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Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:27 am
by Laraqua

The room isn't a store room at all! It seems to be some sort of hospital ward set up, disused and dirty, with a vague and sickly smell of pus, old blood, and necrotic flesh hanging on the air like a musty aroma. There are two plasma bags hung from some apparatus by the hospital bed and a photograph on the cabinet to the other side that looks similar to the tattooed teen that he had shot although without the tatts she looks to be around 11 or 12. A chair stands by the foot of the bed with an old and heavy tome sitting upon the cushion. The air is still and quiet here as though he had briefly walked into a tomb and as his flashlight darts around the interior he can hear the gentle strains of piano music coming from upstairs.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:50 pm
by Garrett
What the hell is that nut doing now, and what the hell is this place? Oh well, at least that bastard isn't shooting people. "What the hell is this?" I ask nobody as I pick up the tome.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:39 pm
by Laraqua
Show,there's no one else in that room. Think of that image of a man as representing you! Its hard to get Silent Hill pictures without a game character in the way.
The tome is quite heavy and has no label on the cover. It seems to be a book of parables guessing by a brief glance through it but it talks in terms of an important She and Her rather than He and His.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:14 pm
by Garrett
Oh whats all this crap? I began to think once again that I had gone insane, I wondered how much of what I saw was real. Katie was probably real, I wonder if I should just get back to her. Screw it, I walk off and continue to explore the building, checking the next room on my left.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:50 am
by Laraqua
The next immediate door on the left is a set of double doors that lead into a rear foyer whose back door has been demolished. It looks like a small truck must've driven through it, judging by how the top of the building sags inward, but on closer inspection its revealed that there's a chasm that drops off into nothingness. Considering the way the floor of that foyer slumps downward, there's a good chance that at least part of this building is overhanging a void. His flashlight sweeps across the edge and he can make out the edge of a picture book that has caught on a twisted bit of metal that points somewhat upward at the edge of the expanse.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:06 am
by Garrett
Well lets have a little looksee at this. I think, reaching for the book. I am now thoroughly convinced that I am hallucinating or insane, or both.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:53 am
by Laraqua
It's a little disturbing creeping his way across the sloping section of the floor across cracked and damaged concrete not far from a yawning void. He slides down a little bit, his blood-stained sneakers catching against the lip of a raised chunk of concrete, and reaches down to pick up the story book. It looks like some child has scrawled all over it. There's some sort of picture of a child scrawled onto it and the words I WanT MY MoMMY written on it with red marker. His fingers grasp the book and he lifts it up moments before the world starts to shake and tremble and he hears the floor beneath him groan and begin to give way. He vaults back onto the safer sectionof the floor even as where he was standing crumbles away into the void.

The adrenaline pounding through his veins and the solid thumping of his heart suggests that maybe this wasn't a dream.

Maybe he really did almost die.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:14 am
by Garrett
I took a deep breath and longed for my flask, after I calmed down I looked at the book again. Dammit this might be real and there might be kids in here in danger, I need to get my shit together. I think as I once again exit the room and enter the first one on my left I haven't already seen.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:45 am
by Laraqua

Cole opens the door into some sort of cafeteria or hall and sees that he is no longer alone. In a room tiled in black and white squares, dominated by a massive clock telling the time, with no sign of the school tables and chairs where the students must have once sat, stands a dozen or so shadowy child-like figures of little girls with glowing red eyes. The beam of his flashlight darts across one of their blades and it gleams brightly under the beam.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:58 pm
by Garrett
In immediate instinct I jerk the gun up. Okay, I am definitely hallucinating, how much though? I can't shoot these kids they might be real. Or maybe their demons, maybe I'm in hell after all. I shake my head, one things for sure, I can't shoot these kids. "Hey there, are you girls okay? Its okay I'm with the police, I'm a good guy." I stammer out nervously, mentally I scoff, calling myself a good guy practically burned my mouth.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:55 am
by Laraqua
The lead child takes a shaking, shuddering step forward and her head tilts sharply to one side. "Let's play a game," she says in a dull monotone that echoes strangely in the echoing hall.

The other children all take a shuddering step forward behind her. "Yes, lets."

The lead girl raises the knife to point at Cole in a slow and drawn out movement. "Will you play with us?"

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:55 pm
by Garrett
Demons? Kids? Hallucinations? Demons? Kids? Hallucinations? Demons? Kids? Hallucinations? Demons? Kids? Hallucinations? Dammit this is important which are they? Can I shoot them, should I run, what the hell do I do? I take a step back as the child steps forward and raise my gun, "What kind of game?" I stammer out.
OOC- I still have one bullet in my pistol right?

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:33 pm
by Laraqua
"Hide and seek," she says in that same eerie monotone. "We'll hide and you can seek. You have to find all eight of us and tell us how...." She waves her knife at him. "We'll see you in the school."

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:44 pm
by Garrett
The rampant thoughts bubbled out of my head through my mouth. "What are you?" I say as I squeeze my gun a little tighter, scared out of my wits.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:03 am
by Laraqua
The children burst apart from their tight little group and run in multiple directions, thankfully, none head towards you. Instead they run into the walls and ... through them leaving no sign of their passing. The room is silent now and heavy with a palpable eerieness that leaves you certain that you are somehow still being watched.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:05 am
by Garrett
I head back for the entrance I came into the building through, shaking and barely able to think.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:50 am
by Laraqua
Cole goes back out into the corridor. Its easy to figure out that this building has likely got four interlinking corridors to form a square against that green square he'd seen earlier. He hasn't gone through one of those corridors yet - the one through the door closest to him. That one would be the shortest route back to the foyer but it would involve going down an unfamiliar corridor. Otherwise he could always double back past the boarded up stairwell and head through to the front doors that way.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:52 am
by Garrett
I go through the quickest root.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:07 am
by Laraqua
It's just another corridor but rushing down it quickly prevents him from figuring out too much about it ... which might be for the best. Soon he arrives back in the corridor that contains the reception desk and the nurse's station that flank the foyer. He heads through the foyer and to the front doors but there are now jagged and rusty bars that criss cross over the door, overlapping it and feeding back through holes in the walls and the floor. Touching the bars reveal that they are horribly sharp.

Re: Cole's Journey: Lock & Key

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:11 am
by Garrett
I squeeze my gun, I guess I have one way to figure out if I'm in hell or not. Fuck it, I'm gonna find one of those freaks and make it talk. I go back to sweeping the building.