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Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:04 am
by Priest
'When there is no more room in hell' (Week 1; Act 0.1)

Juan Martillo.

The apartment was in darkness, although at four in the afternoon it should be filled with daylight. Obviously the blinds to the front were still closed, which added to the sense that your informant had been right and the owner was indeed away on vacation. Still stealth was never wasted, and as quietly as possible you moved towards the closed door that Charlie Noel, who except for going down with the flu should have been with you, had assured you was the bedroom in which the Stuyvesant’s kept their safe. And inside that safe, enough money to see you both right through the coming winter. With any luck there might also be a little nose candy with a little street value. Of course you would make sure that Charlie got his cut, after all it wasn’t smart to cheat friends. Especially Charlie Noel who had ears in all the right places, and several ‘friends’ that could make really bad enemies.

A loud creak. Sounded like a footstep on a creaky floorboard. Was that you? No way, you are far too good for that. So Charlie was wrong they hadn’t gone away. Shit! That came from in there the room you wanted. You stand perfectly still, aware that any sound might give you away.

Another creak, louder this time and closer. Sounds like whoever it is, is slowly moving towards the door. How the hell they knew you were there God alone knows. Maybe they got CCTV, you swivel your head around looking for the telltale indications of Cameras, nothing. Your hand reaches back towards the grip of the pistol thrust into the back waistband of your Levis. Too noisy you tell your self and drop your hand to your back pocket where the bone handled switch blade nestles comfortably.

Of course you could always turn and make a break for the front door some forty feet away, but that would mean exposing your back to whoever comes through that door, and if they’re armed…

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:29 pm
by Garrett
damndamnddamndamndamn! Hummed through young Juan's mind as he desperately looked for a place to hide. Finally settling for a small couch that blocked line of sight to the door. As quick as he could without making any noise he got behind the small piece of furniture and made himself as small as possible before pulling out his trusted pistol. Planning to sneak up and threaten whoever it was that emerged from the door.

Stealth check 16 minus 2
Equals 14

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:43 am
by Priest
OOC:   Okay. What you needed to roll was your stealth (sneak) skill d8 with a seperate roll of a d6 (the wild dice) for this situation a Target Number of 4 is required on either dice.
The 1d10 is something specific to AFMBE and does not figure in Savage Worlds.
So the d8 scored 7 and the wild dice (d6) a 1. (Things do get more compicated if you start spending bennies for a reroll, but we'll deal with that when it arises)
So the seven is the number you use in this case so you are now hidden behind the couch. The -2 modifier only applies when using an untrained skill. More information here viewtopic.php?f=251&t=4652  

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:54 am
by Priest
Although the creak of footsteps had reached the closed door, it did not open. From the security of the couch you watched and waited for what seemed ages, but whoever was behind that door was making no attempt to open it.

In the silence you could almost feel them listening, aware that making the slightest noise would bring them crashing through into the room where you hid behind a small couch that seemed to be getting smaller with every second.

A few more seconds pass without sound, now you are starting to think that your hearing had been playing tricks, and the tension of the moment was working on your mind to produce phantoms of your imagination.

Seconds tick by. From the nearby kitchen a wall clocks tick sound ultra loud, but that's the only sound you hear except of course the beating of your heart and blood rushing through your veins...

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:13 pm
by Garrett
What's that dumb fuck doing!? Why would he just stand by the door if he knows someone's in his house? Juan thought to himself continuing to stare at the door, suddenly his blood chilled, He must have called the cops, he's waiting for them to get here! This revelation was weighed in the young boys mind for a moment before he decided to bolt for the door he came in from, pistol in hand in case whoever was hiding by the door was packing some sort of weapon.

Running dice 9
Sorry, about that I must have had the rules confused.

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:34 pm
by Priest
With a burst of adrenalin aided speed you make it to the main door. As you pull it open to escape into the hall of the apartment block, you notice that no attempt is made to open the door to the room. Whoever had walked up to it was still there making no attempt to fling it open in response to the noise you had made in your flight.

In fact now you think about it, other than the loud pounding of your heart, and the increased violence of your breathing there was, and had been, no sound anywhere within the apartment building, although at this time of the afternoon you would expect some.
OOC:   You are currently on the fourth floor of the building. Each of the four floors has five apartments, two facing the front and three facing the rear. The Stuyvesants' apartment faces the rear. Half way along the corridor is the buildings elevator. There are stairs at either end of the corridor, which you had used to access this floor. The stairwells give access to all floors, the roof and the basement garages of the building.  

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:56 pm
by Garrett
Wasting no time Juan continues running for the staircase and ultimately out of the building, praying desperately that he'll be able to reach the bottom of the stairs and the exit of the building before police arrive.

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:11 pm
by Priest
As you burst through the fire escape door into the alleyway at the side of the building the daylight hits you after the relative dimness of the stairwell, like a fist making it impossible to see for a few moments.

However your hearing remains sharp. From the street at the buildings front you hear the crackle of electricity mixed with screams of pain. What the… You think there is another sound like you have never heard before a kind of low moaning sound, more animal than human.

Your sight returns the alleyway has only one exit onto the street, at the opposite end it slopes downwards and disappears into what Charlie had told you is the buildings car park.

Directly in front of you on the street you can see that the electricity crackle is coming from a snaking cable freed when some fool had front ended a telegraph pole. The car, or rather a badly damaged red pick up, was still there a rapidly expanding pool of gas just waiting for the cable to ignite.

Beside it some hillbilly type is clutching a shotgun and muttering something that may be American but you aint sure. For the moment he seems transfixed by the happenings further out on the tarmac where a large group of raggedy dressed people are tearing at something inside a wrecked taxi, a something which thrashes and screams piteously.

Running toward the hillbilly dude holding what looks like a child’s wooden samurai sword is a pretty female shouting something in a foreign language.

A quick look to the right shows that a larger group of awkwardly moving people are heading your way. There is something about the way they move that makes you not want to cut right. Left will take you towards the centre, that will do but what about the girl and the hillbilly?

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:13 pm
by Garrett
Juan wasn't sure what to make of the mob or the screaming, but he realized he could stick with his original plan of putting distance between the building and him while still avoiding them. So he ran straight ahead, keeping his distance from the car, though when he passed it he did have the decency to call out. "THAT CAR'S ABOUT TO BLOW YOU FUCKTARD! RUUUUN!"

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:57 am
by Priest
OOC:   Straight ahead will take you towards the road from which the cab attacker are coming, right is where the mob is coming from so that leaves left towards the City Centre. It makes little odds at this stage of the story, just me being pedantic.
My intention was to have Kabukiman and Mr. Pear starting together, but it seems that all has gone dark from Mr. Pears end so I have to rework his entrance.  

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:31 am
by Priest
You turn to your right and start running, aware as you do the the chick has started to run in the same direction, although you know you are faster.

What happened to the hillbilly you aren't sure and you sure as hell weren't going to hang around and find out, what with the gas about to catch alight.

As you start to put a little distance between you the pick up and the angry dudes, you hear the gas tank of the red Dodge go up.
Shit, you think, I hope everybody got clear. You risk a look back...

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:59 pm
by Garrett
Well all this noise is sure to keep the cops occupied if they arrive. Juan thinks to himself slowing down a little as he turns to look at the mob that continues limping forward. What the fuck is going on? He thinks as he stops to let the girl catch up to him, thinking maybe she could give him some explanation.

Re: Juan Martillo (Garrett)

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:34 am
by Priest
Like a flash the girl, still cluthing her wooden sword, gets back to her feet following the explosion. What happened to the hillbilly you have no idea, but if he was idiot enough to be standing beside the truck when it blew, well that was his bad luck.

The blast from the explosion had smashed the mob to the ground. Now as the black smoke cleared many of those, despite horrible wounds, are regaining their feet and continuing after the girl. Some smoulder, one walks bathed in flame. Many crawl forward.

For a moment the girl stares back as the horde continue their pursuit, then she runs up to you...
OOC:   From this post on, new posts here viewtopic.php?f=251&t=4702