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Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:44 pm
Hey guys!

if you cast shrivelling. it says +6 to combat checks for the rest of the combat. Does that mean each combat check for the rest of the round. If Ursula decides to fight the dark young and the star spawn, does she get that bonus for each combat check for both monsters or just one? and would she get the bonus for fighting the shagoth too?

If all this stuff works out Tabs. I'd like to take Ursulas upkeep to move Fight/ Will to 3/2. And cast Voice of Ra as well. That will give me +1 to all checks. Then its time for Ursula to kick ass. If not then she'll run like crazy.

If someone can answer me quick I'll post before I go home.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Casting Shrivelling lasts for one combat, as it says on the card. So she'd have to recast it for each monster she has to fight (in the final battle with the Ancient One, it would have to be recast each round). She can't really afford the Sanity hit, especially with her Will at 1. The Star Spawn would drive her insane automatically if she spends 1 more Sanity. Her only hope is to sneak away . Don't forget that she has the Stealth skill and a few Clue tokens, and Voice of Ra will increase her Sneak skill too. She can borrow from Patrice if she runs out of those, but you might want to leave her with a couple just in case I have to burn Clues in the Abyss before I get a chance to seal the Gate and no new Gate opens to give Patrice an extra 5 Clues.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:11 am
by Tabs
I forgot about the two Shoggoth's in French Hill. So if Ursula Evades the monsters at The Witch House, and then moves, she'll have to Evade the Shoggoths as well--that's four monsters to Evade...hmmm.... How about casting Shrivelling and Combating the Star Spawn, Evading the Dark Young, and not moving from The Witch House?

Combat Star Spawn
Horror check--Ursula would have to burn Clues; she has 3 and Patrice a further 4.
Combat check: cast Shrivelling +6 +4[Fightl] +2[Derringer] -3[Star Spawn] =9d6 and 3 successes are required.
Dark Young
Evade check: +3[Sneak] -2[awareness] =1d6; Ursula's "Stealth" skill allows her to re-roll an Evade check.

This is one option...whatever, Ursula is up against the wall.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:38 pm
OK! I quickly abondoned the notion of fighting. Went with the Voice of Ra and took off one sanity for casting it.

But passed all my evade checks. Sweeeet!

I think I might have rolled out of turn though with the Shoggoths...

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 1:42 am
by Mr. Handy
No, it looks like you did everything right. Well done!

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:50 pm
Tabs wrote:Image

Ha Ha Ha! This guy scares the shit out me out!

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy
It's beginning to look a lot like fishmen...

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:40 am
by Tabs
If only HPL could have realised the influence of his writing...but from what I've read about the man, I reckon he'd detest all of this: games, etc.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 2:15 am
by Mr. Handy
You never know, he might have gotten a kick out of it. It's too bad he never had the chance to find out.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 9:58 am
by Tabs
Abyss: "You are lost in the darkness. Pass a Luck (-2) check or lose 1 Sanity and stay here next turn."

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:05 pm
Who has to make that roll.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy
I do.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 4:06 pm
by Mr. Handy
Well done! Silas will be missed, but hopefully his sacrifice will not be in vain. Don't forget to draw yourself a new investigator. Since you got devoured in the Upkeep phase, you might even get an Upkeep phase for your new character.

I still think it's not a good idea for Patrice to burn her Clues like that. All sorts of things could go wrong for which Hank would need them, and sitting around Independence Square with an open Gate waiting for her to rack up Clues is not a sure thing. The Deep Ones Rising track could fill up before she gets them. A Gate burst could occur in the ensuing turns, popping one of our other five Elder Signs and possibly costing us the game. We need to win as soon as possible to minimize the risk.

The other issue is that when Patrice spends her 2 Clue tokens to avoid drawing a Dust card, the first player marker goes to Hank. I can't afford to spend Clues to avoid drawing them, as I need them to seal the Gate. This means I'll be drawing at least one Dust card. Hank could get devoured after drawing the second one, and then where will we be?

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:58 pm
by Tabs
Hmmm, but if Patrice saves on the Clues and draws a Dust card, and is devoured herself.... How about Patrice trading in her gate trophy at the Science Building? for the 2 Clues Hank will need next Upkeep.

I'll check the rules and see when the replacement investigator joins in.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:11 am
by Mr. Handy
Getting those extra Clues at the Science Building is a good idea, but I'll still have to draw a Dust card next turn if I use even one Clue in my Encounter in the Abyss. Even if I don't, it may be better to just draw the Dust card anyway and save the Clues for my Fight check to shut the Gate, so that we can win the game ASAP. We're only on the second Dust deck, so one card won't kill me.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 10:05 am
by Tabs
What shall will we do about this veritable spanner in the works? Warlock's are worsippers of Quachil Uttaus, gaining +2 toughness, and the investigator does not gain 2 Clue tokens by defeating a Warlock.
Hank's Turn 8 Movement:
Hank spends 4 movement points to go to Independence Square. He does not need to make an initial Horror check against Warlock. Combat check (Fight 5 + 4 [Shotgun] - 3 [Warlock]) fighting Warlock, Round 1 (6 counts as 2 hits) (6d6.hits(5)=1). The 6 counts as 2 hits, so the Warlock is defeated. Hank gains 2 Clues and Warlock is removed from the game.

Mandy Thompson joins the fight for Arkham. Note that her "Research" ability allows any investigator to re-roll dice rolled for a check that did not result in successes.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:56 pm
by Mr. Handy
I'd like to say I would have tried to Evade the Warlock instead, but I probably would have fought him anyway given my high FIght and Shotgun. I think the best thing to do under the circumstances is for me to take damage and fight a second round against the Warlock, making my Horror check first. At the time my Fight was 5 and my Will was 1. To make up for the Clues I didn't get, I'll have to borrow them from Patrice. I think she wouldn't have spent the 2 Clues to avoid drawing a Dust card had you known about this, so you should be able to save those Clues and draw a Dust card retroactively. Then this turn she can go to the Science Building as planned. During Turn 9's Upkeep, I'll be able to use the Healing Stone as well.

Let me know if this is okay, and I'll edit the changes into my posts.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:16 pm
by Tabs
Yes, that's fine. I'll edit Patrice's Upkeep to show that a Dust card is drawn.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 6:04 pm
by Mr. Handy
My edits are done! I have 2 less Clues and used my Food, but otherwise everything's the same. Now you can draw the Dust card for Patrice and give her back those 2 Clues she would have spent.

I love Mandy, she's awesome! I think we're in good shape to win now, as long we don't draw a Gate Burst or something for the Mythos phase and my Encounter isn't too bad. However, if a new Gate opens, that ninth Doom token will give Patrice 5 Clues (plus 1 for the Gate itself), which should be more than enough.

Re: Innsmouth Horror (ooc)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 12:01 am
Brutal death Tabs. Good to see though. I hate a game of Arkham where noone is devoured or Lost in Time and Space.

One question and it appies to both Rolad and Ursula. If I have monsters in my space, do I have to evade them to leave?