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CHAPTER ONE: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:04 am
by Laraqua

Travis' new home is everything the Real Estate land agent had promised. A cozy, one-storey property cheap enough to purchase in the residential area the locals referred to as Old Silent Hill. It was sparkling with a fresh paint job that left the weatherboard walls and picket fence positively gleaming white. The plants in the window boxes were already in full bloom. Yes, it did have a certain grandma quality to it but its low, low price, two fireplaces (one in the master bedroom and one in the living room), surprisingly large living room and two bedrooms with walk in robes (one would make a fantastic study with a good view of the nicely kept back yard) made it a premium grab. It was larger than it appeared since it stretched back a way through the back yard. It had been recently painted inside, too, with nice, warm cream walls and new caramel-colored carpet. Since it was on 14 Bradbury Street, he could get a view of the lake just by stepping outside and looking left (east on the map, left when your facing away from your house) towards Toluca Lake.


Tavis finished directing the rather gruff and surly delivery men to place the heavier items of furniture in the right spots, paid them the final few notes, and sent them back off the way they came. There were plenty of boxes that needed unpacking but for now everything was reasonably in its place. It was 3.30PM and he had an early morning appointment the following day at Midwich Elementary School to start figuring out the new plans to set up a preschool program in a small attached unit of the school grounds.

Another fantastic thing about Bradbury street. It was within easy walking distance of the school.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:21 am
by Laine
"I really do appreciate you help, gentlemen. Have a good day."

He smiles to them as he closes the door as they leave. He is used to be being friendly and only hopes to be accepted in his new home. He always admired the strength and prowess of his friends but he had a feeling of insecurity, since as a young child he had always depended on others to protect him from his tormentors; now, he was on his own in a new place without the safety nets he was used to. Still, a sense of optimism was in the air, he looked forward to starting his new position as the Teacher Director of the Pre-K program at Midwich.

Having just completed unpacking he puts on his sweater and jacket and heads out the door for a stroll along the lake side.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:22 am
by Laraqua
The bright blue sky has a mere scattering of clouds scudding towards the horizon and each is reflected in the azure blue of the incredibly clear waters of what turned out to be a river rather than a lake. Perhaps the Real Estate Agent hadn't been as upfront with him as he might have liked. No matter, it's still a reasonable hike to the lake judging by the map that sits behind glass in the tourist information booth to the right of the bridge that leads to Central Silent Hill. Surrounding the map are a number of information brochures about things to see and do in Silent Hill and he has plenty of time to get to know the place. The air is a little cool, a little crisp, but the sun is strong and warm on his back.

Apparently there's due to be a play performed by the Silent Hill Historical Society at Artaud Theatre in a week's time. It's called: "The Truth Is What You Make Of It" and it's about the lives of five neighbours and how they all see the same events differently.

The Balkan Church welcomes new Protestants to the area and points out that they have a morning tea on Saturday mornings and after Sunday services.

Alchemilla Hospital is looking for more volunteers as Visitor Guides and in the Palliative Care services.

Andy's Bookstore is holding a sale on paperback novels. The author, Walter Desmond, who writes dark fantasy tales in the Clive Barker bent will also be doing a signing there while he's on holidays in Silent Hill.

Pete's Bowl-o-Rama is having a Family Fun Day special starting tomorrow.

Travis' reading is interrupted by a childish giggle coming from behind the sign.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:55 am
by Laine
Travis balked at the idea of attending church, his family never had religious beliefs I the western Christian sense. However the idea of volunteering appealed to him. Perhaps he could do portraits or provide an artistic outlet for bed ridden patients. His parents never really did tell him exactly what his health conditions were." You just need to get better, sweety" his mother would tell him. Painting became his way of expressing his frustration with not being able to run and play like the other kids did. Often times he could hear their laughter outside his window. His memories of the fun of other children while he was ill seemed very vivid and infact he thought he was recalling these memories until he realized that laughter he heard was real.

Perhaps a future student of mine, but they would surely be with their caregiver and not alone

He thought to himself as he stepped towards the sign and gave an unthreatening:


Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:28 am
by Laraqua

"Boo!" growls a little girl, leaping around the sign post at him. "Gotchya!" She throws her head back and cackles madly, nearly losing her hat. She grabs it firmly to keep it on her head. She looks to be about 7 years old so likely a student at Midwich Elementary School but far too old for preschool. She stops laughing suddenly and cocks her head to one side. "Oh, you're not..." She scuffs the ground with her toe. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else. But you're not. How rude of me!"

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:38 am
by Laine
Travis stumbles backwards and nearly loses his footing at the display of youthful exuberance by the young girl.

"No, you're fine, I work with children younger than you, so usually they don't apologize when they jump on me."

It's not her energy that bothers him, but rather the lack of a parent or caregiver being present. She shouldn't be out by herself, but then perhaps he would have done the same when he was her age(if he had been able to) and also this is a small town so even a girl of her age would presumably be safe. Still it was concerning.

"No, I guess I am not who you were hoping for. Are you looking for someone in particular? Are you alone here?

He didn't mean to sound like a worried, old mother but he was concerned.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:51 am
by Laraqua
"Alone?" She taps her lower lip with an index finger, twirling the red rose around in her other hand. "Um, I don't think so. You're here, aren't you? Silly man!" She smiles at him. "You are here, right?"

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:02 am
by Laine
In the literal sense she was correct, but then often times in abusivse situations children learn how to redirect others or even to lie on their abuser's behalf.
How many times did I say my dad had the flu when he was really drunk again?

"Yes, you're right I am here. My name is Travis and I just moved here. What is your name if I may ask?"

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:11 am
by Laraqua
"Casey. Um, no, wait. Jessica!" She seems inordinately proud of herself with her response which seemed strange. She was obviously lying and kids of that age would be well aware of how transparent the lie appeared. She turned and gestured toward the river. "I'd like to go visit the Amusement Park but I'm not allowed to go on my own. Will you take me there?" She gazes back up at you and clasps her hands together around the rose stem (luckily it appears to have been plucked of thorns). "Pretty please?"

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:19 am
by Laine
Travis kneels down in order to be able to meet the child on her own eye level. Though he finds it odd that she'd lie about her name he decides to not confront her on it.

"Casey, the amusement park does sound fun"
I've never been to one

"But, we don't know each other and your parents should be the ones to take you to it. Do you know where they are?"

The child's lack of boundaries was distressing to him.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:27 am
by Laraqua
It's also odd because the girl is quite well-dressed but the expectation is that it's the poorer, more visibly neglected children who have such poor boundaries. The girl takes a couple steps backward when he gets down on his knees. "Um, okay, I guess, but what if that means I'll never go?" She sighs, then smiles mischeviously at him. "I can't go without an adult and my parents should take me but won't so I guess you should take me?" She grabs hold of his hand and drags at him. "C'mon, c'mon, it's over the bridge and then south. I wanna Ronnie Rabbit and you can win me one and it'll be grrrrreat! Ooh, ooh, can I go on the roller coaster? Can I? Can I? Please!"

"Ahem!" coughs a woman's voice behind you.

The girl frowns. "Oh no! Don't look! Just ignore her and she'll go away."

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:40 am
by Laine
To some extent he understood the concern of not being able to live out a childhood.
I remember my friends coming back from the amusement park, I was so jealous. I remember feeling envious when they'd go and leave me behind. Calvin would always bring me back something he won for me. He did it so he could show he cared, but I remember always thinking he brought it back to me to show off and that he did it to make me feel even more not part of their group

Before he could respond to the girl he heard the cough of the woman.

OCC: Does Casey seem afraid? His reaction may depend alot on the child's body language and demeanor.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:58 am
by Laraqua
Your empathy with Casey and her feelings makes her easy for you to read. She seems to be a little afraid, though not specifically of the woman, but of what the woman represents. She mostly seems to feel resentment and a loss of some grand opportunity. You don't believe that it's the mother standing behind you but it is some sort of authority figure. You're pretty sure Casey is trying to escape into some sort of Fantasy Land (as children are wont to do when they're feeling miserable or trapped) and the woman behind you is sure to pull her out of it and take her back. If you don't look, and therefore don't acknowledge the authority figure, she believes that you might still go with her and show her the Amusement Park.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:20 am
by Laine
Though he acknowledges the unease of the situation and the apprehension tha Casey feels he still feels like he must respond to the person behind him. He gets up off his knees and turns to look and makes sure that he is positioned between the girl and woman.

"Hello, I suppose you must know this girl?"

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:02 am
by Laraqua

A female police officer stands beside a police car, one arm lazily draped over the door. "Well, considering I've been looking for her for the past two hours ... again ... this month ... yes, yes, I know her." She sighs and arches an eyebrow at the girl. "Come on, let's get you back to your mother and father. You know they're worried sick about you."

Casey shakes her head. "No, I don't wanna!"

"You take after your mother, you know that?" The woman smiles. "Come on, don't make me chase you. You know you need to go back to your folks. Now stop bugging the nice man and come with me."

"Okaaay," mutters Casey, hanging her head and heading to the police officer.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:11 am
by Laine
"Hello officer, my name is Travis Jates, I have just moved here. It's reassuring to know our streets are safe. Though I wonder, why one would run away not once, but twice in a month."

He steps to the side as Casey walks towards the officer.

"It was nice to meet you, Casey. I do hope you get to go the amusement park. I do hear they can be quite fun."

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:29 am
by Laraqua
"No problem, I'm Officer Cybil Bennett," the policewoman says with a nod. "Now c'mon kiddo, you can ride shotgun."

"Maybe you can take me to the Amusement Park later," Casey says, both hopefully and brightly. She hops into the front seat and gives a little wave. "You have to come visit me."

"Only if your parents are all right with that."

Casey scowls. "Aww!"

"Looks like you made a friend, Travis," says Cybil, hopping into the police car. She turns in her seat to look back at Casey. "Now buckle up, sweetheart, we'll have you back at the hospital in no time at all."

At that, she starts up the car and starts doing a U-Turn to head back over the bridge. It's at that point that Travis realizes he hadn't heard her pull up. She was parked on gravel, after all, surely he wasn't that deaf or single-minded?

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:42 pm
by Laine
"Thank you Officer Bennett and it was nice to meet you Casey."

He waves to them as they leave and turns to head back towards his home. Even the stroll down the street left his legs feeling tired, the walk to the lake may have to wait for another day.

I wouldn't have been able to run away had I wanted to(there were many times I did). I hated being in and out of the hospital, so I can't blame her. I hope her parents are there for her at least and it sounds like they are.

He walks back down the street and turns to look at the police car as it continues to drive away.

I can't believe I didn't hear the car pull up, maybe she was already parked near by. I can't be going deaf.
OOC,Should I be roleplaying my characters low physical stats? I am not sure exactly what his limitations are as far as being able to walk for distances. I know 6s are low, but is it to the point where it impairs basic physical movements?

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:10 pm
by Laraqua
Heading home sounds like a good idea. He could always spend the evening unpacking things and getting ready for tomorrow. Perhaps go to bed early and get up bright and early tomorrow. Alternatively, he could go out in his car and take a look around if he felt up to it.
OOC,It'd suggest he'd require a few rests as his Constitution is 2 points under average - which is 8-10 in Call of Cthulhu rather than the 10-11 in D&D due to the 3d6 rather than 4d6 - choose the highest three system. Other than that, he should be okay. Of course, you could roleplay it however you'd like.

Re: Travis' Journey: Arrival

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:26 am
by Laine
Travis walks slowly back to his house.

This is a raging mess.. I can't deal with this right now, but there is always the weekend.

The one thing he will unpack are his paints and a piece of recyclable paper. He wants to capture the sense of childhood that apparently is being denied to this girl just as it did to him. Though this painting he hopes to portray the freedom of a carnival.

However, the artwork reminds him of something a child would paint in rush infact he's seen better from his own students in the past.

In frustration he crumples the paper and decides to make some tea.