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OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Here´s the board... I´m having trouble arranging the tiles correctly. Hopefully you can trace your way through the board.
Adding the images was not possible.
I´m adding a language chart along with the board. If your character stays in one of the regions of the board, language skill in that region
will be added.


Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Name: Jeremy Carpenter
Occupation: Police Constable, CoLP - London
Ex Corporal, French Foreign Legion
Surgeon, Former British Army Major

Age: 36

Vice: Alcoholic

Hunter (#2)
You have well developed instincts for any type of activity involving stalking a prey.
Cheap (#3)
There is absolutely no point in wasting money. If you find a chance to save a penny, you do it.
Social Climber (#4)
By rank and privilege a man is measured. Thus you have made it your mission i life to gain a higher social

Surgeon 75% (knitting a wound nicely, really), First Aid 55%, Autopsy 50%, Pharmacy 30%, R/W English 25%, Library Use 30%, Mathematics 25%/30%, Chemistry 15%, Sewing 15%, Spot Hidden 20%, Tracking 15%, Fishing 15%, Sneak 15%, Bargain 25%, Bureaucracy 25%, Judge of Character 30 % (Psychology), Arabic 5%, German 20%, Riding 25%, Meteorology 5%, Climbing 5%, Throwing 10%, History 10%, Drive Automobile 5%, Mechanical Repair 15%,

[Perceptive skills @-10%]
  Perceptive skills
Arson/Fire fighting
Spot Hidden
Sixth Sense


Blades (scalpel) 30%, rifles 25%, Pistols 15%

We´ll add the base chance to the skills when we draw him up in the end.

Wealth 5* + 3 = 8 -1 = 7 +5= 12 + 3 = 15 -1 = 14
[quote] £10 000 worth of property. 1D6 × £100 cash available. Very rich, simply put.[/quote]
£100 000 worth of property. £1 000 in cash available. Filthy rich
As of right now. In 1930´s monetary worth.

An old relic of an automobile. 1910 Limited Touring Oldsmobile.
Like a good old friend, you keep it even though it has its faults.

Rank 3* + 1 = 4 +7 = 11 +3 = 14 (+3FL)+1 =15(+4FL)
Lieutenant, Captain, Major
Charm 5 (Charisma/POWER?) +2 = 7 +2 = 9 - 2= 7+2=9
Appearance 2 3
Dexterity 3 +1 = 4 +2 = 6+1=7+3=10+13+3=16
Courage 2 (SANITY...I guess) +1= 3
Constitution/Endurance 1 +1 = 2 +1 = 3+ 1= 4 -3=+1 +1=2
Strength: +2 -2= 0

This leaves Jeremy with three more traits from the original five cards. You can´t pick the trait from the Surgeon card.
I did up his age some as it´s unrealistic at age 20 to be that good. Actually, Jeremy could work as is.

Anyway, he starts at the Health area. Gains 5% in mathematics at get go,
Roll 1d6, please!
start jeremy.png
First roll:

Right dose, making money
World War I: Battle of Dogger Bank: British Grand Fleet defeats the German High Seas Fleet, sinking the armoured cruiser Blücher.
The great war rages and a surgeon has his hands full. Jeremy spends more than he earns but in the process gains respect by his fellow doctors.
War is hard on everyone, financially and mentally. Deciding to get as high on the ladder as possible, Jeremy has a solid platform to start from.
Being wise about his decisions keeps him out of financial trouble. His skill with the needle gets him quite a few sessions at reconstructing the
faces of wounded soldiers.

Second roll:
2 jeremy.png
Five of these in the morning...
Drugs/pharmacy. Jeremy gets to work with the scales and mixes some ingredients. Out at town, Jeremy finds himself being a regular Casanova, which makes him well liked by the women. The career as a doctor fits Jeremy like a glove. The center of attention with nurses swooning around him. So far this lifestyle poses no danger to him.

Next roll, please!

Third roll:
Sounds adventurous, but even a minor conflict is nasty business. War will always scar your body and soul.
Jeremy winds up in midst of the Empire´s "Jerusalem Operations".

At the age of 26, Lieutenant Carpenter, Surgeon of the British Empire´s Army, gets stable duty and learns how to ride.
When the stables are under attack, Carpenter escapes on an Arabian.

Ends with a...divorce.
The currents take Jeremy Carpenter to a new beginning. Life at sea is character building. At least you get blisters to show for.
Now, east or west, old chap?
Weather, weather, weather and shooting at gulls. Next port of call: Military training. The tine at sea lent Jeremy ample time to gain some small fortune.
Meeting the right people and staying out of trouble are good for business.

Remember you´re expandable.
In training, Jeremy climbs the ranks and gets promoted to Captain then Major. All according to plan. He also increases his physique and skill with the scalpel.

In the UK, airships R36 and R37 are completed.
Northern Ireland is created as a province within the UK.
Regarding Jeremy Carpenter little is known from this year.



Turning thirty puts things on the end.
Losing money and getting a habit. The army and jet set lifestyle have gotten Jeremy to look deeply into the bottle.
Surely regular cocktail hours and a few glasses of wine to each meal are just signs of sophistication.
Guns, explosives and alcohol never mix well.
Time to leave the life in uniform.
Moving to get some insight in the inner workings of ideology, Carpenter ends up in Chauri Chaura, India and sees the riot murder of a dozen policemen in a fire started by a mob. Non-violence might have violent repercussions is the lesson learned. While in the colony, Carpenter ends up with Malaria, bringing his health down to a per-military shape. He feels really weak by comparison and his flashing clear eyes have got a yellow tint. Most likely his good looks will be affected by a slight lapse of eye synchronization. The intake of alcohol instead of bad water surely saved his life. That´sthe story he goes with.
And that´s the philosophy he is sticking to. Better to drink what you know it is than drink a cup of germs.

In the aftermath of the Malaria sickness, Carpenter left India for the Eastern part of Morocco and ended up helping the French clearing out the Rif tribes under Abd el-Krim. Having trouble to keep his spot as Major in the British Army Carpenter took up a contract in the French Foreign Legion.

In the Legion, Carpenter climbs the ranks and soon finds out that war is always dirty. He stands two years of service then bails out to watch as Mussolini claims his god complex and assumes the role of dictator over Italy. As a bystander he is caught in a melee and gets his left arm snapped off in the fray. Leaving Italy and recuperating he returns to the Crown of the Empire, Carpenter puts on a different kind of uniform. At City Police, Wood Street he began to walk the streets unwinding from a life of war and misery.

He did get away without too many marks to show for - and with a monetary compensation that will keep his children wealthy.



Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:05 am
by Mr. Handy
I thought I got all of the traits from the cards I didn't pick for my career. I only mention Hunting specifically so that I could choose my skill increase. I looked at section 3 of the Life Board and saw that I'm supposed to get four Start Cards, not five, and that I do get all the ones I don't choose for my career as my traits, so I guess I don't have that fifth card. It's a shame, as I would have liked Social Climber and didn't really want Reckless. If this is the case, then I also get Reckless and Cheap.

Also, the skills aren't as high as they seem. These points are Experience Points, and they don't translate into skill points one for one. Section 9 has a chart, and while the text is small and hard to make out, I can see that 50 XP translate into a skill level of 20.

Are you sure I get the Mathematics increase for my starting space, or do I have to land on it through normal movement?

Life Board move 1 (from Right Dose) (1d6=1).

I'll move to Making Money.

Life Board, Making Money (1d6=1)

Nuts! I get Wealth -1, unless that's a typo. Should I go ahead with my next move whenever I don't need input from you (i.e., getting a Destiny card)?

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:21 am
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, messed up with the number of cards. Only four cards are supposed to
be drawn at start. I´ll allow the five you drew. But then only three of the
trait. You can still pick social climber.

The skill table is based on ad20 mechanics. To translate it to % I got the
advice to multiply by 5 per point.
As this is the first attempt to play up a character, I´m learning as we go.
So far, I´m using wealth and rank as d20 and will translate that straight
off of the list when we´re done.
Additionally, I´m adding the physical and mental bonuses unmodified to be
added as we roll stats at the end of the creation.
So far I´ve added an APP bonus.

To determine if a character is successful in a certain
task, the Game Master must first decide how difficult a
task is. This is done on a scale based on 10. This number
is considered to be a normally hard task. From this base
of difficulty, a bonus is added or subtracted:

+5 Hard
+10 Very hard
+15 Extremely hard
- 5 Very easy

10 is used as a fixed starting point to limit the effect of
difficulty inflation. Things tend to be much easier in the
game than in reality. By starting at 10, this process is
somewhat limited.
I´ll edit the previous post to reflect the new picks.
AS for the negative wealth, I´d say Jeremy spent more than
he intended. That made him hold tighter at his money. Thus
the cheap trait.

On movement: You can leave the "health sphere" by landing exactly on
an exit arrow. The same way you can only enter another sphere by
landing exactly on an arrow. These arrows are called gates.
Oh, if you get a destination on a multiple choice table roll, you may
get to a new area!
In health care, you might not want to...

Also, whenever you roll a 6 you get a fate card. Those will be added to
Jeremy´s card pool. When 20 cards have been drawn, the character is
finished. At this point you have used 4 cards. I discard the Reckless card.



Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:12 pm
by Dave Syrinx
How it´s done

1. Draw four Start Cards, choose one as career and three as
personalities. Only one personality or one career from each card. When
you draw cards and move around the Life Board record all the Experience Points
on the Character Sheet.

2. Go to the square specified on the starting career. It is marked with ( X ).

3. Start rolling the dice (ID6) and move around. All the moves must be used
and the same square may never be entered twice during the same move.
If you land on a square with a skill or skills; add one or more of them
according to instructions.

4. Draw a Destiny Card when rolling a six (6), this goes for all sixes
even on rolling squares. Read the red text if standing on red square when
the dice is rolled, otherwise read the dark green text.

5. Rolling squaresl IfIanding on a square with a 1-6 option rolllD6 and apply
the result of that number, If the result is a location, go there. If landing on
a square with a 2-12 option roll 2D6 and apply the result of that number.
If the result is a location, go there.

6. Stop and draw a Destiny Card when entering a Gate. Gates
cannot be passed and only entered if the move ends on it.

• Record all major events.
• Add up Experience points for each skill and transform them into skill points.
[For CoC 1 exp = 5% in skill]
• When 20 Cards in total, including Start Cards,
are drawn the character is finished.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:44 pm
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 2 (from Making Money) (1d6=6)

I'll move to Five of These in the Morning and take Drugs +1. I also get a Destiny Card for rolling a 6.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Updated the character to 1916, as every fate card will take us one year in the future of the past. ;)
fate 1.png

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:04 pm
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 3 (from Five of These in the Morning) (1d6=1)

I'm moving onto the gate which leads to War Zone and drawing another Destiny Card as a result. Time to do my duty for King and Country!

Shouldn't Appearance get +3, not +2?

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:43 pm
by Dave Syrinx
So, right. Jeremy is looking sharper for every year.
fate 2.png

Here we come to an enigma. Regarding gates, the rules doesn´t say red or green. I guess I´ll allow you
to choose between Dex (risking your life) or Politics ( leaving the war of lead for the war to lead)

OOC: I hope this isn´t too mechanical to you. I believe the character will be quite well rounded.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:43 pm
by Mr. Handy
No, it's not too mechanical, and I'm enjoying it. All of the Carpenters tend to be well-rounded. Laraqua made the same remark about Sarah Carpenter when I first created her.

The rules state that the red text applies when you're on a red space, but that the green text applies when you're not. Since the gate is not red, that would mean that the green text applies and I get +3 Agility. That's the one I'd want anyway.

Life Board move 4 (from Gate to War Zone) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Alert & Informed and pick up Arabic.

Life Board move 5 (from Alert & Informed) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Changed Forever and take Courage +2.

Life Board move 6 (from Changed Forever) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Helping Out and take First Aid +1.

Life Board move 7 (from Helping Out) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Proving Yourself and take Toughness +1.

Life Board move 8 (from Proving Yourself) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Killer Instinct.

Life Board, Killer Instinct (1d6=1)

I get Reaction +1.

Life Board move 9 (from Killer Instinct) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Getting Away and take Endurance +1.

Life Board move 10 (from Getting Away) (1d6=2)

I'll move to War Means Prosperity and take Rank +1.

Life Board move 11 (from War Means Prosperity) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Changed Forever and take Aura +2.

Life Board move 12 (from Changed Forever) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Helping Out and take Field Works +1.

Life Board move 13 (from Helping Out) (1d6=6)

I'll move to Killer Instinct (no choice, really, whichever way I go), and I get another Destiny Card.

Life Board, Killer Instinct (1d6=3)

I get Reaction +2.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Here we go.

That makes Jeremy an Army Surgeon of Lieutenant´s rank. And he picked up riding. Good for the socialite fox hunts at the manor.
Two thirds to go.

Carry on!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:55 pm
by Dave Syrinx
For your next six or gate encounter:

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:34 am
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 14 (from Killer Instinct) (1d6=5)

I'm moving to the Gate above Alert & Informed.

Well, it's a good thing I increased my Aura earlier so that it doesn't go negative, at least. I'd have been better off staying in War Zone and landing on a red square, but I avoided reading the card text until after I'd rolled and decided where to go. I don't even remember getting married. Guess my wife didn't want to wait for me to come back, or maybe I just wasn't the same person. Either way, it happens all too often in war, but at least I made it through alive.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ll use Aura as a modifier to your upcoming POW roll for the CoC stats.
I´ll update the sheet later today.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Jeremy did marry before heading out to war. [insert name], a nurse at the hospital. When having seen war up close and being away for two years, the love had been replaced by affection to another man. Signing the papers, Jeremy set out to sea.
East will take Jeremy to Africa, Middle East and Tropical Islands. West will get him to an investigative line of work or even a life in crime. Who knows?
Anyway, love don´t live here anymore.

Going right, east
Going left, west

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:21 am
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 15 (from Gate above War Zone) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Weather Is Important and get Meteorology +1.

Life Board move 16 (from Weather Is Important) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Shooting at Seagulls or Pirates and get Rifles +1.

Life Board move 17 (from Shooting at Seagulls or Pirates) (1d6=4)

I'll move to the Gate to Military Training (left 3, then up 1).

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:29 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Military Training it is
The in-gate card:
Next 6 or gate-out card:

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 18 (from Gate below Military Training) (1d6=2).

I'll move to Realistic Maneuver.

Life Board, Realistic Maneuver (1d6=3)

I get Courage +3.

Life Board move 19 (from Realistic Maneuver) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Hand-to-Hand and take Blades +1.

Life Board move 20 (from Hand-to-Hand) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Scouting Duties and take Agility +1.

Life Board move 21 (from Scouting Duties) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Hand-to-Hand and take Dodge +1.

Life Board move 22 (from Hand-to-Hand) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Taking Charge and take Admin +1.

Life Board move 23 (from Taking Charge) (1d6=3)

I'll move to At the Range and take Rifles +1.

Life Board move 24 (from At the Range) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Hand-to-Hand and take Blades +1.

Life Board move 25 (from Hand-to-Hand) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Medic! and take Surgery +1.

Life Board move 26 (from Medic!) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Taking Charge and take Admin +1.

Life Board move 27 (from Taking Charge) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Hand-to-Hand and take Dodge +1.

Life Board move 28 (from Hand-to-Hand) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Medic! and take First Aid +1.

Life Board move 29 (from Medic!) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Spec Weapons and take Pistols +1.

Life Board move 30 (from Spec Weapons) (1d6=2)

I'll move to At the Range and take Rifles +1.

Life Board move 31 (from At the Range) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Commando Style and take Climbing +1.

Life Board move 32 (from Commando Style) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Medic! and take Surgery +1.

Life Board move 32 (from Medic!) (1d6=1)

I'll move to On the Move and take Endurance +1.

Life Board move 33 (from On the Move) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Spec Weapons and take Pistols +1.

Life Board move 33 (from Spec Weapons) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Medic! and take First Aid +1.

Life Board move 34 (from Medic!) (1d6=6)

I'll move to Important Stuff and take Tactics +1.

The Destiny card gives me one Spiritual or Witchcraft Ritual +3. What are my choices?

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Witchcraft rituals 15% is the old wives´ curses and blesses. How to make love potions or lineaments to cure soar feet. Or the other way around. To make someone fall out of love or get sore feet.

Mostly those curses or blesses are laughed upon as old tales.
You know differently.

Fear nothing more than the curse from a Carpenter´s purse.
A spell invoked by the gold of a Carpenter is regarded as
a true sign. Many a time, Jeremy has seen it at work.
That being said, who knows if it really works?
Gold can buy more than words.

Anyway, if in need of an ailment or an ample curse. Jeremy will
not head to the pharmacy first, but mix something together
first. Call it alternative medicine, if you will.
It has never failed him yet.

Rolled in conjunction with a first aid roll, this will give an extra boost to
the effects. (doubling the effect)
Should a critical failure be the result - the effect will be thrice negative.


Spiritual ritual 15% is the act of reaching a higher state of consciousness without the aid of drugs. When in connection with the spirit world, healing and learning are doubled. You will upon skill increases have a 15% (current skill) to double your increased %.
There´s a drawback, though, a critical failure will mean you lose the % you should have gained. Should you gain 7% you actually lose the same, giving you a lower skill than you had before.


I hope this clarifies and makes it easier to choose between.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks. I'll take Spiritual Ritual at 15%.

Life Board move 35 (from Important Stuff) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Hand-to-Hand and take Blades +1.

Life Board move 36 (from Hand-to-Hand) (1d6=2)

I'll move to On the Move and take Endurance +1.

Life Board move 37 (from On the Move) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Engineering and take Strength +1.

Life Board move 38 (from Engineering) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Hand-to-Hand and take Dodge +1.

Life Board move 39 (from Hand-to-Hand) (1d6=2)

I'll move to On the Move and take Endurance +1.

Life Board move 40 (from On the Move) (1d6=5)
OOC,D'oh! Stupid autocomplete put the wrong name in Character Name. :x
I'll move to Doing the Job.

Life board, Doing the Job (2d6=11)

I get Rank +7 (and another Destiny Card)

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:55 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Getting filthy rich, as planned. Major Carpenter!
I guess the trait social climber was fitting.

For -21 the following destiny card is awarded:
Spot Hidden and Judge of Character

I´ll up the two following cards:


Then there are seven to go.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:00 am
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 41 (from Doing the Job) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Commando Style and take Climbing +1.

Life Board move 42 (from Commando Style) (1d6=6)

I'll move to the Gate north of Military Training and get both Destiny Cards (one for the 6, one for the Gate).

Seeing the first card, I'd have been better off going to Hand-to-Hand instead (unless when you get a 6 it's counted as the space you start on). Oh well. The second card would have been nasty either way, but at least the accident wouldn't have caused any permanent damage if I'd been on a red space.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The first dip in Carpenter´s background.
I guess that´s life. So far it doesn´t look strange or odd in any way.
The events tend to be plausible.

north of MT.png

The two next cards are up.
I give you the option to drop out of character generation when you like to.
The upper limit is 20 drawn cards.


Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 43 (from Gate above Military Training) (1d6=3)

I'll move to International Connections and take German +1.

Life Board move 44 (from International Connections) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Mission.

Life Board, Mission (2d6=3)

I go to Revolution. I arrive on What's Going On. I'll take German +1. I'll wait for that section of the board to be posted before I proceed from there.

Interesting timing here. Maybe I'll play a role in putting down the 1923 Munich putsch.

I definitely want to see this all the way through. This is fun!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:54 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Here you go! Let´s see where fate takes Major Carpenter.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:31 am
by Mr. Handy
Life Board move 45 (from What's Going On) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Riot.

Life Board, Riot (1d6=2)

I get Throwing +2.

Life Board move 46 (from Riot) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Arguing and take History +1.

Life Board move 47 (from Arguing) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Helping Out and take Strength +1.

Life Board move 48 (from Helping Out) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Arguing and take History +1.

Life Board move 49 (from Arguing) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Checking Up and take Info Search +1.

Life Board move 50 (from Checking Up) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Personal Gains and take Fame +1.

Life Board move 51 (from Personal Gains) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Riot.

Life Board, Riot (1d6=6)

I get Reaction +1. The Destiny Card gives me Endurance -3 and Malaria.

Life Board move 52 (from Riot) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Getting Away.

Life Board, Getting Away (2d6=9)

I move to War Zone and get Cars +1, Mechanics +3 from my Destiny Card.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:11 am
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve updated the character sheet. It all took a new turn. New countries, new conflicts.
For the next couple of years Carpenter will be regaining his health in an army not under British command. Excuse that twist.

To begin the War Zone I need a pick between Observation or Language, please.

The next three cards are as follow:


Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy
It makes sense that I'd join the French Foreign Legion. I have a lot of stuff to forget...

I'll take German +1. It appears that all of those increases I picked up in that long stretch in Military Training were never added to my character sheet.

Life Board move 53 (from Alert & Informed) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Getting Away and take Endurance +1.

Life Board move 54 (from Getting Away) (1d6=2)

I'll move to War Means Prosperity and take Rank +1.

Life Board move 55 (from War Means Prosperity) (1d6=6)

Nice one! My Destiny Card gives me Aura +2 and Rank +2. I'll be a colonel if this keeps up. I'll move to Fighting Hard and take Rifles +1.

Life Board move 56 (from Fighting Hard) (1d6=6)

My Destiny Card gives me Agility +3 and Speed +3. I'll move to War Means Prosperity and take Rank +1.

Life Board move 57 (from War Means Prosperity) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Proving Yourself and take Toughness +1.

Life Board move 58 (from Proving Yourself) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Peace or Evacuation

Life Board, Peace or Evacuation (2d6=10)

I go back to Revolution but get Strength -2 from my Destiny Card. I'll take German +1.

Life Board move 59 (from What's Going On?) (1d6=2)

I'll move to Street Fighting.

Life Board, Street Fighting (1d6=1)

I get Pistols +2.

Life Board, move 60 (from Street Fighting) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Helping Out and take Strength +1.

Life Board, move 61 (from Helping Out) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Getting Away.

Life Board, Getting Away (2d6=5)

I go to G & Policing.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:13 am
by Dave Syrinx
I might have dropped Tactics from the military training, otherwise I changed the names of the skills and incorporated them to existing skills on the sheet.
I will make a new sheet after this last couple of destiny cards.
Then we´ll see where I screwed up more :)

Ending the career as a cop, a sort of unwinding, I guess.
Having a ton of money in 1926 - says nothing of what will happen in -29...

Final Cards:


CL: File on Jeremy Carpenter

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Chief Librarian Lord Cunnighamn


Background checks on possible candidates for OP:FR 1928.
Subject: Jeremy Carpenter

Age: 39

Drives: A 1910 Limited Touring Oldsmobile.

Occupation:Police Constable, CoLP - London
Ex Corporal, French Foreign Legion
Surgeon, Former British Army Major

Notes: Divorced, alcoholic, suffering from a dash of Malaria.

Arson/Fire fighting
Spot Hidden
Sixth Sense
Medical Training
Surgeon 75% +5% +5% 85%
First Aid 50% +5% +5% +5% 65% +5% 70%
Autopsy 50%
Drugs/Pharmacy 25% +5% 30%

Military Training
Info Searching/Library USe 25% +5% 30%
Blades 25% +5% +5% +5% 40% +25% 65%
Rifles 15% +5% +5% +5% +5% 35% +5%, 40%
Admin/Bureaucracy 25% +5% +5% 35%
Charm/Fast talk/Persuade 25% +10% 35%

Academic Training & Interests
Diagnosing 25%
R/W English 25%
Mathematics 25%
Chemistry 15%
Sewing 15%
Spot Hidden 15%+10% -10% 15% +5% 20%
Tracking 15% -10% 5%
Fishing 15%
Stealth 15%
Economics 25%
Judge of Character 25%
Arabic 5%
Field works/Manual labor 5%
Riding 25%
Spiritual rituals* 15%
Dodge 5% +5% 10% +25% = 35% +5% 40%
Pistols 5% +5% +10% 20%
Climbing 5% +5% 10%
Drive automobile 5% +5% 10%
Mechanical repair 15%
German 5% +5% +5%+5% 20%
Throwing 10%
History 5% +5% 10%

Boxing 5%
Wrestling 5%
  • *Spiritual ritual 15% is the act of reaching a higher state of consciousness without the aid of drugs. When in connection with the spirit world, healing and learning are doubled. You will upon skill increases have a 15% (current skill) to double your increased %.
    There´s a drawback, though, a critical failure will mean you lose the % you should have gained. Should you gain 7% you actually lose the same, giving you a lower skill than you had before.
Meteorology 5% -10% -5%
Tactics 5% -10% -5%


Rank 3+1+7+2 +1 [14] Major/Corporal UK/FFL
Wealth 5+3+3+3-1 +3 -1 [15] £100 000 worth of property. £1 000 in cash available. Filthy rich
Fame 1 [1] Known at work and in local community.

Attractiveness 3 [3]APP +1, +1 =+5
Aura 2 -2+2 [2]POW INT +1, +1=+4
Courage 2 +3 [5]SANITY bonus

Toughness 1+1 [2]HP SIZ +1 =+3
Endurance 1 +1 +1 -3 +1 [1]CON +1, +1 =+3

Reaction 1 +1 +1 +2 +2 [7]DEX

Agility 3 +1 +3 [5]Dodge bonus

Strength 1-2+1 [-]STR +1, +1, +1, +1 =+4

Right dose, making money
World War I: Battle of Dogger Bank: British Grand Fleet defeats the German High Seas Fleet, sinking the armoured cruiser Blücher.
The great war rages and a surgeon has his hands full. Jeremy spends more than he earns but in the process gains respect by his fellow doctors.
War is hard on everyone, financially and mentally. Deciding to get as high on the ladder as possible, Jeremy has a solid platform to start from.
Being wise about his decisions keeps him out of financial trouble. His skill with the needle gets him quite a few sessions at reconstructing the
faces of wounded soldiers.

Five of these in the morning...
Drugs/pharmacy. Jeremy gets to work with the scales and mixes some ingredients. Out at town, Jeremy finds himself being a regular Casanova, which makes him well liked by the women. The career as a doctor fits Jeremy like a glove. The center of attention with nurses swooning around him. So far this lifestyle poses no danger to him.

Sounds adventurous, but even a minor conflict is nasty business. War will always scar your body and soul.
Jeremy winds up in midst of the Empire´s "Jerusalem Operations".

At the age of 26, Lieutenant Carpenter, Surgeon of the British Empire´s Army, gets stable duty and learns how to ride.
When the stables are under attack, Carpenter escapes on an Arabian.

Ends with a...divorce.
The currents take Jeremy Carpenter to a new beginning. Life at sea is character building. At least you get blisters to show for.
Now, east or west, old chap?
Weather, weather, weather and shooting at gulls. Next port of call: Military training. The tine at sea lent Jeremy ample time to gain some small fortune.
Meeting the right people and staying out of trouble are good for business.

Remember you´re expandable.
In training, Jeremy climbs the ranks and gets promoted to Captain then Major. All according to plan. He also increases his physique and skill with the scalpel.

In the UK, airships R36 and R37 are completed.
Northern Ireland is created as a province within the UK.
Regarding Jeremy Carpenter little is known from this year.

Turning thirty puts things on the end.
Losing money and getting a habit. The army and jet set lifestyle have gotten Jeremy to look deeply into the bottle.
Surely regular cocktail hours and a few glasses of wine to each meal are just signs of sophistication.
Guns, explosives and alcohol never mix well.
Time to leave the life in uniform.
Moving to get some insight in the inner workings of ideology, Carpenter ends up in Chauri Chaura, India and sees the riot murder of a dozen policemen in a fire started by a mob. Non-violence might have violent repercussions is the lesson learned. While in the colony, Carpenter ends up with Malaria, bringing his health down to a per-military shape. He feels really weak by comparison and his flashing clear eyes have got a yellow tint. Most likely his good looks will be affected by a slight lapse of eye synchronization. The intake of alcohol instead of bad water surely saved his life. That´sthe story he goes with.
And that´s the philosophy he is sticking to. Better to drink what you know it is than drink a cup of germs.

In the aftermath of the Malaria sickness, Carpenter left India for the Eastern part of Morocco and ended up helping the French clearing out the Rif tribes under Abd el-Krim. Having trouble to keep his spot as Major in the British Army Carpenter took up a contract in the French Foreign Legion.

In the Legion, Carpenter climbs the ranks and soon finds out that war is always dirty. He stands two years of service then bails out to watch as Mussolini claims his god complex and assumes the role of dictator over Italy. As a bystander he is caught in a melee and gets his left arm snapped off in the fray. Leaving Italy and recuperating he returns to the Crown of the Empire, Carpenter puts on a different kind of uniform. At City Police, Wood Street he began to walk the streets unwinding from a life of war and misery.

He did get away without too many marks to show for - and with a monetary compensation that will keep his children wealthy.

Spending the time off from work at Brixton Boxing, gives Carpenter a styrdy physique and some neat hooks.
This ends the background check on Jeremy Carpenter.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:54 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Final steps of creating Jeremy Carpenter for CoC.

Add the newly achieved skills and traits from the last two destiny cards.

Roll 3d6 for STR, DEX, CON, SIZ, INT, APP, POW & EDU.

STR 3d6
DEX 3d6 +7
CON 3d6+2
SIZ 3d6
INT 3d6
APP 3d6+2
POW 3d6+2
EDU 3d6

SANITY bonus 5%
Hit Point bonus +2HP

(Aging mods have been reduced during the creation process.)

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve stickied a company brief on The Central Library.


It´s not entirely complete. Four of the companies are yet to be described properly.
That make them maybe best to start in as we can create them as we play.

My suggestion would be to go with the Gurniwal’s Home of Retired Veterans.
I´m posting more on that company in the next couple of days.

Jeremy Carpenter will meet a representative of the Library in the near future.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OPERATION: FALLEN REICH in reality was an
extremely secretive mission. The projects goals of
destabilizing Germany are actually not fictitious, but
are only part of the whole story.

In early 1937 Winston Churchill was
approached by Aleister Crowley, the latter had been a
British spy during the Great War. Crowley presented
proof that the Nazis leaders were actually beings from
another dimension. These beings called themselves
Fallen and were close to what we humans would define
as demons. Churchill summoned three reliable and
resourceful men; Brendan Bracken, Duncan Sandys and
Admiral Roger Keyes. Together they formed a plan to
gather information about the Nazis occult agenda and
find paranormal ways of obstructing it.

These four men started to discreetly recruit supervisors
that in turn could organize teams of agents. Each team
worked more or less alone reporting only to and receiving
orders from their supervisor. Many teams did little more
than research, but the so called field teams were sent out
on high risk investigation and assassination missions.
Some of these are famous, like the assassination of
Reinhard Heydrich, but most will never ever come to
common knowledge. Perhaps because they often failed.

In many ways the agents of OP:FR saved the world from
the domination of Fallen.
Small but decisive actions tipped the balance and the
information they gathered was invaluable when working
out tactics and research. The cost was obviously high and
many agents suffered terrible fates at the hands of the
ancient and evil.
This mixture of fact and fiction make the building ground
for OP:FR. We will get the player characters to start in 1939.
That gives our friend Jeremy Carpenter ample time to
prepare facing the unknown. Ten years to walk the halls of
the library. Who knows he might pick up something along
the way.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:51 am
by Mr. Handy
It'll take a long time to read the Central Library thread, and I haven't even started yet.

Shouldn't SIZ and INT be 2d6+6 and EDU be 3d6+3, rather than everything being 3d6?

The text on the overall gameboards for the Guarding and Policing section is too small for me to read. Can you please post an enlarged image of that area as you did for the others?

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 6:50 am
by Dave Syrinx
Guarding and policing

I gathered that the 13 point bonus from the character creation should be enough of a bonus.
But that might just be me, coming from Rune Quest straight 3d6 across the board.

DEX 3d6+7 is compensating for int and edu bonus. Besides, the skill points received should be
enough. That´s what the int and edu scores are for really.
No need for the increased value in that regard.

The +2 Hp equals +2 in siz, right?

As this is a mix of two creation processes, I believe this will work.

To be fair, I´ll grant three rolls for the stats.
Sorry for missing uploading the enhanced section.

The Central Library´s first post is the essential bit of text. The rest is for further research.
Short descriptions of most of the companies are in that section.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:23 am
by Mr. Handy
The problem with rolling 3d6 for those stats is that it's quite possible to get a score of 3-5, which would be ridiculous. I wasn't expecting any skill points from EDU or INT, as I thought this process would generate all of my skills.

I'll take Searching +1.

Life Board, move 62 (from Check Out) (1d6=6)

I get Endurance +1, Charm +1, and Attractivenss +1 from the Destiny Card.

I'll move to Being Popular and take Aura +1.

Life Board, move 63 (from Being Popular) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Firearms Practice and take Rifles +1.

Life Board, move 64 (from Firearms Practice) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Knowing What it Takes and take Strength +1.

Life Board, move 65 (from Knowing What it Takes) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Modern Equipment and take Cars +1.

Life Board, move 66 (from Modern Equipment) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Knowing What it Takes and take Strength +1.

Life Board, move 67 (from Knowing What it Takes) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Guts and take Toughness +1.

Life Board, move 68 (from Guts) (1d6=3)

I'll move to On Patrol and take Endurance +1.

Life Board, move 69 (from On Patrol) (1d6=1)

I'll move to Arrest HIm! and take Wrestling and Strength +1.

Life Board, move 70 (from Arrest Him!) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Squeezing Confession and take First Aid +1.

Life Board, move 71 (from Squeezing Confession) (1d6=5)

I'll move to Arrest Him! and take Dodge and Boxing +1.

Life Board, move 72 (from Arrest Him!) (1d6=4)

I'll move to Being Popular and take Aura +1.

Life Board, move 73 (from Being Popular) (1d6=3)

I'll move to Acting Tough

Life Board, Acting Tough (2d6=11)

I'll take Blades +5. My final Destiny Card gives me Wrestling +1 and Strength +1.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:49 am
by Dave Syrinx
Hmm, you´re right on INT and SIZ at 3 should be rather off.
Why not use Toughness as a SIZ modifier and Aura as an INT bonus?

SIZ alters HP ergo toughness.
An intelligent person ought to have a way about him or her, a kind of aura.

Is this acceptable?

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I´ve updated the second character file from The Central Library.

New modifiers:

STR 3d6+4
DEX 3d6+7
CON 3d6+3
SIZ 3d6+3
INT 3d6+4
APP 3d6+5
POW 3d6
EDU 3d6

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:18 am
by Mr. Handy
There's a good case to use Toughness as SIZ. It's more like CON, but Endurance already has that covered. I'm wondering why the game has both Endurance and Toughness in the first place. However, Aura really does feel a lot more like POW than INT.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:20 am
by Dave Syrinx
I decided to swap the POW for INT as the 3-5 you mentioned earlier did seems like a pitfall. Besides, there are luck and SAN modifiers available in the creation process to boost POW related things.

Regarding Endurance and Toughness, I´ll post the stats from the rule book when I get home.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:49 am
by Dave Syrinx
An hour later-

*face palm*

OP:FR uses stats as skills. Here´s where it gets tricky.
There are two kind of stat skills.

Physical skills & Mental skills:

Physical skills
  • Agility
This skill involves jumping, maintaining balance,
overcoming low obstacles, tumbling, falling, landing,
etc. The skill is a measure of how well the body is
controlled. Action situations often require Agility; such
as when a soldier falls down a cliff while running from a
German patrol.

While Agility is used to get over obstacles no higher
than two yards, the Climb skill is needed to get up
on anything higher. This skill also includes the art of
securing and supporting fellow climbers by rope as well
as securing wedges to fasten the rope.


This is the character’s ability to endure physical strain,
such as long-distance running, walking or swimming. A
fail usually means a character is getting tired.

This skill is used in more than one way. It is an ordinary
skill that can be used for example when a character is
rushing to catch something, but it is also a measure
of how fast a character can run in yards per combat
round. Simply add 10 to the skill level and you’ll get
the character’s speed. For example, a character who
has reached a skill level of 4 can run 14 yards per round.
Speed can also be used to decide a sprint race. The list
below refers to using the skill, not speed in yards.

To hide or move silently, preferably in the shadows, and
avoid detection, Stealth is necessary. It comes in handy
while sneaking up behind the Wehrmacht sentry,
or in any other situation where the best solution is to be


The Strength skill is used when a character faces a door
that’s stuck and needs to pull it open, or needs to lift a
heavy chest off the ground, or must push a car that’s out
of gas. It is a measure of the character’s raw strength and
is used when there is minimal or no technique involved.
This skill is also used to determine Melee Damage
bonus. The level of difficulty is determined by how
stuck, heavy, or big an object is and by the environment.


Used also used for diving and other water activities. A
character swims half the skill level in yardss per round.
A character with 6 in skill will swim three yards per
round at a normal pace. The minimum pace is one yard
per round.

Mental skills
  • Aura
This skill reflects how much personal energy you
radiate. A strong Aura indicates a high level of personal
integrity och self confidence. Success full leaders must
have a high Aura and though not all people with strong
Aura would like to be leaders other people tend to
subordinate and respect them.

Overcoming your fear of heights in order to climb out on
a roof to rescue your friend is a test of Courage. Standing
fast when an unexplainable horror appears before you is
a test. Resisting the instinct to jump for cover during a
fire fight takes Courage. The difficulty is in the situation.
This is complicated by the fact that people are unique.
One person may be afraid of seeing a molested corpse,
but a surgeon will hardly be shocked at the sight. The
surgeon might be terrified by a paranormal experience,
which in turn could be daily routine for a medium.
There is no way to map out the situations that might
arise, so the task of rating them is in the hands of the
Game Master.

This a value of how alert, aggressive and clear headed
a character is during intense action. Mostly used for
setting action order, but can also be handy when sudden
and unpredictable things happens.


Toughness is all about handling physical pain. Sometimes
the pain is due to injuries from physical activities,
such as falling off the back of a moving German truck.
Most injuries will come from fighting. Toughness is
also your character’s ability to endure torture.

Interactive skills:

This is simply how good looking you are. It´s mostly
based on outer beauty and a person can be very attractive
without being especially charming or even outgoing,
think of a fashion model. Attractive people tend to get
a somehow nicer reaction when dealing with people, at
least from the opposite sex. A character with both high
Charm and Attractiveness could be really devastating
when being in a manipulating mode.

This symbolizes your ability to be charismatic. High skill
doesn’t necessarily mean that you are especially good
looking or even well-behaved, you just have a personality
that makes people notice and respond positively to you.
What do you use it for? Well, it could be used to get
friendly with someone who has information or just to
influence people more subtly than using Aura

*Face palm*

Reading this I realize I´ve interpreted the skills Toughness as well as Reaction
in the wrong way. So, according to this, the modifiers will have to get totally moved
around. This forces me to bow to your suggestion to use the 2d6+6 for INT and SIZ
giving 8-10 as minimum score.
Mostly because size wouldn´t change from training but rather strength.
Intelligence isn´t used as a skill in OP:FR. It´s rather all skills combined that shows
how high intellect your character has.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:06 am
by Dave Syrinx
Attractiveness 3 [3]APP +1, +1 =+5

Aura 2 -2+2 [2]POW +1, +1=+4
Courage 2 +3 [5]SANITY bonus
Toughness 1+1 [2]SANITY bonus +1 =+3
Reaction 1 +1 +1 +2 +2 [7] SANITY bonus
(A total of +15 in SANITY)

Endurance 1 +1 +1 -3 +1 [1]CON +1, +1 =+3
Agility 3 +1 +3 [5]DEX =+5
Strength 1-2+1 [-]STR +1, +1, +1, +1 =+4

STR 3d6+4
DEX 3d6+7 3d6+5
CON 3d6+3
SIZ 3d6+3 2d6+6
INT 3d6+4 2d6+6
APP 3d6+5
POW 3d6 3d6+4
EDU 3d6

A bit crunchy, but I believe this will work. It´s best to read the rules than to assume to know
things. Lesson learnt.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:03 am
by Mr. Handy
Thanks! I had no idea how the skills were meant to be used other than by educated guesses.

I still think EDU should be 3d6+3. A doctor with only 3-5 EDU wouldn't make any sense.

Character creation rolls (3d6+4=11, 3d6+5=17, 3d6+3=7, 2d6+6=8, 2d6+6=13, 3d6+5=18, 3d6+4=19, 3d6=8, 3d6+4=13, 3d6+5=20, 3d6+3=16, 2d6+6=10, 2d6+6=17, 3d6+5=18, 3d6+4=16, 3d6=16, 3d6+4=11, 3d6+5=11, 3d6+3=12, 2d6+6=11, 2d6+6=17, 3d6+5=13, 3d6+4=14, 3d6=15)

STR 11/13/11
DEX 17/20/11
CON 7/16/12
SIZ 8/10/11
INT 13/17/17
APP 18/18/13
POW 19/16/14
EDU 8/16/15

I'll take the second set of stats, which gives me:
STR 13
DEX 20
CON 16
SIZ 10
INT 17
APP 18
POW 16
EDU 16 (or 19 with +3)

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 12:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The rather aristocratic, handsome, soon to be 40 year old, surgeon with stellar reflexes, thinks back on what has allowed him to come out on top of things. He thanks the spirits that he was blessed with fast reflexes.

Ooc: Take 19 in EDU, no problem. Further, I need a quirk to make Jeremy less divine. The years in service of The Crown have left some scars in his persona. Roll 1d19 to get a malevolent disadvantage.
Keep calm and carry on!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:47 pm
by Mr. Handy
Thanks! Don't forget that Jeremy also picked up Alcoholic and Malaria during character creation.

Disadvantage (1d19=9)

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Don´t worry Jonathan. :twisted:
9. Dogs

A rather disturbing fear of dogs, is what bothers Jeremy. That and running out of Scotch, or whatever label he favours.
Large black dogs in particular. Smaller types of dogs, Jeremy looks on as a breed of door mats with feet.

I´ll be getting a proper character sheet ready quite soon.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:12 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OK, I´ve made a pdf and uploaded it to Cast of Characters. ... 81#p138692

Now we wait for someone else to test the Lifeboard.

I have a couple of short adventures to start OP:FR, if you get a notion to play-test Carpenter.
But I guess we´d wait for at least a second player.

Lee did voice some interest. Let´s see how it looks after the holidays. Merry Christmas!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Now, over to the next OP:FR character.



Gender: Male
Profession: Criminal, former inventor, Rank of Army Lieutenant due to his distinguished service in secret. Current status to the Crown: MIA.
Age: 36

Skill/Traits: Light Smoker, Gambler, Hate Frenchmen

Big Appetite: (Searching +5)
Gallows Humour: (Charm +3, Act +3)
Circuitous: (Logical and Crafting +1)


Chemistry 110% (Will have to tweak that!), Spot Hidden 45%, Acting 15%, Administration 60% Astronomy 75%,
Construction 55%, Economics 70%, Gambling 55%, Mathematics 60%, Physics 55%, Carpentry 80%,
Electronics 55%, Explosives 55%, Field works 55%, Lock picking 55%, Mechanics 55%, Gambling 15%, Diagnose 15%

R/W 30% (English), Library Use 35%, Judge of Character 10%, Photography 10%, Disguise/Acting 15%,
Explosives 20%, Lock Picking 5%, Drive Automobile 10%, Parachuting 25%, Evaluate 10%, Animal Training 5%,
Cthulhu Mythos 5%, Climbing 0%, First Aid 35%, Tracking 10%, Zoology 10%, Psychology 15%
Swimming -5%, History 10%

Additional language ( ? ) 10%, Additional language 5% (?) Etiquette 5%, (Interrogation 5% & Intimidate 5% = 10% )

Auto-fire 5%, Cannons/Mortars 5%, Rifles 5%, Pistols 20%, Dodge 15%, Clubs 15%

Stat bonuses:

Aura +3 (POW) +1, +1, +1 +1 [+7 POW]
Charm +3 (SAN) +1, +1, +1 +1
Courage +1 (SAN) +2
Toughness +1 (SAN) -1 +1 [ 11 bonus points to SAN]

Strength +2 +1 +1 -1 [+3 STR]
DEX +2 +1 +1 +1 -1 [+4 DEX]
CON+2 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 [+4 CON]
Speed +1 (Initiative) -3 +1 +1 +1 -1 [no bonus]
APP +1 +1 +3 [+5 APP]
Rank +3 Lieutenant
Wealth +1 -3 +3 -5 [-4 Wealth] Owns property worth £3D6. Poor by all standards.

What else is there?

Being an inventor takes up a lot of your time. Practice makes perfect! You are a genius in anything involving the mixture of compounds. Surely this must count for something. The Nobel Prize is on the map, for sure.

While coming up with a new solution to constructing bomb safe buildings. He incidentally gets contacted by the government to solve a problem. He starts the new year by working under cover.

Seeking information on the target area, he finds himself over his head and it all ends with a large explosion in the financial district of the country he works in (where?). Having picked up some of the language of the region, he decides to resign from the mission. Something the government doesn´t look kindly on.

To be able to defend oneself shows paramount to surviving being chased by secret agents. Firing range practice in the British countryside makes him familiar with guns - for the first time in his academic life.

Having read a number of Spy stories, he decides to really dig in and disappear. There are no paper trails of his existence. He is presumed dead while on vacation in (the country picked earlier) .


Ending up on a job improving safety landings for the troops, he picks up one ting or two about parachuting.

The time spent jumping out of airplanes improved his physique remarkably.

Making some money in the underworld leads to a life among the clouds. Not before long a yacht awaits and it´s off to the Tropics.

A year in the Tropics, then off to simpler ways. A regular Robinson Crusoe. Building character and how to fight for his life.

Being a long, long way from home, Africa beckons to him to return to closer grounds. From Egypt he could get a ride back to the Crown of the Empire.
Picking up a habit while in Cairo, he gets quite good at odds. However, his money is running out.


At last, lady luck is smiling at him. A year of added funds makes it possible to leave the dark continent.


Upon leaving, he look east to Syria and hesitates. The Petra excavations should be worth a look.


When seeing the treasures hidden there, he mingles with the wrong crowd and is on the run!

Escaping the thugs, he ends up in a pickle and sees the inside of a hospital. That is never good.

Two years hospitalization, the wounds weren´t that bad. They must think it´s something mentally.

Being signed out. A relief and something amiss.
Catching up on the reading on the institute he was being held at...


While looking for information, one need to make personal contacts. Some spark. He shouldn´t but he can´t help himself.
And that´s when he is caught up by The Central Library in Oxford.


When rolling a 6 you get a Destiny Card. When landing on an exit square, draw a Destiny Card. I provide two of those. Up till you have used them, walk around the Study and Research area and add skills.

lee 1.png
Destiny Cards #1 & #2:

lee 5.jpg

lee 6.jpg

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:35 am
by carnage_lee
First roll was a 5,[url][/url]
That takes me to Getting Results - I think I need to roll 2d6 to get a result :
5 + 1 = 6,[url][/url]
So that gives me 'any logical +3

Will take Astronomy +3

and Mathematics +1 (starting square)

If I understand things correctly, this is the exit square, so I take Carpentry +5 Destiny Cards: 5 (I think it's only an exit square if a 2,3,4 or 7 are rolled)

2nd Roll
Moves to 'Laws of Nature' Astronomy +1

3rd Roll
Moves to 'Specialisation' Info searching +1

4th Roll
Destiny Cards Housing Needing Attention
Carpentry +5
Destiny Cards 5
Moving to 'Getting Results'
Sent on a Clandestine Mission

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:01 pm
by carnage_lee
Clandestine Mission
Starting point 'Undercover' Charm +1

Clandestine Roll 1
move to 'Gathering Info' Info Search +1

Clandestine Roll 2
move to 'Friend or Foe' Judge of Character +1

Clandestine Roll 3
move to 'Caught but Got Away' Courage +1

Clandestine Roll 4
move to 'Gathering Info' Photo(graphy) +1

Clandestine Roll 5
move to 'Info at Any Price' Acting/Disguise +1

Clandestine Roll 6
move to 'Friend of Foe' Language +1

Clandestine Roll 7
move to 'Caught but got Away' Aura +1

Clandestine Roll 8
move to 'Assassination' Explosives +3

Clandestine Roll 9
move to 'Sabotage' Explosives =1

Clandestine Roll 10
move to 'Gathering Info' Lock Picking +1

Clandestine Roll 11
move to 'Friend or Foe' Language +1

Clandestine Roll 12
move to 'Ending the Mission'
Clandestine Mission Ending Criminal
Destiny Card 'Basic Arms Training' All Aiming Skills +1
Destiny Cards: 6

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:44 pm
by carnage_lee
Criminal Lifestyle
Starting Point: 'Trust No One' Charm =1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 1
move to 'Smuggling' Cars +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 2
move to 'Leading the Troops' Aura +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 3
move to 'Violent Episode' Dodge +2

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 4
(Destiny Card Please)

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Six cards coming up!

lee 7.jpg
lee 8.jpg
lee 9.jpg
lee 10.jpg
lee 11.jpg
lee 12.jpg
If the card is received on a red square, use the red text. If the square is any other
colour, read the green text.
Every card is one year added to your character´s age.
He is currently 22.
You may stop drawing cards at any time and quit the generation process.


Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:34 pm
by carnage_lee
Criminal Lifestyle Roll 4
Was a 6 (see above).
Destiny Card 7 A Parachute Pioneer - Parachute +5

Move to 'Hot Stuff' Evaluate +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 5
Move to 'Leading the Troops' Aura +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 6
Move to 'Violent Episode' Pistols +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 7
Destiny Card 8 Get Your Body In Shape - Strength +2, Agility +2, Endurance +2, Speed +1
Move to 'Hot Stuff' Economics +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 8
Move to 'Getting Tougher' Toughness +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 9
Destiny Card 9 Broken Leg - Speed -3 ouch!
Move to 'Smuggling' Cars +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 10
Move to 'Shot at Fortune'
5+3 = 8,[url][/url]
Gives 'All interactive Skills +1'

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:48 pm
by carnage_lee
So - Can I now move through the 'gate' to get out of 'Criminal Lifestyle'? If so do I move 8 (the 2d6 score rolled)? And I assume that the <-O-> square counts as zero for a move?

If I move 8 (and zig-zagging through gate(s) then I could:

get into 'Guarding an Policing' - taking a Destiny Card
or get into 'Prison' - taking a Desinty Card
or get into 'On The Run' - taking a Destiny Card

or move along and up to 'Bending the Law' - and rolling 2d6 to see where it takes me.

Sorry - am a bit confused now.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:20 pm
by Dave Syrinx
No worries, Lee.

The eight rolled counts as A shot at fortune result. That gives +1 in all interactive skills.
To get to the <0> square you need to roll a 1. The gate counts as one step. So, unless you roll a 1
you´re stuck in Criminal Lifestyle.

That´s life as a criminal, right?
criminal lww.jpg
Would you like me to post a better layout of the board?

This mini might be helpful....
life board full.png

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy
When you draw a Destiny Card, you get all of the modifiers on your half of the card, not just one of them, so Get Your Body in Shape gives you a lot more.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:48 am
by carnage_lee
Mr. Handy wrote:When you draw a Destiny Card, you get all of the modifiers on your half of the card, not just one of them, so Get Your Body in Shape gives you a lot more.
Oh right - I'll go back and amend that then - thanks :)

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:53 am
by carnage_lee
Syrinx wrote:No worries, Lee.
The eight rolled counts as A shot at fortune result. That gives +1 in all interactive skills.
To get to the <0> square you need to roll a 1. The gate counts as one step. So, unless you roll a 1
you´re stuck in Criminal Lifestyle.
Ahh - I get it now - and re-reading that part of the rules makes it clearer now - thanks :)
Syrinx wrote: That´s life as a criminal, right?
Yes, will be an interesting bio.... and yes, once in... hard to leave!
Syrinx wrote: Would you like me to post a better layout of the board?
I've been copying the relevant sections (from your original images) into Photoshop - I just could not make out some of the text.
Syrinx wrote: This mini might be helpful....
Yes, it will be handy.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:07 am
by carnage_lee
Criminal Lifestyle.... continued
Criminal Lifestyle Roll 11
Move to 'Cutting Down on Competition' Pistols +1

Criminal Lifestyle Roll 12
Move back to 'Shot at Fortune'
3 + 6 = 9,[url][/url]
High Society

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:20 am
by carnage_lee
A new Chapter... High Society

Destiny Card 10 - Important FriendsRank +3, Wealth +1 (seems apt... movign from Criminal Lifestyle to High Society - ... look at me Ma; top of the world...

High Society - Roll 1
Move to 'Exotic Travel'
Off to Tropical Climes.... for my health you know... toodle pip

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:36 am
by carnage_lee
Tropical Islands

Tropical Roll 1
Move to 'Local Habits' Myths +1

Tropical Roll 2
Move to 'Speaking Terms' Language +1

Tropical Roll 3
Move to 'gate' towards 'Primitive Living'

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:39 am
by carnage_lee
Primitive Living
Primitive Living Roll 1
Destiny Card 11 - You're a Light Smoker, Endurance -1 (Entering Gate)
Move 6 to 'Unfriendly Terrain' Climbing +1

As it's a 6 I take the 12th Destiny Card - I'd like the RED part if possible ? Or would it be 'Green' if taken before the move?
Destiny Card 12 - Beaten up by a Frog, Dodge +1, Hate Frenchman

Primitive Living Roll 2
Move to 'No Transport' Strength, Endurance, Agility, Speed +1

Primitive Living Roll 3
Move to 'No Doctor' First Aid +1

Primitive Living Roll 4
Move to 'Finding the Food' Tracking +1

Primitive Living Roll 5
Move to 'Conflict'
Clubs +3

Primitive Living Roll 6
Move to 'No Transport' Strength, Endurance, Agility, Speed +1

Primitive Living Roll 7
Move to 'Finding the Food' Tracking +1

Primitive Living Roll 8
Destiny Card(s) please ..

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:56 am
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, as you landed on a red square, the Hate French trait is valid. I do notice that you´re moving diagonally, something I haven´t considered. But I guess it´s all right as one have no rule against what direction one is supposed to move. ie always clockwise or something.
The only rule is that you can´t move past a gate or stop in "mid walk".

So, keep up moving criss cross.

I´ve yet to update your sheet, mr...?

Now, to the Destiny Cards. The lot of it.

lee 13.jpg
lee 13.jpg (16.67 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
lee 14.jpg
lee 14.jpg (20.21 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
lee 15.jpg
lee 15.jpg (14.82 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
lee 16.jpg
lee 16.jpg (12.84 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
lee 17.jpg
lee 17.jpg (14.68 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
lee 18.jpg
lee 18.jpg (15.12 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
#20 :!:
lee 20.jpg
lee 20.jpg (15.85 KiB) Viewed 1121 times

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:10 pm
by carnage_lee
Primitive Living Roll 8
Destiny Card 13 - Bird-Watcher Observation +3, Zoology +2
Move (CW) to 'No Doctor' First Aid +1

Primitive Living Roll 9
Move to 'Long Way Home'
3 + 5 = 8,[url][/url]
Off to Africa!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:14 pm
by Dave Syrinx
This starts to look like a scenario! Find the lost inventor. Last seen when boarding a freight ship bound for the African Continent.
Follow the leads.

Good luck on the expedition...

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:40 pm
by carnage_lee
Africa Roll 1
Destiny Card 14 - You're a Gambler Gambling +3, Wealth -3
2 + 2 = 4,[url][/url]
All Medical +3

Africa Roll 2
Move (ACW) to 'Keep Your Eyes Open' Searching +1

Africa Roll 3
Destiny Card 15 - Real Fire Fight! Pistols +1, Reaction +1
Move (CW) to 'Malaria & Stuff' First Aid +1

Africa Roll 4
Move (CW) to 'A Cumbersome Continent' Endurance +1

Africa Roll 5
Move (ACW) to 'Doing Your Job' Highest Skill +1

Africa Roll 6
Move to 'Gate' CW 1 then North 1 (that should be allowed, I think)
Destiny Card 16 - Lucky In Money (taken on 'going through gate') Economics +2, Wealth +3

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:47 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, you are standing on the <0> square and are off for another roll of the die.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:05 pm
by carnage_lee
Starting From the Gate Square immediately North of 'Africa'
After Africa Roll 1
Destiny Card 17 - Analyse That Psychology +3

Move 6 - move 5 east and down 1 to the Gate For 'Middle East & North Africa' ... seems to be a theme for this character!
Destiny Card 18 - Large Debts Wealth -5 - Go to 'On the Run' (oh dear)

On the Run Roll 1
Endurance +1
Move 4 (cw) to 'Safe at Last'
1+ 1 = 2,[url][/url]
'Hospital' - All Physical -1

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:35 pm
by carnage_lee
Hospital Roll 1
Move (ACW) to 'Learning From Fellow Patients' Diagnose +1

Hospital Roll 2
Move (ACW) to 'Too much Pain' Toughness -1

Hospital Roll 3
Move (ACW) to 'See and Learn' First Aid +1

Hospital Roll 4
Move (ACW) to 'Enduring Pain' Toughness +1

Hospital Roll 5
Move (ACW) to 'Time to Read' Read/Write +1, History +1 (other text based)

Hospital Roll 6
Move (ACW) to Getting Attention Acting +1

Hospital Roll 7
Destiny Card 19 - A lovely Walk Endurance +1, Charm +1, Attractiveness +1
Move to 'Enduring Pain' Aura +1

Hospital Roll 8
Move (cw) to 'Never Again' Courage +1

Hospital Roll 9
Move (acw) to 'Enduring Pain' Courage +1

Hospital Roll 10
Move (acw) to 'Signing Out'
5 + 5 = 10,[url][/url]
Umm... seems there's no 10! on the board... I want out of hospital..... help... please...

Move (acw) to

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hospital & Rehab
Signing out
10. Investigate
Here you go!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:35 pm
by carnage_lee
Investigate ... the game is afoot...

Investigate Roll 1
Move to 'Getting Too Close....
5 + 3 = 8,[url][/url]
All Track(?) +1

Investigate Roll 2
Move (CW) to 'Is it Here' Searching +1

Investigate Roll 3
Move (acw) to 'Background' Reading/Writing +1

Investigate Roll 4
Destiny Card 20 - An unseemly Love Affair Attractiveness +3

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
(All Text based skills +1)

That´s it. For the beginning.
Now, there´sthe dice for stats.

Give me a minute.

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:24 pm
by carnage_lee
Thanks for steering me through that. It's a method of creating a character that adds a level of detail you just don't get from 'roll 3d6, six times'; it's a shame it's a method not really suited for an online forum. Overall though, I thought it was engaging and definitely gives 'food for thought' for the background. It might add too much information or at least a complexity when trying to link things together.

Anyways.... I'll be trying to make sense and weave together various strands of the travels on the 'Life Board' - it looks like a challenge!

Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:29 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yes, using this at the table should be a good start of a session.

Regarding the stats for a CoC character I used this format for Mr. Handy´s character:

STR 3d6+3
DEX 3d6+4
CON 3d6+4
SIZ 2d6+6
INT 2d6+6

APP 3d6+5
POW 3d6+7
EDU 3d6

The only stats without effects from the life board are INT, SIZ and EDU. That´s why INT and SIZ have a +6 so you don´t end up with 3 in something.
The EDU can be 3. You still have the accumulated skills from the life board. Self learned.

Roll three sets of stats and pick the one you like the most.


Re: OP:FALLEN REICH (character generation)

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:25 pm
by carnage_lee
Have rolled 3 sets - funnily enough all 3 had low EDU - which kind of fits in with the interrupted University attendance.

Will finish this up ASAP.