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Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:29 am
by Tabs
The shutter at head height begins to open, Elisabeth hears execrable Chinese "Méiyǒu zhěnsuǒ. Yīxué de míngtiān. Wáng xiānshēng, nǐ de nǚ'ér yǒu dòu ne?" that roughly translates to "No clinic. Medicine tomorrow. Mr. Wang, has your daughter got the pox again?" And now a young bearded face is revealed, eyes goggling at sight of the bedraggled party, he gasps: "Mon Dieu!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sanctuary!" gasps Elisabeth in Chinese.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:50 am
by Tabs
"Bien sûr!" says the Belgian Father. He unbolts the door. He greets Elisabeth with, "You are English, no?" but doesn't wait for a reply as he ushers everyone inside. "Come, come,"--walking down a stone flagged corridor. A kitchen, with a blazing hearth, and . . . Father Pierrepont goes and stands behind a grandee who bangs his glass upon a table.

"I am Father Anselm, what is the meaning of this?"


Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, I'm English," says Elisabeth helping Posie inside. "My name is Elisabeth Grey." She indicates Samuel, who has followed her inside. "This is my father, Samuel Grey. He's the assistant to Sir Alexander Cadogan, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Republic of China. We and these other people with us were at a celebration hosted by Dr. Chee that was interrupted by a contingent of soldiers from the Empire of Japan. They murdered Dr. Chee and one of his daughters. This is his surviving daughter, Mingzhu." She points her out. "They proceeded to herd us into a train car, but we soon realised that they intended to murder us all and eliminate the witnesses. We slipped away before they could, and they machine-gunned the empty railroad car. It didn't take them long to figure out we'd scarpered, and they'll be looking for us. Some of our fellow guests were doubtless already killed by the Japanese, and some of the other survivors are still out there, trying to slow down the Japanese from pursuing us."


"I can confirm everything my daughter just told you, Father," says Samuel. "Do you have a telephone, by any chance?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:00 am
by Tabs
". . . Chee: dead . . . ?" says Father Anselm. He looks at each face of the party, and takes in their appearance: soaking wet, mud splattered, exhaustion. "Incroyable!

"Mr. Samuel Grey, we are honoured to have such a distinguished guest--guests: you are all welcome." He replies to Samuel's question: "There is not a telephone here at the mission, the nearest one is at the train station." Father Anselm continues: "So many questions! Where to start? Japanese soldiers, you say?--"


"Your 'guests,'" interrupts Mrs. Kolchak a little brusquely, "number women and child who have undergone a horrible ordeal." She softens: "Please, Father, we require hot drinks, food, hot water for a bath, and bed."

Father Anselm rings a bell. "Mrs. Quan will see to your needs."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you!" says Elisabeth, sighing in relief. "A hot bath is precisely what I need! Some tea, a good meal, and a bed wouldn't go amiss either."


"Yes, thank you," says Samuel. "I was hoping to inform the embassy of the situation immediately, but that won't be possible. We cannot return to the train station under the circumstances. If you have pen and paper, I'll write a letter to Sir Alexander detailing what happened."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:31 am
by Tabs
Father Pierrepont crosses the room to a bureau, delves inside, and returns with ink, pen and headed paper. Samuel reads:
Sacrée Congrégation pour la Propagation de la Foi
Pékin, la province du Hebei
Father Anselm asks Elisabeth: "Madamoiselle Grey, you said there are others? The mission has a truck, perhaps Father Pierrepont could return to the water mill with Mr. Pei-Hu?"--he nods toward Shaosu.

"Yapping" of dogs, followed by Mrs. Quan.


The imperturbable housekeeper, after a brief consultation with Father Anselm, ushers Elisabeth, Mingzhu, Mrs. Kolchak, Mae and Posie with a "follow me" gesture.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, they could go look for the others," says Elisabeth, "but they'll need to be careful. Those soldiers mean business."


"Thank you, Father," says Samuel, accepting the paper, ink, and pen with a bow. "Go on, Elisabeth. I can write the letter myself." He turns back to Father Anselm. "My daughter is a secretary at the embassy."


"Let's go," says Elisabeth, taking Posie's hand and following Mrs. Quan.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:59 am
by Tabs

"I will be most careful, madamoiselle," says Father Pierrepont with a bow.

Father Anselm replies: "A capable young lady, I am sure. A stiff drink for you men? So, Mr. Grey, you were a guest at . . ."--the voice fades away as Elisabeth follows Mrs. Quan.

The women are taken to a large parlour-cum-kitchen where Mrs. Quan directs them to a bench and armchairs before a roaring fire. She places a large copper kettle over the flame. "Oolong tea?" asks the housekeeper in Chinese. Posie is playing with the two pekingese dogs. She coninues: "I heard the 'fireworks' at the Golden Pumpkin--" and stops, obviously unsure if Elisabeth and Mrs. Kolchak understand her.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:41 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Father, I'd truly appreciate that," says Samuel. "Yes, Elisabeth has certainly shown her taelnts today. She has quite the aptitude for diplomacy herself, and she has a bright future ahead of her."


Elisabeth nods to Mrs. Quan. "Yes, that would have been the machine gun you'd heard," she replies in passable Chinese. "It would sound like fireworks from a distance, but we were a lot closer to it. Fortunately, not too close. Oolong tea would be lovely, thank you. Is there anyone here with medical skills? I know the basics, but I'm no expert. One of our fellow guests, Dr. Renwick, is a medical doctor. We got separated from him, but hopefully Father Pierrepont can find him and bring him back safely."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:44 am
by Tabs
"I wanted to watch the fireworks from the tower,"--Mrs. Quan hands out cups of steaming tea--"but I was busy putting away medicine in the dispensary. . . . Gunfire?"--she is troubled by the news.

"The Fathers have little medical skill; however, the locals believe them to be magicians who brew potions." She adds: "Only believers in Christ receive medicine; we have a large congregation."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Elisabeth, inhaling the steam coming off of the tea and then sipping it slowly, savoring the taste. "I'll help however much I can with the injured, but Dr. Renwick will be much better at it if they can find him and bring him here." She tries to treat herself, but she doesn't feel any better.
OOC,I rolled First Aid on Dark and Moody and failed with a 62 vs. a 55% skill.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:08 pm
by Tabs
"I wonder, Mrs. Chau," says Mae, "if Miss Grey can make use of the medicines?"

"We all have cuts," adds Mrs. Kolchak. "Antiseptics?" She struggles with the word in Chinese but is helped out by Mae.

"Certainly," says Mrs. Chau. She takes a tin bath which is propped against the chimney breast and begins to ladle hot water into it, chuckling: "Father Anselm will be disappointed when he calls for his bath tomorrow morning!" She bolts the door they came through. "You all will have to take turns, I'm afraid. Who's first?"

Mrs. Kolchak holds Mingzhu--who is sipping her tea, but otherwise is very quiet and withdrawn--by the shoulder, she checks with Elisabeth, "This one?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"Go ahead and bathe first, Mingzhu," says Elisabeth with a nod. "I can wait. Regarding the medicines, I'm no chemist, but I can follow directions. I can wash and dress our cuts, and I can treat wounds. I did manage to keep that Italian fellow alive after the Japanese shot him. I just hope the doctor got to him in time."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:41 am
by Tabs
Mingzhu is unable to undress herself, so they all lend a hand. They guide her feet into the tin bath; once she is sat down Mrs. Chau begins to lather the somnambulant woman. Mrs. Chau hums:

The moon is bright, the wind is quiet,
The tree leaves hang over the window,
My little baby, go to sleep quickly,
Sleep, dreaming sweet dreams.

The moon is bright, the wind is quiet,
The cradle moving softly,
My little one, close your eyes,
Sleep, sleep, dreaming sweet dreams.

The hot water round Mingzhu's feet turns cloudy, grey with dirt and pink with blood. Something else, as she was lowered into the water, Elisabeth noticed a small tattoo on her spine:


Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth notes the tattoo with interest, but now is not the time to ask about it.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 8:14 am
by Tabs
"All done," says Mrs. Chau. She says to Elisabeth: "You can take the baby"--Mingzhu--"upstairs and put her to bed."

The housekeeper empties the dirty water. "Who's next?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth nods and helps Mingzhu out of the tub, drying her off with a towel before dressing her.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:43 am
by Tabs
Mrs. Chau and the others get Posie undressed and into the tin bath.

There is an open door at the rear of the parlour; through it a passageway which fades with darkness, but the foot of stairs, leading upwards, are visible. Mingzhu touches Elisabeth's arm, smiles her appreciation, and stands straight, resilience flowing from her posture.


"Do you think father is stood on the bridge, over the river with apple blossom floating in the current, waiting for me?"

Mrs. Chau hums:
"The moon is bright, the wind is quiet,
The tree leaves hang over the window,
My little baby, go to sleep quickly, . . ."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, I think he is there," Elisabeth reassures Mingzhu, smiling back as she guides her to her room. "He loves you more than anything else in the world. One day you will see him again, but you have a long life ahead of you, and he wants you to be happy in it." She squeezes her hand. "That's an interesting tattoo you have. I wonder what its significance is?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:38 pm
by Tabs

"I do hope you are right," murmurs Mingzhu softly.

"Oh?" she pauses and then blushes, "that horrible thing? I was born in 1917--Father said the tattoo would bring me luck" She says emphatically: "What rubbish!

". . . Why do you ask?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 4:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"Merely curious," says Elisabeth. "Now I understand. I've learned about the Chinese Zodiac. 1917 was the Year of the Snake. I was born in 1914, the Year of the Tiger. I don't really believe in the Chinese Zodiac either, but it's funny how much it fits me."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:22 pm
by Tabs
Mingzhu walks over to the mantlepiece.

"Snake and tiger, our signs are compatible, of course!" She laughs, remembering her astrology: "Elisabeth, you are seeking a true lover, and are idealistic and impulsive." Mingzhu stretches up and unhooks the crucifix; she turns round to Elisabeth, fingering the mahogany idol. "It is true of you, isn't it? and who do you have your eye upon?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth grins from ear to ear. "That's me in a nutshell!" she says. "I haven't found anyone yet, but I'm always keeping my eyes open. I just know that when I meet the right man, I'll feel it. It'll be love at first sight."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 9:43 am
by Tabs
"'Love at first sight'! How nice!" says Mingzhu warmly, hugging herself. A light illuminates the chimney breast and moves along the wall, spotlighting Mingzhu, and then it is cut off. She goes over to the window. "That was nice Father Pierrepont leaving in the truck." She watches; and yawns.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"I hope he manages to rescue the others," says Elisabeth. "Would you like to get some rest now? You look tired."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:52 am
by Tabs
"Yes, me too," says Mingzhu.

She pulls back the blankets on a bed. "For a moment I forgot myself,"--slipping between the sheets--"all about tonight's terrible events . . . I want to have a dreamless sleep.

"What do you plan to do, Elisabeth, I mean, are you returning to Peking as your father's secretary?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, but I'm not going to be a secretary forever," says Elisabeth. "I've learned a lot about diplomacy and foreign service, and Father says I'm very talented. Someday I might even be an ambassador myself. Right now it seems to be an exclusive club for men, but times are changing quickly and anything can happen in the future." She laughs a little. "I'll probably be famous after what happened. I should write about it."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 9:05 am
by Tabs
"Oh, I am sure you will be, Elisabeth," says Mingzhu quietly, as if she is falling asleep. "Ms. Grey: Envoy Extraordinaire!"--she bumbles the words a little, but Elisabeth understood what Mingzhu meant.

The door opens to reveal a small figure clothed in a cassock, which is obviously too big--it is trailing on the floor behind.


"Mrs. Kolchak said I was to come upstairs and go to bed; but I'm not tired!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hello, Posie," says Elisabeth with a smile. "Well, I'm sure we can find something for you to do until you are tired. Would you like to read? There must be books here, certainly a Bible."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:18 am
by Tabs
The rhythmic breathing from Mingzhu's bed says that she is asleep.

"Ooh, yes please!" says Posie. "There are some exciting adventures in the Old Testament." She scans the dormitory, but doesn't spot any books. "I found this cape"--she means the cassock--"in the 'Sacristie' room--further down the passageway; a Bible will be in there somewhere."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Then let's go," says Elisabeth, taking Posie by the hand and walking with her to the sacristy. "I like reading the stories about great women in the Old Testament and all the amazing things they did. Sarah always had a special place in God's heart, and the story of Queen Esther is one of my favourites."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:11 am
by Tabs

"'Queen Esther,' 'Queen Esther'--I like the sound of her name."

Together they descend the stairs and take the passageway to the Sacristy; at its door they hear (from the parlour behind them) a splash and outraged oaths in Russian--at a guess, Mrs. Chau tried to lather Mrs. Kolchak. Posie giggles up at Elisabeth, and then opens the door to the Sacristy.


Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth can't help but chuckle. "Esther was very beautiful, brave, and smart," says Elisabeth, heading over to the dressers to look for a Bible. "I think you'll love reading about her."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 10:18 am
by Tabs
The drawers contain ecclesiastical garments, except one, which holds a large sheet that is canvas-like in texture, it has a rubbing? which has been painted exquisitely. Curiously, the figure's skin tone is very dark. Written beneath it, a description: "Notre-Dame de la Daurade, Tolosa."


Posie, who has been searching the cabinet beneath the statue holds up a thick volume. "I've found a Bible!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:16 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, good!" says Elisabeth. She looks up at the statue. "Tolosa? Maybe that's Toulouse. That's in France, not far from the Spanish border." Then she examines the Bible. "Would you like me to read aloud to you, or would you prefer to read it yourself?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:45 am
by Tabs
The Bible has a cross inlaid with fine gold leaf upon its cover; it appears well used--and well loved--but otherwise a standard edition.

"Thank you," says Posie very dignified, "but I am quite grown up, you know." She adds, with a blush, "Can you find the story of Queen Esther for me?"


"I always wanted my mother to read to me." Mae, with a mock-horrified expression, begins sorting through the stand of cassocks and surplices. "Ooh! the agony of choice."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"Of course," says Elisabeth, opening up the Bible and looking through it. Mae's comment tugs at her heartstrings, as she realizes that with Posie's parents most likely dead, she's going to have to be the girl's mother. This reminds her of Mingzhu's talk about romance. I'm going to need to find a husband sooner rather than later, she thinks. Posie will need a father, too. The books in the Catholic Bible are not in the same order as in the one she's used to, but she is able to look up the location of the Book of Esther in the table of contents and opens the book to the correct page, recalling that Esther was an orphan; she was living with her uncle Mordecai because both of her parents had died. "Here you are." She hands the Bible to Posie and points out where the book starts. "There are ten chapters, so it will take some time for you to read it. Do you want me to stay with you, or should I go have my bath now?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:04 am
by Tabs
ooc,[quote]Esther was an orphan[/quote]--strangely prophetic.
"I'm sure I can manage," says Posie doubtfully. She takes the Bible and hurries out of the Sacristy and upstairs.

Mae laughs kindly at the departing figure. "She'll be asleep in five minutes! The poor little thing is too proud to admit to sleep." She adds: "You are responsible for her now, and Posie knows it as well."

"Have you found something suitable to wear?" asks Mrs. Kolchak, holding her damp clothing to her chest, bath water dripping upon the floor. Mae points to a Surplice. "Oh, there you are, Miss Grey. Well, you're next!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:32 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth smiles weakly, only now realizing how exhausted she is. "Thank you," she says. "I could really use a bath about now." She heads for the tub.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:04 am
by Tabs

In the parlour, Mrs. Quan drains the warm, dirty water from the tub and begins to ladle in clean water. "Ah, there you are, blossom," says she to Elisabeth. Mae follows, but Mrs. Kolchak has gone upstairs.

"What are the men doing?" wonders Mae.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," Elisabeth says to Mrs. Quan with a bow. While she waits for the tub to be refilled, she talks to Mae. "Well, my father is writing his letter to Sir Alexander Cadogan. Once he receives that, something will be done. I'm not sure what the others are doing. Perhaps they're asleep already."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:15 pm
by Tabs

"The British Ambassador to China? Will he be able to avenge those who died tonight? Corruption here is rife . . . and to avoid losing face--most important to the Chinese--the incident may be 'brushed under the carpet' as you English say."

Mrs. Quan finishes refilling the tin bath. "Shall I soap you, blossom?" says she to Elisabeth.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sir Alexander is an honourable man," says Elisabeth as she disrobes, "and he will not abide an attack on British subjects. True, he has to act within the Prime Minister's orders, but he still has some leeway and is very persuasive." She hangs her dress up carefully, hoping that it can still be salvaged, and climbs into the bathtub. "Thank you, Mrs. Quan. Yes, please."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:06 am
by Tabs
Mae gives a non-committal nod, drapes the two surplices she is holding over a chair back, and turns to the hearth, pouring herself another cup of Oolong tea. "Miss Grey, Mrs. Quan, a cup for you?"

Elisabeth steps into the tin bath; the water is very hot but not scolding.

Mrs. Quan hums as she soaps Elisabeth's back:

  • "The moon is bright, the wind is quiet,
    The tree leaves hang over the window,
    My little baby, go to sleep quickly,
    Sleep, dreaming sweet dreams.

    The moon is bright, the wind is quiet,
    The cradle moving softly,
    My little one, close your eyes,
    Sleep, sleep, dreaming sweet dreams."

The pressure upon Elisabeth from the strokes make her body sway gently to and fro. Through a window high up in the parlour the moon shines like an awesome silver face. Her toes begin to tingle--pins and needles.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, I'd like that, Mae," says Elisabeth, leaning back and inhaling the refreshing steam. "That feels so good..." She does close her eyes, relaxing and imagining she is safe at home, that everything that happened tonight was just a dream.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:32 am
by Tabs
The water is tepid and the room is full of shadows; Mrs. Quan and Mae have gone: she is dreaming, isn't she? From the direction of the passageway Elisabeth hears a crooning sound.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:05 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth cracks open her eyelids and peeks out.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:04 pm
by Tabs
The parlour is as it was before, but now it is empty of life.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Must have nodded off," Elisabeth mutters to herself. She gets out of the tub, dries herself off, and puts on one of the surplices.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:42 am
by Tabs
The crooning is like a sweet, soft lullaby. Elisabeth can hear that the noise comes from the direction of the Sacristry.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:39 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth heads for the Sacristry to see who is singing.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:52 am
by Tabs

A soft, choral singing emanates from beyond the open door.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth pads into the Sacristry and takes a look around. She doesn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt whoever is singing.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:31 am
by Tabs
The Sacristy appears as it was 30 minutes ago, when Elisabeth was there with Posie.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hello?" Elisabeth says softly, trying to locate the source of the singing.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:08 am
by Tabs
The singing comes through the open door [see photograph], deeper within the mission.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth ventures through the door, following the sound of the voice.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:31 am
by Tabs
Pews--several rows of wooden benches--inside a whitewashed hall. Four negro women, dressed as choristers, are singing Mrs. Quan's lullaby. Elisabeth thinks of her arrival at Singapore dock, en route from Southampton to Peking; her father, on the quayside, waiting to greet her arrival in the Orient; and to greet the ship's passengers, the troupe of Australian aboriginals singing "Jerusalem" in a beautiful acapella.

There is a fifth figure stood beside the choristers, but it isn't singing--the head is bowed, the features hidden by a hooded cassock.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth takes a seat on the nearest pew and listens to the beautiful music, not wishing to disturb the choir. The song almost feels like it's putting her in a trance.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:46 am
by Tabs
The figure in the cassock walks over to Elisabeth and sits down beside her.
The hood is pulled back . . .,[img][/img] An audible intake of breath when she recognises Elisabeth. "Give me your hand." Chunhua holds her hand out, palm upward. She adds: "Don't hesitate."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth's mouth gapes open, and she instinctively places her hand in Chunhua's. "How is this possible?" she asks, recalling how she had seen her die. "Am I dreaming?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:09 pm
by Tabs

“I have inhaled the Perfume of the Garden of Happiness: Eternity is mine.”

Chunhua clasps Elisabeth’s hand and, together, they sink towards her lap; Chunhua’s stare is so mesmeric that Elisabeth cannot tear her eyes away. “There is someplace you must go, a Confucian temple--a cave, cut into the basalt rock beneath the dunes--outside the town of Khotan, Sinkiang.” Her hand touches the warm bare flesh of Chunhua’s thighs; a musky odour infuses her senses; it reminds Elisabeth of an English country garden, the rotting autumn leaves that Wheedon, the head gardener, has piled-up behind the nursery—and a game of hide-and-seek with cousin Jimbo—her laughter as she burrows beneath the dead foliage—screams when she touches the bloated rat. . . . “Not yet, you cannot look yet,” continues Chunhua; “I have a clue to show you.”

Chunhua’s stare flickers for a heartbeat. “The fat man is coming.”

“Your oolong tea is here on the table, Miss Grey, and yours as well Mrs. Quan,” says Mae.

“All done, Blossom,” says Mrs. Quan, smiling at Elisabeth, and leaning back from the tin bath in the brightly lit parlour.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:29 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth opens her eyes and blinks. "I must have fallen asleep," she murmurs. "I had the strangest dream..." She climbs out of the tub, wraps a towel around herself to dry off, and heads for the table to collect her tea. After her experience, she needs it!

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:41 pm
by Tabs
"Was Miss Grey snoring, Mrs. Quan?" asks Mae good-naturedly.

"Of course not! Ladies don't snore. Maybe a little heavy breathing, that is all." Mrs. Quan winks at Elisabeth.

Mae undresses. "By the gods, I'm tired."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"Quite so" Elisabeth replies to Mrs Quan, returning the wink. She sips the tea slowly, inhaling the refreshing vapor rising from it. "I think we're all exhausted, Mae. A night''s sleep will do us all good." When she finishes the tea, she replaces the empty cup and puts on one of the surplices - for real this time.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:35 pm
by Tabs
There is a commotion beyond the bolted door in the mission's reception room; surprised voices, European voices.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth makes her way over to the door, unbolts it, and peeks out to see what is happening in the reception room.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:05 pm
by Tabs
  • #

"Yes, Father," says Pierrepont obediently. He raps on another door. "Mrs Quan, it's Father Pierrepont, are you there?"
Elisabeth opens the door to the mission's reception room.
Turning slightly away from the Admiral, Renwick claps the elder man on the shoulder ... "In truth we doubted it as well," dropping his voice lower he continued "and my good friend, the Admiral was taking it harder than he would dare to admit to anyone."
"We played hide and seek with the Japanese soldiers and it was a very close call on occasions. But they hadn't counted on the prowess of the Doctor here and Tatsao; both fiends in their own way, and the Admiral held the fort at the mill. That's why we are covered in mud; creeping up on the soldiers and taking them down before they caught us." Santiago holds up his glass, "To comrades in arms!"

Samuel Grey notices Kolchak's bloodstained leg, in fact, those who were already at the mission seem to become aware of the newcomers' filthy and desperate appearance.

Admiral Kolchak slumps forwards onto the table he was sat at; his glass rolls across its surface and smashes upon the floor.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth gasps when she sees the admiral collapse and runs past the others, no time for a reunion. She rushes to his side and tries to do what she can for him, but his injuries are too severe.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:08 am
by Tabs
Doctor Renwick,Admiral Kolchak is unconscious and cannot be revived. There may be fragments of bullet within his thigh wound, certainly there will be splinters of bone. If the Admiral's leg is not already infected, it soon will be. An immediate operation to amputate is his only hope.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:47 pm
by aine

Santiago looks in horror as the admiral rolls to the floor. His first thought is: poison! And he sniffs his glass. The he realises that the last few hours have been too much for Kolchak; the old man has succumbed to his wounds. "Renwick! Is there anything you can do?" He looks up in surprise as Miss Grey enters the room.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:37 am
by Cearlan
Renwick looks ashen faced as his friend collapses to the ground and calls out to the priest. as he rolls the Admiral onto his back. He rips the trouser leg open further and is appalled by the combination of the smell of putrefaction and sight of the wound where bone fragments protrude through the skin.

Medicine roll - gone too far for first aid I reckon (1d100=43) 43/45 pass

"Oh my good God! Father, this seems to be a lot more serious than we thought ... without looking too closely I need to work on our friend here immediately - I may even have to ..." He nods knowingly and sadly at Santiago "Father can you please lead the way to your infirmary with some haste please whilst friend Santiago and myself carry the Admiral hence ... quickly now. Elisabeth, can you please try and keep his leg straight whilst we carry him. Santiago, could you please assist if needed or do you have anyone medically trained here Father?"

They lift the unconscious Russian up whilst the priest, (hopefully), leads the way. "Gently now people."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Of course, Dr. Renwick," says Elisabeth as she holds the admiral's leg straight. She lacks strength, but holding the leg still is at least easier than carrying him. "I have some small amount of medical skill. I wouldn't know what to do, but I can certainly assist you. I could use some looking after myself later, but he needs it far more than I do."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:49 am
by Tabs

Father Anselm is genuinely appalled by the turn of events. He answers Dr. Renwick, at first stuttering: "Y-Yes, yes--the infirmary, follow me." He makes haste to the parlour door. "Pierrepont, come along!"


"Bien sûr, Father!

"I have some rudimentary medical skill," says Pierrepont. "A Dr. Rhys, from Peking, attends to the villagers if they have a serious complaint." He adds: "In our dispensary we have antibiotics and"--swallowing--"surgical instruments." Pierrepont pushes open the door, and is met by the imperterbable Mrs. Quan, who has been listening on the other side of the door.


"Rè shuǐ?"

" 'Hot water,' yes, please, Mrs. Quan," confirms Pierrepont, pushing past the housekeeper into the parlour.

"Mon dieu!" exclaims Pierrepont.


Mae squawks, and dives beneath the rim of the bath tub.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:16 am
by aine
Santiago moves to help, "Henry, there's no time to waste; head straight to the infirmary, get yourself washed up and ready, we'll bring the Admiral through. Tatsao, Li, Mr Grey, Monsieur?" He looks at everyone else to help carry the body, "The more we have, the less damage to the wound. Tatsao could you take his head and shoulders, the heaviest part. The senorita at his leg, and Lift!" The spaniard grimaces as his pain shoots through his shoulder. "Another wound to look at." He thinks to himself.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth does her best to hold the admiral's leg steady as she follows the directions.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:36 pm
by Tabs

The hulking sumo lifts and cradles Admiral Kolchak's head and shoulders.

"Through this door to the infirmary," says Father Anselm.


Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:47 am
by Cearlan
Renwick rushes over to the sink and immediately starts to scrub up for the inevitable operation ... I know the chances of saving the Admiral's leg are negligible. "Gods give me strength ... why did I not see the signs earlier ... you damn stupid fool." Clenching my hands together under the running water and hot tears of frustration stinging my eyes I take a deep breath and calm myself so that I can do the best possible for my Russian friend.

"Put him on the table and Father, do you have any anaesthesia on hand, I have a bad feeling that may be needed." Once the Russian is laid on the table, Renwick ushers everyone out of the room who does not need to be in there promising what he will do all within his power for the Admiral. He then rushes over and quickly checks the tray of surgical instruments.

"Do you have an amputation saw Father, for I fear it may well be needed?" Despite the chill feeling in the pit of my stomach, I try to be as professional as possible for my friend. As the priests hurry to ready the equipment for me I stroke my friends forehead and am shocked at the hot and clammy feel of his skin.

"Elizabeth can you please cut away the clothing on his leg - carefully now leaving plenty of room for me to ..." I cannot finish the sentence and my look seems to sink home as Elizabeth's face goes a deeper shade of grey. As she cuts the material away the full extent of the injury becomes even more apparent.

Further Medical roll - if needed - for Admiral Kolchack's leg amputation (1d100=25), 25/45% pass

Anaesthesia is administered and I attempt to clean up the wound and reset the bone, but there is no hope, I am almost reduced to tears as I realise that the leg will have to be removed. Gritting my teeth I make the decision to make the amputation at this point, here. I close my eyes and utter a small prayer that is joined in by the priests present. I look at the sweat covered features of my friend, and it takes me back to the times in the Great War when operations like this were done like one of Mr Ford's famed assembly lines. But this is a dear and valued friend, not some faceless soldier. Not that they deserved any less than my best of course, and of course I always gave my all.

"May God forgive me!" I exhort as I cut into the flesh of my friend.

By the time the operation is completed I am a wreck, both physically and mentally. My hands shake, my head spins and I feel nauseous. But like I did in the Great War, I have done my very best, no I did more than this for the friendship I have with the gruff, bad tempered Russian, possibly the finest man I had the privilege to meet.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth assists Dr. Renwick to the best of her abilities, cutting away the clothing around the admiral's leg and handing the doctor whatever he needs. She keeps herself busy so she doesn't have to think about what's happening, and she can't help but look away when Dr. Renwick actually amputates.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:19 am
by Tabs
[ooc: Nice post, Cearlan.]

Admiral Kolchak is laid upon a bed in the infimary.


"May I have the honour of watching over him." Professor Eichelstein draws a chair up to the bedside.

Everyone troops back to the parlour. Mrs. Quan, the housekeeper, busies herself serving out steaming mugs of oolong tea for those who need it.

"I must congratulate you for your efforts, Dr. Renwick," says Mr. Grey effusively.

Image Image

Li puts his arm round Mae, and calls: "Three cheers for the Doctor: Hip hip, hooray!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:01 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,Thanks Tabs - very much appreciated

I smile at Professor Echelstein's offer. "I would imagine he would want to see no-one else when he comes round. Let me know as soon as he starts to come round though." He thinks but does not give voice to his thoughts Too many times I have had to perform this horrendous operation, often to no avail as post-operative infection sets in despite your best efforts.

OOC,If Mrs Kolchack is around I will draw her to one side and explain what has transpired.

Accepting a mug of hot tea from Mrs Quan I nod my thanks and am startled to hear the words of Mr Grey and Li. "Please, please, I thank you for your kind words but they are not necessary. I did what little I could in order to save my friend Vladimir's life, but unfortunately I was unable to save the limb, such was the hold the infection had. I should have seen and read the signs earlier. Please let me rest a moment and I will tend to the wounds of others - not in the same manner though." he adds with a wry smile.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:04 pm
by aine

Once Kolchak is deposited in the infirmary, Santiago heads back to the parlour with everyone else. During the operation he paces up and down, up and down; a restless cougar. Another person is dead already, the Italian, and now Kolchak is to lose his leg, it is a sad, sad night. He looks up from his pacing, "Is Mrs. Kolchak here? She must be told." He resumes and when Henry finally returns to the parlour and is offered tea, Santiago takes one look at his grey face and orders, "Li, Brandy for the doctor! And some for the brave senorita." He looks at Elizabeth with admiration.

(ditto the fine post, Cearlan!)

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:06 am
by Cearlan
OOC, thanks for the praise Aine.

The priests and the housekeeper are cleaning up the infirmary ready for me to hold an impromptu clinic for the wounded of our party.

(OOC,Not sure how you want to handle this Tabs)

The operation has taken it's toll on me and I cannot seem to stop my hand from shaking, almost with a palsy. I take a deep swallow of the brandy and as it burns it's way down my throat I can feel the warmth spread through my stomach and chest. "Better to stop there if I have more work ahead." I mutter to myself. Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and try to focus my wayward thoughts. "Have I missed anything else in any of the party?" already the doubts are starting to creep in behind my guard.

"I noticed that Santiago winced on occasion, and Echelstein, despite being reticent about trusting my medical skill has needs - his left arm if I remember rightly, and one of the girls had bad feet apparently. So much to do and the time against us. All I want to do is at least try and sleep and forget, if only for a while, though I doubt the waters of Lethe will close over me this night, no I will relive this day for some time to come I believe."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:36 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, excellent post! :D

Elisabeth collapses into a chair, the surplice she wears billowing around her as she leans back. "Thank you," says Elisabeth with a blush and a faint smile. "I could use something strong about now. Well done, Dr. Renwick! He will live because of you. I wouldn't have been able to do anything without your direction. When you're rested, I could use your skills too. The trek here was anything but easy. I've gotten a bit of a chill, and everything aches."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:04 am
by Tabs
If Mrs Kolchack is around I will draw her to one side and explain what has transpired.
--Mrs. Kolchak, and Mingzhu and Posie are asleep upstairs, blissfully unaware of the drama.]

Li takes the cognac bottle and pours another generous measure for Renwick, Elisabeth,--"Do you drink, madam? Ah, yes, I see that tonight you most certainly do!"--Santiago, and anyone else.

Mrs. Quan with Pierrepont's help, clean, scrub and wash the infirmary of blood; Mrs. Quan disposes of the leg. . . .
"I noticed that Santiago winced on occasion, and Echelstein, despite being reticent about trusting my medical skill has needs - his left arm if I remember rightly, and one of the girls had bad feet apparently.
Mae interjects: "That will be Mingzhu who has the cut feet. She was given a bath and put to bed by Miss Grey?"

"Oblivion? Doctor, I shall pray that you have a restful sleep," says Father Anselm.

"Elisabeth," says Samuel Grey, "I am proud of you, my dear, a very brave young woman."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:52 am
by aine
Santiago watches his friend with compassion. "You have done more and given more than anyone has the right to request, Henry. And you have saved a man's life tonight." He says no more, respecting Henry's inner thoughts. He finishes his brandy and puts the glass on the side, flakes of mud fall from his sleeve and he is suddenly concerned, "Father, may I make use of the bath, if the young lady has finished with it, I should clean my shoulder wound before..." He lapses into silence and looks at the floor.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Father," says Elisabeth with a weak smile. "I didn't know I had it in me." She sips at the brandy, glad for the warm sensation it produces in her stomach. "Yes, I put Mingzhu to bed upstairs. Little Posie Franklyn is up there too, and she's probably asleep by now as well." She turns her attention to the new arrivals. "I'm so glad you made it after all. I had feared I'd never see any of you again. But there are a few people still unaccounted for. Did any of you see any trace of Posie's parents, or of Mr. Giovanni?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:32 pm
by Tabs
"Father, may I make use of the bath
Mrs. Quan returns from the infirmary. Father Anselm and the housekeeper discuss bathing, he says to Santiago: "Unfortunately there is sufficient hot water remaining for a wash only: you will have to wait until tomorrow--I mean later today."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:11 am
by Cearlan
I ask worriedly, "Is there at least enough to wash the areas that require treatment on those that require it? If not can there be some arrangements made to heat some? Sorry to be a nuisance, but things need to be done in hot water, and whilst I realise that these circumstances are somewhat unusual, it is their unusual nature that demands the extra effort on behalf of us all."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:26 am
by Tabs

"Yes, of course," replies Father Anselm.


"'Mr. Giovanni'?" says Samuel Grey, "that is the Italian man we left behind at the mill?"

Tatsuo explains diffidently: "I am sorry to report that he died from his wounds."


"And the little girl's parents," pipes up Professor Pavlov; "I haven't seen them since the train carriage, I fear. Poor child!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:58 pm
by aine
Santiago sighs, he was dreaming of a bath and clean clothes with no stench of the paddy fields. He unabashedly peels off his mud sodden shirt. His skin is streaked with mud and sweat and his shoulder is red, inflamed with a gunshot wound. "It's only a scratch but would you mind having a proper look at it Henry?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:58 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I was afraid of that," says Elisabeth to Professor Pavlov, lowering her head in sorrow. "I couldn't bear to tell her yet. We've really grown attached to each other, so at least I can be there for her. I helped her here all the way from the train, and she might not have made it without me. There's a Chinese saying that when you save someone's life, you're responsible for them. Boy, they weren't kidding! If her parents truly are lost, then I'll look after her. I know it won't be easy, but it'll be worth it. Besdies, Mother really wants a grandchild!" She almost laughs, but the seriousness of the situation puts a damper on her sense of humor. "Yes, Father, Mr. Giovanni was the Italian chap. I did the best I could for him. I had hoped it was enough to keep him alive until Dr. Renwick could get to him. That's another life the Japanese soldiers must answer for." Her jaw drops when Santiago removes his shirt, partly from shock at seeing the wound - she had had no idea he had been shot - and partly because she can't help noticing how well-built he is. Her cheeks redden again. "I, uh, I can help you when you're ready, Doctor."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:14 am
by Cearlan
First aid on Santiago's shoulder (1d100=72) 72/75 Pass

Spot Hidden when looking at Elizabeth(1d100=46) 46/45 Fail

"Thank you Elizabeth. Can you please clean up the area around the wound for me. Tell me what you see?" I ask, totally oblivious to her blushing when she looks at Santiago's torso. "The first thing to check is the smell of the wounds. If there is any infection, the smell will be both sickly sweet and offensive. Fortunately this is not the case with our good friend here but look closely here ..." I talk my way through dealing with Santiago's wounds with Elizabeth in order to try and show her some new skills or knowledge.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:17 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth nods, trying to bury herself in the clinical process to avoid thinking about oher things. She washes the wound and surrounding flesh carefully. "I understand, Doctor," she says. "We need to make sure the wound doesn't get infected. That's what happened to Admiral Kolchak, isn't it?" She smells the wound and follows the doctor's directions, but she is too exhausted to be of much help. Fortunately, he has matters well in hand.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:25 pm
by Tabs
Mother really wants a grandchild!"
Samuel Grey splutters over a sip of cognac.


"Everyone, it is almost four in the morning. I suggest we all go to bed and discuss what is to be done after we wake. The nearest telephone is back at the Golden Pumpkin, so it would be pointless taking further action now, do you agree?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:40 pm
by aine
Santiago sits against the sideboard to allow Henry and Elizabeth to repair his shoulder. He notices her reddening face but naively puts it down to seeing the wound. "You are very brave Senorita, there has been too much blood this evening."

Although he is very grateful for his friend's skill in medicine he finds he rather prefers Elizabeth's administrations; her firm but careful hands and the fresh scent of her hair totally takes his mind off the pain. As Henry finishes tying the bandage, Santiago wakes from his daze with a start, realises he has been dreaming and grins sheepishly. He flexes his shoulder, "Thank you Henry, another amazing piece of work. And thank you Senorita." He bows to the lady gallantly to hide his embarrassment.
Everyone, it is almost four in the morning. I suggest we all go to bed and discuss what is to be done after we wake.
Santiago is grateful for the offer of a bed. As they head to rest he murmurs to Henry, "We are all too tired to mount a watch, let us pray for an uneventful night."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:55 pm
by Cearlan
"Yes my friend, I am afraid that I could not keep watch if my life depended upon it." I reply in hushed tones. "I may not be able to rest yet though as there may be more for me to attend to, though hopefully nothing serious enough to warrant immediate attention. I would like to see to Professor Echelstein as I believe that I noted he is still favouring his arm earlier. That is always assuming he will allow this, remember that he would not let me give him help back at the miller's shack."

The three of them look in the hospital ward to check on Admiral Kolchack and Professor Echelstein. "Is there any sign of his coming round Professor?"
"Professor Echelstein, will you not let me look at your arm now that we are safe ... well as safe as we can possibly be in these uncertain times? I am certain that Santiago will be more than willing to watch over Vladimir whilst I check you over."

When the three of them enter the waiting room, I ask "Does anyone require immediate medical attention, something that may not wait till morning."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:24 am
by Mr. Handy

"I've waited this long, I can wait until morning," says Elisabeth. "Well, it's practically morning anyway. I expect I'll sleep until noon!" She smiles at Santiago. "You're quite welcome, and thank you for your bravery - and Dr. Renwick, Admiral Kolchak, and the others who stayed behind to keep the soldiers from pursuing us. If it hadn't been for you, they'd have caught us up and subjected us to an unspeakable fate."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:53 pm
by Tabs

"My arm is uncomfortable, but that is all. I'm happy to wait until later for you to set it in plaster.

"The Admiral has not stirred: his breathing is shallow, but regular--a good sign?"
  • ~

Elisabeth, Mae and Arashi are expected to retire upstairs; Mrs. Quan has her own rooms off the infirmary; the two Catholic Fathers to their own rooms off the reception room; and the men to a downstairs dormitory off the parlour.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:26 am
by aine
"I am happy to watch over the Admiral if you wish but otherwise I'll turn in, I may be Spanish but I can't stay up all night and be fresh for tomorrow."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:26 pm
by Cearlan
I turn round to Elizabeth and says, "Elizabeth, without your invaluable aid tonight, I fear things would have turned out most differently, Thank you for your first rate assistance."

To the Professor I add; "Professor Echelstein, I have already misread the signs on one good friend whom you see lying here before you," I indicate the Admiral. "I will likely never be able to forgive myself for that," Leaning in close I say, "Santiago's wound is not severe but needs close monitoring, another friend, another thing I missed. Please let me quickly examine you so that I do not have three things on my conscience. That, for me, would be unbearable."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're quite welcome, Dr. Renwick," says Elisabeth with a weak grin. "Of course, without you, it would have been hopeless. I can help you with the professor if you need."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:15 pm
by aine
Santiago bows briefly and leaves the medical staff to their work. He walks down to the dormitory where he is hoping to have a brief word with Tatsao before retiring for the two hours before dawn.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:08 am
by Tabs
Renwick examines Professor Eichelstein: the bone in his wrist is fractured. Pierrepont enters the infirmary, pushing an comfortable-looking armchair before him.

"It is my turn to sit with Admiral Kolchak," yawns Pierrepont.

Santiago surprises Tatsuo who is reclining on a bed, the sumo is scoffing ginger biscuits--crumbs cover the clean linen.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:54 am
by aine
Santiago stifles a smile and hunkers down next to the big Sumo. He nabs a biscuit and starts eating it. "I hope they do a good breakfast here soon. DId you get a chance to look at those papers?" He keeps his voice low so not to wake any sleepers.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:07 pm
by Tabs
Tatsuo wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, reaching inside his robe with the other hand. "Señor, do not mention breakfast: do you have any idea how hungry I am?

"This first note is a telegram:

'Proceed Golden Pumpkin 1730 hours stop'

"this other one--a short letter--I have not read through carefully, but it seems to hold instructions regarding the sparing of certain lives. And this emblem"--Tatsuo shows Santiago the letterhead--"it is Chinese, not Japanese."


Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:32 pm
by Cearlan
Medicine roll on Prof. Echelstein (1d100=80) 80/45 - Fail

As I take the Professor's hand and arm in my hands to examine them I sneeze violently, but had enough foresight to release his arm and cover my mouth before I could cause further damage to the wrist. "SorryProfessor, but it seems my little adventure in the fields has left it's mark on me. I have to tell you Professor, that it is broken. Although I can have another look in the morning, the best I can offer now is to splint it up for tonight. I can give you something to make it easier though if you want it though."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth tries to help set the professor's wrist, but again her weariness makes it impossible to function. She stifles a yawn. "Sorry, I'm a bit rubbish," she says. "I won't be any good to anyone until I get some shuteye. Good night - er, morning, I suppose."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:07 am
by aine
"Chinese! Now why would a Chinese use Japanese soldiers, and how? And writing down the names to spare - not the other way round - strange and very callous. Maybe we can go through the names tomorrow, might give us a clue. Henry will enjoy this puzzle too." Santiago stands up,
"Get some sleep Tatsao, I'll see you at a few hours." He subtly looks for the furthest empty bed from the big man, lies down and tries to get to sleep quickly, hoping Tatsao doesn't snore because if he does, it's going to be loud.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:39 am
by Tabs
Dr. Renwick attaches a splint to Eichelstein's wrist and puts his arm in a sling.

"Nothing for any pain, thank you," says Eichelstein. "Bedtime for me; and you, too, Doctor: you have a chill?" The Professor bows to Elisabeth, and leaves for the dormitory.

  • ~

Elisabeth walks back to the parlour, down the passageway which leads to the Sacristy, then, she goes upstairs to the women's dormitory.

She quietly opens the door. Everyone is asleep: Mrs. Kolchak, snoring gently; Posie, tangled in the sheets; Mingzhu, lying straight, her mouth open slightly; Arashi, wearing her clothes still and looking frighteningly old. Elisabeth finds an empty bed under a window, it is opposite Mae; she sees the glint of Mae's eyes looking at her, but the young Chinese lady doesn't speak.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 1:04 pm
by Cearlan
I sit down opposite the old Professor and speak quietly to him, "I'll admit that I could certainly do with a few hours shut-eye Professor, and please, it's Henry. I think we have been through enough together to dispense with some of the formality at least. Are you sure you don't want something to take the edge off a bit, if you turn over on it in the night it could be painful, though I doubt that you would cause any more damage, I have made the splint as secure as I could. Try and keep your arm elevated if you can."

"Thank you again Elizabeth, You really were a tower of strength for me tonight, I don't think I could have done half as much as I did without your aid." I usher her through the door and watch her as she goes to the Sacristy and smile at myself ... 'She is bone weary - such a brave, brave girl!' I think to myself.

I follow the old man towards the door of the men's dormitory and am surprised how stooped his shoulders are ... 'surely they were not like this earlier tonight, but then again, we have been through one hell of a lot this night.' Tatsuo is on the cot nearest the door and Santiago diagonally opposite him facing the wall, with the others spread around the room in a haphazard fashion. I hesitate letting the Professor find a cot he prefers before finding an empty cot for myself. I loosen off my clothing and flop dejectedly onto the cot's hard surface.

Curling up into a foetal ball I try to get some sleep but images of my cutting random limbs off my friends invade my dreams, at least I pray that they are dreams, all the while I am cackling shrilly as I cut mercilessly through bone and muscle. Behind it all is the disapproving eyes of Admiral Vladimir Kolchak and his lady wife ... I don't even know her name and I am going to have to tell her the terrible news in the morning. I hug my knees tighter and try to stifle a sob as tears spring unbidden to my eyes and start to run onto my pillow.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth doesn't so much get into bed as collapse on top of it. She curls up, wrapping the sheets around her, looking over at Mae with a faint smile.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:50 pm
by Tabs
The tinkling of a small bell.


"Gentlemen, it is late in the morning." Father Pierrepont pulls at the window drapes; sunlight streams into the dormitory.
  • ~

"Wake now, Blossom," whispers Mrs. Quan in Chinese, gently shaking Elisabeth. Posie leaps on top of her:



Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:15 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth groggily sits up and greets Posie with a hug and a giggle."So am I, dear," she says. "Though I can use more sleep, right now I'm just glad we're alive and in one piece. Shall we go see about some breakfast?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:26 am
by aine
Santiago turns over into the light and blinks sleepily, he is aching all over, especially his shoulder. "Is this what it's like to get old?" He wonders. He creaks out of bed, pads past the others who are slowly waking and heads to the bathroom/bucket/outside tap to freshen up. After some cold water and stretching he feels much better and walks almost with a bounce in his stride to find breakfast.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:21 pm
by Tabs

"Ye-es! I'm hungry--I hope they have marmalade? . . . And croissants! French people always eat them for breakfast," says Posie excitedly, informing Elisabeth about the eating habits of the Gallic race.

"Your daddy: do you think he'll like me?"
  • ~
In the courtyard outside--

Santiago pulls on the hand pump beside the well and fills a cistern; he washes and dunks his head in the cold water. Li opens the mission's front door and calls to the Spaniard:


"Sir! Can you help fill these buckets? The housekeeper demands water!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:22 pm
by aine
Santiago drapes his washed shirt over a wall to dry. He takes the buckets off Li with a grin, "A feisty housekeeper as always no doubt!" and sets about pumping water up for each one. When they are all full, he lifts one in each hand and follows Li to deliver them indoors.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:28 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, he's absolutely going to adore you!" Elisabeth tells Posie, dragging herself out of bed and taking the girl's hand. "You'll remind him of me when I was your age. I love croissants and marmalade too. Oh, and French toast!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:03 pm
by Tabs
The long table in the reception room is surrounded by an assortment of chairs and a pew--taken from the mission hall. Mrs. Quan, with Mae's help, is setting the crockery for breakfast. Tatsuo is the first to be seated, expectantly gripping a knife; Father Anselm pulls up an armchair, throwing disapproving glances at the fat sumo. Standing are Professors Pavlov and Eichelstein, holding a jovial conversation, arms round each other; Samuel Grey, by himself, intently reading his letter to the British Ambassador; Father Pierrepont escorting Chee Mingzhu to a chair--"Your feet are sore? Please, allow me."


"Thank you," says Mingzhu.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:31 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth walks up to Samuel and puts her arms around him. "Good morning, Father," she says, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "I'd like you to meet Miss Posie Franklyn. Posie, this is my father, Mr. Samuel Grey."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:46 am
by Cearlan
Henry Renwick wakes up drenched in sweat. I feel as though I have had no sleep at all, due to the cramped muscles in my arms legs and strangely my jaw. I stagger to the outside where the water hand pump lies and all but dive into the cistern. The icy cold water does help to revive me somewhat and I take a large mouthful of the cold water and swill it round my mouth. Taking my head out the water and making sure that no-one is watching I spit the cold water out. With the sour taste left by the brandy somewhat dissipated I start to feel a bit more human ... 'if only I could get a shave' I think to myself.

I give my shirt a quick wash and lay it beside what I recognise as Santiago's clothing and go in search of another shirt, hopefully from one of the priests.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 7:07 pm
by Tabs
"Good morning, my dear," says Samuel Grey. He shoots a glance (disapprovingly?) at Elisabeth, then smiles at Posie: "And good morning to you, Miss Franklyn."

Posie giggles and buries her face in Elisabeth's dress.

  • ~

Father Pierrepont--holding a clean shirt--greets Dr. Renwick: "It seems like I have read your mind, docteur?"
  • ~
Breakfast is served: steamed breads, unleavened pocket-bread with sesame, steamed buns with meat or vegetable stuffing, soy milk and tea; and as a concession to Western tastes, a large pat of butter and pot of honey. There aren't any croissants--or French bread for that matter.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:33 pm
by Cearlan
"Thank you Fr Pierrepont, you have indeed read my mind." I respond clasping the French priest by the hand whilst I take the shirt. Fastening the buttons I look down and see the blood-stains on my trousers, where it had soaked through the surgical apron. "Sorry to be a trouble, but could I borrow a pair of trousers as well?" I enter the hospital ward and check on the Admiral before I go for breakfast.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth sits next to her father and saves the seat on her other side for Posie. "It may not be what we were expecting," she says to her, "but it still looks and smells delicious!" Of course, when you're as hungry as I am, she thinks, so would English cooking.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:11 pm
by aine
Santiago deposits the water where necessary. He returns to the pump,
"Sorry to be a trouble, but could I borrow a pair of trousers as well?"

"And for me too Father. Any clothing would be welcome, I'd like to look respectable before sitting down to breakfast."
The two men do look rather like wild bandits at the moment, unshaven with clothes stained with mud and blood.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 11:18 am
by Tabs

"Bien sûr, gentlemen!" Father Pierrepont sizes up Santiago: "The Señor will find my trousers too short. . . . Mrs. Quan will launder your own clothes after breakfast."
  • ~
Dr. Renwick enters the infirmary: Admiral Kolchak is awake.


"Zdravstvuyte , Genri. Vy spasli menya , yeshche raz. Bog ! to, chto ya dal by dlya napitka," murmurs Kolchak weakly.
  • ~

Posie frowns at the breakfast, she whispers to Elisabeth: "I think they've forgotten the croissants."

Of course, when you're as hungry as I am, she thinks, so would English cooking.
--quite right!]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"I think that since we're in China," Elisabeth whispers back, "they've decided to have Chinese food. I'm sure it'll be very good, especially since we haven't eaten in so long."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:25 pm
by aine
Santiago quickly changes into the proffered clothes. He walks into the breakfast room with the trousers flapping around his calves and the shirt tight across his shoulders. He takes a sizable portion of food and goes up to Samuel and his (new) family. "Sir, Santiago el Aguila at your service. Senorita, you are looking refreshed; I hope you slept well. May I join you for breakfast?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:35 am
by Cearlan
I sit down by my friends side, the friend whose very like I had endangered by my own negligence and after a few preliminary checks on the amputated leg I sit down beside him and check his temperature. I note that he has lost a lot of blood, which is normal for such an operation, so has a deathly pallor about him, but his skin is cool and his fingertips show decent circulation after being squeezed.

Taking his hand I look into his face and steel myself for the conversation I had been dreading ever since arising from my restless slumbers. "Vladimir, my close friend, you have had us worried. I'm sorry I do not understand your mother tongue. A smattering of Latin and Mand ..." I look down unable to meet his steely gaze as I realise I am babbling like a buffoon. Taking a deep breath to pull my thoughts and emotions back into line once more I cough and continue. "There is no easy way to tell you this old chap, so I am just going to be straight to the point about it. The wound in your leg had turned infected and gangrene had set in rather deeply. I was left with only one ch ..." I squeeze his hand for comfort as I choke on the words that taste like the bitterest bile in my mouth, unsure whether squeezing his hand is for his benefit or more for my own. "I was left with only one choice, and that was to amputate the limb I'm afraid." Tears sting my eyes as I continue, "I am truly sorry my friend - if there was any other way I truly would have taken it."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth smiles at Santiago. "Thank you, señor, and good morning," she says. "Yes, I am feeling better now that I've had some rest. Please, have a seat."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:53 pm
by Tabs
In the infirmary--

Admiral Kolchak's eyes widen as Renwick gives him the awful news; Kolchak doesn't speak, but nods to let the doctor know he has understood; he closes his eyes.

In the reception/breakfast room--


Samuel Grey shakes Santiago's hand. "Mr. Samuel Grey," replies he to the Spaniard. "We are in your debt, Sir." He sits himself down at the table.

Mingzhu, who is sat opposite to Elisabeth, listens to her conversation with Santiago.


"Sleep has refreshed me! Today is a bright new day, and I'm glad to be here to enjoy life," says Mingzhu cheerfully; her face clouds and she emits a strangled sob, "if only Father were alive. . . ." A tear runs down her cheek.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 8:35 pm
by aine

Santiago sits down. "We are very sorry for the loss of your father, senorita; I wish I knew the reasons for what happened yesterday." He says to Mingzhu and then applies himself to breakfast. He finds himself watching Elizabeth buttering a roll for Posie and gives the faintest of wry smiles. After some mouthfuls he asks, "Do you know how the Admiral is this morning? I don't want to intrude in the infirmary."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:00 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen him yet," says Elisabeth. "I'll go to the infirmary to help out and get myself looked at once I'm done eating." She speaks soothingly to Mingzhu. "I'm so sorry for your loss, too. I think of how lucky I am to still have my father, but then I sorrow because others aren't so lucky." She glances back at Santiago. "Do you have family, back in Spain?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:50 pm
by Cearlan
With a look of compassion on my face I grip my friends hand tighter, adding "Is there anything I can get you my friend? I have not been able to see your wife to break the news to her yet ... would you like me to bring her to you? I know that both Santiago and Elizabeth are also especially worried about you. The lady Elizabeth assisted me last night and without her most invaluable assistance I worry that you would have been lost to us." I swallow and look down at the bedclothes mustering up the courage for what I feel must be said, distasteful as it may be and I realise that it could cost me the friendship of the man I admire on the bed before me. As if amputating the best part of his leg wasn't enough to kindle his eternal enmity.

"Vladimir, I ..." I choke on the words once more. I stand to attention to give my speech an air of solemnity and salute the Russian. Whilst holding the salute I say to Kolchak, "Vladimir Kolchak, Admiral of the fleet of the great Russian Empire, I personally failed you when it mattered most. I should have seen the extent of your leg wound was advancing beyond what I had hoped it would and as a result, you developed gangrene in the leg. I take it as a personal failing of mine that I took my eye off the people under my care as a man of medicine so that I could go and play soldier for a bit."

Tears are stinging my eyes and threaten to interrupt my speech at this point. "The result is that you are now in the ..." I stifle a sob, "... in the condition you are in. I would fully understand if you were to wish to never see or speak to me again ... in fact I believe that I have no right anymore to use the word friend when talking about you." Tears stream down my cheeks at this point and I release the salute eyes straight ahead, whilst watching for some signal from Vladimir, in case I get a physical response from the currently bedridden man.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:11 pm
by Tabs

Kolchak's eyes remain shut. He snores gently.

Li's head pops through the infirmary door. "Doctor, you're breakfast is ready." He disappears, and goes to the parlour to eat with Mae and Mrs. Quan.

In the reception/breakfast room--

"Thank you, Elisabeth," says Mingzhu, dabbing her cheek with a napkin, "and thank you, too, Señor." She adds: "I am at an utter loss about the reason for . . . for . . . oh, it was madness!"
Elisabeth asked: "Do you have family, back in Spain?"
Posie watches Santiago. "Mr. Ali,"--she speaks to Santiago el Aguila--"are you a cowboy?"

The two Professors draw a chair up to the table; Father Anselm says, "Please, eat all you can."; Father Pierrepont breaks off a piece of sesame bread; Samuel Grey sips tentatively at a cup of soya milk; Tatsuo refills his plate. Absent are Mrs. Kolchak and Arashi.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:55 pm
by aine
Santiago grins wickedly at Posie. "Of a sort. Since I was not much older than you I have been a gaucho from Argentina, a much wilder sort than the tame north American cowboy. We capture cougar with our bare hands." He makes claws with his hands and growls in jest. He looks at Elizebeth, "But I am Spanish by birth and my two younger brothers and two sisters joined me in Argentina at the outbreak of civil war." He looks sad for a moment. "Unfortunately my older brother was killed by revolting peasants - uprising that is, not personality."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sorry to hear that," says Elisabeth as she helps herself to some food. "At least everyone else made it out." Hmm, she thinks. No mention of a wife or children. She changes the subject to something more pleasant. "So, what do you do with a cougar once you've caught it?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:42 pm
by aine
"Unfortunately we kill them because they savage the sheep, cattle and guanacos. I think it a shame though as they are majestic beasts, they are also very wily and you can track them for days before catching one." Santiago drinks some tea. "You also are very far from your home country. Are you touring the Far East?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:55 pm
by Tabs
Posie seems a little unsure of Santiago,--to giggle at his antics or to be frightened ?--she studiously spreads honey on her bread.


" 'Revolting peasants' !" echoes an amused Prof. Eichelstein.


"His brother was killed, you buffoon," says Prof. Pavlov.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:36 pm
by Cearlan
I hang my head realising that my contrite speech was falling on deaf ears as the Admiral had lapsed into unconsciousness once more. "Some bloody Doctor you are Henry Renwick, can't even tell if your patient is awake or not." As Li tells me my breakfast is ready, I shake my head before adding "Perhaps the board back in England were right to strip me of the right to practice. Anyhow, breakfast is ready, so I better go and feed the body."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I'm working at the British Embassy as a secretary," says Elisabeth. "I came with my father, who is the assistant to SIr Alexander Cadogan, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to China - though there's talk that they're going to change his title soon to simply 'Ambassador.' I do hope to eventually rise higher in the Foreign Service once I've proven myself."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:16 pm
by aine

"Ah, that explains it." Santiago thinks to himself. "You are unlike other ladies I know, Senorita Grey. For them it is all about the dancing, the husband, the money." He smiles ruefully and is about to continue when Dr. Renwick enters the room. "Henry! Come, sit here. You look half-famished." Santiago makes room for the doctor and looks at him with concern. "what's happened? Is the Admiral alright?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:44 pm
by Cearlan
"I have just checked in on him and he is sleeping, as to how he is he is as well as can be expected under the circumstances." I respond in a terse voice. The tightness round my eyes and their general appearance of tearfulness gives weight to my state of mind. "I had a wretched night and in truth am in no mood for ... " I place my hands on the table and close my eyes forcing a deep breath in through my nose and out my mouth till my anger and self loathing diminishes. Nodding to everyone in turn I continue, "I am so sorry Santiago, Ladies and Gentlemen, Rosie but I find I am not hungry after all and in truth am not the best companion right now. When Mrs Kolchak appears can you please send her in to me so that I may appraise her of the situation with her husband. So, if you will please excuse me I shall retire to the infirmary where I shall await anyone needing medical aid." So saying I stand and head off towards the infirmary.

Once clear of the dining room and away from everyone, I slump against the wall and slide down sobbing uncontrollably.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:37 pm
by Tabs
"That man looked sad," says Posie curiously.


"Good morning everyone," says Mrs. Kolchak brightly--although it is obvious she's been crying; "have I missed breakf---" She stops when she sees Santiago, then, she sees Prof. Eichelstein. "If you two are here--Vladimir!--is the Admiral alive?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, Mrs. Kolchak, he still lives," says Elisabeth. "Dr. Renwick is with him in the infirmary. He said to send you in to see him so he can explain your husband's current condition."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:13 am
by aine
"Gulp." Santiago leaps up out his chair and flourishes a bow, "Madame Kolchak! What a pleasure to see you again. Please; take a seat, have some of this wonderful tea first, it's very good for the complexion." He grabs Madame Kolchak gallantly by the hand and attempts to push her gently into his chair. "I hope you don't mind taking my chair. Senorita Grey, could you pour Madame Kolchak some tea? I'm just going to check on...ur..."

With that, he rushes off to the infirmary. It is worse than he feared; Henry is slumped on the floor, his body racked with sobs. "Henry, old friend -here!" Santiago grabs a towel and gives it to the doctor. "Sort yourself out pronto, we've got Madame Kolchak inbound." He tries to lead Henry to the basin/bucket so he can wash his face. "Gods man, you look terrible!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:36 pm
by Cearlan
"Santiago ... I failed him ... failed you all. And at what cost - Vladimir has lost a goodly part of his leg as a result of my incompetence. I am not worthy of your compassion or thoughtfulness. But I thank you all the same." I allow myself to be led to the cistern where, after removing my shirt, I immerse my head into the icy cold water for a second time in little over 30 minutes.

The icy water causes me to try and pull my head back out, but Santiago holds it there for a moment or two longer so that the chill water can do it's work. I slump forwards a bit as the self pity is 'frozen out of me' with Santiago's assistance. Pushing tentatively up, Santiago lets me rise and with the towel he offered me earlier, I dry the thick of the water off my face and hair. I give Santiago a grim smile and hug him close to show my appreciation, then step back as the world renowned 'English reserve' kicks in once more.

"I cannot thank you enough Santiago. To let Mrs Kolchak see me thus would have ruined any chance I had of being able to explain the situation. Would you please have Elizabeth fetch her to the infirmary when she is ready and able to. This is not going to be easy my friend. In the Great War I had extensive experience of performing this operation as you can imagine, but rarely did I have to face the results and consequences of my actions. Perhaps this is why this has hit me so hard, I don't know."

Gripping the Spaniard's shoulder I make to move off to the infirmary, before turning to give him a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine now thanks to you."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:48 pm
by Tabs
Mrs. Kolchak sits, but turns round in her chair, she watches on, perplexed, as Santiago departs.

"Ahem!" coughs Samuel Grey, unsure how to handle the situation. "The Doctor---"

"Dr. Renwick," assists Prof. Pavlov.

"He is looking after your husband," adds Mingzhu.

Posie chimes in helpfully: "But he's having a break-up!"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy

"Of course," says Elisabeth, pouring the tea for Mrs. Kolchak and giving her an awkward smile. "Dr. Renwick has been doing an excellent job, but he's upset with himself because he did not do a better one. How do you take your tea, Mrs. Kolchak?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 8:36 am
by Tabs
"Down," says Prof. Eichelstein, correcting Posie, "breakdown."

Prof. Pavlov sighs audibly.

"But when Mummy was tearful," explains Posie, "her and Daddy had been arguing about a 'break-up.'"


"No milk, one sugar."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:15 am
by aine
Santiago nods and turns to leave. He wishes to the depth of his heart he could lift Henry out of his depression; but he has seen enough in life to realise that the battle is Henry's alone; he would have to fight himself out of this black hole of despair. But the fact that Henry had saved not only Kolchak's life but also probably those of all the sur--- He turns back,
"You know, if it wasn't for your bravery and skill out there in the paddy fields, most of the people here would most likely be dead now. Including the Admiral. I'm not a military man but I have been in some serious scrapes in the world. Yesterday was one of the tightest; I'm glad you were there Henry and I'll always count you as one of my most stalwart and capable friends." Santiago realises that perhaps the hardest challenge of all for Henry is about to occur; that of informing loved ones. But he says nothing of this;
"I'll ask Elizabeth to come in too; she will be able to provide some female support for Madame Kolchak."
He walks back down the corridor and back to the breakfast room where he nods imperceptibly to Elizabeth and pours himself some more tea. Not that he feels like drinking anything at the moment.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth adds a lump of sugar to the tea, rises from her seat, and offers it to Mrs. Kolchak. "Shall we go see your husband?" she asks the older woman.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:18 am
by Tabs

She answers distractedly: "Da." Mrs. Kolchak stands, ready to follow, leaving Elisabeth holding the teacup.

A moment later, Elisabeth, leading Mrs. Kolchak by the elbow, enters the infirmary. Dr. Renwick is waiting for them, and, of course, Admiral Kolchak is lying in the bed.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy

Holding the teacup in one hand, Elisabeth pulls a chair out with the other and drags it over to the bed. "Please, have a seat," she says to Mrs. Kolchak, reasoning that she should be sitting down before she hears what Dr. Renwick tells her what he needs to say, but putting it another way might alarm her. It's just as well I'm still holding the teacup, she thinks. I wouldn't want her to drop it.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:35 am
by aine
Santiago loiters uncomfortably by the door and then reasons that Madame Kolchak would probably want privacy fairly soon. He nods, supportingly, to Henry and then goes to stand just outside in the hallway, ready to help if necessary.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:26 pm
by Cearlan
I pull up a chair and sit beside Mrs Kolchak and look deep into her eyes.

"Madame Kolchak," I cough nervously. "I feel that it only fair to warn you that the news is not all we could have hoped for. On our way to this mission, your hus ... that is we encountered some further resistance from the Japanese and in the process your husband - the Admiral got shot in the leg. I patched him up as best I could in the circumstances, or rather I thought I had. By the time we arrived he collapsed and upon closer examination, it was discovered that the wound had turned gangrenous. I was faced with a difficult decision, either let my friend ..." I falter for a moment "... either let the Admiral die or cut away the infected part, which unfortunately meant I had to amputate the limb. He is currently stable and is as well as can be expected under these dire circumstances. You have my deepest regrets Madame, and believe me when I say that if there were any other option than the one I was forced to take, then I would have taken it without hesitation. Elisabeth here assisted me very courageously, and were it not for her he may well have died during the operation. I know this is a lot to take in Madame Kolchak, but do you have any questions that I could answer?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:19 pm
by Tabs
Mrs. Kolchak is torn between happiness that her husband is alive and horror at his amputation; she looks from Renwick to Elisabeth, but says nothing and buries her face in the bed sheets at the Admiral's side.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:15 pm
by Cearlan
"We'll ... we'll give you some time to be alone. If you want me or need anything then we shall be in the refectory. Elizabeth ..." He nods towards the door and gives Mrs Kolchak's shoulder a squeeze before moving out.

In the hallway Santiago is waiting, leaning against the wall and Henry gives him a tight smile and a nod then the group head towards the refectory. "Mrs Kolchak is trying to get used to the idea." As they enter the refectory, the tired doctor goes in search of the housekeeper to see if there is anything he can get for breakfast.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:30 am
by aine
"That was well done Henry." Santiago murmurs as they walk down the corridor. "They can come to terms with it together." They walk back into the refectory. "I could really do with a cup of coffee; early morning, the mist rising off the llano, a fresh cup of coffee before a hard day's ride searching for bandits. I do miss it. Instead---we have tea." He pours a cup for Elizabeth and Henry.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:19 pm
by Tabs
In the parlour--

Mrs. Quan has a tray of sesame buns, fresh from the oven. She stacks these upon a plate and hands it over to Renwick.

In the refectory [breakfast room]--

The gentlemen stand as Elisabeth sits herself back down at the table.

"I trust the--ah--reunion went well," says Mr. Grey a trifle awkwardly.

"We all think that you are marvelous," says Mingzhu to Dr. Renwick.

"Hear hear," is chorused round the table.

Father Anselm throws the open question: "So what do you intend to do next?"

[ooc: Refectory: Anselm, Pierrepont, Grey, Pavlov, Eichelstein, Minghzu, Posie, Tatsuo, Renwick, Santiago and Elisabeth; Parlour: Mrs. Quan, Li and Mae; Infirmary: Kolchaks; Upstairs[?]: Arashi.]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:41 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth had left the teacup in the infirmary for Mrs. Kolchak before returning to the refectory. "Thank you," says Elisabeth, accepting the tea from Santiago. "Yes, Dr. Renwick, you handled that very well." She considers Father Anselm's question. "We need to make sure that Father's letter gets delivered to the embassy, so that they know what happened. The Japanese soldiers are likely still around, however, and they'd be expecting us to head for Peking. I don't know if we can stay here much longer either. They're bound to come round looking for us here eventually."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:08 am
by Cearlan
Before taking my seat I raise my hand for attention. "Please, it was nothing more than I did too many times in the past I'm ashamed to say, if anyone deserves credit my dear friends it is Elisabeth. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I propose a toast to Elisabeth, without whose assistance things could well have been somewhat different." I hold Elisabeth's eye and smile as I nod to convey my gratitude for her help last night with the Admiral. Raising my cup I salute Elisabeth "To Elisabeth!"

"Father Anselm raises a valid point. His aid has been invaluable and we'd likely have not survived had it not been for the auspices of his mission. But the reality is that the Japanese will in all probability still be out there and looking for us. Like Elisabeth says though they will come here looking eventually. We would be poor guests if we were to bring down the wrath of the Japanese soldiers upon the Mission. With this in mind I'd suggest getting as far away as we could as fast as we can. However with Vladimir having undergone an operation of some import, we could not move him safely, and I would not feel happy leaving him behind. So we have a quandary on our laps and one that needs must be resolved with some alacrity." I take a bite out of the delicious looking sesame buns and moan in pleasure, not having realised just how hungry I was.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you very much," says Elisabeth, blushing deeply. "You're too kind, really. I didn't really do all that much, and I wasn't all that good at it. I was practically falling asleep on my feet."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:07 am
by aine
"To... Elizabeth." says Santiago, thoughtfully. He then looks at Father Anselm and comes to a decision; the people at the Mission must be trustworthy or they'd have called in the Japanese by now; there was nothing he could do about a spy and Renwick was right, they should leave as soon as possible.

"Henry, those papers we --- 'acquired'. Our friend, Tatsao, has looked them over. One was a telegram and the other contained a list of names --- of people whose lives should be spared." He adds ominously. He looks at Tatsao for permission to continue; the big man looks up from pouring honey onto his plate, nods and pulls out the papers which he gives to Santiago.

"The telegram reads: 'Proceed Golden Pumpkin 1730 hours stop'. The letter is in Japanese too but has an emblem at the bottom: Tatsao says it's not Japanese but Chinese!" He hands the papers to Henry to look at and pass round. "Does anyone recognise the symbol?"

Tabs,Am I right in thinking Tatsao's player is away at the moment as Tatsao has been very quiet - even for breakfast! So I hope it's okay to npc him for this simple task. I assumed that Santiago doesn't recognise the symbol as he hasn't been in China very long but here's his roll anyway: [url=]1d100=28[/url]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:33 pm
by Tabs
Elisabeth said: "We need to make sure that Father's letter gets delivered to the embassy

"I can take it with me in the truck," says Father Pierrepont; "perhaps the lanes, through the villages, to Peking?"


"If I go too? . . ."


"And us," says Professor Eichelstein. He continues, "We want to get away from here, of course we do; but maybe we can corroborate the events described in Mr. Grey's letter, if we go with him to Peking." Pavlov mutters: "It sounds like you are running away: women and children first, remember?"
Renwick said: "Vladimir having undergone an operation of some import, we could not move him safely, and I would not feel happy leaving him behind. So we have a quandary on our laps and one that needs must be resolved with some alacrity."

"Mrs. Quan could nurse Admiral Kolchak until he is well enough to be moved to Peking?" offers Father Anselm.
Santiago said: "The telegram reads: 'Proceed Golden Pumpkin 1730 hours stop'. The letter is in Japanese too but has an emblem at the bottom: Tatsao says it's not Japanese but Chinese!" He hands the papers to Henry to look at and pass round. "Does anyone recognise the symbol?"

Mingzhu blenches for a moment . . . "It's my Fathers emblem,"--she gives a scandalous, an embarrassed laugh--"I cannot think why---"

[ooc: I'll PM DSIGFUSS, to find out if he'll be back.]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:58 am
by Cearlan

"Your offer to take the truck through back lanes and remote villages to Peking is a very generous as well as a good one and well intentioned no doubt Father, but to do so, if you take any number of us or none of us puts yourself and this mission in danger, probably moreso than by us remaining here. I furrow my brow in concentration and thought. "Perhaps if we knew what the letter said as well as the telegram, for example what the list of names entails, then we may make a better informed decision. When I spoke to the sergeant on the platform he spoke of simply obeying order he was given. These orders must have originated from somewhere."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy

"What were the names of the people he wanted spared?" asks Elisabeth, curious, though she suspects that Mingzhu is among them if it truly is her father's letter. She notes with interest that either he did not ask for his own life to be spared, or his request was ignored. "And why?" She pauses to think. "Are there any maps here?"
OOC,This is the tail end of raspberry season, so hopefully he'll be returning soon.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 7:33 am
by aine
"If the Admiral's name is on the list, then it should be safe for him to recuperate here." says Santiago. "It is a strange way of going about writing a list. Surely a normal person would write down the names of those who should be killed, otherwise there would be no end to the killing and innocent people would be killed by mistake. As has happened." He looks perplexed. "Unless that was the point. Someone, please read out the list, maybe that will help us understand it. And a map would be useful if we have to run for it." He agrees with Elizabeth.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:08 am
by Tabs
Renwick said: "Your offer to take the truck through back lanes and remote villages to Peking is a very generous . . .
"Kind words, Dr. Renwick, but I feel it is my duty to help," answers Father Pierrepont.

"Yes, we have maps." Father Anselm adds, "But nothing too small scale; which I presume is what you require?"


Tatsuo holds the letter at arms length--"No spectacles," says he--and reads aloud in halting English:

" 'Those foreigners to be spared will be wearing a mirror disc upon their shoulder. Exterminate all witnesses.'

Tatsuo continues, "The names are Japanese ones, starting with 'Toshiro Saitou' and ten others."


"The Señor‎, Dr. Renwick and Admiral Kolchak must have killed the Japs," comments Prof. Eichelstein.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"The raffle tokens!" exclaims Elisabeth. "Mingzhu, you gave me one, and you gave them out to several others, remember? The admiral and his wife were the first to get them. It was your father who told you who should receive them. I've still got mine on the shoulder strap of my dress."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:04 am
by Tabs
Mingzhu has one too. She fingers it in a puzzled manner. (In fact, they all do/did, except Mr. Grey and Arashi.)

Image--it is the size of an American dollar coin, with a brooch pin attached to the reverse.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:10 pm
by aine
Santiago catches Renwick's eye. "We were in the bar so we missed the raffle; or else we were never meant to receive a token." He looks a little put out. "I don't feel so bad about the paddy fields now. So at least the Admiral and Senora Kolchak should be safe here. And you too, Elizabeth. What do you reckon Henry - it looks like most of us gentlemen are on the hit list as expendable witnesses. Oh and Tatsao's mother for some reason."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"We don't know for certain that these tokens will keep us safe," says Elisabeth. "The soldiers chasing us may not have been told that part of the orders yet, or might not see the discs at long range. And even if they don't kill us, they could still..." She gulps. " other things to us. And not all of us have them. Father, you never got one. I wonder why Dr. Chee would want me saved but not you. Surely if anything happened to you, the Empire would make its displeasure known - but they'd have to get in line behind me! Of course, there's the possibility that this is precisely what Dr. Chee wanted. But why would he do any of this?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:20 am
by aine
Santiago takes a better look at Mingzhu's token. "Oh, wait a moment, I do remember getting one of these as we arrived. I haven't thought of it since and I don't know where mine is now, either lost in the paddy fields or miraculously still attached to my shirt but covered in mud. I'll ask Mrs. Quan if she found it." He passes it back to Mingzhu, somewhat relieved, and turns to Mr. Grey, "Sir, do you have anything at all in common with Tatsao's mother Arashi?" And to everyone he says, "And are we all absolutely certain that Dr. Chee, forgive me Senorita, (he glances at Mingzhu) did actually die and it wasn't some elaborate trick?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:21 am
by Cearlan
I cough to try and forestall my Spanish friend, but to no effect. "When I spoke to the Sergeant, he told me that," I nod towards Mingzhu here unsure as to how best to phrase this. "That Dr Chee was in fact a ... excuse my bluntness Miss Mingzhu, these were his words and not mine, that Dr Chee was, in fact, a criminal. I wanted to pursue this along with his rights of jurisdiction to act for the law in China, but the person I assume was an assassin which he had with him interjected and I never got the chance before Mrs Kolchak came and retrieved me from the platform. I too got one of them but Lord above knows where it lies now. If you and Dr Chee were handing out these tokens which were supposed to save our lives, then, along with that photographer chappie, then I believe we are owed some kind of answer. Or could Senor Santiago in fact be correct?

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth snorts with suppressed laughter when Santiago asks her father his question. "Imagine my father having anything in common with that woman!" she says. "The very idea! Anyhow, Dr. Chee's death looked very convincing to me."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:37 pm
by Tabs
Mingzhu replies to Santiago: "The blood . . . and his last breaths as I cradled Father's head upon my lap: it was brutally real."
Santiago said: "Sir, do you have anything at all in common with Tatsao's mother Arashi?"
"The very idea!" repeats Mr. Grey indignantly.

Tatsuo, who is still eating, grunts and looks amused at the suggestion.

"'The photographer,' he was the first to die," says Prof. Pavlov, thinking out loud. "Of course, they, whoever they are, know who all of us are--the photographer snapped our photographs outside the Golden Pumpkin---"

"And that scribe noted down our names," adds Prof. Eichelstein.

Pavlov continues: "All that I've heard indicates that we were chosen--for God alone knows what--and that Dr. Chee is involved,"--he glances at Minghzu--"although I believe he is dead, like Miss Grey said 'Dr. Chee's death looked very convincing to me.'"

"How convoluted," says Father Anselm.

"Yes," says Pavlov. "Also, maybe what occurred was not altogether planned? . . ."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:38 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Well, I'm quite sure they never planned for us to escape," says Elisabeth, "but I don't think that's what you meant. Please, go on, Professor."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:09 am
by aine
Santiago grins sheepishly, "I agree, it seems unlikely. I just wondered if Arashi might not be some type of local political subversive, or the wife of one, that Senor Grey had heard about." He considers Tatsao, busy on the sesame buns, "But I guess not."

"Maybe the assassination went wrong and Dr. Chee was killed by mistake. But i can't imagine who else there could have been the intended victim, and the way the Senorita's sister was quickly killed out of hand made it seem very likely she was a target too; she would have been easy to capture alive." He thinks back to those bewitching eyes; was it just seduction or did she have another bizarre motive as ordered by Dr. Chee. Although Mingzhu seems utterly different to her sister, he reserves his judgement on her complete innocence.

"I always thought that the assassin was in league with the soldiers, but that is only because they appeared at the same time; and that, whoever ordered the killing, also sent the soldiers to 'appear' to mop up afterwards. What happened to the assassin? I never saw him afterwards."

"Dr. Chee and his daughter purposely pinned on the discs, he wrote that these people should be spared; he must have planned for everyone else to die for some reason. I'm sure he didn't planned for himself or his daughter to be killed though, so a third party -- intercepted? Now we must decide if those papers were originally sent to the officer we took them off, or if the officer had taken them from the assassin earlier. Which would mean the assassin is Japanese too." He shakes his head, confused, "This story is twistier than a cougar's tail. Also, were you invited to the party or did you just happen to be at the railway station, like me?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:46 pm
by Cearlan
Henry Renwick
"If we are assuming that Chee sent this letter then, possibly to the assassin, could the assassin not have played one off against the other and sold out to the Japanese for some reason. Could the officer have been right then and that the Doctor planned to have a person or some people killed which, if they were Japanese sympathisers as you suggest, then that might explain the involvement of the soldiers, and their desire to <cough> eliminate any witnesses. Perhaps because of the over-enthusiastic way in which the assassin went about his business meant that we were all witnesses, especially as we lodged very vocal complaints about the goings-on in the restaurant. As you say, this is very complex and I think we are in danger of seeing phantoms where none may exist. My former mentor, Dr Black always said that the simplest answer is normally the right answer."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:00 am
by Mr. Handy

"Um..." says Elisabeth, "Chunhua was not Dr. Chee's daughter." The red flush in her cheeks makes it apparent exactly what their actual relationship was.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:41 am
by aine

"Oh." Realising what Elizabeth has just said, Santiago keeps his eyes down so not to catch her glance and wonders why he suddenly feels rather warm. He frowns, trying to concentrate and thinks back to the evening; he finally shakes his head. "What a country." He says. "Well, whatever happened then, let's decide what we are to do now."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:38 pm
by Tabs
Elisabeth said: Please, go on, Professor."
"I need to apply my tired old brain some more, Miss Grey," says Prof. Pavlov.
Santiago said: What happened to the assassin? I never saw him afterwards."
"He was blown-up by his own hand grenade!" exclaims Prof. Eichelstein; "the live one you picked up, Señor, and threw back out the door of the mill."

"Sacré bleu!" mutters Father Pierrepont.
Santiago said: were you invited to the party or did you just happen to be at the railway station
The consensus round the table is that no one was invited by name. "An impromptu selection then," says Mr. Grey. "I feel a little put out that I wasn't a 'chosen' one, like Tatsuo's mother."

Posie, frowning, is very confused. "Don't be unhappy, Elisabeth's daddy, the bartender and the lady in charge of the gaming tables didn't receive a badge either."

"She's right, you know," says Prof. Eichelstein; "Li and Mae were already inside the Golden Pumpkin, so they never received a raffle token."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:12 pm
by Tabs
Tatsuo pauses in between mouthfuls and says to Dr. Renwick: "This Dr. Black is a sensible man," and then continues eating.
Elisabeth said: "Chunhua was not Dr. Chee's daughter.
"I say!" says Mr. Grey.

"Father asked me to pretend she was my sister," says Mingzhu; "he said that foreigners wouldn't understand."
Santiago said: let's decide what we are to do now."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:51 pm
by Cearlan

"Friend Tatsuo, I'm afraid Dr Black is no longer with us as he died last year, but you are right ... he was a very sensible man indeed. In fact another thing he used to say, which I already lived by is that you need hard facts before you can declare anything, for good or ill. But we don't have the right facts, or do not recognise them as such yet. The final part of his saying was that sometimes you have to go out on a limb and go with your gut instinct as more often than not that is the true way." I pause for some gravitas. "My instincts tells me that the soldiers will be marshalling what forces they may have more towards Peking as they would be expecting us to head that way, so my vote is that we head in the opposite direction. I cannot give a more cogent reason than gut instinct, and I hate guesswork, but as I said, sometimes you have to go out on a limb. We got this far I believe because they underestimated us, something I do not believe we can rely on again."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, my!" says Elisabeth, her eyes wide with wonder, when she hears Professor Eichelstein talk about Santiago throwing back the live grenade. "That was so brave!" As the others continue speaking, she remembers something. "I had a strange dream last night about Chunhua when I fell asleep in the bath. She told me to give her my hand, and I did. Then she said I must go to a Confucian temple, a cave carved out of basalt beneath the dunes outside of Khotan, Sinkiang. I've never heard of Khotan before, so it's odd that I'd dream about it. Then she said the fat man is coming." She glances at Tatsuo. "And so he did. You're right that they'd expect us to head for Peking, Doctor. I came to the same conclusion last night."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:00 am
by aine
Santiago almost drops his tea cup, but recovers swiftly. "A temple? Really? How strange." He quickly finishes the tea, thinking hard.

"It's only a dream, but what a coincidence! And no stranger than anything else that's happened since I got here. Maybe it's fate, and I just got the translation wrong or maybe it will be a wild goose chase. Ha, change that for cougar!"

Aloud, he says,"I agree about not heading to Peking. Senor Grey, is there somewhere in the opposite direction we can head for? I'm afraid my knowledge of Chinese geography is non existent as I only arrived a few days ago." Although it feels like much longer! He thinks. "I certainly haven't heard of Khotan either. Or Sinkiang, for that matter. Where are they?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:33 pm
by Tabs

Samuel Grey thinks on the risk to his daughter of returning to Peking; he answers Santiago: "Maybe it would be wise to leave the country. Hong Kong is British, and it's far away from here on the south coast; go there?

"I will return to Peking, and see that justice is done!"

Prof. Eichelstein eagerly announces: "In that case, myself and Professor Pavlov should come too, to corroborate our story."

Samuel Grey continues: "Elisabeth and the child and"--he hesitates--"Señor el Aguila, can travel as a family, with Doctor Renwick as a friend?"

"You'll need someone who speaks the language," says Mingzhu; "and there's nothing for me here now; please, Elisabeth, take me with you!"

"As for Khotan," says Father Anselm, "it is in Central Asia--- Let me find a map."


"Khotan is over there," says Father Anselm, pointing to the west of China.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"Ah, I see it," says Elisabeth. "I knew that Sinkiang was in western China, and that it has a reputation as a very dangerous place. In fact, isn't that where Peter Fleming and Ella Maillart are heading? They'd never expect us to go there, but it's hardly safe. Those are excellent suggestions, Father! Hong Kong sounds like a great destination. But it would be dangerous for you to head to Peking. Perhaps you should have my disc, so that they might spare your life." She gives a sly grin to Posie, Mingzhu, and Santiago. "I like the idea of us being a family, and of course you can join us as a guide and interpreter, Mingzhu. Well, Señor el Aguila, are we to be married? You already have my father's blessing. Posie, how would you like us to be your mummy and daddy?" I could get used to this, she thinks. Maybe when this is all over, we could even be a family for real! The thought makes her giddy and nervous, but she tries to hide it.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:42 pm
by aine

Santiago is used to big distances but even he is impressed by the enormity of China - and the distance to Kortan. He pours over the map and is dismayed to see that Hong Kong is nowhere near Sinkiang. He looks to his friend, Henry, for unspoken advice and then says to Mr. Grey,

"Although it would be the greatest of honours to accompany your beautiful and brave daughter and to travel as her husband..." He bows to Elizabeth, and wonders what he may lose by saying this,"along with young Posie and Senorita Mingzu, but I'm afraid I will not be going to Hong Kong."

He sighs, "This may seem mad but I plan to go to Kortan. In the footsteps of Peter Fleming and Ella Maillart, as you say. It is a long story but Kortan may hold the answers I am looking for and the reason for me coming to China." He looks first at Henry and then at Elizabeth,"I cannot ask either of you to come with me if Sinkiang is as dangerous as Elizabeth says; Hong Kong is surely the safer place to go."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:30 pm
by Tabs
"The best laid plans," remarks Prof. Pavlov.

Samuel Grey shrugs: "Of course, the Señor can do as he pleases."

"Here is another, simpler map," says Father Anselm.

[ooc: Ignore the red line--the actual route taken by Fleming and Maillart.]

"The train track goes to Chengchow," continues Father Anselm, "and then splits, south to Hong Kong and west to Sian. After Sian, Señor el Aguila, will have to travel by road and camel."

"And what about me? . . . And mother?" asks Tatsuo.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:50 pm
by Cearlan
I cough politely, "Thank you Father, these are useful as they show the full scale of the task we are thinking of undertaking. Senor el Aguila, I think after all we have experienced together that it would be ungentlemanly of me to abandon you at this stage, especially as your 'family' will be coming along as well. The proper authorities must be made aware of what has happened, whatever it was and for this perhaps Hong Kong may prove better than Peking as it is still an outpost of the Empire."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"In my dream, Chunhua told me that I must go to this temple too," says Elisabeth. "I don't understand this, but it was more than just a dream. If it were the feverish imaginings of my own mind, how could I possibly hear of a town which I have no knowledge of? Yet Khotan really exists, right there on the map. I can't explain it either, but I think I'm meant to go there. So we can still go together. If Ella Maillart can do it, so can I. In any event, we'd be going to Chengchow first, regardless of our destination."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:46 pm
by aine

Santiago is almost lost for words, "Ellos son ricos que tienen amigos de confianza." He says to himself in quiet wonder. "Thank you Henry, it wouldn't have been the same without you." He gets up and shakes Renwick's hand in true British tradition. "Just warn me the next time you decide to ambush an armed soldier with nothing but your wits." Then he goes to Elisabeth and, with more Spanish flair, takes her hand and bows, "And Elisabeth. Thank you." He says with an enigmatic look in his eyes and a gentle smile. "I'm exactly the same about Khotan; it's totally crazy but I have to go there. I'm glad you feel the same."

"Senor Tatsao, I would consider it a great honour if you would consent to travelling with us, at least as far as chengchow." He sits back down next to Henry and whispers, "Although he is easy to spot and too big to disguise. Plus there's his awful mother to contend with." But he is keen that the Tatsao should join them, not only to preserve the conditions of Chunhua's predictions: he is becoming fond of the big Japanese man and his curt statements.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:59 pm
by Cearlan

I look quizzically at Santiago, not understanding what he muttered under his breath and am pleasantly surprised when he stands to shake my hand, which of course I accept with relish. "Ah that little episode ... I'm afraid if I had a few more of my wits about me then I would not have acted in such a manner I am sure, I would probably been back in old Blighty tending my garden. Instead I am here with as fine a bunch of people I could ever hope to be acquainted with. As Santiago turns and speaks to Elisabeth I retake my seat and look once more at the vast distance between here and Khotan and I shake my head with the sheer scale of the country. 'I certainly have seen maps of it before, but now that I have to traverse the length of it, it brings it all home to me as opposed to an abstract size when looking in an atlas.' I muse

When Santiago sits next to me and tells me he would be easy to spot and hard to hide ... I know straight away he is referring to Tatsao and Arashi. "Yes Tatsao, it just would not be the same without you on the way. You do not say a lot but what you do say is valuable and straight to the point. I like that in a man - no hidden agendas."

Leaning towards Santiago I playfully whisper to him wearing my best poker face. "Arashi told me that she is looking for a new husband and has set her sights on you my friend ... I just thought you had better be aware. Have you not seen the way she looks at you? Forewarned is forearmed and all that!"

Henry's persuade on Santiago / 20% (1d100=94)

Try as I might I cannot keep my face straight at the prospect though. 'Perhaps this is why I am no good at poker!' I think to myself

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:55 pm
by Tabs
Father Anselm points out: "I doubt the Chinese authorities will allow---"

Samuel Grey interrupts: "I will be relieved if you all journey together to Chengchow, at least.

"I am determined to stay in Peking. Your raffle token, my dear Elisabeth, will be a protective talisman for me!"

"Hai!" beams Tatsuo, "it is my wish to stay with you all."

"You will need supplies, and weapons I suppose," says Father Pierrepont.

"Father kept monies--Mexican silver dollars--in a safe, back at the Golden Pumpkin . . ." says Mingzhu.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth takes off her token and attaches it to her father's shoulder, then embraces him. "Take care of yourself, Father," she says. "I shall miss you. I don't like being separated from you, but I know we'll meet again. I suppose we both knew this day would come. I was bound to get married eventually. But my new husband will look after me and protect me." She smiles at Santiago. "The money would be useful on our journey, but it would be risky going after it. Whoever does would need to wear the tokens, but even that is no guarantee of safety."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:17 am
by aine

Santiago looks horrified for a split second and then chokes. "Gods Henry. You almost had me there. Imagine!" He thinks, shudders and then grins, "But I might not be available one day --- you, however--- just let me know and I'll put in a good word for you." He claps Renwick on the back, very pleased to see his friend back to his old self.

"Senor Grey, we will endeavour to send messages to let you know how we fair. Perhaps you can do the same from Peking to somewhere in Chengchow. After that, it may be too difficult."

"Are we to return to the station by the Golden Pumpkin to pick up the train, in which case we can pick up any bags we left there and Mingzhu's money - which we'll need for bribes at least - or is it too risky, in which case, Father, where is the next station? And yes, if we may, some basic supplies would be helpful.

"Tatsao, Senora Arashi, she is still sleeping after yesterday? She must be woken as I suggest, everybody, that we move within the hour; who knows when a stray Japanese scout may arrive. I'm going to look over any weapons we have and give them a strip down after last night's mud." With that, he gets up, collects the guns and takes them out to the yard for cleaning.
ooc,Cearlan - you rotter! Can you imagine what Santiago, as an honourable fellow, would have had to do had your roll passed? Talk about taking risks! :) Made me laugh out loud.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:43 pm
by Cearlan

My brow furrows at the mention of the Mexican silver dollars at the bar and thinks 'Perhaps we could call in at the dig site to see if there is anything I could salvage to bring along' and I say out loud. "If we go by the dig site, which is only slightly out of our way, I could see if there is anything that could be of use, firearms for example. I may not be able to furnish everyone with guns, but I think I could possibly get my hands on two or three with some ammunition, as well as the rest of my belongings suitable for a trek, such as I have and my medical equipment, antibiotics and so forth."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:06 pm
by Tabs
Samuel Grey whispers to Elisabeth: "For God's sake, dear, don't do anything silly--I'm talking about this mummy and daddy business--a ten year old child and a bloody da--- a foreigner. Just think what you are doing and how it will affect your mother."

"The risk involved in returning to the Golden Pumpkin . . ." muses Prof. Pavlov. "We could transfer money to Cheng Kung University Hospital in Chengchow? I know Mr. Norrin,--a reliable man--one of the governers. We can send him messages, too, Señor el Aguila"

Santiago gathers the weapons and goes outside. [ooc: Move to topic "Oil and Cloth."]

Father Anselm says to Renwick: "We have a dispensary, Doctor, you are welcome to make use of it."


Mae appears in the doorway. "Doctor Renwick, can I have a word."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:02 pm
by Cearlan

I rise as Mae speaks, nodding my assent before I say "Of course my dear, would you prefer somewhere more private?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:50 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Relax, Father," Elisabeth whispers back, "I shall do nothing improper." Maybe he'll warm up to Santiago afterwards, once he sees how he has kept me safe, she thinks. He doesn't usually express disdain towards foreigners, but he's probably just being overprotective. "Yes, Professor, wiring money to Chengchow is an excellent idea." she says to Pavlov. "Do you need my help again, Doctor?" she asks Dr. Renwick. "We'd better treat everyone who needs it before we set out on our journey. I've had a bit of a chill myself since last night."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:35 pm
by Tabs
Santiago said [previously]:"Are we to return to the station by the Golden Pumpkin to pick up the train
"I could take you in the truck to the next station down the line," says Father Pierrepont.
  • ~
"Yes," answers Mae, "follow me."

Samuel Grey hugs Elisabeth. "I know I can trust you. I'm sorry,--a little stressed!--and I am thankful we had Señor el Aguila with us last night. He is a good man."

"Consider it done, Miss Grey," smiles Prof. Pavlov.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:08 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Professor," says Elisabeth, smiling back. "It's all right, Father. Yes, we owe Señor el Aguila our lives, and I'm certain we can depend on him to protect me."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:01 am
by Cearlan

"Certainly Mae." I say following her out of the room.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:10 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, we'll also need a pair of wedding rings!" says Elisabeth. "Otherwise, someone might see through the charade."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:52 am
by Tabs
[ooc: Renwick, move to topic "Miss Harriet."]

"'Wedding rings'! chortles Mr. Grey. "Hmmm . . . you're right, of course; but how on earth are you to find them?--especially in a Catholic Mission."

Mingzhu, who is giggling with Posie, says: "Let's check out the dispensary, Elisabeth, and get something for your chill and my cut feet. It looks like Doctor Renwick is busy."

"Please, do so, if you wish," adds Father Anselm.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, we'd have to borrow them from people who've already got them," says Elisabeth. "That's a lot to ask someone to part with, though. There's also the fact that I'm much too young to be Posie's natural mother, so our cover story will have to be that Santiago was a widower before I married him if anyone asks. Well, I'd better go to the dispensary while we have time. If you'll excuse me..." She goes with Mingzhu to the dispensary.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:01 am
by Tabs
In the dispensary--

Elisabeth and Mingzhu scan the shelves for a suitable medicine; unfortunately, many items are in plain white boxes with French written instructions.

"You've got you very own Errol Flynn in Santiago!" says Mingzhu, gently teasing Elisabeth. "Do you think he will really marry you?"

At last they find a remedy for coughs and colds, and an antiseptic.

Image Image

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"A girl can dream, can't she?" says Elisabeth with a smile. "He does like me, but I don't know yet if he's in love with me, or will fall in love with me. I guess we'll see what develops on our journey. Here, let me look at your feet first." She takes the antiseptic and puts some on Mingzhu's cuts, then bandages them, but there's a limit to what she can do. "Maybe Dr. Renwick can do more for you when he returns." She measures out the proper dose of the cough medicine and takes it, and it does the trick. She feels completely better.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:25 pm
by Tabs
"Talking of dreaming, did you really dream of Chunhua?" asks Mingzhu, stretching her toes gingerly.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:32 am
by Mr. Handy

"I did," says Elisabeth, "but I can't imagine why. I hardly had anything to do with her. I don't think we were even introduced, yet she knew who I was. She seemed to be aware that she was supposed to be dead too. I don't know why she gave me this message from beyond the grave."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:41 am
by Tabs
"'Aware that she was supposed to be dead'" mutters Mingzhu, staring at the polished tiles as she repeats Elisabeth's words. "Huh! Ghosts aren't aware they are ghosts . . . I mean, they just replay a moment, without any thoughts of their own, like actors on film. But dreaming is your unconscious mind, your imagination?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's what they say," says Elisabeth, "but she told me about Khotan, and I'd never heard of it before. That's why I think this was more than just a dream. I wouldn't know if ghosts never know that they are ghosts; I've never met one before. Have you?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 9:02 pm
by Tabs
Mingzhu looks at Elisabeth, turns away, and the begins shyly: "Last week I was visited by a ghost, or something. Oh, Elisabeth, do you think I am mad; do you believe?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:25 am
by Mr. Handy

'I don't think you're mad, Mingzhu," says Elisabeth. "I might not have believed before I had that dream, but I do now. What happened with the ghost?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 8:40 am
by Tabs

"Father had a home outside Peking, a courtyard surrounded by two-story pavilions, in a garden beside a stream. After dinner, he and Chunhua went for a walk in the grounds, I went up to my room, to smoke, and read the latest "Modern Screen" magazine. I fell asleep. I dreamt of a child, a frightened girl, lost in a forest of tamarisk; and the child, when she realised there was no way back, began to dance!"--Mingzhu frowns at the memory. "I woke with a start, my room was cold because the window had become unfastened. And that is when I saw the ghost: a hunched creature with feathered wings; it was perched upon the window sill. It's head turned toward me, and I saw the eyes flash as they watched me. Then, it fell, and I ran to the window, just in time to catch sight of it's shadow as it silently flew away."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"Feathered wings?" asks Elisabeth. "That sounds unusual. How did you know it was a ghost and not...some sort of living creature?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:47 pm
by Tabs
"Well, it must be a ghost, what else could it have been?" answers Mingzhu unimaginatively.

"I am going to find Mrs. Quan, to see if she can spare any food."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"All right," says Elisabeth. "I'll start collecting medical supplies for our journey."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:01 am
by Tabs

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:31 pm
by Tabs

"Miss Grey," greets Dr. Renwick on entering the dispensary. The doctor appears tired, even more so than earlier.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, good morning, Doctor Renwick," says Elisabeth, turning at the sound of his voice. While exhaustion still shows on her, she is doing much better now that she's had a chance to sleep and treat herself. "I was just starting to pack medical supplies for the journey. You'll know a lot better than I will what would be most useful."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:51 pm
by Tabs
"Bandages, antiseptic," thinks Dr. Renwick aloud, "morphine. I would like to take quinine, if it's here?" He stops searching the dispensary's shelves, resting with his knuckles upon the bench. "Miss Grey, you may as well know now, the Japanese woman, Arashi, has died of heart failure."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:13 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oh," says Elisabeth, putting a hand to her mouth. "I'm sorry to hear that. I never liked her - I don't think anyone did, except perhaps Tatsuo - but I didn't want this to happen. How is her son taking it?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:01 am
by Cearlan
"He's not taking it well at all ... despite any misgivings any of us may have had about her, she was his mother and I fear that he will need our support over the coming weeks or months as it may well turn out to be. That is assuming he still wishes to journey with us following this loss."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:21 pm
by aine
Santiago appears at the doorway. "I've finished Henry, the truck's nearly loaded--- oh, Elizabeth, sorry; I didn't see you there." He finishes sadly. "I suppose you've head the bad news? Father Pierrepont is to hold a funeral for Arashi; I feel very sorry for Tatsao but I hope it's a short one, I'm worried about staying here much longer." He leans against the table and folds his arms. He smiles sadly at the others, "Do you think Tatsao will still come with us?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hello, Santiago," says Elisabeth, a smile coming involuntarily to her face, but it quickly fades when she recalls the recent death. "Yes, Doctor Renwick just told me. I don't know what he'll do. I don't know where else he has to go, or if he would stay here."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:11 am
by Tabs

"Grandad asked," Posie's eyes twinkle mischieviously, "that we all get together in the breakfast room, in ten minutes." The little girl slips her hand into Elisabeth's hand, and smiles sweetly up at Santiago.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth gently squeezes Posie's hand and grins. "Thank you, Posie," she says. "We should be finished packing by then."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:27 am
by Tabs
[ooc: Any ideas on what you'd like to take from the dispensary? Is it there?--try Luck rolls. I just noted that Renwick has Pharmacy 51%,--now, I haven't got the rulebook to hand for the Skill's description,--but, it could be worth a roll against it.]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:15 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth looks for the items that Dr. Renwick requested, starting with the morphine, but she cannot find any.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:28 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,I don't have the foggiest idea what sort of things we should take other than antibiotics, bandages, water purification tablets and other general medicines - but here is my roll anyway. [url=]Henry's Pharmacy roll 51% (1d100=87)[/url] Ouch it seems that Henry don't know too much either :oops:
I squint at the labels and the faint print on them seems to swim in front of my eyes. Exasperated with myself I rub my tired eyes and come to realise that I must be overwrought over the events of the last few days. 'Perhaps this is what is ordained for me then, to be a failure both at home and abroad as a doctor!' I think to myself as my head drops and my chin rests against my chest. "Why can I not seem to focus myself properly today Elisabeth?" I ask giving my head a quick shake to try and clear the cobwebs, alas to no avail.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"Probably the same reason I can't, Doctor Renwick," says Elisabeth, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. "I've been utterly useless. We've been through a terrible ordeal last night, and even what sleep we managed to get this morning isn't enough to set us to rights. We're going to need some time before we're back to normal."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:45 am
by aine
Santiago looks around the dispensary; it is all rather foreign to him but he's had experience travelling. "Just pick up some bandages and pain killers. But we can probably get opiates on the way. I don't know what else we'd need. Something to stitch with?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:24 am
by Tabs
Santiago finds a surgical needle and thread. The items mentioned: bandages, antiseptic, morphine, water purification tablets, as well as aspirin, cold remedy and castor oil, are placed into a carpet bag.

"It's time for the meeting," insists Posie, tugging on Elisabeth's hand.

In the breakfast room/refectory--

Samuel Grey, Prof. Pavlov, Prof. Eichelstein, Father Anselm and Father Pierrepont are conversing beside the fireplace; Mrs. Quan and Mae are bustling round a package--a food parcel--upon the table; Mrs. Kolchak is sat in an armchair with Mingzhu in attendance--she has a comforting arm round the Russian woman's shoulder; Li is stood, looking--disdainfully?--at Tatsuo, who is once again sat at the table, nibbling the remains of breakfast.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth goes with Posie back to the refectory and finds seats near her father.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:05 pm
by aine
Santiago walks in behind Elizabeth and Posie. He goes up to Tatsao and puts a hand on his shoulder before going up to the gentlemen by the fireplace.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:51 am
by Tabs

"Thank you, el Aguila-san," says Tatsuo, his eyes red-rimmed and his cheeks flushed.

[ooc: Santiago, roll Spot Hidden.]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:10 pm
by aine
spot hidden,[url=]1d100=59[/url] (65%)

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:29 pm
by Tabs
Santiago,Tatsuo's red cheek has the faint imprint of a hand--palm and fingers.
Samuel Grey says to Elisabeth: "It's nearly time to part, my dear. I am sure that it will be safer for you to get as far away from Peking as possible; and I am glad you are traveling with Señor‎ el Aguila and Dr. Renwick."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Father," says Elisabeth. "I'm glad of it too. I know I can count on them to protect me. I shall miss you terribly, and I wish you a safe trip back to Peking."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:04 pm
by Tabs

Dr. Renwick pulls up a chair, and sits beside Elisabeth and Posie.

"Thank you, Elisabeth," says Samuel Grey. He continues: "Father Anselm tells me that at the next village down the line, about five miles away, the Peking-Hankow Express stops for water. Father Pierrepont will drive there in the truck, taking Elisabeth, Posie, Dr. Renwick, Señor‎ el Aguila and Chee Mingzhu; they will journey on to Chengchow--the next city stop."

"And Tatsuo?" asks Dr. Renwick.

The fat man stands, scraping his chair on the stone floor as he does so.

"Now that mother has passed on," says Tatsuo, "I will carry her ashes home to Osaka."

Father Anselm shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

"We have agreed to a cremation." Father Anselm adds quickly: "Outside of the mission's consecrated ground."

"Quite so," mutters Prof. Eichelstein.

Samuel Grey says: "As soon as Father Pierrepont returns to the Mission, he will transport myself, the Professors, Li and Mae to Peking. I shall notify Sir Alexander Cadogan immediately, and ensure that the full weight of British justice is brought to bear on the atrocity that we have had the misfortune to be a part of."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:49 am
by aine
Santiago stares hard at Tatsao. He goes to say something to the big man sitting forlornly at the table, and then merely nods. He frowns, thinking.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm certain the two of you will make sure that those responsible are held to account," says Elisabeth. "What about the Kolchaks? They're not coming with us? Are they staying here?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:56 pm
by Tabs
Mrs. Kolchak straightens her slumped posture. "We will stay here, until the Admiral is well enough to move to Peking." She says to Elisabeth: "Miss Grey, we shall send a message to Prof. Pavlov's friend---"

"Mr. Norrin at Cheng Kung University Hospital in Chengchow," says Prof. Pavlov.

"---and let you know of the Admiral's progress."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:36 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Elisabeth. "I hope and pray his condition improves. If you're staying here, you'll be in great danger. The Japanese are sure to come here sooner or later. You should both wear those tokens at all times." She wrings her hands. "There is something you could do for us, but I hesitate to request it. It is truly asking a lot."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:53 am
by Tabs
"Please, tell me what it is," says Mrs. Kolchak.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well..." says Elisabeth. "As you know, Santiago and I are going to pretend to be husband and wife during our travels, but we don't have wedding rings, and anyone that notices that we don't will see through our charade. It would help us if we could borrow yours and your husband's, but I'll understand if you refuse. If you do lend them to us, we can return them to you as soon as we get back to Peking."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:38 pm
by Tabs
Mrs. Kolchak laughs merrily, almost hysterically. "Sorry, but it feels like I haven't been happy for a long, long time. Of course you can, Miss Grey; it will be a strange kind of honour to know that a young lady has use of my wedding ring." She adds: "The Admiral and I don't have any children."

"Everybody, time is pressing if you wish to catch the Peking-Hankow Express," says Samuel Grey; "any more questions?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:51 pm
by aine
"No, but I'd like a quiet word with Tatsao before we leave." says Santiago. "Isn't it only necessary for a lady to wear a ring? I'd feel awkward wearing the admiral's." He walks over to Tatsao and sits down next to him with his back to everyone else. He speaks in a low voice,
Tatsao,[color=#0000BF]"Tatsao, old friend. I'm so sorry that your mother has passed away. She was a woman of great...spirit. I suppose you will stay here and then travel to Osaka via Peking? I wish you were coming with us. Forgive me for asking, and I mean no sleight upon your honour, but it seems you have a lady's imprint across your face - what has happened, Tatsao?"[/color]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:34 pm
by Tabs
Tatsuo answers:
Santiago,"Oh, that!" he touches his cheek. "It was the Chinese girl, Mae, she--er--she misinterpreted a gesture of mine." He smiles weakly.

[ooc: Tatsuo's future with the party--see "ooc" topic.]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Kolchak," says Elisabeth. "This means a lot to me." She smiles at her father and then at Posie. "Do you have any last minute, um, parenting advice for me, Father?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:55 pm
by Cearlan
"I am sure that Posie will behave well enough as we are all going to be one big family from here on in." Renwick tries to look sternly over his glasses at Posie but the innocent smile on her face made him laugh out loud. "We will be fine enough, but I do caution you Mrs Kolchak to be prepared to hide in case the Japanese should come calling. Are there any places suitable for her Father?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:48 am
by Tabs
"'Parenting advice'?" Samuel Grey frowns in thought. "There isn't anything I need tell you, Elisabeth."

"Oh, yes, Dr. Renwick, I'll be as good as gold," says Posie very seriously at first, but smiling too when the Doctor laughs.

Father Anselm says: "We don't have a priest-hole, like the ones in England, however, there is the attic? . . ."

Prof. Pavlov approaches Elisabeth and gives her a gentle peck on one cheek. "Best wishes, Miss Grey." He then shakes the hands of Santiago and Dr. Renwick, bows, most formally, to Posie, and nods to Mingzhu.

Father Pierrepont picks-up the food parcel and carries it out to the truck.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 5:07 pm
by Cearlan
I go to check on Admiral Kolchak one last time and to say fare-thee-well to my by now close friend. Knocking on the ward door before entering I see Kolchak lying there awake.

"Well my good friend, we are leaving for the interior now and I just thought I'd check in on you, to see how you are doing and all, you understand old man!" After checking the Russians dressings and vital signs are alright my resolve fails and I grab the big Russian in a hug and say to him. "I am so sorry that our time together was all to brief my friend. I feel that we are great friends already and who knows where our friendship may have led us together. Take the greatest of care my friend, both of yourself and your wife, and I hope we get to meet again once this is over." Releasing Kolchak his reserve slams shut like a door in a gale and his English-ness returns once more. "I believe you say do svidaniya in these situations." I turn on my heel and exit the ward so that he cannot see how upset I am, yes because we are leaving him behind, but mainly because I nearly cost him his life.

I give last minute instructions to the already capable staff there and make my goodbyes to the residents of the mission, Tatsuo, Pavlov, Grey and Echelstein.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:30 pm
by aine
The quiet chat is disturbed as Santiago breaks into loud laughter as he sits listening to Tatsao. "Well, my friend, congratulations on trying anyhow. I'll miss you, big man. Take care of yourself and maybe we'll meet again." He claps Tatsao on the shoulder and stands up. "Let's be off. I'll just say farewell to Kolchak and then I'll meet you by the truck." He shakes hands with Samuel Grey, "I'll look after Elizabeth, Sir, and we'll keep in contact when we can." He bows to Pavlov and Echelstein, shakes hands with Li and kisses Madame Kolchak's hand.

Then he walks briskly to Kolchaks room as Henry is just leaving and kneels by Kolchak's side. "I'm glad you're awake Admiral, I'd have hated to leave without saying goodbye. I'll always remember that short time in the bar with you and Henry; and I treasure both your friendships. Look after yourself and Madame Kolchak; I'm sure you'll find out where we are going but, if we come back, I'll look you up." Santiago takes Kolchak's hand. "Oh, and I think there may be some sort of understanding between Miss Grey and me. I wish I could stay longer and ask your advice about it but we have to leave now." He stands, bows and leaves feeling quite upset.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Professor Pavlov," she says. "Godspeed to you." She says goodbye to everyone and embraces her father one last time before joining the others in the ward to say farewell to the admiral. She admires his wife's ring, which she now wears on her left hand.

"I wish you the best of luck, Admiral Kolchak," she says, entering behind Santiago. "Take care of yourself and Mrs. Kolchak. Your wife was kind enough to lend me her wedding ring to help us maintain our pretense of being married. Would you be willing to lend yours to my new husband?"

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:55 am
by Tabs

"Do svidaniya," replies Admiral Kolchak to Dr. Renwick. "You saved my life--honestly, that is what I think."

To Santiago--

"'The bar,'" muses Admiral Kolchak; "I shall always ask for a glass of Greenspot."

"If you need help,"--Kolchak intensifies his words--"I mean armed help, in the future, you only have to get word to me."

To Elisabeth--

He pulls off his gold ring and hands it to Elisabeth, "I always do as Mrs. Kolchak."


Father Pierrepont starts the truck's engine. Beside him in the cab are Elisabeth, Posie and Mingzhu; on its flatbed perch Santiago and Dr. Renwick, along with the rifles, the carpet bag of medical supplies, the food parcel, and a crate of wine. The truck pulls away from the Catholic Mission. A small crowd of well-wishers, in a haze of dust kicked-up by the truck's wheels, wave and doff their hats; Mrs. Quan's two Pekinese dogs chase the truck out of the gate, yapping excidedly.


[ooc: End of the chapter. Roll for experience to see if the Skills you used increase. Elisabeth is back to full health, Santiago can add 1 (up to 12 h.p.)]

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:09 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth thanks the admiral as she leaves and hands his ring to Santiago when she catches up to him. Then she takes her seat in the cab of the truck between Posie and Mingzhu.

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:46 pm
by aine

Santiago takes the ring with a sad smile, "It is a keepsake. Thank you Elizabeth." Then he cheers up and gives a hand to Elizabeth to help her into the cab, "There you go, Senora Aguila. And you, Posie, behave!" He says smiling at both of them, and then vaults onto the flatbed next to Henry. "Well Henry, onto new adventures. Oh, and don't drink the wine; it's not for us, we are delivering it to Lanchow."

Re: Catholic Mission

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:17 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're welcome, darling," says Elisabeth, grinning back. She leans back in her seat, looking forward to the adventure ahead.