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Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:01 pm
by Tabs
The shirt has a name label "Müller." Inside the rucksack is a pair of crampons, and various items of underwear; you both notice a cloth badge, it is a small flag sewn onto the leather--an offset white cross upon a red background; obviously the rucksack does not belong to the Doctor. There is a pouch on its front, once unbuckled you find a letter, pencil and penknife.

Santiago suggests meeting the goods train.

"Must you?" says a concerned Mingzhu. "Oh, please be careful."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"We shall be," says Elisabeth, hoping to allay her fears before Santiago decides it's too dangerous to allow her to come with him, "but we must go before Caroline and Dr. Renwick are lost to us." She looks at the flag with interest. "If I'm not mistaken, this flag is Swiss. That fits with the name Müller as well. Must be some kind of mountain climber. Perhaps someone who was part of Peter Fleming and Ella Maillart's expedition? Perhaps the letter will reveal more."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:01 pm
by aine

"Santiago opens the letter with interest, "Are you happy with leaving Posie and Mingzhu here? I feel it'll be safer than lurking in the goods yard at the middle of the night but we won't be here if anything happens." He thinks back to last night and the strange occurrence in the yard outside and frowns. Then he reads the letter aloud,
ooc,if in English or Spanish of course!

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"They'll be safer here than they would be if they came with us," says Elisabeth. "If you can't think of a safer place to leave them, it's the best we can do."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:27 am
by Tabs
"We'll be safest here," says Mingzhu, placing her arm round Posie.
OOC:   Rewind slightly regarding the letter.  
Santiago notes that it is still sealed and is without a stamp or postmark. The address is to:

Frau. Müller
6 See Straße

and written on the back is Jorkens Müller, c / o bibliothèque Chine, Chengchow.


Feng enters and says in Chinese: "The rickshaw for our guests is outside."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"It looks to be in German," says Elisabeth. "Unless someone here can read German, it doesn't pay to open it. I see I was right about Switzerland. Well, now we have an address for Müller. We could go to the library tomorrow and see if he's still there. But now we'd best head to the party. Our ride is here." She offers Santiago her arm.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 11:55 am
by aine
"Let's take it with us, maybe they can help us at the residency." Santiago puts it in his pocket, flourishes a bow, and helps the ladies into the rickshaw. "Tally-ho!" he calls, to Posie's delight.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth grins too, nestling against Santiago and putting an arm around Posie. I feel like we're really a family, she thinks. One day, perhaps it shall be real.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:03 pm
by Tabs
Posie playfully thumps Santiago, "Silly!"; Minghzu grins.

Twenty minutes later the rickshaw heads up the drive of 6 Rue Marmaduke.


It is dusk now, so when the front door opens a trapezium of electric light illuminates the guests; and ready, with welcoming greetings, are Mr. and Mrs. Norrin.

"Halloo! Halloo!" cries Mr. Norrin.

Image Image

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good evening, Mr. Norrin," says Elisabeth with a ready smile. "And to you as well, Mrs. Norrin. My, that's a lovely dress!"

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 11:01 am
by aine

Santiago shakes Mr Norrin's hand and kisses Mrs Norrin's. "Charmed!" He bows and the introduces the girls, "This is Mingzhu and young Posie."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:28 pm
by Tabs
"Thank you, my dear," says Mrs. Norrin. And when Santiago kisses her hand: "Oh, how nice! Welcome, welcome all of you!" this last comment comes after Posie curtsies and Mingzhu says:

"Chee Mingzhu," and she extends a hand.

"Good evening to you too!" says a smiling Mr. Norrin. "Please, come inside."

In the hallway a servant takes their coats. "The drawing room is this way," says Mrs. Norrin, pointing to an open doorway. "Dinner will be served in a half hour."

Posie claps and jumps with pleasure: "Goodie!"

"Cigar, sir?" enquires Mr. Norrin of Santiago.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:59 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you," says Elisabeth to Mrs. Norrin as she surrenders her coat. "My husband is ever so gallant. That's one reason I fell in love with him."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:22 pm
by aine
Santiago declines the cigar, "Thankyou no, maybe after dinner?" He follows his host into the drawing room. "This is an impressive house, have you lived here long?" Out of the corner of his eye he watches how the ladies in his party take to the finery of the decor after such a long time living without.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:39 am
by Tabs

"Oh, young love!" replies Mrs. Norrin wistfully, who, you judge, is not too much older than yourself. "Please, call me Cicely."

Posie is prodding thoughtfully at a stuffed bear, which stands beside the fireplace.

Mingzhu sinks into a comfy armchair, her "ahhhh" of pleasure is audible.


"Exactly two years. Foreigners in China," says Mr. Norrin, with a smile, "enjoy a very good standard of living. Back in Putney, that's a suburb of London, I roomed in a tiny flat! That was before I married Cicely of course.

"You're not English, sir, pray tell me, whereabouts are you from?"

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Cicely," says Elisabeth. "And you may call me Elisabeth." She regards the bear, which towers over her, in awe. "Such an impressive beast! Your husband is quite the hunter."

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:38 pm
by aine
"You are quite correct, sir" says Santiago with a smile, "I am Spanish, Don Santiago, Conde de Cervera." He bows formally and gives his full rank as Mr Norris seems an impressionable sort. He realises this is the first time that Elizabeth will have heard it too and prepares himself for a stern talking to later. "But I am known as Santiago el Aguila after my adventures as a hunter in Argentina. I take it you are something of a sportsman yourself, Mr Norris?" He says eying up the bear. He wonders what the older gentleman has to attach the much younger Mrs Norris; it couldn't have been money if he had once lived in a small 'flat'.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

Elisabeth turns to look at Santiago. Far from being put out, she is smiling. I had no idea I was marrying into the aristocracy, she thinks. As far as I know, nobody in our family has more than a knighthood. I think this will please Father and make him more amenable to us marrying for real. Someone in the Foreign Service can never have too many connections like this.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:32 pm
by Tabs
Cicely laughs, and touches Elisabeth's arm: "Oh, Elisabeth, if you only knew the joke you'd made!" She adds, "That moth-eaten monster was already here when we moved in, and Beauchamp wants to keep it--sadly!

"Isn't that so, Beauchamp?"

"Eh, what?" says Mr. Norrin, looking befuddled. "Unlike Don Santiago, I am no sportsman," he turns to Elisabeth, "or huntsman, I can assure you!" he pats his rotund belly.

Posie pipes up: "So it's not a giant toy bear?"

The dinner gong sounds. "Time to eat," chuckles Mr. Norrin, indicating a door to the dining room. "Perhaps," he says to Santiago, "at dinner, you would regale us with some of your adventures in Argentina?"

Cicely holds up a hand and says quietly: "What are we to do about your friend?" She means Mingzhu, who is fast asleep.

Re: Under the Sign of the Swastika

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh dear," says Elisabeth. "It has been a long day for her, and she must be truly exhausted. Do you have a guest room available where she could be moved? We could leave a note for her to come join us when she awakens."