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Nono and Juan

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:08 am
by Priest
From somewhere ahead a voice yells, "RUN, this way quick"

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:42 am
by kabukiman
Nono nods a quick. She says a quick -Hi- to the boy and continue running with him in direction of the voice..

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:41 am
by Garrett
"JESUS JOSEPH AND SATAN! What the hell!" Juan screams as she see's the mob begin staggering to their feet after the explosion. Seeing the crazy people continue moving towards him he had the immediate instinct to start blasting away with his pistol but knew that if an explosion didn't stop him there's no way his little pea shooter was going to.
"Uh, hi." Juan says absently with a faint wave of his hand as the girl runs by him, he continues staring at the horde for moment before turning around and following the girl towards the voice.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:04 pm
by Priest
The voice seems to have come from a military ambulance parked at the kerbside some thirty or so yards from you. From the drivers window you can see someone waving frantically,
"Back doors are open, get in here quick"

As you approach you can see that the rear doors are partially adjar and fly fully open as you get within ten feet or so. Half standing in the opening a uniformed EMT is gesturing in a hurry up manner.
Even as Nono dives inside, the engine roars into life.
"Move it kid, we ain't got time to piss around"...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:18 pm
by kabukiman
-Thanks for saving us! I'm Nono. And what are those... things? I saw an explosion that should have kill them and they are walking like if they didn't feel anything!

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:32 am
by Garrett
Juan doesn't need to be told twice, he dives headfirst into the open ambulance and quickly pulls himself into a crouch, gripping his pistol tightly as he looks out the doors.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:13 am
by Priest
Both inside the vehicle the back doors are slammed shut as with a roor of acceleration the heavy military ambulance pulls away from the kerb and the oncoming horde of people.

Holding tight against the rocking of the speeding vehicle, the attendant, a woman you guess to be somewhere in her late twenties, her hair cut short and dressed in military camouflage, smiles grimly, at you both.
kabukiman wrote:-Thanks for saving us! I'm Nono. And what are those... things? I saw an explosion that should have kill them and they are walking like if they didn't feel anything!
"Classified, or that's what we are told. But this much I can tell you they aint stopped by bullets, whatever the calibre" She nods toward the pistol Juan is gripping white knockled as he watches the horde dissapear through the back windows.
"9mm .756, even 50mm dont seem to stop them. Oh sure it puts them down but when the firing stops they get right on up and continue doing their thing, killing"

She pulls a medical bag open, "Anyone hurt?"

The heavy ambulance takes a left at speed, for a moment it feels like its about to tip over then bounces back on all four once more. From the front, a Texan accented voice drawls, "Wheehaw, will you look at that!"

He brings the vehicle to a sliding halt as before you the multi laned expressway is filled with a nose to tail jam of vehicles and crowds of people some running others limping in that way you had seen before all heading toward a line of crowd control barricades complete with flashing lights and a thin rank of defenders, military and police.

"Like a plaster used to mend a severed artery" he scans the surroundings. "Guess we won't be going that way"

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:41 am
by kabukiman
-If those police stay there, they will be... killed. Running seems the only option. Or maybe a bulldozer?
Then turning to the boy:
-Thanks again for the warning or I would have died from the blast!

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:23 am
by Garrett
"What you mean they're invincible?" Juan asks the military lady. "Shit...." He mutters, pulling a knee up against his chest and trying to wrap his mind around this madness.
kabukiman wrote: -Thanks again for the warning or I would have died from the blast!
"Yeah no problem, hah, doesn't look like its gonna do ya any good though." He replied still thinking about the monsters.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:31 am
by kabukiman
-I was going to the aeroport to return home. You see, I'm portuguese and I was to participate in a competition, but it was cancelled because the flu. You think I can still get to the plane on time? - she says without much hope...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:12 pm
by Priest
With a lurch the ambulance turns sharply right and takes a sideroad off the main expressway. Juan recognises the street and knows that it will eventualy lead to the Central Hospital, by a longer route of course. Peering through the windscreen he notes that although heavy with vehicles, most of which look abandoned, the road looks passable.
kabukiman wrote:-I was going to the aeroport to return home. You see, I'm portuguese and I was to participate in a competition, but it was cancelled because the flu. You think I can still get to the plane on time?
At Nono's words the female EMT nods, "Last we heard the airport was still operating, under military control of course, but non essential flight were limited. And as far as we know long haul flights have been temporarily suspended until the situation has been normalised."

Her words are punctuated by the sound of heavy gunfire and screaming loud enough to penetrate the ambulance interior.

As you watch a huge black helicopter with military markings swoops low overhead and launches two missiles into a nearby building. In a huge plume of smoke and fire the building momentarilly dissapears from sight. Then as the roar of the blast assaults your hearing the building, or most of it begins to topple onto the road ahead of you.

With a curse the driver of the ambulance stamps on the brake pedal bringing the heavy vehicle to a sliding halt, as you are suddenly engulfed in smoke, dust and bits of debris from the collapse.

"Shit now where do we go?" the driver waves his fist into the air, "Bastards, they must have seen the markings."

He turns and glances back at Juan, "You're from here right kid, so is there a side road that I can use to skirt this?"
OOC:   Juan please roll using your smarts for common knowledge of Raliegh. So a d4 for smarts, and seperately a d6 wild dice. The TN you require is a 2. Dont forget dice maximums (4 on the d4, or 6 on the d6) roll again and add to total for that dice for extra successes, and the more successes the better.  

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:37 pm
by kabukiman
This was getting a true nigthmare. She remembered the stories her grandmother use to tell her, that one day God would punish humankind for it's sins, and destroy it.
But those creatures don't seem to be angels... or even demons. More like dead drunk. With those wounds, dead. Is it the flu that has given some kind of resistence? No, people sick with the flu get's weaker, not stronger and with an apetite for human flesh. But with some mutant virus, you never know...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:50 pm
by Garrett
"Screw the hospital lets go to the airport, get the fuck outta here." Juan said hot heatedly.Shit how did things get so bad so fast? Last night I was hanging out with Charlie at his apartment, having a blunt and worry free. Juan shook his head a little.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:14 am
by Priest
Garrett wrote:"Screw the hospital lets go to the airport, get the fuck outta here."
The driver, still half turned towards the back, shakes his head, "No can do compadre we need to get to the hospital and make our delivery"

He turns back to the front and revs the vehicles engine, "So you have any advice on an alternative route or not?"

Now that the dust from the fallen building has begun to settle you can see that it has effectively blocked the road in front. Worse still from the rubble several figures are slowly moving toward the ambulance. While others are starting to climb from stalled vehicles to join them. One, a woman possibly although damage to her upper body and facial area is making any judgement difficult, has slid from a nearby Chevy and is slowly dragging herself towards the vehicle, a trail of blood marking her path through the dust coated debris.

"Oh shit, get the fuck outa here, Mason. It doesn't matter where as long as we aint here" screams the EMT as she opens a aluminium case and pulls a military issue assault rifle from inside. She inserts a magazine and pulls back the slide. "Lock and load" she turns toward the back doors and levels the rifle, "No atheists in foxholes"...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:46 pm
by kabukiman
Nono turns to Juan.
-If you know a rout out of here, think it quick!- She says to Juan.
Who am I fooling? If a bullet or an explosion didn't kill those creatures, it won't be my bokken. But maybe I can slow them? They seem to fall to the ground when hit and that give us time. I need to stay alive until the goverment controls the situation so I can return to my country!

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:25 am
by Garrett 9+ 2, 11 total.

Seeing the monsters makes a fresh bead a sweat start down Juan's head. "Fine, you go down Masterson Street and take the third right, after that just follow the signs." He says bitterly.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:03 pm
by kabukiman
-Go quick- says Nono relieved.
The number of those monsters are increasing. I hope in other places things aren't so bad. Are all the people who got the flu, transformed in that?

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:58 pm
by Priest
The driver nods and turns back to the steering wheel.
With a roar of engine the ambulance swings down the street sign posted 'Masterson Street'. "Third right?, Oh yeah I see it"

The vehicle jumps and batters its way through the debris occasionally smashing over a slowly rising figure. Within moments to gathering crowd of dead are left far behind.

"No sweat boy and girls, we'll soon be at the hospital and with any luck we can find out what's going on" With his words you suddenly relise that there has been nothing but static coming from the radio since you had got in.

"Last we heard was that we were to get to the samples to hospital and get evac'ed from there" As he speaks he nods to the aluminium temperature controlled box tied to the passenger seat...
Garrett,the dice rolled should have been a d4 and a seperate d6, they are independant and are not added together. If you roll a maximum on your skill dice, in this case d4 or your wild dice (d6) you roll that dice again and add the extra number to that dice roll. So rolling your skill (d4) scored you 2, to beat the TN of 4 you needed to roll a 4. However on the D6 you rolled 5 so you succeeded. You only add dice when you roll the maximum on either your skill or the wild dice. You'll get there in the end don't worry.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:20 pm
by kabukiman
-Shouldn't anyone answer you from the radio? Or maybe have them been already evacuated? - she says worried
Or maybe those monsters have already conquer the place

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:06 pm
by Garrett
"Evacuation? Alright lets get there." Juan says relieved as he leans against the wall of the speeding van.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:54 am
by Priest
kabukiman wrote:-Shouldn't anyone answer you from the radio? Or maybe have them been already evacuated?
Turning Mason, the driver, smiles to show how unconcerned he is, "Civillian issue shit, I wouldn't worry little lady, happens all the time" he finishes with a wink.

"Mason keep your damn eyes on the road." the female medic shakes her head at Mason's cavalier driving, "They won't evacuate without the shit we're carrying, Anyway that chopper shows that we still have some control"

As he turns to face forward again Mason nods at Juan's comment, "On our way son...What the..."

As he swerves betwwen two abandoned cars the road ahead is filled with people running madly toward a makeshift barricade that has been thrown across the road. At the rear, like sheepdogs driving a herd of sheep, a large group of dead are literaly snapping at their heels. Some stop every so often to rip and tear at one of the fleeing survivors brought down in the panic.

Mason brings the ambulance to a halt far enough back so as not to draw attention from both the fleeing and the pursuing. "Shit will you look at those bastards" Standing atop the hastily created barricade several figures can be seen casually firing into the mass, uncaring as to their targets. As you watch a young girl is flung to the ground in a flury of gunfire, as she falls so she pulls her Mother to the floor with her, in moments they are both submerged beneath a feeding frenzy of the pursuing horde.

At that moment the ominous pinging of bullets ricocheting off the armoured sides of the ambulance announces that you have now become a target...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:42 pm
by kabukiman
-We must leave quick, those idiots think we are monsters too! Just hurry!
I just hope the American army come quick, or they will only find dead people and monsters... and hope I won't be part of either.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:02 pm
by Priest
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" yells Mason as bullets begin to patter of the vehicle. He slams the engine into reverse and quickly acellerates back.

"Where the fuck are you going man?" shouts the female medic holding tight ot a leather strap to avoid falling, "You're simply heading back into the crowd behind us"

With a wild lurch of the ambulance Mason cuts right and heads down a ramp into a underground car park. He flicks on the lights, in their beam you can see that what cars remain seem abandoned with their doors flung wide as if the occupants had been in too much of a hurry to close them.

"Great you've now got us here with no way out except the way we came"

You can tell she is none to impressed with the Texan. Looking back to the entrance you can see several of the lurching, limping creatures moving into the car park and blocking the exit.

Mason reaches down and grabs his rifle and equipment, shouting over his shoulder, "Grab some gear, Story help with the box we can't leave that behind"
He pushes the ambulaces door open, "End of the ride little lady and you kid, We can't get out that way so we go up and hope for another exit"
OOC:   There are several of the military issue M4 assault rifles and several loaded magazines, There is also a couple of sets of military webbing, with various pouches containing medical supplies.  

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:23 pm
by kabukiman
Stay calm, everything will be ok. Don't panick.
Nono grabs an M4, some ammo and a medic kit.
-So, what's the plan now? And what has that box of so important? The cure to this disease?
She will look for any exit.


Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:08 am
by Garrett
Juan grabs a gun ans starts shoving clips in his pockets hastily. "Fuck the box, it's time to haul ass!" He said jumping out of the ambulance without a clue where he was going.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:00 pm
by Priest
You quickly bail out of the ambulance, though a few seconds are lost as Story races to the passenger door to help Mason lift the aluminium storage container free of is securing straps.

In response to Nono's question, Story shrugs "Maybe, but unless the samples inside are delivered to the right people we won't know"

Juan's impatience is catching. What with that and the ever growing horde that has started to enter the car park, Nono is lucky to have spoted a door in the far left corner bearing a stair logo. She quickly points it out to the cursing Mason who along with the female medic, Story, is struggling beneath the weight of the box who, as quickly as they are able head, towards it.

Racing ahead, Juan pauses momentarilly to guage whether they or the dead people will get to the door first, he shakes his head.

Halfway from the ambulance to the doorway a figure staggers out from between two parked cars. His appearance is so sudden that no one has time to react.

Mason, one hand gripping the handle of the box, unleashes a terrified scream as the newcomer sinks his teeth into the Texan's shoulder.
"Jesus, Mase" screams Story trying to raise the assault rifle, left handed.

Within moments the single figure multiplies and as you watch helplessly the two medics are swamped by a mass of tearing and biting things. From within the mass a burst of automatic rifle fire ricochets uselessly off the concrete ceiling of the underground car park...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:55 pm
by kabukiman
Nono runs with her gun ready to shoot at anything that gets near her. She try not to think of what she is doing, but it's too late to save the duo...

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:56 am
by Priest
The door, marked 'Access to All Apartments', opens to a stairwell. Well lit by florescent tube lights the concrete stairs climb upward. Reaching the first of many landings, you find the door marked 'Basement level - Maintainance'. On the next landing the door is marked 'First Floor - Street Access - Entrance Lobby - Apartments 1 - 7'.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:58 pm
by Garrett
Juan is right behind Nono, and doesn't miss a beat running through the door reading 'street access.'

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:52 am
by Priest
OOC:   Is Juan pushing past Nono?  

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:44 am
by kabukiman
Nono is following to the street level and ready to shoot.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:54 pm
by Priest
The first thing you hear as you push open the door to the street is the whine of hellicopter rotor blades, and from the doorway you watch the same hellicopter that had destroyed the building in front of you minutes ago, swoop low, guns firing in a whirr of noise, as a pick up truck attempts to take avoiding action.

Sadly the action is not enough to save the vehicle from disaster. Amongst geysers of dust and shrapnel it swerves dramaticaly to its left, rolls over several times then comes to a halt upside down.

As the dust clears you can see that a large group of shamblers are slowly moving towards it. Even though many had been pulverised by the Hellicopters minigun fire.

From the wreckage of the truck two figures can be seen pulling themselves through the side windows. From their dress one looks like a cop, the other, a female, some kind of nurse. As you watch the cop seems to shout something to the woman and jerk a thumb towards the buildings.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:56 pm
by kabukiman
Nono shouts:
-Over here!

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:02 pm
by Priest
As the cop and the nurse begin to move towards you, he shouts,

"Listen kid, don't shoot, okay? I'm with the Sheriff's Department and Bernice here is a nurse, I'm sure we can help each other. Just let us in, okay?"

Behind them comes a horde of shamblers obviously drawn by the cops shout, which now the hellicopter has passed becomes startlingly loud in the relative silence.

From below the sound of the car park door crashing open announces the iminent arrival of the things from the car park.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:32 pm
by kabukiman
- As soon as they enter, close the door, we can't stay much longer here.
She directs the gun from where they come, ready to shoot any of the dead.

Re: Nono and Juan

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:33 pm
by Priest
OOC:   OOC: From this point I shall be combining you both with Robert Valentinein a new topic. viewtopic.php?f=251&t=4728