, please protect and shelter those who face a grave peril on this island. Take us into your loving gaze and give us guidance on the tasks ahead. Let us prove our love and devotion to you, the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen!"

Armed with the Good Book in my left hand and the Iron bar in my right I try to squeeze past William as I call out to Robert, "Robert mon, yon lassies are in danger, cover me." I charge forward calling out "In the name of God the Father and St Andrew I curse thee ... get thee back to the foul depths from whence you came!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:38 pm
by RulerMan
''Jesus mulher, acalme-se''! Roberto instinctively says in his native tongue as Emily screams. He holds her on his arms hoping to provide some degree of confort to the broken woman. ''I understand that this is unimaginably hard for you to do right now but i need you to calm down. let's go downstairs. I need you safe so I can look for Michael and Aidan, ok? help is on the way.'' He says though he is not certain of his words. maybe the others are not even alive now, who knows?
OOC: Since i'm not sure which one i should use,i'll roll Fast talk and Persuade to try to calm down Emily. Pick the one you seem appropriate.
Fast Talk (50%)
Persuade (15%)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

William is unmanned by the sight, but he recovers remarkably quickly. "The ladies!" he shouts, rushing forward to join them. "We must protect them!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:10 pm
by Priest
In the lighthouse: Roberto and Emily.
Your attempt to calm the distraught female has obviously met with some success as she meekly allows you to steer her through the doorway and down the stairs to the entrance hall.
Once there she suddenly grips your arm in a vice like squeeze and looks into your eyes in a clear and direct manner, “Please find Michael, he is up there somewhere”.
Having spoken her expression suddenly goes blank, her eyes lifeless and dull. A single tear tracks downward to the corner of her mouth, but she makes no effort to wipe it away or acknowledge its presence. She seems hollow, as lifeless as some shop dummy.
You are loathe to leave her alone and unprotected, but you have little choice if you are to return to the upper floors and continue the search.
At the top of the cliffs: Claire and Cynthia.

With lungs fit to burst Claire slips, slides and skips down the trail followed neck and neck by Cynthia, who like Claire has resisted the urge to look around.
Just a few more yards and you will be on the beach and within spitting distance of the men. Behind you the remorseless sliding, rippling sound grows ever louder evidencing the nearness of whatever is following you
OOC: In the absence of Pat Grillo I have rolled for Cynthia to resist the urge to look about 1d100 → [35] = (35)
On the beach: Parkhurst, MacLean and Carruthers.

“The nightmare, plastic, column of fetid, black iridescence oozed tightly onward…A shapeless congerie of protoplasmic bubbles faintly self luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and unforming…”
(HP Lovecraft, “At the Mountains of Madness”)

This is what you see looming above the ladies and swiftly in its glistening irridesence pursuing them down the slope towards you.
OOC: Robert please choose your temporary insanity. And respond accordingly.
William and Carruthers may act as they wish having successfully dealt with the sanity requirements

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by DrPeterson
As he takes aim, the undulating mass of flesh seems to grow more defined and Robert can discern the the wicked teeth of horses, gnawing and gnashing, their hellish whinnying piercing the air. He takes a step back and tries to stabilise his hand, as the stampede of equines almost overtakes the women, the sound of their hooves thundering against the inside of his skull.

"Horses...", he mutters," why did it have to be horses..."

Robert feels the cold tendrils of fear coil around his heart, a tear running down his cheek. He starts pacing back, away from the thing.

"Run! They're going to get me! I should run, yes, run away!"

Once more he drops the Webley, which is still attached to the lanyard and scampers off, fleeing for his life.

As he passes the other men, he screams at them with a wild look in his eyes.

"Run, you fools! Run!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:11 pm
by RulerMan
''EMILY!'' shouts Roberto as the girl lies inert in the floor. he shakes her in hope that she will wake up of this coma but it's useless. he then seeks the most comfortable spot in the entrance hall to place Emily and reluctantly leaves.
Back to the second floor again, Roberto desperately seeks something that he could use as a weapon. after his search is done he, with a sad look on his eyes, goes upstairs to the next room...
OOC: Spot Hidden (25%) check on new room.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:25 am
by Cearlan

I stand firm against the foul creature. Raising my bible in one hand and the metal bar in my other. It is at this moment when my faith wavers and the enormity of the dire situation reaches my brain. There is no way my God ... any God would suffer such an abomination to exist upon his green earth, not unless he was testing me in some way. Mayhaps I am supposed to save the lassies frae this terror or all o' us.

I stop my forward charge and put my legs into reverse, backing away frae the hideous sight afore me. I look around looking for inspiration ... surely the God, the trinity I worship and the gospels I spread in darkest Africa will come to my aid in this time of great crisis. "Lord help me, help us all!"

OOC,I look around and see if there is anything I can use to gain any form of advantage against this horror. For example is the path we are on beside a cliff so that I can try and roll some thing down onto it (hopefully) forcing it over the edge to it's doom.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:00 am
by Mr. Handy

Averting his eyes from the impossible monstrosity, William moves forward until he reaches the women, ready to help them if they stumble or fall. The metal bar in his hand feels wholly inadequate. Robert had run off, but even his Webley probably wouldn't do anything but make it angry. Even an elephant gun didn't seem like it would be adequate. Perhaps an artillery piece...but those are sorely lacking here. "Quickly, ladies!" he calls. "We must flee!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:02 pm
by PatGrillo
We... can't... just... keep running... Miss Struthers and... I all the way... from....the.... lighthouse. Cynthia pants and gasps.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Perhaps we can carry you," suggests William. While Cynthia has a very small frame and looks like he could carry her easily, Claire is the biggest woman he has ever seen, and he wonders if even his considerable strength will be enough.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:46 am
by yockenthwaite
Doubting she could be carried Claire says "No, I'll try and run. We've got to keep going. Just don't be surprised if I slow up!" She tries to laugh, but almost cries instead with shock at what they are going through. And she still refuses to look around. Whatever it is must be absolutely terrifying, and she knows she does not need to see it.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy

"Right, then I'll carry you, Miss Isham," says William as he heads for her.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:41 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia, consents to be carried for fear of falling into a swoon.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:42 am
by Cearlan
OOC,I shall assume that there are no precipitous cliffs nearby that we could tempt the foul creature onto - damn and blast it!

Turning because the foul creature is gaining on me, I run full pelt down the path, my left hand still full of bible and the iron bar in my right fist as I try to outpace the fell demon behind me.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:32 am
by Mr. Handy

William scoops up Cynthia around the waist and lifts her in a fireman's carry, then runs from the creature for all he's worth.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:18 pm
by DrPeterson
Robert keeps running, not slowing down to look back. He soars up the narrow slimy path leading to the ledge and only manages to remember the gaping chasm moment before he reaches it. He digs his heels down in the gravel, his arms flailing about wildly as he attempts to slow down, his fingers grabbing at the cliff face.

He stops, standing on the ledge, breathing heavily, peering into the darkness and then looking back down the path, to see how close the others and, more importantly, how close the thing is.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:23 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire keeps running as fast as she can, though trying to take care not to fall in her rush and fatigue.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:29 pm
by Priest
The beach: MacLean, Carruthers, Cynthia and Claire.
OOC: Please roll Spot Hidden. Succeed or fail please roll luck.
The Passageway: Parkhurst.
With sudden, horrified, awareness you realise that you stand inches from the very pit which the others had pulled you but minutes ago. A charnel house smell of decayed fish and other offal assails your nose from below, and with it the memory of from what you had fled and the danger that the others may even now be experiencing, with a determined gesture of defiance, no doubt gained
from the years of trench war, you reach down grasp the revolver and methodically check its load.
Looking back the way you had fled, you can see nothing the twists an turns of the trail providing you with no information on their fates. However the lack of any sounds of pursuit would seem to indicate that the creature has not followed you up the trail…
The lighthouse: Roberto.
With Emily now quiet in the entrance hall your diligent search for a weapon is rewarded. Close to where the coats had been hanging is the remnant of an ancient harpoon, wood parts wormeaten and fragile looking the head tarnished and in dire need of sharpening it provides a weapon of sorts.
Thus armed you return to your search of the upper rooms for the missing pair.
Both the kitchen floor and the accommodation floor above are empty although both bear the obvious signs of the intruder.
While making a quick search of the bedroom there comes from above, the lamproom, the sound of a door opening and closing with an almost rhythmic regularity…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:58 pm
by RulerMan
Armed with the old and rusty harpoon, a weapon which gives him very little safety in this situation, Roberto is surprised by the sound of the door above. He aims at the direction of the noise and goes to the lamproom trying to be as silent as his heavy weight allows.
Sneak (10%):

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:23 am
by DrPeterson
OOC: Is Robert still suffering from his temporary insanity, or has his flight taken long enough for him to come to his senses?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:45 am
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:OOC: Is Robert still suffering from his temporary insanity, or has his flight taken long enough for him to come to his senses?
OOC: Yep, the nasty insanity is all gone :D

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:35 am
by DrPeterson

The weight of the gun in his hand is reassuring and he takes a few tentative steps down the path, talking to himself.

"You're an officer of the British Army! And those people are in need, you can't bally well leave them to their own devices."

Robert takes a good look around, trying to find some terrain advantage, or at least a place to clamber up.
Spot Hidden (25%),[dice]0[/dice]
He shrugs, straightens his uniform and takes out his old trench whistle.

"Well, once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more..."

He smiles melancholy -there weren't many Englishmen in the company- as he turns the old brass tube around in his hand and then places it between his teeth and starts running towards the beach, blowing the charge.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:38 pm
by PatGrillo
Burying her face into the chest of her heroic bearer, Cynthia Isham fails to see anything else for the moment. Luck, however appears to be with her.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:36 pm
by Cearlan
Carruther's Spot Hidden / 40% (1d100=39)

Carruther's Luck / 75% (1d100=78)


I arrest my headlong run as my eyes peer ahead into the gloom. "Whit the ...?" I mutter absently as my eyes adjust to the even lower light

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:05 pm
by yockenthwaite

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:38 pm
by Priest
The beach: MacLean, Cynthia, Claire and Carruthers.
With apparent ease William gathers the more petite of the two ladies beneath his muscular arm and runs for dear life even through he knows there is little likelihood of outrunning a slithering amoeboid creature that seems able to flow liquid like over the rocky surface. Beside him Claire, showing a fine turn of speed and dexterity for her size, keeps apace, though from her ragged breathing interspaced with the occasional gasp the chances of her being able to maintain the flight is fading fast.
Carruthers, having given up on using his religion to combat the creature, has, bible clasped in his hand, started a fast retreat across the beach towards a sheer cliff that seems to offer little hope of salvation from whatever fate the creature has in mind. However at the moment when despair has almost driven all else from his mind, he spots a narrow opening in the cliff face, small but large enough to offer some sort of escape from the thing that even now threatens to engulf his companions.
William, Cynthia and Claire suddenly find themselves covered by an enormous shadow…

OOC: William and Claire please make Dodge rolls. Cynthia for the moment you are dependant upon a successful dodge by William.

At the same moment all of you hear a ridiculous blowing of a whistle coming from a small discoloured path through the rocks. To both MacLean and Carruthers it sounds like someone attempting to play ‘charge’ on a most unsuitable instrument.
The lighthouse: Roberto.
With a lightness of footfall and a display of stealth that would surprise the nimblest of acrobats, you creep silently toward the lamproom from where the banging of the door is coming.
Taking a vice like grip on the ancient harpoon you risk a quick glance into the glazed lamp area. Instantly the vision that assails you is one of utter madness. Most of the glass that had formed the many glazed panels of the lighthouse has been shattered resulting in a floor that seems to sparkle in the occasional shaft of sunlight. Everywhere are traces of the visitor almost every surviving surface is covered in the obnoxious secretions that had marked its passage down the stairs.
However of any form of life there is nothing, the only movement is that of the small door which had given access to the walkway which now opens and closes in response to each gust of wind.
Of Aidan or Michael, there is no sign or evidence of their ever being here, other than a small pile of offal opposite the swinging door. Offal from which a material akin to bone can be seen protruding…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:43 am
by RulerMan
''What the...???'' he whispers as he thinks what could have happened in this room.
Trying to understand what kind of creature have left this trail of fluid all over the lighthouse, Roberto carefully enters the place, his eyes glancing nervously in every corner of the lamproom, up and down aiming with the Harpoon. he goes direct to the swinging door to stop it before the little pile of offal draws his attention. ''This is bone?'' he thinks as he goes near the pile to inspect it closer...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy

While he is normally very athletic, William is unable to move fast enough.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:47 am
by Cearlan
Stopping by the narrow defile, I usher anyone I can into it. "Quickly - in here!" I shield them as best I can in the narrow opening and whilst I think that my God has all but abandoned his sons and daughters on this most evil of days, something, maybe years of preaching to the Congolese natives, makes me hold up my bible perhaps more in hope than anything else.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:07 pm
by yockenthwaite

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:03 pm
by Priest
The lighthouse: Roberto.
You approach the offal pile with dread. The door swings rhythmically in the wind. From outside the scream of the wheeling gulls sounds very much like laughter, above that you can hear a far off reedy sound like a child blowing a tin whistle.
Other than the offal pile with its protrusion of white that looks like semi dissolved bone this room looks as bare and disgustingly marked as the others. Damage to the lamps twin mirrors provide little hope that this lighthouse will shine again for a while.
The only item in this sad mess that attracts you attention is a barely recognisable lump of ooze covered metal, bent and eroded almost beyond recognition there is enough for you to identify a pair of binoculars possibly those that Captain Parkhurst had given to the lad.
With a rising feeling of intense pressure from your stomach you realise that the small heap of partially dissolved offal and bone may be all that remains of the young lad who had so fervently searched for his missing father.
OOC: No Sanity Roll required as you have recently seen something as bad at the castle ruins.
The beach: MacLean, Cynthia, Claire and Carruthers.
With horrified screams both MacLean and Claire are suddenly engulfed by what appears to be either tentacles of some enormous octopus or the thick cable of some ships hawser. As the object descends MacLean releases the squirming Cynthia to free both his arms for the forthcoming struggle.

OOC: Maclean has a 85% chance of avoiding/resisting the coil.
Claire has a 35% chance of avoiding/resisting the coil
Cynthia please roll dodge to avoid being ensnared

Carruthers having spotted the opening is yelling “This way quick” as the creature which for all the world resembled some form of giant slug as it rippled towards the beach suddenly sprouts two enormous tentacular appendages with which it attempts to ensnare the fleeing trio. Knowing that there is nothing he can do to assist them, his thought are of annoyance with the idiot blowing the stupid whistle, it reminds him of being back in the trenches at the moment of going over the top.
Where the pathway meets the beach: Parkhurst.
Time seems to be moving in slow motion as, still blowing madly on the whistle, you burst onto the beach. Before you is a vision of madness, and momentarily you feel a clouding of you mind. With a manly shake of your head you feel the reassuring bulk of your service revolver in your right hand as you realise that, like many times during the war, lives are dependant on your action.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:19 pm
by DrPeterson

Robert stops dead in his track and takes three deep breaths to calm his nerves and steady his arm. He stops blowing the whistle for a few moments, but keeps it clenched between his teeth as he takes aim at the creature.

He slowly exhales, fixing his aim on the tentacle about to envelop Claire. Nearing the end of his exhale, he squeezes the trigger and the thunderous roar of the Webley echoes off the cliff face of the tiny beach.
Robert shoots (55%),[dice]0[/dice] Damage 1d10(+2), not sure if it's a .38 or .45, the +2 only goes for the latter. [dice]1[/dice] [color=#FF0000]OOC: I rolled a 1, I rolled a 1, I rolled a 1!!! *Dances* I've never rolled a one before!!! (well, that's not entirely true, but hooray!)Does the Impale do anything special, or is this creature-as I suspect- rather unimpressed by the puny machinations of Mr. Webley?[/color]
Once he's fired his first shot, Robert starts running again towards the shore line, blowing his whistle frantically, trying to lure the beast and tear it's attention away from his companions.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:14 pm
by Priest
Dr Peterson,OOC: The Webley MK IV was a .445 calibre weapon. The main rulebook makes no mention of a .445 weapon (probably because its American and the good old Webley is British), nor could I find anything in 'my battered copy of [i]'Green and Pleasant land' [/i]ostensibly a British sourcebook. So I'll just assume it does the same damage as a .45 and give you the +2. Not that many Cthulhuoid gribblies take much notice of our puny firearms.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:02 pm
by Cearlan
"They shall nae have the lassies whilst I hae breath left in my bones." Anyone I manage to get in the alcove should be safe enough for the time being so with my mind being cast back to the Great War due to that infernal whistle sounding charge, that this is exactly what I do.

Shoving my beloved Bible back in my pocket I grip the iron bar in both hands and shout, for the second time since getting ashore "For St Andrew and The Holy Father!" I charge forward knowing that it will likely mean my meeting my Lord sooner than I had hoped, but at least I would be reunited with my family once more, even if it means I can save one of the souls being pursued then it will be worth it. I swing the iron bar with all my might at the foul creature's nearest tentacle.

OOC,Do I get to attack this round or the next?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:28 pm
by RulerMan
Dread and sadness take over Roberto as he realizes that Aidan is dead, killed by God knows what in such a horrible way.
Michael is probably dead too, he wonders, now is just a matter of where is his remains...IF anything has been left by the creature.
''How i'm going to explain this to Emily?'' he mutters to himself as he leaves the lamproom and slowly walks in the direction of the walkway, his hands keeping a firm grip in the old Harpoon.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 7:18 pm
by PatGrillo
Unceremoniously deposited, Cynthia Isham fails to roll aside in time to prevent horrible entanglement.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:10 pm
by Mr. Handy

William's tremendous strength stands him in good stead, and he easily pulls free of the thing's grip.
OOC,Couldn't I have tried to throw [b]Cynthia[/b] clear? Can I scoop her up again now? I'd like to do that and then scramble into the opening. Do I need to wait to see how the other rolls turn out first?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:01 am
by Priest
Mr Handy,Don't panic about Cynthia I have allowed for you to have done more than simply deposited her. So although she faile her Dodge, she actually made it. And your next action will be dependant on the others, mainly Claires. Once Yockenthwaite has made his rolls we can move on

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:24 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire screams as she is caught up by whatever the thing is.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:44 pm
by Priest
OOC: Sorry having fun and games with my computer. No update today, hopefully tomorrow.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:07 am
by PatGrillo
OOC: Whaa ha! That's what I call a cliff hanger. Your computer does the dirty just as we're being enveloped! :shock:

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:16 pm
by Priest
The beach: MacLean, Cynthia, Claire, Carruthers and Parkhurst.
William,Whatever the thing is and despite its apparent elasticity, you manage to throw off the descending coil, surprised that as you do it seems more akin to thick liquid. You are certain that had it succeeded in ensnaring you it would have simply draped over you as some kind of gas cape. Luckily, for [b]Cynthia[/b], you managed to throw her several feet ahead of you and even now she scrambles to her feet and without a backward glance runs towards the advancing, iron bar waving, [b]Carruthers[/b], who you swear is singing a hymn or reciting a psalm. Beside you [b]Claire[/b] lets out a despairing screech of terror as she is engulfed by the rippling monstrosity. For a fleeting moment you see her staring at you with horror filled eyes as if through a shimmering covering of liquid. From somewhere to your left comes the harsh crack of a Webley, and as [b]Parkhurst[/b] is the only person thus armed on this island, to your knowledge, you assume that it is he…
Cynthia,Having been thrown, unceremoniously, a few feet in front of the creature path, you manage to quickly scramble to your feet and start running towards the crowbar waving madman who it seems has pointed toward the cliff face behind him. A cliff face in which you can see a small dark opening, a cave perhaps, with an entrance just big enough for a slim woman too wriggles through. From behind you hear a deep roar of anger which you think may be [b]Mr MacLean[/b], a female scream of terror suddenly cut short. To your left comes the unmistakeable crash of a pistol being fired…
Carruthers,The beastie now seems to have dispensed with the coil like appendages, which now remind you of your mothers simple table cloth. As you rush forward, one of the ladies, [b]Miss Isham[/b] you think, having been thrown clear of danger by [b]William[/b], scrabbles to her feet and runs towards you. You can tell by the determined expression on her face that she has seen the cleft in the cliff and is heading towards it. [b]William[/b], no doubt using that strength with which he so admirably plucked you from danger in the sea some time earlier, rips and tears his way free of the liquidescent covering. Not so the other lady who has almost disappeared beneath the covering of rippling slime that seems to make up the body of the ever changing creature. Even as the thing descends upon the unfortunate lassie, you are aware of the thunderous roar of a .455 service revolver, so loud that for a moment it drowns out the annoying whistle, the terror filled scream, and the noise of the ever circling gulls.
Parkhurst,Before you horror and mayhem unite to present a vision of you fellow survivors being chased down by the horror which no longer looked equine, more a moving puddle of slime which seems malleable and capable of reshaping its form to the purpose required. As you take aim with your trusty revolver, you watch as what had appeared tentacular or coil like appendages, transmute into liquid like waves which flow over the running forms of you associates. You pull the trigger, and the heavy service revolver sends a .445 bullet straight and true into what had been some kind of tentacle before it engulfed the lady called Claire. There is little doubt that it was a clean hit, for you saw a piece of the creature fly, sparkling, into the air. That it hurt could not be doubted for at that instant a strange noise burst from the creature as if a huge shout of pain. Despite the effectiveness of the shot you watch in horror as the liquidescent slime continues to flow over the woman. As you watch you see that William has managed to throw off the snare that had been thrown at him…
Claire,As you run you are aware that something is about to happen, something not nice. You jink to your right, but not enough it seems for a moment later something flows over you something heavy and cloying, something that sucks hard as it covers you. You scream, aware that the sound is probably cut off from the nearby Mr MacLean, by the slimy flow that has engulfed you. As the strange sucking intensifies to a level of pain that you have never experienced before. You are suddenly aware of a slight curtailment in the sucking, dragging force that feels as though it my pull your very bones from your flesh…
Inside the lighthouse: Roberto.
Thrusting the despair you are feeling aside, you turn to retrace you steps from the lamproom. As you do you hear the distant crash of a gunshot from the direction of the cliff towards which you had seen the others disappear earlier…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 4:59 pm
by DrPeterson
Parkhurst's voice carries over the turmoil, as if it remembers its old habit of shouting commands during assaults.


Robert starts running again, trying to circle round the creature and get to the path back to the lighthouse. As he is running, he takes a pot shot at the gelatinous mass.
Robert takes a pot shot 55%,[dice]0[/dice] Damage 1D10+2: [dice]1[/dice]


Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

Moving quickly and knowing that he's strong enough, William tries to pry the creature off of Claire and free her from its clutches.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:06 pm
by Priest
Mr. Handy wrote:Image

Moving quickly and knowing that he's strong enough, William tries to pry the creature off of Claire and free her from its clutches.
OOC: I'll give you a chance of 35% to accomplish it. That's allowing Claires strength, Carruthers strength and the fact that Parkhurst hi it with a bullet and did spetacular damage - 1pt. Make it and you pull her free, fail and...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:58 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I know - don't fail. Lucky for both of us, I ddn't. :)

William grunts with the exertion as he heaves the beast off of Claire and pulls her free, adrenalin enhancing his already extraordinary might.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:56 pm
by RulerMan
''What the hell is happening over there?'' Roberto says at the sound of what seems to be a distant gunshot. without hesitation, he walks down the stairway towards the entrance hall and after checking to see if Emily is still alive, he runs in the direction of the cliff with the old harpoon on his hands. After just a few minutes he stop, breathless, and quickly takes the small device that he uses to control his asthma from one of his pockets, and put it towards his mouth. ''I should have known better than to run like this in my condition''. he thinks as the asthma crisis is controlled. after that he resume his destination, now walking.
OOC: I forgot the english name of this ''device''. :roll: Anyone has a idea of what this is called?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:23 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:,Do you mean an inhaler?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:26 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham crawls into the narrow opening in the rock, feeling ahead of her in the darkness.
OOC: Modern asthma inhaler in the sense of a small portable propellant driven medicating device not invented till 1955.[/color]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:37 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire gasps as she is pulled free, and tries to recover herself, including seeing if she is able to stand up. "Thank you," she says, weakly.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:40 pm
by Priest
The beach: MacLean, Cynthia, Claire, Carruthers and Parkhurst.
In the struggle to free Claire from the creatures loathsome grasp, MacLean, Claire and Carruthers had all ended up in a pile some feet from the creature who ripples and writhes toward them, each movement seeming to throw up another set of eyes or sucking mouths. As it raises itself once more in readiness to surge over the threesome, once again comes the roar of Parkhurst’s old service revolver, and again a small piece of the translucent vileness flies into the air testament to his accuracy.
Although there is no way of judging the effectiveness of the gunshots, there is little doubt that they are annoying to the monstrosity as with another scream, akin to a snakes hiss or that of a heated rock dropped into water, the beast, its targets forgotten whirls, if that is a possible description for a something that has no obvious front or back, toward the uniformed madman who runs screaming for the trail down which it had just come from.

Cynthia: a moment of squirming and you are firmly lodged within the crack. Looking back you give little chance for the other survival – still…
Above the cliffs on the trail: Roberto.
Even as you run, gasping for breath, towards the gap in the rocks, the sound of the gunfire comes once more. Still a fair way off your target, a voice rises, loud and strong, a shout of seeming defiance.
As you run, and just before you are forced to halt through a shortage of breath, you cross an obvious trail that leads from the rear of the lighthouse towards the same cleft in the rocks that you are intending, a trail that has all the hallmarks of the thing which had been inside the building and had killed both Aidan and the unfortunate Michael. Although some of it bears the signs of age, there is a long section that could have been made but moments before…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:03 pm
by DrPeterson

Parkhurst lets out a triumphant shout as he sees the beast turn towards him, ignoring its previous prey. He then starts backing up, feeling somewhat less joyful when the protoplasmic miasma starts oozing towards him. He fires one last shot to make sure he's got the creature's attention.

"Three", he says softly to the wind. He could have sworn he had the monster dead in his aim.

Parkhurst shoot (55%),[dice]0[/dice]

He pockets the Webley and starts sprinting up the track, taking the shortest possible route to the lighthouse. The trench whistle is firmly clenched between his teeth and between breaths he blows it fervently.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"All part of the service, Miss," says William with a smile, helping Claire to her feet. He quickly brings her over to the fissure.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:32 pm
by Priest
Running like hell, blowing his whistle and pursued by something not nice: Parkhurst.

Ever had one of those days? Three shots fired which leaves three, two definite hits and one away with the birds somewhere. With all your strength you run like a mad thing for the path back to the lighthouse.
The thing is quick, but, no doubt helped by the wings of fear, you are literally flying before it. And of one thing you are sure it is definitely following you. You can hear it squelching and sliding across the ground behind you and all the time that strange hissing noise.
With a renewed burst of speed you clear the cleft in the rocks. Before you stands the lighthouse and the opening to the cellar. Also before you, bent over in mid gasp, is the South American fellow. He looks up and you can see from the way his eyes widen that he is non to impressed by your guest…
Above the cliffs; Roberto.
Still slowly regaining your breath, your reverie is rudely interrupted by the sudden appearance of the military gentleman, Captain Parkhurst. He is showing a turn of speed that would grace many an athletic gathering.
But it is not the racing figure of the Captain which causes you to catch your breath, but the thing that pursues him. It is like nothing you have seen before a fast moving pool of rippling malevolence. On its current course and at the speed it is moving, there is a possibility that it will miss you altogether, however…
OOC: Please make a Sanity Roll d6/d20

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:22 pm
by RulerMan
Sanity Roll
Sanity Loss

Idea Roll
The sight just ahead of Roberto is enough to freeze him to his bones. for a few seconds he just stands there, immobilized by fear and trying to comprehend what his eyes are seeing. then as he realizes the full extension of the situation, he drops the harpoon and flees in panic towards the lighthouse after screaming with all the sound he can produce: ''NOOOOOOOOOOOO!''

OOC: i have choosen my temporary insanity if that's allowed. otherwise let me know what you want me to do.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:05 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire smiles at William's words, still very grateful for his actions. She looks at the opening with interest. "Will we be safe in there do you think?" she asks the others, peering in, somewhat reluctant to venture into what may be a dark unknown place.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:45 pm
by Priest
RulerMan wrote: OOC: i have choosen my temporary insanity if that's allowed. otherwise let me know what you want me to do.
OOC: Thats fine, what have you in mind?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:13 pm
by DrPeterson
Robert swears as he sees Roberto run towards the lighthouse.

No, you fool! Not the lighthouse!!!

He stops blowing the whistle and drops it from his mouth, letting it dangle on its chain as he redoubles his efforts, trusting in his superior physique to catch up with the big, wheezing Brazilian.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:10 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,Have I reached a position where I can attack yet, or can I see that the 'lassies' are safe in the crack in the rock?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:14 pm
by Priest
Cearlan wrote:OOC,Have I reached a position where I can attack yet, or can I see that the 'lassies' are safe in the crack in the rock?
OOC: The 'Lassies' are indeed safe, thanks to you and William and the accuracy of Robert. At the moment you are with William and Claire at the crack in the rocks, Cynthia has already wriggled within while Robert leads the beastie towards the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:17 am
by RulerMan
Priest wrote:
RulerMan wrote: OOC: i have choosen my temporary insanity if that's allowed. otherwise let me know what you want me to do.
OOC: Thats fine, what have you in mind?
OOC: Roberto saw amidst the mass of gelatinous fluid, what he think is the body of Kirsty, his ex-wife that he still loves to this day. Fleeing in panic from what his mind thinks is the dead body of the love of his life, where in truth is just a hallucination caused by the shock of seeing the horrible creature. he has unfinished business with her, which he expected to solve in this trip to Scotland. The thought that now she's dead and he could not even talk to her again makes him mad.

DrPeterson wrote:Robert swears as he sees Roberto run towards the lighthouse.

No, you fool! Not the lighthouse!!!

He stops blowing the whistle and drops it from his mouth, letting it dangle on its chain as he redoubles his efforts, trusting in his superior physique to catch up with the big, wheezing Brazilian.
Roberto hear Robert shouting at him but the words are just that, words. He can't stand the sight of seeing Kirsty dead, so he runs like crazy in random directions since he don't feel safe anywhere...and the lighthouse is just in his path.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"That bogie is too big to fit through the crack," says William, peering into it, "though its tentacles may still be able to reach. Of course, it might not see anyone hidden down there. Then again, I'm not sure how it sees or what other senses it may have. It seemed to be covered in eyes...and mouths..." He shudders.
OOC,Is my iron bar still around here?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:31 pm
by Cearlan

I am breathing hard as I shepherd everyone there towards the fissure in the rock face whilst the creature, if indeed it is such. "Quickly noo, Fer there's nae tellin' when yon foul demon will return. That damn fool with the whistle and gun may just hae saved us Praise the Lord!" I urge everyone to enter whilst I will go last.

'Just like the Good Shepherd' I muse to myself as I burst out with joyous laughter at our reprieve. "The Lord does indeed move in mysterious ways, his wonders tae perform." I mumble.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:41 pm
by Priest
The beach; MacLean and Carruthers.
You both watch in a satisfied way as Claire manages to squeeze her ample frame into the cleft in the cliff face. Once more Carruthers is convinced over the power of God, while MacLean is happy to allow that the combination of Carruthers’ faith and his strength had saved the day, temporarily. Though in truth you will admit that had it not been for Parkhurst attracting the things attention, things might have turned out completely different.
Lying on the beach, where he had dropped it, is MacLean's iron bar looking none the worse for another dip in the vile secretion left by the creature.
Even as you catch your breath and consider your next action, high on the hillside you hear the strident sound of the Captain shouting commands, however the combination of wind, wave and distance render words unintelligible…
Inside a very tight place: Cynthia and Claire.
Cynthia,It had been very tight in here before the arrival of Miss Struthers, now it was becoming almost unbearable.From outside you can hear the voices of the two men debating the safety of your hiding place. The tunnel, tight though it is, seems to continue and start sloping slowly upward…
Claire,You can hear the debate being carried on outside your hiding place, the tightness of which is becoming unbearable. To you right you can hear the breathing of Cynthia, it seems she is none too happy with the situation either.
Above the beach heading for the lighthouse: Parkhurst and Roberto.
For Parkhurst, for whom it seems keeping fit is most important and given the present circumstance doubly so, catching the wheezing and spluttering South American is simple. As he runs Roberto keeps repeating a single name over and over like some kind of charm, wherever his mind is now Parkhurst is certain it is not here and having seen the effects of battle fatigue first hand many times before knows that no amount of shouting will penetrate his horror blasted mind…
Roberto,roll 1d6, 1 or 2 veer left, 3 or four carry straight on for the lighthouse, 5 or 6 veer right. Right or left is good, straight on not good.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:34 pm
by RulerMan
Still facing an internal battle, Roberto runs frantically shouting the name of Kirsty over and over, as if it was free it from the creature's body.
OOC: Direction roll:
The insistent warnings and shouts about the lighthouse that comes from Robert seems to have some effect, or not, for Roberto turns to the left but his mind still seems to be elsewhere.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:39 pm
by DrPeterson

Robert lets out a sigh of relief as he slows down to allow the Brazilian to put some distance between the creature and himself.
He turns around and pulls out the Webley, bent on ensuring that the gelatinous demon won't stop chasing him in favour of the juicier Latin American morsel.

He tries to calm the heaving of his chest and the shaking of his hand by taking two deep breaths and then aims the trusty service pistol and the terrifying mass of roiling death.

"How could I ever have seen horses in that thing?", he mutters to himself as he gently squeezes down on the trigger.
He shoots (55%),[dice]0[/dice] Pro forma damage roll [dice]1[/dice]

Robert then turns around and makes the final dash for the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

William retrieves his iron bar, trying to wipe the caustic slime off on the sand - though he doubts it will be of much use against the creature. "I'd best head after the Captain," he says. "He may need my help."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:56 pm
by Priest
On the beach: MacLean.

As you, with grim determination, renew your grip on the iron bar another crash of gunfire comes from the path above…
Between the creature and the lighthouse: Parkhurst
Stopping to fire has allowed the distance between you and your pursuer to close. As you turn and begin to race for the entrance of the lighthouse’s cellar you are not so certain that you can outrun it. Still head down, lungs bursting with strain and leg muscles burning with effort you grit your teeth and push on…
OOC: It will be four rounds before you make the doorway,so each round you have a 60% chance of maintaining your lead. Therefore you need to make four 60% rolls, failure of a roll reduces the following roll by 10% cumulative. Good luck.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:05 pm
by DrPeterson
Robert curses, but at least the monster didn't go after Roberto. He tries to keep his breathing regular as he leans into the sprint and the final stretch to the lighthouse.
Balls,Roll 1 60%: [dice]0[/dice] Roll 2 50%: [dice]1[/dice] Roll 3 40%: [dice]2[/dice] Roll 4 30%: [dice]3[/dice]
Parkhurst slips in the loose gravel and manages to end flat on his face. The start of an iconic soliloquy from a certain Danish play goes through his mind as he tries to scramble up.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

William races towards the sound of the gunshot, following Robert.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:50 am
by yockenthwaite
"It's a bit tight in here, isn't it?" says Claire to Cynthia, trying to ease the tension. "How do you think the men are getting on? And what was that creature? I couldn't see anything. It just, well, overcame me." She shudders at the memory.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:48 pm
by Priest
On the beach: MacLean.
Gripping the iron bar with a white knuckled grip, you race towards the pathway off the beach still glistening in the daylight from the passage of the thing,
Without care for what might await you, you breast the clifftop in time to hear a horrible scream from the direction of the lighthouse.
Still running, aware of the rapidly disappearing figure of the South American fellow to your left, you see through horrified eyes the undulating monstrosity ahead of you rapidly covering the uniformed figure of Parkhurst. With a scream of anger you increase your pace knowing deep within you that your aid will not be in time…

On the clifftop: Roberto.
Slowly your mind begins to pull itself together, rational questions begin to form, how could Kirsty be here? If not her then what am I seeing?
Your pace begins to slacken as with the unclouding of your mind comes a burst of wheezing and coughing fit to burst your chest.
You come to a halt dropping to your hands and knees as you lungs scream for oxygen. Away to your right, close to the cliff edge you are aware of the golfing chap waving an iron bar and screaming something indecipherable. Close to the lighthouse something that writhes and squirms beneath a coat of silvery liquidescence catches your eye. You have no idea what it is, but for a moment your mind begins to see the familiar form of Kirsty, but only for a moment before it is replaced by a vision more horrible than the human mind wants to picture…

Oh dear: Parkhurst.
As you scrabble to your feet you are suddenly aware of something flowing over you, something that reminds you of the mud of Flanders. For a moment before vision starts to fade you are aware of seeing as if through water, but only momentarily as darkness replaces light, and an awful sucking sensation permeates your being.
With a scream of terror which only reverberates in your mind you attempt to fight your way clear of the awful fate that is rapidly claiming you.
OOC: You have a tiny chance of fighting your way clear. If you make it you might live, fail and… Please roll 05%

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:27 pm
by DrPeterson

Is this the end of Cpt. Parkhurst?,[dice]0[/dice]

Robert struggles and writhes, trying to break free, but the teeth are everywhere. His arms are moving slower and slower and he feels as if his skin is burning away, his muscles being torn from the bone. He wants to scream, but as he opens his mouth, the ooze forces its way down his throat. The last thing he hears before losing consciousness is the violent whinny of his horse and the thundering bombardment of the German guns.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:38 pm
by RulerMan
As Roberto slowly comes to his senses, he realizes the full extention of what is happening, even though he can't possible understand what he sees.
Seeing as Maclean is charging against the horrible creature with just a iron bar as his weapon and knowing that he can not reach the weapon in time to save Parkhurst, he walks a little forwards so he can see him and screams to Maclean:
He then shows with his hand where the dropped the old harpoon just a few minutes before. even as he says this he runs towards it with all the speed he can.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

William surges forward, intent on using the iron bar as leverage to pry the creature off of Robert before it is too late, hoping he could rescue him as he had Claire. The captain had placed himself in danger to save their lives. It was the least he could do to return the favor. The bar would most likely not be an effective weapon against it, though he might be able to use it to fend off the thing if it attacks him.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:55 am
by PatGrillo
Irritated by the intrusion of the corn-fed girl behind her, Cynthia wriggles forward and upward into the narrow space. You'd better stay here Dear I think... It's a trifle... narrow.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:45 pm
by Priest
Top of the cliffs running towards the lighthouse: MacLean,
Iron bar tightly gripped, fierce Scottish battlecry on your lips, you spur towards the still noticeable lump that had been Captain Robert Parkhurst. As you run it becomes obvious from the sudden cessation of movement that the good captain is no more. With a hiss the strange, vile creature seems to change direction without movement and rears above you like a huge wave about to crash upon a beach.
OOC, Roll dodge to avoid the thing and skip to one side.

Top of the cliff to the left of the lighthouse: Roberto.
Despite you best efforts it seems that the brawny Scottish golfer has either not heard or chosen to ignore you shout.
As you fill your lungs with more air ready to shout once more, the creature with no discernable change of direction rears above the Scotsman. The whereabouts of harpoons seems academic

On the beach. Carruthers.
Understanding the heroics of you erstwhile friends, if not the sanity of their actions, you stand as if frozen on the rock covered beach…

In the tight space: Cynthia and Claire.
Cynthia,As you move away from the intrusion, you are sure that not only does the narrow tunnel slope upward but seems to be widening…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:17 pm
by RulerMan
Roberto runs towards the old Harpoon if he still can see it while yelling to Maclean and trying to get the creatures attention, almost breathless again.
If the Scotsman is still alive when he reaches the improvised weapon, he will shoot in the creature. otherwise he will run away, as fast a he can.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

William nimbly leaps aside, then sprints back the way he came for the fissure.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:30 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia shouts back to Claire, "The tunnel is wider here and heading upwards. If you think you could get through..." She thinks to herself however, She thinks to herself however, "She'll have a job, unless she's brought a large pat of butter!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:37 pm
by Priest
Atop the cliffs: MacLean and Roberto.
William,Showing a nimbleness uncommon for such a large man, MacLean leaps aside as the creature falls forward to flow over the ground where he had but moments stood. As you turn to run for the cleft in the rocks where you had left the girls and [b]Carruthers[/b] you notice the remnants of your companion [b]Parkhurst[/b], remnants that are none too pretty to see, However amongst the remains a sudden shaft of sunlight reflects of something metallic.
Roberto,as you reach the place where the harpoon lies, you become aware of two things. One, the Scotsman seems to have eluded the strike of the thing and is starting to run back towards the beach, and two, your raised voice and activity seems to have caught the attention of the thing, and it is with a sickening feeling as you grab and hurl the harpoon towards it that you realise you have now become the target of its attention. For a moment fear paralyses all except your thoughts, to run straight on would be suicidal, to turn and run away would be simply putting off the inevitable. Run to your right and you might make the cliff top before the thing, to your left stands the lighthouse and the open entrance to the cellar which it appears the Captain was trying to reach. The lighthouse seems the closest place to find cover…
A tight place: Cynthia, Claire and Carruthers
Cynthia,As you slowly inch your way forward in the pitch blackness, you find that the floor of the tunnel does indeed begin to slope upwards and widen out. After a few feet of squirming your progress gets easier until you find yourself in a small cave dimly lit by a shaft of daylight that appears to come from somwhere to your left by dint of this light you can see something has been carved into the stone wall of this cave, something that resembles an early Christian symbol, a fish outline containing the remains of letters…
Claire,You are aware that Cynthia after saying something about the tunnel getting wider has squirmed away into the darkness. After a few moments you can hear footsteps receding further into the tunnels blackness
Carruthers,Coming to the conclusion that standing around on the beach awaiting developments above may not be such a wise move, you have followed the lasses into the narrow entrance, hoping that if any of the others return from the clifftop they will find it a simple task to see where you had gone by the tracks you and the girls have left on the beach.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:52 pm
by yockenthwaite
"I'll try to follow you," calls Claire to Cynthia. She tries to squeeze through the tunnel after Cynthia, maneuvering herself as well as possible to fit through the limited space available.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:33 pm
by RulerMan
Without wasting any second, Roberto aims and shoot the old Harpoon in the direction of the terrible creature.

OOC: Which skill should i use, Rifle? Let me know if you want me to roll something else.
Afterwards he runs to his left, the lighthouse seeming to be the a safer place to hide than the open landscape of the island.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:49 pm
by Priest
RulerMan wrote:OOC: Which skill should i use, Rifle? Let me know if you want me to roll something else.
OOC: Given the age and condition of the harpoon, Luck is the best roll, so you made it.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:48 pm
by Cearlan

I edge my way cautiously into the fissure, groping ahead in the darkness. "Hello there!" I call out. "Where did ye get tae?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:30 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That's probably the pistol. If I can grab it as I run without incurring any additional risk, I'll do so. Otherwise, I'll just remember where it is so we can go back for it later when the monster is elsewhere.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:55 pm
by Priest
Mr. Handy wrote:
OOC,That's probably the pistol. If I can grab it as I run without incurring any additional risk, I'll do so. Otherwise, I'll just remember where it is so we can go back for it later when the monster is elsewhere.
OOC,at the present moment you are running back towards the beach. If indeed it is the pistol, your only chance of getting it is after the creature has left the area.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:02 pm
by Priest
Roberto,[color=#FF4000]for damage with the old harpoon, I'm treating it as a spear but increasing the damage slightly, after all it was devised for whaling and a bulk standard spear wouldn't quite fit the bill. Youve already hit with your Luck Roll so damage is 1d10+1.[/color]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:22 pm
by Priest
In a dark, tight place: Cynthia, Claire and Carruthers.
Claire,in defiance of [b]Cynthia’s[/b] ‘butter’ quip, you manage by squirming and sheer will power to follow her receding footsteps, and indeed after a few yard the tunnel does widen out enough for further progress to be made easily. From behind you comes the voice of the Scotsman, [b]Carruthers[/b], sadly due to the tightness and restrictiveness of the tunnel, your attempt to answer comes out as a hoarse, breathless, grunting sound. After a while you find her standing in a dimly lit cavern. The light source which is shadowed daylight, seems to be entering the cavern around a stone block that plugs a crude entrance above some time worn steps. In one corner of this 12 ft by 14ft cavern is a stone slab and what appears to be a stone water basin carved from the wall.
Carruthers,other than a subdued echo of your own voice the only sound you can hear is a strange grunting from some distance within the cleft. It would seem that the girls have managed to squirm further within the cleft. Looking outside, towards the cliff path up which your comrades had rushed minutes earlier, you see the familiar form of [b]MacLean[/b] running as if from the devil at the top.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy

William makes a mental note of what he has seen as he races back towards the fissure. "This way!" he calls to Roberto. "There's a safe place!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:13 am
by Cearlan

Deeper and deeper into the dark, dank fissure I head, all the while calling out "Helloo!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:37 pm
by RulerMan
OOC:Damage roll

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 3:58 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Phew, made it!" says Claire to Cynthia, grinning. Hearing the voice in the distance calling she turns back towards the tiny gap and calls out "We're further in. Keep on coming through, it opens up."

She then turns her attention to the cavern in which they find themselves. Looking carefully at the stone block, and trying to see if they can open it, she says "Do you think this might lead somewhere useful? If only we could open it up."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:32 pm
by Priest
The cave: Cynthia, Claire and Carruthers.

Cynthia is looking at carvings within the rock wall. “Gosh, these would suggest that we are in some sort of church or whatever”

Claire: The stone plug that seals the opening looks heavy, you think it would need several of you to supply the strength needed to move it. Other than the carved symbols set in the wall, there is nothing to suggest this was ever a religious site.

Carruthers: Eventually you arrive in the same cave as the girls, although far from ideal It provides a better hiding place than the tight passageway.
On the cliffs – running: MacLean and Roberto.

William: although you are certain that the South American heard you, he seems to show little inclination to follow your advice. As you run you can see him out of you peripheral running towards the lighthouse after having loosed some kind of ancient harpoon at the creature.

Roberto: That the harpoon hit was instantly apparent yet it seemed to have little effect on the thing except to further anger it. Before you launched the weapon you were sure it had turned to pursue the fleeing golfer, now you aren’t sure. Still head down, fist pumping and black waves of lack of oxygen threatening to swamp your vision at any moment, you speed towards the rear opening of the lighthouse.
OOC: same deal as Parkhurst had and failed. It will be four rounds before you make the doorway, so each round you have a 60% chance of making the doorway before the creature gets you. Therefore you need to make four 60% rolls, failure of a roll reduces the following roll by 10%. Good luck.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:26 pm
by RulerMan
''This is it! it's all or nothing for me." Roberto thinks as he sprints towards the lighthouse, the best place to hide he thinks, despite the two deads that happened there, obviously caused by the same creature that he is fleeing now, somebody must look after Emily. she is a easy kill in her current state.

Round 1 - 60%
Round 2 - 50%
Round 3 - 50%
Round 4 - 40%
For a brief moment Roberto think he will make it, but years of eating much more than he should take their toll. if that was not enough, his asthma is returning now due to the extreme stress and effort. With the creature quickly closing the gap behind, the shadow of it already in front of him, Roberto closes his eyes thinking about his father and Kirsty...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:53 pm
by Priest
On the cliffs: Roberto and MacLean.
Roberto, With anticipated horror you suddenly feel yourself engulfed as if by liquid molasses. All sound, and movement cease. All feeling is almost instantly curtailed the only thing you are aware of is a deep sucking sensation, as if from far away, sucking as if to draw the very marrow from your bones. If you could scream you would, but who would hear you? As darkness overcomes your vision the last thing you see is an image of Kirsty smiling while drinking a soda through a candy striped straw…

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:44 pm
by RulerMan
OOC: I don't have that ''tiny chance'' roll (5%) to live as Parkhurst had?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:05 pm
by Priest
RulerMan wrote:OOC: I don't have that ''tiny chance'' roll (5%) to live as Parkhurst had?
OOC: Whoops! I forgot that. Please go ahead 5% chance.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:49 pm
by RulerMan
OOC:A very, very tiny chance to escape inevitable death:

Damn that was a close shot! :mrgreen:
This is it folks, i had a great time playing with you all.
Hope to see you guys in another life, errr, i mean, another game!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:29 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Wait, it was still there?! I thought it had moved off to chase [b]Roberto[/b]. I never would have gone back if I'd known it was still close enough to attack me, especially since I've already seen how quickly it can eat someone. I was under the impression that it had spent four rounds moving away.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:31 am
by yockenthwaite
"It would be a funny place to put a church or something like that," says Claire to Cynthia, going over to look at the carvings more closely. "I wonder what these mean?" she says, peering closely at them, trying to decipher what they represent. "There's a stone block over there blocking the possible exit. We might be able to pull it out if we all worked together."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:37 am
by Priest
Mr Handy,Sorry that was probably my fault (the curse of having no maps). Roberto had veered to the left upon meeting the creature, but had then tried running to the lighthouse, which was also the destination of Parkhurst, so Roberto and the thing had kind of met close to where Parkhurst had met his end. As a result the thing did not have to move far, so your run towards the pistol has you arriving in close proximity to it. However, since you hadn't realised ho close you would be to the thing, ignore the posts that concern William and continue the run to the beach.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:41 am
by Priest
Rulerman,although Roberto is no more (Alas poor Roberto, I knew him well), please get ready to create another character for the second adventure, which, I promise is Shoggoth free. Also, (advertisment warning) please consider my latest venture [i]Leagues of Adventure[/i].

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:16 pm
by Priest
Cynthia looks closer at the carvings, the stupidity of the other woman almost beggars belief. "Obviously they are some kind of religious symbolism, look an early Christian fish symbol" she uses one of her still magnificently manicured finger nails to trace the shape, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the slime of ages that is easily scraped free, "Yuk! As for the others...I imagine they are some kind of letters, the gentleman with the strange accent and the Bible could probably tell what they are"
(Written in the abscence of PatG, apologies to all)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

When William sees that the creature's course will take it back towards Parkhurst's remains, he gives up all hope of retrieving the pistol at this time while it's busy with the chase, so he keeps running for the fissure and safety.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:45 am
by RulerMan
Priest wrote:
Rulerman,although Roberto is no more (Alas poor Roberto, I knew him well), please get ready to create another character for the second adventure, which, I promise is Shoggoth free. Also, (advertisment warning) please consider my latest venture [i]Leagues of Adventure[/i].
Nice to know that, i'll keep a eye in the game when the next chapter is ready! Thanks!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:21 am
by Cearlan
"I dinnae like the look of this at all girls. It is a blasphemy against the Almighty! This heathen place, as you rightly point out, seems to be some place of worship, though it's nae a church lassie. A temple perhaps?" Carruthers ventures in a patient yet steely voice as he tries to regain his breath. "I hate to bring it up lassies, but this slime - is it the same as that foul best was secreting? If so then it must be able to get down here. Should we not seek the way out to try and help the others?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:48 pm
by Priest
The Cave:
In response to Carruthers' question, Cynthia waggles her ruined finger nail beneath his nose, "I have no idea of the nature of the slime left by the creature, but this seems like a combination of damp, filth, and muck." she turns to Claire, "Here you have a look dear, I'm sure you are more used to this 'stuff' than I"

OOC: the stone 'plug' or whatever it is looks like it might be movable by combining your strengths giving the three of you a 75% chance of dislodging it.
In the Cleft:
William there is nothing to indicate that you are being pursued as you run, slide and scramble down the path, across the beach and into the dark cleft, easily identifiable by all the footprints leading to it, The tunnel is extremely tight and reminds you of being back in France again, however as you push forward it begins to widen and slope upward. Ahead you hear voices, one of which, a male with a strong Scots accent, is muttering about devils and such.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hello!" William calls ahead as he makes his way forward. "It's me, William MacLean. I'm...I'm the only other one left. I couldn't get to the captain in time, and the other chap didnae make it either."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:03 pm
by Cearlan
"In here William. We are in here - Watch your footing as ye come in though it's a bit slippery. See what you can make of this laddie ..." Carruthers asks more in hope than anything.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll take a look," says William, using his metal bar to probe the ground ahead and make sure he stays upright as he walks.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:07 pm
by Cearlan
When William comes into sight Carruthers extends his hand to the man. "Here laddie grab my hand and use it fer support." Once they are both in the cave Carruthers shows him the carvings bringing the girls into the conversation "Yon lassies found this ahead o' me, and other than saying it's a kinda temple I'm at a loss to explain it. Whit d'ye make o' this section here?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:24 am
by Mr. Handy

William takes the proferred hand, shaking it in the process. "Thank ye," he says. "Let me take a look." He goes over to the carvings and examines them.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:04 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire gulps as she realises what has happened outside, recalling her own near escape. She pulls herself together though, and waits to see what William makes of the carvings.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:42 pm
by Priest
The Cave:
Steeping carefully across the age worn and slime covered cave floor, William moves close to Carruthers and by the small amount of light that filters into the cave arond the stone plug investigates the carving.
OOC. Both of you (MacLean and Carruthers) may make knowledge rolls to identify the carvings.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, these look very familiar," says William as he studies the carvings. "I saw a glint of metal among the captain's remains that might have been his pistol, but there was nae time to try to get it. Apparently the bogie doesnae eat metal. Maybe we can retrieve it later, but it was nae very effective against that thing. I think he fired four shots, which leaves two."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:36 am
by Priest
The Cave:
William: It looks like part of an early Latin inscription, to eroded to make sense of other than the word Jesus.
OOC: Please try a History Roll.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

"It looks to be early Latin," says William, "but even if I knew the tongue, the words are too faded. The only one I can make oot is IESVS, Latin for Jesus. I've nae idea who could have carved it." He looks to Carruthers. "This is probably more your area of expertise."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:12 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Mr. McLean, I'm so glad you survived! The others... was it... terribly, terribly horrid?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Miss Isham," says William, managing a smile. "I'm glad that you survived as well. What happened to the others was gruesome, yes, but at least it was over for them quickly." His smile fades when he recalls seeing the captain's remains.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:08 am
by Priest
(Posted in the abscence of Cearlan)

Standing beside William, Carruthers spends a moment or two in deep thought, "I imagine that we have found what was the abode of Saint Baldred" He steps back slightly, adopts a serious stance and speaks as if delivering a sermon, "Baldred was said to have been the Bishop of Stathclyde around the 600s. It is said that he spent his final years as a hermit living on the solititude of Bass rock, but none knew where abouts. After his death a small Chapel was built on the island dedicated to his memory. Long since fallen into ruins. From the age of the carvings, I would think we may have stumbled into the cave that was his home then."

(I am not going to attempt writing in a Scottish accent)

Know,70%: 1d100 → [38] = (38)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:40 pm
by PatGrillo
Cyntihia Isham: Then we have made a discovery of great historic importance! If only we can get back to Civilisation to report our finding!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, indeed," says William. "But how are we to get off this rock?" He looks over at the stone block. "I wonder what lies beyond yonder stone? Perhaps we should move it and find out."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:31 am
by yockenthwaite
"I think we should move the stone," says Claire to William, "if only to see what it reveals, and if it might be another way out of here. I don't personally relish going back out where we were, with that thing out there." She shudders at the memory, and tries to pull herself together.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:57 pm
by Priest
The cave:
All working together removal of the stone is fairly easy. Having pushed it free you are confronted by grass and a few piles of stone.
Above you can be heard, during the winds relent, the circling gulls. The rain seems to have stopped and the wind, now in gusts, seems to have for the most part dropped to an acceptable level.
In the distance you can see the lighthouse pointing like an accusing finger at a lightening sky...

Carruthers points towards the sea where a diminishment of the waves can easilly be seen. "The storm seems passed. Hopefully by now someone will have missed us and a search will have begun", he shudders visibly, "Lets hope if they come looking here they don't meet the beastie"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:24 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham: "The... "beastie" as you call it. Does anyone have any idea what it was? It looked like no natural creature...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:41 pm
by Cearlan
OOC: Sorry for being tied up with wedding and post wedding stuff - back now though - thanks for pulling me out the mire there Preist
"I know of nothin' that would even coe close to yon beastie. Let's just hope that we can avoid it frae now. But how we can see if anyone is seeking us frae here presents another problem Tae git tae the lighthoos would mean exposing ourselves to possible attack once more." Turning to Cynthia I ask "Whit was upstais in the hoos lassie? were the upper reaches of the light accessible dye ken?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"Not natural at all," says William. "We're going tae need a safe haven, a base of operations. This place could do when the stone is in place, but we cannae just stay here. We need tae signal any vessel that might come looking for us. The lighthoos itself would be ideal, but we cannae get it to work with the generator wrecked. A signal fire, maybe? But we need some way to communicate too, tae warn them. We could hae flashed the light on and off in Morse code. Perhaps if we had a mirror, we could use it to reflect light. Or there could be electric torches in the lighthoos."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:24 am
by PatGrillo
Rather lost by the strangely intensifying Scots dialects. Cynthia makes a "huhnn" noise as if she understands what they've just said. She glances at Claire for support, then looks towards the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:09 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire is as baffled by some of the accents as Cynthia. "So the stone way seems blocked, right?" she says, looking round at all the others, "So our only way out of this chamber is back through the way we came. And although I think we are safe here I don't think we will be rescued from here, and we need to signal to the wider world, for help. So I'm for trying the lighthouse again, to see what resources we can find there, though I have no wish to see that, well whatever it was, again." She shudders at the memory.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:51 pm
by Priest
yockenthwaite wrote:Claire is as baffled by some of the accents as Cynthia. "So the stone way seems blocked, right?" she says, looking round at all the others, "So our only way out of this chamber is back through the way we came. And although I think we are safe here I don't think we will be rescued from here, and we need to signal to the wider world, for help. So I'm for trying the lighthouse again, to see what resources we can find there, though I have no wish to see that, well whatever it was, again." She shudders at the memory.
OOC: The stone has been pushed aside and you now stand outside amongst some stones.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:32 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Mr McLean, would you perhaps lend me the service of your strong arms once again and give me what the schoolboys would call a "bunk up"? If I could climb onto this large rock, I might be able to look around.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"Of course, Miss Isham," says William. "I'd be delighted." He bends low and cups his hands so she can step into them before giving her a boost up to the top of the stone.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:44 am
by PatGrillo
Gathering up her skirt, she smiles at her erstwhile rescuer, and with his aid scrambles up onto the top of a large rock. She looks to see if there is any sign of the monster, and to assess how much of the island and surrounding sea can be seen from here. She hopes to see a rescue boat.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:31 pm
by Priest

Cynthia: From your vantage point on the rock you have a pretty good view of the island with the castle ruin and the lighthouse both in relatively easy sight.
You see the small beach where you had been washed ashore after the wreck, and part of the beach in which you had found the cleft in the cliff that had alowed you access to the chapel ruins.
Of the creature, there is no sign and the free movement of gulls in the area where both the Captain and the South American had met their ends it would seem that the creature is no longer there.
Out to sea, despite the suddenly calmer waters with the disapearance of the gale, you can see no indication of a boat.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:42 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham describes what she sees and adds: ... well if we don't wish to return to the castle or the lighthouse, there appears to be higher ground over that way (She points North) from up there we might be able to see the whole island, or the sea on the other side...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:31 pm
by Mr. Handy

"All right," says William. "We could look for the captain's pistol along the way - not that I expect it to do much good, but it may be useful for signaling a boat if one does come. They're bound to hear the shot."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:23 pm
by Cearlan

"Aye, they may at that lassie,"
I intone wearilly. "But if the wind is a-alowin the wrang way it'll nae carry very far at all. I reckon a signal fire be the best plan, if we can find enough wood that is."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:34 pm
by Priest
OOC: William and Carruthers please make Idea Rolls to recall something you saw during your investigation of the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Whatever it is, William can't remember it. "Is there a radio back at the lighthoos?" he asks. "We could use that to call for help."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:20 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers' failed his idea roll too - burger!

Carruthers' Idea roll (70%) (1d100=88)

Something nags at the edges of Caruthers' mind, but he cannot focus on it come what may. "Ach - it's like trying to catch fog in a net!" There's something I should remember but it eludes me!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:59 am
by yockenthwaite
"A signal fire sounds good to me, certainly," says Claire. "The north side of the island isn't ideal, but if it's the higher ground then people at a distance, in all directions, may see it."

OOC: Apologies. I knew the stone had been removed, but I wrongly had the impression that it had just uncovered an impenetrable set of grass and stones - nothing we could get through. Glad to be wrong :lol:

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:56 pm
by Priest
OOC: William and Carruthers try Luck.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:59 pm
by Priest
OOC: Clare please try an Idea Roll + 20%

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:04 pm
by yockenthwaite

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:42 pm
by PatGrillo
OOC: Did we finish thoroughly searching the cave?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:44 pm
by Cearlan
Priest wrote:OOC: William and Carruthers try Luck.

Carruthers' looks around but cannot see or hear anything that would help the party

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 8:10 pm
by Priest
PatGrillo wrote:OOC: Did we finish thoroughly searching the cave?
OOC: Other than the carving there was nothing to find in the cave.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:57 am
by Priest
OOC:Claire recalls having seen a radio in the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:48 pm
by PatGrillo
OOC: Wasn't it broken beyond repair?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:57 pm
by Priest
PatGrillo wrote: OOC: Wasn't it broken beyond repair?
OOC: No not broken, you ascertained that it was defunct due to lack of power. You also found that it had provision for batteries but didn't find any. (nobody looked, too much going on)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:29 am
by yockenthwaite
"Wasn't there a radio in the lighthouse?" Claire asks the others. "There was no power coming into it, which is why it wasn't working, but I think it could take batteries, if we could find some. At least it might be an option for us, a way of getting help."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, an excellent suggestion," says William. "I didnae see the radio, but I was only on the ground floor and in the basement. There must be spare batteries somewhere in the lighthoos. All we have to do is find them."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 10:13 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "Let's go then. The... creature seems to have gone for the moment. It may be resting, or perhaps... feeding. Let's try to get off of this terrible island before it returns."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:56 pm
by Priest
The journey back to the lighthouse goes without consequences, but more than one mild scare as bushes rattled close by. No doubt the result of the diminishing wind or some small creature, the anticipation that suddenly the monstrosity would rear up next to you is almost exquisite in its heart stopping ability.
Within minutes and having seen no evidence of the vile creature presence during your travels, you stand at the western aspect of the building. Some distance behind and to your north stand the ruins of the castle now taking on a darker shape as the sun begins to lower in the western sky.
Below you waits the pathway to the main entrance of the lighthouse...

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:58 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "It's getting dark. If the thing comes for us in the dark our situation would be... well... dashed awful!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:18 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Let's get a move on then, and see what we can find," says Claire, nodding towards the lighthouse. "The quicker we start looking the quicker we might be able to summon help from the mainland."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:15 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Aye," says William. "Perhaps there are torches inside too." He leads the way up to the entrance.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:11 am
by Cearlan
"Come along everyone - git yerselves inside a'fore anything comes a'calling now.!" Carruthers ushers everyone inside the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:30 am
by Priest
You enter the main entrance of the lighthouse, you have been here earlier.
OOC: Everyone roll d100, highest roll is first through the doorway.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:28 am
by Mr. Handy

In spite of his athleticism, William falls behind while heading for the lighthouse.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:25 am
by yockenthwaite

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 10:19 am
by PatGrillo

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:16 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Rolling on behalf of Carruthers 1d100 → [92] = (92)  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:32 am
by Cearlan

I rush ahead of the others very aware that I am exposed out here and not wishing to face the amorphous daemon again if at all possible, though I believe that the images will haunt my dreams for a long, long time. I crash through the door closely followed by Claire and Cynthia, with William lagging somewhat behind. I go to lean on the wall as I draw in deep gasping breaths in an attempt to stabilize my racing heart. I suddenly realise that the ladies were behind me I dash to the door and ensure that they enter safely.

"Come on William Nae far tae go noo laddie!" I call out hoping to encourage him forward.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:16 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire smiles at Carruthers as she sees him turn back to make sure that she and Cynthia get through the door ok. She enters cautiously, wondering what they will find in the lighthouse, but bracing herself for whatever is to come.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:53 am
by Priest
No sooner had the gallant Carruthers returned to the doorway to assist the ladies, than a horrible shape rises from the bottom of the twisting staircase.

With arms extended and a horrid wailing scream the familiar figure of Mrs Emily O'Keefe steps towards you.
"Where is Michael? Have you seen him? I cannot find him?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

William brings up the rear, keeping an eye out for any sign of the monster. He lets the others reply to Emily, as he has no idea what has happened to Michael, having left the lighthouse long before.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:00 pm
by Cearlan

I adjust the remains of the mask covering my hideously scarred face as I approach Emily cautiously and with my hands up indicating a non threatening pose, edging slowly closer as I talk, watching her all the while.

"Lady ... err Emily is it? ... Please excuse the terrible way ma appearance must seem tae ye. the ravages o'f war I'm afraid. Now I know we didnae hae much conversation on the boat because I was, ah, bound up in other matters ... of a personal nature ye'll unnderstand. Your husband Michael, I'm afraid I havenae seen him fer some time noo, perhaps the ladies may have seen him after I. The last I saw o' him was when you and the others went up yon stairs ..." I nod towards the spiral staircase "... looking for t' lighthouse keeper whilst we went doon tae the basement tae try and get t' power back on."

By now I am close to her, I reach out a scarred hand and lay it on her shoulder and give it a reassuring squeeze.

"Dinnae worry hen, I'm sure we'll find 'im!" I say, but deep down I am not quite assured as I hoped my voice sounded to the distraught woman

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:06 am
by yockenthwaite
"I'm sorry, I haven't seen him for a while either," says Claire to Emily, reaching out to hold her hand. "The last time I saw him he was rushing into the lighthouse calling out your name. Is he not here?" She looks uncertainly at the others, unsure how much or what she should say.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:24 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham: What has happened to you Mrs. O'Keefe?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:58 pm
by Priest
Emily shrugs, looks confused for a moment or two then shudders, "I only remember bits. There was something...No I don't remember what it was"
She looks down at the floor for a moment, "The South American, Roberto I think was his name. I remember him...then I woke up down here. I don't know how I got here"
She stops talking and regards each of you in turn, "I remember he said he would find Michael and the lad. Did he? Where are they?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:30 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham: The South American gentleman, um... won't be rejoining us I'm afraid.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Nor will the captain," says William, lowering his head. If he hadn't lost his hat in the storm, he'd take it off now. "But we may yet find MIchael and Aidan in here. We should search carefully. We'll also need to find batteries for the radio, so we can call for help."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:18 am
by yockenthwaite
"Yes, and the quicker we start searching, the quicker we might find them," says Claire, smiling at Emily. "Shall we try the basement first, while there is still some light?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:16 pm
by PatGrillo
While the others search, Cynthia spends time with Emily, gently try to coax out the "bits" that she at first thought she could remember.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:05 pm
by Priest
In the fading daylight the basement seems more ominous than it had previously, for Wiiliam this is worsened by the knowledge that not far from the smashed door lies the pathetic remains of the gallant captain and the brave, but utimately foolish, South American.
Also there is the fear that the creature may still be lurking somewhere close by.
OOC:   Would those that are in the basement please make Spot Hidden rolls.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:31 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I was down the basement earlier," says William. "It's a horrid sight. It's possible MIchael went down there later, so we may as well check. We also need to find some torches soon, before it gets dark." He leads the way down the stairs, staying with the ladies to protect them. He doesn't notice anything different this time.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:45 pm
by PatGrillo
OOC: To clarify, Cynthia is staying with Emily in order to try to coax her. She'll only end up in the basement if Emily chooses to follow William down there.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:47 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire follows William carefully down the stairs.

OOC: Pass Spot Hidden Spot Hidden (stat 40%) on descending into basement post attack / castle explore etc. (1d100=33)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:44 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers' Spot Hidden in the basement (1d100=89) out of 40% - fail

Despite looking around the basement, all I can see is my own fragility in the face of terror, the likes of which I have never witnessed before, not even on the fields of Flanders.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:24 am
by Priest
The basement looks to the men little different than earlier. The general state of dissaray, destruction and filth looks unaltered. The smell from down here is as bad as it was earlier, but being ready for it the stench does not overly effect either of you.

Cynthia, stays in the hallway with Emily, alert to sounds but attempting to discover if Emily has any information that may be of use.

However the effect on Claire, who is making her first visit to the basement, is more pronounced, she turns a delicate shade of green, swallows noisily several times and with eyes watering continues to the basement floor.
Claire,With the same blurred vision you spot a couple of crates almost obscured amongst the detritus of destruction. Opening them proves simple as they are so rotted by the slime that seems to coat every surface, that they almost fall apart. Within, securely wrapped in waterproof canvas and so untouched by acidic effect of the slime, rest two large batteries, of a size consistent with the radio that you had found above.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:50 am
by yockenthwaite
"Oh what a disgusting smell," says Claire. "I had no idea it would be so bad. But it was worth coming down. Look what I've found in these crumbling crates - batteries!" She shows them to the others. "Let's go back up and see if we can get the radio working."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:51 pm
by PatGrillo
Becoming a little impatient now, Cynthia takes Emily by the shoulders firmly: Come now! We need you to be British and snap out of it. I want you to tell me precisely what you remember. Anything, anything at all.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well spotted!" says William, brightening. "Aye, let's go. The sooner we make the call, the sooner we can get off this rock!" He leads the way back upstairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:13 pm
by Cearlan

I help William carry the batteries upstairs. "Come along ladies, we would be better to stick together than be separated once more." I call out over my shoulder.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:14 pm
by PatGrillo
OOC: Still nothing from Emily?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:57 am
by yockenthwaite
Smiling, Claire follows the men back up the stairs, more hopeful for the first time in ages.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:27 pm
by Priest
As you return to the hallway on your way up the stairs you see Cynthia standing with Emily, it would seem that from the distant look on the Irish girls face and the slump of her shoulders that she has been unable to supply Cynthia with any useful information.

Claire leads the way up to the first floor where the radio is to be found;
OOC:   For Claire and Cynthia this room has been seen before, but for William and Carruthers this is unknown territory. However everyone feel free to search around.  
"No pictures adorn the white painted walls, and other than a solitary window overlooking the sea below, a single roughly levelled shelf bearing a collection of books of various size and age and a large chart detailing the are around the rock they are bare of any embellishment.
There is a much battered roll-top desk of a pre-war age and style upon which a pile of papers and an open book rest, with an uncomfortable looking office chair, complete with castors, at an angle in front, as if recently used and casually abandoned. Beneath the desk a partially open wooden crate appears to have been used as a footrest from the marks and stains that you can see.
Other than the desk the room contains two ancient, but sturdy, tables upon one of which sits a large black radio transmitter. The other is covered in an untidy collection of bits and pieces, some boxes and others various mechanical parts.
On the desk, beside the open book, there is an empty stained plate, and an equally stained mug, an unstoppered ink bottle and a pen resting upon the book itself."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:22 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia will begin opening the boxes to see what they contain.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:19 am
by Priest
As Cynthia begins a search of the boxes on the table, Emily cowers in the doorway, eyes wide with fear, looking to where the stairs continue upwards to the living quarters above.
Cynthia,one of the boxes contains more mechanical parts, different size gear wheels and cogs etc, probably for the light upstairs. The other a small section of glass, similar to those found in the construction of the glass cover of the lighthouse light. That it has magnification potential can be easilly seen.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 1:19 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: "Oh look, a piece of glass, like a magnifying glass. Time for play acting... Look at me; Miss Cynthia Isham stars as Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective!" She proceeds to wander around the room, examining the various items through the glass. She hopes that her frivolity will lighten the mood a little after the horrible deaths.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:46 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire heads straight to the radio, preparing to fit the batteries into it. "Bring the batteries over here," she says to the men, "and then we can see if we can get the radio working."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:37 pm
by Cearlan

Carruthers grunts as he and Michael heft the heavy batteries onto the table ready for Claire to try and connect them up. He looks on impatiently over her shoulder "Are ye sure ye can manage lassie," he asks quietly?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

William brings his battery over to the radio and sets it down so that Claire can get the radio working.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:27 pm
by Priest
With the batteries inserted Claire begins to twiddle various knobs, flick the odd switch and study the frequency dial.
Claire,make an electrical repair roll to get it working. each attempt takes a few minutes. Once you make it you require a Know roll to opperate it.
Engrossed with Claire and the radio the men fail to notice Emily's continued preoccupation with the upper door. It is a preoccupation that has her nervously twitching with every passing moment.
Cynthia,you notice [b]Emily's[/b] behaviour make a Spot Hidden or a Listen Roll (whichever is higher). Fail one and you can roll the other.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:04 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Yes I think so, I'm quite handy with electrical things," says Claire, smiling at Carruthers. Despite this she struggles initially to get the radio working, but manages it on her second go. "There!" she says triumphantly, "and now to see if we can get through on it."

OOC: Now radio is working trying to operate it - Know roll (stat 40%) (1d100=1) Woohoo!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:15 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia continues peering through the glass without looking up. Spot Hidden fail 99

Code: Select all
She doesn't even appear to be listening Listen Fail 74

Code: Select all

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:04 am
by Mr. Handy

William studies the chart, finding the latitude and longitude coordinates of the island, as he's sure that whoever's on the other end of the radio could use them. He also looks to see at which part of the island a boat arriving from the mainland would be likely to land. "Good show!" he says when Claire gets the radio working, doubly glad that he had managed to rescue her.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:19 am
by Cearlan

For the first time since returning to this country of my birth I feel overjoyed and let out a sharp laugh of pleasure at Claire's success with the radio. "Yes!" I exclaim and hope that I have not put her off as I can see she is listening intently to the sounds emanating from the radio set. Pain lances through my lips as I feel them cracking due to the saltwater and lack of moisturising lotions which gives me a moment to pull myself together again as I listen intently for any signal she may miss.

Listen roll for Carruthers' attempts to listen to the radio (1d100=29) 29 /45% - success

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:04 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia thinks: Well, Miss Chubby seems to have come up trumps with her tomboy skills... I don't see why that's impressed MacLean though... expect she just had to twiddle some silly wires or something... She carries the sheet of magnifying glass over to William, and placing her hand on his arm says: Care to have a shot at looking for clues? I'm sure you'd find something important.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 9:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

William smiles at Cynthia. "Thank you, Miss Isham," he says, accepting the magnifying glass and peering through it.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:04 pm
by Priest
Amidst all the frivolity, Carruthers hears two things one a faint voice from the radio, which has obviously been heard by Claire as she moves to respond. The other the telltale creak of a door being slowly opened.

Through the radios earphones Claire hears, in her search for a signal, a male voice with a foreign accent requesting wether reports for the area around the Rock.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:41 am
by yockenthwaite
"I can hear a voice!" Claire says excitedly, turning round to the others. "Now to see if I can make contact." She adjusts the radio controls and tries to send out a call for help to the outside world. "This is Claire Struthers. We are stranded on the Bass Rock, currently in the lighthouse. Can anyone hear us? Can you send help?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:56 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia smiles at William.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:55 pm
by Cearlan
Carruthers looks around to see where the noise of the 'slowly opening door' is originating from - but doesn't seem to see anything out of the ordinary.

Carruthers' Spot Hidden (1d100=86)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm glad you're in such good spirits, Miss Isham," says William. "You're quite extraordinary. A lot of people would be distraught under the circumstances."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:36 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Carruthers, please roll luck  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:16 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: I feel... almost safe when you are around. You're... very brave.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you kindly, Miss," says William. "I'm glad my presence is reassuring. I've always believed in chivalry. In another age, I'd probably have been a knight."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:35 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Okay, everyone in the room roll Luck  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:15 pm
by yockenthwaite

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:29 am
by Cearlan
Carruthers' Luck Roll (75%) (1d100=32)

Passing with consummate ease!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:59 am
by Mr. Handy

William is unlucky, as usual.
OOC,Yup, rolling the number exactly counts as passing.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:57 pm
by Priest
Carruthers reacts to the sound of a door slowly opening first, but only just. Everyone, even Claire who at the moment has earphones on, except William who it seems is miles away, looks around to the slowly opening door to the next floor.
A small, dirt stained and tear streaked face appears, "Is it safe to come oot now? I dinnae ken who was here until I heard voices"
As you watch the familiar shape of the lad, Aidan. emerges from above.
Claire,you hear another voice this time with a strong Scottish accent answer the first, [color=#0040FF]"The storm is clearing from the east. Take care in the vicinity of Bass Rock though, it seems the light is nae working. A crew has been dispatched to find out why, until then give the waters around it a clear berth"[/color]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:08 pm
by Cearlan

"Ah Aiden ... ye dinnae ken hoo glad we are tae see ye - we feart ye's bin lost tae us laddie C'mon doon here - the Lady Claire is tryin' tae raise the alarm though Mr Marconi's set." Carruthers gestures that it is safe for the lad to come on down. I call over to Cynthia, "Lady Cynthia, will ye no look at whit we have here?"

[ic-think]Poor wee bairn - I wonder if he realises his fethaer is nae more[/ic-think]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:05 am
by yockenthwaite
"They've noticed the light in the lighthouse isn't working," says Claire, turning to the others in the room, and relieved to see it is only Aidan coming through the trapdoor. "They're sending a crew to investigate, so we may have people to help us escape soon. I guess we should stay here at the lighthouse, where they will come."

She turns back to the radio, and tries again to send out a message. "Can you hear me anyone? Repeat, we are stranded on the Bass Rock. We are currently in the lighthouse. Please come to help us."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:45 am
by Mr. Handy

William turns, startled, when Aidan enters. "Ah, there you are, lad," he says, unsure how much the boy knows about what has happened on the island. "Good to see you. Have you seen Michael?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:40 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Hmm, not sure what happened there, I thought I'd posted but obviously not. Never mind here it is again.  
Slowly descending the staircase, Aidan, answers his voice strangely calm, almost unaturaly so, "No Ive not seen Mr O'Keefe for a long while" a flicker of recognition passes across his face as he turns to Carruthers, "Begging your pardon sir, but have you seen my dad? Mum gets cross if we let our supper get cold

At the lads sudden apearance Emily lets out a shriek, somewhere between suprise, anticipation and horror, "Michael, have you seen Michael?"

Aidan makes a noncommital shrug in reply, again to Carruthers the lad says, "Where is the Captain? I'm afraid his glasses got busted" he hold up a pair of badly distorted and mangled military field glasses.
Claire,There is no reply to your attempts to speak over the radio, suggesting that the transmitter is not working.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:21 am
by Mr. Handy

William stands speechless, unsure how to break the news to the boy, but he recognizes shellshock when he sees it. Poor lad, he thinks.

"I already asked, Mrs. O'Keefe," he says at last to Emily. "He hasnae seen him."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:49 am
by yockenthwaite
Realising that the transmitter probably isn't working Claire has a more detailed look at the radio, seeing if she can fix the problem, but can't see anything obviously wrong. Deciding that there is probably nothing more she can usefully do with the radio for now, and knowing from what she heard that help should be on the way to them soon, she removes the earphones, puts them down carefully, and turns round to watch the scene in the room, biting her lip as she looks at Aidan.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:57 pm
by Priest
William's words seem to make little impression on the newly wed. With a giggling scream she rushes towards the lad, "Michael... You must know where he is. Is he up there hiding?"
Without waiting for a reply she brushes the youngster aside and races up the stairs, throwing the door open with a resounding crash that echoes throuout the building.
Claire,as you begin to remove the headset you overhear someone reporting that they are within sight of the lighthouse and cannot see any sign of anyone. The last thing you hear is them saying that they will stand off shore and send a small boat ashore to investigate.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:59 pm
by yockenthwaite
"There's a boat in sight of the lighthouse, NOW!" says Claire urgently to the others. "We need to get their attention. They're going to send a small boat ashore to investigate, but we need to let them know we are here. Sadly I don't think the transmitter in the radio is working, so I can't send them a message, but I could hear what they were saying." She stands up. "Ok, how best to get their attention. Ideas?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:53 pm
by Cearlan

I squat down on my calves so that I am at eye level with young Aiden and gently put my hand on his shoulder. "Aiden lad, we dinnae ken where yer Pa is, nor Michael or the Captain sae brave. We are trying tae get ye hame so yer mum can gie ye yer supper. Lady Claire is trying to get the alarm raised as we speak. Dinnae worry though, we'll dae whitever we can tae find them."

I try to keep my face as neutral as I can but my heart goes out to the wee fella.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"Does anyone have a mirror?" asks William. "We could use it to flash a signal to the boat, if there's still any sunlight. Or we could try to retrieve the captain's pistol. A shot should get their attention if they're close enough."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:49 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: A little one here... in the lid of my my powder compact. Will that do? It's hardly a signalling mirror. She hands it to him.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:58 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says William, accepting the compact. "Well, there's only one way to find out. Shall we head up to the top and try it? There may also be larger mirrors up there as part of the lighthouse apparatus."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:28 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Yes, let's," says Claire, smiling at William, relieved that they may have found a way to signal for help.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:50 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia registers the smile at William and moves to position herself between William and Claire for the climb up the stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:02 pm
by Priest
Above you can be heard the sound of Emily searching. Thuds and bumps accompany her search, "Michael...Michael, oh where are you"

Aidan raises his eyes to the upstairs from where the noises are coming, "Mrs O'Keeth needs to keep her noise down or she'll disturb the beastie"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"Perhaps the ladies can calm and comfort her," suggests William as he hurries upstairs. Under normal circumstances he might appreciate two women competing for his attention, but right now none of them could afford the distraction, or it might all end in tears. He also doesn't have the heart to let either of them down.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:27 am
by yockenthwaite
"What beastie?" Claire asks Aidan as they climb, trying not to show her fear, but remembering her close run-in with the creature outside, and hoping and praying that it is not somewhere in the Lighthouse with them.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:18 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia Isham races up the stairs with William. She will administer a slap to Emily if that's what's needed to make her get a grip.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:40 pm
by Priest
yockenthwaite wrote:"What beastie?"
Aidan glances up at Claire and for a moment something akin to madness shines in his otherwise dull eyes, "Yon beastie that was chasing Mr O'Keefe earlier"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:09 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire nods in response to Aidan. "Do you know where the beastie is now?" she asks the boy gently. "Or have you not seen it for a while?"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:36 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia glances around for something by way of a better mirror. Then looks out to see if there is any sign of "the beastie."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:00 pm
by Priest
yockenthwaite wrote:"Do you know where the beastie is now?" she asks the boy gently. "Or have you not seen it for a while?"
At Claire's question Aidan looks up sudden normality shining forth from his gaze, "No, not since the sounds of banging from outside."

He watches as William and the fast moving Cynthia rush up the stairs in pursuit of Emily. "I hid up there beneath the sink. I heard the beastie sliding around as if searching, then the Irishman ran in, I heard him shout then scream and I heard him no more."

William and Cynthia enter the accomodation floor to find Emily sat cross legged in a pool of half congealed slime cradling a torn and discoloured scrap of tweed material, similar in pattern to the jacket Michael O'Keefe had been wearing when last seen. She looks around as you enter her eyes unseeing as her lips move in a silent prayer.
Cynthia,Please make a Know Roll @ 80% (Since Invis Castle seems to be no more either use the forum dice roller or roll yourself. I trust you we are not children)

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

William stops and lowers his head. If he hadn't lost his hat in the storm, he'd remove it now. "I'm sorry, Mrs. O'Keefe," he says.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:49 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia know roll [dice]0[/dice]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:07 pm
by Priest
At William's voice Emily looks towards him, but he sees no hint of recognition in her eyes. "Mmmmichael...Michael"

You stand, as Cynthia can tell you, on the first of the accomodation floors. Here there is a simple kitchen area and an even simpler bathroom area.
The kitchen seems sparsely furnished with little more than the bare essentials, a stone sink beneath which a open cupboard door shows where Aidan probably hid, two small cupboards, a rather quaint two ring electric stove, which from its state was in desperate need of cleaning, and a small table flanked by two mismatched chairs. Within the kitchen area you see various plates and mugs atop the cupboards along with a large iron pan, with the end of a spoon protruding from its top, on the stove. A closer look at this pan reveals that it is coated with a gelatinous furry sludge that may once have been a beef stew.

The washroom also contains little of interest, basically a small tin bath and a ceramic basin set within a wooden surround. On the shelf of this surround is someone’s shaving gear and a small block of hair wax.

Both rooms show evidence of the creatures earlier presence. Other than this there is a small window, which overlooks the beach upon which you arrived, and further steps up to the floor above.
Cynthia,you recall that there were several peices of the magnifying glass, several of which were of a sufficient size to prove usefull in the act of signaling.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:46 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: The glass! The big magnifying glass. There were bits of that that would catch the sun well enough to signal with I feel sure. But... the creature... do you think it's up there?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"If it were, all of the noise would have drawn it down here," says William. "Aye, the magnifying glass may be just the thing to signal the boat." He sighs. "I dinnae ken what to say to help Mrs. O'Keefe."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:02 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire smiles, glad to see Aidan looking more normal again. "That's ok, you did well. Hiding was the correct thing to do. Try not to worry yourself about the beastie now. I'm sorry I asked you about it, but we needed to know." She looks up as the others move on. "Shall we go up after the others, and see if we can see the boat that might rescue us?" she asks him brightly.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:13 pm
by Priest
Suddenly, from the floor above, there is an ominous crashing sound as if something heavy had either fallen or dropped onto the floor.

The noise has an imediate effect on Emily, who leaps to her feet and with a waivering cry of "Michael!!" rushes towards the upward spiraling stairs...
Claire: Aidan nods and you begin to climb the stairs to the floor where the other are when you hear first the crash and then Emily's despairing cry.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:02 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Wait here on the stairs," says Claire to Aidan urgently. "Let me check first what is happening up above. I won't be long, I promise." She squeezes his hand for reassurance, and then climbs up to where the others were.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:24 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Wait, be careful!" calls William, racing after Emily to stop her.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:54 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia follows close on William's heels, anxious for the deranged woman's safety.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:59 am
by Cearlan

I follow as close as I may behind Cynthia as she ascends the stairs towards the crashing noise.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:39 pm
by Priest
Without pause or caution Emily rushes through the doorway into what is the main quarters of the lighthouse keeper. Luckilly her sudden appearance disturbs the occupant and sends it screaming in a blur of greyish white feathers to a broken window that faces the same direction as those below.

The scene that confronts you as you enter is one of devastation. Little remains unbroken of the sparse furnishings that had been seen before by Cynthia and Claire. Some of the scattered debris is recognisable as pieces of bed or wardrobe, but these and everything else are covered by the same gellatinous goo that you have seen elsewhere. It would appear that the creature had been searching for something, whether it had been succesfull in is quest or not, there is no way of telling, but it was gone. Either it had left by the broken window or it had climbed the last set of steps to the light room above.

Amongst the debris you find a smashed grainy photograph of a rather plain woman in a tarnished and now distorted metal frame and a scrap of writing paper so soaked in the slime that it is now unreadable.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:47 pm
by PatGrillo
Using a fragment of goo-free furniture, Cynthia Isham attempts to fish out the piece of paper.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 6:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"We'll have to be quiet and careful in case it's up there," whispers William. "I'll go first."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:15 pm
by Cearlan

"Hsst" I call out "I'm right there with you my brother in arms." I heft a suitable piece of wood to use as a weapon. "Let's go then!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:41 pm
by yockenthwaite
Claire continues to climb up to find the others, moving cautiously. She turns round one more time towards Aidan, and again indicates to him to stay where he is, and then continues on her way.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:38 am
by Mr. Handy

Gripping his metal bar, William heads silently up the stairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:30 pm
by Priest
Cynthia,you successfully manage to remove the paper from the goo, but it is too badly destroyed to provide any clue as to what it may or may not have contained.
William, no doubt showing the bravery and intrepidness that carried him through his war years, slowly and carefully ascends the last flight of stairs to the light room of the building. Carruthers, with a show of equal valour, follows closely.

Aidan whispers to Claire as she turn towards him, "Twas from up there that I looked for sign of ma Dad. Of course that was before yon beastie arrived".
William and Carruthers,A metal door opens into what is the lamp room. Its centre is occupid by a lamp, possibly once oill powered but, as most things now, altered to electicity. Behind the lamp stands a large magnifying glass fitted to revolve around the lamp on small rails. At least it would if not for the sad remains of a partialy digested body who from the tatters of clothing still adhering to the carcass would seem to provide evidence of the whereabouts of [b]Michael O'Keefe[/b]. The entire room is composed of panels of glass, many have been shattered and provide copious shards of varrying size scattered around the room. From the sticky goo that has liberaly coated the surrounds it would appear that the creature had been here for a while. The door to the iron walkway outside stands open, and the obvious sign of the creature is present both outside and within the doorway. But as to whether this indicates its coming or going is impossible to tell. Would those within the lamp room please roll Spot Hiddens. I'm presuming that [b]Emily[/b] is still below.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:09 pm
by PatGrillo
Casting the useless fragment of paper aside, Cynthia makes haste to follow the others upstairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:04 am
by Cearlan

Spot Hidden in Lamp Room (1d100=66) / 40% - Fail

The frigid air blowing through the open doorway onto the walkway stings my eyes and I cannot see momentarily. "My Eyes" I call out as I grope for something to grab onto

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:35 am
by Mr. Handy

William doesn't notice anything else. He holds out his arm for Carruthers to grip.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:20 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire nods quietly to Aidan and continues up.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:24 pm
by Cearlan

I see a shape extend towards me and jump slightly startled but soon realise that it is only William's arm which I grab gratefully. "Thank you William" I manage to cough and splutter as I regain my balance and wipe tears from my stinging eyes. "That's better noo ... What can we see frae up here then?" I look out to sea and see if I can see any boats out on the water through the rime encrusted windows ... or at least I pray it's salt-water residue and nothing else.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Any time," says William. He peers out of the windows. "I cannae see any boat, but let me try to signal with the magnifying glass." He uses it to try to catch the sun and shine it out to sea in the direction of the mainland.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:13 pm
by Priest
Despite the occasional blasts of cold air William attempts to use the glass to reflect the setting sun's rays. Cynthia swiftly followed by Claire soon follow into the lamp room. From below the sound of Emily crooning some Irish song attests to her remaining downstairs with Aidan.
OOC:   William please roll luck.
Everyone else, Carruthers, Cynthia and Claire please roll Spot HIddens.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:20 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia looks around. [dice]0[/dice]

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 10:21 pm
by PatGrillo
She spots something!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:46 pm
by yockenthwaite

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:07 pm
by Cearlan
Casting his eyes around Carruthers still cannot see anything of note Spot Hidden (1d100=67) / 40% - fail

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:59 pm
by Priest
Both Cynthia and Claire notice a small boat some distance off to the east making for the island.
William is having some success with using the glass to reflect light, but realises that something larger is needed. Fortunately the remains of the magnifying glass behind the bulb will furnish the required amount.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:44 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Look!," says Claire, pointing to the east. "There's a small boat over there, heading towards the island. Try to signal in that direction."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

William nods and uses the remains of the larger magnifying glass to try to signal the boat, now that Claire has pointed it out.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 8:44 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Oh, thank Heavens! At last we'll be able to get off this beastly, beastly rock!

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:54 pm
by Cearlan

I sigh before saying to Cynthia; "Aye there are many places I'd rather be right noo, but being on this infernal rock meant that you, that we all would have drooned oot there lassie. Always remember that the good Lord moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 6:42 am
by Priest
Indeed a small boat can be seen heading for the rocky beach where you had first landed. On the deck several figures dressed in yellow oilskins can be seen looking towards your sanctuary. From the wheelhouse a flicker of light answers William's furious signaling, it appears regular and rythmic.
You estimate that the boat will land in about four minutes.
OOC:   I was going to say "...a flicker of light answers William's furious flashing." But it didn't quite have the same ring to it.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:26 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Does anyone know Morse code?" asks William. "If so, we could talk to them and try to warn them of the danger. Otherwise, we'd best go down to meet them when they land."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 1:56 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Not the sort of thing they see fit to teach to girls. Too useful you know. Maybe just SOS? It's dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot.... Read that somewhere.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:16 am
by Mr. Handy

William nods and begins signalling SOS. "Aye, I remember they used that for the first time on the Titanic," he says.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:17 am
by Cearlan

While William and Cynthia are concentrating on signalling the boat, Carruthers looks around to see the exit to the outside gantry. If I can find it I can see if the gantry looks strong enough to bear my weight or not.

Spot Hidden to find exit to gantry. (1d100=63) / 40% - fail

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:33 pm
by Priest
Carruthers,no need for a roll the dorway is obvious and the gantry/walkway looks substantial but a bit airy.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:19 pm
by Cearlan

Whilst the others are absorbed in signalling the boat I examine the doorway leading out onto the gantry for signs of the creature's slimy trail. I tentatively edge out onto the walkway, testing it to see if it can support my weight before trusting it to do so. Assuming I manage to get out without it falling away beneath me, I edge around the outside of the top of the lighthouse, keeping my back firmly against the windows, again checking for evidence of the creature's presence, either now or in the past.
OOC:   (I did a tour of a local lighthouse, (Souter Point), earlier this year and the outside walkway was just below the level of the windows. I assume that this will be the same - please amend if not)  
Whilst outside I use the vantage point to reconnoitre the island, looking for any indication where the creature is currently.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:18 pm
by Priest
OOC:   I imagine that the walkway for this building is roughly at the level of the light room windows, with access being through a opening pane in the windows them selves. The walkway does appear a little ricketty but Aidan had earlier been rushing about out there looking for signs of his father on the beach. It is a little airy, the floor of the walkway is composed of interwoven metal mesh, the small holes adding to the feeling of 'airiness'. It is about three feet wide with one side bordered by the lighthouse windows, and the other by a rather flimsy looking guard rail, which looks none to trustworthy. There are signs of the creatures presence but wether to its coming or going it is impossible to say.  
Looking around the island you see no signs to indicate the presence of the beast. Other that an increased activity in gull activity in the areas where the captain and the South American had met their gruesome ends, you imagine that the island looks normal.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:21 am
by Cearlan

Returning back to the inside I say the assembled people in the 'top room' of the lighthouse. "I cannae see any sign o' the beastie anywhere oot there, but that don't mean a lot. Perhaps we could make a dash fer it, but, and I ain't gonna sugar-coat it, hoo successful we'd be is anyaines guess."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, that sounds like our best chance," says William. "We'd best leave now. The boat will land in a few minutes. If it's necessary, I'll try to lead the creature away on a merry chase while the rest of you reach the safety of the boat. I can try to take shelter in the cave we found. I'm probably the only one strong enough to pull the rock closed by myself."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:12 pm
by yockenthwaite
"Making a dash for it sounds like a good idea," agrees Claire, "though I hope," she says, turning to William, "that your diversion plan won't be necessary. Let's go as quickly as possible."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:44 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Let's go then. I've had enough of this place.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Miss," says William. "I hope it won't be necessary too." He knows that it would likely result in his death if it is. He leads the way back downstairs.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:07 pm
by Priest
William, as first back downstairs, notices that Emily is absent. The lad, Aidan, is knelt atop one of the chairs peering out of the window toward the beach and the slow arrival of the boat.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:38 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Aidan! Where is Mrs. O'Keefe?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, lad, we need to find her," says William. "The boat's arriving, so we can all get off the island."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:40 pm
by Priest
Aidan looks around from his perch, "Huh? She was there a few moments ago. I didnae ken her going"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:34 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Come on! - She rushes outside to see if she can see the missing woman.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:37 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, if she did nae go up," says William, "and she's nae here, she must hae gone down." He hurries down the stairs so as not to let Cynthia get too far ahead in case the creature is nearby.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:47 am
by yockenthwaite
"Maybe she's gone outside, let's go look," says Claire, running down the stairs after Cynthia and William. "Come on Aidan," she calls as she runs. "There's a boat coming."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:29 pm
by Priest
There is no sign of the young Irish woman during your descent from the lighthouse, it is as if she had vanished without trace.
Outside the wind has dropped competely, it would seem that this day is going to end as peacefully as it began. The slowly setting sun glitters off a now calmed sea and in the distance the small boat, displaying the colours of the RNLI, begins to make the final yards to the shore. A shore which gently lapped by calm sea, presents a far different aspect to that you had experienced earlier in the day.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:51 pm
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Let's get to the boat. We'll have to get them to help us search for her, or go back and inform the police or something....

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, right you are, Miss Isham," says William. He nods to Aidan. "Come along, lad." He leads the way down to where the boat is landing.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 2:47 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire nods and follows the others.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:57 pm
by Priest
It takes but minutes to make your way from the lighthouse to where the boat is landing, although it is minutes frought with nightmare where every movement in the grass, every animal or bird noise sends shivers racing down your spines.

By the time you arrive at the beach the boat has almost reached the shore and already one figure, swathed in oilskins and wearing tall seamans wellingtons, is striding through the gentle surf to the beach itself. As he walks he is slowly uncoiling a rope. He notices you with a start, "Hello".

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:58 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank God you've come," says Willam. "I'm William MacLean. We were shipwrecked here in the storm, only to find that there's...dangerous fauna on the island. The lighthouse keeper and his family were lost before we even got here, and a few of us have perished as well. One of the passengers, Mrs. O'Keefe, has gone missing in the last few minutes, and I'm worried for her."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:38 am
by PatGrillo
OOC: Is there anything to be suspicious of regarding the man in the oilskin? Was his "Hello" given in a Scots accent?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:27 am
by yockenthwaite
"Yes we encountered a strange creature," says Claire. "Very dangerous. I tried to send a radio message to call for help, but the lighthouse's radio transmitter isn't working properly. We need to get off this island as quickly as possible, but we also need to find Mrs O'Keefe. She could be in terrible danger."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:16 pm
by Priest
PatGrillo wrote:OOC: Is there anything to be suspicious of regarding the man in the oilskin? Was his "Hello" given in a Scots accent?
OOC:   No, nothing odd, just a hint of suprise.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:26 pm
by Priest
As you speak the man begins to scan the beach for something suitable to tie the rope to. Taking a brief moment from the serious business at hand, he eyes you suspiciously, "A strange creature, dangerous ye say?" Having selected a suitable looking rock he begins that task of securing the boat as two of his companions similarly attired wade onto the beach.

He looks upward to the lighthouse, "Tried to send a message did ye miss? Well there has been no contact with yon lighthouse for several days. With that and reports of the light not working we have been sent from the mainland to investigate"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"We checked up there," says William. "The light was smashed, but I managed to salvage a piece of glass to signal your boat."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:37 am
by yockenthwaite
Claire nods as William talks.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:09 pm
by Priest
With the boat now secured and joined by his other two colleagues, the first lifeboat man produces an old much used pipe and proceeds to light it. Within moments he is puffing on it sending small clouds of smoke skyward. "Aye we spotted yon signal, thought it might be old Charlie hissen"

"Ye say that there has been some deaths? We'd best take a wee look then and sort out the light and the radio"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Miss Struthers here got the radio sorted earlier," says William, gesturing to Claire. "She got through to someone briefly on it. The light is beyond repair. It needs to be replaced."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:55 pm
by Priest
At William's words the oilskin clad lifeboatman looks at Claire and you briefly see a hint of incredulity in his gaze, "Och did she now?"

Looking Claire up and down in an apraising manner he returns his stare to the lighthouse, "Well then let's away and take a look at yon light and see what ails it. We can see if the radio will contact the mainland and inform the authorities of the situation here. Yon lassie said that there had been deaths, so I suppose the police will need to be informed."

Aidan, who had until now remained silent, pushes his way forward, "Ye did nay see any sign of the Westray IV and ma dad the captain?"

For a moment the lifeboatmen look towards the small lad, caught unawares by his question.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:39 pm
by yockenthwaite
"I'm handy with electrical and mechanical equipment," says Claire, offering an explanation. "Though I could only get the radio working partly. I could hear what others were saying, but couldn't seem to send out any message myself. You may have more luck with it," she says, looking at the lifeboatman. "And yes, the police will need to be informed."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"Right, let's go then," says William.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:51 am
by Cearlan

I watch and listen to the interaction down on the beach from afar and when the group advance towards the lighthouse I step out from behind a rock "Hae ye come tae tayk us offa this accursed rock mon. I ken whit ye mean about the pollis bein' involved, and yer right, but fer pity's sake man git us oota here, at least the women-folk!"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:09 am
by Priest
Before the first lifeboatman begins moving toward the lighthouse one of the other men, roll neck sweater, beard and aged sailors cap, grabs his arm. "Davy, yon fellow may have a point. If there has been something bad happening here then we might be best leaving investigation to the pollis."

He nods back at the boat gently bobbing on the swell and continues, "Let's get these folk back to the mainland and some proper clothing. They look as though the need a good hot meal and the lassies look fair done in"

You see the third member of the boat nodding vigorously, "Aye let the pollis do the searching"

For a moment Davy continues to eye up the looming lighthouse, then seems to come to a decision, "Right we'll take these folk back to the mainland and let the pollis sort this out. Although I have nae idea of what to tell Charlie's wife and son"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:25 pm
by Cearlan

"Once fortified with a hot meal I'll be willin' tae return tae help ye search if ye'll hae me along." I intone without too much enthusiasm.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Aye, as will I," says William, not eager to return but willing to do so. "But Mr. Carruthers is right, we do need to get the ladies and young Aidan to safety first."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:03 am
by yockenthwaite
"Well I'll be glad to see the back of this place," says Claire, smiling weakly, suddenly realising just how terrified she has been, and how glad she will be to be on the mainland.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:57 pm
by Cearlan

"I'd be glad o' the company o' one who has shown such remarkable bravery in the light of such things as we hae seen" I say offering William my hand. "Perhaps if we dae return, if we stick together we can gie each other courage where it's needed most Mr. McLean. I ken that I fer one wuid be grateful fer a familiar face"

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:57 am
by Mr. Handy

William gives Carruthers a firm handshake. "Aye, I'll be glad to hae ye at my side as well," he says.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:30 am
by PatGrillo
Cynthia: Well I for one shouldn't be sorry to see a hot bath and a warm clean bed. Do you think we could hurry up by any chance?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:39 pm
by Cearlan

"Aye, let's get away while the gettin's good" I intone gravely. "We dinnae want tae encounter that beastie again if possible."

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:30 pm
by Priest
Casting a final look towards the looming lighthouse, Davy holds the boat staedy so that everyone can climb in.
Once everyone is aboard the small boats engine is started and the island begins to fall behind.
OOC:   For the moment the scenario is concluded. The game will continue at a later date. Thanks all for playing.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:31 pm
by Cearlan
OOC:   Thanks Priest - that was a blast. Thoroughly enjoyed playing, though I think the faux accents went a bit askew at times - mine probably more than others ;-)  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:39 am
by PatGrillo
OOC: Yes thanks all. I enjoyed the adventure but the forum - it's inability to e-mail me other than when mine was the immediately previous post - drove me bonkers. Sometimes I felt tempted to comment when it wasn't appropriate just so I'd get the reminder and sometimes you did not hear from me for days simply because checking the forum had slipped my mind (Low SAN.) Let me know if you ever fancy doing a game on Facebook. It would be an awful lot better in terms of mechanism.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:07 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, thank you! That was a lot of fun. I'm amazed that most of us actually survived, and with our minds relatively intact.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 9:10 am
by yockenthwaite
OOC: Ooh we survived! Mostly! That was great fun. Thank you very much Priest for running it. Looking forward to hopefully more adventures in future.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:57 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC:   I think my next character will have less heroic tendencies :D But it was great fun indeed!  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:36 pm
by Priest
OOC:   You are all most welcome, and I'm glad that some of you survived. The Ballad of Bass Rock is more or less complete, the next exciting instalment of 'Shadows Over Scotland' will begin soon. It is up to you whether you continue the characters who survived, or join those who did not in crafting new charcters.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:59 pm
by PatGrillo
OOC: Oh we should certainly use the same characters! They were all spiffing.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:27 am
by Cearlan
OOC:   I agree - keep them - with the outre accents toned down a tad ;-)  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:04 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, I agree with keeping our characters. Do we get to roll for skill and Sanity increases? Also, I'm going to be away from the night of Saturday, February 15 until Monday, February 24 and will probably not be able to post.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:44 am
by Priest
OOC:   Yes skill and sanity increases as per the rules for those keeping their characters. For those whose characters met their ends, please think about new ones.

Mr H: That's fine, I have a house move iminent, so I wont be starting until after that.  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:02 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:   What will the setting be?  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:56 pm
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:
OOC:   What will the setting be?  
Same year, Scotland again but another part. Highlands methinks.

Cearlan: I thought if we put it deep in the highlands we could all speak in Gaelic ;). Seriously though I agree, no attempts at Scottish accents, apart from the occasional 'Och aye'

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,How much Sanity do we gain?

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:19 pm
by PatGrillo
OOC: Yes, likewise, I don't know what the "skill an sanity increases as per the rules" are as I only have a 1st edition book. Pls clarify.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:06 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Sorry.
According to the 6th ed rule book there are various ways to increase sanity;
By keeper award
By increasing POW
By increasing a skill to 90%
By defeating unatural entities

In the case of the Bass Rock scenario it seems the only realistic way is via keeper award, as there is little chance of any of the other criteria applying.
So for sanity increase roll 1d5 and add that to your current sanity.

For skill increase roll your skill percentage for a skill used, once per scenario, during the game (we are adults so I trust you to have used it, in other words I can't be assed to go through the posts to check)
"If the result is higher than the current skill number, the investigator improves in that skill: roll 1d10, and add the result to the current skill points. (pge 53)"

Fail or equal = 0 increase  

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:13 pm
by yockenthwaite
OOC: Ok here are my skill rolls.

I *think* the skills I used successfully during the game are Spot Hidden, Electrical Repair and Mechanical Repair.


Rolling to see if gain skill, and how much, in Spot Hidden (40%) (1d100=49, 1d10=2) - gain 2

Rolling to see if gain skill, and how much, in Electrical Repair (30%) (1d100=29, 1d10=10) - no gain

Rolling to see if gain skill, and how much, in Mechanical Repair (50%) (1d100=6, 1d10=8) - no gain

And for sanity gain:

Rolling for Sanity gain at end of Bass Rock scenario (1d5=5) - 5 points

That would take me over my starting sanity level. Is that allowed?

Let me know and I'll see if I can update the numbers in my character sheet in the relevant thread.


Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:41 pm
by Priest
yockenthwaite wrote:OOC: Ok here are my skill rolls.

I *think* the skills I used successfully during the game are Spot Hidden, Electrical Repair and Mechanical Repair.


Rolling to see if gain skill, and how much, in Spot Hidden (40%) (1d100=49, 1d10=2) - gain 2

Rolling to see if gain skill, and how much, in Electrical Repair (30%) (1d100=29, 1d10=10) - no gain

Rolling to see if gain skill, and how much, in Mechanical Repair (50%) (1d100=6, 1d10=8) - no gain

And for sanity gain:

Rolling for Sanity gain at end of Bass Rock scenario (1d5=5) - 5 points

That would take me over my starting sanity level. Is that allowed?

Let me know and I'll see if I can update the numbers in my character sheet in the relevant thread.

I see no reason why not as it can never be higher than maximum minus cthulhu mythos.
Go ahead and alter your character, I've unlocked the topic to facilitate it.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:17 pm
by yockenthwaite
Priest wrote:I see no reason why not as it can never be higher than maximum minus cthulhu mythos.
Go ahead and alter your character, I've unlocked the topic to facilitate it.
Thanks. I've just made the 2 changes in the Finished Product thread.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:43 pm
by Cearlan

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:06 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[url=]Sanity increases by 3[/url] from 39 to 42. Mechanical Repair [url=]increases[/url] by [url=]5[/url] from 20 to 25. Dodge [url=]increases[/url] by [url=]1[/url] from 60 to 61.

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:58 pm
by PatGrillo
OK thanks. It was good fun rereading the whole thing to spot skills. For Cynthia I roll +4 SAN, +3 Swim, +9 Spot Hidden

Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:30 pm
by Cearlan
PatGrillo wrote:OK thanks. It was good fun rereading the whole thing to spot skills. For Cynthia I roll +4 SAN, +3 Swim, +9 Spot Hidden
Shows how inept the investigator I had was lol