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Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:10 am
by Laraqua
The creature doesn't seem to have noticed him and it trundles over to one of the hanging bodies instead and wraps the steel cabling around the body, pulling tightly so that the flesh bulges up and around the chain. The creature itself stands at least eight feet high and over a dozen feet long and that's with its multiple limbs gathered up and bunched around its body.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:23 am
by Garrett
I silently creep away, continuing my search while keeping an eye out for the creature.

Sneak success

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:56 am
by Laraqua
There's enough gaps between the metal refuse that now comprises the walls for Cole to pass it freely. It doesn't take long to walk around the corridors surrounding the monster-filled courtyard and see that all of the furniture was now either gone or assimilated into the walls. If earlier moments felt unreal, this was like walking through an impossible nightmare. This place couldn't exist. It certainly wasn't the school. The air was warm and humid and it stank of clotted blood and adrenaline-laced fear. There was a sense to this place like it had witnessed a 1000 murders and was waiting for a 1000 more.

There seemed to be no way of getting out of this place. There are no windows nor doorways out. In fact, when he moves to the outer wall and peers through the gaps all he can see is a void. When he peers in the gaps between the hunks of mesh that cover the pipes and girders beneath his feet, he can see an eerie heated glow and nothing more. It is as though there is nothing beyond this building. As though he is trapped, isolated, within this school. There is no sign of the dead students nor clues as to their death.

There are two sets of stairs that go up and one that goes down.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 3:12 am
by Garrett
I stare through a hole and into the void without expression, far beyond fear. Even if I find an exit I won't get out. "No way out." I mutter almost inaudibly, the words kept ringing in my ears over an over again. No way out, no way out, no way out. I grip my gun a little tighter, then look into the barrel for a moment before leaning down so that it presses against my forehead. One way out. To be your own man you have to choose, you can't let any rule over you. You always have a choice, even in a situation like this I had a choice, I could choose to die. And I did. That's why there was no hesitance when I pulled that trigger, I wouldn't let whatever was doing this control me like this, I wasn't anyone's toy. I was in control.
"I AM IN CONTROL!" I screamed to whatever twisted God is doing this to me, and with those last words, I pulled the trigger.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:58 am
by Laraqua
As his finger pulls on the trigger there's a sudden whoosh of an object through air and a whump as something crashes down against the back of the head. He starts to turn, pain flowering across his skull, in time to see the pole and glimpse a woman's hand as the pole arcs down again. Too dazed from the first blow to react, the pole strikes again and as he reels backwards he feels the darkness come over him as he slips into unconsciousness.