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Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:29 am
by ghill
Clay looks at Jacob straining to get the door open. "Mate your going red in the face with the effort and that can't be healthy, do you want me to have a go?" he says in an almost stage whisper.

ooc: royya feel free to roll for Clay he has a STR of 12 so a 60% cchance.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:02 pm
by royya
STR check [60%] (1d100=72) - Clay fails. - Inv. castle hates me :o

Well, you are not as good as I am.
Jacob replies to Clay as the later struggles with the door.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:43 pm
by ghill
Clay gives a sheepish grin then looks at the others, "We'll unless anyone else has any ideas we either put a brick through it and open it from the inside or we put two of us on it but I can't imagine it'll be quiet" he whispers.
OOC: B&E All,if you want to try two people on the crowbar then its [b]STR[/b] + (1/2 [b]STR[/b] of the second person) VS Door [b]Str 10[/b]. Failure will shatter the door (very noisey) and a fumble will likely result in the injury of the primary person.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:43 pm
by ImpInTraining
Greg shook his head at the garbage bin as he whispered "Nothing telling of a girl being here. Some used tampons would have been nice. Gross, but nice." He looked to Liz and shrugged uneasily as he replaced the lid on top of the garbage can.

Greg headed over to where the other two men were struggling with the door and said in a whisper, "If you couldn't get it, I doubt very much I could. Maybe we should check the windows to see if they are locked?" He crept over to the nearest window to check it out.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:55 pm
by ghill
Peering through the window Greg determines the downstairs windows (at least) are double glazed and security locked. The French doors offer the best way into the house as although they are also locked they offer the weakest point of entry.

Clay looks at Greg "Its all together, or just put a brick through it. Unless anyone has a better idea?"

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:17 pm
by royya
OOC: Let's do it together. I will give my luck one last shot.

We can do it together.
Jacob says to Clay
Here hold the top of the crowbar and brace yourself, I will try to pull it from here.. Hmmmfff, Arrggg...
Got it ....

STR vs. door. (1d100=20) - Success !!!!!!!

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 1:41 pm
by ghill
The whole door seems to flex in its frame and their is the soft sound of glass cracking, just for a moment Jacob thinks the glass in the door is going to shatter then with what seems like a fairly loud crunch door finnally flys open. Luckily thick drapes prevent the door banging into anything when it does so.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:24 pm
by royya
Jacob says a silent pray, takes out the concealed silencer and steps into the house.
He is nervous like hell.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:29 am
by ghill
OOC: Jacob,Is Jacob trying to move quietly? if so skill roll please?
Jacob enters what is clearly a dining room, the table and chairs have been moved over to one side to make space, but its not clear for what purpose but the room is otherwise bare of any decoration. There is a doorway in the far wall which Jacob knows leads to the downstairs hallway.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:30 pm
by royya
Move Silently (1d100=94) - eek. being quiet is alien to a lawyer.

Jacob motions for the others to come and ponders about why they moved everything to one side.
Something special about the floor? a trapdoor maybe?
He thinks to himself

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:20 pm
by ghill
Jacob rests his hand on some linen on top of the table which immediatly slides of landing with a solid thump on the floor.
OOC: Those Inside,(Jacob, Clay) can I have [b]Listen[/b] rolls please.
OOC: Those Outside,(Liz, Greg unless you tell me different) can I have [b]Spot Hidden[/b] roll please.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:26 pm
by royya
Jacob: Listen [25%] (1d100=12) - Success.
Clay: Listen 25% (1d100=21) - Success.

Oops ... Shhh ... I hear something. let's hide behind the table over there, we'll shot the first zomb .. man to come ito the room.
Jacob whispers to Clay as the later nods to him since he heard the same thing.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:58 pm
by ImpInTraining
spot hidden failed,lost the link... but it was a result of 77 and my spot hidden is 45
Greg allows all the others to go in first before following suit.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:48 pm
by ghill
thuds in the night,Clay and Jacob hear the thud of feet as someone swings themself out of bed directly above them.
"Don't we want to make sure they're not about to wake up the others?" whispers Clay

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:15 pm
by royya
No. We are not familiar with the house amd how many are here. We can easily be surprised and lose the advantage we have. Let’s hide and catch anyone coming down here.
Jacob replies to Clay, trying to hide his fear. Last thing the Rabbi wants is to see another Zombie woman coming down here.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz is about to follow the others inside when she notices something.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:10 am
by ghill
OOC: What Liz saw next:,flush against the wall Liz see's the curtains above her head flick twitch, she gets the sense of someone looking out into the garden, she's not sure if she or or Greg were seen.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:44 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz slips inside, trying to be quiet about it. "Frak," she whispers. "Someone's awake upstairs and was looking out the window, but I'm not sure if they saw us."
OOC,Was this the bedroom window where I saw the man earlier, or the other one?

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:23 pm
by royya
Jacob grins nervously as he hears Liz cursing the Galactica's famous "Frak" and nods to her to take cover.
Hide, someone is coming.

Re: IC - CH1 - Home Invasion.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:30 pm
by ImpInTraining
Greg sticks close to the wall to avoid being observed from above as much as possible. They'd have to open the window and poke their head out to see him now... if the window wasn't already open. He gets his pistol out and quietly cocks it to put a bullet in the chamber, then takes it off 'safe'.