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Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:18 am
by Laraqua
"As you wish," says the doctor simply to Doug. "Now if you'll excuse me...." He heads down the stairs.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 8:25 am
by aine
John clambers up off the trapdoor and allows it to be opened. He watches the doctor almost sadly as he descends and disappears down the stairs. He turns to Doug. "I, I think we should go right now, through that other door while we have a chance." He wipes his hands nervously on the back of trousers.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:38 pm
by royya
Mr. Handy wrote:Image

"Julia may need our help," says Irene. "Besides, at least some of us should keep an eye on the doctor. I'm willing to go down."
Look at him, Irene, look at John. There is something downthere that did it to him and if Julia was all right why didn't she came and knocked on the trapdoor from below?
Doug replies
What do you say?
Doug asks the others as well.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 3:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"I know something terrible must have happened down there," says Irene. "Am I scared? I'm bloody terrified! But I can't abandon Julia. We don't all have to go down there, and in fact it's best of some of us stay up here to keep an eye on John. I'm a bad choice for that. He doesn't like me very much right now."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:34 am
by Laraqua
"Are you coming?" asks the stranger downstairs, waiting on the bottom step. "I'd rather not delay any longer."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:37 am
by aine
John leans over and whispers in Doug's ear,
Doug,"More fool you if you don't leave now but I'll stay with you. I know who they are now and I'll be on my guard, they won't catch me out again! I'll give you good warning if I can."
He gives Irene and Florence a hard measuring look and then moves to the back of the room by the shelves and waits near William.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm coming," says Irene, making her way carefully down the stairs.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:39 pm
by royya
William, care John. Hewitt, join us.
Doug says

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:22 pm
by aine
John follows last of all. He's looking decidedly nervous.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:12 am
by Laraqua
"I'll stay up here with William," says Florence with a meaningful glance at the door. She lifts her fingers to the side of her face and waggles it like she's speaking into a phone receiver.

Hewitt nods, frowning, and heads down the stairs after Irene and Doug. John follows behind him.

The doctor stands at the threshold of the door, looking at them all curiously. "You all seem rather anxious. Are you sure you're up to it?" Before they can respond he simply says, "Very well," and opens the door, stepping inside and striding toward where a group of those patients stand - now spattered with remnants of blood - around a bloody stain and patches of tattered cloth. There's no sign of bone nor meat. The patients still appear to be catatonic.

(Sanity Loss 1/1d4 for the scene).

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Irene winces a little, but she keeps it together. She has seen more gruesome things in the Blitz, but it isn't usually someone she knows. "Poor Julia..." she says. "No wonder he lost it."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:35 am
by royya
San (1d100=87) - Fail
San loss (1d4=1)

The agitated past gangster stares at the scene.
What the hell? What happened here? They did it ??
His nervous are on the edge, if the doctor was beside him Doug would have lost it and punch him hard for being responsible for what he sees.
You are on a big trouble doctor.
He says as he grits his teeth

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:56 am
by aine
Coming last down the stairs John can only see glimpses of the room beyond everyone else but even that is too much as memories begin flooding back.
Irene winces a little, but she keeps it together. She has seen more gruesome things in the Blitz, but it isn't usually someone she knows. "Poor Julia..." she says. "No wonder he lost it."
Irene's callously calm words just prove to John how inhuman she is and he suddenly realises that William is upstairs alone with another one of the women. "Nooo! William!" He turns and rushes back up the stairs.
insanity rolls,[url=]1d100=97, 1d4=2[/url]

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:43 am
by royya
Doctor you better give us some answers why the group killed the poor lady and why they are here or else!
Doug says as he takes out the butchers knife. He feels unsecure and motions for the rest of his friends to stand ready near the stairs if they will have to run up after John and away from here.

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Careful," says Irene. "Dr. Houston is the only one who knows how to handle them, so you can't kill him, and threatening him doesn't get anywhere. We also don't know what will set this lot off, but stabbing him might just do it."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:37 am
by Laraqua
"Not to mention the distinctly immoral nature of stabbing a doctor for such a petty reason," says the doctor. "I'm only trying to perform groundbreaking research in much needed transplant theory that could revolutionise how we treat our poor mutilated returning soldiers."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"That too," says Irene, "though I don't think he goes in for niceties like that. I wouldn't kill you, but I'm not satisfied that there's nothing improper about your experiments. I still don't know where you got all these people, but it's hard for me to believe that they all volunteered with full knowledge of what they were in for. Then, of course, there's the fact that they killed my friend. There's hardly anything left of her! So I still think some explanations are in order."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:44 am
by Laraqua
Three of the 'patients' twitch, their heads jerking upright, though none appear to be looking at Irene just yet.

"I am well aware of what happened to your friend," said the doctor, going over to one of the steel counters. "None of this would have happened if you hadn't decided to open the cell doors." He pushes something beneath the counter and the door swings shut and clicks behind you all. "Consent is not a requirement for such vital experimentation! Informed consent would ruin the effects of the results, especially considering the general selfishness and self interest of the average Briton."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy

Irene lowers her voice. "We'll just see what the authorities have to say about that later," she says. "I think we'd best not make any loud noises. They may react to sound."

Re: The Trapdoor

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:25 am
by royya
Irene, he just locked us down here! I think he wants us to be his next patients.
The former mobster kicks the door behind them and turn to face the doctor
I'm saying it one time only. Open the door or else...
Doug looks at Irene and whisper
I will beat him, I honestly freaking do