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Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
You're welcome, and welcome aboard! The first thing you should do is look at the Cast of Characters thread. The initial post tells you which characters are in the game and which of their players are MIA. Their character sheets are listed below, and you should look through them. You may choose any of the ones marked MIA except for Valerie Soames, whose old player may return. The ones in the bottom portion of the cast list require the least catching up to play. The ones in the section above that have been in the game since the beginning, so you'd need to do a lot more back reading to play them. Alternatively, you can create your own character, but it would have to be a UNIT soldier. The Your Career in U.N.I.T. thread has background information on UNIT and occupational skill lists for the various careers. You'll probably use the Soldier template, though Military Officer or some other specialty is possible (however, your rank in that case would be no higher than lieutenant). The Character Creation/Rules thread has full instructions for creating your own character. You can build your character or ask questions about character creation in that thread, or you can post your choice in that thread if you decide to take over an abandoned character.

You should not read any In Character threads that do not include your character. The only exception is the Introduction thread in Episode 1, which everyone is free to read. Once the adventure concludes, which I expect will be in May, everyone will be free to read the entire adventure. If you choose an abandoned character, you should read that character's IC threads. I'll let you know which ones they are once you've made your selection, or I'll tell you which threads to read if you create a new character. Once I see your sheet, I'll know to which group your character should be assigned. Also, do not read Stranger in a Strange Land unless you've already decided to take over Raymond MacIntyre (which would be a challenge).

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:24 am
by johnson41996
awesome, i think im going to take over the roll of Doctor Gordon Baxter! so what do i do next lol

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 7:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
Great, he's all yours! In order to catch up, you'll need to read the following threads in the order below:

Episode 4: The Late Shift->Revenge of the Creature->The Three Doctors->Briefing->One If By Land->Move Out!
Episode 5: Storming the Castle

Storming the Castle is your current thread. Once you've caught up on the reading, you may post in character in that thread whenever you are ready. Have fun!

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:49 am
by johnson41996
Sweet is there a resource for the commands to do the rolls and the spoilers and what not?

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 1:14 am
by Mr. Handy
Yes, this thread has instructions for using the built-in dice roller and the spoiler button tags. You can also use Invisible Castle for dice rolling, but it's currently down. I've posted instructions for using it here, but they're out of date. Invisible Castle now has a Campaign Name field, so there's no need to put a prefix before the Character Name. Also, for the last few years new users have been unable to register at Invisible Castle, but you can still use most of the features without registering (when it's working, anyway).

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:54 am
by jaysun81
Wow...I really screwed the TARDIS crew on this one, lol. This game keeps going, and going.

Lesson learned.

Sorry guys.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:02 am
by Mr. Handy
Don't feel too bad. I did provide the option of playing a temporary UNIT character, though nobody has taken up the offer. You and Yockenthwaite declined, Thorn started creating a character but never finished, and ImpInTraining hasn't posted on this board in a long time. The offer still stands. You could also take over an abandoned character if you like. I'm hopeful that this will be completed by the end of May, though there will be a delay while I get the next scenario ready.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:14 pm
by johnson41996
Hey i know this is out of topic mr handy but your a big boss so maybe you can help me out. on my user control panel im trying to do things like put in my birthday or location or add a picture, but whenever i click submit it takes me to a white page and doesnt ever save what i did. the page is completely blank, ill post the url it takes me to maybe that can help figure out whats going on. not a huge deal but i would like to at least have an avatar pic. ps ive tried to do it on different browsers but it still does it no matter what :/
ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info <--- this is where it takes me when i hit submit or save or whatever, its just a white screen and it doesnt save my changes to my account

Also, do you have any other games i can play with you? or when this one is over, do you plan on running another game i can join? and how am i doing so far?

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:43 am
by TheVaultTech
Damn that Rover. Knew I should've used the LAW....

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
Even if you'd hit, the LAW might not have been enough. All that C4 probably would have done it, but things didn't go as planned.
johnson41996 wrote:Hey i know this is out of topic mr handy but your a big boss so maybe you can help me out. on my user control panel im trying to do things like put in my birthday or location or add a picture, but whenever i click submit it takes me to a white page and doesnt ever save what i did. the page is completely blank, ill post the url it takes me to maybe that can help figure out whats going on. not a huge deal but i would like to at least have an avatar pic. ps ive tried to do it on different browsers but it still does it no matter what :/
ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info <--- this is where it takes me when i hit submit or save or whatever, its just a white screen and it doesnt save my changes to my account

Also, do you have any other games i can play with you? or when this one is over, do you plan on running another game i can join? and how am i doing so far?
I'm getting an error too when I try to submit mine. I don't know what's causing it. It's similar to the error I get when I try to log off. You might want to let carnage_lee know. He knows more about this board (and how to fix it when things go wrong) than I do.

You're doing well so far. I am planning to start a new game in this campaign after this one concludes. It's called The Brotherhood of Death, and it's a Cthulhu Invictus scenario set in Rome in 44 B.C. I hope to start running it in late June. For that one, you'd need to create a new character local to that setting.

There are also two other games I've been running, and you'd be welcome to play in either or both. Zombie Apocalypse is a modern non-Mythos game, though it has its own similar mythology. It started in June 2006 on another board. I began as a player, but I took it over when the original Keeper no longer had time to run it. I've been running it ever since, though it has slowed down in recent years due to several longtime players leaving after Chapter 6 ended. It has stalled completely now, with no new IC posts since January. A new player could breathe some new life into it. I also ran Space Oddity for about five years. It's set in 1969 Philadelphia and is heavily inspired by Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes. I had to put it in the Graveyard last year after its two remaining players vanished, and you can still find it there. I'd need someone to take over the character of Bill Johns, as he's central to the plot. There is a lot of back reading required in order to do so. Links to both of these games (as well as the first two Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu adventures) are in my signature.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:32 pm
by yockenthwaite
Mr. Handy wrote:Don't feel too bad. I did provide the option of playing a temporary UNIT character, though nobody has taken up the offer. You and Yockenthwaite declined, Thorn started creating a character but never finished, and ImpInTraining hasn't posted on this board in a long time. The offer still stands. You could also take over an abandoned character if you like. I'm hopeful that this will be completed by the end of May, though there will be a delay while I get the next scenario ready.
I declined because I'm way too seriously ill long-term and confused as a result to take on a new character. Keeping track of my existing one and playing her is enough of a challenge! :lol:

I'm looking forward to returning to the game when the new scenario starts. Meanwhile best wishes to all those still playing in the game.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:52 pm
by johnson41996
Awesome ill check those campaigns out right now the zombie one sounds pretty fun and ill start reading up on the other one

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:22 pm
by Mr. Handy
Great! Just remember that if you intend to play, you shouldn't read any IC threads that don't involve a character you intend to take over (though the first two chapters of Zombie Apocalypse, which are on another site, may freely be read by all). Zombie Apocalypse allows you to play multiple characters as well if you wish. In fact, it's recommended that you do so, as this game is highly lethal. If you only want to play one, or to start with one, however, that's fine. You can take over abandoned characters or NPCs there, though you'll probably only want ones that were added in Chapter 7 to avoid having to do too much catching up to play them. You may also create one or two characters of your own in the Omaha or Gold settings, as there are ample survivors in both locations. To play a character in the Sword section, you must choose a pregenerated character.
yockenthwaite wrote:
Mr. Handy wrote:Don't feel too bad. I did provide the option of playing a temporary UNIT character, though nobody has taken up the offer. You and Yockenthwaite declined, Thorn started creating a character but never finished, and ImpInTraining hasn't posted on this board in a long time. The offer still stands. You could also take over an abandoned character if you like. I'm hopeful that this will be completed by the end of May, though there will be a delay while I get the next scenario ready.
I declined because I'm way too seriously ill long-term and confused as a result to take on a new character. Keeping track of my existing one and playing her is enough of a challenge! :lol:

I'm looking forward to returning to the game when the new scenario starts. Meanwhile best wishes to all those still playing in the game.
Thank you! I'll try not to keep you waiting too much longer.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:02 pm
by johnson41996
do you have a link for the 2 chapters of the zombie apocalypse i can read? i dont want to screw up and read the wrong thing. ill just make a char from scratch, it will be my first time ever doing that, so im pretty excited lol. im not sure what setting to do though...

also i tried to pm carnage about the user control panel issue but it keeps giving me this when i try to send him a pm

The requested users to be added do not exist.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:00 am
by DrPeterson
I'm looking forward to the Invictus game too. I can hardly wait.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:41 am
by johnson41996
yeah that sounds pretty fun

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 9:53 am
by carnage_lee
johnson41996 wrote:Hey i know this is out of topic mr handy but your a big boss so maybe you can help me out. on my user control panel im trying to do things like put in my birthday or location or add a picture, but whenever i click submit it takes me to a white page and doesnt ever save what i did. the page is completely blank, ill post the url it takes me to maybe that can help figure out whats going on. not a huge deal but i would like to at least have an avatar pic. ps ive tried to do it on different browsers but it still does it no matter what :/
ucp.php?i=profile&mode=profile_info <--- this is where it takes me when i hit submit or save or whatever, its just a white screen and it doesnt save my changes to my account

Also, do you have any other games i can play with you? or when this one is over, do you plan on running another game i can join? and how am i doing so far?
I saw this and had a quick look.... there was a version update to install, which I did this morning but that didn't fix and ucp issues :/ After some digging it appeared that 'deleting all the data' in the 'banlist' table might alleviate the problem - of course this didn't work either (and now spammers blocked can re-register.... :x ). Then after some more head-scratching I removed the 'link' between PHPBB and Wordpress; that seems to have done the trick (actually I disabled account integration (as the wordpress plans never took off for this site)).

This also fixed the 'logout' bug.

Sorry that my tinkering caused this problems in the first place.

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:57 pm
by Mr. Handy
Thank you for fixing it!

I won't have time to update tonight, but I have updates for all threads coming, including merging three of them. I should be able to get it done tomorrow night after returning from London.
johnson41996 wrote:do you have a link for the 2 chapters of the zombie apocalypse i can read? i dont want to screw up and read the wrong thing. ill just make a char from scratch, it will be my first time ever doing that, so im pretty excited lol. im not sure what setting to do though...

also i tried to pm carnage about the user control panel issue but it keeps giving me this when i try to send him a pm

The requested users to be added do not exist.
The links to the first two chapters are in "The Story So Far..." in Zombie Apocalypse. Be warned, it's a lot of reading!

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:49 am
by johnson41996
What happened, the game didn't get canceled did it?

Re: The Zero Room - OOC Chat Thread

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:12 am
by DrPeterson
Mr Handy is in London and has shitty internet. On top of that, he's been sick for a few days. ;)

There's a thread in the general section with absence announcements where you can post stuff like that.