The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Splendid, a vacation in Scotland, just the ticket. Let us begin with a short boat trip and take in some of the fresh, sea air.
Call of Cthulhu in 1920s Scotland, first scenario ‘The Ballad of Bass Rock’.

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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

(Written in Mr Handy’s absence by the Keeper)
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William, slightly embarassed by Carruthers' efusion of gratitude, accepts the proferred hand. Shaking it, noting that even Caruthers' near drowning experience had done little to unerve the man, he answers, "I've seen gas victims before old chap."
He patted the pockets of his water sodden clothing, "Damn and blast I've lost the lot." Hearing the agitated cries of the lad he turns and looks toward the wave lashed shoreline seeing the frenzied searching of Aidan, before a quick headcount discloses the missing captain. He notes that other than John Cooper everyone seems present and accounted for, including the nice young newlyweds who are having a more exciting honeymoon than they had anticipated.
Giving the small empty beach a quick glance and immediate state of the shivering survivors he looks up the cliff towards the looming lighthouse, noting the zig-zag path that leads off the beach. "Well I suggest we get off this beach and find somwhere warm and dry", he looks around at the others, "Unless of course others have any suggestions?"
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

With one arm wrapped around the shoulders of his shivering wife, Michael O'Keefe, nods towards the franticaly searching lad, "I don't think he'll be finding him. Last thing I saw was the captain still trying to turn the boat as she hit for the final time. So I'm guessing that he'll be somewhere out there with the boat."
He doesn't indicate where, but it is obvious he is referring to the waves that still hurl themselves in their storm driven fury against the rocks.
"Sir's, and ladies of course, I think the gentleman here is right we must get off this beach and find somewhere warm to await rescue," he points up to the lighthouse, "That would seem to be our best bet, I'm thinking."
As if in agreement with her newly married husband, Emily O'Keefe sneezes and shivers violently.
Down close to the water's edge, small against the looming waves, Aidan Cooper continues his wild search, "DAD, WHERE ARE YE?"
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

Cynthia Isham gets to her feet and discovers that she has managed to retain her pocket dictionary, tour guide and day bag... though they are all sopping wet.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by DrPeterson »

Robert nods his agreement to the others and approaches the boy, putting a soothing hand on his shoulder and tries to look him straight in the eyes.

"We won't be able to see your father from down here, Aidan, but we'll have a much better vantage point from up there by the lighthouse."

He takes off his binoculars and pushes them into the lad's hands, giving him something physical to hold on to.

"Here, you can use these once we get up there."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by RulerMan »

Fortunately Roberto manages to control his asthma crisis. he then takes a deep breath and says to the others: I agree with you all. we need to reach the Lighthouse. at least there is shelter in there. besides that, there could be some sort of communication device up there, like a radio. this way we can contact North Berwick for help.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

As if her sneeze had been a starting signal for a race, Michael O'Keefe, without waiting to see if others were following, begins following the obvious path off the beach and towards the light house.

Still fervently staring at the breaking waves as if at any moment the figure of his father would stride forth, the battered captains cap at a casual angle upon his head, Aidan looks up at the figure attempting to comfort him with red eyes that show little awareness of the offer of the binoculars. "He'll be along in a moment. I just have to wait here for him." He shivers, but whether from grief or the cold salt water that dripps constantly from his wool sweater you canot tell.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by DrPeterson »

"If he's along, he'll know to climb the path up to the lighthouse. Now let's get you up there and get you dry too. Your father wouldn't think much of you getting a lung infection out here, now would he?"

Robert gently tugs at the boy's shoulder, trying in vain to get him to move towards the path.

Persuasion (60) roll,[dice]0[/dice]
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by RulerMan »

Seeing as one of the survivor is trying to bring the boy up to the lighthouse, Roberto thinks in helping but give up as he realizes he is so unsure of all this that he probably would just make things worse, after all he never was too much a convincing person. he then heads toward the path to the lighthouse with or without the others.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

Aware that she probably resembles a drowned rat, Cynthia Isham follows the men up towards the lighthouse.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by yockenthwaite »

Claire gathers up her belongings and follows the others, looking around her as she does.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Cearlan »

Carruthers says conspiratorially to William. "Well whether or not we do manage to find the lad's Da it would not do to let everyone die of pneumonia attempting to do so. I'll try and see if I can persuade the wee fella that he'd be better off waiting in the lighthouse." Carruthers approaches the lad and Roberto carefully, he winks at Robert when Aiden cannot see before realising that Robert may not see his gesture with this accursed mask on. "Dear Lord, how I wish I was back in the Congo once more, freed from this mask that hides the grotesque that I have become." he thinks to himself.

"Laddie, yer Da is a brave man who knows these waters better than anyone I am aware of, we a' knaa that. He would expect you tae look after yersel in his absence ... am I right? The best thing ye can dae is tae take shelter in yon lighthouse till he can get back tae ye. Aye get back tae ye an' the rest o' us an a'. Ye are his replacement till his return so we are all countin' on ye tae keep a cool head, 'specially them women, they need a leader and ye are the one it has tae be I'm afraid 'cause we don't know the area as well as ye and yer Pa. Are ye up fer it Aiden laddie?"

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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

The lad sniffs and gazes up at the two adults, responding to the concern in their voices if not in the face of the one with the mask. "I suppose ye are right". He kicks at a small stone sending it leaping into the surf, "If auld Charlie Carluke is on duty in yon lighthouse he may know what to do".
He turns and looks toward the zi-zag path that leads up toward the lighthouse where several of the party are slowly picking their way off the beach, "Da always said that 'Charlie' kenned the ways of the sea". With eyes reddened by crying he gazes from path, to binoculars and finally to the lighthouse, before beginning to move toward the path.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

The path off the beach climbs steadilly. At points the combination of rain slick rock, steepness, and narrowness combine to make the footing somewhat treacherous. With certain sections being exposed to the full force of the winds giving you the impression that you could at any moment be plucked from the path and dashed to the rocks below. However the path is less dangerous than the impression and without major mishap after a stiff and bracing climb, you stand at edge of the level ground upon which the authorities had chosen to construct the 'Bass Rock Lighthouse.
The lighthouse is a dirty white, cylindrical building with a rectangular annexe to the rear facing towards the beach. In all you estimate it to be some sixtyish feet tall, the top of which is a dome shaped glazed construction from which you would expect the light to shine as a warning to shipping as to the nearness of rocks. However you note with some consternation the lack of light and that the door of the lighthouse appear to be open...
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by yockenthwaite »

Well, on the plus side the door is open, and we can get in easily says Claire to the others as they climb up the path to the lighthouse. But why isn't the light on? She steps forward towards the door tentatively.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by RulerMan »

''It seems whoever was in there was not expecting visitors so he just let the door open. though i must admit that the light should be on, anyway.'' Roberto says to Claire. then he picks his pocket watch and look at the time.
OOC:Which hour is now? i would like to know how late it is and how much natural light do we have.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by DrPeterson »

Robertis glad the young boy came along and follows the rest of the group up to the lighthouse.
Frowning for a moment at the lack of light and the open the door, he clears his throat and as he pushes the door farther open, yells:

"I say, Hullo! Is anybody there?"

Not waiting for an answer, he steps inside, one hand on the door, the other holding his suitcase.
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Mr. Handy »


"If the light had been on, we'd have seen it from the sea," points out William MacLean. "Well, we'd best get inside." He follows Roberto through the door.
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by PatGrillo »

Cynthia Isham wonders why they are discussing what is an obvious sensible course of action - the entering of an open door when in dire need of shelter - and which of the men will step forward to take a lead. She assesses her fellow castaways: The fat Brazilian seems likely to be a liability in this situation, he was struggling on the path. He's an arrogant swine, but I suppose they'll have to look after him nonetheless. The poor man in the mask seems like he's trying to befriend the boy... I wonder if I'd have that much courage. He seems nice, but I can't understand a word he's saying... is he speaking Gaelic perhaps? The other Scot is not much better, and worst of all he's a _golf_ bore. I didn't think I could bear it any longer on the boat when he and the captain were talking about birdies and eagles and on and on and on and on. The Captain at least can speak English, and looks after his clothes... until now that is... though much could be said for my own. And the poor photographer girl. Seems pleasant enough, and she's been brought up with proper manners, but I expect she was bullied at school. Who ate all the pies eh?
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Priest »

The first thing you notice as you step through the doorway is that the door itself is missing from its place and lies and now rests further along the entrance hall at an angle against a damaged table and the remnants of a broken chair. A closer study of the door frame shows that the door has been ripped free of its hinges two of which still remain half in the frame, splintered wood and bent screws attest to the force that must have been used to affect its removal.
In the dim light of the interior you can see that a wrought iron stairway follows the curve of the walls upwards towards a timber beamed cieling and downwards into a deeper gloom. Opposite the doorway a collection of jackets, oilskins and hats hang from hooks fixed to the wall, one of which almost obscures a light switch.
The lighthouse seems in total silence marred only by the gusts of wind and the cries of the storm disturbed Gannet population. Robert's hello receives no answer.
OOC: Roberto; The time by your watch is 1:30 pm however, the swim has had an detrimental effect and it appears to have stopped. But you are certain that it was working okay minutes before the storm hit so you would imagine it to be around 2:00 pm by now. And allowing for the storm you don't expect it to get dark much before 21:00 hrs (9pm).
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Re: The Ballad of Bass Rock - Introduction

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I imagine the storm must have taken the door off its hinges," says William.
OOC,Are the lights currently turned on?
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