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Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:05 am
by Laraqua

Emily Latham didn't come into work today. Travis hasn't seen her either. No call to her home phone or mobile phone can reach her. All attempts just return the same message that 'This call cannot be connection. Please check your number and try again.' This is completely out of character for her. She doesn't even generally take sick leave. She's very punctual. Something bad must have happened and in a place like Silent Hill that 'something bad' happens often enough that rumors abound about what might have happened to the various missing persons. It might be worth calling it in now. It'll have been 24 hours.

The rumors have plagued Principal Ross all day. It's prevented him from getting all of his work done. There's been rumors of a white slavery ring picking up locals and tourists and sending them all the way south over the Mexican border. Rumors of a particularly dangerous track by the lake where people too often fall in and drown. Rumors of a family of serial killers that pick off those who get too close. Rumors that PVT addicts are attracted to the lake water and drown themselves as their hallucinations and delusions hold them in thrall. Then again, there are rumors that ghosts snatch up people from the side of the street and drag them straight to hell, so you can't rely on the rumors too much.

But should he call in the police or not? The last thing he needed was for Midwich to be connected to yet another missing person, especially with the Pre-School program's recent publicity. Who would send their pre-schoolers to the new class if they thought Midwich was unsafe?

This dilemma has played out in his mind as he waited for the 24 hour mark to roll around (which is the Silent Hill Police Station's mandate) and somehow, during all of this, he's fallen asleep. As unlikely as it seems, he finds himself waking up, drool sticking a sheet of paper to his face, in a cold room lit only by his desk lamp. The window behind him shows a deep darkness. There must've been another black out. There's been a few of them lately.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:33 am
by Airbornexo
Ross cursed to himself, another sign of age catching up on his tired body. He cracked his neck and stretched his shoulders, easing the dull ache that had built up in his muscles.

Emily, Damn it! What time was it?

Wiping his face, he glanced at his watch and reached for the telephone; punching 911 mechanically into the handset. He stood up and strode to the window as he waited for the call to go through.


I'd kill for a cigar right now, he thought almost tasting the bitter smoke in his that wouldn't do the image of the school any good at all!

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:40 am
by Laraqua
Principal Ross dials 911 before realising that this isn't much of an emergency and he's likely to just get transferred to the local police station, anyway, after being lectured by a cross 911 operator. Unfortunately, the operator picks up before he has a chance to cancel out of the call. "Hello. 911. What is your emergency?"
Show,Forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm going to treat 911 like our emergency number in Australia - 000.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:08 pm
by Airbornexo
Doh,I guess that the sleep was fogging the poor principal's judgement. [url=]Try a persuade roll, and pass[/url]
"Hello this is Principal Ross from Midwich Elementary school. I know this is the wrong way to report this, but I'm really concerned about one of my staff. Emily Latham didn't come into work today and has gone missing which is not like her at all. I'm convinced that there is something wrong, she went out to meet an author or something and never came back. Her cell and home phone don't even connect, can you help me??"

'You never know, that might make them take where is Travis'? He peered out of his office door trying to catch sight of his newest member of staff, 'Where the hell is everyone today?'

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:38 pm
by Laraqua
"We can't take your information here," said the kindly woman. "But I can transfer you to your local police station so you can find someone who will. Do you know the name of your closest police station?"

When Principal Ross tells her, she adds, "Hang on. Transferring you now."

There's a click and a deep man's voice comes over the line, "Silent Hill Police Station. How may I help you?"

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:21 pm
by Airbornexo
Ross waited patiently then repeated the information to the new officer at the Silent Hill PD, he wasn't sure if it was an officer he knew.

Not that it mattered, the Emily would probably be filed under 'she's not actually missing until there is a body'.

After he gets off the phone he makes his way out into the school to look for Travis, maybe he had some further information.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:08 am
by Laraqua
The police officer on the other end dutifully took down the details but it was unlikely that they'd manage to find her -- unless she committed suicide. They seemed pretty good at finding suicides.

Checking the clock on the wall, Ross realises that it's about 8.30PM. Travis is bound to be home by now. Of course, he does have Travis' home address and phone number in his staff details.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:31 pm
by Airbornexo
Ross checked the staff information on the computer and dialled Travis' cell phone number.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:47 pm
by Airbornexo
Concluding his call to Travis, Ross replaced the reciever. He took time to punch Travis's number into his cell phone, before he grabbed his keys. Picking up his jacket and locking up he headed to the parking lot with the intention of driving to the hotel.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:03 am
by Laraqua
Ross' car starts up without any fuss and he sets off toward the hotel. It seems that it is a localised black out around residential Silent Hill as the lights are certainly on around the southern side of Silent Hill, he can see them glittering further along Nathan Avenue. That damn power company must be on the fritz again. Considering that it's not even all that hot outside, it can't be an airconditioning related black out.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:16 pm
by Airbornexo
Ross slows the car, driving more carefully in case street lamps and traffic lights are out...

'Not the first time, not the last' he muses to himself about the power outage 'maybe that was why Travis and I have been struggling to contact Emily, the cell tower will be down somewhere.'

He keeps driving pulling into the car park of the hotel when he arrives planning to wait for a few minutes until Travis arrives.

OOC - I'm happy to wait in the car for a 'reasonable' length of time until Travis arrives at the hotel.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:34 am
by Laraqua
Principal Ross sees a familiar car pull into the parking lot. It's Travis.
Show,Please enter Travis' thread:

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:50 am
by Laraqua
As he reaches for the blankets, splotches of crimson blood appear around where the shapes' chests would be, slowly staining the blankets in a roughly circular fashion before his very eyes. The door slams shut, startling him, and dividing him from Travis who was still standing mostly in the hallway, grasping the door knob in one hand. Sirens wail in the distance as though signalling a looming air raid. The lights flicker overhead with a sharp electrical fizzing sound and a rough vibration raises up through the brick floors and walls, shaking around him as though the earth itself was surging up beneath the hotel, rattling the windows in their panes until they cracked.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:52 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC - San roll? 1d100=55 pass by 5. Has Ross ever experienced anything like this event before?

Ross gulped nervously and continued to draw the covers back from the bed. What the hell is going on! He thought angrily racking his brain. An odd, and disturbing, familiarity crept over him: Inevitability like a cold blanket of mist seemed to settle around him and prickled his neck with goose-pimples.

Re: Principal Ross: The Call

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 11:09 pm
by Laraqua
Show,No, he hasn't, though he has heard whispers from some of the locals of nightmares they've experienced like this. Perhaps he's still asleep?
Ross pulls the blanket back to reveal twin lumps of fused flesh, vibrating and shuddering on the bed, one somewhat feminine and one masculine, so badly burnt that their scabs seem fused into each other. With the cracking of blackened flesh, their lips part and they utter sounds that are part-moan and part-screech. A split appears in the wall nearby, widening to a roughly made hole, revealing the inside of a room cobwebbed with lightly pulsing scar tissue that seems to provide an ambient light. The tissue itself almost seems to look like graffiti, it'd odd shapes suggesting letters and vile words, like insults, torn against the wall. The deformed creature on the bed struggles and thrashes, as though it still is trying to get up. Is the feminine part of it ... Emily? It looks like her, as much as a badly burned person could look someone.
Show, 1 / 1d6 Sanity hit for seeing this creature.