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LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Geographical Region

Rough map of the area and hills

<-N (Orientation)

Combat Base Khe Sanh

Tactical map

Latest intelligence on enemy troops


Re: LZ - Khe Sanh

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx
View of the LZ


April 12th 0600 inbound Battle Camp Khe Sanh

Sgt Thompson peeks out from the PX as the heli with the NFGs approaches. He rubs the back of his neck, it has been a soaking night. Too warm for comfort. At least the beer is cold. He cracks it open and lets it chill his throat. He puts it on the steps and takes a seat next to it. Vietnam is all about waiting. Waiting for reinforcements, for the end of the tour...for death.

He leans back towards the concrete wall and waits.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:09 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Inside the Bell Huey (UH-1) 476 -

Pilot PFC Wallace of the Marines 20th Special Operations Squadron (AFSOC) takes the heli down towards the landing zone. He leans between the seats and turns to the men in the back.
"Stay low when you exit, don´t want to have any mishaps. Give them hell."

He turns back to the controls and hover over the LZ gushing up a cloud of sand. The morning sun just barely has risen above the tree tops. What can be seen of the camp is that they are arriving at a battle ground not a combat base. This place looks more like a bombed out airstrip than any kind of organized military base.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:12 am
by Pickman37
Tobias Berkowitz was huddled inside the belly of the Huey, alone with his thoughts. The whipping propellers of the chopper were deafening inside the hold, forcing casual conservation to be held at volumes above shouting, not that any of his fellow soldiers looked like the talkative types....

He fought the realization that he was now a world away from family and friends. Boot Camp at Paris Island in North Carolina felt like an eternity from NYC but this was something else....

Suddenly, the pilot turned around and shouted...
Syrinx wrote: "Stay low when you exit, don´t want to have any mishaps. Give them hell."
Upon setting down, Tobias gathered his gear and exited the chopper. Amid the swirling dust, two thoughts entered his mind....

What is this...? This doesn't look like a military base...

Tobias swallowed hard...

..and why is it this hot and humid so early in the morning?

He had a bad feeling about this....

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Private Eric Whitehouse looks out at the LZ carefully for any sign of the enemy. When the signal is given, he makes one final check of his equipment and leaps out, making sure to crouch low. That alone has saved his life on more than one occasion. A smaller target is harder to hit, and he's about as big as they come. He sticks close to Sam in case he needs reloads from the M60 ammo that Eric is lugging. He's more than just a pack mule, however. He's an expert with the M16 he cradles in his hands, and he's prepared to use it if he sees any threats to him or his buddies. He particularly needs to take out anyone who might target Sam, so that he can keep the machine gun firing. He doesn't much like killing, but he'll do it to protect his friends from Charlie.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Khe Sanh PX-

Thompson sees how the new guys exit the heli. He empties the last of his beer and gets up. He walks across the walkways created to keep the place appear to have some structure and not only dirt roads. Basically the only construction at the base is the runway. Whatever standing above ground are tents and sandbags. Every walkway is lined with foxholes and the entire base is a maze of tunnels and trenches. That and the bunkers. Every post and zone has a bunker. Those poses as "Structures".
Who was the genius that decided to make this spot ideal for the last combat base next to VC territory? Must have been those gung-ho SOGs.

He is passed by a four wheeler as Mamba Jack drives to sign in the new squad. His new brothers in arms.
Hopefully they have the sense to stay alive longer than the last batch.

Outside the helicopter -

Whitehouse, Berkowitz, Becket and Sam lug their gear out of the open doors of the Huey and cover their faces as good as possible against the small sand storm created by the rotors. "C´ya!", Wallace shouts as he lifts off with the doors still open. The gush of reinforced down force from the ascending heli makes it no more pleasant on the ground.

couldn´t spot any enemies on the way down, but they could be anywhere. That he didn´t see them didn´t mean they weren´t there. The last reports spoke of large amounts of VCs surrounding the base from the west and north west. No numbers were mentioned, only that the base was to be held - for strategic purposes.

The climate change makes Tobias wish he hadn´t left Queens. As the two point men slowly walks off the LZ, a four wheeler careens towards them with a marine wearing colonel insignias.

Berkowitz and Becket take a 360 view of the base from the LZ. Sand bags and trenches all over the place. Just south of the barbed fence next to the LZ runs a railway track. The entire base is a trench. On the far side of the base they can make out the runway and the air control tower - which looks like a look out tower made of wooden poles.
To the north west a sign saying motor pool is leaning toward a sheet of corrugated metal. On their right hand close to the air strip is a red and white flag with Charlie Med written on it.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:29 am
by Seon
"So guys," Sam muttered as he scanned the wasteland around him. "Nice place. Nice scenary, nice bombed out forests, and strategic value. Whatever that means."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:41 am
by Kadael
James steps behind Eric, eyes darting around the jungle. His fingers scramble over his uniform, digging sand out of the folds.

When he catches sight of the colonel, he straightens and snaps off a salute.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy

"It may look like a pile of crap," Eric says to Sam, "but it's our pile of crap. If Charlie thinks he's going to take it away from us, we'll show him." He salutes when he sees the colonel approaching.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:01 am
by Seon
Sam was about to retort when he spotted the colonel approaching. He quickly saluted along with Eric.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:32 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The colonel gets off the now immobile four wheeler and steps up to the saluting newcomers. He steps a few steps closer than comfortable and scrutinizes the four. He mutters and yanks up a document from a leg pouch.

"As you were." He taps his helmet. "Khe Sanh welcomes you with her legs spread wide. Enjoy her while you have your dicks still attached." He lets a big grin show and adds, " You´ll get your gear at 3Bt/26Ms, boys. Sgt Thompson of 2/3 will show you to your quarters. He´ll be here presently." He reads from the document, "Becker, Whitehouse, Berkowitz?" He double checks the roster. "I have only three names on my list. Still there are four of you." "We have room for all Uncle Sam sends. i´M Colonel Jack Kreuter, I´m in charge of sending you on your first mission along with some old timers. Sgt Thompson and Sgt Mullins will be your guides behind enemy lines. You´ll be leaving at 0800. Get your bearings and gear and do a helluva job. Sgt Mullins will brief you on your mission orders."


While sputtering out the welcome speech he produces a pen and checks off the names. "Becker, Berkowitz and Whitehouse." He eyeballs the four while reading their names. "Which one of you jokers is not on the list?"

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:45 am
by Kadael
"Beckett, sir." James shuffles his feet in the sand, unsure whether his name is listed incorrectly or if he isn't on the list at all. "I'm Beckett."

He glances nervously at the other three recruits who came down with him.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm Whitehouse, sir," says Eric. He looks around at the others to see which of them is the one who isn't on the list.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:12 am
by Seon
"Huh, that's weird," Sam said. "There must have been some kind of mistake. My name is Sam Hobbes, sir!"

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:50 am
by Pickman37
Seon wrote:"Huh, that's weird," Sam said. "There must have been some kind of mistake. My name is Sam Hobbes, sir!"
"Private Berkowitz, Sir!!!" Tobias barked, even as the words left Hobbes' lips...

Berkowitz had been caught off guard. The sight of the base had distracted him, especially the "Charlie Med" flag..

...More like a twisted Club Med...!

Tobias stifled a laugh in a momentary lapse of humor....

.....and the Colonel's words flew by his racing mind. He realized he was instinctively at attention, thanks to basic training but not remembering he did it, but once he snapped back to reality, he remembered hearing the other soldiers I.D. themselves and he followed suit....not realizing he was speaking out of line, at an awkward moment...

His body and posture tightened even harder to seem more at attention and hoped no one noticed....

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Kreuter stops at Hobbes. "Going under cover, son? CIA affiliations? Did Langley send you - to check up on me?" He scribbles down Hobbes´ details on the roster. "No, really it must be a transfer glitch. Someone back at HQ messed up. Good thing we have some spare beds here at camp." He turns to see how far Thompson has reached from the PX.

He pockets the document.

"The four of you, follow Sgt Thompson to your bunker and he´ll fill you in on the mission. Sgt Mullins will catch up with you as you leave." He gets back up on the four wheeler and starts the engine. "Any questions?"

They all see Thompson closing in at a leisurely pace.
He gives the leaving heli a wave and nods at Colonel Kreuter in the motorbike.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Sgt Thompson stands waiting as Col Kreuter drives back the way he came.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:17 pm
by Dave Syrinx
[OOC: Scuse the time glitch, folks. I´m set to continue, you are about to get your packs from Sarge ASAP. Feel free to drop some random chatter while Thompson gets ready to escort you guys.]

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:54 pm
by committed hero
"Saddle up ladies. Now that the Colonel is gone the real work can get started. We leave in five.

Beckett & Berkowitz - secure your meds."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:47 am
by Pickman37
"Yes Sir!....But permission to speak sir..."

Berkowitz paused and continued, not wanting to hold the group up in plain sight...

"Sir, I initially started out training to be a field medic but was moved and trained as a "Tunnel Rat" due to my small stature. I do have medical training but was not issued a medical kit, sir!"

Berkowitz waited for Sgt. Thompson's reply and half expected Beckett to say the same thing...

He's got to be slightly smaller than me. Tobias thought of Beckett. How did he get out of "Rat" duty if he isn't one. Unless he's one helluva medic...Or maybe just standing next to Whitehouse makes anyone look small....
Committed Hero,Welcome aboard. You arrived late but there was an earlier post from the boss. We're all gonna use blue for speech and green for thoughts so we're all on the same page. Damn Army!...All about conformity :D Anyways, glad to see you in the game!

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:56 am
by Kadael
James is about to speak up when Berkowitz takes the opportunity. Not wanting to interrupt, he retrieves his medical kit with a slight nod.

His gaze drifts to Berkowitz. What? What is he looking at me for?

Only a second passes before he remembers where he is, and his attention snaps back to the Sergeant.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:22 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That's okay. I wasn't able to post during that time anyway.

"Ready when you are, Sergeant," says Eric. He recognizes that he's by far the tallest one here, and he pratically towers over the medic and the tunnel rat. He gives his gear one final check while he has the chance.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:47 pm
by committed hero
Pickman37 wrote: "Sir, I initially started out training to be a field medic but was moved and trained as a "Tunnel Rat" due to my small stature. I do have medical training but was not issued a medical kit, sir!"
"Outstanding, then you can hump the explosive ordnance.

We have about a seven-klick march to a ville near Hill 881. Our job is to look for Charlie sympathizers, agitators, tax collectors, the like. And anything on paper.


Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"How much opposition can we expect, Sarge?" asks Eric.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:08 am
by Pickman37
"Yes Sir!" Berkowitz replied to Thompson.

Berkowitz loaded up the demolition gear and prepared for the long hike, not enthusiastic about the heat and humidity, but determined just the same, when Whitehouse spoke...
Mr. Handy wrote:
"How much opposition can we expect, Sarge?" asks Eric.
Berkowitz continued to gear up but listened closely....

Whitehouse asks the right questions...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:55 am
by committed hero
Mr. Handy wrote:"How much opposition can we expect, Sarge?" asks Eric.
"Two brigades from the North, probably twice that in black pajamas. I'd like to keep nice and quiet - no heroes."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 am
by Seon
We are going to where to do WHAT facing a WHAT?!

"Umm.... lieutenant?" Sam said. "How do you intend on going into a territory that has two Charlie and four black pajama brigades and look for Charlie sympathizers inside a village probably full of Charlie sympathizers without getting spotted?"

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:30 pm
by Pickman37
"Black pajama brigade...?" Berkowitz half muttered to himself but slightly audible enough that someone would hear him and explain....
OOC,Outside of a Big Lebowski reference I misunderstood, we have to be suspicious of all peasants then....?

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:04 pm
by committed hero
Seon wrote:"Umm.... lieutenant?" Sam said. "How do you intend on going into a territory that has two Charlie and four black pajama brigades and look for Charlie sympathizers inside a village probably full of Charlie sympathizers without getting spotted?"
"Quickly and quietly. And meeting resistance with overwhelming firepower."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:08 pm
by Kadael
James almost starts laughing at the notion of fighting anything in pajamas, but quickly manages to disguise it as a cough. This shouldn't be funny; they've got a job to do. Why does Hobbes have to say everything like that?

He tries to catch Berkowitz's eye and gives a slight shrug. He doesn't know anything, either, but he jerks his head a bit towards Whitehouse. Maybe he'll explain?

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The newly thrown together squad follow Sarge as he leads the four new troopers to their haven at Khe Sanh, the bunker next to the PX. A sign at the entrance to the sand bag wall says 3/26 Marines HQ.
Sarge shows them down the stairs to a tunnel that leads to a bomb shelter. Leaning against the side of the tunnel are several combat packs, all prepped for their mission.
He turns on the light in the dark corridor and the battery powered fixtures along the low ceiling flutter to life.
At the end of the corridor a steel door leads to the bunker. This corridor is a buffer zone of some sort.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Black pajama brigades are Viet Cong," explains Eric to James, who is obviously a new guy. and to Tobias. He remembers when he first came to the Nam, and he was glad that there were older, more experienced men to show him the ropes. "They're not as numerous since we slaughtered a lot of them during Tet, but there's still plenty around. The other two brigades are just regular NVA. There are a lot of them in this area, but they won't all be in one place and we can avoid them if we're stealthy."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The squad pass through the corridor and past the steel door into the bunker. In the center of the room, Sgt Mullins sits honing a knife.
"Rookies." He nods his head at them as they enter. The phrase is not deregorative just a statement. He sheathes his knife and stays on his stool. "Quietly does it. Keep your gear light. Half of what´s in those packs out there should be left here. We´re not planning on staying out long. The first team is on their way, they are humping it over there."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:39 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric nods and begins sorting through his gear to see what he can safely leave behind.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:52 am
by Dave Syrinx
Standard issue packs containing:

Camo cover for steel helmet, jungle boots, 2 pairs
of socks, waterproof canvas poncho, P38 can opener,
penknife, mosquito-bite lotion, cigarettes,
matches, sewing kit, Dr Scholl's foot
powder, condoms, one large gauze
patch, toilet paper, writing paper and
pencils, Sterno field fuel in cans,
safety pins, signal rockets, wire,
razorblades, machete, bayonet or knife,
sun hat, nail-cutters, chewing gum, candies, C
rations, 2 or 3 water canteens, lensatic compass,

Depending on the new arrivals´ specialties, Sarge can hand out the following:

Medical officer - a canvas bag
containing morphine, adrenaline, blood packs,
malaria tablets, band aids, M&M
chocolates etc

Demolitions: Pentrite explosives (2
kgs each), wirings, detonators,

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:22 pm
by committed hero
Syrinx wrote:"The first team is on their way, they are humping it over there."
"Outstanding. We'll get there by slick. The pilot will 'land' five times so no one knows which infil point is ours. If you haven't jumped out of a Huey, today's the day."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:04 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz also begins to sort his gear but, upon seeing the contents, he is forced to speak up....

"Sgt. Thompson, Sir!" He waits for eye contact and continues. "Will there be any potential tunnel action on this mission? And if so, is a flashlight part of the standard gear because it would appear my pack is missing one, sir!"

Berkowitz thumbs the matches in his pack, knowing he'll need them for sure but the thought of fumbling around in the dark, lighting matches, makes him nervous...
OOC,Is the bayonet included in our standard issue pack compatible with my M-16? If so, I'll attach it now. Also, I imagine I'll be lugging the Demolitions pack with the Pentrite, etc. but is this on top of the Satchel Charge listed in my initial equipment or are they one and the same?

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric removes the cigarettes and condoms from the pack first, as he's not planning to use them in the field. He also removes the writing paper and pencils. While he does keep a journal of his experiences, he figures that can wait until he gets back - if he gets back - and so leaves them in the interest of traveling light. He then takes out the nail-cutters, chewing gum, candy, and most of the Sterno.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:36 pm
by committed hero
Pickman37 wrote: "Will there be any potential tunnel action on this mission? And if so, is a flashlight part of the standard gear because it would appear my pack is missing one, sir!"
"Hard to say, Private. I tend to doubt it, as Khe Sahn is our ground and someone would've noticed excavations nearby."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

After a second thought, Eric returns the condoms to his pack. They may be useful for protecting his M16 from water, and they don't take up much room.
OOC,Thanks, Seon, that never occured to me!

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:28 am
by Pickman37
committed hero wrote:"Hard to say, Private. I tend to doubt it, as Khe Sahn is our ground and someone would've noticed excavations nearby."
The response does nothing to put Berkowitz at ease but then, considering the circumstances, nothing probably would....

The jungle is a big place... Berkowitz grimaces.

He begins to remove the condoms from his backpack but spies Whitehouse putting his back into his own pack....

There must be a reason to keep them in... Berkowitz thinks. He follows suit.
OOC,Thanks Seon, good point concerning the multiple uses of condoms. As for the bayonets, I'm assuming they must fit the M-16's since that is the only rifle we were all issued. As such, I'll be mounting mine to save space in my pack.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:43 am
by Kadael
James puzzles over the contents of the pack. It all looks so useful (well, most of it), and they can only take half?

He starts by removing the items that he knows he won't use anyway: candies, cigarettes, condoms, and the writing materials. Everything else seems too important to him, but of course, he's constantly thinking of worst-case scenarios.

Like being left behind in the middle of the jungle, with no can opener.

They did say they wouldn't be out long, but anything can happen, right?
OOC,Leave it to Seon...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:47 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric affixes his bayonet to his own M16 with practiced ease.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
As the group prepare their packs, Mullins gets up and grabs two flash lights from a hook on the bomb shelter´s wall. He hands them to Berkowitz, "To keep you enlightened, private. Just don´t point it at me and we´re cool."

He exits the bunker and starts for the PX. "We have time to get some grub before we leave. No need to head out on empty stomachs."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:44 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric follows. "Thanks, I could do with some chow," he says.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:17 am
by Dave Syrinx
Up in the PX, the squad gets a breakfast stew with bread and veggies. While eating the meal at the adjacent mess hall tent Kreuter gives some advice. "Forget anything you learned about kicking in a fight. If you try to land a kick, you are out of balance and your enemy can incapacitate you or kill you in twenty different ways. Never kick in a close combat situation."
He finishes his meal and offers a quick lesson in hand to hand maneuvers by Charlie Med. He tells whoever who is interested in knowing how to use their fists instead of their feet is welcome to learn a lesson.

Your character will get a 1d10+4 raise in Fist attack and a -1d4 in Kick attack from this training. The reduction of Kick skill is due to the hesitation to use it when knowing the faults of the technique. Balance is key. Also, I can´t justify a possible +14% raise in a skill for an hour´s training. Feel free to just watch the training session and get a +1d2 in kicking by learning what not to do - while not experiencing the danger first hand.
After the training, Mullins leads the way to the hel pad - carrying only his M-16 and four mags, camo paint, a canteen and two knives sheathed in his utility belt.

The heli at the pad speeds up the engine and takes off towards the hill, heading for the first fake drop. Present on the heli are, Sarge, Whitehouse, Berkowitz, Hobbes, Beckett and Mullins. Piloting the heli is Wallace from the previous ride.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:49 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz finished loading his pack and went with the squad for breakfast. He savored what was offered, knowing the C rations were not the most pleasant meal and that would be what he would be enjoying while on the mission...

Upon Kreuter's offer for additional training, Tobias enthusiastically accepted. The tight confines of a tunnel were a challenge for combat so the more one knew about hand-to-hand combat the better...
Hand-to-Hand Rolls?,Syrinx, will you be conducting these rolls for us or do we do them? I'm all in!
After training, Tobias boards the chopper with the rest of the squad and is again left to his thoughts under the loud droning of the rotars. He notices Mullin's gear and wonders....

Did I pack too much?

He exhales deeply and tries to contain the balance between adrenaline and fear...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric also attaches the camo cover to his helmet. He gladly joins the training session and learns a good deal about throwing a punch. He definitely doesn't want to try kicking after what he sees.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:37 am
by Seon
Hobbes popped a chewing gum into his mouth as he went through his gear again. He had taken out the sewing kit... he had no idea what the brass wanted him to do with that. Safety pin, writing paper, pencils, nail-cutters, razorblades, fuel, penknife, signal rockets, wire, foot powder, bayonet, and sunhat as well. He figures that if he really needed them, he could borrow one off of James.

He kept the cigarettes though.

He then eagerly listened to Kreuter's advices and lessons.Might as well learn how to beat people up with his hand. Although he would prefer to use a knife for that kind of thing. Isn't that why the brass issued him that big-ass machete? Now that was a knife.

Or maybe that was just for cutting through branches.

After listening to the advice, he made a mental note to never resort to kicking and walked away with Mullins

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:16 am
by Kadael
Upon seeing what the others have in their packs, James instantly regrets packing so much. Not much he can do about it now, though, and the breakfast does a little to soothe his worries.

He takes the Colonel's lesson with some reluctance, since he didn't retain much of what he learned at boot camp. At the end of it, he's mentally cursing the draft. At least he knows not to kick so much.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:03 am
by Pickman37
OOC,Looks like I should be rolling then...I'm a follower :lol:
Berkowitz thought about the impromtu lesson in hand-to-hand combat and wished he had picked up more...

However, despite learning about giving up the edge, he would have no problem using whatever he could to survive underground...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:48 am
by Pickman37
The dull beating of the rotors in the hull sounded like a heart ready to explode....

How did I end up here?

Berkowitz massaged his forehead and then rubbed his eyes, feeling a severe headache coming on...

He thought about Myra and the way she would carelessly (or intentionally?) brush up next to him in his mother's kitchen...

He started to reach for the picture in his pocket but then pulled his hand away...

He hoped this helicopter ride lasted forever...The noise producing an eerie feeling of calm upon his brain...

We could just fly on captain... Berkowitz thought as he began to feel the calming fingers of sleep begin to descend upon him...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:20 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Waiting, the ever present wait. Just another day in the Marine core.

Wallace keeps the heli just above the tree tops to avoid being spotted by half the VC present. The plotted five fake drops closed in and he alerted the squad of the first descent. Hobbes leans against the HMG mounted on the rim of the opened side of the heli.

The first down, is swift and by the looks of it goes well. Wallace navigates the helicopter in a zed-pattern towards the hill coordinates. The HMG cringes and threatens to hit Sam on the shoulder. The maneuver by the pilot brings Berkovitz back to the jungle.

A few minutes later, after having past a group of 20-30 NVA the pilot takes the air craft down in the second feint landing. He is up and away before the enemy reach the LZ... Up ahead dark clouds are building up and distant thunder can be heard. Approxamitely 3 clicks away.

Having taken a double back u-turn to throw the chance encounter off their tracks, the squad make their third successful mock-up landing. The jungle gets more dense and it´s a hard task to find a suitable descent site. The thing starts to become a routine, now. Hold on, keep steady, let go. Till the next descent. Only one more to keep their destination hidden from the enemy. The plotted route starts to look like a badly drawn star.

The hill is clearly visible due North east of their current direction. Wallace points at a dried out river bed serpenting westward. "I´ll put you down here! Then you can trekk directly east to get to the hill."

Down the heli descents. The sky leaves way to the shifting green of the Vietnam jungle.
Getting ready to exit, Beckett, Whitehouse and Sarge see that the river is really dried out. Something the closing rumbling will take care off, for sure.

Having made five successful descnets, the squad exit the heli without any mishaps.

Wallace salutes the guys by touching his shades. Then he spins off in a continued north western trajectory.

The dried out beige river bed presently has six black dots on it.

As soon as the heli starts off, Mullins darts across the river bed to take cover in the tree line.

Five dots stand out against the beige background.
Pan out and zoom out.
A lense glides across a camera on a satellite high above.

"Thời tiết xấu trong khu vực, thưa ông!" , a voice cracks in a NVA bunker.
A slight drizzle starts to fall down on the river bed. What seemed to be a nice day quickly gets a lot darker.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:24 am
by committed hero
"Rally to Mullins - let's get under some cover before the serious rain starts up." Sarge humps his gear and follows the eager grunt towards the east tree line.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric wastes no time in following the sergeant to cover. "Rain, nothing, Sarge," says Eric. "Out here, we stick out like sore thumbs. Harder to see us in the trees. It'll be raining bullets if we get spotted."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:43 am
by committed hero
"Don't spook the FNGs."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:15 am
by Kadael
Raining bullets?!

James is caught between trying to hurry after the sergeant and trying to maintain silence. It isn't helped by the load he's lugging around.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:30 am
by Pickman37
The chopper's erratic manuevers jolted Berkowitz awake but he is still groggy when he finds himself on the ground with the rain starting to fall...all the while still hot and humid...
committed hero wrote:"Rally to Mullins - let's get under some cover before the serious rain starts up." Sarge humps his gear and follows the eager grunt towards the east tree line.
Berkowitz follows suit among the chatter of his fellow grunts, all the while determined to don the rain poncho he brought in his pack once he was (seemingly) safe along the tree-line...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:01 pm
by Dave Syrinx
From the tree line, Mullins wait for the rest of the new arrivals to join up. "We´re 400 meters from the first couple of buildings. When we get there we´ve got to enter quietly. Subdue any hostiles and gather as much INTEL as possible. Then we get back. Simple as that.", Mullins says and gets one of his knives out and disappears through a wall of green.

From afar they all hear the helicopter make a turn, the sound of a .50 and several bursts of automatic fire is heard from the west. Almost directly after that the treeline is crawling with motion.

To avoid being made, roll below your Hide - Stealth - Alertness skill. Pick one that suits you. Alertness will give you time to react before the movement is visible to the rest. Hide is what you do when it´s almost too late. Stealth means you could sneak into cover almost on the same spot as the opposing soldier comes out of the bushes. All have not picked all skills, so that´s why there´s a choice here. As it´s early in the game, I´ll allow a luck roll - should the initial roll fail.
Over and out.
And - excuse the bad manners of keeping this game.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:50 pm
by Pickman37
Berkowitz reaches the tree line and catches the mission objectives from Mullins. As Mullins disappears into the jungle foliage, Berkowitz makes to follow suit but is fumbling with his rain poncho. It is then that he hears the helicopter and gunfire in the distance....

Berkowitz freezes and takes a breath then follows into the thick brush....
OOC,Whewww! That was close! Something tells me I should have invested more into that Stealth skill because my luck is only slightly better. Oh well, got it this time. Charlie will have to pick me off later ;) As for the delay, no problem on my end Syrinx! I understand that one gets busy from time to time...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:00 am
by committed hero
"Shit - where's that fire coming from private?!"

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 3:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric darts into the undergrowth, but it's hard for a man his size to disappear. Fortunately, nobody seems to have noticed him.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:44 am
by Dave Syrinx
Sarge turns around at the gun fire and trips over a fallen branch just as the enemy force exits the tree line from the direction the squad is moving towards.

The squad of The Walking Dead hear and spot between 7-12 black clad troops in flat rice hats carrying rifles running at high speed intent on crossing the dry river bed. Both Berkoviz and White feel they remain unnoticed by pure luck.

Luck, Sarge:
Check towards Luck if Sarge escapes detection, please.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:56 pm
by committed hero
"Light 'em up boys!" Sarge hisses through gritted teeth. If he feels he can do it unnoticed, he will draw his sidearm now that he dropped his M-16.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:06 pm
by Kadael
"Oh God, oh God, oh God," James whimpers as he scrambles into the brush. By some miracle, he manages to shut up and stay down.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The foliage swallows Beckett as he goes invisible. Drawing the sidearm goes by automotion, adrenaline pumping, making anything seem possible.

Further ahead, Mullins gets into cover, as smoothly as a refridgerator. Lyckily, at the same time one of the NVA soldiers trips and shouts out in surprise and anger.

Mullins stays low for a good fifteen seconds, then crawls out of hiding, signalling to move on.

Those two encounters with fate, lifts the spirits of the squad as they move closer to the designated hill and it´s settlements.

Mullins squats by a large stone block and whispers, "Most likely those men who sneaked past us came from here. The first shed is along that path.", he points at a small path laid with wooden boards. "I go first, with one of you. The rest of you keep our backs free. We need two minutes - then come after. We´ll secure the first shed and plan where to go next."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric knows better than to volunteer for anything. Besides, he needs to stay with Sam Hobbes, as he's toting around his ammo.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:55 am
by Pickman37
Fired up by adrenaline and a desire to be accepted by the squad, Berkowitz speaks up...

"I'll go along to secure that first shed..."

But, as the words leave his mouth, he begins to have second doubts, based on the lack of volunteering by his fellow platoon mates. Berkowitz considers the squad demolitions pack, wondering if he should attempt to pawn it off for the time being, but thinks better of it, considering he has the most know-how....

Berkowitz resigns himself to his fate...

" 'Kay Sarge. Ready when you are."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Fall in.", Mullins says as he moves past the sheltering boulder and up the path to the first shed.

and Berkoviz, continue over here!

The rest of The Walking Dead, continue in this thread.

Protect the block-

Sarge, Whitehouse, Hobbes and Beckett take positions to keep the perimeter of the path, large boulder and the small clearing in the dense jungle. The tree line on the north side of the clearing is too dense to pass without difficulty.

The clearing lies to the east side of the path leading from the south northward. The clearing could fit two trucks side by side. The boulder is three times three meters. (10 x10 feet)
Visibility in the jungle is five meters due to the density and the rain that´s still only a drizzle. The points of defense are the following: Covering the path from the west - in cover of the block, bird´s eye Watch from top of the boulder - in a South / South west direction (North and east have higher trees and are no option), cover from the east side of the block to defend against enemies entering the clearing from the south and the east, one option is to send an observer to the river bed to scout for the troops who might be returning - giving at least 100 meters of headway to return and report on the incoming troops, disregard the orders and follow Mullins and Berkowiz at a distance as they most likely will need support... or climb the trees and survey from above.
Obvously other tactics are available, at your own imagination.

Your grid, according to the maps Sarge is handling as well as the radio are B4 111.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll take the position on top of the boulder," says Eric. "I've got my binocs and good eyesight."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Whitehouse gets up on the boulder and scans the south edge of the clearing and tries to make something out through the trees. Below, Beckett and Hobbes make sure Whitehouse don´t have a mishap and damages the core´s equipment by falling down. All the while, Sarge keeps his M16 ready at the path coming from the south.

Listen rolls:
Listen roll, please. @25% as default skill level.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric hears something as he moves into position.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:46 am
by Dave Syrinx
In the distance, to the north, a muffled scream can barely be heard. Then, all is quiet again.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:55 am
by Kadael
With a newfound spike of confidence due to his hiding skills, James considers the path with a clear head. How long has it been since Berkowitz and Mullins left? The jungle feels a little emptier without them.

He knows better than to say anything, though. Just keeps his mouth shut and his ears... also pretty shut.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:21 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The dripping from the tree tops, the drizzle has been collected on the larger leaves and an occational downpour splashes next to Hobbes , this drizzle make time hard to gauge.
Checking his wristwatch he finds no more than the two minutes assigned to guard duty have passed.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:24 pm
by committed hero
Just made it.,[url][/url]

"Somebody get to the top of the boulder and check for better visibility."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:43 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Sarge hears a scream that is abrubtly shut off, all barely audible through the drizzle.

From on top of the boulder, Whitehouse looks down at the sergeant, binoculars in hand.

Whitehouse lookout:
Spot hidden check, please.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric looks around in all directions through his binoculars. "I can't see anything much, Sarge," he replies, "but I did hear a muffled scream to the north. Maybe our guys took out one of the enemy quietly."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:18 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Having stayed by the block for just about two minutes it´s time to exit the clearing. All seems quiet as the squad starts after Mullins and Berkowiz. In the drizzle the boards covering the path have become slightly slippery.

As the squad get to the first building, at the crest of an uphill climb, a small cottage with a single window facing down the path can be seen. A wooden chime can be heard from the village. From their current position the squad can also see the roof tops of some of the other buildings.

There´s no sign of either Mullins or Berkowiz.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 4:36 pm
by Dave Syrinx
On this slippery planked path, it strikes the team what their situation is. One small squad, in a large jungle - filled with an opposing force many times as large as their own combined forces. Fighting for what? A hill?
Gathering information?
The people here probably do need their help, but ut doesn´t feel like it´s worth the trouble.
The state of shambles, the Khe Sanh battle camp are at shows that this spot is in no way a high priority location. If it were, there should be more troops and be located at an more advantegous spot.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:51 am
by Mr. Handy

Regardless of the usefulness of their mission, Eric knows that they have to find their buddies. "Maybe the enemy grabbed Sergeant Mullins and Berkowiz instead of the other way around," he whispers to the others. "We have to track them down. There must be some trace of them." He looks around for any tracks, but without much luck.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:03 am
by Kadael
James pales at the thought. Though he'd tried to stay away from the war before the draft, there was no avoiding the stories. Torture. Brainwashing. All of those things the Vietnamese did to their prisoners of war.

He just can't concentrate enough to tell where they might have gone.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:37 am
by Dave Syrinx
The rain continues to drizzle.
Hobbes and Sarge also looks for signs of where the two squad mates went. With no result.

The squad is hunkering down on the boarded path, just about five meters from the first shed. A shed that should be a perfect location to place a sentry. Nothing is seen moving in the sole windowless opening. The only thing disturbing the drizzle and their own breathing is the chime.

To reach the shed, there´s a possibility to take a left through the brushery to get to the other side witout popping out over the crest. It is also possible to get to get to the lookout hole on the shed without being spotted from the rest of the sheds as it´s placed on the crest. Keep a tight left and a low approach that should be an easy task to do.
The chime clanks on, calmly.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:44 am
by Dave Syrinx
About Berkowiz and Mullins. I made their thread invisible to all but Pickman37, to create the illusion that the two squad members are really tied off from the rest of you. He hasn´t been kicked off or killed (as far as you know) just wanted to clarify this as his posts in that thread doesn´t pop up as last poster in the forum.
I will do this whenever someone moves away from the group.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We have to hope they're still ahead of us, at the shed," whispers Eric. "Shall we advance, Sarge?"
OOC,I can still see the hidden board when I'm logged in, but maybe that's because I'm an admin. I haven't read it.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Removed visibilty for mods. Now I can´t see it :D . Fixed that! Feels good to mess a little with the settings.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:23 am
by Dave Syrinx
Sarge stays low in the back, beside Hobbes who stands tall, biting down on a cigarette trying to light it. "Makes the bugs fuck off.", he mutters.

Before Sarge can issue an order, Whitehouse sees two fingers forming a v-sign pop out around the corner from the shed. Then Berkowiz´ head pops out. All rally up in the small shed on the crest. As the squad enters, a Quick glance of the layout shows Three larger sheds or Buildings on the left side of the widened path in the centre of the village. Then there are six smaller sheds scattered on the right side. On the far side of the village, the hill climbs with sparse trees.

Outside the shed on the crest they see a wooden chime clank in the faint wind and drizzle.


Everyone, continue in the Going in thread, over here: Shady business in Going in