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Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:33 pm
by Tabs

Fengtai District, West Passenger Station [北京西客站]: The platform has an impatient line of chilly yáng guǐzi "Foreign devils." The well wishers have waved goodbye to the Chengchow train--aboard it, Peter Fleming and Ella Maillart; now, at the door to the station restaurant, they look forward to free drinks at the farewell party.

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"I am Dr. Chee, your host." His English is perfect--Cambridge, probably. "May I also introduce you to my daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

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"Admiral Kolchak and my wife." He shakes Dr. Chee’s hand.

"Zdravstvuyte--hello," says Mrs. Kolchak.

The camera's flashbulb "whumps": the photographer takes a picture of the Kolchaks; also, a bearded ancient inscribes with exquisite calligraphy a record of each guest. Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." She promptly pins a silver disc on to their shoulder, and bows prettily.

"And you are? . . ."


"Mr. Franklyn. British port authority, Weihai Harbour." He shakes the proffered hand.

"Mrs. Franklyn. And, of course, our Posie."

"Mr. Cheese!" Posie laughs unaffectedly.

"Really! Po, mind your manners."

Dr. Chee smiles: "Enchanting"; and nods. Mingzhu pins a silver disc to Posie’s shoulder.

Mingzhu brushes the girl's cheek with the back of her hand. "Tonight, child, you will be one of the lucky ones." The flashbulb "whumps."

"I am Dr. Chee, your host. My daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

The young woman in a sleeveless cream dress steps forward and extends her hand to Dr. Chee. "Elisabeth Grey," she says. She indicates the bearded man in his forties beside her. "This is my father, Samuel Grey, assistant to the British ambassador."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:34 am
by Tabs
"Delighted to meet you Ms. Grey, and you Sir." Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." She pins a silver disc on to Elisabeth's shoulder.

"Your dress--how beautiful? Later, we must talk," says Mingzhu. The camera's flashbulb "whumps."

[ooc: Elisabeth and her father enter the station restaurant. Once inside there will be three topics: Bar, Buffet and Gaming Tables, and you decide which one to choose; also, feel free to move between topics. However, for now, let's get everyone inside.]

"And you are? . . ."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:56 am
by Dave Syrinx
"Byron de Prorok, author, archaeologist - visiting your beautiful country. What a fantastic place you got here, Dr Chee."
de Prorok shakes the hosts hand in a double grip and looks through the crowd for a familiar face.

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:05 pm
by Tabs
Dr. Chee's handshake is limp--as is the Chinese way--and his palm is moist. "Mr. de Prorok, thank you for your kind words. Mrs. de Prorok." Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." She pins a silver disc on to Byron's shoulder. The camera's flashbulb "whumps."

"I am Dr. Chee, your host. May I introduce you to my daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:45 pm
by Cearlan
"Why good Sir," bowing slightly accompanied with an awkward handshake so as confer respect for the host, "I am Dr. Henry Renwick, recently working on the archaeological dig at Zhoukoudian under the late Dr. Black. I must say that I have fallen quite under the spell of your beautiful country - it currently offers a lot more for me than England by way of advancing my career."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:51 am
by Tabs
"China's earth is a veritable treasure trove for the anthropologist . . . I had the pleasure of meeting Pei Wenzhong, Dr. Renwick." Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." Mingzhu pins a silver disc on to Henry's shoulder. The camera's flashbulb "whumps."

"I am Dr. Chee, your host. May I introduce you to my daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:11 pm
by Tabs

"Professor Otto Eichelstein."

"And I am Professor Ivan Pavlov. We are running a course at Peking University."

"A Psychology Doctorate," adds Prof. Eichelstein.

"Education is the key to heaven's gate." Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." Mingzhu pins a silver disc on their shoulders. The camera's flashbulb "whumps."

Prof. Pavlov wears a puzzled frown, trying to recall a classical quotation regarding "Education . . ." etc. "Yes, er, I believe so."

"I am Dr. Chee, your host. May I introduce you to my daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:55 pm

A tall and obscenely obese Japanese man in a tailored formal kimono bows his head towards Dr. Chee's daughters. He is full of shame as he looks each of them in the eyes . He extends his open hand towards Dr. Chee cringing as if expecting a reprisal for any ill conceived thoughts he may or may not have been harboring towards the beautiful young women.

The reprisal comes after all, but from a tiny old woman hidden from view by the massive girth of Tatsuo Akiyama. She slaps the ham sized hand of young Tatsuo and scowls.


Keep your eyes and your hands to yourself you stupid ox!

The old woman holds out her hand to Dr Chee. Her English is sharp but her accent is strong and easily recognized as Japanese.

I am Arashi Akiyama Dr. Chee... This oaf is my son Tatsuo. He is as rude as he is fat I am afraid, Please forgive his clumsy leering. He will pay dearly for his manners I assure you.

Tatsuo nods to Dr. Chee and lowers his head.

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:05 am
by Tabs
Chunhua, who hasn't left Dr. Chee's side, eyes up Tatsuo with a slantendicular smile, as if she finds the Japanese man to be deliciously revolting. Mingzhu jangles her calf-skin bag of raffle tokens. "Zhēn de ma, bà ba?"

"Madam," says Dr. Chee, and bows almost imperceptibly. The camera's flashbulb "whumps."

"I am Dr. Chee, your host. May I introduce you to my daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:28 pm
by aine
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Waiting patiently is a tall, travel-worn gentleman. He bows correctly in the Chinese manner, conveying just the right amount of respect; not an ounce more. "Santiago," A glimmer of a smile plays around his mouth. "El Águila. And this is my traveling companion. I'm afraid I don't know his name; he doesn't speak much." He turns to the beautiful daughters and bows to them silently in turn. The robed Chinese man that stands with Santiago bows politely in turn. They see he has bare feet.

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:00 pm
by Tabs
"Spanish, but not from Spain, yes?" Dr. Chee addresses Santiago's companion: "Sēng?" Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." Mingzhu pins a silver disc on to Santiago's shoulder. The camera's flashbulb "whumps."

"I am Dr. Chee, your host. May I introduce you to my daughters: Mingzhu and Chunhua." He offers his hand. "Welcome, and enjoy the evening. And you are? . . ."

[ooc: The topics inside the station restaurant will be up soon; maybe tomorrow, certainly by the weekend.]

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:53 am
by Pickman37
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"Good evening." A slender woman in a lean, black chiffon dress approaches, offering up her hand in greeting but unsure of the local customs based on her obvious tentativeness. "I am Violet Montgomery, actress. Let me start by saying that your country is most beautiful and I am impressed with your establishment here. I..."

She is interrupted by the man standing behind her, who immediately steps forward to place himself within the conversation...

"Hello. I'm Mario Giovanni, Ms. Montgomery's travelling companion. We represent Hong Kong's Tianyi Film Company and heard this was the place to be in Peking this evening. Thanks for welcoming us." The man grins. Whereas Violet was tentative, this man is downright unaware. He offers his hand in a shake...

Violet rolls her dark eyes and looks towards Dr. Chee with a hint of embarrassment...

Re: Dr. Chee's Meet and Greet

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:09 pm
by Tabs
"Most kind, Miss Montgomery." Dr. Chee takes her hand and presses his lips to her fingers; Violet feels the wet touch of something else. There is a sharp intake of breath by Chunhua. Dr. Chee shakes Mario's hand. "Signaore Giovanni, benvenute."

The camera's flashbulb "whumps": the photographer takes a picture of Violet and Mario; also, a bearded ancient inscribes with exquisite calligraphy a record of each guest. Dr. Chee nods towards Mingzhu. "Please, allow my daughter to attach a raffle token." She promptly pins a silver disc on to Violet's shoulder.