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Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:56 am
by Kadael
James is about to speak up when Berkowitz takes the opportunity. Not wanting to interrupt, he retrieves his medical kit with a slight nod.

His gaze drifts to Berkowitz. What? What is he looking at me for?

Only a second passes before he remembers where he is, and his attention snaps back to the Sergeant.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:22 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That's okay. I wasn't able to post during that time anyway.

"Ready when you are, Sergeant," says Eric. He recognizes that he's by far the tallest one here, and he pratically towers over the medic and the tunnel rat. He gives his gear one final check while he has the chance.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:47 pm
by committed hero
Pickman37 wrote: "Sir, I initially started out training to be a field medic but was moved and trained as a "Tunnel Rat" due to my small stature. I do have medical training but was not issued a medical kit, sir!"
"Outstanding, then you can hump the explosive ordnance.

We have about a seven-klick march to a ville near Hill 881. Our job is to look for Charlie sympathizers, agitators, tax collectors, the like. And anything on paper.


Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"How much opposition can we expect, Sarge?" asks Eric.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 7:08 am
by Pickman37
"Yes Sir!" Berkowitz replied to Thompson.

Berkowitz loaded up the demolition gear and prepared for the long hike, not enthusiastic about the heat and humidity, but determined just the same, when Whitehouse spoke...
Mr. Handy wrote:
"How much opposition can we expect, Sarge?" asks Eric.
Berkowitz continued to gear up but listened closely....

Whitehouse asks the right questions...

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:55 am
by committed hero
Mr. Handy wrote:"How much opposition can we expect, Sarge?" asks Eric.
"Two brigades from the North, probably twice that in black pajamas. I'd like to keep nice and quiet - no heroes."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 am
by Seon
We are going to where to do WHAT facing a WHAT?!

"Umm.... lieutenant?" Sam said. "How do you intend on going into a territory that has two Charlie and four black pajama brigades and look for Charlie sympathizers inside a village probably full of Charlie sympathizers without getting spotted?"

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:30 pm
by Pickman37
"Black pajama brigade...?" Berkowitz half muttered to himself but slightly audible enough that someone would hear him and explain....
OOC,Outside of a Big Lebowski reference I misunderstood, we have to be suspicious of all peasants then....?

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:04 pm
by committed hero
Seon wrote:"Umm.... lieutenant?" Sam said. "How do you intend on going into a territory that has two Charlie and four black pajama brigades and look for Charlie sympathizers inside a village probably full of Charlie sympathizers without getting spotted?"
"Quickly and quietly. And meeting resistance with overwhelming firepower."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:08 pm
by Kadael
James almost starts laughing at the notion of fighting anything in pajamas, but quickly manages to disguise it as a cough. This shouldn't be funny; they've got a job to do. Why does Hobbes have to say everything like that?

He tries to catch Berkowitz's eye and gives a slight shrug. He doesn't know anything, either, but he jerks his head a bit towards Whitehouse. Maybe he'll explain?

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The newly thrown together squad follow Sarge as he leads the four new troopers to their haven at Khe Sanh, the bunker next to the PX. A sign at the entrance to the sand bag wall says 3/26 Marines HQ.
Sarge shows them down the stairs to a tunnel that leads to a bomb shelter. Leaning against the side of the tunnel are several combat packs, all prepped for their mission.
He turns on the light in the dark corridor and the battery powered fixtures along the low ceiling flutter to life.
At the end of the corridor a steel door leads to the bunker. This corridor is a buffer zone of some sort.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Black pajama brigades are Viet Cong," explains Eric to James, who is obviously a new guy. and to Tobias. He remembers when he first came to the Nam, and he was glad that there were older, more experienced men to show him the ropes. "They're not as numerous since we slaughtered a lot of them during Tet, but there's still plenty around. The other two brigades are just regular NVA. There are a lot of them in this area, but they won't all be in one place and we can avoid them if we're stealthy."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The squad pass through the corridor and past the steel door into the bunker. In the center of the room, Sgt Mullins sits honing a knife.
"Rookies." He nods his head at them as they enter. The phrase is not deregorative just a statement. He sheathes his knife and stays on his stool. "Quietly does it. Keep your gear light. Half of what´s in those packs out there should be left here. We´re not planning on staying out long. The first team is on their way, they are humping it over there."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:39 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric nods and begins sorting through his gear to see what he can safely leave behind.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:52 am
by Dave Syrinx
Standard issue packs containing:

Camo cover for steel helmet, jungle boots, 2 pairs
of socks, waterproof canvas poncho, P38 can opener,
penknife, mosquito-bite lotion, cigarettes,
matches, sewing kit, Dr Scholl's foot
powder, condoms, one large gauze
patch, toilet paper, writing paper and
pencils, Sterno field fuel in cans,
safety pins, signal rockets, wire,
razorblades, machete, bayonet or knife,
sun hat, nail-cutters, chewing gum, candies, C
rations, 2 or 3 water canteens, lensatic compass,

Depending on the new arrivals´ specialties, Sarge can hand out the following:

Medical officer - a canvas bag
containing morphine, adrenaline, blood packs,
malaria tablets, band aids, M&M
chocolates etc

Demolitions: Pentrite explosives (2
kgs each), wirings, detonators,

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:22 pm
by committed hero
Syrinx wrote:"The first team is on their way, they are humping it over there."
"Outstanding. We'll get there by slick. The pilot will 'land' five times so no one knows which infil point is ours. If you haven't jumped out of a Huey, today's the day."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:04 am
by Pickman37
Berkowitz also begins to sort his gear but, upon seeing the contents, he is forced to speak up....

"Sgt. Thompson, Sir!" He waits for eye contact and continues. "Will there be any potential tunnel action on this mission? And if so, is a flashlight part of the standard gear because it would appear my pack is missing one, sir!"

Berkowitz thumbs the matches in his pack, knowing he'll need them for sure but the thought of fumbling around in the dark, lighting matches, makes him nervous...
OOC,Is the bayonet included in our standard issue pack compatible with my M-16? If so, I'll attach it now. Also, I imagine I'll be lugging the Demolitions pack with the Pentrite, etc. but is this on top of the Satchel Charge listed in my initial equipment or are they one and the same?

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy

Eric removes the cigarettes and condoms from the pack first, as he's not planning to use them in the field. He also removes the writing paper and pencils. While he does keep a journal of his experiences, he figures that can wait until he gets back - if he gets back - and so leaves them in the interest of traveling light. He then takes out the nail-cutters, chewing gum, candy, and most of the Sterno.

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:36 pm
by committed hero
Pickman37 wrote: "Will there be any potential tunnel action on this mission? And if so, is a flashlight part of the standard gear because it would appear my pack is missing one, sir!"
"Hard to say, Private. I tend to doubt it, as Khe Sahn is our ground and someone would've noticed excavations nearby."

Re: LZ - Khe Sanh (ic-all newly deployed)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

After a second thought, Eric returns the condoms to his pack. They may be useful for protecting his M16 from water, and they don't take up much room.
OOC,Thanks, Seon, that never occured to me!