
Operation Dark Margin: a Delta Green game using the Dunwich Sanction frame for Night's Black Agents.

"If the abyss gazes into you, put a round between its eyes."

1993: The Cold War is newly laid to rest, and someone from the other side of the Curtain is reopening old channels to ask for help. DG personnel with access to Yugoslavia should acknowledge and stand by for briefing.

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Secret/DELTA GREEN clearance required

Date: 2 MAY 1993

To: Any friendly / European locale

From: Andrea

A-Cell has been contacted by a source [designated SABLE SHAMAN] in the former Soviet Union through old but nonetheless valid identification protocols. SABLE SHAMAN has requested assistance locating and containing the transfer of COVENANT material from Russian soil. Said material was allegedly brought into former SFRY territory via unknown channels. SABLE SHAMAN's contact, combined with the failure to respond to requests for additional data, leads us to believe that elements of the Russian command structure in UNPROFOR may be involved. NATO intelligence [designated NATO Confidential/AMBER TOWER] also suggests unofficial Russian involvement in Balkan smuggling networks as well as clandestine assistance to Serbian units hostile to UNPROFOR (see attached).

Mission Instructions:
-Discover route of COVENANT package.
-Interdict same.
-Return COVENANT material to SABLE SHAMAN personnel.
-Identify and contain any dissemination of COVENANT knowledge beyond SABLE SHAMAN personnel.
-Obtain intelligence on the identity of SABLE SHAMAN personnel.
-Ensure confidential status of Agent GABRIEL.
-Maintain compartmentalization of intelligence.
-Debrief and standby for additional mission parameters.

-SABLE SHAMAN personnel should provide logistical support and possible assistance (identification protocol code phrase: “my grandfather has traced our lineage to Boris Godunov” / response: “And now we face our own Time of Troubles”).
-[VIOLET HONOR] Aircraft from the 31st Fighter Wing stationed in Aviano AB, Italy can be diverted from NATO Operation DENY FLIGHT to strike a target or engage hostiles preventing the completion of DARK MARGIN. If SABLE SHAMAN agrees, VIOLET HONOR can be used to destroy COVENANT material as a last resort.
-[AMBER TOWER] This dossier provides a 3 point pool for investigating organized crime in the former SFRY. SABLE SHAMAN has provided a picture and dossier of Bardysh, a Russian paramilitary and smuggler who has been integrating his network into Serbian organized crime circles since the fall of the USSR. Although an Interpol warrant keeps him within the war zone, he has made several trips from Belgrade to Sarajevo in the last few months, but has not been seen for several days. His men have been patrolling an unused mosque north of Sarajevo, a few miles beyond the UN-designated safe area. Recently, the number of guards has been reduced.

An unconfirmed intel source names Bardysh as Vsevolod Khartykin, a podpolkovnik lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Army. Curiously, no indication that he was KGB or GRU. Khartykin declined to serve in the Russian Army and left Russia by the end of 1991. For a good portion of 1992 he was on the staff of the Stalnaya Druzhina* mercenary unit assisting the Serb army in Bosnia. He was allegedly cashiered after a falling-out with the commander.

*“Fellowship of Steel” - with double entendre fully intentional.
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Posts: 49
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Post by thumbprince »

-[Agent GABRIEL] Lt. Colonel Marco Bird, UNPROFOR in Zagreb (located on the Sava River east of the Slovenian border). Has DELTA GREEN & SABLE SHAMAN clearances.

-Mathijs van der Boer, Dutch Army liaison to NATO in Glina, UNPA Sector North. Has AMBER TOWER & VIOLET HONOR clearances.

-Vsevolod Artemovich Dolinin, GRU colonel in Sarajevo. Has knowledge about Delta Green from unknown source.
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