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Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:42 am
by Tabs

"Hai, Doctor Renwick-san. You two lead, I follow."

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:48 am
by aine
The sound of French fills Santiago with hope; at least it's someone who can be reasoned with. Santiago gradually rises to standing, he stays in the dark so that only the two people standing by the truck can just see him. He points the rifle at the left hand person and says very quietly, "Both of you turn around very slowly and don't say a word or I will shoot you." Even if they don't speak English the quiet menace in his voice should be enough.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:57 am
by Tabs
"Sacré bleu!" says the tall one, turning round and raising his hands; Frenchy says to the little fellow beside him, "xiàng wǒ yīyàng bàn, Shaosu."--(Do as I do, Shaosu.) Gallic-accented English floats back to Santiago: "Don't shoot, sir! I am a man of God."

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:27 pm
by aine

"And I Sir, am a man of honour. I will not shoot unless you give me cause. Please do not, for all our sakes. My name is Santiago De Aguila, who are you, who is in the mill and what are you doing here?" Not wanting to alert outsiders that something is amiss he says, "You can lower your hands." He's relieved that they are not Japanese but then they could be the instigators of the whole affair so he remains cautious. He's glad to have his two friends at his back and hopes they can hear the Frenchman.
ooc,I'm not posting until Tuesday, so this post is to cover until then.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:15 pm
by Cearlan
Following Santiago's lead Renwick rises and points his rifle in the direction of the second man. "I am, like my friend here, and yourselves it seems, all Godly men, and I am also a Medical Doctor. As such, it goes against my nature to hurt anyone without good reason. However after the events of tonight, I would suggest that you answer my colleagues questions to the fullest extent, or that will give me good reason to reassess my predisposition towards you."

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:41 pm
by Tabs
"I will not give you cause to shoot, and neither will my friend Shaosu, the miller. I am Father Pierrepont,"--


he walks towards Santiago and Renwick--"I have been looking for you." He adds: "There is no one else--alive--here; inside the mill are dead Japanese soldiers.

"A 'Medical Doctor'? the women at the mission may require your expertise."


"Tāmen huì shāle wǒmen?"--[Will they kill us?] warbles little Shaosu.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:44 pm
by Cearlan
Renwick narrows his eyes. "A mission out here that holds women ... sounds somewhat dubious to me, but if they require medical assistance then I will do what I can, though I have little or no supplies with me. Where is this Mission then Father?" He lowers his rifle and waves Tatsuo forwards. "We too have injured, and if you have supplies and medical equipment then perhaps I could trade. I do what I may for your women and maybe do a better job than simply patch up our own wounded ... agreed?"

[dice]0[/dice] Speak Mandarin 7/26 (assuming the miller is speaking Mandarin of course I understand him and even manage to reply - after a fashion.)

没有朋友......我们不会杀死你,如果你玩公平与我们联系。我们只是在寻找一些我们的同伴后成为...啊分开。 {No friend ... we will not kill you if you play fair with us. We are just seeking some of our companions after becoming ... ah separated.}

Feeling the matter dealt with Renwick shoulders his rifle. He trots back to where the others are waiting and gets the Admiral and the Professor, with assistance if anyone offers get them to the truck.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:55 am
by Tabs
[ooc: The "women at the mission"--Father Pierrepont is referring to Elisabeth, Mingzhu, Posie, etc.

As for correct usage of Chinese language, use it as "window-dressing" only. I'm sure a native Chinaman wouldn't be able to make sense of what I have typed. :) ]

Renwick trots back to the others.


"Did you seize the truck, Henry?"

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:42 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,Google Translate I'm afraid - it could be anything up there but it is supposed to be what I put in ... I probably insulted your mother's great Grandfather's ghost in there somewhere - if so accept this Gaishan's most humble apologies.I assumed the women were 'ours' but played it in the dark if you get my drift.
"They are from a local mission and they have some women who need medical assistance, and as a result I can treat you and the Professor to better effect," replies Henry feeling pleased for the first time in the last few hours.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:23 pm
by aine
Santiago nods and lowers his rifle but still keeps it ready. He waits by the truck. "Who sent you to look for us, Father Pierrepont?"

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:16 pm
by Tabs

"It was a Mr. Grey, Santiago De Aguila; an important man at the British Embassy. Also at the mission is an older gentleman, a Chinese waiter, and several women, and a child. I am aware that some kind of atrocity has been perpetrated against guests of Dr. Chee at the Golden Pumpkin. . . ." says Pierrepont, his voice growing in confidence after a tense beginning.

"Come with me in the truck. In ten minutes you will all be re-united."

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:45 am
by aine
"It was as well you didn't arrive here an hour ago, Monsieur Pierrepont." Santiago says drily. He is still not totally convinced, although the Frenchman's description did tally with his memory of the other passengers. That seems so long ago! "as soon as we are all aboard, we can go. I don't think it is too healthy to stay here for very long." He scans the darkness, waiting for Renwick to return with the others. He smiles, the admiral will be pleased to see his wife.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:38 pm
by Cearlan
Henry arrives with Admiral Kolchak, Professor Eichelstein and the scowling Arashi and assists with getting everyone on board the truck, though how they manage to get Tatsuo up on the flat bed of the truck is more down to good luck than good management in Henry's opinion.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:51 pm
by Tabs

After a seven-point turn on the narrow track and the gnashing of gears, the truck, with Pierrepont and Shaozu in the cab, trundles away from the water mill.

"We made it!" exults Professor Eichelstein.

"I think we have," says a disbelieving Admiral Kolchak. "Señor Santiago De Aguila, Doctor Henry Renwick, I think I owe my life to you!" Despite his wounded thigh and being sat on a crude bench inside a jolting truck, he bows his heartfelt appreciation.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:15 pm
by aine
Santiago's teeth flash white in the darkness as he grins. "Let us hope it is not a case of frying pans into the fire!" The truck bounces horrendously down the rutted track and they hold on for dear life. "I hope it's not far. I'm looking forward to a bath and some clean clothes - and an explanation!"

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:05 pm
by Cearlan
"Aye Santiago - answers would be good things to have right now, but I fear that this rutted path is doing little good for our friends the Professor and the Admiral what with their injuries and all." replies Henry with a look of concern upon his face.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:26 am
by Tabs
"Do not mention frying pans, Señor De Aguila," says Eichelstein; "the memory of sizzling bacon is driving my stomach crazy!"

Admiral Kolchak scoffs: "Vodka! Vodka for me, but anything strong.

"Henry, those papers from the Jap Officer: surely, they will provide the answers we all seek?"

The truck winds its way through a dormant village and then along a raised road--thankfully, it is not too rutted--skirting the paddy fields. Within ten minutes the truck halts--


Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:42 pm
by aine
"Here we go, old friend." Santiago helps Kolchak down off the truck. He lets Pierrepont lead the group into the building but puts his hand on Renwick's arm to hold him back. "This all seems too good to be true." He keeps his voice low, "Let us find out who these people are before we show them the papers. Do you think Tatsao can read? Maybe he should have a look at them on the sly, find out what's in them. Then we can make our own minds up about what's happening and who to trust." He smiles at the small Chinese man, "We are just coming!"

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:04 pm
by Cearlan
Renwick nods in assent. "I agree my friend, this is all very fortuitous, and I for one do not believe in coincidence, however happy it may seem. In fact the more happy the coincidence, the less I like it. I believe that good acts have to be created from something ... some inner quality that must be present in us all to one degree or another. Similarly evil must exist to act as a balance, for nature balances everything in it's own way. Once we are rested and have checked on the senora's, then we may find Tatsuo alone and see if either he of his terrible mother can read the orders, hopefully it is he who can help us as I would not like to be beholden to that horrible, horrible woman unless there were no other way." Bowing slightly and gesturing towards the mission Renwick follows Santiago through the door, but not before having a good look around outside

[dice]0[/dice] Spot Hidden 60/45%

As he turns he walks into the door banging his head slightly on the right cheek.

Re: Millet Field [Cearlan, aine, DSIGFUSS]

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:35 am
by Tabs
Kolchak gingerly lowers himself off the truck with Santiago's help. He winces and puffs a little from pain and then hobbles after Pierrepont. Eichelstein follows with Tatsuo and Arashi.
As he turns he walks into the door banging his head slightly on the right cheek.

Pierrepont ushers the others along a dark, stone flagged passageway, and through another door: an orange glow is visible from beyond. Shaozu waits by the entrance, ready to close and bolt the front door--made from oak with studs and iron bands.

The time is 2 a.m.