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The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:49 pm
by Tabs


The restaurant of Western Passenger Station is vast; to the left are the gaming tables, to the right the buffet, and in the centre is a newly laid, beautiful, parquetry dance floor. Dotted round the room young Chinese women, uniformed in scarlet silk cheongsam--traditional dress, have been posted, poised to help your wants: wait on tables, fetch drinks, etc.


The bar is a converted food counter; the copper tea urn shows that during the day the bar is used to dispense hot drinks and snacks. A barman sporting a bow tie and too much hair oil is serving Admiral Kolchak a bulbous glass of brandy. To one side of the bar, surreptitiously observing, is a toothy man wearing a white suit.

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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:15 pm
by aine
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Santiago el Aguila wanders over to the bar with the monk in tow, he nods to the Admiral, his glance passing quickly over the other man. Although the bar is makeshift it looks well stocked with a bizarre assortment of bottles. He waits until the barman has finished pouring the Admiral's drink then, "My companion only drinks tea. Jasmine if you have it please." His eyes wander over the bottles and he prepares himself for the usual bourbon choice when he spies a dusty bottle hidden at the back. "Let me see the bottle at the back, behind the absinthe, no no, er bân lü?" The bottle is retrieved and Santiago picks it up reverently. "Green Spot single pot. The very best Ireland has to offer. How did you get all the way out here?" He passes it back to the waiter and orders a double with a small jug of water. He sniffs the whiskey and swirls it around before saluting the admiral and taking a small sip. "Sláinte!"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:20 pm
by Tabs

"Sir, I have no idea how the Green Spot made its way here," the barman says in passable English. "You have an eye for the good stuff, and only a connoisseur of whisky takes his water separately." He smiles respectfully. "The jasmine tea will be served shortly."


Admiral Kolchak swirls his brandy like Santiago. "Na zdorovie!" He looks at the bottle of Green Spot and nods, before emptying his glass in one gulp. "Another one, same as this gentleman." He claps Santiago on the shoulder. "I am Vladimir Kolchak."

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:41 pm
by aine
"Santiago el Aguila. Ochin preeyatna Vladimir Vladimirovich. Please though, respect this fine Irish Whiskey as you would a fine woman, by sipping not throwing it around." He dips three fingers into the water and allows the drips to fall into the whiskey. "Just enough to release the full flavour." He smiles, glancing to make sure the tea has arrived.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:24 am
by Tabs
"To hear a man speak Russian," says Admiral Kolchak, "it is good. I shall never return to the Motherland . . ." He pauses in sombre reflection, and then shakes his bald head.

"I'll respect the fine Irish whisky, as I would a fine woman; it is difficult for me though, Santiago el Aguila: have you met my wife?" He laughs uproariously.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:53 am
by Cearlan
Renwick approaches the bar and catches the tail end of the Admiral's last comment.

"Please excuse me for intruding so rudely upon your conversation ... did you say Admiral Kolchak? I only do so due to the fact that I too am unable to return to my country of birth at this time. It is most inconvenient and I find it sad how our peers see fit to sit in judgement on situations they refuse to acknowledge."

Looking straight at the Admiral before moving his gaze to Santiago, Renwick adds; "Please forgive my being so forthright ... my name is Renwick, Henry Renwick. May I buy you two gentlemen a round of drinks?" as he extends his hand towards Santiago, a friendly smile upon his face.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:49 pm
by Tabs

"The first round of drinks is free, sir," says the bartender to Dr. Renwick. He passes a glass cup and saucer to Santiago, it contains a steaming golden liquid: the jasmine tea.


The photographer pulls up a barstool. "Make mine a Gin Fizz, Li."


"Yes, I am Admiral Kolchak. Has there been a revolution in England too?" His tone is bearish or maybe sardonic.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:22 pm
by aine

"Over ten years under a communist rule and you still have your wife, Admiral. I think another top up is in order for you Sir."
Santiago pours a top up and then shakes Renwick's hand. "Santiago el Aguila. Please, join us with this simple bottle of Irish, I'm sure you will not be disappointed. Excuse me one moment first." He picks up the tea and carries over to the monk who is sitting alone near the toothy man then he returns to the bar.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:14 pm
by Cearlan

"A pleasure sir" Renwick says before Santigo turns with the jasmine tea for the monk. Turning his attention to the Admiral he continues with a snort of derision; "Not a revolution in Britain, no, I am afraid the so called establishment is too entrenched in it's own self importance ... sorry, I feel somewhat bitter towards my peers as you can see. A faraway look crosses Renwicks features. He coughs and looking down to the floor gathers himself.

"If you don't mind my asking, is it the Bolshevik revolution that prevents your return?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:35 am
by Tabs
The mention of "Communist" and "Bolshevik" send Admiral Kolchak into a moment of gloomy reverie. "When we--the defeated White Army--were allowed sanctuary in China, it seemed a sojourn only--I had hopes to return to Russia and fight the Red Army, for the sake of sanity and to avenge the Tsar. Well, it was a pipe-dream only. It is less than fifteen years ago, but the world has forgotten our struggle, our plight." He brightens, and adds: "And Mrs. Kolchak was allowed to join me in China, the Red devils!"

"Tell me, Dr. Renwick, what is it that you are referring to?

  • ~

Admiral Kolchak looks towards the monk, back to Santiago, and asks: "It's been on my mind since we met, who is he, and why are you two together?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:03 pm
by Cearlan
"I assure you the world has not forgotten your fight. As to whether they would admit it openly alas is another matter. Thus run the politics of the modern era I am afraid." Renwick shakes his head ruefully.

"Ah Admiral, my tale is a regretful one ..." Renwick looks down seeming to gather himself before continuing. "As someone who has also lost, I feel I can place my trust in you. Is it not funny how sometimes it is easier to tell your story to strangers than those you know?

Well, my younger brother, he was a fine talented artist, with the potential to achieve greatness. However having suffered from rheumatic fever as a child which marked him with severe depressions and severe and prolonged bouts of Sydenham's chorea, which is more commonly termed St Vitus' dance for the rest of his life. He had implored me for years during his depressive turns to give him a merciful release from his torments. Being a man of medicine I am hardened in my heart and mind against such talk. However, during a particularly deep depression and following a massive attack which left him with severely damaged musculature and some damage to his internal organs I relented and gave him the merciful release he craved." A stray tear escapes his eye as he continues.

"I could easily have covered my tracks but I stood by my decision as he would have suffered a long lingering life of misery after this traumatic event. But my peers took it that I had taken his life unlawfully and some even wanted to pursue it through the legal system, but they were persuaded that the negative publicity would be counter-productive and so, I was stripped of my right to practice medicine." Drawing a deep breath he adds.

"I tried several appeals and eventually won some sort of reprieve ... I was allowed to practice abroad for a period of ten years and my case would undergo further review at that point." A grim smile crossed his visage as he raised his head and pushed his shoulders back looking the sombre faced naval officer full in the eye. "There you have the story of my downfall Admiral ... hoisted on the petard of the one thing all Doctors are supposed to have, compassion."

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:10 pm
by aine
Santiago sips his Green Spot while listening to Dr. Renwick's sorrowful tale. "Yours is a fine and benevolent country Dr. Renwick; so long as you stay within the confines of her laws. It's something of a trade off for your security and peace of mind. Other countries? Well." He swirls his whiskey.

"As for my companion, I do not know who he is. I got into a spot of bother, as the English say. I can handle most situations but this time there were too many, organised too. My friend here appeared from the alley way and kept the pack off while I dealt with the leader. You should see him! All flying fists and heels. Once the remnants had fled we left the alley together and he's been with me ever since. A good traveling companion - quiet and no fuss." He smiles at the monk who is sipping his tea. "Madame Kolchak, she is travelling with you Admiral?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:36 am
by Tabs
"We are strangers," says Admiral Kolchak in reply to Dr. Renwick--his words include Santiago as well, "but, yes, I agree with you that sometimes it is easier to tell a sad story to people you don't know."

He clasps Dr. Renwick's arm in a sympathetic gesture. "The loss of your brother is a personal tragedy; I feel that the loss of my country to the Bolsheviks is a tragedy for Russia; however, I think we have both suffered equally: who can judge? Such is life--which is why the Irish distill Green Spot. Gentlemen, another glass!"

A little while later: "How long have you been practicing medicine in China?"

To Santiago he says: "My wife is here tonight. Ignore my clumsy joking at her expense: I love her very much."

"The monk is a remarkable and useful companion. I noted that you said 'organised too' regarding your aggressors. Are you in some sort of trouble?--please, say that it is so, Santiago el Aguila!"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:32 pm
by Cearlan
OOC;- I thought I had replied to this earlier - no matter.

"Thank you, thank you both." says Renwick. He pauses whilst the frustration he feels at the treatment he received two years ago at the hands of his so called peers. Once he is composed he returns the clasp of the Admiral, nods and smiles weakly at Santiago. "I do believe another glass would help put us in a better frame of mind."

"As for how long I had been practising in China, my fall from grace shall we call it was five year ago and I was 'exiled' here little over two years ago when I managed to find a placement with Dr. Davison Black at the archaeological dig at Zhoukoudian. He died last autumn and his replacement, a Chinaman named Pei Wenzhong whose attitude and ... and work ethic, shall I say are taking some getting used to. Our host tonight commented that he met Wenzhong before." Raising his glass he salutes his two companions "Cheers my new friends, Radem zdorova to you Admiral and Sulud to you Santiago - I hope I pronounced them right - foreign languages are not my forte I'm afraid. After just under two years in China I can just about manage to get by."
Hssst!,[color=#0000FF]Lady, Mrs., Madam--how do you address an Admiral's wife? Anyway, Mrs. Kolchak is here tonight at the restaurant: she is at the gaming tables. And she is not that attractive! Cearlan wrote:[/color] [i]"Ah your good lady wife Admiral ... forgive me I did not see you behind you Admiral. May I redress that misfortune by complimenting you on your attire tonight, is that ermine trim on your dress and hat? It really sets off your dark hair Lady Kolchack. I can see why you love her so much Admiral."[/i] Turning from the attractive lady he addresses Santiago.
"Yes Santiago you are in good company here so if trouble follows you I would offer my services in your aid. I for one could use a diversion from Wenzhong's histrionics, however temporary."

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:46 am
by Tabs
ooc,It just occurred to me--as I re-read the above--that I had presumed that when Dr. Renwick met Dr. Chee, Renwick was a doctor of anthropology, not a doctor of medicine; and I don't know when one uses the title? Right, time for me to google "doctor" and "professor."
"This Pei Wenzhong sounds like he is a martinet," says Admiral Kolchak.

  • ~


The toothy man leaves the bar and walks away.

"He's Nationalist Secret Service I've no doubt," says Admiral Kolchak. "Funny how these people always look suspicious. Probably checking up on Fleming and Maillart."

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 12:41 pm
by Cearlan
"Ha! I have little or no doubt that you are right. They seem to be everywhere these days. You liken Wenzhong to a marionette; I firmly believe that he is no puppet. I sense that he is destined for great things; no, it's more that he does things in a completely different way, and everyone has to jump to HIS tune. Renwick watches the toothy man as he walks away, keeping close watch on where he goes. However one does not survive long in China without taking some precautions. he adds quietly

Whilst I am certainly no expert in Archaeology, most of his methods and theories seem to clash almost diametrically with what the late Doctor Black and his team had ... but enough about him. I came here for a diversion and it looks as though friend Santiago may offer one. Please continue Senor el Aguila."

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:29 am
by Tabs
Dr. Renwick said: I came here for a diversion and it looks as though friend Santiago may offer one. Please continue Senor el Aguila."
--this says what I was about to type, "let's allow aine a few days to post."]

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:18 pm
by aine
"Senora Kolchek must be a remarkable lady, I'd be honoured to meet her sometime Admiral." Santiago bows his handsome head. "As to the trouble, it was most probably just consequences to a recent endevour of mine." He looks as if he is about to say more but his eyes flicker in the direction of the exited toothy man, "I will find out soon enough if it is more than that and then gentlemen, I may well be glad of some assistance." He pours out a round from the diminishing Green Spot.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:33 pm
by Tabs

"Your story, well, what you've hinted at, is intriguing, Santiago el Aguila."

Admiral Kolchak raises a hand, ready to wave. "Talk of the devil, here she comes." Mrs. Kolchak, walking arm in arm with another, approaches the bar . . . and continues past into the foyer. Admiral Kolchak watches on, his hand above his head, frozen pathetically.

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Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:20 am
by aine
The lady diverts back out into the foyer with her companion, "She is er, very beautiful Admiral." Santiago murmurs and looks at him with compassion. He changes the subject tactfully, "Please tell me more about your archaeological dig Dr. Renwick; what era is it?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 3:54 pm
by Cearlan
Renwick catches Santiago's eye and adds, "Yes a fine looking woman Admiral and no mistake." before mirroring Santiago's compassionate look at the crestfallen Russian.

"As for the dig we looked at the work started by Andersson and Zdansky in 1921 who dubbed the site as the 'Peking Man site' - you may have heard it termed as such." Clearly warming to his topic, Renwick continues;

"My mentor and friend, the Canadian palaeoanthropologist Davidson Black, got the Rockefeller Foundation to fund a systematic excavation of the site. Funding was granted and the Zhoukoudian Project commenced excavations in 1927 under the supervision of Chinese archaeologist Li Jie. That fall, a tooth was unearthed and the following year Black's excavations uncover more fossils of a new species including teeth, a substantial part of a juvenile's jaw and an adult jaw complete with three teeth. These finds allowed Black to secure extra grants which were used to set up the Cenozoic Research Laboratory at the Peking Union Medical College in 1928. This is where the anthropologist Pei Wenzhongan first came on the scene."

"Conditions at the site were primitive with scientists having to ride out to the excavation on mules, staying at caravansaries along the way. Wenzhongan told me that when he uncovered the first skullcap in 1929; he was working in a 40-meter crevasse in frigid weather with a hammer in one hand and a candle in the other, something Davidson always doubted, claiming it as one of the site workers who made the discovery. Be that as it may, a second skullcap was discovered close to the first in 1930 and by 1932 close to a hundred workers were deployed at the site each daily. By this time the presence of stone tools and evidence of the use of fire at the cave were accepted."

A look of sadness crosses Renwicks face as he continues - blissfully unaware of the glazed expressions on the faces of Kolchack and Santiago. "Ever the studious workaholic, Davidson Black passed away in March last year 1934 at his desk with one of the skullcaps unearthed at the site on his desk."

Looking up with a shocked look on his face he realises what he has just done, "Oh my! Please, do forgive me - I do tend to get overly loquacious when this subject arises." He shakes his head with a rueful smile adding "Well at least now you know to avoid that subject! Is there any more of this fine whisky left? I could certainly do with it about now.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:02 pm
by aine
It is not from boredom that Santiago's face has glazed over; inside he is thinking furiously. He looks over to the monk who catches his eye. There is the faintest of nods from the robed man. "Tell me, have either of you seen anything like this before, or a design that is at all similar?" Santiago checks that the bar man is busy cleaning glasses and then reaches inside his shirt and pulls out a strange object threaded onto a leather thong around his neck. It could be metal or even stone and looks ancient.

OOC,Three guesses what it really is.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:12 am
by Tabs
ooc,Renwick's soliloquy: I found it to be interesting :) actually, I did. [quote]Three guesses what it really is.[/quote] The "strange object" looks like a prehistoric carving from lava, or a twiglet.
Admiral Kolchak snaps to attention when Santiago speaks; he had been disconsolately studying the floor, lost in dark thoughts. "I can not say--it looks--" His interest revives. "Well, I have no idea. Dr. Renwick, what do you think?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:50 pm
by Cearlan
OOC - Well I am glad it was interesting - a mixture of research and slight bending of the facts to fit where I want this character to go.
"Hmmm, the figure is roughly humanoid in shape but other than that ... what is it made from? It feels like metal, but seems to have many properties of stone, such as it's texture and weight. But other than that I can cast very little light upon it; it is however extremely old. Where did it come from may I ask?" Renwick asks his face creasing in a studious frown.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:14 pm
by aine
Santiago hides the object back into his shirt. "That, Dr. Renwick is what I'm trying to discover. It was a long shot but I thought your Zhoukoudian Project may have unearthed something like it. I have followed clues from Europe through Russia to here. I am looking for, well, the translation I have is gông, dông and jîng, a cave or palace maybe. It's very old so could be an archeological site like yours. It looks like my search will be difficult just from the bureaucratic red tape that festoons the place round here." He grimaces.
ooc,Drat, well spotted- a twiglet!

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:16 pm
by Tabs

Admiral Kolchak pours the last two fingers of whisky from the Green Spot in to a glass and sets the glass on the bar. "Excuse me, gentlemen." He walks away, towards the foyer, holding the empty bottle.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:49 am
by Cearlan
Renwick, far from the comfort zone of the 'dig,' where he has enjoyed relative social isolation for the last two years seems genuinely perplexed as to how to proceed with his two new friends.

"A troubled man methinks. Half of me thinks we should go after him to support him, the other half says that what goes on between husband and wife is between them and them alone. What do you say Santiago?"
OOC does 'gông, dông and jîng' register anything with me?

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:23 pm
by aine
Santiago smiles. "I think it is a long established pattern that the Admiral suffers with practice. And so there can be no harm in our added support. At least I hope so." He looks at the empty bottle. "Plus we have had the best the bar has to offer. Shall we follow our new friend in case he needs the cavalry?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:41 am
by Tabs
Admiral Kolchak, in the foyer--several paces from the bar, stops dead in his tracks. He places the whisky bottle that he is holding upon a table, giving the bottle a shove so that it is hidden behind a pot plant.


He grips his brow with thumb and forefinger, smiling to himself ruefully.

ooc,[quote]Drat, well spotted- a twiglet![/quote] Really? If true it was a lucky guess! [quote]does 'gông, dông and jîng' register anything with me?[/quote] I'm unsure if this is correct--[b]aine[/b] is the person to verify, and, also, how good is Dr. Renwick's Chinese? anyway, google says these are Vietnamese words.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:46 pm
by aine
The monk watches them leave the bar impassively. At the entrance to the foyer, Santiago el Aguila watches the Admiral's odd behaviour. He raises his eyebrows in question to Dr. Renwick.
ooc,re: 'gông, dông and jîng' [quote]google says these are Vietnamese words[/quote] Noodles! Does that mean Santiago is searching 2000 miles too far north? I thought they were Chinese for hole/temple/palace - not necessarily in that order. I would have thought Dr. Renwick would recognise them from his Chinese archeology.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:49 pm
by Cearlan
Tabs wrote:Admiral Kolchak, in the foyer--several paces from the bar, stops dead in his tracks. He places the whisky bottle that he is holding upon a table, giving the bottle a shove so that it is hidden behind a pot plant.

<snip image>

He grips his brow with thumb and forefinger, smiling to himself ruefully.
As Renwick and Santiago enter the foyer they seethe admiral rubbing his forehead. Renwick coughs politely, more to let the proud Russian know of their presence. "Although we met not more than an hour ago Admiral, both Santiago and myself declare ourselves to be here for you as friends if you have need of us. As a stranger in a strange land I am all too well of the toll that being ... ah ... being alone can bring to a man. Some turn to drink or that devilish opium, but you are made of stronger stuff than this my friend. Come let us enjoy this evening in the company of Dr. Chee."
Tabs wrote:
ooc,<snip> [quote]does 'gông, dông and jîng' register anything with me?
I'm unsure if this is correct--aine is the person to verify, and, also, how good is Dr. Renwick's Chinese? anyway, google says these are Vietnamese words.[/spoiler-button][/quote]
ooc,<snip> [quote]Having spent the last two years in China, or at least the better part of the last two years, I think it would be reasonable to assume that Renwick could speak at least a little Chinese, though as for reading and writing ... possibly. It depends how dastardly the keeper is feeling :shock: Or do I assume that hole / temple / palace is something I can recognise?

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:24 am
by Tabs
ooc,Let's assume that "gông, dông and jîng" does mean hole, temple, palace in Chinese and that Dr. Renwick understands the words. As for reading and writing Chinese--okay, but I reckon that the doctor will have a good X% in the language. I realise that there are several languages in China, but that is about all I do know. I remember in "News from Tartary" by Peter Fleming--who could speak a few words of Chinese--that the same word had a different meaning as he travelled through China; so it's all quite complex; I think Chinese words should be used as decoration to create atmosphere.
Admiral Kolchak lets his hand drop from his brow when Dr. Renwick coughs politely.

"Kind words," says Kolchak, "kindly spoken. I must confess to a 'red mist' of jealousy that veiled my thought when I saw my wife with another." He smiles at Renwick and Santiago. "I apologise: I was behaving like a child. Back to the--"


"Vladimir, Vladimir darling." Mrs. Kolchak greets her husband; she is still linked, arm in arm, with another man.

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"May I introduce Count de Prorok, a most fascinating gentleman; a writer of some distinction!"

Admiral Kolchak coughs politely--like Dr. Renwick did earlier. "Itka, these two fellows are my new friends, Doctor Renwick and Santiago el Aguila."

"Delighted," says Mrs. Kolchak.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:01 pm
by aine

Santiago clicks his heels and bows from the waist: the perfect Spanish noble. "Don Santiago y de Aguila, Marqués de Mazapán, cautivó Señora." And flashes a gallant smile. He turns to the new gentleman, "A pleasure to meet you sir." He says with rather less flamboyance.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:59 am
by Cearlan
To Santiago, Renwick adds as an aside ... "I think I have may heard your words before, but I am not entirely sure, let me think on it awhile. It is possible they may mean something along the lines of palace in the ground, but I think it may be best if we speak later of it - I cannot say that I like this chap one bit, and as for trusting him, well this first impression does not lead me in that direction.

Renwick nods to the Russian naval man and says; "Think nothing of it Admiral, but what I said still holds."

Turning to the Admiral's wife he beams as he continues smoothly "Ah your good lady wife Admiral ... forgive me I did not see you at the bar. May I redress my lack of manners by complimenting you on your attire tonight, is that ermine trim on your dress and hat? It really sets off your dark hair Lady Kolchack." Turning from the not too attractive lady to the former Russian officer he continues "I can see why you love her so much Admiral."

Turning from the Russians he addresses Count de Prorok with slightly less deference than a Count may expect. "Count, it is always a pleasure to meet a fellow Englishman abroad. Tell me Count, what is your field? I believe I may have come across your name somewhere but cannot seem to place where."
OOC,Have I heard of him due to my involvement with the dig at Zhoukoudian? if he is that famous an writer / archaeologist as the he claims then I may well have.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:11 am
by Dave Syrinx
Byron civilly acknowledges the three gentlemen. "A most intriguing wife, Admiral. Pardon for stealing her away. How do you say... I shared my pipe with her on the platform." de Prorok takes a step to the side allowing Santiago to have a clear path to converse with Mrs Kolchak. To Mr Renwick, the American smiles, recognizing a fellow scholar. "Ah, one of the trenches. I was director of archeological excavations in Carthage in -25. Wrote a novel on that, "Digging for Lost African Gods", you might have heard of it?" He leans at the bar and continues. "Zhoukoudian, I haven´t tested the land of the Yellow River yet. I remember that one time in the Sahara, at the Tuaregs, while excavating Tin Hinan. It´s a close homonym to one of Emperor Quin´s concubines, Tian Huan - which translates to Peaceful benefit, and that´s an appropriate name for a mistress if any!" Without looking to closely it´s clear that the count is elated and in a good mood. He calms himself and makes an effort to find his manners. "Zhoukoudian you say. What are your finds so far, may I ask?"

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:56 pm
by Tabs
Renwick nods to the Russian naval man and says; "Think nothing of it Admiral, but what I said still holds."

"Sir, I appereciate it," says Admiral Kolchak.


"Oh, how charming!" says Mrs. Kolchak in response to Santiago. To Dr. Renwick: "Yes, it is ermine." She is obviously pleased by the compliment about her hair.

"Now now, Doctor Renwick," says Admiral Kolchak, "I think you over do it a little too much."

"Vladimir! that was unnecessary. We all know that the Doctor was being polite."
Count de Prorok said: "How do you say... I shared my pipe with her on the platform."
Mrs. Kolchak swallows. Admiral Kolchak's eyelids flicker and his gaze turns--in a step-like motion--to the Chinese pot plant upon the table beside him.

ooc,[quote]Cearlan wrote: Have I heard of him due to my involvement with the dig at Zhoukoudian? if he is that famous an writer / archaeologist as the he claims then I may well have.[/quote] That is for [b]Syrinx [/b]to say. Count Byron de Prorok certainly appears to know a lot about archaeology.

A humming sound that grows in intensity fills the restaurant and then fades: the suspended brass gong that is beside the "Harry Roy" band has been struck.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:26 pm
by Cearlan
Tabs wrote:
Renwick nods to the Russian naval man and says; "Think nothing of it Admiral, but what I said still holds."
"Sir, I appereciate it," says Admiral Kolchak.
"Please, think nothing of it Sir, the offer was freely made" Renwick intones with a polite nod.

Tabs wrote:To Dr. Renwick: "Yes, it is ermine." She is obviously pleased by the compliment about her hair.

"Now now, Doctor Renwick," says Admiral Kolchak, "I think you over do it a little too much."

"Vladimir! that was unnecessary. We all know that the Doctor was being polite."
Renwick blushed profusely. "I ah ... please forgive me if I have overstepped the mark Lady Kolchak ... Admiral. That was the last thing I intended to do."

Tabs wrote:Admiral Kolchak's eyelids flicker and his gaze turns--in a step-like motion--to the Chinese pot plant upon the table beside him.
Again Renwick coughs and if the jealous Russian catches his eye he shakes his head slightly.

Tabs wrote:
ooc,That is for [b]Syrinx [/b]to say. Count Byron de Prorok certainly appears to know a lot about archaeology. OK I'll await further information then and will assume I have not heard of him before as I am nothing more than a rank amateur at this archaeology thing anyway. Perhaps I saw one of his books on a shelf somewhere or other, but probably not out here.
Tabs wrote:A humming sound that grows in intensity fills the restaurant and then fades: the suspended brass gong that is beside the "Harry Roy" band has been struck.
Renwick brightens; "Ah it seems the evening's entertainment is about to begin." Gesturing towards the restaurant area, Renwick adds, a broad smile creasing his face; "Admiral and Lady Kolchak, Count de Prorok and Santiago, if you would be so kind as to lead the way whilst I play the gooseberry at the tail end."

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Yes let´s see what they have prepared." Byron walks closer to the stage midst his new-found acquaintances.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 6:00 pm
by aine
'I will catch up with you in just a moment.' Santiago bows his head and allows the Count to continue ahead of him in the wake of the Admiral and Madame Kolchak. He winks at Renwick and then ducks back into the bar. There is no sign of the monk. Santiago frowns, shrugs and then catches up with the doctor just as the entertainment begins. 'Odd fellow, that monk. Has a habit of vanishing. Probably has an inkling about the imminent entertainment.' He says with a discreet grimace.

Re: The Golden Pumpkin: Bar

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:10 pm
by Tabs
Count Byron de Prorok said: "How do you say... I shared my pipe with her on the platform."

Admiral Kolchak's eyelids flicker and his gaze turns--in a step-like motion--to the Chinese pot plant upon the table beside him.

Again Renwick coughs and if the jealous Russian catches his eye he shakes his head slightly.
Admiral Kolchak flushes red with rage, starting with his neck and rising to the top of his bald dome, like a wine glass being filled--upside down--by a Claret. He opens his mouth and shuts it with an audible snap. Mrs. Kolchak takes steps to soothe the coming eruption from her husband, she takes hold of the Admiral's hand, laughs gaily, and babbles about what the entertainment may be? Together they follow de Prorok, with Renwick and Santiago in the rear.

"Is that Bobby Azarov?" says Mrs. Kolchak, pointing toward the bar. When the Admiral turns to look, she pinches Byron and whispers: "Idiot!"

[ooc: Move to topic "The Golden Pumpkin: Gaming Tables"; look for # in the topic.]