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CH1-3 WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:49 pm
by ghill
Consider this thread a place you can ask about things OOC without then having to detail everything back in the current IC thread. I thought might stop things dragging as you share snippets of information IC.

Re: OOC - CH1 - WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:23 am
by royya
Jacob intention is to clear his name, doing so with the help of the other that suffered the same symptom. We can agree to investigate the things Jacob wrote in the list using our capabilities.
We can search the internet, newspaper, police or the court for records for similar events of children that were suspected in terrorism where events, similar to what we had – memory loss, injuries, ordinary people that tries to help but do not recall and such.
The injuries patterns could be helpful to find similar crime cases or religious glyphs that match by resemblance.
We can find out who is the Greek woman. She could be like us, an innocent woman or she may be part of the plot.
We can search for other events of memory loss and blackened but I doubt this route will help us.
The most important is to find out the identity of the girl. What's her name? Where are the parents, if any exist?

playing it IC will take a lot of time ... we can agree on our intetions and go on rolling.

Re: OOC - CH1 - WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:49 pm
by BenTheRat
Sounds good to me. The girl is supposed to be put in a foster home. I'm not even sure how to go about trying to track down where she is being put.

Re: OOC - CH1 - WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:49 am
by Mr. Handy
Presumably our solicitor(s) can request that information from the police. They will need to interview the girl as a witness, after all.

Re: OOC - CH1 - WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:01 pm
by ghill
There is no way Social Services would give that information out even to a solicitor if someone needs to interview the girl she'll be brought to them or more likely to the local Social Services offices.

Also bear in mind you have all been released without charge and without bail, this essentially means the police either do not believe there is a charge for you to answer or if there is, there isn't enough evidence to obtain a conviction. - You have no need of solicitors unless you intend to start a private prosecution either against the police or against the girl. However, Jacob is aware that both would likely be thrown out by a judge as being "without merit".

Re: OOC - CH1 - WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:08 pm
by BenTheRat
that was my thinking.

Re: OOC - CH1 - WtD around the coffee table - Everyone.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:23 am
by royya
So, we should start our own private investigation ... just in case the police and the GM are hiding some information from us.
And this is what CoC is all about ... let’s start investigating the weird events. :)

But seriously, we can agree on beginning our search tomorrow by finding stories similar stories.
Now, maybe one of us can return to the detectives and ask to show us again the wounds, saying something like. “I thought I remembered something but don’t” or trying to obtain with a fast talk roll the name of the girl.

Hmm... I can say that I want to press charges against her or her parents, for doing something for me and ask for her personal info for the charge.