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Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 3:08 am
by Kadael
James regards the dead farmer and his missing tongue with mild interest. Fear only mars his face when the shot rings out.

Why's Hobbes doing all the yelling? He's the one with the big gun, and I can't shoot worth...

In a manner unbefitting a good, upstanding military youth, Beckett tries to stay out of sight.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 6:14 am
by Dave Syrinx
Secondary shooter: Aiming - Berkowiz,At this Point the attack roll should be 40% that will get a clean hit at a random hit location of the target. That way we don´t have to weigh in too many factors. The range is normal, weather is only drizzle and the guy is showing his location. Take the shot and hope for the best. .
While nudging himself behind the wall of the shed, Beckett looks at the large Hobbes covering their rear. He hears Whitehouse and Sarge adjusting their prone positions in the doorway. Somewhat in beat with his heartbeat and in tune with the chime.
Is this the bells ringing for the end round? Is this all...

The chime clanks away as the monotonous drizzle keeps ever on.

Half in a daze, Beckett sees Hobbes crawl out of the rear window muttering something about having do do evrything himself. Out of sight, Hobbes crawls up the slope to the crest and adjusts his machine gun to get the sniper in his sights.
Tertiary shooter: Hobbes´fire (after Berkowiz),[url=]After a moment, a burst of LMG fire escape from the crest as Hobbes lets the lead rain down on the trees where the sniper is sitting.[/url]
Primary shooters: Sarge and Whitheouse fire options,I guess you are holding your fire? If not, feel free to go before Berkowiz and Hobbes. Total of Direct fire + M16 skill divided by 2, that´s the shot to make. Ah- one more thing: If more than one shot is fired, deduct 5% from every shot as the gun recoils. 40% first shot, 35% second shot, 30% third shot etc. You may shoot up to ten rounds. (the last rounds Always have 01% chance of hitting. The rule with 5% + per round feels a bit too kind so I have changed that. Hope you don´t mind

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:52 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz closes an eye and takes aim at the sniper's location, hoping for the best...

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric lines up his shot and squeezes the trigger, but it is well off the mark. His second shot is a little closer, but it still misses. The third one strikes home, blasting through the sniper's calf.
OOC,If that didn't take down the sniper, I may make additional shots.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Whitehouse fires just before Berkowiz. The almost echoe effect of the two shots ring in their ears as Eric fires his second shot. The sniper moves away from the hail of bullets, as a burst of LMG rounds shatter his leg. To make sure the sniper is kept down, Whitehouse puts a last bullet in the target.
"Shoulda stayed down.", Hobbes comments.
The silence after the fire fight is surreal. The drizzle continues, but with no sound. Maneuvers seem to be made in slow motion.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 4:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"He'll stay down now," remarks Eric in a wry tone of voice. He tries not to think about the fact that he has just killed a man, albeit a man who was trying to do the same to him and his friends. This wasn't the first time, and it probably wouldn't be the last - but he knows that it might have if they hadn't shot the sniper.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:55 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz is relieved that someone else in the squad got the kill, especially since his own shot missed...

He breathes a sigh of relief and double-checks the path before leaving the first shed to secure the second one, when a thought comes to him...

What if that sniper got Mullins? He may need medical attention...

Berkowitz attempts to spot Mullins through the rain...
Syrinx,Can I see [b]Mullins[/b] or determine his location based on my knowledge of his last known position?

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 11:10 am
by Dave Syrinx
From what Tobias estimates, Mullins was attacked when moving between the larger houses. His location is npot seen from the first or second shed. From the last shed in the row, he´d probably spot him. If Mullins is outside.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:27 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz ponders a course of action....

...Can't see Mullins. Where is he? Tobias tries to rationalize. My orders are to secure these sheds and, considering the food on the table is still warm, these farmers could be anywhere...I have to secure these sheds, if not for Mullins but then for the safety of the rest of the squad...

He decides to carry on to the next shed and secure it. Berkowitz cautiously exits the first shed and moves towards the second...

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 3:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Sarge and Whitehouse watch as Berkowiz gets to the second shed. Beckett stays inside the shed on the crest, relieved that the shooting has ended. Hobbes keeps covering the village from the crest, only marginally aware of the drizzle.

He glances backwards to make sure he´s not got visitors from the boarded path.

Inside the second shed, Tobias finds it empty after kicking the door open. No food in this room. No bed either. Only two crates with canned food sit in the middle of the room. The floor echoes when he walks around, dripping rain water on the boards.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 1:49 pm
by committed hero
Sarge will look for trapdoors on the floor and under any furniture.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 2:25 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz is relieved that the second shed is empty. He observes his surroundings but decides he should move on...

The guys behind me can investigate further....I should get to Mullins,in case he is hurt. He quickly decides....If no one is in here, they are either in that last shed or across the road. Better play it safe...

Tobias moves to the next shed, opting to peer into the window first instead of kicking in the door, if a window is available....

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:12 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Tobias runs crouched to the third shed and peers through a window on the back of the building, facing the door in the front. It´s empty of people as the first two sheds. Only two cots and an ammunition chest are in the room. He looks at the remaining three sheds and then to his comrades behind.

trails Berkowiz and disappears in the first shed and checks the flooring for trapdoors, finding none.

Whitehouse and Beckett stay put in the crest shed, overlooking the progress and scouts for new snipers.

Hobbes checks his back once more, and brings the M60 to point down the path.
Seeing no danger, he stands up and walks back over the crest.
"This place is deserted man. Let´s just head back and report this hole a dump and return to the camp."
He walks by Whitehouse and Beckett, M60 held in a mean way. He spits and walks towards the three larger buildings.

As the last shed is empty, Tobias runs towards the last estimated location of Mullins. When he reaches the middle large building he finds blood spatter on the wall at shoulder height. By then Hobbes has cleared the three small sheds on his way to the larger ones by kicking down the doors finding them without guests.

Listening, Tobias hears sobbing around the corner of the middle larger shed. The sobbing is followed by a sloshing sound and a scream.

The other of The Walking Dead also hears the scream from the far end of the village. It´s most definitely a woman.
From the east the unmistakable hum of an incoming heli starts to build up.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"Should we check that out, or do we hold our position?" Eric asks.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:01 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz rounds the corner of the large middle shed, gun sighted, to investigate the unusual and uncomfortable sounds...

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"You stay, I´ll cover your six." Beckett responds to Whitehouse.

Berkowiz turns the corner steadily with the M16 trained at whatever comes up. The sight is gruesome. At a clearing behind the large shed, Mullins has mounted a woman´s head on a spike, planted in the ground. The scene plays out around a campfire. The sobbing comes from two women with hands tied behind their backs. One of them screaming her lungs out.
The remains of the beheaded girl lays next to the screaming one.

With hands drenched in blood, wielding his knife, Mullins turns to the screaming woman. "Where are they? I know you know...Tell me." He takes no notice of Tobias turning the corner.

From the crest shed, the screaming can still be heard. It´s mixed with the increasing sound of the incoming helicopter.

Hobbes reaches the first large shed and sprints for the rear side while Sarge checks the last three sheds for trapdoors.
Whatever Mullins is doing he´s making a lot of noise.

At the crest shed, Beckett listens to the chime, as to calm himself. All is clear. Sarge´s radio sparks to life. "ETA bird Alpha Lima Charlie, two minutes. Over."

For stumbling in on this scene, Tobias has to make a SAN check. Being prepared for awfulness is expected. This is a bit to stretch it. The situation being what it is, he may be OK. 0/1d6 san loss. If you roll below Tobias´ current SAN he is unaffected. If he looses 1-5 points he is feeling badly about it but will remain in control. Getting a 6 point loss will put him over the edge and create a situation. The insight of everything that happens, the IDEA roll will be made on the ride back. While in combat mode no one will get crazy wild. These things are supposed to happen and the guys are trained for it.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:10 am
by Pickman37
The gruesome spectacle took Berkowitz by surprise but he was able to maintain his composure...

"Sarge...?" Berkowitz spoke, clearly shaken....

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric nods and keeps an eye out, ready for trouble.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:38 am
by Kadael
James isn't sure whether he feels reassured or frightened by the screaming. He knows it can't be one of the Walking Dead, at least.

He tries to see it as a good sign.

Re: Shady business (Open for all squad members)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:47 pm
by Dave Syrinx
James and Eric spot a child crawling out from under the left of the three large sheds. He is about five years old and covered in grime. He walks out towards the center of the village. About thirty meters from the crest shed, the boy stops and watches the sky. As he does, the drizzle stops and the village seems to bathe in colour. Rays of sunshine flicker through the tree tops and only the screaming from behind the sheds disrupts the beautiful scenery.

Behind the large sheds, Mullins looks up at Berkowiz "Shut her up, private. I´ll need to hear what her friend has to say." He leans closer to the spiked head and listens.
Off to the left, Hobbes arrives turning the machinegun at the scene. "What?" He is visibly shaken by the sight but remains in control.