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IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:56 am
by Mr. Handy
Reactor Module - Styx Base, Pluto
0815 GMT - Tuesday, August 9, 2112

Captain Juliette Desjardins led Story, Elizabeth, Lucius, and Brook out of the airlock and into the round corridor of the reactor module, where they turned right. They had hardly gone far before they encountered Colonel Patel leading a small group towards them. Accompanying her were Captain Karin Bauer, Sergeant Heinrich Kohl, and General Richard Pryce.

"Captain, what's the situation in the docking bay?" asked Colonel Patel.

A hissing sound came from behind them before she could answer. The next airlock along the corridor, behind the colonel's group, opened. Lt. Colonel Howard Bruce emerged, flanked by Private Robert MacCrimmon and Private Alison Silver. All three of them had their weapons drawn. "Colonel Indira Patel!" called the security chief, his voice booming. "You are guilty of treason and mutiny! The penalty is death. Execution is to be carried out summarily." He nodded to his security team. "Fire!" He snapped off a shot at Colonel Patel, but it went wide.
OOC,We are in a combat round, so everyone will need to act in the correct order. [b]Alison[/b], it is your turn to act next, as your DEX is next highest out of those with drawn weapons. If you wish to shoot someone, you may do so now by making a Handgun roll on 1d100. You get three shots per round with your gun, but only one of them comes now. If you hit, you can go ahead and roll 1d10 for damage. If you choose not to fire, your action will not take place until later in the round, but you must still let me know that you're holding your fire so that I can post [b]Robert[/b]'s action, as he comes after you.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:49 am
by CrackheadC.
Alison holds her fire but keeps her gun trained on Colonel Patel, genuinely surprised that the Lt. Colonel immediately attacked Colonel Patel and not eager to fire blindly again at the behest of her commanders. This was probably going to get her in a lot of trouble.

"That was a warning shot. Drop your weapons and surrender peacefully.General Pryce is still the commanding officer." Alison looks, almost helplessly, to Private MacCrimmon and Sergeant Kohl for support without so much as a glance at the outsiders.

Mr. Handy
Alison is not firing,but keeping the gun trained on Colonel Patel in the event that next round she can fire an aimed shot at a higher percentile rate if she has to. Also how do i format the spoiler buttons to show just the name of the person who should read it like everyone else does?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:51 pm
by Lynx
mr. Handy,Is Pryce this a correct military procedure? Is it not General Bruce who should decide if she is to be shot, as he is in the room? Needs to know as Juliettes later reactions will be accordingly. Can Juliette still shout out and act non-aggressively. As she has the highest dex of all the players? If she can, she will call out "DUCK!!" Before she will shield the nearest civillian preferably the girl Brook. Or she will do so once it is her turn.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[url=]This post[/url] has step by step instructions for using spoiler buttons.
Alison Silver,You can actually fire later in this round, if you still wish. If you use precision aiming, you only get one shot each round at half your normal DEX rank, so you can take that shot at any time from this point forward. What it does is doubles your point blank range, which in this case makes it 30 feet instead of the normal 15 (point blank range is based on your DEX score). This would put her within point blank range for you, thus doubling your effective skill. The base range is also doubled, though you're not far enough away for that to matter.
Juliette Desjardins,I think you mixed up [b]Pryce[/b] and [b]Bruce[/b]. As Security Chief, [b]Lt. Colonel Bruce[/b] has the authority to execute someone. [b]General Pryce[/b] could countermand him, but he hasn't done that at this point. [b]Bruce[/b] does not have to get permission from him first, however. Of course, it's rather debatable who is in command: [b]General Pryce[/b] or [b]Colonel Patel[/b]. The next several seconds may settle that question permanently.[b]Juliette[/b] can still shout out like you want, and she can still draw her weapon and take one shot later in the round at any point from here on out.
Robert MacCrimmon showed no such hesitation. When the security chief gave him the order to fire, he did, his bullet only just striking Colonel Patel, tearing a hole through her side.

"DUCK!!" shouted Juliette, standing between Brook and the ensuing volley of fire.

Lt. Colonel Bruce fired again, but the recoil knocked the gun out of his hand and it fell to the floor at his feet.
OOC,[b]Lucius[/b], you may act now. Then it is [b]Karin[/b]'s turn. After that, [b]Robert[/b] gets his second shot. [b]Juliette[/b] and [b]Alison[/b] may still choose to do something at any time.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:55 am
by CrackheadC.
Lines were drawn in the sand and she wasn't going oppose half of the security team, especially not Robert. After all, Lt. Colonel Bruce is within his rights to carry out this order, but that didn't make it any easier.

"I'm sorry." Alison whispers as she pulls the trigger, wincing as the gun jumps in her hands.
OOC,Alison takes her precision point blank shot at Colonel Patel. Doubled Handgun skill is 90% [url][/url] Roll is hit at 68 Damage roll - 1d10 = 8 [url][/url]

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:04 am
by Mr. Handy
The bullet struck Colonel Patel in the chest, slamming her hard into the curving wall, but somehow she remained on her feet, though she was still severely injured.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:10 pm
by Lynx
Juliette drew her blaster. She pushed the girl Brook behind her, further out of harms way and shouted. "Please, cease fire. S'il vous plait, the situation is to unresolved to decide who is beeing in command, and who is a traitor. All hostility is playing into the interest of the Mi-goo whom just wants us all dead to make sure their secret abode is safe! We must follow protocol. Colonel Patel is by protocol the acting chief. Please confirm this Captain Bauer!" Juliette was turned towards Lt.col. Bruce, but her blaster was aimed at the floor.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:55 pm
by Thorn
Brook gasps and is half pushed, half throws herself to the ground when the shooting starts. She looks around frantically to see if any of her friends are hurt. Seeing the colonel getting shot in the chest, she screams, and crawls as fast as she can towards Story. "Do you think that Bruce guy is part of the hive mind to now? Do you think there's a way to overload it, like a white noise or something?" She whispers urgently to Story.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:14 pm
by aine
Karin ducks towards a bulkhead hoping not to get shot by stray bullets and it does seem like they are all hitting the mark. "It's a bit more complicated than that Captain!" She shouts over the noise, "But not something we can discuss right now!" She winces as she sees the Colonel hit, "But we do need a ceasefire!"
agility,In case i need the roll: Agility (14) [url=]1d100=23[/url]

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:48 pm
by Dr. Bloodworth
"Agreed. I think it safe to say the colonel has gotten the idea you were trying to express," Heinrich says as he takes cover. "Capt. Bauer's examined the general and has found no injury to him suggesting he is unfit to command - his actions were likely just his instincts taking over in a state of shock. Nothing more permanent than that." He cautiously looks out from behind his cover.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:06 pm
by yockenthwaite
OOC Question for Mr Handy,As a non-armed person can Elizabeth react at all during this first round? If so she drops to the floor, as soon as she can. Or if not as soon as possible after!

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:05 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, people who are not armed can still act this round. All people who started out with weapons drawn already acted in the first part of the round, and we're into the second DEX cycle. [b]Elizabeth[/b]'s action will take place at DEX 9. [b]Juliette[/b] and [b]Karin[/b], please roll Fast Talk. [b]Lucius[/b] may attempt a Fast Talk roll too. Nobody else may do so yet, as [b]Robert[/b] gets his second shot before anyone else who hasn't already acted has a chance. There is no time to use Persuade.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:38 pm
by Lynx
zips it,[url=]fasttalk failure[/url].

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:39 pm
by aine
Karin can't think straight with all the noise going on, let alone talk sense:
Fast talk,Fast talk (05%) [url=]1d100=86[/url]

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:54 am
by jaysun81
Mr. Handy,Can I do anything? I didn't see my name in your spoiler post above.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:58 am
by Mr. Handy
Robert fired again before his brain could even start processing what everyone around him was saying. Another round hit Colonel Patel, and this one struck her fatally in the heart. She fell in a rapidly spreading pool of blood, without even a chance to say anything. Finally, the reality sank in for him, and he almost reached the breaking point. "Ach, what have I done!" he cried.

"Your duty," said Lt. Colonel Bruce without a trace of emotion.
OOC,Combat is now over (unless someone wants to continue it). Everyone must now roll Sanity for seeing [b]Colonel Patel[/b] gunned down. Sanity loss is 0/1d6 - except for [b]Alison[/b], who participated in shooting her. [b]Alison[/b], your Sanity loss is 1/1d10, so you lose 1 Sanity point even if you succeed or 1d10 if you fail. If you lose 5 or more Sanity, you must make an Idea roll. If you [i]succeed[/i] at that roll, you go temporarily insane, but if you fail it, you do not. As long as you do not go insane, you may now act freely.
Story,Your turn hadn't come up yet in the combat order, but you may now act.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:47 am
by Lynx
Juliette glances at Colonel Patel, then keeps her eyes on Lt.Col. Bruce, void of words, her mind races. She stands as frozen, but is mentally awaiting that he will attack the rest of the crew. Her mind speedsorting through safetyprocedures for what to do when your co-travelers go insane during spacetravel. Her survivalinstinct is on highest alert, ready for anything.
sanityroll success,[url=]roll 14 against 67[/url]
mr.handy,If the LT.COL makes a quick dive for his dropped gun I think Juliette will startle and jump for it if it is close enough for her to reach it before or the same time as him.
Edit: spelling and such

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:59 am
by Thorn
(Could someone please roll for me, I don't know how to do that fancy roll link.)

Brook had crawled over to Story and was speaking to him when the colonel was shot dead.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:04 am
by yockenthwaite
OOC pass sanity roll,[url=]Sanity roll (stat 56%) plus possible loss (1d6) at seeing Colonel Patel gunned down (1d100=18, 1d6=5)[/url]
Elizabeth gasps as the Colonel is shot fatally. But she seems to cope well otherwise with the sight. She looks around her, desperately hoping that sense prevails.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 2:52 pm
by aine
Sanity roll,Sanity (55%) [url=]1d100=20, 1d6=6[/url]
Karin is horrified at seeing the Colonel shot down but it is nothing worse than she has seen before. She is almost more alarmed at Lt. Colonel's lack of emotion and is determined to examine him as soon as she has seen to Colonel Patel: she'll wait for the guns to stop firing before hurrying over to the Colonel with her med bag to see if there is anything she can do for her.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:15 pm
by jaysun81
Sanity Fail,[url=]Sanity - 68% (1d100=99)[/url]
Sanity Loss,[url=]Sanity Loss (1d6=1)[/url]

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:20 am
by CrackheadC.
Alison, though a little shaken, keeps her composure. She lowers her gun, but does not holster it. Alison only glances at Colonel Patel's body before looking away and moving closer to Robert. "It's okay Rob. We did what we had to do. We can evacuate now - we're safe, we won't die on this rock." Alison puts her hand on Robert's back to comfort him and looks around the room - taking a moment to assess any other danger from the crew and visitors before looking at Lt. Colonel Bruce for orders. Alison's eyes carefully avoid the body and the pool of blood quickly gathering around it.
Sanity,Sanity roll vs. 49 = 36. Pass. Lose only 1 SAN

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[url=]This post[/url] has step by step instructions for using Invisible Castle and embedding links in text. The instructions are out of date, as the site has had some changes since then. You now need to register in order to put information in the Note field, but registration is free. There is also now a Campaign Name field, so you can just put the name of your character in the Character Name text box and the name of the game in the Campaign Name text box, as you'll see in the links i'm putting in this post.
Juliette Desjardins,You're not close enough to him; you're about fifty feet away, and he can probably bend down and get it before you reach it. However, he's moving slowly, not diving for it.
The brutal killing was too much for Brook. She was shaken, but she was able to maintain her composure. While Lucius was from a time when political killings were not unheard of, seeing it right in front of him was different - not to mention that the weapons used were those horrid "boomsticks." He was affected too, but not enough to unhinge him. Even Story was a bit disturbed by the sudden violence.

Heinrich Kohl was also shocked. Colonel Patel had warned him this would happen, but he hadn't listened. Was he responsible for her death? Would he be next? He was bothered deeply, but he couldn't waste too much time dwelling on it.

"Quite right, Private Silver," said General Pryce. "You were doing your jobs, and you did them well. I am in command again now, and the evacuation shall resume. When we reach the docking bay, I will try to smooth things over with the Mi-Go." He spoke into his radio. "Lt. Rose, this is General Pryce. Colonel Patel has been executed for treason and mutiny, and I am in command. Make an announcement to the entire base to that effect, and instruct all personnel to report to the docking bay for evacuation, and that it will be depressurized. Depressurize the bay and open the dome. Then join us there yourself."

Lt. Colonel Bruce knelt down slowly and retrieved his dropped weapon. He held it in his hand as he rose, but it was pointed at the floor. "Sergeant Kohl, now perhaps you can explain why you and Captain Bauer were accompanying Colonel Patel."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:00 am
by jaysun81
Story puts his arm around Brook's shoulder. "It's alright... we will get out of this." Smiles and then looks over at both Elizabeth and Lucius before turning his attention back to Brook. "I'm not sure what's happening here but something strange, and unsettling is occurring here and now. It has to either be some form of brainwashing or mind control." Shakes head. "Perhaps it would be best if we depart sooner rather than later..."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:44 pm
by aine
Karin walks over and crouches down by Colonel Patel but there is obviously nothing she can do. "We'll have to bag the body up before evacuation." She looks up at Lt. Colonel Bruce. "Sir, it would be best if you would submit to a quick medical examination before evac; I have to eliminate the necessity of quarantine. It won't take long." Karin is troubled that she hasn't the necessary expertise or equipment to deal with 'psycho-superiors' as she has quietly termed the worrying tendency of the upper echelons of the command to act abnormally.
OOC,I can't remember if Karin knows if Story is a doctor or whether she would consider going to him for advice.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:06 pm
by yockenthwaite
Elizabeth walks to stand beside Story. "This place is becoming increasingly alarming," she says quietly to him. "I fear what might happen next."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:28 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Whoops, I completely forgot that [b]Karin[/b] went to examine the colonel's body. She doesn't know that [b]Story[/b] is a doctor (in fact, he is not), but she does know that he's very smart.
Karin didn't need to be a doctor to know that Colonel Patel was beyond all hope. At least her death had been a quick one. Her sidearm was still secured in her holster. She had never even had a chance to draw.

Lt. Colonel Bruce looked at Karin with narrowed eyes. "I'm still waiting to hear a satisfactory explanation of what you and Sergeant Kohl were doing with Colonel Patel. Were you part of this mutiny?"

"They were not," said General Pryce. "They were merely playing along with her until such time as you and your team could arrive. I can vouch for their loyalty. I'm afraid that there's no time for an examination prior to the evacuation, Captain Bauer. The Mi-Go do not seem patient to me, and I need to speak to them in person right away in order to keep things between us and them peaceful. There will be plenty of time for exams on the journey home. We also don't have time to collect a body bag, but I'm sure Sergeant Kohl can help you carry the body. The Mi-Go might not believe us if we just tell them she's dead. They may suspect that she has hidden somewhere in the base unless we show them the body to prove it. Everyone, follow me to the docking bay. The airlocks leading to the docking bay module won't hold all of us at once, so some of us will have to go through first." He walked past Juliette, Story, and his companions and opened the outer door to the airlock from which they had just emerged.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:23 am
by CrackheadC.
"I think the General is right Lt. Colonel - if they weren't playing along then there would have been no reason for Sergeant Kohl to contact us on the secure line," Alison adds hoping to prevent further bloodshed and ease the Lt. Colonel's suspicions.

Alison checks to make sure Robert is still okay before stepping towards the docking bay airlock and the General. She holsters her weapon and looks at the accumulated security team. "It would be best if some of us went first in case there was any trouble right? I can go on ahead with the first group if you want sirs." Alison was addressing the Sergeant and Lt. Colonel knowing that sometimes it looks best to volunteer for a job before you are volun-told to do it.
OOC,How many people can fit in the airlock passageways at one time? If we were all to go to the docking bay (and I say if because I don't know if Story and the gang are planning to return to their TARDIS), how many groups would it take before all of us made it through?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:08 pm
by Thorn
Brook says quietly to Story and Elisabeth:" We should find the TARDIS. We can't leave her here..."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:52 pm
by Mr. Handy
Lt. Colonel Bruce nodded to Alison. "Very well," he said.
OOC,The airlocks are designed to hold six people, though you can squeeze in seven in a pinch. There are eleven of you here, plus the body of the late [b]Colonel Patel[/b], so that means two groups. Who else wants to go with the first group?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:00 pm
by yockenthwaite
Elizabeth nods discreetly in response to Brook's comment.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:15 am
by jaysun81
"Indeed. I think you might be right." Looks at Lucius hoping to catch his eye.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:02 am
by CrackheadC.
Alison will go with the first group, she'll avoid carrying Lt. Colonel Patel's body if she can though. Alison will also check where all of the base personnel are in the area. "What about the visitors General?" She looks at Juliette, "Can Charon's Ferry make the trip with all of the extra weight, would it even have enough supplies?"
OOC,When I say she is checking where the base personnel are, I'm assuming she has a monitor or some sort of handheld on her that would allow her to view all chipped personnel's locations remotely like the General had.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 5:17 pm
by aine
Karin salutes at the General and then puts on some gloves from her med bag; she looks around for something to wrap the body in as it is pretty bloody. Karin is prepared to carry the body herself if there are no handy trolleys about. Either way, she'll be in the second group by the time she is ready to leave.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 10:02 pm
by Lynx
Juliette looks at Alison, her eyes a little distant. " I will do the math," She says absentminded, and salutes the General as he passes. Not her usual quickwitted self she continues "I will get back to you on that." She looks at Brook, Elisabeth and Story, her expression one of curiosity. "We need to discuss the matter of your transportation, but I have another duty first." She then walks over to Karin as she fusses about. "Do you need a hand Captain?"
mr. Handy,how does one figure out if the ship can make the trip with extra personell?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Lt. Colonel Bruce[/b] has a datapad that he's been using to link to the computer in the Security Center precisely to track people. [b]Alison[/b] would have one too, so she can receive the same information. Most people are right here in this corridor. [b]Major Orlova[/b] and [b]Lt. Hu[/b] are inside the docking bay. [b]Lt. Barrett[/b], [b]Private Torres[/b], and [b]Private Bond[/b] are outside the docking bay. [b]Lt. Rose[/b] is in Ground Control. [b]Colonel Patel[/b] was a full bird, not a Lieutenant Colonel. Not that it did her any good. ;) I'll need at least one more PC to go in the first group. [b]Lt. Colonel Bruce[/b] and [b]Robert[/b] will go with [b]General Pryce[/b] and [b]Alison[/b]. If nobody volunteers, the general will just order someone to accompany them.
Juliette Desjardins,The weight will not be an issue. [i]Charon's Ferry[/i] towed all of the components of the base on the way to Pluto so that they could be assembled here. It will not be bringing them back. There are enough supplies on board to make the return trip plus a decent amount extra just in case. If everyone goes back, you'll be bringing a net of three additional people ([b]Colonel Patel[/b] won't be consuming anything). There should be enough, though rationing may be necessary if you run short.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:32 pm
by aine
Karin finishes wrapping the body in a handy plastic sheet. She looks up, "Thankyou Captain, that would be great. But as you are piloting us home I'd rather you took a back seat and relax a bit, if that's possible.' she grins wryly. "Miss Elizabeth and Miss Brook bought med supplies over on a trolley so I can make room on that, if it's here."
Mr Handy,Is it okay to assume that? If so, Karin gets the trolley ready and will push it into the airlock when necessary.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:43 pm
by jaysun81
Leans close to Brook and says,"Brook, if it comes down to it get yourself and the others to the TARDIS."

Turns towards the General.

"General, sir. I don't think the Mi-Go can be trusted. I urge you not to trust them... there is something wrong here, very wrong."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy
"Attention all personnel," said the voice of Lt. Colleen Rose over the base's PA system. "Colonel Patel has been executed for treason and mutiny, and General Pryce has been reinstated to command. All personnel are ordered to report to the docking bay for evacuation. The bay will be depressurized again now."

"I shall keep that in mind," General Pryce replied to Story. "Captain Desjardins, come with the first group. I'll need you to help prepare for launch. Captain Bauer, you will lead the second group. After we have passed through the airlock, the rest of you are to follow us immediately and proceed to the docking bay." He went into the airlock with Lt. Colonel Bruce, Robert, Alison, and Juliette. He closed the door and the airlock began to cycle. Karin, Heinrich, Story, and his companions remained behind for now.

Karin opened the door to the fusion reactor room, which was right on this stretch of corridor. Inside she found a spare gravcart as well as a large, gray foil sheet. She used the sheet to wrap the colonel's body and, with Heinrich's help, loaded it onto the cart.
Juliette Desjardins,Actually supplies won't be a problem at all. The [i]Persephone[/i] had a crew of three and was already loaded for a return journey to Earth that never happened.
Karin Bauer,[b]Robert[/b] already brought the cart loaded with medical supplies to the docking bay a while ago, but there's another in this module.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:00 am
by Lynx
Juliette went with the General in the airlock as ordered, but as she passed Story and Brook she patted the girl on her shoulder and said something very quietly to them.
Brook &Story,"You should get capt. Bauer to give you Patels chip, so you can get to your ship without us. Get out of here as fast as you can, and warn earth about the Mi-Goo." The fear and worry showing in her eyes, she nonetheless went with her General as ordered.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:39 am
by Thorn
Brook nods, first to Story, then to Juliette. Turning to Karin after the General's group has left, she asks:"Could we have the Colonel's key card, so that we can reach our ship? And do you know where she is? We have our own transportation."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:38 am
by aine
As the airlock closes Karin turns to Brook and her companions, giving Story a sharp look. "The General didn't say anything about what you're supposed to do, he assumes you'll follow him I guess. But you're right; we need to get you back to your transportation which is in Tertiary Storage... " Karin looks at the sergeant for affirmation, "On the other side of the base. Now we can't have 'suspected terrorists' wandering around a top-security base unguarded," Karin winks at Thorn, "So the sergeant and I will escort you. I may be will be risking an insubordination charge but it gives me time to talk to Mr. Story on the way. We can pick up Lt. Rose on the way too. If it's all happy families with the Mi-Go then they won't mind an extra ten minutes. And if it isn't... then, well I don't know."

As the General is now Karin's immediate superior she buzzes him on the radio. While she waits for his reply she opens the other airlock, leading to the central module and tertiary storage, and gestures for the others to enter. She pushes the patel-carton inside.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:40 pm
by jaysun81
Looking at Karin he says: "Thank you. I was worried that the General would force us to join you all on the departing ship therefore leaving our transportation here with the Mi-Go... not that they could access it."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:52 pm
by Dr. Bloodworth
"I'd assume their transport is still there," says Heinrich, silently thankful the general decided to back him and Captain Bauer. All said and done, it was much better than it could have gone. "I'm not aware of its having been moved. And it wouldn't have been easy to move anyway, not without some heavy equipment. Off to storage then, I suppose."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy
Karin did recall that the general had ordered her to have everyone else follow his group to the docking bay immediately once they had passed through the airlock. Colonel Patel's still-warm corpse served as a reminder that disciplinary action could be the least of her worries. She pushed the cart into the airlock that led towards the central module. It would be a tight fit with all of them and the cart, but they could manage.

"Yes, Captain Bauer?" replied General Pryce on her radio.
Karin Bauer/Heinrich Kohl,There are no keycards to open the doors and airlocks. Instead, each member of Styx Base's crew has a chip implanted in his or her right hand with access privileges. Touching the lockplate next to a door or airlock with that hand will cause it to open, provided that the person has authorization to enter. The implants are powered by body heat. [b]Colonel Patel[/b] is freshly dead, so there's still enough heat for now to power the one in her hand. However, eventually she will cool off and the implant will run out of energy.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:40 am
by aine
Karin responds to the General,
"The visitors, Sir. They need escorting back to their ship immediately so we can get rid of them, but it's probably best they weren't wandering around the base by themselves- Sergeant Heinrich and I can take them straight there and then on to the docking bay asap. We can pick up Lt. Rose too on the way if you wish. We can be back with you before you finish loading. "
She switches off, winces and turns to Heinrich. "Do you reckon he'll buy it? We could let them go on their own but you'd have to draw a map or something and I don't know how long Patel's chip will last." To Story and companions, "Her chip is activated by body heat, as she's dead it won't last much longer- you could get stuck between airlocks."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:22 am
by Mr. Handy
"Negative, Captain," replied General Pryce. "The Mi-Go are going to want everyone accounted for. If we tell them our visitors disappeared in their own transport, they'll never believe it and think they're hiding somewhere on the base. Lt. Rose already has orders to report to the docking bay, so there's no need to pick her up. You will bring the visitors and follow us to the docking bay just as soon as the airlock is clear, as ordered."
Story/Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook,You have seen that [b]Story[/b]'s sonic screwdriver can open the locks in this base, so you wouldn't get stuck even if [b]Colonel Patel[/b]'s chip gave out. However, you've also seen that using the sonic screwdriver to defeat a lock triggers an alarm.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:07 am
by aine
Karin shuts off the radio, "well, you heard him; we all have to proceed immediately to the docking bay where the Mi-Go are, I'm sorry." She steps out of the central airlock back into the corridor. "Sergeant, we'd better do as ordered. Mr. Story, you said earlier that something was wrong. I agree: our commanders have been acting strangely, even considering the circumstances. Colonel Patel would never have been shot out of hand even for treason. I don't understand it, but I can't find anything wrong with them medically. I'm not allowed to examine the Lt. Colonel and yet they are considering taking him back to earth with no quarantine. I'm sure that's against protocol. Do you have any idea what is happening? I'm supposed to look after morale and psychological well-being of the crew; and mine's shot to pieces."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:03 pm
by Lynx
Juliette listens as the General gives the orders. She has been looking intently at him, lt. Colonel Bruce, Robert and Alison. She is high strung, and struggles to keep her emotions in check. The last order makes her widen her eyes. She quickly remodels her face into its professional mask, and asks. "General Pryce sir? May I ask you a question sir, as we wait for the others?"
mr. handy,Juliette is trying to figure out if she trusts her supperior and the lt.col. Or whether they seem to have changed their demeanor in any way. So far everything indicates that they are suspiciously calm about everything.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:05 pm
by Thorn
Brook frowns:"NO! You can't kidnap us! We can't leave the TARDIS here, we'd be stuck forever!"

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:54 pm
by Mr. Handy
"Of course, Captain," said General Pryce to Juliette.
Juliette Desjardins,Please roll Psychology. If you fail the roll, you'll just have to drawn your own conclusions.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:19 pm
by Lynx
Juliette was unable to decide whether to trust her boss or not. "Thank you sir. What are we to do if the Mi-goo attacks us in the dockingbay sir? What makes you so sure they are going to let us go back, that they are not going to be containing us as they did the crew of the Persephone?" She had half an eye on Lt.col Bruce as she said that. Trying to discern an answer by his reaction, or lack of it. " I am worried sir,they have themselves admitted that they would rather not have their prescence known to us, the humans." She stopped, realising that she was saying a bit more than a simple question. "To cut it short Sir. What are your orders in the event of a possible attack ,Sir?"

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 10:40 pm
by Mr. Handy
"I think that if the Mi-Go had wanted to wipe us out, they could have done it already," said General Pryce. "If attacked, we shall defend ourselves. However, we are not to initiate any hostile action. If there's still a chance we will be allowed to leave peacefully, I want to take it. The safety of the crew is my responsibility."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:49 am
by jaysun81
"It has got to be some form of mind control... mind alteration. You realize that they will never let any of us leave this place don't you?" Shakes his head and looks at his companions before looking back at Karin. "To Hell with the General's orders! I wish I could help, I really do but..." Stops short and looks away.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:59 am
by yockenthwaite
"Could we all travel in the TARDIS back to the Docking Bay?", Elizabeth asks Story. "By all I mean you, me, Lucius and Brook, and also the members of the crew here who are supposed to be accompanying us. Then we would all be present and correct for the Mi-Go to see. And we would be free to leave in our own ship, as we dearly want to do."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:51 am
by aine
"But 'what' Mr Story? I'm delaying here so we can speak together, this is the last chance we have so out with it! I know I'm crew and under orders but the preservation of human life is my main priority; ours and yours. If the General and Lt. Colonel Bruce are 'happy' to shoot one of our own I can't see them being too particular about you visitors. The Navy have already lost one ship and crew here on Pluto and we have no more knowledge then the crew of the Persephone so it doesn't look too good for our outcome."

She listens to Elizabeth but that doesn't make any sense to her. How can their ship move around the base?"Now I would normally follow orders to the letter, mostly, but I've lost confidence with our command and it's damn scary. I don't know how the sergeant feels, but any of you have a plan then I will help where I can."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:54 pm
by jaysun81
Looks back at Karin. "I fear your team is already compromised. Can you honestly say that the General and Lt. Col. Bruce are mentally stable? As the chief medical officer don't you have the military authority to override the General and necessitate an immediate medical work-up of Bruce to insure the safety of those present on this base? The Mi-Go will have to wait!" Briefly looks at his companions then back at Karin, looking her directly in the eye. "If you will not stand on the authority that was given to you as a medical officer than you will have to kill me and drag my corpse into the bay because I refuse to just walk in there without you doing your duty Captain!"

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:00 am
by aine
"Indeed Mr. Story, but look what happened to the last person who tried to counter command them; we'll need to bit more tricky. Sergeant Kohl, do you have full control of your forces and is there any way you can contact them without alerting the General and Bruce? We don't know if Captain Desjardins or the science team have been influenced by the Mi-Go either, I seriously hope Julliette is okay; she's our ticket out of here. Okay, we are all going to the docking bay. If the General is himself he should definitely agree to a medical examination of Lt. Colonel Bruce before we board. Could you be present at the examination Mr. Story? I found nothing wrong with the General when I examined him but, if possible see what you think, you too Sergeant; you know him better. Whatever the outcome I will

Miss Davies, Thorn, could you push the carton with Colonel Patel? If things go wrong you must all try to get back to your ship. As to the base layout- it's shaped like a wheel with a central hub with six spokes leading to smaller modules. All the modules are connected around the perimeter. Your ship is in Tertiary Storage which is directly opposite to this module we are in now. So from the docking bay either take the central airlock and head via the central module or take the furthest airlock and continue round the perimeter anti-clockwise. I should try to sidle that direction as soon as we are in the bay.

Sergeant Kohl, I will leave it to you to organise your forces and us to apprehend the General and the Lt. Colonel in a safe way. I will use my authority but be prepared if it doesn't work and they become hostile. The examination should give you time to assess the situation and prepare for the arrest. Our main aim is to get the crew safely aboard the Charon's Ferry, and the visitors to their ship. As to the Mi-go, I don't know where they are or what they'll do. Sergeant, you and I will be in front. Any questions?"

Karin switches on her radio. "Affirmative Sir."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:22 am
by Thorn
Brook swallows a bit and looks at the carton with the dead colonel. She nods a little, taking a deep breath. "Sure."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:58 pm
by jaysun81
"It would be my pleasure Captain." Smiles. "After you." Prepares to follow Karen and the others

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 4:03 am
by Mr. Handy
Sergeant Kohl knew that the rest of his security team was with Lt. Colonel Bruce and General Pryce, and there was no way he could communicate with them in secret, at least not fully. He could speak so that only they could hear, but their replies would be audible to those around them.

Brook pushed the gravcart out of the central airlock and over to the airlock leading back to the docking bay. It handled very well in spite of having no contact with the ground, and it didn't feel heavy at all. By the time she and the others reached the airlock, the indicator light showed that it was now vacant. Karin and the rest of the group moved into it with the cart. By the time they exited the other side of the airlock, the connecting tunnel to the docking bay was empty. General Pryce and his group had to have already entered the airlock at the other end.

General Pryce, Lt. Colonel Bruce, Juliette, Alison, and Robert all emerged from the airlock and into the arc-shaped corridor outside the docking bay. "I shall put on my suit," said the general, opening one of the many lockers. He was the only one there not wearing a spacesuit. "When I am done, then we shall enter the docking bay."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 5:40 am
by yockenthwaite
Elizabeth, who walked alongside Story and the others, looks around her as they walk, but feels somewhat lost as they move around the base. She hopes that her fellow TARDIS companions have a better sense of direction, if they have to make their way back to the TARDIS on their own. Somewhat apprehensive about what will happen next she steels herself, ready to react quickly if need be.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 10:51 am
by aine
Karin leads the group down to the last airlock leading to the docking bay module.
OOC,Will we all need to suit up to enter the main docking bay, are there enough suits for the visitors and do they need to have had training to wear them?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,The visitors are already suited up and were shown how to seal the suits properly; they came here from the docking bay. [b]Karin[/b] and [b]Heinrich[/b] still need to put on spacesuits when they reach the docking bay entrance. There are enough suits for everyone, as there are some spares just in case. Plus [b]Colonel Patel[/b] won't be needing hers any more.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 1:53 pm
by aine
They enter the last airlock. As the door closes Karin tries to smile confidently to Thorn and Elizabeth but it's a bit wobbly. "Well, here goes, Sergeant Kohl and I'll have to suit up before we enter the docking bay proper then we'll go first. What ever happens, it was a pleasure to meet you all; I wish we could have had a bit more time together. But who knows? Maybe it'll all end peacefully!" She makes a wry grin and turns to face the exit, she takes a deep breath.
Mr Handy,What a time to leave the show! Is it okay to NPC the captain for a few days until Monday?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:23 pm
by jaysun81
Story secures his helmet.
Mr. Handy,Ah man! Such a critical moment and Karin has to go NPC. I for one would be okay if we pause until Aine returns.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'll NPC [b]Karin[/b] for as long as possible, as her player has given me some direction. If I come to a point where something unexpected happens and she needs to make a decision, I'll wait at that point. I do want to wait a little longer at this point anyway to give [b]Heinrich[/b]'s player a chance to say something to the security officers.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 10:04 pm
by ImpInTraining
Lucius also puts his helmet on and says quietly to Story and Brook, "We'd do better if we just ran for it. We're walking right into an execution." He pointed to the others that seemed uncertain and said, "Enough room on the TARDIS for the lot of them."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Iron Fist(Everyone else)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 1:51 am
by Mr. Handy
"Silver, MacCrimmon," said Heinrich into his communicator. "Don't say anything out loud in response. This is Sergeant Kohl. There is more to this situation than meets the eye. I'm not sure what's going to happen, but when the time comes, I need you to trust me and follow my orders no matter what."

Everyone got in the airlock and it cycled. Soon the door leading to the corridor outside the docking bay opened.
OOC,Everyone is moving to the thread linked below.