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Nuts & Bolts - Rules and suggestions

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Weather conditions
The danger of forgetting your mittens-

The Antarctic climate is not the world’s friendliest.The time of year the adventure unfolds, the average temperature is about -50 ° C. Storms are common and the weather can change quickly. At about 20 minutes weather can switch from nice and sunny to cloudy and gray. Winds of hurricane strength are not unusual.

The human body can not withstand extreme cold for a very long time.

“It’s freaking cold, Dr Jones!”

Damage suffered when exposed to Arctic weather

  • Properly dressed (wearing two or three layers outerwear): 1D2 HP per half hour
    Almost properly dressed (wearing a layer of outerwear): 1D2+1 HP per half hour
    Wears a jacket, head gear, gloves + regular clothing: 1D4 HP per half hour
    Wears a jacket and regular clothes: 1D6 HP per half hour
    Wears only regular indoor clothes: 1D6+2 HP per half hour
  • Wearing a union suit or leggings and long sleeved t-shirt underneath regular clothes: reduce 1 HP per half hour
    Moves around constantly: Reduce the damage with 1 HP per half hour
    Lying still or moving very little: Increase damage by 2 HP per half hour


These damages may be recovered if the subject comes in from the cold again. The speed of recovery is 1 [cold]HP gained per hour. But for every HP over 5 HP, are treated as frost damage and lost as normal damage.

By these calculations, a properly dressed individual will be safe outside for 90 minutes – no more.

Helicopter rules

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Flying a helicopter

Modern helicopters are powered by a jet engine called a turboshaft, which propels two or more rotating wings above the helicopter. The rotation through the air provides the lifting force, so unlike fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters do not need to be moving to fly. They can take off and land vertically, hover, and move horizontally in any direction without a corresponding change in heading.

Both a pilot´s hands and feet are occupied in flying a helicopter. The left hand controls the overall pitch of the main rotor, the right hand controls the cyclic pitch, and the left and right feet control the tail rotor.
Because of all these controls, helicopters are more difficult to fly than fixed-wing aircraft. They cannot be flown without specific training, even by an experienced pilot.


A bad landing usually does no more than light damage to a helicopter. A heavy crash can ground the rotors and cause major damage.

In the event of an engine failure, air rushing up past the helicopter´s main rotors causes them to spin automatically (auto-rotate), providing enough lift to allow the helicopter to descend in a controlled crash. A pilot with a successful Pilot Helicopter skill roll can auto-rotate to a crash landing, causing medium to heavy damage to the helicopter and costing each passenger 1d6 hit points.

Failure at the Pilot Helicopter roll means a crash landing in which the helicopter is destroyed and all on board lose 4d6 hit points.

Loss of the tail rotor in flight won´t make a helicopter crash, but it makes it virtually uncontrollable. The pilot must make his or her Pilot Helicopter skill to bring the helicopter down safely; otherwise all on board suffer injuries costing 1d6 hit points, and the helicopter is damaged extensively.

Thus, a pilot should hope never to experience engine failure.

Take off and landing

At every take off and landing a Pilot Helicopter skill roll is made. Failing a roll results in a minor failure. (Usually added time to the maneuver.) A critical failure (roll of 97-00) results in a major failure.
To fix that failure, an added roll must be made and below the Pilot Helicopter skill level.
Failing that results in a crash similar to the engine failure with 4d6 in hit points cost for the crew and passengers.

Pilot skills in arctic regions

Pilot aircraft – Helicopter (1%), Navigation (10%)

Mechanical engineering (20%), Electrical engineering (1%)

Arctic Survival
Arctic weather survival (1%)

(%)=Base chance for untrained skill checks.

Re: Nuts & Bolts - Rules and suggestions

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:47 am
by Dave Syrinx
OK, I´m testing the Dice-MOD.

Dr Jones shoots the burglar in the head at point blank range. [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Nuts & Bolts - Rules and suggestions

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:49 am
by Dave Syrinx
Pilot Helicopter @75%



Re: Nuts & Bolts - Rules and suggestions

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:29 am
by Dave Syrinx
I see, you can´t edit roll. Which is a good thing. The spoiler tags work with the dice tag so it won´t interrupt the story.
Looks good, so far.

Testing some more...

Re: Nuts & Bolts - Rules and suggestions

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:38 am
by Dave Syrinx
Attack 56% [dice]0[/dice]
Hit Location [dice]1[/dice]
Damage [dice]2[/dice]