IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action(UNIT team)

New UNIT Scientific Advisor Dr. Valerie Kirby has mysteriously disappeared during routine inquiries in Dunwich, and a team from UNIT has been hastily assembled to go to Dunwich in order to find her and bring her back. Meanwhile, Story and his companions materialize in Dunwich and begin to explore.

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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by SSior.27 »

Chad suppressed a chuckle at the sound of the tea cup falling to the floor as someone lost their composure. Though he could hardly blame whoever it was. He still couldn't tear his eyes away from the image, so he couldn't figure out who dropped it.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by markh »

OOC,[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/search/1104247%20url]3 San Loss[/url]
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by aine »


Tobias puts down his notebook that he was writing in when the Brigadier walks in. He listens politely and watches the slides impassively.
OOC,Sorry I've been slow, something came up. Tobias is new to UNIT so no one knows him yet. Raymond has spent a brief time with him doing office things, reports and meetings; Tobias has been polite, very efficient and pleasant to work with, even coming up with some good ideas to help Raymond's latest work. Everyone else sees a well dressed slim man in a suit and smart shoes. Tobias turned down both tea and coffee with a shake of his head and a small smile.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by MadJaymilton »

The cup of tea is halfway to Leonek's lips when the slide comes onscreen, and although the sight did not rattle him he still found it prudent to put the cup down without a drink. He glances in Mrs. Soames' direction at her outburst, but certainly can't blame her. He settles into his chair, wondering if there was a mix-up, if some other Novak had meant to be called to this.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Quite all right, Mrs. Soames," said Brigadier Crichton. "I am dreadfully sorry. I should have warned you that the picture was graphic." He then addressed Raymond. "I'm getting to why you need to be involved. Dr. Kirby made much the same remark as you did, but nevertheless she needed to investigate further. As you're aware, genetics are her speciality, and she is a pioneer in the new field of genetic analysis. The first thing she did was to track down Mr. Armistead's parents, hoping that there would be some clue to this genetic anomaly in his family tree. She interviewed his father, Miles Armistead, at some length and collected a blood sample from him. The elder Mr. Armistead is a writer, though not a particularly well-known or successful one. He tends to write historical fiction, and he also lives in London. Simon's mother, Beth Armistead, was a historian. She died in May of breast cancer, and Dr. Kirby convinced Miles Armistead to give her permission to exhume the body and collect genetic samples.

"It also turned out that Simon Armistead took a holiday in Dunwich just two weeks after his mother's death. Interestingly, Miles Armistead then recalled that his late wife had visited Dunwich back in 1954, and that she had seemed different when she returned. He remarked that she had never been the same after that. Dr. Kirby noticed that Simon Armistead was born in 1955, the following year. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

"Dr. Kirby conducted detailed analyses of the DNA of both parents. While it takes weeks or months to get conclusive results, she had enough time to gather some preilminary data. Beth Armistead showed no trace of any of the genetic mutations that had affected her son, and Dr. Kirby concluded that she had indeed died of cancer. Miles Armistead's genes were normal as well, but Dr. Kirby discovered something interesting: he could not have been Simon Armistead's natural father. His blood type alone was enough to rule that out. Dr. Kirby deduced that his true father must have been in Dunwich and had fathered Simon Armistead while his mother was there in 1954. She resolved to travel to Dunwich to try to track him down, as well as to find out about Simon Armistead's sojourn there."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by CrackheadC. »

"And the good doctor has asked for some support in Dunwich?" Raymond inquired. "Really quite curious. I must say, even though genetics is not my strong suit, this is quite a rare opportunity. Maybe this is a silly question, but Simon Armistead was born like that correct? It wasn't a mutation he developed later in life, perhaps at Dunwich? If there is some sort of radiation issue it could be a catastrophe, it would also explain the cancer." While Raymond may seemed to have been jumping to conclusions, his mind was enthralled by the mystery.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

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"Not exactly, Mr. MacIntyre," said the brigadier. "Dr. Kirby hasn't asked for support, but we have reason to believe that she needs it. And in answer to your other question, which is a good one, Simon Armistead was not born like that. In fact, he has only taken on that appearance recently. He looked normal for most of his life, and Miles Armistead showed Dr. Kirby recent pictures of him where he did not look unusual. I know there's a nuclear power plant not far from Dunwich, but there's no report of any leaks.

"Dr. Kirby set out two days ago for Dunwich alone, first thing in the morning. She had instructions to call in every day and give us a status update. She checked into the Ship Inn in Dunwich and placed a trunk call to me at a little past 0900 hours. She reported that several of the townspeople had similar abnormal features, confirming her suspicions.

"That was the last we heard from her."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by markh »

OOC,May I make a History Roll to have heard of/read something by the late Mrs Armistead? I get [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/search/1104247%20/url]a fail at 43 vs skill 30[/url] if allowed
"Hmm, so the tragic young man there discovers he's a cuckoo in the nest, perhaps from a death-bed confession, or something left in his mother's papers, goes to find out the truth, and learns more than he bargains for? But was it the truth of his parentage, or those strange changes, that drove young Simon to do..that," Valerie muses aloud. "Brigadier, do we know anything of his mental state? Was he of a nervous disposition, or is this out of character?"
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by CrackheadC. »

"I think it is safe to say that the power plant isn't covering up a leak - as if they had the capability to lie to UNIT anyway. Which means it has to be something at Dunwich itself that caused this to him. If Dr. Kirby reported seeing other signs of it I wonder if it is greatly infectious. I assume not - otherwise Mrs. Armistead would have developed the same or similar symptoms as her son. Though he could have a genetic predisposition to whatever changes might be caused there." Raymond continued, "Which leads me to believe that it would be safe for an average person to visit without worrying about turning into some sort of reptile... not that any of this makes sense, I am just thinking aloud."

After Valerie gave her opinion Raymond suggests, "Every man has the capacity for suicide. I doubt it would be finding out that his father wasn't his biological one that would drive him to it - though it probably didn't help. I would say it would have to be the changes themselves - or something he learned at Dunwich. Hell, if I started changing into some sort of monster without any idea of where the changes would stop I would consider putting a bullet in my brain." Raymond laughed morosely as if he was telling a joke.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by aine »

Tobias Maddox glances sharply at his boss, Raymond. He then says softly to himself, "Something in Dunwich caused a massive and immediate mutation, I wonder if it was just physical or affected his brain also. It would have to be very powerful to cause such a result." In a louder voice, "Would it be possible to see that particular slide again please?"
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by SSior.27 »

Chad couldn't suppress a groan at Tobias' request. "Perhaps you would prefer handouts?"
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by jimacol »

Elliot has had enough hypothesising from the boffins, and pipes up "Steady on lads. All very fascinating I'm sure, but before this turns into an episode of Tomorrow's World, let's say the Brigadier continues with his briefing. I for one want to know what's needed from someone with my, er, talents"
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by aine »

Tobias shrugs, "I can view them later. Thank you Sir." he nods to the Brigadier, almost, it seems, giving him permission to continue. He looks down and writes something in his notebook.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by Mr. Handy »

The brigadier nodded back, then glanced at Elliot. "Well stated, Mr. Webb," he said. "The elder Mr. Armistead saw his son regularly. He noticed no physical changes until August, when Simon Armistead started taking on the characteristics you saw. They were nowhere near as pronounced as they had been at the time of his death, which was determined to be August 30. However, he had noticed psychological changes in his son after he had returned from Dunwich in late May. Simon was withdrawn and nervous from that point forward, and it worsened with time. Dr. Kirby did hypothesise that it was the transformation that led to him topping himself. She also believes that its cause is genetic in nature, and someone without the gene would not turn into whatever he was in the process of turning into. You should be perfectly safe going to Dunwich - at least on that score. But there may be other dangers present. Now we get to the reason you're all here. The photo I'm about to show you is a damn sight more attractive than what you've seen thus far." Crichton replaced the transparency on the overhead projector with another one.


"Our Scientific Advisor, Dr. Valerie Kirby, is the reason you're all here. As I said, we have not heard from her in two days, and she was supposed to check in every day. She is very conscientious, and she would have called yesterday if it had been at all within her power. I fear that something has happened to her. Some of you know Dr. Kirby personally, and some of you have...other useful talents. In short, I need all of you to travel to Dunwich, locate Dr. Kirby, and bring her back safely."

Chad Engraham had flown Valerie Kirby from place to place, first while she the assistant to the previous Scientific Advisor and also since her promotion. He remembered her from those jaunts, and it had always been a delight conversing with her. Likewise, Leonek Novak had driven her frequently. In addition to her obvious beauty, her mind truly appealed to him. It was rare for him to find someone who was his intellectual equal, but she fit the bill. He thoroughly enjoyed driving her around, as their conversations had really allowed him to exercise his mind, and she had seemed to enjoy them as much as he did.

Raymond MacIntyre had worked with Valerie Kirby often. As Technical Advisor, his activities sometimes complemented hers, and they had collaborated together on a number of UNIT investigations. He was impressed by her brilliance, and concern for her safety began to set in. Tobias Maddox was new, so he had only met her a couple of times, but she was certainly memorable. Salem Shields had worked with Valerie Kirby plenty of times, not just on the autopsy they had peformed together. Their common expertise in biology made them an excellent team. Elliot Webb had seen Dr. Kirby around a few times, but he didn't really know her. However, her stunning looks had certainly drawn his attention. Valerie Soames had become fast friends with her namesake, in spite of the great difference in their ages. Dr. Kirby would also occasionally pick her brain for her pharmacological knowledge, and Valerie Soames learned a lot about plant genetics from her. The thought that something might have happened to her was almost unbearable.
OOC,That's fine with the History roll. Everyone else may roll History as well.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by CrackheadC. »

Raymond felt a twinge of guilt at his earlier comments. He was quite fond of Dr. Kirby and enjoyed working with someone so brilliant - even if they had different specialties. As the Brigadier continued and spoke about her being in danger Raymond couldn't help but thinking back his first project meeting with the doctor. How afterwards he went to a library andread a fair amount of her work since she had impressed him so much.

"Hmm, this is bad news. I hope she is okay." Raymond said, "Will we all be traveling to Dunwich together or will we go in teams? If something has happened to her, say her questions bothered the wrong person, we wouldn't want to draw too much suspicion."
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by markh »

"I do hope nothing has happened to young Val...Brigadier, surely you have enough young men stooging around that you could have sent one with her," said Valerie, concern etched on her face. "We should certainly get to it straight away, but Raymond has the right of it - if we turn up mob-handed like this, we'll stick out like a sore thumb."

Valerie mused on the problem for a few moments, "Dunwich is a sleepy little place...I'm sure I remember getting some tasty fish and chips there years ago. That whole area is good for walking, and with it being just past the school holidays it wouldn't be out of line for someone without children to be taking a late summer walking holiday in the area. If any of you can pretend to an interest in archeology, history or the like, then there's enough old ruins, churches and digs in the area to explain a visit. For myself...the whole Suffolk coast is lousy with the Jam and Jerusalem set. A few phone calls and I'll have a good cover story set up that will let me ask all the questions I want. There might be a space in my cover for a helpful grandson, too."

As Valerie spoke, her earlier shock and concern turned to a keen professional interest, as if the business of cover stories and fake backgrounds was nothing new to her.
OOC, Valerie's plan is to speak to contacts in the WI (the "Jam and Jerusalem set") to manufacture an excuse to be there, such as a fellow keen gardener to visit, or an event to attend. The WI is surprisingly well-organised, like a middle-aged mafia!
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by jimacol »

"Well Mrs S, you are full of surprises!" Elliot chimes in "I may be a little old for your grandson, but maybe I could pass for a nephew"
Addressing the Brigadier "Sir, I assume you've chosen me to, er, access certain places in our hunt for the doc? Maybe If I partner her as some relative, it gives me a cover and good access to sensitive areas. I mean, who wouldn't trust a little old lady and her loveable cockney nephew!?". He flashes a cheesy grin.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by markh »

Valerie gives Elliott a sharp look that doesn't quite cover a smile "A very troublesome nephew, no doubt. I suppose I can find some room for you in the Morris."
OOC,If Elliott has ever seen Valerie drive her beloved, if aged, Morris Minor, he may start to feel concerned at this point...
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by Mr. Handy »

"You're spot on about the need for discretion," said Brigadier Crichton. "It is quite possible that Dr. Kirby's questions reached the wrong ears, and we don't want you to draw too much attention to yourselves. In hindsight, Mrs. Soames, yes, we should have given her an escort, but at the time there was not the slightest hint of any danger. It was a routine investigation, and one she felt she could handle by herself. You know how headstrong she can be. We do have a plan for how you'll travel to Dunwich. Speed is as vital as discretion, and I'm afraid you won't be able to bring the Morris, Mrs. Soames, but we do have another car available I think you'll like. Once the briefing concludes, those of you who are in uniform will change into civilian clothes. You'll all visit the Quartermaster to equip yourselves. If you want weapons, they should be concealable. Handguns and knives are good. Some submachine guns are small enough, though I don't believe any of you are trained in their use. Long guns are out, though. After that, you'll grab some breakfast and board a transport helicopter that Flight Lieutenant Engraham will pilot. You'll be wheels up by 0730 hours. You will fly to RAF Halesworth, which is fairly close to Dunwich. There will be two unmarked vehicles waiting for you there: a Land Rover 127 and an old Tin Lizzie. You can divide yourselves into groups however you see fit and drive to Dunwich. Mrs. Soames, your idea is quite sound, and you can contact your friends to see if you can come up with a good cover story for yourself and Mr. Webb. The two of you would make a good team, considering your...ah, talents. The rest of you can pose as archaeologists or historians, or simply tourists."
OOC,The History roll was to see how much you knew about Dunwich's history, not about [b]Dr. Kirby[/b]. [b]Raymond[/b], with such a good success, you know a lot about Dunwich's history. I'll fill you in from time to time on any relevant details that you know as appropriate, as there's too much to present everything here. Other than that, you can assume that anything you know (or look up) about Dunwich, you know in character as well. Everyone else is free to roll History as well.
Raymond MacIntyre,[b]Raymond[/b] had actually read [b]Beth Armistead[/b]'s book about Dunwich, he recalled. It had been published in early 1955, and he had read it not long after that, though his memory of it was still fresh. The book was called "Dunwich: The Drowned City" and was an extensive, well-researched history of the town from its heyday in the Middle Ages through World War Two, when a radar (or RDF as it had been called at the time) station had been operating there. Once the tenth largest city in England and home to numerous churches, the North Sea had gradually encroached upon Dunwich over the centuries until it was left a shadow of its former self. It had been a rotten borough until 1832, when its Parliamentary seat was finally abolished. Though it remained officially a township, Dunwich was little more than a village with only one church still left on dry land. There were also the ruins of Greyfriars Abbey.
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Re: IC-Ep 1-Missing in Action

Post by MadJaymilton »

Dunwich? Leonek wasn't even sure if he had ever heard of it, let alone knowing anything that might shed light on these weird mutations. Having nothing to contribute to the planning, he kept quiet, and worried about Dr. Kirby. Hopefully she was still okay... but he and his family knew what it often meant when dissidents and undesirables disappeared. It was why they'd come to this country, after all.

This was shaping up to be a bit more involved than his usual chauffeuring tasks.

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