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[Trotsky´s files on the artifacts] RESEARCH

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The Space Vessel - E V E N T I D E

The space vessel Eventide is the mother ship of the fleet which purpose is to observe earth. For centuries it or similar ships have observed and recorded events on earth. In 1066 at the Battle of Hastings, Eventide took pictures from orbit, when Martin Luther fought the Roman-Catholic church his speech was recorded. When the Eiffel Tower at last was built at the World´s Fair in Paris 1889, the crew of the Eventide studied the schematics. A majority of the crew of the Eventide are experts on earth and it´s history, people, cultures, religions and languages. In many instances more knowledgeable about earth than the humans themselves.

(Lev Davidovich Bronshtein)

Transport vehicles from Eventide

Re: [Trotsky´s files on the artifacts] RESEARCH

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 8:14 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Below Uglovaya Arsenalnaya Tower in the Kremlin, Trotsky meet up with the Quartet and their associates.

"I know you all doubt the truth in the documents I have come to find. I will do my best to prove them truthful. The first artifact on the list is this." He unfolds a large picture on a thin sketch paper.
"This is the plan for a sun energy propelled one man plane, as described in the legend of Icarus. The Eventides call it a solo solar panel glider According to the notes, a version of the plane is located in a cave in Turkey. When you retrieve this artifact we can dissemble it and use the technology to fuel other machines. No more looking for oil reserves."

He looks at each of the participants below the tower.

"Are you up for this? A train leaves for Kazakhstan where you change trains to Istanbul. "

Re: [Trotsky´s files on the artifacts] RESEARCH

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"I serve the Soviet Union!" says Elena Orlova, eager to prove her abilities on an important mission.

Re: [Trotsky´s files on the artifacts] RESEARCH

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:00 am
by DrPeterson

Anatoly puts down his pipe as he looks over the schematics, his fingers hoovering over the lines of text and the drawing as he studies it.
"This drawing is remarkable, comrade, and will prove even more so if it proves true.",
he looks up at Trotsky with tired eyes.
"Up until now we've considered the legend of Ikaros to be an allegory of the dangers of ceaseless ambition and recklessness, but the harness the power of the Sun...that would be ambitious indeed."

He looks at the others with a kind smile and then looks back at Trotsky,

"We won't let you down, Lev Davidovich", and with a roguish smile he adds "and I dare say our return will be expedited by my curiosity regarding the other plans."