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Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:45 am
by royya
Jacob prepares a light meal for his new friends with eggs, bread and cheese.
Sure Liz, I will come along to the appointment with Centrepoint Limited. I'll put a bandage on the wound, a week from now and I'll have a short beard covering it. Now Let me have a look at the documents you wanted me to check from a legal point of view. In the meantime, wash your hands and have a look at the leather bound tome I have on the desk over there.
Turning to Greg (I assume he came along too) he add
Greg, the book over there contains many images, look like a catalog of tattoos but not ordinary ones, they are very disturbing and I must say that there is something freakish in there ... magical tattoos ?
The last words he said with cautious, almost a whisper.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:35 pm
by ImpInTraining
Greg looked at Jacob and did a silent check-up on the man's state of mind. Seemed he was shaken up about something. Well, considering what they went through yesterday, it was no big wonder.
ooc,Psychology roll?
"I'd like to look at them," he responded to Jacob. "And of course, Liz. I'll be happy to go with you too. It'll be nice to go somewhere that I'm not being attacked or with a threat of being arrested for a change."

He took some bites of his toast and drank it down with some orange juice, and said, "The skin tissue we found yesterday was from an Albanian most likely... but the person from whom it came was a man."

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:15 pm
by ghill
OOC: Greg,Yeah [b]Psychology[/b] roll - either way you believe he's shaken up but otherwise fine.
OOC: Jacob,[b]Law[/b] roll - but from Jacob's point of view yes he'd suspect the companies on the isle of Man were almost certainly shell compnies.
OOC: The Book,Anyone who chooses to look at the book needs to give me a [b]SAN[/b] roll followed by a [b]POW[/b] roll, skiming the book takes an hour

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:25 pm
by ImpInTraining
To Jacob, Greg asked, "Are you alright? You look a bit shaken up... which I can understand considering what we went through, but this seems a bit more recent."
Psychology - success!,[url=]Psychology (60%) (1d100=35)[/url] Figures I'd succeed on a skill check that really doesn't matter. :P

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:31 pm
by ghill
OOC: Greg,a skill check,a skill check.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:59 pm
by royya
Law roll (1d100=65) – Success

Hmmm...yes, I understand.
Jacob talks to himself as he goes over the documents Liz gave him.
Like I was suspecting....

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 3:05 am
by Mr. Handy

"Cheers," says Liz, sitting down to look through the book as she eats breakfast. While the images are disturbing, they are less so than the photos she saw of the tattoos on Elira. What she sees really speaks to her mind.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:44 am
by ghill
OOC: Liz,Liz clearly finds the tome interresting but has no burning desire to lose herself in it at the moment.
OOC: Jacob,LIz's documents don't actually tell you anything more than you've already guessed for yourself, what you need to see to start unravelling this would be the company papers held on the Isle of Man, where the two companies are registered. Centrepoint has no connection to Kinglee Limited or Treeview Properties appart from doing business with them.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:12 pm
by royya
Like I thought. These are shell companies, who know if they exist at all. My best guess is that they are for money laundering.

OOC - Is it worth to travel to the Isle of the Man ? Idea roll ?

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:54 pm
by ghill
Isle of Man,Wether you travel to the Isle of Man is entirely up to you, its not really worth an Idea roll. You know what information is present there, you as players need to decide wether its somewhere to investigate.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 3:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz sets the book aside. "Well, this doesn't look like it'll be of aid," she says. "Were you able to make any headway with that ledger, Jacob? Do you work with anyone who might be able to make sense of it?"

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 7:12 am
by royya
Money laundering.
Jacob replies to Liz
If we want to reveal things further I’ll have to work on the company documents. Any one for a trip to the Isle of the Man ... I’ve never been there.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 6:43 pm
by Mr. Handy

"That's a thought," says Liz. "When we're in Reading, maybe we can inquire about properties in the Isle of Man. That might give us some leads should we go there later. I've never been either, but it should be interesting, as long as we have time to go there. Remember those plane tickets. There were six of them. One was prolly for Elira, which leaves five others. What was the date and time of the flight to Malta, and what were the names on the tickets? They can just buy new tickets and split if we take too long. They may even decide to leave sooner if we've spooked them."

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:20 am
by ghill
Plane Tickets,My mistake there are only five tickets. The flight is in about six weeks time. They are tickets for - Idriz Patrella, Veton Patrella, Indrit Patrella, Afrodita Patrella and Sindi Pula
Reading is a forty minute drive from North London, the offices of Centrepoint Limited is near the center of town, the offices are busy with six estate agents present - the desks of Daniel Gaiman and Jane Smith are slightly larger and more prominent than their staff. Smith is a woman in her 50's of average looks, the yellow tinge to her fingers clearly indicate she is a heavy smoker. Gaiman is younger in his thirties extremely well dressed and well presented.
Reading,As this seemed the concencus for next stop I thought I'd move matters along a bit - feel free to back track slightly if you have anything to add before you headed off to Reading.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:02 pm
by royya
Liz, Let me try to work on Smith, You can try your charms on the young one.
Jacob says to Liz as they enter and scan the place.

Jacob goes to Gaiman and extends his hand.
Good morning Mrs. Smith. My name is Jacob, solicitor Jacob Greenberg. May I sit ?

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:09 pm
by ghill
Jane Smith smiles up at Jacob and waves him to a seat, "Please do Mr Greenberg, what can I do for you today?"
Mr and Mrs,Its Mrs Jane Smith and Mr Daniel Gaiman

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:28 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,We might want to establish our cover story in advance. Perhaps [b]Liz[/b] can pretend to be [b]Jacob[/b]'s secretary/paralegal (an intern most likely, given her youth).

Liz smiles at Daniel Gaiman. "Hello," she says. "You wouldn't happen to be related to Neil Gaiman by any chance, would you?"

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:19 am
by ghill
Daniel looks up from his computer "If we are then I'm afraid its very murky and distant second cousins twice removed I'm afraid. Sorry, I didn't catch your name Miss..."
Seating arrangements,NB Gaiman and Smith's desks occupy the same part of the office, so a conversation at one desk will almost certainly be heard by those at the other.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:24 am
by royya
Jacob sits with a smile.
I'm here for a past deal you had in London were you sold several properties to Kinglee Limited and Treeview Properties. These companies are registered in the Isle of the Man but my colleagues at the firm are failing to find information about these places. Since you did business with them I will be happy for your cooperation.

Jacob give Mrs. Smith the information about the properties that were sold in London and tries to see her reaction about his requests.

Re: IC-CH1 After the nights events... (All)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:54 am
by ghill
Paperwork,The only papers Jacob has are bits and pieces Liz printed off the internet its hardly very official looking.
Jane looks at the papers Jacob hands her. "Not to put to fine a point on it Mr Greenberg, but I'm afraid you haven't told me who you work for, or why I should give you information about our clients. All I am prepared to say at this point is any business dealing we have are entirely legitimate and above board. I'd also suggest that if a company is registered in the Isle of Man its because they don't want people like yourselves snooping into their business."