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Re: An American in China

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:06 am
by Tabs

Deng warbles away to Santiago with a great deal of hand gesture; Santiago gathers that he, and the steward, must wait until the next turn to join the game. Renwick, who is on fire when it comes to understanding Chinese, hears:
Deng speaks,"The red devil is eager to give us his money!"
Bo and Wu, the steward, giggle avariciously.
Renwicks draw [3 cards],2D, 7H, JS.

Bo discards a card and draws another; he whistles silently through his jagged teeth.

[Final round of betting; 3 beans on the table.]

Deng "calls" by throwing down one bean and "raises" with another bean. [Total of 5 beans on the table.] Renwick can either Fold, Call or Raise; to Call (the minimum cost to stay in the game) he must pay two beans.


Wu bows his head to Santiago, smiles, takes a sesame bun, and dunks it in the plum sauce.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:55 pm
by Cearlan

Renwick looks at Deng and says in flawless Mandarin; "The 'red devil' may have given you some leeway with the price of the beans, but do not seek to be taking further advantage. I call, and raise." I lay two beans down followed by a second pair of beans. "Over to you Bo"

Re: An American in China

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:11 am
by Tabs
Wu looks to Bo, Bo checks with Deng, then Wu says to Deng:
[Renwick] Wu speaks,"Mind your manners with the passengers, Deng, especially when one of them can understand you!"
"Four beans?" says Deng to himself, unsure whether to be impressed or amused. Bo tosses down his cards, he "folds." Deng reveals his hand, laying them expertly upon the table: 4C, 5C, 9C, QC, KC, "A flush."

Re: An American in China

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:56 pm
by aine

Santiago silently raises an eyebrow.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:52 pm
by aine
And eats some rice with plum sauce. "You have great skill at the cards, Senor. You must play a lot on these long journeys into the west." He says to Deng, unsure if the man would understand him but hopes he'll get the gist.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:10 pm
by Tabs
Santiago hands over $5 and receives 20 beans to bet with.

Deng gives Santiago a blank look--he either does not, or chooses not, to understand.


The Doctor throws, face down, his cards, he has lost 5 (of his 20) beans. Deng wins; he gleefully gathers the beans and cards. Bo shuffles and then deals to Wu, who is sat to Bo's left, then Santiago, Renwick, Deng and himself.
Santiagos cards,4H (4 of hearts), 8H, 10D, 10C, AH.
Renwicks cards,6D, 9C, JS, QS, QH.
Wu, focusing intently at the cards before him, "calls" by placing a bean upon the table.

[ooc: Santiago's turn: "fold," "call" or "raise"--your decision is based upon your cards; next round, discard and receive from 1-3 cards; and then a final round of betting. **Any questions, or if you don't wish to play for real, just say.** ]

Re: An American in China

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:03 pm
by aine

Santiago puts a bean down on the table.
Next round (draw?),He puts down the 4H and 8H to exchange.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:17 pm
by Tabs
Everyone places down one bean, except the last player, Bo, who places down two beans. Next round, Wu draws one card, Santiago two, Renwick three, Deng one, and Bo two.
Santiagos cards,He draws: 3C, AS. [Add to 10D, 10C, AH.]
Renwicks cards,He draws: 2S, 4S, 8S. [Add to JS, QS.]
Final round, Wu "calls" and pays two beans [the minimum bet]; Santiago's turn. . . .

Re: An American in China

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:17 pm
by aine
Santiago wordlessly puts down another two beans. And then one more.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:28 am
by Tabs
Renwick looks ever so unsure, he hesitates, then places down three beans: "I'm in, old chap"; Deng slaps his cards down and mutters "Jībā"; Bo places three beans upon the table.

Everyone reveals their poker hand:

Wu: 2H, 5H, 7H, 10H, QH.

Santiago: 3C, 10D, 10C, AH, AS.

Renwick: 2S, 4S, 8S, JS, QS.

Bo: 9D, JH, KC, KS, AD.

Renwick and Wu have a flush, Santiago two pairs and Bo one pair; Renwick wins with the higher second card.


"Daddy! Daddy! How much have you won?" enquires Posie excitedly, skipping up to Santiago and clutching his arm, she rests her chin upon the inside of his elbow and peers up shyly.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:10 pm
by aine

Santiago grins, "Well done Henry!" He hears running feet and looks round with a smile as Posie skips up. "Not as much as Uncle Henry here!" He laughs, ruffling her hair. "Posie, this is Mr Wu, Mr Deng and Mr Bo. Say 'hello' nicely."

Re: An American in China

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:46 pm
by Cearlan

I mutter something underneath my breath about never winning at anything Godly then smile affectionately at Posie and giving her a short nod say; "Hello there Posie, you don't mind if I borrow your father for a short while now do you? I need to get back some of that money he took off me last week." I introduce Posie and translate for Deng and Bo so they can understand the interaction whilst the next hand is being dealt. "This is Deng and this Bo, Posie." I add indicating each of them in turn

"Well Gentlemen, we have only seen the coastal areas of your magnificent country and Peking of course. What sort of things can we expect as we venture deeper into the Chinese heartlands?" I add conversationally before looking at my own cards.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:23 pm
by Tabs
"Hello," says Posie timidly.

Deng replies: "Nǐ hǎo," Wu and Bo bow solemnly as if addressed by someone of great import. Posie giggles.

"No, Mr. Renwick," says Posie, "I don't mind if you borrow him at all." She thinks, brow furrowed, then asks: "Did Daddy take your money, really?"

"Well Gentlemen, we have only seen the coastal areas of your magnificent country and Peking of course. What sort of things can we expect as we venture deeper into the Chinese heartlands?"
--The "boys" will answer shortly.]

Re: An American in China

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:00 pm
by Tabs
Deng answers the Doctor in Chinese; Santiago is unable to understand the reply.


Mingzhu enters the compartment. Placing an arm on Posie's shoulder she says: "I trust Posie is not distracting you from the game, Señor el Aguila?"--Posie removes her chin from Santiago and embraces Mingzhu.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:49 pm
by aine
Santiago smiles, "No, we are having a break anyway; these men are impressing us with their amazing knowledge of the Chinese interior. I hope - I can't understand a word!" He laughs and introduces her to the men around the table, "Deng, Bo and Wu; Senorita Mingzhu." He looks back at Mingzhu,"Did you get something to eat? Is Elizabeth okay? How's she getting on with the.. er.. American woman?" He finishes politely.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:45 am
by Tabs

"Yes, we have eaten, and yes, Elisabeth is fine--though the American woman can be a bit trying, but she is fun."

"'Senorita,'" repeats Mingzhu, stroking her permed blue-black hair whilst admiring herself in a make-believe mirror, "if only. . . ."--she sighs.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:51 am
by Tabs
The locomotive slows. Deng leaves followed by Mingzhu and Posie.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:39 pm
by aine
"Just a minute, Posie." Santiago looks at the men around the table, "Excuse me for five minutes please. Henry, look after my beans!" Then he gets up and takes Posie's hand. "Come on, we'll watch together." And he leads her to a door and lifts her up where she can watch the comings and goings on the platform. At the same time, Santiago keeps a sharp look out for anyone he may recognise or who looks suspicious.

Re: An American in China

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:47 pm
by Cearlan

"Where are we now Bo?" I ask deferentially. "We, Senor Santiago and his family and I, are going to Hankow initially. Thereafter, our plans are somewhat less ordered. We would wish to see the country as it it meant to be seen, away from the commercial districts of Peking and so forth."

Re: An American in China

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:06 pm
by Tabs

Santiago takes the little girl by the hand. The locomotive stops beside a platform with a small crowd of hawkers, selling melons, chestnuts, etc. in wicker bowls and pottery dishes: it's a mini market. The second and third class carriages disgorge many peasants and soon the platform is milling with indistinguishable people. Santiago does, however, spot Deng enter the station master's hut.


"You don't mind, do you," whispers Posie, "being my pretend daddy?"--she sounds as if she needs assurance.

Renwick,"Save your breath with that one," answers Wu in Chinese, referring to Bo, "we can barely understand him ourselves--he's from a forsaken, far-flung province, way out West."