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CHAPTER ONE: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:59 am
by Laraqua

It's not a pretty bar but it's home. He's spent enough time working there, after all, and preparing for the onrush of customers that comes with the warmer months. It's late spring already, May, and the place is generally fairly pumping by now. Tonight has been pretty damn quiet from what Rochelle said. She's gone home sick and she said she'd close up briefly until you got there. It's still daylight, though, so any alcoholic punters wanting to get their mid-afternoon drinks on shouldn't be too cross. Of course, on a fog-shrouded day like this, there were likely to be quite a few tourists making their way to a brighter spot. Not that Annie's Bar was a particularly flash spot. Still, the location was good, in the Silent Hill Resort Area, on the corner of Bachman Rd. and Craig St. The parking lot is fairly empty when he cruises into a spot though there's an old Cadillac with the bonnet up that is still steaming and making that tck-tck-tck sound of a hot engine cooling. The front door looks locked, and the steel shutters are down over the windows. Not exactly a good look for any possible visitors, but at least it'll keep people's eyes off the gloomy streets.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:43 am
by Seon
Jack let out a yawn as he dug around his pockets for the keys to the darn place. The deck of Tarot Cards fell out from his pockets, scattering its contents all throughout the street.

Jack swore, cursing at whatever deity that was responsible for gravity and careless mistakes. He began to gather up all the cards that fell out and paused at the last one.

"Major Arcana, 13," he muttered, smiling. "Seems like something interesting is in the air, eh?" He picked the final card up.

The door opened with a small creak. Jack grimaced. He would have to get someone to oil that soon. He moved over behind the counter and checked the stock. It was almost a robotic response now, really, checking out the stock of liquour behind the counter to make sure that some hooligan didn't break in to help himself to free drinks. It never happened, of course, but Rochelle was insistent.

One would think, Jack thought with a smile, that the first response would be to check if nobody had stolen the shotgun behind the counter, but Jack shook himself from the thought. Customers would arrive soon, and he had to make this place pretty for that.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:55 am
by Laraqua

Annie's Bar isn't the biggest pub around but it did the job. It was the place folk came to drink in a cozy place with the rustic atmosphere that sold so many tickets and hotel rooms in this little resort town. It didn't feel too resort-y at the moment when the fog rolled in off the lake, but that was just the way things went sometimes. It was just a shame there wasn't a fireplace to get the damn chill out of the air. Rochelle was such a miser, she must've switched off the heating when she left. How that was going to encourage folks to stay in was anyone's guess. Warm air sold more drinks. Besides, even Jack was starting to feel a little chilled. The controls for the heating were in her office in the back area, opposite the little kitchen.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:46 pm
by Seon
One would have expected the heating to be close to the bar area, where people were, instead of all the way back in the office.

Jack muttered out several curses as he made his way to the office.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:56 pm
by Laraqua
Jack's grumbled complaint to himself conjures up an image of a time when the heaters would turn themselves on and off at random times and it was thought that one of the customers was doing it on purpose so they moved the controls into the office. Of course, they forgot that there's normally only 1 person working here (sometimes 2) and it's pretty awkward having to leave the bar to go adjust the heating and cooling. Then again, who is Silent Hill thought ahead like that? He reaches the office door and jigs the handle. Locked. Pulling out his keys, he tries to insert the right one but it doesn't go in. Is there something stuck in there?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:22 pm
by Seon

Roll: 9. Skill rank=26. Success!
Jack frowned, and pulled out a lockpicking kit from his pockets.

"Is there anything in the town that's not broken?" He wondered out aloud. He wasn't an expert at picking locks... He just learned how to do it when Rochelle forgot to give him the key to the place for the umpteenth time. He felt good this time, however. He fooled around with the lock until he could feel something click.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:11 am
by Laraqua
Turns out the click wasn't the tumblers turning. There truly was something caught inside but the fancy lockpicks (and Rochelle scoffed when he bought the kit) do manage to dislodge something that falls out the other side. Then, and only then, is he able to turn the tumblers and get the door unlocked. Brushing open the door into the back office, he sees something lying on the floor. It looks like a tooth! The rest of the office looks as it should be. The steel shutters are down over the outside, which is usual, since Rochelle hates to see the fog press against the windows. She says it makes her feel depressed. The desk is neatly ordered and the computer shut off. The heater control panel is to the right of the steel locker, just above the filing cabinet where she keeps her tax forms and her collection of telly tubby paraphernalia. There's a lot of paper scrunched up and dropped in the waste paper bin and an upended bottle of pain killers lying beside the bin. The good kind. Migraine pain killers that can leave you dizzy. There's a few pills that have spilled from the bottle.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:27 am
by Seon
"A tooth," Jack muttered. "A tooth. Because...that's not creepy at all."

He picked the tooth up. Hang on. How did Rochelle get out of office if the tooth was stuck in the lock?

A sick grin flashed across his face, and he leapt into the office chair. "BWAHAHAHA!" He said. "I am Rochelle, Evil Overlordess Magnificent! How shall I torment Jack, that worthless Bartender, more?!"

Jack leapt out of the chair. "I do not know, Mistress," he said, sitting subserviently on the floor towards the empty office chair. "Perhaps a more subtle kind of pain and misery would be suitable this time."

"Yes, my nameless minion, who is also a voice in my head," said Jack, as he leapt back into the office chair. "I know what I shall do! A closed room mystery! How did Rochelle escape from a locked room with something wedged in the lock... FROM THE INSIDE?!?!"

"A most brilliant plan, mistress," said Jack as he leapt out of the chair. "But surely, we can be more...ehh...creepy...with the thing? Perhaps a dead body or..."

"Hmm... you are right," Jack interrupted Jack as he clambered back into the chair. "I know! I'll wedge the lock... with your tooth!"

"Argh! Don't hurt me, Mistress!"

"Mwahahaha... and he'll totally be creeped out the next time he appears! Meanwhile, I'll leave through the windows and close the shutter behind me!"

"What about me, mistress?"

"Oh, you can go into the cabinet along with the rest of the skeletons."

"I should stop," Jack said as he shook the dust off of his clothes. He placed the tooth in his pockets. "I would hate to think of what would happen if people actually saw me do that."

He moved over to the locker and clicked on the heater.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:38 am
by Laraqua
The heaters whir into life and he feels cold puffs of air coming from the Central Heating ducts as the cold air is expelled and the machine starts heating up the next set of air. It'll be a lot nicer once it gets warm and toasty in here. Shame it's icy cold at the moment and the puffs of air are icier still. As he checks the themometer on the heater (7 degrees Celsius in here, what's that in Fahrenheit? Stupid Australian Rochelle...), hehears a faint rattling sound coming from inside the metal locker. It even shakes slightly as something moves inside of it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:57 am
by Seon
Jack looked blankly at the metal locker for a few moments. "Skelly? Is that you?" he said. "WELL I AM HAVING NONE OF IT!" he stormed off to the bar and grabbed the Sawn Off Remington 870 shotgun. Fully Loaded.

"SURPRISE!" Jack said as he pulled open the metal locker.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:11 am
by Laraqua

The locker appears to be empty of anything but one of Rochelle's leather jackets and a pair of high heels. Then something moves against the heels and he peers down to see a little brown tabby kitten. It gazes up at him and meows plaintively. There appears to be a note stapled to its bow tie collar.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:18 am
by Seon
"A kitten," Jack said. "So, little guy, what are you doing in the mysterious locked room in the dilapated creepy bar in the middle of a fog filled creepy town?"

The kitten meowed. Jack sighed. "Some day, I am going to teach your kind how to communicate with human kind. Oh what's this? A bow tie collar? And a note on it!"

He carefully removed the note from the kitten, being careful not to mess up its collar in the process.

"Let's see," he said, opening the note while keeping a firm hand on the cat. "What does the mysterious note say..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:25 am
by Laraqua
The note states in rough black penmanship: FOR KATIE, Don't Eat It, A.G.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:30 am
by Seon
Jack nodded understandingly and grabbed the kitten. "Now you are a popular guy. Or a gal. I am not all too familiar with cat biology," he said.

He walked over to the counter and placed the cat next to him. "You stay there and be quiet, m'kay?"

The cat meowed.

"Good kitty," he said. He whistled out a few tones as he took out a rag and cleaned the bar.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:46 am
by Laraqua
A dog barked somewhere outside and the kitten flattened its ears and hissed. Silent Hill has always had trouble with stray dogs attacking people. That cute Doctor Stacey McIntosh from the Emergency Department over at Alchemilla Hospital always complains about how the locals don't take care of their dogs. Dog attacks are one of the leading non-alcohol-induced causes of emergency ward visits some months. Okay, so maybe Dr. McIntosh may have been exaggerating but there were always a fair number and he didn't remember New York having such trouble with animals. Luckily, the dogs didn't seem to be rabid, though that didn't help the poor suckers who had to take the rabies shots, just in case.

Without any customers, its real quiet in here. There's no sound of traffic or people outside as the fog muffles everything. It's just him, his whistled tune, and the odd dog bark. Where were all the customers, anyway? It was nearing 7 PM and this place was normally jumping. As Jack's gaze flits to the clock hidden beneath the counter (so customers don't see it and realise what the time was), he realises that it's broken and stuck on 7 PM. Or maybe the batteries have just died.

Maybe having the Juke Box play some tunes might actually attract some clientele. If anyone could hear it outside through all that God Forsaken Fog.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:13 am
by Seon

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:48 am
by Laraqua
The Jukebox starts pelting out some tunes and the heaters are now working sufficiently enough to start warming up the bar. With the chill gone and the silent broken, this place is starting to feel more like a pub in a thriving resort town. Now all he needs to do is wait for some customers. Everything is a little bit dusty (the dust gets into everything here) but most pub punters don't much care about a little bit of dust so long as it's not in their pint. He even has a kitten which will doubtless cause all the women around to Nawww at and chat to him about it. Kittens were great like that.

The pub telephone starts ringing.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:51 am
by Seon
"Hello! Annie's Bar!" he cried out cheerfully as he snatched up the phone. The kitten let out a yelp as it quickly dodged Jack's foot.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:53 am
by Laraqua
The telephones are obviously on the fritz again as the telephone crackles slightly before a woman's voice asks: "Oh god, Jack, are you hurt?" It sounds like Rochelle but her voice is strangely tight.

The kitten glares balefully up at him and then pauses to lick its paw and brush it across its head whispers.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:00 am
by Seon
"Nope, why would I be?" Jack said, still smiling. "How did you lock your office from the inside with a tooth, by the way?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:18 am
by Laraqua
"There's so much bl-" The telephone cuts out, leaving you with nothing but a dial tone.

The kitten begins to growl ominously, staring at the shuttered windows.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:26 am
by Seon
Jack frowned and took out his cellphone. "Maybe the phone line is bad," he thought as he moved towards the windows. He punched in Rochelle's numbers into the numberpad as he looked for a way to open the shutters.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:32 am
by Laraqua
The telephone picks up on the eighth ring and a little girl's voice answers: "Hello?"

The shutters are operated manually. You'd have to go outside, unclip them, and push them up to open up the windows as they're external to the building. They're also locked, though there's a spare key to them beneath the cash register tray.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:38 am
by Seon
"Why hello there," Jack said, still with an odd smile. "May I speak to Rochelle, please?"

He moved over to the cash register tray and picked up the key and also pulled out his switchblade. "And who would the owner of this lovely voice be?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:51 am
by Laraqua
"Oh, it's you!" mutters the voice on the other end, sounding fully exasperated. "I already know you!"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:57 am
by Seon
"Do you now," Jack said, leaving the bar through the front door. He clicked the switchblade out once and then immediately retracted it. "You know, it's rude if you don't tell the other guy your name when making a conversation."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:03 am
by Laraqua
"Don't you remember me?" she asked, sounding genuinely confused and quizzical.

The phone erupts into static briefly as you leave the store and step out onto the foggy streets. Boy, the fog is so dense that you can't see more than a dozen paces ahead of yourself. The electrical poles, kerb-side bins, and your own parked car are just murky silhouettes in the distance and they're within that radius. It's quiet out here. The dogs have stopped barking and that just leaves an eerie silence. There's no traffic about. None at all. It's so quiet you can vaguely make out the sounds of the lake lapping against the shore. Or ... is it something slurping just behind your car?

"You can call me Cynthia, if you like." She sounds like she couldn't be any older than six.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:09 am
by Seon
Jack stared at his car for a few seconds before replying.

"Really? Cynthia, eh? Refresh my memories... when was the last time you saw me? And how did you get Rochelle's phone number?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:19 am
by Laraqua
"Oh, Jack, you're silly," she says and giggles. "We met at the hospital, don't you rememeber? Alchemilla? Well, it was a time ago. Maybe you don't remember me. I remember you."
OOC,Feel free to respond how you like to that. It makes no difference to me if he's been there often or not. It does make you feel a bit agitated to hear her talk about that, though.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:10 am
by Seon
"I am afraid that I must have forgotten, Cynthia," Jack said, now back to his odd smile. "I've only been to the place like... once...twice? Thrice? in my whole life."

"So, uhh, Cynthia," Jack said. "How have you been?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:18 am
by Laraqua
Jack hears a door slam somewhere on the other side of the phone line and she gasped. "Oh no, I gotta go." There's a click as she hangs up the telephone and he's left standing in the swirling fog. At least the slurping sounds from behind his car seemed to have cleared up. Other than that, there is absolute silence.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:23 pm
by Seon
"Damn it!" Jack muttered. He turned to the shutters and inserted the keys to their lock. "Let's see if this, at least, works."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:26 am
by Laraqua
The key turns smoothly in the locks and he unlatches them and rolls them up, shoving them up toward the top one by one, with the rattle of moving metal that sounds bone jarringly loud in the absolute quiet of the fog-shrouded streets. Just as he's finished putting up the second one, there's a great WHUMP as something thunks into the side of his car, setting the car alarm into screeching hysterics. As he instinctively turns to look, there's a second WHUMP that lifts the car up onto two wheels, the other side must've come a full foot off the ground, and then the car settles back down.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:04 am
by Seon
Jack madly darted back into the bar and behind the counter. The kitten was on the counter, still hissing at the window.

He grabbed the shotgun. Whatever the thing was, it could lift the car up. So it was either a very drunk circus showman or the Lake Toluca Monster. Or a very drunk Rochelle. He wouldn't be surprised.
He silently crept out of the bar, shotgun in hand. Using the mist as cover, he quietly began stepping towards his car to see what the commotion was all about.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:11 am
by Laraqua
Rushing out into the fog-shrouded streets, he sees that two further knocks have pushed his car out of alignment with the park and the bonnet now sits firmly in the parking bay beside it. Circling around the vehicle, he sees thick blood spatters on the asphalt behind it that seem to grow in frequency as he makes his way around. He can't hear anything through the silence so if it's there it's either incredibly still or gone. Still, those blood spatters are a bad sign. If he fully rounds the vehicle, he'll have committed himself to confronting whatever sight is beyond it but if he runs back into the store, he may never know what's out there.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:16 am
by Seon
He considered running back to the store, but then he remembered what he was holding in his hand and shook his head from the thought. Whatever the bloody creature was, it was going down.

He rounded the vehicle, crouching to avoid detection.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:32 am
by Laraqua
Jack rounds the vehicle, crouching low behind the boot, his shoes barely whispering across the asphalt with each step. He sees it allwith great precision, taking in each moment as it comes on an adrenaline impulse. The blood spatters are thick globs with lines of spray pointing in the direction something behind the car. He inches around it and can make out a blood-smeared sneaker. With another few steps, he sees its connected to blood-spattered jeans. The denim moves uninterrupted until about the mid-thigh where it seems soaked red and dipped into the thigh. No, wait, the denim has disappeared and the thigh meat itself is visible. The denim is frayed, no, congealed, around where the meat begins and as he trails around closer he can see pelvic bones jutting up out of a soupy syrup of meat juice, blood, and the odd yellow goo of organs. There's a sharp chemical tang to the air. An unmistakable (though unidentifiable) chemical tang to the air. The soupy organs are imperfectly collected within a partially exposed abdomen and ribcage, as though whatever souped it up hadn't attacked the body's sides or much of its back though obviously some of the soup has leaked out. The upper chest is intact, though bloody, as is the neck, but the head itself has been pounded into shattered bone and leaked gray matter. It's not so much goo as pounded gibbets. Judging by the flecks of bone and brain smeared across this side of the car, you think he may have been standing during all of this. The car itself has been dented in several places all along one side. At least one of those dents is about two inches deep and six inches wide. In fact, all of them are kind of wide, even the ones that aren't as deep.

A set of bloodied prints, indistinct and hazy, set off into the fog-shrouded streets.

Sanity loss: 0/1d4.
Hide,I'm happy to use one skill use per goal even if I break it up into different information and posts, just so you know. So if you have one successful Sneak roll, never fear, if I post a 'More Information' thingy, you can still use the original good roll unless I say otherwise or you aim to do something heaps different.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:40 am
by Seon
Right. Jack thought. He fished the cellphone out of his pockets and called 911.

Not that he thought that it would help. He walked back to his bar and sat down next to the kitten as he made his call, setting down the shotgun serenely on the counter. "Lot of crazy things happening in this town, eh?" he said to the kitten.

The kitten meowed.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:46 am
by Laraqua
Jack hears an engaged tone over the cellphone.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:00 am
by Seon
"Damn it! A plague! A plague upon you, cell phone!" He yelled at the useless machine. "A plague upon both your houses! And your summer homes!"

Jack slammed a fist against the counter.

"Hey cat!" he said to the kitten. "Do you know how to get to Rochelle?"

Cat meowed.

"I guess not," Jack said with a sigh. So, aside from the creepy closed room mystery, there was apparently a dead body lying against his car. Rochelle was nowhere to be found, and the police could not be reached.

He wandered into the office and picked up the bottle of painkillers. "I'm not tripping on these, am I?" he said.

Cat meowed in a disagreeing tone.

"Nope, definitely not," he said, pocketing them. Say, the dead man was probably trying to get to the bar. That meant that whatever it was out there, it was killing his customers. Then it may... come and get him!

"Well, I won't be taken down easily!" Jack said, growling. He wandered back over to the counter and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:02 am
by Laraqua
OOC,Does he leave the door open?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:09 am
by Seon
Most store doors close on their own unless held open, don't they?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:15 am
by Laraqua
OOC,Good point.
Standing behind the open bar in front of two open windows with the lights on inside does tend to make you feel a little exposed, although you can see anything approaching the door from at least ten feet away from the storefront. Still, his hands tire on the shotgun before anything happens which just ratchets up the anticipation of something coming to pass. The kitten ends up coming to the precipice that is the edge of the counter, peeking down, and meowing plaintively as it's not brave enough to take the jump but obviously wants to come down. Apparently the kitten hasn't discovered the bar stools on the other side of the counter that would provide a convenient step down.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:18 am
by Seon
Jack sighed, put the shotgun down, and picked up the kitten, setting it down on the floor.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:19 am
by Laraqua
The kitten immediately latches onto Jack's hand as a ball of playful fury, claws and teeth digging in like a dozen tiny needles.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:25 am
by Seon
Jack pulled out the shotgun from the counter, put the barrel against the demon's back, and pulled the trig-

Nah. There will be too many questions. Besides, it was a waste of ammo. He had to save some for the drunk circus strongman/Toccassy/Rochelle. Jack sighed. He should have seen it coming that the kitten was a fiend. "Hey, get off!" he said, trying to shake the kitten off.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:35 am
by Laraqua
The kitten glances up at you in shock and horror as you begin trying to shake it off, and it clings on for dear life, ears perked up rather than flattened against its head now that you've decided to try to fling it off your hand. Oddly enough, it stays on and you realise that you've been grappled by a kitten. Luckily, it's only the palm of your hands its attached itself too.

Oh well, at least it removes some of the stress of the situation. Or at least, the seriousness of it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:43 am
by Seon
"AAAAARRRRGH!!!" Jack said, beating the kitten to death against the counter. "THE PAIN! THE PAIN!!!"

Nope. Wait. He just cleaned the damn bar. He put the frightened kitten on the floor and began to try to pry the mouth open.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:46 am
by Laraqua
Once the kitten is near the ground it drops off and stares up at you with big, cute eyes and meows at you. It then proceeds to rub its furry side all over your shoes, purring like a mini lawn mower.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:49 am
by Seon
"Good Kitty," Jack said. "I ain't patting yah."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:53 am
by Laraqua
Now that the kitten is safely on the ground and he can return his attention to the window, he sees that the fog hasn't lifted and there's no one in sight. How did that man die anyhow? And who killed him? It'll be getting dark soon within the hour and then where will he be? At that point, there's a faint hiss from the heaters as the power goes out. Hopefully, it's just one of the fuses that have blown. Rochelle keeps spare fuses in a locker in the cramped cellar but the fuse box itself is up in the kitchen area. Well, at least he won't starve. Alternatively, there's a flashlight in Rochelle's desk drawer that he could use to keep the place lit enough to see by. It'll be a pain balancing the shotgun and the flashlight together, though.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:58 am
by Seon
"Oh, White Claudia, a Blackout!" Jack muttered. "You know, in horror movies, this is always the time when the monster decides to jump the protagonists. Whelp. Time to play god!"

He brandished the shotgun threateningly at nothing in particular. The kitten meowed encouragingly.

"Why thank you," Jack said to the kitten. He moved over to Rochelle's Office, grabbed the flashlight, and stuffed it into his pocket. No reason NOT to steal it. It's Rochelle's after all, and it was her fault that the place was so breaking down.

He opened the cellar door.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:11 am
by Laraqua
The cellar door is a trap door behind the bar counter. The bar itself is gloomy with only the filtered light from outside lighting up the place (good thing he opened those shutters) but that gloom isn't enough to really light up the cellar. Crates and boxes and casks loom up here and there as vague silhouettes. Unfortunately, the locker box sits between two towering piles of boxes of girly pre-mixers on the opposite side of the over crowded cellar. Even if the monster doesn't get him, the ankle bruisers will. He pulls out the flashlight and slides the switch-y thing and ... nothing happens. Opening the back it up, he sees that there's no batteries inside. Where did Rochelle keep the spare batteries?

Oh yeah, in the lock box with the other odds and ends.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:01 am
by Seon
Jack peered down into the darkness of the cellar and tried to listen to hear if anything was even remotely alive in the cellar.

"Maybe I can use the kitten as bait to lure it out," Jack muttered.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:23 am
by Laraqua
The cellar is deathly still and quiet, which oddly enough just makes it all the more ominous. The thought strikes Jack: While he was sneaking around one side of the car, could the killer have snuck around the other side and gotten into the bar?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:46 am
by Seon
"See," Jack said to the kitten. "If I had a handgrenade, we wouldn't be having this problem right now. So, kitty, did you see a homicidal maniac walk into the bar? Just one? Two? Three?"

Hang on a second, Jack smiled. He had a lighter. Thank God for his smoking habits. He began to search the bar and the office for things that he could light to provide a source for..well...light.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:50 am
by Laraqua
There are plenty of flasks of hard liquor that could have a rag stuffed down the mouth... No, wait, too much fire. He could make a flaming cocktail. There's chair legs if he broke one off. There's the pool table cues. Either of those could be wrapped in rags. Paper could be taken out and lit up though that'd burn pretty fast.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:55 am
by Seon
Jack donned his trench coat and stuffed the sawn-off shotgun somewhere in his clothes so that he could whip it out in an emergency. "Don't try this at home," he said to the cat.

He took a bottle of hard liquor and stuffed a rag down it. It was a cheap one anyhow. Rochelle wouldn't miss it too much.

He took out a lighter, flicked it to life, and descended into the gloom of the cellar, with the home-made molotov cocktail in the other hand.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:23 am
by Laraqua
The flickering lighter provides very little light but luckily he's not exactly descending from a well-lit room into a pitch black room. More a man coming from a gloomy room into a pitch black one. He can see the huddled masses of the various crates, boxes, and other assorted items as he heads down the steps. Once off the stairs, his shoes retort against the bricks, sounding harsh in the cramped confines of the room. He smacks his shins against one crate (that was bound to happen) and continues with little more than a bruise. He can just make out the glint of metal in the vague light of his lighter when the lighter itself becomes a wee bit too hot to hold. Shame it had to be a safety lighter.

Still, he grits his teethand gets on with it, crouching down to pull open the lockbox (luckily it's not locked) and then rummaging around inside for spare fuses and batteries sized for the flashlight. Unfortunately, it's a mess of random oddities filling that lockbox and it's difficult to see anything in the gloom.

Unfortunately, that's when the lighter really begins to hurt.
OOC,Con x 5 rolls were made to hold onto the lighter. You can either take 1 damage from holding onto the hot lighter to continue rummaging around in the poor light and get another roll or you can flick the lighter shut and wait for it to cool down.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:36 am
by Seon
Jack quickly shut off the lighter and took out his shotgun, putting the bottle somewhere in the pockets of his trench coat.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:40 am
by Laraqua
Being as the bottle is open and simply clogged with cloth, and he's crouched down, there is the risk that it'll spill within his coat if he did need to run and gun. Of course, his pockets are deep enough that that is hardly much of a risk but he bears it in mind as he slips the bottle in his trenchcoat. He waits for several bone chilling moments and he's sure he can hear something tap-tap-tap its way down the stairs but he can't make anything out in the gloom. Has the fog somehow invaded the cellar? Even the silhouette of gloomy light seems somewhat gauzy.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:47 am
by Seon
He clicked the lighter back open and looked around quickly.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:50 am
by Laraqua
The lighter's still warm but no longer dangerously so. The sudden flicker of light is met with a churlish meow as the tiny kitten comes into view and pads over toward Jack. Nope, still no sign of the killer. Maybe there's no one down here. There doesn't seem to be any nooks and crannies where a circus freak can hide.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:53 am
by Seon
Jack sighed, and began to search the locker more throughly.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:58 am
by Laraqua
This time Jack manages to find both the spare fuses and the spare batteries (kept in two different pencil cases, of course). He's got enough batteries to get his flashlight working and, if they're fully charged, that should give him about a day's worth of juice. Of course, some batteries will only see him through the night but surely that's all he'll need. Unless Rochelle put half-used batteries in here. Or even empty ones. The kitten hops up onto his shoe as he searches, pricks the shoe with its claws to make itself comfortable, and then is curled up and trying to sleep by the time he's found them.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:04 am
by Seon
Jack set the shotgun down and fit batteries into the flashlight. He clicked it on, and then clicked off the lighter once he was done.

He put the shotgun back into some hidden depth in the trench coat and then gently cradled the cat. He turned towards the gloom and went up the stairs.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:20 am
by Laraqua
The flashlight works perfectly now. He does feel a lot more comfortable. He's only got two more spare pockets, though, but hopefully he shouldn't have to carry any more oddments. He can fit the kitten into one of the pockets, if he'd like to, as the pockets are so deep the kitten is unlikely to be able to climb out with any ease and he'd have plenty of warning if it tried to do so. As the flashlight roams across the walls, you notice that there's white spray paint graffitti beneath the stairs that you tells you: Those Who Wait In Silence Die In Silence.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:29 am
by Seon
"Thanks," Jack said. If he had a hat, he would be tipping it now to the graffiti. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

He put the kitten in one of his pockets and went upstairs, picking up the shotgun as soon as he got a free hand. "Now where's that darn fusebox?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:33 am
by Laraqua
The fusebox is in the kitchen. The entrance to which is opposite Rochelle's office. The "Staff Only" door between the bar and the short corridor stands ajar. Did you leave it open when you collected the flashlight? Or has someone been recently through here? Approaching the doorway, Jack can easily see slight bloody smears heading from the front door through the "Staff Only" corridor. It's getting cold again, already, despite the fact that the heaters haven't been off for very long. Or maybe it's just the fear. Whoever killed that man killed him messily, albeit quickly, and was strong enough to dent your car (are you even insured against a man's fists?).

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:48 am
by Seon
Jack pulled out his Molotov cocktail, set it aside on the counter, and then took out his shotgun. Whatever's in there could dent cars, but a shotgun could punch right through cars.

Jack managed to, with all the skill of a ninja, if ninjas had shotgun, to sneak silently into the corridor. His flashlight was off, of course. And, although he couldn't hear anything in particular, He could just make out the shales in the darkness.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:57 am
by Laraqua
The doorway to your left is slightly ajar just as the first one had been. At first he can't hear anything, but then he hears a dish crash down from the sink and shatter across the tiles. Yeesh! That's something he's going to have to tidy up. The kitten growls quietly but it's largely muffled in the coat. You don't think it's loud enough to draw hiss attention, and even if it did, the circus freak won't be expecting a man with a shotgun to be stepping around the corner.
OOC,You didn't include your last link! Also, what's a shale?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:54 pm
by Seon
I rolled spot hidden

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:10 pm
by Seon
Roll for initiative, Jack thought as he rounded the corner and pointed the shotgun at the direction of the sink.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:34 pm
by Laraqua
A shadowy figure stands by the sink, its dark clothing hanging from it in tattered rags, as the figure lurches with a drunken stagger just past the sink. It's hard to make out the details of whoever it is but it doesn't seem large enough or muscular enough to have been responsible for damaging his car, at least. Maybe it's an injured patron? He could get that lucky. The kitten continues to growl loudly in his pocket.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:17 pm
by Seon
"Hey, DUMBASS, enjoying the bar?!" Jack yelled at the figure, keeping his shotgun carefully aimed a the person.
Do I get a bonus to my chance to hit if I aim at him for a long time?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:18 am
by Laraqua
The figure swept around and it's proportions, or the way it moves, the sickening drunken swagger, seems to ratchet up your feeling of unease. There's a scent to the air. One of piss, puss, stale sweat, and staler liquour that assaults your nostrils. The figure staggers towards you through the gloom and there seems to be something wrong with its left hand or perhaps its holding something triangular. It's too dark to tell but you can at least make it out well enough to know its likely trouble.
OOC,You won't get the chance to aim but you do have the chance to hit first because you surprised them.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:25 am
by Seon
"F*** this," Jack muttered. He pulled the trigger.

Bang! Pellets from the shotgun hit the target with Enough force to incapacitate a normal person.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:29 am
by Laraqua
The bullets tore through the creature as it swaggers forward, the odd hand held low, the other swinging up behind it as though to help it keep its balance. More of that cloth (is it cloth?) tatters and something foul spatters against the wall behind it. As he struggles to pull the shotgun down the last few inches from the recoil, it staggers the final few paces and breathes fetid breath from same gaping hole of a mouth, it's so dark he can't see its features, it doesn't cry out, doesn't scream, just slumps forward against him. As he instinctively tries to push it off and move away from it, he feels its rubbery flesh and realises the tattered 'cloth' is extra skin hanging loosely from it in ribbons. It hits the ground beside him and thrashes about, nails raking against tiles, and something hard smacking down against and again from its other hand.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:08 am
by Seon
Jack quickly pointed his shotgun at the creature in point blank range, then fired, obliterating the creature.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:12 am
by Laraqua
The creature is now a spattered mess. It's only now that the adrenaline is beginning to die down, that other details filter into his shocked mind. There was a noise out by the front door. A woman's voice calling out. Not panicked nor angry. He can't remember any of the other details. He sure wasn't paying attention. He could always go out and check or he could fix the fuse box first. It should be an easy matter to replace a broken fuse and then he'd have lights and heat to chase away the damn cold.
OOC,Remember to feed in the links! I'll assume you hit that time, but yeah, don't forget next time or you may need to re-roll.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:16 am
by Seon

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:18 am
by Laraqua
OOC,All good. So what do you do?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:27 am
by Seon
"Just my luck," Jack sighed. "Just a minute!" Jack yelled out as he left the kitchen and towards the bar.

"Huh, there's no one here," Jack muttered. Maybe the shotgun drove them off. He walked up to the window and squinted out into the gloom.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:17 am
by Kadael
The woman's voice comes from behind the door again. "Who's in there? Is... it safe?" Through the window, a little of her profile is visible: the outline of her nose, her mouth, a lock of brown hair.

Cecilia's heart is pounding. This man - whoever he is - has presumably just shot someone, or avoided being shot himself. Is she really so desperate, to put herself in danger like this?

Yes. Yes, she is. There isn't much left for her to lose at this point. If she can't find Katie, how will she live with herself?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:29 am
by Seon
Jack pulled open the door and stepped out. "Well..." he paused. "Hey, I recognize you! Ash, was it? Or was it Cecilia? Welcome back to Annie's Bar!" Jack said friendlily, which, unfortunately, did not have the same effect when he was holding a shotgun by one hand.

"Come on in! I insist! You sound as if you need a drink, hon. I just need to get the electricity fixed. I'll be riight back."

Jack hurried back into the kitchen to fix the fusebox.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:06 am
by Laraqua
A curious meow sounds from one of the man's pockets and something bulging in one of the pockets seems to move. But then he's off and heading back into the kitchen where the corpse lies in a spreading pool of blood.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:17 am
by Kadael
Cecilia shrinks away from the entrance when it opens. There's a man she doesn't recognize, brandishing a shotgun and talking to her like they're old friends. Really, there's only one response that comes to mind: "Who the hell are you?"

At least he seems friendly, even if he makes about as much sense as the rest of this town. Welcome back? She's never been to Silent Hill in her life.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else," she says, walking into the bar. At least there isn't so much fog. How does he know my name?

When he leaves, Cecilia spends a few seconds standing near the door until it swings closed, startling her. Her nerves are on fire today. She sits on one of the bar stools and glances around, fidgeting.

The electricity's out, so there's obviously no way to use the phone in here. Maybe she can get cell service now, but is it even worth trying?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:31 am
by Seon
"No... No... I definitely remember!" Jack yelled from the kitchen, jumping over the carcass. "You don't? Don't you remember? I'm shocked! I am Jack, the Bartender."

He tried to fumble open the fusebox. "All this floundering about in the darkness is really starting to annoy me. you?" Jack said. "Gotta admit, the place's falling apart! Your name is Ash, right?"

He repaired the fuse.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:40 am
by Laraqua
It's a fairly simple matter to replace a missing fuse with a new fuse and once it's all put together he flips the switch and the lights come back on. The air in the pipes have somehow managed to cool down in the interim, however, so they're both rewarded with blasts of cold air through the vents. At least with the lights on the place seems kinda homey and the music on the jukebox is kind of nice. There's even two pool tables in here (there used to be four but they replaced two for tables when Rochelle bought the pub). Unfortunately, the creepy fog outside the windows kinda removes some of the cozy mystique. As do the light smears of blood that head from the front door to the 'Staff Only' door. At least, judging by the coasters, this place is Annie's Bar.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:49 am
by Kadael
"I've never been here, and I don't know you," she calls, tapping her nails on the counter. "I'm just here on vacation... at least, I was." Cecilia knows a few Jacks - the name is everywhere - but none of them are bartenders, and they don't act like... that.

When the electricity comes on, she shivers. It's May, which means she shouldn't need a coat, so she didn't bother to pack one. She crosses her legs and rubs her hands together.

Wait. Did he say Ash? That's the woman who called her. "No, I'm Cecilia. Cecilia Brooks. Is Ash a friend of yours?" She reaches into her purse and pulls out her wallet. Katie's picture is there, beaming at the camera, a gap in her teeth where she'd lost one.

"I'm looking for my daughter." She runs a finger along the edges of the photograph, waiting for Jack to return. If this Ash knows Katie, and Jack knows Ash, then maybe he can tell her something.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:37 am
by Laraqua

Cecilia pulls out a photograph but rather than it being the simple one of Katie on her own it's a family picture taken of them on vacation. Katie's the adorable one in the middle of the picture. It's odd, though. That wasn't the picture she was intending to pull out.
OOC,Up to Kadael if the woman in the picture looks as it does here or differently. If she wants it to look different, just super-impose THAT image over the one here and pretend they're the same. This one does fill in well for the ex-husband and the little girl though and has the right ambiance.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:33 pm
by Seon
"I knew it!" Jack shouted from the kitchen. His voice had an oddly familiar tone "Cecilia! The lawyer! Yeah, I remember. You were here yesterday. Ordered Bloody Mary. Sorry, my memory isn't what it used go be, considering all the crazy stuff that happened today. Confused you with another woman. Do you know what happened to me today?"

Jack emerged from the kitchen, holding an armful of foods and a shotgun. "Do you want an apple? There was a lot of them in the kitchen. Maybe some cheese?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:02 pm
by Kadael
OOC,It's a fine picture. Cecilia's a short-haired brunette anyway. :)
The longer she's here, the more she's beginning to think that this was some elaborate plot engineered by someone who works at the firm. If only she could really believe that.

"Tell me how you know me." Cecilia stands, pressing the heels of her hands into the countertop. She meets his eyes with a glare, and takes a long, shaky breath in. "Because I have never been to Silent Hill. Not yesterday, not ever, not until today. Are you listening?"

She glances at the shotgun among his armful of food. "Put the gun down, and give me a straight answer."

One thing that's really on her mind is whether or not this man is as crazy as he seems.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:01 pm
by Seon
Jack frowned once she started glaring at him. "Uhh..." he said. "Sure," he dumped the food and the shotgun in the counter between them and turned around to the cabinets. "I didn't hit you that strong with the Bloody Mary, did I? I know I make too strong a drinks but..."

He trailed off. He sighed. "You were here yesterday. It was bustling with people. You gushed about your beautiful daughter, and then left. Listen uhhh... I need to call the police. Some... Whatever it is... WIth a knife snuck into the bar and charged at me. Sorry if I scared you earlier. So..."

He popped open a bottle of whiskey and handed it over. "Help yourself."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:32 am
by Kadael
Cecilia relaxes a bit once the shotgun is on the counter, but keeps her guard up. The photograph lies under one of her hands, forgotten at the moment. Katie's face is obscured by a finger.

The town's atmosphere is definitely getting to her, because she's actually considering the possibility that she may have been here. All she remembers of yesterday is driving, then stopping in Brahms for the night... but the memory is as hazy as the air outside.

For God's sake, she's thirty-one; that's too young to be losing her mind. And yet this man insists that she was here, and he's got his general facts straight...

A rush of blood kicks her heart into overdrive when he mentions the police. "Wait! There's a police department here?" Frustration gives way to anxiety - this town, he must know something about this town. "But there's no one around for miles! Why- why are you here?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:54 am
by Seon
Jack actually looked concerned. "Wow. You really don't remember, do you? Uhh... listen... have you recently been involved in an accident? Maybe fell from somewhere and hit your head?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:39 am
by Laraqua
The kitten meows weekly and pokes its head out of Jack's pocket.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:58 pm
by Kadael
"What? No." Cecilia sits back down on the bar stool, folding her hands on the counter. "I just- look, this town is deserted. The buildings are falling apart, there are no people around... haven't you seen it?"

When the kitten pops into the conversation, she stares at it for a few seconds before looking back at Jack. "Why is there a cat in your coat?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:10 pm
by Seon
"It's..." Jack said, sighing. He poured himself a drink. "It's a long story."

He took a sip. "I usually don't drink of there's someone else in the bar, but screw that."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:30 pm
by Kadael
Cecilia lets out a long sigh, shoulders dropping into a slouch. "I came here looking for a police station, or somewhere with a working telephone." She picks up the abandoned photo, not really looking at it. "But it seems like nobody's been here in years. Except you, I guess. I keep seeing boarded-up windows and rusted scaffolding everywhere."

"But if the phone here works, I- I need to call the police." She doesn't say anything more, just looks at Jack expectantly, trying to swallow around a sudden lump in her throat.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:59 pm
by Seon
"Go ahead," Jack said. He took out a switch blade and...

Grabbed an apple and started peeling it. "The phone on the counter should work."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:52 pm
by Laraqua
Most of the food he's brought out on the table are apples and instant noodles (Rochelle's lunch stash) as most of the other food requires a refrigerator and a fryer unless you have a taste for salad sandwhiches with cheese in them. Still, there are a couple reasonably priced champagne bottles saved for a special occasion and ingredients for schnitzel, burgers, and chips, as declare a few laminated menus that sit haphazardly around the relatively new vinyl couch-and-chairs by the window. The telephone handset sits on the counter not far from its home behind the counter. The kitten looks expectantly at Cecilia and meows.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:42 am
by Kadael
She reaches for the phone, keeping an eye on Jack as he leisurely peels the apple. He doesn't seem to like questions, which couldn't be more inconvenient. It's not that she doesn't want to trust him, but she's still unsettled from the day's events... and there's that trail of blood.

At least she's still holding herself together.

Cecilia picks up the phone, dials, and looks down at the kitten. (All right, it is cute, with its little bowtie collar.) Whether or not the call gets through, she'll want answers from Jack... though she's not sure what to say if she gets connected. It's something she's been avoiding thinking about.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:47 am
by Laraqua
Cecilia realises that she doesn't have the local police station's number so she calls the Emergency Number: 911. All she gets is an erupt burst of static and then a click on the line as though someone answered then hung up. The static burst is loud enough for Jack to hear it as well.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:19 am
by Seon
"The phone's still out, isn't it?" Jack said, sighing.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:52 am
by Kadael
Cecilia slams the receiver onto the machine. Her hands are shaking as she takes her cellphone from her purse. "Give me the number for the police station." Still out? Not even a landline works in this place?

Somewhere in her mind, she's aware that the shock is disappearing. Her thoughts are catching up with her, starting fires under her skin. She's supposed to be good at this - suppressing a guilty conscience, blotting out the horrible things people do to each other. It should be old news. It comes with the territory of law.

But it's not the same when it's her little girl.

The cellphone screen is black when she flips it open. Even if there was any service, the batteries are dead. "Piece of shit." Her voice cracks. She presses her hands to her face and chokes back a sob.

Not here. Please, not here. She's not supposed to let anyone see her fall apart.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:15 am
by Seon
"I...errr...actually don't know the phone number for the police station. Other than 911," Jack said. "And I tried that a couple of minutes ago when...err...nevermind that. Look, here, kitten!" Jack pulled the kitten out of his pockets and placed it in front of her next to the shotgun.

"Jesus, I thought I was the only one having a rough day," Jack muttered. He bit into the apple once he finished peeling it. "So, uhh... what's your story?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:42 am
by Laraqua
The kitten meows plaintively and swipes cutely at the air. It seems completely and utterly abnormal for the situation thus far. It then proceeds to clean the soft fur of its tummy. Somewhere out there in the fog, a dog utters a snarling bark. Another whines, sounding somewhat child-like in its cry. The kitten's attention is caught, enraptured, an it stares out into the swirling fog, unmoving, eyes wide.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:21 pm
by Kadael
"I- I was on the phone with a client, my daughter went to the restroom, and... didn't come out." The words are tumbling out of her; she doesn't think she could stop talking if she tried, and she's speaking so fast that she isn't even thinking. She's telling her story to a man who's a complete stranger and she doesn't mind; he might as well not be here.

Her palms are wet. She brushes the back of her hand across her eyes, smudging her makeup. "I tried to find her, I thought she was hiding from me, she does that, you know?" Struggling to remain coherent, taking deep breaths. "I got the door open and- God..."

"Someone took my Katie." She shows him the photograph, jabbing a finger at the little girl in the middle. Her face is streaked with mascara and tears. "Someone took my Katie and left a fucking mannequin there."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:14 am
by Seon
Interesting, Jack thought. That guy looks like me... And did she just say Katie?

"Crud," Jack muttered, digging through the counter for a hankerchief. He found one and handed it over to Cecilia. "Here, take this. Calm down a little... Something more happened then after, right? I need you to tell me what happened after so that I can help you."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:07 am
by Kadael
Cecilia takes the handkerchief with a small nod, laying the picture next to the kitten. Her face is a mess; she always gets the blotchy skin and red, puffy eyes. She wipes away the tears and tries to stop shaking.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles between sobs, though she isn't sure who the apology is meant for.

When she manages to quiet down, she's still dabbing at her eyes, deliberately not looking at Jack. He's going to help her? She tries not to think about how, and instead keeps on talking. "I tried calling 911 on my phone, but couldn't get service, so I drove into Silent Hill to look for somebody who could help me."

"You're the first person I've seen in this whole town. This is the first building I've seen that isn't boarded up or broken. I came here because... I got a call when I was in the restroom." She pauses, trying to remember the details. The kind of voice that could have belonged to any young woman, the strange familiarity... "She said her name was Ash, and she seemed to know me. She asked to meet me here... to talk about Katie."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 7:24 pm
by Seon
"Sh1t," Jack muttered. "Really? Nobody else? This town is usually full of people! This doesn't make any sense..."

"Wait a minute, Ash? Of course she knows you. You were talking with her in the bar yesterday. She was talking about how deadbeat the husband that she ran away from was. Don't you remember? Well... I guess that we are stuck here in the bar then until Ash gets here... Here...take a candy bar. It'll make you feel better..."

"Oh...and...errr...I think this kitten is yours," Jack coughed, handing her the note. "This came with the kitten."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:13 pm
by Kadael
"I thought it was some kind of sick prank at first. Has the town always looked like this? With the fog and the buildings? I was told it was still a good vacation spot." Cecilia sighs, tired from crying. She frowns at the brown smudges on the handkerchief. Why am I thinking about how I look at a time like this? Focus, Cecilia...

When Jack tells her about 'yesterday,' she raises an eyebrow. Even though she can't remember it at all, that conversation certainly seems plausible. After everything that's happened, she could talk for hours about marriage and husbands and why men are so full of lies and how love is a waste that is never worth it; really it hurts more than it helps anything stop it Cecilia.

Yeah. It's definitely a plausible conversation. She takes a candy bar. It's not even the good kind of chocolate, but it's enough.

"'Don't Eat It?'" she asks upon reading the note, giving Jack a quizzical look. "And who's A. G.?"

The notion of eating a kitten is so bizarre to her that she doesn't even think about how Katie would- will - go nuts.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:26 pm
by Seon
"Hell if I know," Jack said. "I found it alone in a closet inside the office, which was locked from the inside by a tooth."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:30 am
by Laraqua
Cecilia's cellphone chirrups for her attention. She must have an incoming text message.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:41 am
by Kadael
"A... what?" Cecilia pauses just as she's about to take another bite of the candy bar. "A tooth? You mean some kind of tooth sculpture, right? Right?"

The cellphone is lying on the counter when it beeps. Wait. Weren't the batteries dead just a second ago? She picks it up, flips it open, and the screen lights up, announcing a new text message. The battery meter is almost full.

"That's weird," she mutters, and checks her messages.
OOC,I'm assuming this is important, so I'll attribute the battery to Silent Hill being strange.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:52 am
by Laraqua
OOC,Yep, you're learning!

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:08 am
by Kadael
Well. If anything was going to prove that something happened yesterday, this would be it. Cecilia honestly doesn't remember adding Ash as a contact, but how else could it have happened? That Bloody Mary must have gone right to her head.

Typing with only twelve keys is a pain (she'll get a new phone someday), so her message is short: COMING. She has to wonder why Ash promised to be at the police station... and as a witness? A witness to what?

She looks up at Jack as she's putting her phone back in her purse. "Can you tell me where the police station is? Ash says she's there, and I need to go meet her, and I don't know this town."

While she's talking, she gives the kitten a scratch behind the ears, oblivious to whatever it's looking at.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:49 am
by Seon
"Lady, you got a mild case of short term memory loss, and you want to go out into the mist alone?" Jack said skeptically.

"A guy tried to kill me a few minutes ago, I saw a guy get murdered by a god knows what, my car got dented, there are no customers in the bar, and I found a freakin' kitten with a note written on it alone in a room locked from the inside. Hell if I am going to let anyone outside the damn place. If what you said and what the text said... Sorry, couldn't help but look, was true, then this town is really and truly ****Ed in more ways than I can care to understand. Nope, I have a better idea."

"Why don't I go get Ash and into the bar for you? I know Ash. She's visited this place often. I also know my way around this town."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:39 pm
by Kadael
"I..." Cecilia just stares at him, dumbfounded. Yes, there's a gaping hole in her memory, but that doesn't make her an invalid! She's perfectly capable of driving through the fog alone--

Wait. Someone tried to kill him?

She shuts up and listens to him talk. That would explain the shotgun, and the trail of blood... and he saw someone's murder? "And you're just going to leave me here, alone, in a place where a presumably violent person tried to kill you?"

Any other day, that would have been said in her lawyer voice. But she's too shaken to put on a brave face right now. "Call me crazy, but going out there seems safer."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:51 pm
by Seon
"I can close the shutters and lock the doors. Nobody will know that you are in here and nobody will be able to get in," Jack said. "There is no need for you to go to an empty police station. Police stations aren't supposed to be empty. Besides, if you get killed out there, there would be nobody left to take care of Katie."

He waved his hands towards her fingers. "No wedding rings. Divorced, I presume? This place is safer than sneaking into a police station. There are plenty of foods and weapons if you are in a hurry. All other windows of this building is behind steel shutters, so you know that you are safe if you hide in the office or something. On the other hand, if you go outside, you can get jumped by someone. You'll never see him coming because o the fog. I am a local, so I can brave it better than you can."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:19 pm
by Kadael
Cecilia purses her lips and looks away from Jack, at the photograph. He has a point - Nathan knows that they've gone to Silent Hill, but not anything about Katie's abduction. She didn't even think about telling him. He wouldn't know anything was wrong until they didn't come back, and by then...

"...Fine," she sighs. She glances at the empty spot on her left ring finger. Was she still expecting to see something there? Is it that obvious?

She sends a quick message to Ash. NEVERMIND JACK IS COMING. U KNOW HIM? Then she's back at her list of contacts, going down to the name Nathan. He deserves to know about his daughter, but... she's not sure she can tell him. She doesn't know if she's ready for the guilt, the blame, and the panic to be thrown around all over again.

Her finger hovers over the CALL button, not pressing, not pulling back.

"Come back soon," Cecilia says. She means it - the idea of being alone here makes her blood run cold.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:10 pm
by Seon
Jack grabbed the shotgun, loaded it, and also dumped a dozen more shells into his pockets.

"I'll be back," Jack said. He went out the front door, locking it behind him in the process.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:38 am
by Laraqua
Jack has managed to grab 16 shells in all. Hopefully it'll be enough or else he might need to venture into the mall to grab some additional bullets from a hunting shop. As he steps outside into the cold, still air, he notices that the steel shutters are still rolled up over the wide glass windows and the neon sign is glowing orange in welcome to Annie's Bar.
Cecilia,Return to your own thread once the shutters are put up but feel free to do one last post as the metal shutters go up as his last image of you.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:53 am
by Kadael
Cecilia closes her phone and shuts her eyes. She'll talk to Ash, to get everything straightened out, and then she'll call Nathan. This is definitely not a convenient way to avoid him. She wouldn't do that. Right.

Jack says he'll be back, but someone wanted him dead. There's probably more where that came from. People don't attack without reason.

Even with the heater going, she feels a chill in the air. Before the shutters go down, she looks out the window and gives him a halfhearted wave. She can't muster enough motivation to smile.
OOC,Oh, Cecilia. You're assuming a person tried to kill him... returning to my thread, then.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:26 am
by Seon
Soo... Car... Or no car? Jack drew out a random card from his tarot deck.

O of swords. "Ehh... Sure, why not?" Jack muttered. He sauntered over to his car and, tryin his best not to touch or look at the corpse, rummaged through his pockets for keys and unlocked the door to the car.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:05 am
by Laraqua
The keys are where they should be and its easy enough to unlock the car. Casting a quick glance into the brightly lit interior of Annie's Bar, he opens the door easily enough. It's not too far to the police station, after all.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:56 am
by Seon
Jack'a mouth twisted back up into a smile as he put the key into the ignition and turned it on. "Who said charging into a police station with a shotgun was a bad idea?" he muttered.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:09 am
by Laraqua
The car doesn't start. It doesn't so much as cough. It's as though the battery were well and truly dead.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:21 am
by Seon
Jack sighed. Just his luck. He kicked open the door to the car.

"Might as well walk to that place there then, eh?" He looked down at his pockets, sighed in disappointment as he realized that he left the kitten in the bar, and then sauntered out. It was a short walk to the police station, so he might as well brave it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:36 am
by Laraqua
The cold air chills him quite completely. To make matters worse, he has to step cautiously around the corpse spattered by his car. The blood smeared prints continue to head across the road into the foggy distance. He could always follow them if he was spoiling for a fight. Otherwise, he can go left or right down the road to find his way to the police station that is north of the resort area. Going west will allow him to get onto Bachman Road which is a relatively long street that curves slightly onto Crichton Street. Follow it north and you'd find the police station is on the corner of Sagan Street and Crichton Street. Alternatively, go east along Craig Street and get onto South Park and followed one of the paths north. Across the road (in the direction of the blood spatters) should be a couple shops with laneways between them that you could use to get into the South Park if you jumped the fence. Across the road, you could also check out the Burger Joint with the cute waitress to see if they're open and if there's anyone inside.

As Jack stands there, drawing a map of Silent Hill in his mind as he figures out which way is best to go, he is struck by both the cold and the silence. It's odd listening to the silence during tourist season. This entire town really isn't making any sense right now.
Maps,You have them of Silent Hill so feel free to google them to take a look at the various areas. [url=]This[/url] map gives you an overview of the area.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:48 am
by Seon
"Alrighty then," Jack muttered. "Eenie...meenie...minie...MO!" He pointed towards the direction of the bloodtrail.

He frowned.

"Haha, very funny, fates," he muttered as he turned towards Craig street. There was no way that he would go to South Park. The craziest things happened there, and there was no way that he would face it. Even with a shotgun.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:00 am
by Laraqua

Jack heads down the street to turn right and ... comes face to face with those funny Fates. A gaping hole in the road is full of chunks of mansonry and gutted pipes that disappears into a yawning void. Even the nearest telephone pole is hanging over it at an angle with wires drooping down into the fog-shrouded emptiness. Well, it looks like he'll have to find another way to go. Of course, interestingly enough, there was no sensation of an earthquake earlier.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:15 am
by Seon
"ALRIGHT. GOD, FINE!" Jack said to nobody in particular.

"Hi, bloodtrails," he said as he walked past his car once more.

"Bye, bloodtrails," he said as he walked towards Bachman Street.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:27 am
by Laraqua
The long road heads down and should switch left onto another street beyond the park but he's barely two dozen yards down the road tears another chasm in the asphalt road that would force him off the road and into the park. Well, unless he wants to grab a boat and see if he can make his way up the river past the crater. That is an unlikely possibility but in this world it might work out. There's a sharp series of barking that comes from somewhere within the park.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:14 am
by Seon
"Hey, bloodtrails, I am back!" Jack said as he sauntered back to his car. "Lesson learned. From now on, when I see a dead body and some bloodtrails, I will know that I was going in the correct direction."

He walked, this time much more carefully, in the general direction of the bloodtrail.
Can't use Invisible Castle right now. You?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:26 am
by Laraqua
The bloody shuffle-prints appear to be larger than anticipated. Wider and larger than his own shoes and the prints suggest the figure was walking on the pads of their feet -- though there's no sign of any toes. The prints wind their way across the asphalt to the burger joint. The door is warped and shredded and half hangs off of the door frame. The 'AEC Burger' Joint's roller screen windows have been pulled down and locked, preventing Jack from seeing inside. The prints seem to go right inside but to the left, just around the building, is a short laneway that heads up to a fence that blocks off the park. From memory, there's a dumpster near that fence as well.
OOC,Nope, but I can make any rolls you want to use for you in the meantime in reality.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:34 am
by Seon
"So if my fates are correct, that is the right way to go," Jack muttered, looking at the doorway to the burger joint. "Naaaah. Naaaaah...." Jack said. "Better not."

Jack walked towards the fences, stepping as silently as possible to avoid alerting...whatever the thing was that was inside the bar.

And the dogs.
Roll a Sneak, please :P

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:39 am
by Laraqua
Jack moves quietly enough through the alleyway though in the absolute silence the odd crack of shoes against asphalt and then concrete still sounds incredibly loud in the quiet. The dumpster is pushed up against the side of the burger joint's brick wall and stands about three feet away from the rear fence. Corrugated iron is hardly quiet but the support strut bars and poles are on this side, at least, so it shouldn't be too difficult to climb over. Climbing over quietly will be a bit more painful, however.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:44 am
by Seon
Alright, Jack grimaced. He checked the shotgun's weight to ensure that it was fully loaded, and then slipped it into his rather deep pockets. "Let's do this."

He reached up towards the bar and then began to pull himself over the fence.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:56 am
by Laraqua
The corrugated iron wobbles loudly against the weakly linked poles and bars as he struggles to hop up and over it. It's only on the second go that he manages to clamber up onto the fence and falls almost headlong over the top of it before catching himself and getting back down on his feet. The bottle of painkillers fall out of one of his pockets and clatters against the ground. There's an answering bark coming from somewhere within the foggy park.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:02 am
by Seon
"Crud," Jack muttered as he scrambled to pick up the bottle of pills. Ditching stealth, he knew th at the dogs could smell him, he began to race across the South Park.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:08 am
by Laraqua
A snarling growl sounds from his right as he takes off at a sprint. A flash of shredded brown dog flesh but then he was past it and it was a dim streak behind him and he knew if he turned around, it'd be on him. It was on his heels but somehow he managed to stay ahead of it. Moments passed and he could hear it gaining on him as he streaked through the foggy woods, dodging around trees and hedges. A bench appears before him but he somehow manages to vault over it and keep on running. The dog comes running up behind him and with a huff launches itself at him and he barely manages to twist out of the way of a set of bandaged jaws that slam shut like a bear trap. He keeps running through the grass and the trees and at some point realises that he's surrounded by silence ... and out of breath. He seems to have lost the dog, but there's no way he can keep moving without stopping for breath. He must be at least halfway through the park but it's hard to be sure with all of this fog. He might even have doubled back on himself in all the excitement.
Well,that was a lot of lucky rolls. Initiative, followed by Jump, then Dodge, then Luck, before finally failing a Con roll.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:17 am
by Seon
Alright, Jack thought. This is officially the worst idea I ever had.

He wearily pulled out a shotgun and scanned his surroundings. He just needed some time to get his bearings.... some time away from the dogs...

He began to sneak through the park in the general direction of the police station, searching for landmarks that he could use to navigate by...
Roll Sneak, Navigate, and Luck, I guess....

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:28 am
by Laraqua
The trees and cement paths all look the same but luckily there's only a couple of different ways the paths can lead. To the rest rooms, the central fountain, the little playground, and the various surrounding roads. Of course, the path he follows leads him directly to the little playground including a swing seat, slippery dip, and rotating cup (alongside a few outdoor gym equipment recently installed for local adults). The tree that overhangs the playground seems to shiver a little as he approaches, the leaves rustling against each other in the still air. Two flickering candles are set into the earth between the exposed roots of the tree, flanking a framed photograph, before which lays some sort of medallion. Its hard to tell from about ten yards away. The playground itself isn't too far from the eastern road.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:38 am
by Seon
"Creepy," Jack muttered. So if his luck so far was to be believed, then the medallion and the creepy picture indicated that he was going the right way.

Jack stepped over to the medallion, looking around wearily, and then examined both the photograph and medallion.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:44 am
by Laraqua
The gold medallion is from Midwich. It seems to be for first place in the Regional Spelling Bee. Jack once competed in that competition. He didn't win, though. The photograph is a blurred out picture of some blond girl's face. It's hard to tell how old she is. Only that she's a blond caucasion. It's impossible to even tell what her expression actually is. The tree branches twitch spasmodically overhead as he picks up the photograph. Something clunks down on his head, bruising his scalp, before smacking down on the grass beside him. A netball?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:53 am
by Seon
Jack immediately raised his shotgun towards the tree. "Who's there?" He said, just loud enough to hear.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:56 am
by Laraqua

A young girl sits on one of the thicker branches overhead. "Don't aim that at me, you weirdo! That's really mean."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:01 am
by Seon
Jack lowered the shotgun, slightly confused. "What are you doing here in the park? It's dangerous out here," he said.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:11 am
by Laraqua
"Dangerous? What do you mean? 'Cause crazy men with shotguns are running around?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:30 am
by Seon
"Yeah, now get down from that tree or I'll riddle you with pellets."


"Nah, I'm just kidding. No, because of the dogs! Didn't you read the papers?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:57 am
by Laraqua
"Dogs? What dogs? I don't see any dogs." She swings her legs and leans back in the branch. "Oh wait! You're that guy ... that one from Annie's Bar. You called me, remember? Earlier? You were looking for Rochelle and you were all threatening and stuff."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:53 pm
by Seon
"Ahh... Yes, Cynthia! I remember! How have you been?" Jack said. "Well, you have to know that I had a crazy morning. Some guy took away my car batteries."

He frowned. "Speaking of which, you never answered if Rochelle was nearby."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:58 pm
by Laraqua
"Nope, haven't seen her," said the girl. "I don't see many people around anyway. This is town so dead!" She groans and mock swoons into a boredom faint, almost falling off her branch, and steadying herself at the last minute. "Oh wait, did ya hear? There's this totally cool author who's come into town. I just have to get his autograph! Have you seen him around?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:50 pm
by Seon
"Ummm.... No, but I guess that he would be around a bookstore or a hotel or something if he comes... Say, have you noticed that some roads seem to have mysteriously disappeared as if a giant monster took a bite out of them?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:53 pm
by Laraqua
"No, I haven't seen nothing like that," she said with a shrug. "Are you high? I hear that grown ups like to pop special tic tacs some time. Or eat white flowers or whatever it is that Claudia makes."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:15 pm
by Seon
"They wha?" Jack said. "Nevermind. I don't want to know."

"Say. You look like a bright kid. Do you know the way to the police station?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:55 am
by Laraqua
"You look big enough and hairy enough to sort out your own problems." She scampers down the tree. "Say, have you seen a little girl around? Blond? About this tall?" She holds her hand out as though indicating someone around her own height.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:25 am
by Seon
"I am looking at one right now," Jack said.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:39 am
by Laraqua
"Not me, silly!" She shakes her head irritably. "You people are no help!" At that, she turns and runs off into the fog-shrouded park, heading further towards the middle.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:23 am
by Seon
Jack sighed, twirling his shotgun. "Girls," he muttered. "She'll be alright, though."

Jack stared at the medallion, a tiny little shrine, for a couple more seconds before turning towards the road. "So that would Acadia road, right? So I just have to follow that north until Wein Street ends and then take a left and I should be at the police station in no time."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:37 am
by Laraqua
There's no chasm to split the road from the rest of the location and he steps onto Acadia Road easily enough. Houses line the street on the other side, interspersed with shops. In the distance, he can hear dogs barking and snarling. He's not free yet. There's a car sitting in the middle of the road with the passenger side door still open. There's blood spatters on the seaat.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:40 am
by Seon
He walked over to the car. If there is blood on the seat, then it must have meant that the owner of the car was jumped while being in it. That meant that the keys were most likely still in there...

If he could just get into the car and avoid whatever it is that killed the driver, than he could avoid the dogs and arrive at the police station more quickly!

"Hang on," Jack suddenly said. "That's probably not the normal reaction to seeing a bloodied car."

He looked around. No witnesses. Jack shrugged.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:50 am
by Laraqua
The car is most assuredly empty of people or hungry dogs. There does seem to be a set of keys still sticking into the ignition. The driver also dropped her license onto the car seat when they had gotten jumped. But normally such things were normally kept in purses or wallets. Why would it have been in the victim's hand when they'd died? There's no sign of any creatures around the car though the barking from the direction of the park seems to be getting closer.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:55 am
by Seon
Jack quickly slammed shut the door and scrambled for the keys to turn on the car.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:59 am
by Laraqua
There's no sound in the engine. Is the battery dead here as well?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:02 am
by Seon
"Well, this is funny, isn't it, EH?!" Jack said. He glanced down at the license to read the name of the victim, moved over to the backseat, and stared out the back window, shotgun in hand.

"Come on..." Jack said. "Come onn...."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:21 am
by Laraqua
Melissa Fielke. Apparently she lived at 12 Acadia Street. That'd be just down the road on the corner of Acadia Street and Cielo Avenue. And the car keys would also have her house key on them. So he can always go inside there, worse came to worse.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:22 am
by Seon
How close are the barks right now?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:25 am
by Laraqua
The fog seems to distort noises somewhat but they're not within sight and that's probably as good as he's going to get. At least if he can't see them, they can't see him. Right?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:28 am
by Seon
They are dogs! They can smell!
Jack growled then opened the door quickly, nearly tumbling out of the car. The dogs were bound to catch up any time soon, and he wasn't going to allow that to happen.

He ran again. It was harder with a shotgun in his hands, but at least the road would keep him in the right path.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:34 am
by Laraqua
It was only a few dozen yards down Acadia Road when it would meet Cielo Avenue, when he saw the shattered road up ahead that blocked off that intersection. No. 12 Acadia Road (judging by the mailbox) leaned drunkenly partly over the edge but still remained mostly on front yard and safety. The dogs barked behind him, sounding like they'd just picked up his scent.
Hush you,I'm sure you'll be fine! Besides, in this still air, who could smell a thing? :P

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:41 am
by Seon
"Okay, now you are just screwing with me," Jack said to nobody in particular.

He ran over to No. 12 Acadia road and then quickly fumbled through the keys to get into the house.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:55 am
by Laraqua
Jack hears a snarl, too close behind him, and the patter of paws rushing up behind him. The key clatters against the edges of the hole but his anxiety keeps it from snapping straight inside. The creature is close, real close, leaving him with few choices. Face it, or hope like hell he can get the key in the hole, and himself on the other side of that door before the dog reaches him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:58 am
by Seon
I have higher luck score than shotgun score...soo....
"Damnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnitdamnit!" Jack muttered as he heard the paws close in on him. He continued to fumble at the keys, hoping desperately for the doors to open.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:05 am
by Laraqua
The key strikes the edge and he fumbles his grip on it. The key is lodged in the lock, he hasn't dropped it, but he managed to lose his grip on the key in the lock and it takes him another moment to grab it again and turn it unlocked. There's a snarl behind him and he barely manages to dodge out of the way as the creature slams past him onto the door just as he twitches the door knob. The dog hits the door, swinging it open, and lands inside, before whipping around, its bandaged maw pulling open with a sickening tearing sound as the stitching finally came loose and its bottom jaw flaps open.

Sanity check, Succeeded.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:08 am
by Seon
Jack whipped up his shotgun at the creature and fired once as he quickly walked into the house, kicking the door shut behind him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:13 am
by Laraqua
The shotgun blast tears through the dull wallpaper above the creature's head. It snaps those bleeding jaws and lunges forward, grabbing hold of his arm and shredding muscle and skin between its powerful jaws. The pain hits a moment later. Sharp agony that tears all the way up his left arm. It swings its head savagely until he manages to wrench his arm free. His arm hurts, but not so badly that he can't still fire his shotgun again. At least the door's shut behind him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:17 am
by Seon
"ARGH!" Jack cried out. "YOU FREAKING... You just earned yourself a world of trouble!"

He aimed his shotgun and fired one more time.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:30 am
by Laraqua
The shotgun blast catches the dog dead center and spatters the wall with blood and gore. The dog utters a broken howl through the tears in its throat and muzzles, gushing with bubbling blood. It flops to the ground and spasms, sending gouts of blood spraying across his pants, coat, and the walls around them.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:33 am
by Seon
Jack dropped the shotgun and pulled out his switchblade. "Dying already? Well, I am not done with you yet!"

He reached out with both his hands and grappled at the creature, intent on ending its life.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:38 am
by Laraqua
The dog jerks in his arms, its wide blue eyes staring up at him, rolling in the sockets, seeming almost human in its inhuman and brutalised body. Pus-soaked bandages scrape his fingers as he grabs it, pressing the switchblade to its throat and...

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:45 am
by Seon
"Having fun yet, puppy?" Jack muttered. "Well, all good things have to come to an end... goodbye."

He plunged the knife into the creature's throat, seeking to entirely rip apart its windpipes rather than merely slit it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:49 am
by Laraqua
The rubbery throat resists the blade but with a few quick wriggles of the blade he manages to make a real mess of things. It doesn't appear to have any windpipe, truly.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:52 am
by Seon
"Ehh? What?" Jack said, slightly confused. "How do you... what is... GRRRR... JUST DIE!"

Jack kept on stabbing the creature in random places, twisting the knife a few times.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:11 am
by Laraqua
The creature sputters more blood onto his clothing from its mangled muzzle and then falls limp.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:15 am
by Seon
"Glad that that's over," Jack said, getting up. The arm still hurt like hell, but he was holding up fine now.

"Now, what do we have here..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:21 am
by Laraqua
It looks like a rather ordinary home. The door to the left is open and reveals a living room with a static-ridden television with a small football trophy on top of it that seems familiar. Didn't he have a football trophy just like it? He has some very vague memories of a little boy's room. The two doors to the right are jammed when he tries the knob. The rearmost door opens into a kitchen / dining room that seems to be decorated in blue streamers - though he can't make out much else from where he's standing.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:33 am
by Seon
Jack moved into the kitchen, picking the shotgun back up. There had to be a backdoor out of this place somewhere... some place for him to get out on the streets and back on his way to the police station.

He had to make it there before the situation went even more out of hand.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:09 am
by Laraqua
The kitchen seems all set for a birthday party, decked out in blue streamers with a blueberry cheesecake on the square dining table with HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on it in blueberries. There's milkshakes and blue paper, alien print plates at each setting. A basket full of poppers. There's also a small pile of prizes on the kitchen counter. A back door leads outside.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:19 pm
by Seon
Jack shook his head slightly sadly at the entire scene and headed towards the back door. If he was lucky, than the door would hopefully drop him off somewhere beyond the cracked streets, allowing him to continue on towards the police station.

"Well, no point dilly-dallying, I suppose," Jack muttered.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:13 am
by Laraqua
The backyard is a blur of grass with a swing set in the middle, beyond which the world fades into fog once more. There's bound to be a fence beyond the foggy border and if he jumps the fence line to his right (or climbs it) he should end up on Cielo Street. At least the dogs from the park shouldn't be able to follow him through the house to get past the crater so he might even be home free on his way to the police station. Maybe.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:27 am
by Seon
Jack loaded the shotgun once more and then downed a couple of pills from the bottle of pain-killers. If he climbed over that fence, he would be at Cielo Street. If he followed it west until the end, turned right, and kept on going, he should be able to reach the police station.

But then again, nothing ever went according to plan so far. Perhaps he shouldn't push his luck.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:38 am
by Laraqua
The painkillers don't do a hell of a lot but they do take the edge off. The foggy yard seems to beckon to him with tendrils of fog. Perhaps he should also make sure the chasm doesn't extend down the road when he climbs the fence. The last thing he wants to do is drop down into nothingness. At least he can't hear the dogs just now.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:36 pm
by Seon
Jack moved over to the fence and looked beyond.

"Just how wide is this crater anyways?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:01 pm
by Laraqua
Taking a look over the fence reveals a wide, grassy footpath, the occasional tree, and the asphalt of the road. It looks fairly intact here. In fact, because of how thick the fog is, he can't really make out where the crater begins because he can't so much as see the corner. At least the coast looks clear. So long as he can make it over the fence he should be home free. Taking another look around, Jack notices a side gate set into the fence. Well, this just got a whole hell of a lot easier considering his injuries.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:39 pm
by Seon
Jack let out a cough. "I better... get something from the hospital before I get to the police station," he muttered. Hang on. How did the painkillers affect him so quickly? Nah, better not dwell on it.

He lurched over to the side gate and opened it, leaving behind a bloody handprint. He looked at it apprehensively for a couple of seconds before walking west.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:03 am
by Laraqua
Cielo Avenue. Leaves hang limply on the trees that line the streets. Cars sit parked by the side of the road, abandoned. White letter box after white letter box. All faded and dull rather than the rich white of a recent paint job as they should have appeared. He turns down Ash Road and then left onto Midway Avenue, past the Lumber Yard, and right onto Canyon Street. There should have been a driveway to lead up to the courtyard that flanks Alchemilla Hospital, where all of the patients come to linger and smoke and pretend it's not going to kill them faster. Instead, there's metal sheeting bolted onto scaffolding that disappears up into the foggy sky. Well, at least there's a Pharmacy on the left just before Koontz Street. Everything is quiet. So very quiet. And so very still. Only the slowly roiling fog seems to provide any motion at all. Something flaps past from its roost, leaving a telephone wire jangling behind it. At least there are still birds here. That's got to be a good sign. Right? Jack could always attempt to find a gap in the sheeting, or prize it loose, or simply head to the Pharmacy if he wants medication. Otherwise, Simmons Street, which is a quick right on Midway Avenue, will take him to Sagan Street the fastest, and just left down that street is the police station.
OOC,a successful Navigate roll there.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:58 am
by Seon
"This is quiet," Jack said. "Almost too quiet..."

He whirled around and then aimed the shotgun downed the street. Nothing. Disappointed, Jack lowered the shotgun. "Oooh! Pharmacy! I wonder if they would have more of these pills."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:07 am
by Laraqua

The pharmacy looks as run down as everything else does now. Town Hall demanded that people repainted their buildings and repaired their signs with ridiculous frequency but right now it all looked faded and abandoned. There were cloth roller blinds partially rolled down but the glass door, at least, was unbarred. Through the glass, he could see the gloomy interior of a ransacked pharmacy. Most of the shelves were empty, or nearly so, and the odd packet of drugs or bottle of pills lay on the floor. He could vaguely make out the white counter on the other side where the cash register would sit. It seems empty enough though it's hard to be sure.
Show,Yup. I know! And you have such a low chance of succeeding in it. Damn bartenders... I'm gonna play a bartender in my next Cthulhu game.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:33 am
by Seon
"Interestiiiing... Man, I wonder what happened to this town?"

Jack opened the glass doors and stepped into the pharmacy. "Well, guess it's time to loot the place more. Why not?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:44 am
by Laraqua
The air is cool and damp within the pharmacy. Speckles of mould appear to be growing across the ceiling. There's no real way to make out what half of the bottles are without a flashlight but, luckily, Jack has one on him. Most of the medicine still on the shelving includes dangerous out-of-date (by several years) cough syrup, paracetemol brands, hay fever medication, and a surprising amount of contraceptives. Oral contraceptives, spemacides, and condoms, there seem to be more contraceptives than anything else in here. The good stuff would be behind the counter on the shelves lining the rear wall or in the fridge behind the counter.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:01 am
by Seon
Jack tossed the bottle of spermicide behind his back and let it break against the wall. "Well, let me see..." he looked at the counter. It was just sitting there. Inviting him to get closer. The fridge would be a likely place to find *something* in, but would it be anything that he want?

If his luck today was going to continue on like before, something nasty would be hiding inside it.

He walked over to the fridge, opened it, and then aimed the shotgun into the thing.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:18 am
by Laraqua

The fridge still has its power although, sadly enough, the air inside the fridge - while cool - is warmer than the air in the room. That explains why his breath has been coming out in little puffs of white cloud. If not for his trenchcoat, he'd probably be shivering from the cold. Inside the fridge sits two Health Drinks and the severed head of a dalmation. The Health Drinks seem to beckon to him somewhat. Had he heard of them before? Had he taken one as a child? Well, they're behind the counter so they'd have to be the good stuff.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:36 am
by Seon
He took both of the bottles of health drinks. He may need one soon anyways. Not now though. He had no comment for the dalmatian head. For all he cared, all dogs in this world had to die anyways.

"Well, adieu them," Jack said, leaving the pharmacy. "Now where's that darn police station..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:38 am
by Laraqua
Jack crosses the road onto Midway Avenue and then turns a quick right on Simmons Street. Still cold, still quiet, but at least it shouldn't take too long to get to the police station. Heck, he could jog there from here. A glass bottle shatters somewhere behind him and to the west down Midway Avenue and he hears a woman's voice snap: "Now you'll get what you deserve!" The woman sounds familiar, and important, but he can't for the life of him place who it is. Still, that doesn't mean he has to investigate. He could always continue onward.
Curse it,I'd already posted a response for this but it's missing.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:53 am
by Seon
Jack frowned. Another person in this godforsaken town? She seemed to be in trouble too? Something hadn't been adding up since this morning, and that was now just the icing on the bloody cake.

He silenced his footsteps and began to walk towards the source of the noise.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:58 am
by Laraqua

Jack turned right onto Midway Avenue and started along the road past Dai Dai Restaurant. A static discharge seemed to fill the air, setting the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck on edge. Something was off here. Something certainly wasn't right. He couldn't hear any dogs barking or anything else, for that matter. No more words. No more shouts. No more breaking glass. Parked outside the restaurant, though, was a car with its boot still open. In the back seemed to be a box of mint condition horror novels, from what he can see. But the noise itself likely came from further down the road ... right where the bad feeling is at its strongest.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:07 am
by Seon
Jack's eyes narrowed and his face formed a serious glare. He silently backed away from the source of the static and turned back towards the police station. There was no longer any need for him to investigate it further. Anything with this much amount of presence couldn't be good for his health.

It was somebody else's problem now.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:14 am
by Laraqua
Jack turned back and felt the presence die away as he walked. He headed back down Simmons Street, passing a number of shops from Cafe Sun to Steak and Brew Burger, until he reached Sagan Street. No crater broke up his path. It looked like he'd have a clear run to the police station if he wanted it. He crossed the street so that he was on the right side of the road passing Casts, Noltemi & C., Fans, and a Contrast shop as he went. Things were quiet again. No gun shots. No screams. Whoever that woman was and wherever she went, she was doing it quietly.

The telephone wires above his head swung slightly, as though something had just flown past, or perhaps flown off of them. More birds. Hopefully.


Here at last. The door has been replaced with a thick stone door with a coin insert where the door should be. The only thing is that the coin slot is much larger than a regular coin. Perhaps something else goes inside it? Of course, why would anyone replace the police door with this thing?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:39 am
by Seon
Well, if there was one thing that he learned from the cop shows, it was that police car was a keyless vehicle. He walked over to the police car and softly pulled on the door.

If that didn't work, well, there was the good old lockpicks he bought.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:41 am
by Laraqua
The car door opened revealing a warm interior. It seems like someone must've left the heater on until a short time ago because it is very toasty inside. It also has a pine scented smell to it from the pine deoderiser hanging from the rearview mirror. There looks to be something hanging off the steering wheel. A blue medal with an icon of a swimmer on it. There's also a large, bulging, evidence envelope on the passenger side seat.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:44 am
by Seon
"Aaaah, a working car! Finally," Jack muttered. He took the medal from the steering wheel and then examined it closely before putting it back into his pockets.

He also took the evidence envelope, opened it, and began to read the notes.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:50 am
by Laraqua
The evidence envelope's notes detail: 17/05/2011 : PTV : Possessed by: Daniel Weasley : Arresting Officer: Constable Merric Hughes. The bag contains a clear plastic bag containing about two ounces of the hallucinogenic. Jack has heard that it causes mild memory loss and erratic, often manic, behavior in high doses. In low doses, it generates mild feelings of euphoria alongside the hallucinations. There are no other notes within the evidence envelope.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:01 am
by Seon
"Ohh... Yes, I remember..." Jack mused. "This kind of explains why Cecie couldn't remember me. Oh well," he dropped the folder where he found it.

"Gotta be something else that I could use," He muttered as he began to dig through the car's glove compartments.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:07 am
by Laraqua
There's a rather hefty flashlight, a folded map of the police station, and a small radio that can be clipped to your shirt within the glove box. As you reach in to see if there's anything else, the radio chirrups at you. "Hello there!" says a cheerful man's voice. "Sergeant Wilkins here. Who's that out there?" The name sounds familiar but you really can't place who it is. "Do you have the medals?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:05 pm
by Seon
Jack clipped the radio into his shirt, grabbed the map, andstarted to read through it.

"Bzzz. This is...4114," Jack said tothe radio as he read the map. "Yes, I do have the medals. What do you need'em for?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:33 pm
by Laraqua
"Good, good, the game show's about to begin," Sergeant Wilkins said in an overly excited tone. "Only the winning contestants can come inside to collect their prizes. There are three questions. You play by dropping the right answer into that door over there!"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:41 pm
by Seon

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:47 pm
by Laraqua
"Contact me when you can answer all three questions. Over and out."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:03 pm
by Seon
"By God, where am I supposed to find a third medal?!" Jack shouted into the radio. Jack tsked, moved onto the driver's seat of the car, then turned the car on.
If This works, I am heading for the Alchemilla hospital

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:04 pm
by Laraqua
The engine doesn't so much as cough in response. Neither does the radio do much but reveal gentle static. Wherever he's going, it's on foot.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 11:13 pm
by Seon
"Right, because you can't drive in the bloody Olympics. Everything has to be on foot. Well, you know what? As soon as I get back to the bar, I'm going to make a cardboard tank. It will be fully mobile, stealthy, silent, tough, and have virtually no carbon footprint in this world. Unlike real tanks." He left the car. "UNLIKE YOU!" he kicked the car once in the tire.

"Maybe there'll be more shotgun shells or handcuffs or something cool like that in the trunk though," Jack briefly wondered.
Check the trunk then go to the hospital!

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:17 am
by Laraqua
Jack struggled with the locked boot, getting close to knocking the tumblers into place, but never quite getting there. Finally, frustrated, he turns toward Crichton Street where Alchemilla Hospital lies. The only trouble is that the static patch that had disturbed him so much had occured directly in front of the hospital. As he ponders this, he hears nothing but a blast of angry static coming from the radio. He hasn't switched it off just yet. There isn't that static electricity feeling he had gotten near Alchemilla earlier. Just a sudden burst of noise.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:34 am
by Seon
He quickly switched off the radio. No need to announce his presence just yet.

He opened the door to the hospital. He smiled. It seemed like... A familiar place... For some reason. Almost as if... He was born here. Wait, that's true. He was born here.

"The emergency room... Where is the emergency room?" he wondered. It had to be somewhere in the first floor, right?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:59 am
by Laraqua
Hide,You jumped a bit. I said you were facing a road, not yet there. The static burst is actually because a monster was approaching you from behind but you hadn't heard its steps. I'll assume that you broke into a run without realising it was there (thus leaving it behind as it's slower than you) and describe what you see.
Jack switched off the radio and burst into a jog, already imagining what it'd be like when he got there. As he rushes down Crichton Street, knowing full well that he'll have energy to spare as it's really not all that far, he notices that the sky is darkening slowly around him so that, by the time he reached the corner of Crichton and Koontz Street, the world around him was so dark he needed his flashlight to see in front of him. The road ahead caved away into nothingness for as far as his flashlight could penetrate the foggy gloom. A footpath continued on through the left, hugging this side of the road, but there doesn't appear to be a way toward the hospital. The other side of Crichton Street, where Konami Burger stands, also has a footpath that continues southward, but the asphalt next to it is gone and replaced by a chasm that flanks the hospital. A droplet of moisture hit his face. Then another and another. Cold and wet water. It was starting to rain.

He's still standing on the corner of Crichton Street and Koontz Street. He can head on down along the sidewalk on his right to see how far it stretches and, worse comes to worse, get back onto Midway Avenue. Or he could follow the Koonts Street sidewalk and see if he can find the entrance that way or even if there's some sign of whoever made that noise on that road. Or he could head back up Crichton Street back towards the police station.

It also occurs to him that if he ever speaks to Cecilia again, or anyone else he runs into, it might be worthwhile comparing notes on any destroyed roads she's found. That way he can find his way around them.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:20 am
by Seon
He clicked the radio back on. He may as well investigate the Koonts street again now. Maybe the medals were hiding under that conspicuous box of horror novels.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:30 am
by Laraqua
The radio made a slight hiss of static but nothing more as he made his way down the sidewalk. It's disconcerting to walk alongside a cliff down the middle of what used to be a familiar street. He passes by Thrifty Records which appears as empty and lifeless as most of the buildings he's passed. Beyond that is another blank store and beyond that is Andy's Book Store. Andy was a man who preferred Jack's way of making cocktails. Deeply alcoholic. He'd owned that book store since Jack was a small child ... perhaps longer. A cursory flash of his flashlight reveals that torn pages have been ripped out of several books and taped to the walls. The door itself was barricaded from the inside. Beyond that is the corner of Wilson Street and Koontz Street. Just past the Wilson Street turn off is Restaurant Dai Dai and the car with the box of books. The static from the radio grows subtly louder and he can vaguely make out a sound like a man's wheezing.
Sanity Roll,1/1d4 sanity damage. Why? Because of all the crap you've been dealing with should give you a slight hit by now. Disappearing roads, giant scaffolding, a police station door with a coin slot, and the sudden darkness...

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:45 am
by Seon
"Who's there?" Jack yelled, raising his shotgun.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:58 am
by Laraqua
The radio static blares louder and he can hear the vague wheezes a bit more clearly now. He realises, just in time, that that there's something coming from behind him. He whirls around (I'm guessing) in time to see a creature clothed in tattered excess skin like skin fabric hanging like a loose, ripped coat. Its left wrists erupts into a triangular protrusion of glistening bone, its face is blank but for a sucking mouth, and it staggers back and forth drunkenly, before charing towards Jack.
Remember,to make that Environmental Sanity Roll! I think Sanity rolls should be one of the things that players get to roll. If you fail, you take 1d4 sanity damage. If you succeed, you only take 1. You'll also need to make a Sanity Roll for seeing this thing clearly - which is 0 / 1d6 sanity damage. If you lose 5 sanity damage in a single hit, you'll go temporarily insane but unless I roll a 1 on a d10 I have handy I'll have the insanity rear its head AFTER the adrenaline-fueled killing of this creature as SH monsters are more, well, sanity shrieking horrors rather than literal manifestations of shouldn't-be non-reality and therefore it hits normal psychological buttons rather than causing you to speak gibberish and beat your head against the wall while it kills you.
Guns,Oh, and shoot to hit and damage while you're at it. A shotgun deals 3d6 damage, remember, so a butt ton. Enjoy!

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:03 am
by Seon
Jack was shrugging off the weird town's influence when he saw he creature behind him.

He blinked at the creature before his face contorted to that of incredible fury.

"YOU!" Jack yelled. "You again?! Who do you think's going to clean up the freaking bar from your freaking intestines, huh?! Rochelle?!"

He aimed a shot dead center at the creature's torso and fired once, punching a hole clean throuh it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:10 am
by Laraqua
The creature's momentum meant it pitched forward but this time Jack was ready for it and stepped aside. It landed, flopping and shaking, not far from the crater's edge. It lay there, gurgling, yellow bile streaking from its gaping maw. The radio continues hissing loud static at him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:16 am
by Seon
"And then blood! Do you know how difficult it is to get blood out of the damn bar? Do you know how much money it's going to cost to fix that freaking dent in the car?!"

Jack kicked the creature once or twice. "And murder! You murdered a guy too! But most importantly you were the one who's been sabotaging the cars round here, eh?! Well, I'll shove you down this crater! Send me a post card once you are down there! Don't come running back out!"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:18 am
by Laraqua
While it's relatively heavy and blubbery, it's easy enough to shove it off the edge of the cliff, even as its twitching slowed under the heavy weights of his shoes. Unfortunately, while he avoided it hitting him this time, he's still covered in more than enough blood from the first encounter ... and the dog. Heck, some of the blood was even his.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:21 am
by Seon
"And let that be a lesson for you all!" Jack shouted down the crater.

"Now where was I? Oh right. Where was that box of horror novels..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:36 am
by Laraqua
Jack continues down the sidewalk and finds that the crater ends just past Wilson Street in front of Restaurant Dai Dai to find no sign of the car. The box of books sits by the side of the road. Glass shatters right behind his ear. Turning, his boots crunch broken glass from what looks to be some sort of milk bottle broken on the ground. It looks well-trodden, though, so it doesn't seem like anyone's thrown at him. Turning back to the box he can see that the books are mouldy with faded covers that prevent Jack from telling whose novels they were or what they were called. At least, not the ones on the top of the box and not by their covers.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:44 am
by Seon
Jack spilled the contents of the box onto the floor and began to dig thorough it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:47 am
by Laraqua
A medallion for the Midwich Debating Team on a bright yellow ribbon falls out on top of a pile of old, manky and mouldy books. At least the static from his radio has largely died down to a low hum. Now if he heads back up Wilson Street onto Sagan Street, he'll be able to do the competition and get into the police station and hopefully find Ash.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:53 am
by Seon
"There we go, finally!" Jack mumbled. Jack quietly slipped the medal into his pockets and began to trot back to the police station, breaking into a sprint whenever the radio began to screech at him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:02 am
by Laraqua
Jack makes it to the police station without so much as being puffed. Luckily, it wasn't very far away. As he approaches the police station 'doors', the radio crackles to life again and a voice remarks: "Hello there! Sergeant Wilkins here. Who's that out there? Do you have the medals?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:52 pm
by Seon
"Yes, I have the medals," Jack muttered. "Let's get this over with."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:57 pm
by Laraqua
The voice crackles back into focus as he pulls out the medals. A Spelling Bee Medal, a Swimming Medal, and a Regional Debating Team medal. "Jack Fifer's family moved him away at a rather tender age, but while he remained in Silent Hill, what medal did Jack Fifer most hope to win?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:58 pm
by Seon
Jack inserted the medal for the debate contest into the slot.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:24 am
by Laraqua
The coin is accepted with a tinkling sound as it falls through the slot. "Very good!" boomed Sergeant Williams through the radio. In this silence, monsters for miles around must be able to hear him. "Next we have a question on an author whose skill with the pen has all of Silent Hill flustered as he unearths old skeletons and dresses them in fancy fiction. Which medal should he have received upon his return, if a certain doctor hadn't pissed off a nurse, of course."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:19 am
by Seon
Jack inserted he swimming medal into the slot.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:22 am
by Laraqua
"Hehe, you thought that was a trick question, didn't you? Well, the final question is: What is the one sport all neglected children should ignore at their own peril?" asked Sergeant Williams, his voice lowering as though he relished that last line.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:24 am
by Seon
"...oh shit," Jack said.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:27 am
by Seon
Jack growled out a small note of frustration before shoving the spelling bee medal into the slot.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:37 am
by Laraqua
The medal is accepted just as all the others had been. "Oh no," said Sergeant Williams. "You only got 1 out of the 3 questions right. This means you won a prize. Unfortunately, it's not one you would have chosen for yourself. That's okay, though. I'm sure a man of your bearing should be able to find his way through easily enough. Personally, all I can say is, who writes these things? I just found the details on my desk. No matter. We'll meet soon, I'm sure. Good luuuuck." His voice snaps off the radio, leaving that vague crackling sound.

There's sudden movement overhead and Jack looks up. He doesn't realise what hits him before it does and thus doesn't manage to get out of the way. The first thing he notices is that he's on the ground. The next is that he's got a splitting head ache and there's liquid running down his face. Then the headache gets worse, the world blurs, and it's as though a migraine were suddenly flaring from all of his skull at once. Like the fragments of skull were broken and torn. That's when he notices that the key to the door is lying a bare foot away. Unfortunately, that key happens to be a sledgehammer. And it left him very hurt.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:46 am
by Seon
Jack lost more than half his HP in one blow. That means he is... Unconscious, no? :P[

Assuming that I am not.../spoiler]

"I... Am going to end you... If I meet you," Jack muttered. He downed two bottles of the health drinks. He didn't know what it was, but it was refreshing so it had to be good. Screw the Dalmatian head.

He took up the sledgehammer and started to beat the door.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:57 am
by Laraqua
Hide,Jack's not unconscious, no. There are reasons for this.
The health drinks barely managed to take the edge off but at least the agony had dulled to a mere mild migraine which, alongside his shredded arm, meant he was still feeling quite injured. Still, his pain and anger gave him strength and he managed to crack the concrete on his first swing. The second swing did little to nothing. He was starting to tire already and his radio was starting to crackle louder. The third blow managed to dislodge large chunks of concrete, revealing the untouched glass police doors beyond it. His radio blasted static at him with that vague wheezing sound from before. Thefinal blow broke the rest free. Now the radio is really crackling loudly. He can even hear the shuffling steps behind him. The handle, thankfully, is unlocked. Will he head inside or turn to face what's coming?
Hide,I made it a Strength vs. 12 Resistance Activity. It seemed appropriate.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:01 am
by Seon
"Screw you all to hell!" Jack yelled as he pulled the door open and ran inside, intending to close shut the door behind him before any creature of the darkness managed to break through.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:13 am
by Laraqua

The door slams safely shut behind him, leaving something heavy to body slam against it, making it shake in its frame, but the door stayed undamaged. The radio static soon returns to its usual audible hiss, leaving Jack to survey the room. There's a vending machine to his left selling cold drinks and two television sets above the counter that is part of the new renovations designed to not only expand the police station but also to help put people at ease and calm them down while they wait for news on their missing loved ones. Silent Hill has always had a higher than average missing persons rate for a town of its size. Considering the number of tourists, there's a chance it was actually higher still.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:19 am
by Seon
Jack limped over to the cold drink vending machine and began to search through it's catalogue for more health drinks while he tried to search for the armory on his map of the police station.

"Let's dance, monsters and cops. Let's dance..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:22 am
by Laraqua
It seems to be your usual Coca Cola vending machine. There are no Health Drinks but there is Mother - an energy drink. Maybe that would help? At the very least, it'd reduce the fatigue. Police stations are also bound to have a first aid kit somewhere around here. There's no Armory listed on the map, unfortunately. And the map seems to be only for one floor.


Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:25 am
by Seon
Storage- that had to be good for storing something in. He left the vending machine to it's own device and began to walk down the hallway with the sledgehammer.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:33 am
by Laraqua
The corridor seemed empty enough though it's the shadowy recesses seems to repel the light from his flashlight. Regrettably, a person can't hold a flashlight and swing a sledgehammer, or fire a shotgun, at the same time without difficulty (say, -20% as it's a small flashlight). If he could find some way to attach the flashlight to himself, he'd be in much better condition. It's not so bad in the reception area as the vending machine lights and television provides a creepy glow that is enough to see by but that's doubtless to remain in the other rooms. As he heads toward the corridor, he notices a blood smear leading from the left-most corridor to end somewhere behind the counter. He also notices that one television screen seems to be showing the blank Public Emergency slide while the other seems to have vague imagery in the static that is difficult to make out while walking away. The right passageway, however, appears clear and he reaches the door easily enough. The door handle is moist and cold between his fingers. Cracking open the door and flashing the light within reveals a stubby, grimy corridor. Approaching the Storage Door finds that it's locked.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:36 am
by Seon
Manually override the door.

With the sledgehammer.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:47 am
by Laraqua
The sledgehammer hits the wooden door and rebounds in his hands like he'd just hit a granite stone. It would seem ridiculous if not for the sudden gaping, random chasms in the road, recent decay, and near total lack of people during a resort town's tourist season that he's had to deal with thus far. Even the knob is unaffected if he targets it. Jack gets the strange feeling that perhaps he's being led by the nose - or rather, the string of keys - to where he needs to go. Or, perhaps, if Silent Hill allowed itself to get so easily damaged, all of the buildings would be in a lot worse condition. Maybe. There's only one way to be sure.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:56 am
by Seon
Jack sighed and returned to the lobby. Maybe it was time to investigate the bloodtrail once more. Then he could examine what he saw in the television set.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:09 am
by Laraqua
Jack heads out past three doors on his left into the main reception foyer. The blood trail seemed to stretch from between the women's toilets to behind the reception desk. Coming closer to the desk, Jack notices a Health Drink sitting next to the computer. A couple sheets of paper lie beside the keyboard. There's blood spatter across the door behind the desk and across the noticeboard but he can't tell what might have caused it. The Wanted Posters, Information Posters, and Missing Persons Posters are all dull and faded on the wall opposite the vending machine.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:39 am
by Seon
Jack popped open the health drink and sat on the counter as he examined the papers in detail, occasionally eyeing the blood trails leading up to the woman's bathroom. Once he studied the papers to a certain detail, he began to move towards the woman's bathroom.

Jack then, ever so quietly, opened the door.
Rolled for Sneak.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:56 am
by Laraqua
The papers say some interesting things that would doubtless frighten Cecilia if she read them:

The Bogeyman - A Child's Nursery Rhyme
This is a nursery rhyme that's been spreading throughout the playgrounds and streets of Silent Hill like wildfire since the 1890s. While the wording sometimes changes, the essential meaning remains the same. No one knows who invented it nor who is continuing it but it has to be the longest children's poem to survive for a very long while. Perhaps that's why the old principal used to mutter it to herself at Brookhaven.

Where is Steven, mommy? He can't play and I'm sad.
You mustn't, ask my darling - Steven has been bad.
Billy too, and Sally? Did they do something wrong?
I'm afraid it's true, child - all your friends are gone.
Beware of he who took them- he goes by many names.
The Bogeyman, the Shadow One, but all are he, the same.
For every sin a child has, must be a punishment to bear.
Your friends are now beyond our reach: trapped deep within his lair.
Remember to always behave, for sins he won't abide.
He wields a rusty, jagged blade, to cut out your insides.
The lying little children, with souls selfish and small,
Will find their wriggling tongues cut out, and nailed to his wall.
And if they take what is not theirs, there can be no doubt
He'll stretch their skin until it snaps, and all the blood drains out.
The bullies and their spiteful wrath will find torment as well.
Soon he will strike them where they stand and drag them into hell.
Child, you must obey your parents: do everything they say.
Little ones who do otherwise, he tortures in the flames.
Beatings cleanse the soul, they say, and that is what he'll do.
If you don't control your anger then you'll feel his anger too.
You are your brother's keeper, remember it always.
Or else, the Bogeyman will chain you underneath the waves.
And while good children live, bad ones cannot escape their fate.
For once your hear his screeching wail, it's already too late.
So do not cry aloud at night stay hidden in your bed...
Or the Bogeyman from Silent Hill will come chop off your head.

The bathroom door squeaks open to reveal a bloodsmeared set of black-and-white tiles that lead into the second to last stall (there are three). The mirrored glass is cracked in a strangely obscure pattern that seems important somehow.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:03 am
by Seon
Jack studied the pattern for a few seconds, trying to remember what the pattern could possibly mean. He then walked over to the second stall and...

opend it.
Rolled for Occult.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:09 am
by Laraqua
The pattern seemed to give him a partial headache but it did mean something. It was a flawed design intended to disrupt negative supernatural forces and protect those reflected in its image from attacks. Of course, it obviously didn't work. Or perhaps it did. The victim wasn't behind the counter which meant they must be in that stall so they had been attacked elsewhere. Hmm, no, then the monster couldn't have passed it by. Because surely a monster would count as a negative supernatural force? He crossed the smear of clotting blood and pulled open the door to reveal the corpse of an overweight man, likely the desk sergeant, sitting on the toilet. His face was a shattered mess and it was obvious that whatever had gooed up the corpse by his car had also done a job on him as his ribs were glistening pink, the internals of him having been cleared out or liquefied so that through the hollow, Jack could make out his hip bones. His pants and belt had survived the treatment, however. He didn't have a gun on him but he did still have a baton and some CS spray, or whatever they called it. One of his wallets also bulged.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:32 am
by Seon
"Oooh, I'll take them," Jack said as he grabbed onto the can of CS Spray and the wallet. He also took the baton. He figured that, with the baton, he will at least be able to hit something in the head whilst holding the flashlight at the same time. He also dug through the wallet to examine whatever it was that was making it bulge.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:38 am
by Laraqua
Prying off the baton and the CS spray is enough but taking out the wallet (and keys) causes the body to slide to one side and fall down between the toilet and the cubicle, leaving a smear of something gross on the cubicle wall. The wallet's I.D. shows this man to be Sergeant Blake Williams. Well, assuming that the wallet actually belongs to the corpse. The wounds sort of make him unidentifiable. The key ring holds a lot of different keys. None of them are marked.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:44 am
by Seon
"Aaaahhhh, blood trails. You lead me in the right direction once more," Jack chuckled as he left, leaving the body of the sergeant behind. He glared once at the flawed pattern before leaving the bathroom. He also dropped the sledgehammer on the counter. It was getting awfully heavy carrying that around. He would leave it here, at least until he figured out how to fix the damn flashlight to his shoulders or something. Didn't cops have those flashlights that you could attach to the shoulders? Maybe there was one in thestorage.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:46 am
by Laraqua
Jack returns to the storage area and takes a few moments to find the right key for the lock. Pulling open the door he reveals a room full of metal shelving that carries many cardboard boxes full of bric-a-brac, two old filing cabinets, a stack of eight chairs, a chalkboard, a box of rags, and some cleaning products. There may still be a clip-on flashlight somewhere amongst this mess. He'd just need to take the time to search for it.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:49 am
by Seon
Jack silently moved around the mess, searching carefully through the metal shelves and the filing cabinets, looking for anything vaguely interesting in the darn mess.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:55 am
by Laraqua
There's a bottle of whiskey on one counter and another clip-on radio sitting on a shelf that could be a good trade item if he ever felt the need. There was also a small first aid kit which had a bandage he could at least wrap over his arm wound to stop the bleeding (since the last Health Drink did very little for him). There are no bullets or weaponry here (unless you count the mop) but packed in the back of one of the boxes is a clip-on flashlight.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:57 am
by Seon
He took the other clip-on radio and absent mindly clipped it on next to his other radio. He bagged the first aid kit into his pockets and then clipped on the flashlight to his coat.

"Won't be needing you anymore," Jack said hopefully as he dropped his other, more hefty, flashlight.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:01 am
by Laraqua
Jack's coat feels a lot more lightweight now. All he had to do was find a new place to go find Ash.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:06 am
by Seon
"The interrogation rooms are.... probably upstairs, right?" Jack mumbled. "There has to be some maps somewhere in this damn police station..."

Still, without making any noise, he left the storage room and began to wander towards the stairwell.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:19 am
by Laraqua
The door at the end of this short corridor is broken. The door knob doesn't even turn. Judging by the map, there's a door behind the counter that would lead to the stairwell in a roundabout route. It's a one-storey building, however, so those stairs can only lead one way. Downstairs. However, he does recall seeing black lettering on the two doors nearest the Men's Toilets said Interview Room 1 and Interview Room 2.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:22 am
by Seon
Jack doubled back to the Men's toilet to the Interview Room 1 and 2, and knocked on the doors of each.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:07 am
by Laraqua
There's no response.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:35 pm
by Seon
"Anyone there?..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:30 pm
by Laraqua
No response.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:58 pm
by Seon
Sighing, Jack fumbled through his piles of keys to unlock the interrogation offices.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:09 am
by Laraqua
The first interrogation room, nearest the men's toilets, contains a simple table with a recording device embedded in the middle of the table, two chairs, and tiny windows. There's not even a 1-way mirror to make it exciting. The second interrogation room is more typical with a 1-way mirror between this room and the one over though it is otherwise furnished precisely the same as the other room. Written in lipstick on the walls are the words: Oh God Where Did They Go I Should Have Done It Earlier There's No Point Looking She's Gone Now And The Police Blame

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:42 am
by Seon
Jack walked over to the middle of the Second Interrogation room and then pressed the Play Button.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:53 am
by Laraqua
There's a few moments of static but Jack can make out the words "...Monday, 23rd..." Then the tape clears somewhat. "Detective Ronald Kachs and Detective Lisa Welsh present. Could you please identify yourself for the record?"

A woman's voice: "Dora Ashby."

"Thank you. Can you tell us what happened on *static* *static* -view Hotel?"

"I'm not sure what I can tell you. I don't know why I'm here. No one was paying attention and she slipped into the water."

"She would be?"

*static* "-why I'm here, isn't it?" The woman's voice sounds distraught. It certainly sounds like the Ash he met at the bar.

"Yes, miss. We're just trying to get everything straight on the record. So let's back up a little. How did the afternoon go?"

"Well, we'd just come back from the Lakeside Amusement Park after being there for a few hours and it was starting to wear on to the mid-afternoon. We grabbed a bite to eat at the cafe in the hotel..."

"We would be?"

*static* *static*

*static* "-at happen-"

*static* "-outside. It was a lovely day, you know? And we'd promised her a swim. But then someone called..."


"I don't know."

"She didn't say?"

Ash sighs. "No."

"Did you see anyone else at this time?"

"No, the courtyard was empty."

"No one at all?"

"Not that I saw, no."

"Could there have been someone?"

"There were hedgerows, sure, someone could've hidden behind them. Why do you ask?"

"So what happened ne-?"

A long burst of static follows.

"-bruising around the wrists and ankles."

"What? Bruising? How?"

"They look like handprints, miss."


The door creaks open. "Detectives, we have a problem. Could you come out here?" asks an unknown fourth voice.

"Yes, of course. We'll be right back Mrs. Ashby. Interview suspended at *static*."

The recording (an old tape, for some reason) is obviously corrupted. You might be able to clean it up for a clearer sound if you had the expertise or could find someone who had it. Heck, maybe Cecilia could shed some light on the tape.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:01 am
by Seon
Jack grabbed the tape from the recorder. He could see how this would be useful. He slipped the baton back into his pocket and pulled out the shotgun.

"Getting back's not going to be easy, is it?" Jack muttered out loud. "No matter. Let's map map... Hmm...Garage... there had to be cars there, right? Or something like that?"

He grumbled out a few note as he left the office behind.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:14 am
by Laraqua
As Jack leaves the interrogation room, he hears a woman's terrified scream coming from somewhere else deeper in the building. After a moment of silence, she screams again. It's coming from the right hand side of the back of the building. Or at least, somewhere around there.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:23 am
by Seon
"Damnitdamnitdamnit," Jack muttered out quickly as possible. He began to run towards the Cells.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:33 am
by Laraqua
The first door slams shut behind him just as he throws open the second door to reveal a water-stained concrete corridor lined with cells on either side. One of those shuffling tatter skinned monsters has its arms thrust between the bars of the second cell to the right. It jerks back the moment the door slams open and stumbles around to face Jack. Luckily, Jack is faster then it and may act before it does. Unfortunately, he only has the baton and the flashlight in hand.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:59 am
by Seon
"Oh no, you don't!" Jack yelled out as he charged towards the monster. He swung the baton and heard it thwack against the monster's head. However, he had ran too close to the monster for his own liking and saw that barely did not have enough time to pull the baton back to defend himself.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:37 am
by Laraqua
The baton thwacks against its rubbery skin but seems to have little or no effect as it lurches toward him. Regrettably, the baton doesn't get in place in time to parry the attack and the creature's bony knife swoops inand bites deeply into Jack's abdomen. Something triggers at the base of his memory but he manages to shake it off and keep on his feet. The agony in his guts flares through his body but he still has a chance to take it out if he moves quickly.
Hidden,The baton has a base chance of 40% and a damage of 1d8. You may reroll your 1d4 to see if you get more damage or not. It's up to you but won't affect this turn. Personally, it's a tricky one as I could make it count as a cosh or a nightstick, I'm not sure which, but I'm going with cosh as it's meant to be larger than the more modern asps. An older model. Two grapple checks would let you disarm him but he's got an embedded weapon, so instead I'm going to have to count that as a regular parry.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:01 am
by Seon

What do you know, I rolled maximum...
Jack winced, then raised the baton to attack the creature in the head once more. The baton struck, striking the head of the creature one more time, with a skull shattering force.

Unfortunately, he grew dizzy due to bloodloss and nearly dropped his baton in the process.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:07 am
by Laraqua
The creature hits the ground and lays there squirming and writhing with the now familiar schtick. His radio is hissing loudly, had been ever since he entered the room but his eyes had already taken in the threat. The radio static is starting to clear up already, though, but a swift kick couldn't hurt.


"It almost got you, didn't it?" asked a sultry woman's voice. A casual turn of the head reveals Ash sitting on a metal bunk bed at the opposite side of the cell, elbows on her knees, hands dangling between her legs. She's long-legged and fairly pretty, with a slightly seductive quirk of the eyebrow. She rises off the bunk and approaches the bars with an exaggerated hip swing. "My hero..."
Extreme Bartender!!!,Who needs a luck roll?

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:15 am
by Seon
He delivered one swift kick to the creature, almost slipping in the pool of his own blood, before he turned to Ash.

"Yeah..." Jack mumbled. "Come on...let me get you out of..."

Hang on.

"How did you get inside this cell?" Jack asked. "Last time I heard, you were in the Interrogation office..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:30 am
by Laraqua
"I have no idea. I think I must have hit my head or maybe I've been hallucinating." Her gaze flicks down to the monster by his feet. "Maybe I still am. All I know is that it was dark and warm and moist and I could hear these... I don't know. They sounded like fans or something similar. I crawled to the door and it was open. Well, not open. The door was gone and the frame felt all concrete rimmed in metal. I kept crawling and I could hear these ... I'm not sure what they were. I crawled straight, hit a wall, followed it. I went the wrong way. I realise that now. I went right instead of left and the doors were left but I wasn't thinking. This room had a faint glow to it so I came in here and then something came in after me. I slammed the cell door shut to lock it out and I went to sit over on the bed. I think I must've passed out. When I came to, it was almost back to normal." She stares at the monster. "Almost."

Her gaze flicks back to Jack. "Wait, what do you mean the last time you heard? You don't look like a detective ... but you sure do look familiar. Kinda handsome, too."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:41 am
by Seon
"I'm the bartender at Annie's Bar," Jack said. "Cecillia sent me over to get you since...well..." he shrugged once at the monster. He kicked it again for good measure, grimacing as sharp pain shot up his side.

"Here...I'll let you out," Jack said, fumbling through his key ring. "You still have your phone?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:43 am
by Laraqua
"Cecilia? You know Cecilia?" She frowns and grabs at the bars. "Wait, which bar? Annie's? Wait. You're Jack, right?" She seemsafraid.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:47 am
by Seon
"No, I'm Rochelle," Jack said sarcastically. "Of course I'm Jack, silly."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:53 am
by Laraqua
Ash grips onto the cell door bars. "Oh, y'know what? Why don't you go on ahead. I'd only slow you down." She suddenly starts favoring one leg. "I got this hell of a bruise on my thigh." Since she's wearing a black A-line skirt that ends above her knees, it's the only part of her leg covered. "And you know, it seems pretty dangerous out there. Don't you think? Why don't you just leave me the keys and I'll see myself out?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:06 am
by Seon
"Ohhh that's true!" Jack said. "You would only slow me down, leading me to get eaten by angry, ravenous dogs and giant knife-armed monsters that's surrounding this police station! I mean, I have a shotgun, so I'm fine, but what if I have to protect you too? Your limping would attract every monster around miles too! I have a first aid kit, so I should be fine."

"But I have a better idea than what you said! I am not going to give you the keys. I mean, how do I know that you won't try to follow me for protection? That would slow me down too! So I think I better leave you in this cell. You have plenty of..." he waved at the monster's decomposing body. "Food and drink, so you should be fine. Should also be safe behind that bar. Oh don't worry. These bars will hold. Uhh...hopefully anyways. In case it doesn't, I'll hang this clip-on radio at the door to this cell block. It makes VERY loud noises whenever one of these creatures are here, so if one of these things are walking around in the hallway, you'll know! Well, they'll know you are in here too, but nothing's perfect, right?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:09 am
by Laraqua
Ash's eyes widen in shock and horror. "You w-wouldn't? Look, I just.... I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. I'm just scared."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:24 am
by Seon
"Scared? What are you scared of? Monsters? The incident that you talked about in the taped interrogation? Or perhaps me?

You know, I feel rather strange... it seems that there are days in my memories that are just..." Jack waved his hand in the air. "Gone. Could you refresh my memories on that?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:31 am
by Laraqua
"Listen, I don't have all that much to refresh you on since I only met you once or twice at the bar and you seemed more interested in Cecilia and me than talking about yourself," said Ash, shrugging her shoulders and stepping aside from the cell doors to cling to the bars beside it, breasts pressed against the bars. "But I, uh, I don't want to be rude but you're pretty banged up and I'm a skilled nurse so why don't you unlock the door so I can help you with that? I mean, give me a first aid kit and I can be your personal paramedic. Now wouldn't that be nice? Then we can go and see Cecilia together and find some way out of this madhouse." She leaned her forehead against the bars and gave him a sly smile. "I can be a great service to you but I'd better patch you up so we can get moving."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:36 am
by Seon
Jack returned the smile. "Come on, now, you don't think I actually believed that steaming pile of bullshit about your leg, did you? No need to suck up to me. Now, why did you lie?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:39 am
by Laraqua
"A big, scary man I hardly know comes charging in here bristling with an armory after everything's that happened?" she asked. "You've gotta forgive me for being a little suspicious. What are the odds that some bartender would come out her like a white knight? I thought ... maybe you were involved somehow but now that I think about it, that does seem pretty dumb. You know us city girls ... paranoid about everything."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:42 am
by Seon
Jack stared blankly at Ash, trying to seeif she actually had no idea what she was talking about, or if she was just punking him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:55 am
by Laraqua
It was pretty touch and go to tell the difference. She knew a little more than she was saying, and was obviously quite unnerved by him, but she didn't seem to understand much at all. Her confusion and fear were certainly real enough and that might make her unpredictable to be around. Still, she was honest about knowing first aid, though if she were a nurse or not was still up in the air.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:00 am
by Seon
"...Fine, I'll let you out," he tossed her a small clip-on radio. "Take that. You'll need it, most likely," he went through his keys to try to open the cell.

"On the way out, we can pick up a flashlight for you or something..." he muttered.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:49 am
by Laraqua
"Thank you," she said sweetly, catching the clip on and attaching it to the edge of her sleeve. "A weapon would be nice, too, if there are more of those things." The fifth key turns easily, unlocking the cell door. Ash stepped back a little and gestured to the bunk. "Maybe I should check those wounds of yours before we go any further? They look pretty bad, in all honesty."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:54 am
by Seon
"Fine," Jack too off his coat and placed it at the corner of the room. "Don't try anything funny..." he handed her the first aid kit.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:03 am
by Laraqua
Ash nodded. "So no stand up comedy?" She gestures to the bed. "Sit. Or better yet, lie down. I have to bandage it properly and check the wounds and it's hard to do that while you're standing up. Also, I'll need you to take off your shirt unless you want me to cut most of it off."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:07 am
by Seon
Jack sat on the bed and then began to unbutton his shirt, shooting Ash a suspiscious glare once. Once done, he flung the bloodied shirt away on top of the coat in the corner.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:10 am
by Laraqua
Ash gives him an appraising look, then hisses as she notices the stab wound in his belly. "All right, if I'm going to stitch that shut you're going to have to lie down. You're currently compressing all your organs when you slouch like that." She kneels on the floor next to him and starts fiddling around in the first aid kit. "Unless you want me to leave the gaping belly wound and only tend to the arm and head wounds."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:13 am
by Seon
Jack almost immediately obeyed.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:19 am
by Laraqua
"All right, well, here goes." Ash starts dressing his wounds, stitching shut the tatters and bandaging everything else though her trembling fingers makes her technique a little shaky and there doesn't seem to be a lot she can do for his chest wound. The cool bandages, however, deal with those other wounds and soon the pain is a relatively distant memory - though he still has one hell of a headache. "Oh, and last but not least..." She unscrews a bottle and passes him a pair of pills before returning the bottle into the first aid kit. "Some painkillers." She hands the two white pills to him. "I hope you can dry swallow because, otherwise, when you move it's going to hurt ... a lot."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:27 am
by Seon
"I always crunch'em anyways," Jack mumbled. He took the pills and ate them both with a loud crack.

Besides, if he actually did care more about pain, he wouldn't be standing here right now.

Jack rose out of the bed and tried to put his clothes back on.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:28 am
by Laraqua
"Wait, you sure you don't want to rest here," she said, stroking his face and running her hands down his chest.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:41 am
by Seon
"Oh?" Jack said, turning around. "What are you suggesting?"

He quickly eyed the first aid kit.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:27 am
by Laraqua
Ash has popped the first aid kit back into his coat. "I just don't want my shotgun hero walking out there all groggy from a head injury." She sits down on the bed, looking around and leaning back in a way that thrusts her breasts out slightly. "Besides, it'd help if I knew what you've seen... I've told you what happened to me. What happened to you?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:37 am
by Seon
"Oh, I had to fight off about three of those things, almost was eaten by a pack of dogs, got a sledgehammer dropped on my face for answering a question wrong, my car got dented, and it also ran out of battery, so it wouldn't start," Jack said matter of factly.

He looked at her body and felt a sudden jarring migraine race through his head, although it disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:38 am
by Laraqua
"Well, that's it? What happened to everybody?" She leans forward, pouting slightly as she speaks.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:46 am
by Seon
"If I had a cent for anything alive and not monstrous that I heard today, I would have exactly 4 cents," Jack muttered. "Hell if I know, lady. Things just went to hell suddenly."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:48 am
by Laraqua
"What's it like out there?" she asked, flapping one of her hands in that oh so feminine manner. "Is there a lot of blood? Or ... what?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:50 am
by Seon
"There are lots of dogs, dead bodies, bloodtrails, monsters, and monster dogs, if that's what you are asking," Jack said.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:52 am
by Laraqua
Ash's eyes widen. "So it's true? Everyone's dead? We're all alone?" She hugs herself, eyes glancing down and to the side. "That's... Oh shit! Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit!" She rises to her feet and glances around nervously. "So we've just got to leave? Just get in a car and drive out of here?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:55 am
by Seon
"If we can find a damn working car around here, that is," Jack muttered. "None of the cars that I tried to...err...reappropriate... so far seemed to be working. Not even a cop car. And then there's the matter of bottomless craters that suddenly appeared all around the town, breaking apart the roads and making some places inaccessible for some reason."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:00 am
by Laraqua
"Craters? What? So, we're cut off? We're all alone? There's no one else?" She clutches at her hair. "Oh shit, shit, shit! How the fuck could this have happened?" She starts pacing the cell. "Look, I-I think we need a plan. We can't just wander throughout this town by random. Maybe we should take a boat from the lake? Can we get to the lake?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:11 am
by Seon
"It's possible..." Jack said. "There is a dock close to the bar... there should be boats around there that we could take... Cecilia is waiting at the bar too, so we should pick her up. I don't think she'll leave though."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:13 am
by Laraqua
"No? Why? Why not?" Ash eyes widen. "Oh. Oh, I see."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:38 am
by Seon
Jack sighed. "By the way, if we want to go back to Annie's bar, the only way I know is infested with monster dogs," he pointed at his bandaged arm. "How good are you with running?"

As he did so, he glanced nervously at the wound on his stomach.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:42 am
by Laraqua
"I don't know. Good enough." Ash groaned and fell back against the wall. "I don't know. Do you have a weapon you can give me or something or..." She steps toward him, kicking off her heels. "I'll run better without these ... so long as the roads aren't covered in glass."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:58 pm
by Seon
Jack dug through the coat until he found his baton, then handed it to her.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:11 pm
by Laraqua
Ash accepted it nervously, then throws her arms around him. "Thank you, I..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:45 am
by Seon
"There there," Jack said, returning her hug. "I'm sure you'll do alright."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:56 am
by Laraqua
When Ash pulls away from him, there are tears in her eyes. "I- Look, I-" She bites her lip. "Never mind. Let's just hurry back. It's not far to the bar... I don't think we should delay any more." She clutches the baton in one hand and heads for the cell room door. "Do you have a spare flashlight? In case it's dark out there?"

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:11 am
by Seon
"Hmm...if I remember, I dropped one in the Storage when I picked up this clip-on flashlight," Jack said, hurriedly dressing himself. "It's just outside, so we could pick it up on our way out."

Jack pulled out the shotgun from the trenchcoat's pocket. "Alright, let's go."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:56 am
by Laraqua
Ash nodded and follows him out into the hallway, baton in hand. The storage room is just as Jack had left it - complete with the flashlight now sitting on the shelf. Ash snatches up the flashlight and looks over to him. "Okay, let's go..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:02 am
by Seon
Jack glided through the hallway along with Ash to the Lobby.

"Last time I came into here, I heard something bad bump into the door," Jack mumbled. "Speaking of which, here," Jack dug through his pockets of the trenchcoat, produced a small map, and handed it to Ash. "It's the map of this town. If you ever get separated, use it to find the Bar. I'll be waiting there for you."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:04 am
by Laraqua
Ash looks like she's about to cry. "Oh, okay, sounds good." She shrugs a little and wipes her eyes dry on her forearm. "Let's go."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:07 am
by Seon
Jack nodded and moved to the door of the Police Station to see if he could see anything outside...

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:12 am
by Laraqua
Cracking open the doorway reveals about a dozen feet of foggy sidewalk and the blurred outline of the police car. Jack's radio is still providing that low hum of static that suddenly flares into life as a door behind him, further in the police station, opens and closes. Ash screams.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:13 am
by Seon
Jack quickly turned around and raised his shotgun towards the source of the noise.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:18 am
by Laraqua
Long, barbed chains swung forward from the left corridor into the lobby room, the chains swaying like antennae, then groping along the floor. Something drags against the floor. He can hear it, or he or she, twitching and banging themselves against the floor from the direction of that doorway. Ash flattens herself against the wall, suppressing a scream with a fist in the mouth.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:16 am
by Seon
Jack opened the door out of the police station and mouthed 'let's get out of here,' to Ash.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:08 am
by Laraqua
Ash rushes out the door, leaving Jack to pass through second, while the barbed chains lash the air with sudden speed, sensing the motion. Outside, all is as it was before. Foggy silence, damp air, but the fresh darkness that had descended when he'd approached the hospital seems to crowd around the fringes, forcing him to keep his flashlight out and at the ready if he wants to see where he's going. Luckily, Ash has her flashlight in hand, leaving Jack to focus on his shotgun.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:22 pm
by Seon
Doesn't Jack have a clip-on flashlight?
Jack kept a hand pressed on Ash's shoulder to urge her on while they moved away from the police station.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:21 am
by Laraqua
Ash nodded and hurried in step with Jack. Even with the longer range of her larger flashlight, most of the streets disappear into darkness leaving Jack almost to feel like he's simply running across pavement down Wilson Street. The radios both flare into static and drop back into mild crackle on several occasions as they hurry past. Shuffling, heavy movement, four-legged movement, all sound out against the pavement but Rushing down to the end, Jack can see the gaping chasm that surrounds Alchemilla. Jack's been lucky thus far.

Ash swears under her breath as she skirts around it. "How deep is that?"
Hide,this is true but hers has greater range (almost twice that of yours though with less width and yours is the more typical Silent Hill range of about 4 yards) and I presumed you'd be moving fast. She can also flash hers around without having to do a spin. Oh, I also had to hand roll a Luck Roll because my internet's being REALLY slow

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:10 am
by Seon
"I dropped one of them into the crater. Never heard it hit the bottom," Jack muttered. "Come on, we still have a long way to go..."

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:14 am
by Laraqua
Ash nods, her face pale in his flashlight. All this movement seems to be wearing on Jack as well. His limbs feel heavy and his mind foggy though his injuries are no longer causing him any pain. He must've lost a lot of blood. They reach Midway Avenue and then cross down Borden Street that sides onto the Town Hall and reaches the northern edge of South Park where trees and shrubbery spring out here and there around them. The annoying part of this park are the hedge rows. It's quite easy to make a short path a long one unless they find the cement walkways but even those tend to cross back and forth over themselves.
Hide,Stupid bartender luck! Make another one to pass through the park.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:20 am
by Seon
Jack kept a hand on Maria, partly to urge on her and partly to steady himself, as he ran with her through the forest.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:24 am
by Laraqua
Growls and barks sound out all around them as they hurry through the park and the two are forced to run. Jack feels the weakness spreading through his body, slowing him down and making it harder to move, but he manages to keep himself going. They reach one edge of the park and out onto the road. It's when they reach the Catfish Diner that he realises they hit Riverside Drive and worked their way north rather than south. The southern end of Riverside Drive has a crater, he recalls. They need to get to the south-west side of South Park.

"What do we do?" mutters Ash when he stops. "Are we going the right way?"

Jack's starting to feel a little light-headed.
Hide,Maria? :P

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:43 am
by Seon
Jack bit his lips. "We've been going in the wrong direction... we might still be able to make it to the bar together...if we hurry..."

Jack coughed and dug through his pockets. "Here, take it!" he said hurriedly, pressing a key into Ash's hand. "It's the key to the bar. In the southwest corner of the park, there's a fence. You'll have to climb over it. Then it'll be home free to the bar."

He walked towards the park, with his footsteps becoming ever weaker.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:54 am
by Laraqua
"We'll make it," said Ash worriedly, slinging one of his arms over her shoulders and nearly buckling under his weight. Whether it's her touching concern or the flash of realisation that he's oh so close, he manages to keep on at a decent stagger. "We'll head down the road, then cross east if there's a barrier." They head down the street until the crumbling edge of the road can be seen in their flashlights, and then start heading sidelong to where the corrugated iron fences run along the back of the shops. The trouble is that the rails that hold it up are on the other side. He'll have to grab the top of it and hurl himself over without any foot holds. Their radiosremain thankfully silent as they reach the right spot. Jack fails to Climb over it on his own, his arms too weak to really pull himself up, so Ash holds her hands interlinked before him.

"Want a boost up?" she asked.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:55 am
by Seon
"Please," Jack said.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:16 am
by Laraqua
"When we get Cecilia, we should check Alchemilla Hospital for Katie..." said Ash as he steps up onto her hand. "It's our best chance to find her. I got a text earlier, but I'm not sure if it was from her. But who else would it have been?"

If he were feeling well, perhaps he could have vaulted the fencewith her aid but as it werehe had to scramble over and flop down over the other side. His attempts were to the gentle tune of low level static and not a whole lot more. He lands on the other side, nearly tumbles on weakened legs, but manages to keep to his feet. Then it's Ash's turn, but as her finger tips grasp the top of the fence, his luck folds. There's a flare of static, a growling snarl and she screams, her fingers suddenly wrenched away from the fence.

Jack's left to stare at the fence, feeling weak and drained, knowing that it'd be hard enough to clamber back over the fence let alone do anything else.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:23 am
by Seon
Looks like Jack's (un)lucky enough to succeed in these rolls. There's no way he's going to survive afterwards.

Jack gritted his teeth and grabbed onto the railings with a singleminded determination. He recklessly pulled up his bloodied body over the railings.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:27 am
by Laraqua
The grass before him is smeared with a few slashes of blood but nothing too immense. His flashlight reveals no blood smears nor trails to follow and his crackling radio has dipped back to its usual low-level chatter. He could try to track her but it certainly would be difficult in all of this darkness and he's not exactly a very skilled tracker.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:29 am
by Seon
"... Damnit," Jack mumbled. He turned back towards the fence and tried to climb over again...

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:40 am
by Laraqua
Without a boost up, it's difficult but not impossible to pull himself up and over the fence but he manages it in the end. The static remains low even as manages to make his slow way back to Annie's Bar.
Hide,Welcome to the end of Chapter 1! You may roll to improve your skills (all the ones with a plus sign before it). Then you can make your way back into Cecilia's thread, feeling exhaustion settle over him.

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:06 am
by Seon

Re: Jack's Journey: Opening Hours

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:27 am
by Laraqua
There's your skill buffs. I've already entered them into your sheet.