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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:02 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Yeager,Jerome blinks, but takes the news in stride. "I'm afraid not," he says, "When we ran the studies, we gave it to the subjects shortly before they went to bed, and they got up normally the next morning. If he has to be up sooner, we could try taking him to the laboratory and administer some sort of stimulant to counterract the drug, but if it isn't critical for some reason, I wouldn't advise it - we wouldn't know what we were doing or what the risks and interactions might be." "It would be a very good idea to call Dr. Anderson about this. My preference would be to take him back to the lab and monitor him, but he should be perfectly fine if you give him a comfortable place to sleep. Ironically, I was going to suggest that if you wanted to learn anything else about Morpheus the best way would be to participate in a study."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy
Yeager looked up as Bill entered the guard room. "He's in the hospital right now," he said. "He should be all right there. I'd prefer to talk to Dr. Anderson face to face. I want to see how he reacts to everything. You and your associates are welcome to come along if you like." He called to Bill. "Welcome back, Dorothy! You're just in time. It looks like we're off to see the wizard. Charlie, take a uni and go down to Brian's room at the frat house to find that gun - and anything else that looks interesting. Sergeant Johns and I are going to have a chat with his father." He walked back out into the guard room, glancing back at Jerome. "You coming?"

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:56 pm
by Philulhu
Bill fell into step alongside Yeager. "What do we know about this prof?" he asked. "Has he got any previous? Anti-war? Commie sympathies?"

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:19 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
"Sure, I'll come."

Jerome wheels himself along, keeping pace with the brisk walk of the police officers.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy
Nancy Remington and Anthony Scott went with Jerome and the police back to the elevator.

"Commie sympathies?!" said Nancy, shaking her head. "If he heard you say that, he'd laugh in your face. He's firmly opposed to communism. He's even a member of the John Birch Society."

"You know him well, do you?" asked Yeager, an eyebrow rising.

"I've only worked with him for a couple of months, but I do have some insight into the man. He's very much in favor of winning the war in Vietnam."

"Good. He can't be all bad, then," said Charlie.

"Still, running a background would help," said Yeager. "Good thinking, Sergeant Johns. Charlie, stop off upstairs and assign one of your detectives to do it. Have him radio my car with the results. We should get them before we arrive at the prof's house. You don't happen to know where it is, do you?" he asked Nancy.

"Yes, I do," she said. "He's got a house on Pine Road, up in the Northeast. It's right near the edge of the city. How about I drive there in my car, and you follow us?"

"That works."

The elevator arrived, and everyone got inside and rode up to the lobby, where everyone but Charlie Rawlings, who stayed inside so he could return to the office, emerged. The visitors returned their passes to the desk sergeant before everyone came outside. It was already dark out. Yeager motioned for Bill to follow him to the red 1967 Ford Mustang parked nearby, and Nancy Remington waved for Anthony and Jerome to follow to her car.
OOC,If there's anything anyone wants to say or ask before the groups separate into their own cars, now's the time.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:03 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
"I'll follow you," Jerome says to Nancy as he moves to his small van and laboriously transfers himself to the drivers seat.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:25 pm
by Philulhu
OOC,Nope, I'm good. ;)

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:18 am
by Mr. Handy
John Yeager and Bill Johns got into the red Mustang and pulled out of the lot first, followed closely by Nancy Remington and Anthony Scott in her car. Jerome brought up the rear in his van. The vehicles turned left on 7th Street and then right onto the expressway, heading into Northeast Philly.
Lieutenant John Yeager and Bill Johns,Once they were on the highway, [b]Yeager[/b] turned to [b]Bill[/b] with a smile. "Our friend in the wheelchair let something slip when I was talking to him," he said. "He mentinoed that he and [b]Dr. Anderson[/b] are doing research on Morpheus for the government. Things just got a hell of a lot more interesting." [b]Bill[/b], if you want to talk to [b]Yeager[/b] in private, you can use spoiler buttons like this one. When you're done conversing, just make the Spot Hidden roll as in the instructions below.
OOC,Everyone, roll Spot Hidden to see if you notice anything while approaching [b]Dr. Anderson[/b]'s house.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:32 pm
by Nanonano63
Anthony is caught up in his own thoughts about finding this priest and is unaware of his surroundings.
OOC,sorry about being MIA I was just a wee bit ill, as the alchemist told me I looked like death warmed over.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:56 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Jerome, busy following the cars ahead, sees nothing.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:40 am
by Philulhu
OOC,"The Government? Did he say why they were interested in what he doing?" said [b]Bill[/b]. He knew the Government had their fingers in all sorts of dubious pies in the sixties so he was curious as what they were getting into. [url=]Bill's got his eyes peeled as they approach Dr Anderson's. (1d100=71)[/url] Or not, as the case may be... :(

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 6:05 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Welcome back, Nanonano53! I'm glad you're doing better.
Yeager slowed down to let Nancy pass him and lead the way. I-95 had significant traffic even at this time of night, but it moved swiftly enough. A ramp to the right led to I-95 South, with a sign that indicated it went to the airport and Chester. I-95 North, which was the route they took, indicated that it went to Northeast Philadelphia and Trenton.
Bill Johns and Lieutenant John Yeager,"No, he didn't," said [b]Yeager[/b], "but that's one of the questions I intend to put ot [b]Dr. Anderson[/b]." He noticed the sign for I-95 South. "Your old stomping grounds, huh?"
Dr. Gregory Anderson's Home - Pine Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
10:00 PM - Wednesday, July 16th, 1969
The vehicles made their way up Pine Road after their trip to the northeast. The house where Nancy Remington stopped was a big two-story one, made out of dark red brick. A light was on in one of the downstairs windows, and a driveway led up to the garage, which was closed. A cement walkway branched off from the driveway and went up a few stairs to the front porch, where the front door stood closed.
Anthony Scott,[b]Nancy[/b] [url=]noticed something out of the corner of her eye[/url] as she parked. "[b]Professor Scott[/b]," she said to [b]Anthony[/b]. "There's a pickup truck parked nearby, but I noticed someone trying to duck down in the passenger seat."
Nancy parked her car in which Anthony Scott rode just outside the house, and Lt. Yeager parked his Mustang right behind her. Jerome arrived last in his small van.
Bill Johns and Lieutenant John Yeager,"Did you see that?" asked [b]John Yeager[/b] as he parked. "[url=]I just noticed a pickup truck parked nearby[/url]. It looked normal, but then I noticed someone sitting in the passenger seat ducking down so he couldn't be seen as we pulled up. I've been on enough stakeouts to know what he's doing here. I wonder who he is and what he wants with our friendly neighborhood sandman? Considering the government connection, maybe he's a Fed or something."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:21 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Jerome struggles himself out of the van and into his chair.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:48 am
by Nanonano63
"I'll check it out Nancy," says Anthony, "It's probably nothing." Anthony gets out of the car and heads towards the vehicle. He takes a closer look to see if he can't make out the man inside.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:53 pm
by Philulhu
Bill paused, waiting to see what, if anything, the man did in reposnse to Anthony's approach.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:52 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
Jerome wheels himself over to Anthony and Lt. Yeager.

"Well, here we are."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:15 am
by Nanonano63
"Mmmhmm just a sec," Anthony replies off hand, focused on the task at hand.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:34 am
by Mr. Handy
Nancy got out of her car too and stood back while Anthony started across the road towards where the pickup truck was parked, on the left side. Her car and the vehicles that had followed her were parked on the right, the same side of Pine Road as the house.

"Our boy's a long way from home," said Yeager, "whoever he is. Those are Louisiana plates." He got on the radio and called in to headquarters while the others got out of their vehicles. "This is Lieutenant John Yeager, calling for one of my detectives."

"Hold on, he's right here," said the radio dispatcher.

"Sir, this is Detective O'Hara," said an older man's voice on the radio. "I've got the background on Dr. Gregory Anderson you wanted. 48 years old, no criminal record, but he does have a military service record. He was a U.S. Army medic during World War Two, in the European theater, and he was awarded a few medals. He served from 1942-1948, including occupation duty in West Berlin. He's from D.C., and he got his M.D. at Johns Hopkins when he came back from Europe. He taught at George Washington University until last year, when he took a position at Penn. It'll take more time to find out any more details."

"That'll have to do for now, then," said Yeager, "but see what you can dig up. Also, I've got a license plate for you to run. Louisiana, 234I101."

"Will do, Lou. O'Hara out."

Yeager opened his door and motioned for Bill to follow him. "You might want to hang back," he said to Anthony. "We'll check it out."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:51 pm
by Mi-Go Agent
"I don't recognize that car..." Jerome says, having missed the earlier conversation.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Subterraneans(Police/Barney/Tony/Jerome/Bill)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:09 am
by Nanonano63
"If you say so, Officer." Anthony stops approaching the car, waiting to see what's going to happen.