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Alternative Beginning Character Creation.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:40 pm
by Priest
Please use the following template


Attribute Rating
Agility D
Smarts D
Spirit D
Strength D
Vigour D


Skill Attribute Rating
Boating [Agility] D
Climbing [Strength] D
Driving [Agility] D
Fighting [Agility] D
Gambling [Smarts] D
Guts [Spirit] D
Healing [Smarts] D
Intimidation [Spirit] D
Investigation [Smarts] D
Knowledge [Smarts] D
Lockpicking [Agility] D
Notice [Smarts] D
Persuasion [Spirit] D
Piloting [Agility] D
Repair [Smarts] D
Riding [Agility] D
Shooting [Agility] D
Stealth [Agility] D
Streetwise [Smarts] D
Survival [Smarts] D
Swimming [Agility] D
Taunt [Smarts] D
Throwing [Agility] D
Tracking [Smarts] D






Re: Alternative Beginning Character Creation.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:43 pm
by Priest
1) Race
• Choose any race available in your setting. For War of the Dead Human only.
2) Traits
Attributes are; Agility, Smarts, Strength, Spirit and Vigour.
• Your hero starts with a d4 in each attribute, and has 5 points with which to raise them. D4 is the lowest d12 the highest. Raising an attribute a die type costs 1 point. So to raise an attribute from d4 to d8 would be 1p point to d6 and another point to d8
• You have 15 points for skills. To purchase a skill costs 1 point then each die type in a skill costs 1 point up to the linked attribute. Going over the linked attribute costs 2 points per level. (Eg:Climbing, the linked attribute is Strength, so if your strength is d6 to have Climbing at d6 costs 2 points, 1 to buy it at d4, +1 to raise it from d4 to d6. To raise it beyond d6 the linked attribute costs 2 points per dice type.)
2a] Secondary Attributes
• Charisma is equal to the total bonuses or penalties given by Edges and Hindrances.
• Pace is 6”.
• Parry is equal to 2 plus half Fighting.
• Toughness is equal to 2 plus half Vigor. Go ahead and add the bonus granted by the armor worn on your torso to this value as well for speed’s sake, but remember it may not count if attacks target other parts of the body.
3) Edges & Hindrances
• You gain additional points for taking up to one Major Hindrance (2 points) and two Minor Hindrances (1 point each).
For 2 points you can:
• Gain another attribute point, or
• Choose an Edge
For 1 point you can:
• Gain another skill point.
4) Background Details
• Fill in any other background details you care to add.

Skill List

Skill… Linked Attribute
Boating… Agility
Climbing… Strength
Driving… Agility
Fighting… Agility
Gambling… Smarts
Guts… Spirit
Healing… Smarts
Intimidation… Spirit
Investigation… Smarts
Knowledge… Smarts
Lockpicking… Agility
Notice… Smarts
Persuasion… Spirit
Piloting… Agility
Repair… Smarts
Riding… Agility
Shooting… Agility
Stealth… Agility
Streetwise… Smarts
Survival… Smarts
Swimming… Agility
Taunt… Smarts
Throwing… Agility
Tracking… Smarts

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Creation.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:51 pm
by Priest

Major = 2 points, minor = 1 point.
All Thumbs (Minor): -2 Repair; Roll of 1 on a mechanical or electronic device causes malfunction
Anemic (Minor): -2 Vigor to resist sickness, disease, poison, or environment
Arrogant (Major): Must humiliate opponent, challenge the ‘leader’
Bad Eyes (Minor/Major): -2 to attack or notice something more than 5” distant
Bad Luck (Major): One less benny per session
Big Mouth (Minor): Unable to keep secret, blabs at wrong time
Blind (Major): -6 on all actions that require vision; -2 on social rolls, gain additional Edge
Bloodthirsty (Major): Never takes prisoners; -4 Charisma if known
Cautious (Minor): Character is overly careful
Clueless (Major): -2 to most Common Knowledge rolls
Code of Honor (Major): The character keeps his word and acts like a gentleman
Curious (Major): Character wants to know about everything
Death Wish (Minor): Character wants to die after completing some task
Delusional (Minor/Major): Character suffers from grave delusions
Doubting Thomas (Minor): Character doesn’t believe in the supernatural
Elderly (Major): Pace -1, -1 to Strength and Vigor die types; 5 extra skill points for any skill linked to Smarts
Enemy (Minor/Major): The character has a recurring nemesis of some sort
Greedy (Minor/Major): The character is obsessed with wealth
Habit (Minor/Major): Charisma -1; must make Fatigue rolls when deprived of Major Habits
Hard of Hearing (Minor/Major): -2 to Notice sounds; automatic failure if completely deaf
Heroic (Major): The character is a true hero and always helps those in need
Illiterate (Major): The character cannot read or write.
Lame (Major): -2 Pace and running die is a d4
Loyal (Minor): The hero tries to never betray or disappoint his friends
Mean (Minor): The character suffers -2 to his Charisma for his ill-temper and surliness
Obese (Minor): +1 Toughness, -1 Pace, d4 running die
One Arm (Major): -4 to tasks requiring two arms
One Eye (Major): -1 Charisma, -2 to rolls requiring depth perception
One Leg (Major): Pace –2, d4 running die, -2 to rolls requiring mobility, -2 to Swimming skill
Outsider (Minor): -2 Charisma, treated badly by those of the more dominant society
Overconfident (Major): The hero believes he can do anything
Pacifist (Minor/Major): The character fights only in self-defense as a Minor Hindrance, and won’t fight living creatures under any circumstance as a major Hindrance
Phobia (Minor/Major): -2 or –4 to trait tests when near the phobia
Poverty (Minor): Half starting funds, general inability to hang onto future income
Quirk (Minor): The character has some minor but persistent foible, such as bragging, elitism, or the pursuit of fame
Small (Major): -1 Toughness
Stubborn (Minor): The character always wants his way
Ugly (Minor): -2 Charisma due to the character’s less-than average appearance
Vengeful (Minor/Major): Character holds a grudge, will kill to settle the score as a Major Hindrance
Vow (Minor/Major): The hero has a pledge to himself, a group, a deity, or a religion
Wanted (Minor/Major): The character is a criminal of some sort
Yellow (Major): The character is cowardly and suffers -2 to his Guts rolls
Young (Major): 3 points for Attributes (instead of 5); 10 skill points (instead of 15), +1 benny per session

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Creation.

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:57 pm
by Priest

Edges sometimes have Requirements. These are listed in parentheses after the Edge. N is Novice Rank, S is Seasoned, etc. Attribute requirements are listed as A=Agility, St=Strength, Sm=Smarts, Sp=Spirit, and V=Vigor.
Ace* (N, A d8): +2 to Boating, Driving, Piloting; may make soak rolls for vehicle at -2
Acrobat* (N, A d8, St d6): +2 to Agility tricks; +1 Parry if unencumbered
Alertness* (N): +2 Notice
Ambidextrous* (N, A d8): Ignore -2 penalty for using off-hand
Attractive* (N, V d6): Charisma +2
Very Attractive* (N, Attractive): Charisma +4
Beast Bond (N): Character may spend bennies for his animals
Beast Master (N, Sp d8): You gain an animal companion
Berserk* (N): Smarts roll or go Berserk after being wounded; +2 Fighting and Strength rolls, -2 Parry, +2 Toughness; Roll of 1 on Fighting die hits random adjacent target
Block (S, Fighting d8): Parry +1
Improved Block (V, Block): Parry +2
Brawny* (N, St d6, V d6): Toughness +1; load limit is 8xStr instead of 5xStr
Charismatic (N, Sp d8): Charisma +2
Combat Reflexes (S): +2 to recover from being Shaken
Command (N, Sm d6): +1 to troops recovering from being Shaken within 5”
Common Bond (N, Wild Card, Sp d8): May give bennies to companions in communication
Connections (N): Call upon powerful friends with Persuasion roll
Danger Sense (N): Notice-2 to detect surprise attacks/danger
Dead Shot (WC, S, Shoot/Throw d10): Double ranged damage when dealt Joker
Dodge (S, A d8): -1 to be hit with ranged attacks
Improved Dodge (V, Dodge): -2 to be hit with ranged attacks
Fast Healer* (N, V d8): +2 to natural healing rolls
Fervor (V, Sp d8, Command): +1 melee damage to troops in command
First Strike (N, A d8): Automatically attack one foe who moves adjacent per round
Improved First Strike (H, First Strike): Automatically attack all foes who move adjacent
Fleet-Footed (N, A d6): +2 Pace, d10 running die instead of d6
Frenzy (S, Fighting d10): 1 extra Fighting attack at -2
Improved Frenzy (V, Frenzy): As above but no penalty
Hard to Kill (N, WC, Sp d8): Ignore wound penalties for Vigor rolls made on the Knockout or Injury tables
Harder to Kill (V, Hard to Kill): 50% chance of surviving “death” by some unlikely means
Healer (N, Sp d8): +2 to all Healing rolls and the healing power if applicable.
Investigator (N, Sm d8, Investigation d8+, Streetwise d8+): +2 Investigation and Streetwise
Jack of All Trades* (N, Sm d10): Ignore -2 untrained penalty for skills linked to Smarts
Level Headed (S, Sm d8): Act on best of two cards in combat
Improved Level Headed (S, Level Headed): Act on best of three cards in combat
Luck* (N): +1 benny per session
Great Luck* (N, Luck): +2 bennies per session
Marksman (S): Character gets the aim maneuver (+2 Shooting) if he does not move
McGyver* (N, Sm d6, Repair d6, Notice d8): No penalties due to lack of equipment
Mighty Blow (S, Wild Card, Fighting d10): Double melee damage when dealt Joker
Natural Leader (N, Sp d8, Command): Leader may give bennies to troops in command
Nerves of Steel (N, WC, V d8): Ignore 1 point of wound penalties
Improved Nerves of Steel (N, Nerves of Steel): Ignore 2 points of wound penalties
No Mercy (S): May spend bennies on damage rolls
Professional (L, d12 in trait): Trait becomes d12+1
Expert (L, Professional in trait): Trait becomes d12+2
Master (L, WC, Expert in trait): Wild Die is d10 for one trait
Quick* (N, A d8): Discard draw of 5 or less for new card
Rich* (N): 3x starting funds, $75K annual salary
Filthy Rich* (N, Rich): 5x starting funds, $250K annual salary
Rock and Roll! (S, Shooting d8): Full-auto penalty is -1 instead of -2
Scholar* (N, d8 in affected skills): +2 to two different Knowledge skills
Steady Hands (N, A d8): Ignore unstable platform penalty for mounts or vehicles
Sweep (N, St d8, Fighting d8): Attack all adjacent foes at -2
Improved Sweep (V, Sweep): As above but with no penalty
Strong Willed (N, Intimidate d6, Taunt d6): +2 Intimidate and Taunt, +2 to resist
Thief* (N, A d8, Climb d6, Lockpick d6, Stealth d8): +2 Climb, Lockpick, Stealth, rolls made to trick or deceive, detecting or disarming traps
Tough as Nails (L): Toughness +1
Improved Tough as Nails (L, Tough as Nails): Toughness +2
Trademark Weapon (N, Fighting or Shooting d10): +1 Fighting or Shooting with one particular weapon
Improved Trademark Weapon (V, Trademark Weapon): +2 Fighting or Shooting with one particular weapon
Two-Fisted (N, A d8): May attack with a weapon in each hand without multi-action penalty.
Weapon Master (L, Fighting d12): Parry +1
Master of Arms (L, Weapon Master): Parry +2
Woodsman* b (N, Sp d6, Survival d8, Tracking d8): +2 Tracking, Survival, and Stealth (while in Wilderness)
*Background or Professional Edge—must be chosen during character creation or with GM approval thereafter.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Creation.

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:41 pm
by Priest
New Hindrances (War of the Dead specific)

Guilt (Minor)
The character suffers a deep guilt over some past action or failure to act. As a result, he must make a Spirit roll at the beginning of each session. A failure on the roll indicates the character begins with 1 less benny. This is cumulative with the effect of the Bad Luck Hindrance.

Haunted Memories (Minor/Major)
The character is susceptible to reliving a past tragedy. The trigger must be chosen when this Hindrance is taken (for example: a particular smell, a specific location, a certain song, a specific phrase, et cetera). If the Hindrance is Minor, the character must make a Spirit roll each round or be unable to take any actions. If the Hindrance is Major, the character must make a
Spirit roll each round at a –2 or be unable to take any actions. The Spirit rolls are only required while the character is still within the vicinity of what triggered (or could trigger) the flashback (for example: at the location, in the presence of the person that uttered the phrase, while the song is playing, while the aroma is still in the air, et cetera).

Psychologically Unstable (Minor/Major)
The character is just not all there. For a Minor Hindrance, the character suffers from brief memory lapses, depression, or
tends to argue with himself. For a Major Hindrance, the character contains more than one personality (determine a trigger for a personality switch), or some similar problem.

Responsibility to Others (Minor/Major)
The character has friends or family members for which he is responsible.
The responsibility is defined when the Hindrance is gained. It could be a spouse, child, sibling, parent, lover, friend,ex-spouse,
et cetera. The other character is an Extra, never a Wild Card. If the character is responsible for only one other individual, then the Hindrance is Minor. If the character is responsible for more than one person (such as his family), then the Hindrance is Major.
The Game Master is encouraged to be creative with this Hindrance when using it during an adventure. For example, the person could be known for getting into trouble and biting off more than they can chew, constantly forcing the character to rush to the rescue. Should the person or people ever die, the character must replace this Hindrance with another at an equal rank (Minor or Major, or 2 Minors for a Major). Some suggestions are: Death Wish, Delusional, Guilt, Haunted Memories, Mean, and Psychologically Unstable.

New Edges

Professional Edges

Urban Scavenger
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, Survival d6+, Tracking d6+
The character is adept at finding food, shelter, and supplies— and avoiding the Living Dead— within urban areas. Scavengers gain +2 to Stealth, Survival, and Tracking when in towns and cities.