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Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 6:16 pm
by Cearlan
The party arrive safely at the outskirts of Arkham without incident.

Rain falls fairly heavily and as you crest the hill overlooking the town, the decaying and shadowed gambrel roofs hint at hidden menace.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 10:01 pm
by Mr. Handy

"That key is from the First National Bank of Arkham," says David. "My guess is it opens a safe deposit box. Our first order of business should be to see what's inside it."

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:16 am
by Cearlan
Trees hide the knots of small houses. Grass grows through cracks in the sidewalks, homeless people lurk in the dark alleyways, and the streets themselves are strangely deserted. Arkham more resembles Innsmouth now.

The main centre of the town is taken up with the prestigious Miskatonic University set to the South of the river. The older university buildings are starting to show a little of their age, but the crowning jewel as far as you are concerned is the infamous University Library, one object of the investigators’ journey. The University Library is a repository for over 400,000 carefully chosen books and pamphlets. It is a three-story Gothic structure built of native granite.

The other two are the First National Bank of Arkham, located at 150 E Hyde Street around the corner to the Tele-views Cinema and opposite the Absury M.E. Church. It's opening hours are 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Monday-Thursday, extended to 5 P.M. on Friday.

Finally there is the the hotel where Sorrell stayed, The Tilden Arms Hotel of 179 W Armitage St, located opposite Gedney Street. It is a decent, four stories high hotel charging $2.25 a night and up for room and bath, and it is handy for the train station.

Both the Bank and hotel are situated in the downtown area of Arkham, located to the North of the Miskatonic.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:18 pm
by royya
Yes. The bank.
Josep says as he eyes the imppresive place around him. He never been to Arkham before but he heard about the famous library a lot.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"Since I'm Martin's friend, I should take the lead," says David as he starts heading for the bank. "Hopefully I can convince them to let me into he box if having the key isn't enough by itself."

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 11:32 pm
by Cearlan
As you enter the bank, you are directed to a sub-manager who says "I am afraid that I couldn't possibly just allow you access to the box unless I can see a letter of authorisation from Mr Sorrell or something similar. I am sure you understand that the privacy of our clients is paramount to our business."
OOC:   Fast-talk or persuade, whichever is higher from David or Joseph please ... if they fail I'll bring Jemima's winning smile into play (40% Persuade)  

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:21 am
by Mr. Handy

David speaks with logic and reason. "I'm afraid Martin Sorrell won't be writing any letters until the Day of Judgment," he says, lowering his head. "He passed away recently under unusual circumstances. I'm Professor David Johnson, his best friend and colleague, and we are assisting the Providence Police in their investigation into his death. You can verify this by calling Lt. O'Grady. We have reason to believe that the contents of his safe deposit box may aid in the investigation, and we have his key right here."

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:43 pm
by royya
Joseph stands next to David ... well, the man got a point and his low and assuring voice he convincing. If he was the banker he would spread a red carpet for the man.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:48 am
by Cearlan
After a quick call to Lt O'Grady, the manager relents and allows access to the safety deposit box.

"I remember Sorrell pretty well," he adds with an acid look on his face as you all head down to the tiny vault. "Always looking down his nose at us." He shows you all to the conference room next to the vault whilst he retrieves the box and asks you to leave the box on the table when you leave and let him know on the way out.

Opening the box reveals two items. Firstly a large manilla envelope containing the outline of Sorrell's new book as well as a couple of sections of his book.
Handout 18 - Outline for new book

Handout 19 - Section of new book

Handout 20 - Section of new book
The second item is a second manilla envelope containing excerpts from the restricted section of the Miskatonic Library in Sorrell's own hand
Handout 21 - Excerpts from books in the Miskatonic University restricted List

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:19 am
by Mr. Handy

David voraciously reads the documents, his wonder growing. "This is incredible!" he says when he finishes. "I don't yet know what it all means yet, but it seems to be along the lines of Martin's other research that we've found. I've heard of Tezcatlipoca, but the name Nyarlathotep is new to me. It does sound Egyptian, which lends credence to the theory of ancient Egyptian influence and contact. And these 'Deep Ones' sound much like what he described in his other writings, as well as that hideous fellow that had been poking around the house before us. He mentions Innsmouth and Devil Reef. Those sound like normal names, but Y'ha-nthlei must be from some other language I don't know."

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 3:05 pm
by royya
I don't want to sound rude but looks like Sorrel lost it or on the other hand found something ...
Jospeh trying to find an appropriate word
... not ordinary ...
Who is this Nyartholatep ...

He takes one of the notes to correct himself
N-y-a-r-lo-tho-tep ?
What ever it is, this research killed him without a doubt. Sadly I did not find anything in there that might explain the autopsy and brain exchanges I saw in the morgue.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:00 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I think it's meant to pronounced Ny-ar-lat-hotep," says David. "I've never heard the name before, but it appears from these documents that he has a thousand different forms and guises, and that one of them is Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror, a particular vile Aztec deity. Now, the Aztecs came centuries after the Mayan civilization had collapsed, though clearly there's some Mayan influence on them."

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:50 pm
by Cearlan
OOC:   Is there anything else you want to discuss or do at the bank?

Where next if not?  

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:56 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I think our next stop should be Miskatonic University, to talk to the faculty who worked with [b]Martin[/b] and to do further research.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:20 pm
by Cearlan
OOC:   The bank is not far from the University. A short walk and you are there. Are you heading to the faculty or wherever to do further research?  

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:15 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Let's talk to the faculty first. That might give us a better indication as to what we should research.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:08 pm
by Cearlan
You are now at the faculty and after being kept waiting until he finishes lecturing, you are greeted by the senior lecturer for the Archeology faculty - those above him are all unavailable due to other engagements. It is about 16:45 when his secretary ushers you into the offices of Professor Lester Cox, Assistant director of the Faculty of Archeology, Miskatonic University. He is a thin wiry man with pale skin, blonde hair, and a remarkable penetrating gaze; he seems to stare right through whomever he looks at. He sits behind a desk littered with folders and files. As you sit facing him, dust motes dance in pale, watery sunlight off to your right hand side.

Once introductions are made he says in a distracted voice; "Ah Dr. Johnson, I now you by reputation, how are things with our 'Brothers' at Brown University?" There is some small talk between the two archeologists before he addresses the entire group "Well Ladies and Gentlemen, now that the pleasantries and formalities are completed, what is it that I may do for you?"
OOC:   DeeJ's father's cremation is taking place on Friday so I will probably not be posting until Saturday, though more likely Sunday once we get things back to some semblance of normality - Thank you all again for your forbearance and kind thoughts and well-wishes - Till the weekend then my cyber-friends Ia! Ia! Ia Cthulhu Fhtagn!  

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"My colleagues and I have come to discuss the research Professor Martin Sorrell has been doing here at Miskatonic Unversity," says David. "I'm not sure if you are aware of what has befallen him."

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:19 pm
by Cearlan
"Young Sorrell, what has transpired?" After you explain what has happened Cox retorts; "I am shocked to learn of these events, I quite liked the young man who I thought of as a rising star. Of course, whatever help I can be, I obviously will do my best to accommodate. However I do have my own workload to take care of as well so may not be at your beck and call all the time. I'm afraid that Sorrell has left our manuscripts in a bit of a state, all mixed up you understand. Please wait here a moment or two."

He returns some ten minutes later and says to you. "Please follow me, I need to direct you to the Library to see the documents he was working on." As he leads you across the campus to the Library he says to you "Sorrell worked mainly on something to do with a previous dig that took place in British Honduras that was stymied by local drug runners. Dr Johnson, weren't you involved in that dig - headed by that pompous oaf Bowery if I recall. Sorry if I offend with my bluntness, but I tend to speak my mind. Anyway, I do know that very few returned from British Honduras, and some of those who did were not left with their careers unstained." Cox gestures when you reach the library and ushers you inside. He takes you to the office of the head librarian a Maximillian Armitage and makes the introductions. After a few minutes he says "I will leave you in Armitage's tender care he adds before he leaves."
David,As Cox mentions Bowery, British Honduras and sullied reputations, you get a shiver down your spine and a lot of fogged memories of the events of the dig.

Re: Shadowed Arkham

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Professor Cox," says Henry. "I was at that dig in British Honduras with Martin Sorrell, yes. It was a long time ago, and I try not to think about what happened there, but I know I was lucky to escape with my life."