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Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Alan Gains/Fr. Levington/Lt. John Yeager)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:59 pm
by TheAlchemist
Levington smiled, but waved off the offer of whiskey by pointing to his coffee. When John mentioned the ancient greek god of dreams, he slapped his hand on the desk.

"I knew that name sounded familiar, right on the tip of my tounge." Levington said taking a sip of his coffee. "Rather apt name, that."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Alan Gains/Fr. Levington/Lt. John Yeager)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:32 am
by seanarcher
John knocks back the shot in one gulp, then stows the bottle and glasses back in desk drawer.

"At this stage Father Levington I'm not even sure if Morpheus is actually illegal, I've no idea what's in at all. I'll have to get another sample and get it tested. Father, what time exactly did Brain call you, and what did he ask you when he did call you?"

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Alan Gains/Fr. Levington/Lt. John Yeager)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:05 am
by TheAlchemist
"He called me around seven fourty. Told me he'd been taken to the station on attempted murder charges and asked me to come visit him. It was all rather sudden. I'd only met him a few hours earlier."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Alan Gains/Fr. Levington/Lt. John Yeager)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:09 am
by seanarcher
"Ok thanks for your time Father Levington, I need to have a chat with Brain." John says as he gets up from his chair. "I'll ask one of my detectives to show you out."

John makes his way over to the office door and holds it open for Father Levington.
John Yeager,After Father Levington has gone John wants to make his way down to the holding cells and have a chat with Brain.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Alan Gains/Fr. Levington/Lt. John Yeager)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:58 pm
by TheAlchemist
"That's alright, I can find my way out." Levington said, standing and walking through the open door.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Alan Gains/Fr. Levington/Lt. John Yeager)

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:28 pm
by seanarcher
OOC,Do I assume that John just gets down to the holding area and can start questioning Brian?

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy
Father Levington and Lieutenant Yeager returned to the hall outside the elevators, where John pushed the button to call an elevator going down.
OOC,No, you're not there yet. I need to give some more time for [b]Bill[/b] and [b]Charlie[/b] to act in the other thread before you arrive, but feel free to keep talking to each other in the meantime. In general, you tell me where you want to go and I'll let you know when you've arrived. You never know what might happen along the way.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:52 am
by seanarcher
"One day I'm going to find the guy who installed these damned lifts and make him take the hour long ride between floors!" John says with less than ammused look on his face as they wait for the lift to arrive.

John turns to Father Levington "So Father our Brian thinks the almighty is going to get him out of this one aye!"

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:58 pm
by TheAlchemist
"If he does, he'll be disappointed. God is not to be confused with Santa Clause. What will happen to Brian?"

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:05 am
by seanarcher
"He'll probably get a minimum sentence and be outa jail next week! I arrest them and the damn lawyers get them out." John pounds the door with his fist, obviously frustrated "You know what I think Father, each of those damn lawyers should come along and see what their clients actually get up to out there! See the destruction they leave behind," A vein in John's temple starts to pulse as his voice raises a few decibels "the wasted families: respectable fathers beating their wives’ and kids because they're strung out," John's eyes appear to be bulging as some spittle fly’s from his lips "and those gutter crawling lawyers sit in their shinny new homes and cars, all bought on the backs of these families!" The last few words echo off the walls as John suddenly stops his tirade and stands there staring at Father Levington.

Visibly John collects himself, he wipes his brow with the sleave of his jacket his hand shaking slightly. "Sorry Father Levington, " his voice has dropped to more conversational tones "That wasn't aimed at you, as you can tell I have something against defence lawyers."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:39 pm
by TheAlchemist
A mischevious smile lit across Levingtons lips.

"The devil visited a lawyer's office and made him an offer. 'I can arrange some things for you,' the devil said. 'I'll increase your income five-fold. Your partners will love you; your clients will respect you; you'll have four months of vacation each year and live to be a hundred. All I require in return is that your wife's soul, your children's souls, and their children's souls rot in hell for eternity." Levington said and then paused.

"The lawyer thought for a moment. 'What's the catch?' he asked."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:08 am
by seanarcher
Booming with laughter John slaps Father Levingtons back "Father, you're OK. Now if only you could get this damn lift here!" John says with a smile in his voice.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:18 am
by Mr. Handy
As John spoke, the elevator arrived with a ding and both men got in. John pressed the buttons for both the lobby, where the exit was, and the basement, where the holding cells were. The elevator slowly descended. It stopped in the lobby and the doors opened to let the priest out.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:57 am
by TheAlchemist
Levington stepped out of the elevator.

"Goodnight Lieutenant. I need some sleep."

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:19 am
by seanarcher
"Keep in touch Father Levington, if Morpheus shows up in your neighbourhood let me know." John pushes the close door button after Father Levington steps out.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:27 am
by TheAlchemist
Heading for the closest exit, Father Levington steped outside and breathed in the night air. It was time to head home.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:39 am
by seanarcher
OOC,I hope we're not waiting for me?

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:02 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,No, actually we're waiting for me. I haven't had much sleep in a long time, and I can't really think straight. I should be able to update on Sunday.

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:17 am
by seanarcher
OOC,fair enough mate, take your time :)

Re: IC-Chapter 1-Law(Gains/Levington/Lt. Yeager/Sgt. Rawlings)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:14 pm
by Mr. Handy
The elevator doors closed, and the elevator descended to the basement. John Yeager made his way down the corridor to the cell block.
OOC,[b]John Yeager[/b] is moving to the following thread.

Father Levington returned his visitor's pass at the front desk and left Police Headquarters. It was starting to get dark, the sun having only just set, and it would be completely dark by the time he got home. He got in his car and drove away.
OOC,[b]Father Levington[/b] is moving to the following thread.
Holy Holy