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IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:38 am
by Kadael
The Miskatonic University Library is a veritable vault of knowledge, home to thousands of books both new and old. And quite a few of them are not in the right places.

Occasionally, a wandering jokester comes in and reshelves the books in some outrageous way. Sometimes it's a well-intentioned student who has no experience with the shelving system. In any case, it's not conducive to an environment of good research. Or an environment of getting paid.

A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christiandom does not belong next to A Tale of Two Cities, but someone has put it there. It is, of course, Peter's job to rectify this situation.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:32 am
by royya
Peter sigh and smiles as he takes out the misplaced books from the shelves. He skims their introduction, if any exist, as he always did. This gives him a short break to study the books that he so love. After several moments he places the books in his wooden cart and continue the "misplaced books tour".

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:44 pm
by Kadael
A Tale of Two Cities should certainly be placed next to the rest of the Dickens, and--

"Hey! Help! Somebody help, there's a man out there - he needs... his eyes..."

A panicked young man - likely another student - rushes past the library door, then stops short and turns on his heel, eyes fixed on Peter. "Oh, thank God, there's somebody here... this man, he's hurt, he's..."

Panting, he pauses to steady himself against the doorframe. Every breath he takes is shaky, and he's sweating profusely.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:05 pm
by royya
Calm down! Calm down!
Peter replies, holding the student’s shoulders, trying to steady the man.
What happened? Who’s hurt?
Peter says as he turns to the Library’s door and outside, leaving the student to follow him

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:32 am
by Kadael
"I don't know, he's - his face is - Eliza's with him..." The man darts off as quickly as he rushed in, heading out into the courtyard.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:02 pm
by royya
ooc,Eliza - do I know her?
Peter follows the student to the courtyard to see what is happening.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:10 pm
by Kadael
The name doesn't ring a bell. She's probably somebody the student knows.

He runs out and heads around the building, back behind the Department of Physics.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 7:36 pm
by royya
Peter follows the student.

Is it dark outside or noon time?

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:52 am
by Kadael
OOC,The morning sun makes all things clear.
As they draw closer, Peter can hear a sobbing, screaming woman. The student tenses visibly, but doesn't stop running. "Oh, God, Eliza..."

Up ahead, a door flies open, and an older man rushes out, heading in the direction of the commotion.

When they reach the source - a young woman, probably Eliza, and two men near the window - the student sprints ahead of Peter and the newcomer.

"Eliza," he yells, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her off to the side. "God, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have..."

One of the men by the window is unfamiliar. He stands there, sandy hair hanging in front of his face, muttering something inaudible. The other is someone Peter vaguely recognizes - the custodian? He has a tight hold on the murmuring man's arm.

Someone else is running to the scene, but before Peter can tell anything about them, the unfamiliar man turns around.
Peter,Please move to the following thread: [url=]Perception[/url]

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:44 pm
by Kadael
The library is empty as ever when Peter walks in.

Nobody by the last name of Farr is anywhere in the records - maybe another faculty member would know him? What could he want with the University?

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:19 am
by royya
I wonder if Professor Henry Armitage, The head librarian at Miskatonic University, can spare some information.
Peter thinks to himself
There are tales about the professor ... he can be the correct man to ask.
Peter wonders around, leaving the cart of book half full, trying to find the professor.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:23 am
by Kadael
Professor Armitage, elusive and strange as he is, isn't so hard to find. His nose is buried in some thick, door-stopping book, but when Peter approaches, he looks up with a glimmer in his eyes.

"Mr. Walton, hello. Something you need?"

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:29 am
by royya
Yes Professor, a moment of your time please.
Peter says and apologizes as he approaches the man.
There was an incidence before, outside with a lunatic that was directed to the local sanitarium but and chased by the orderlies and the cops. The man was blind since he himself took his eyes off but somehow was able to see things. He muttered something about a star and he was called by one of the orderlies Mr. Farr.
I must say professor that is was strange and freaking.

Peter says, clearly still disturbed by the scene
Have you heard about someone named Farr?

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:59 pm
by Kadael
"You can't mean Michael Farr?" He furrows his brow, snapping the book shut and folding his hands on the desk. "He's an amateur astronomer. We were acquainted, before he separated from his wife. I can't imagine him doing something so... ghastly, though. Perhaps he was a little odd, but he had his head on straight."

"However, Mr. Walton, he is the only Farr man I know of."

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:37 am
by royya
Michael Farr... astronomer ... could be, could be.
Peter replies, rolling the name on his tongue.
Thank you professor, apologies for my disturbance.
With that Peter, goes back to the library, now he will search papers and other references about the man.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:58 pm
by Kadael
It's unlikely that Mr. Farr would be in any texts, as Professor Witherspoon said he'd never heard of him.
Peter,Roll Spot Hidden.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:23 pm
by royya
Spot Hidden (1d100=11) - Success.

Hmmm, what's that ?
Peter says to himself

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:13 pm
by Kadael
In searching the astronomy texts, Peter finds nothing relating to Mr. Farr. However, as he is giving up, he stumbles across a stray copy of this morning's newspaper--and an article that seems too relevant to be coincidental.

Disturbance in Southside

Residents in the Simpson Apartments in Arkham's Southside were last night awakened by what witnesses describe as horrid and unholy screeching. The source of these deranged sounds of screaming was apparently Apartment 5, rented by a reclusive man in his mid twenties. Once police had been called, and a locksmith employed to open the fastened door, a horrible scene was discovered. While the specifics of the bloody scene are unsuitable for publication in a reputable newspaper, it is sufficient to say that the man had apparently lost control of his senses and hideously blinded and mutilated himself. He was taken into custody to protect him against further insane actions against his person.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:22 pm
by royya
Perhaps this is the man I saw outside?

Peter thinks to himself. He start to be Enthusiastic as he thinks about a possible investigation, a sherlock holmes type of investigation like he read in the books that are placed in the library he is working in ... and he did planed to travel to southside. The historical society building in located in Southside and he planned to search for numerous documents for his personal interest.
I'm off for today. I have several things to take care of
Peter says to the librarian and goes outside. He jumps no his bicycle and begin to ride to Southside.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:31 pm
by Kadael
The ride is breezy and mostly uninterrupted, though the further Peter gets from the University, the more potholes crop up in the road. Over the years, much of Southside has been neglected and has fallen into a state of disrepair and decay.

The Historical Society building, at least, is in relatively good shape. It towers before Peter and gleams in the midmorning sun. Whatever Peter is looking for, he's likely to find it here.

As he enters the building, the curator--an amiable-looking man of middle age--nods at him.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:56 pm
by royya
After Peter is finish with his personal things in the The historical Society building he rides to the address he found earlier to check what the place the crazy man lived in.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:18 pm
by Kadael
The police detective from earlier is also at the apartments.
Peter,Please move to the following thread: [url=]The Runaway[/url] Do not read any posts above the one you have been linked to.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:31 pm
by Kadael
The first thing Peter notices upon opening the door is the overpowering stench of ammonia. Two men in white overalls and handkerchiefs tied around their faces are present; one is scrubbing the blood-splattered window and the other is removing the ruined wallpaper beside him. Neither pay much attention to Peter as he walks in.

Apartment 5 is small, shabby, and has nothing in the way of luxuries besides an expensive-looking telescope. It is facing the window and pointed up towards the sky. The floor near it is horribly stained.

The single bed has been stripped, allowing Peter to easily see a thin, battered book lying atop the mattress.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:11 pm
by royya
Peter covers his mouth and nose as he walks into the apartment. He wonders what the man saw in the telescope that was so horrible that he cut out he eyes off. The man did mention something about the stars when he was in the university but now, in daylight, Peter will see nothing through it.
He shift his gaze to one of the things he loved the most, books and there was a book on the matress.
May I ?
He asks the men quietly and if neither will respond to him he will grab it and will place it with the rest of the note's bundle he took earlier.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:31 am
by Kadael
The man cleaning the window scoffs. "Sure. Old tenant's not coming back for it any time soon."

The book's cover is black, but Peter can see rust-brown staining the pages--blood.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:05 pm
by royya
Peter place the book with the rest of the bundle of notes and walks to the telescope. He looks through it thought he knows he will see nothing in daylight. He tries to mark down the numbers that indicate the azimuth and elevation of the telescope so maybe he would be able to find the stellar body the man observed. after all, if he will try to observe the body from the university and the body was not a planet in the solar system he will be in the same direction as was in this place. The only thing he needs to know is the time the man used the telescope.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:17 am
by Kadael
Peter is able to mark down where the telescope is pointing, but there's nothing to indicate what time it was when Mr. Farr saw what he saw.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:37 am
by royya
pardon me
Peter address the two men.
Do you know what happened to the resident of this place. The time he was taken away ?
without expecting an answer from the two men, Peter ponders about the possibility the neighbour opposite to Mr. Farr might know the answer.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:00 am
by Kadael
The workman at the window looks over at Peter with an impish look in his eyes. "Well. I wasn't there, but from what I saw and what I heard? Horrible, horrible stuff. Me and Rich--" he jerks a thumb in the direction of the other workman "--walk in to do some cleanup, and the apartment's just covered in blood. All the walls, the floor, it was like a massacre'd happened here. Could hardly believe it was just one guy who wasn't even dead."

"The landlord says the tenant tore out his own eyes. Dug in nice and deep with his fingers, wouldn't stop screaming. Police carted him off to the Sanitarium, of course. We've been cleaning this place up for hours--my guess on the time the guy snapped would be around three in the AM."

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:31 am
by royya
3AM you say.
Peter found the detail he was needed.
Yes, it was Horrible ... I saw Mr. Farr myself. what was his first name ?
Peter asks before stepping outside.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:59 pm
by Kadael
Before Peter leaves, the workman tearing down the wallpaper looks over his shoulder at him. A wide, bright grin slowly creeps onto his face. "Like Horace said, we've been cleaning here for hours--and we haven't found any trace of Michael Farr's eyes. Maybe what they said is true after all. Maybe he ate them himself."

"Christ, Rich," says Horace around his laughter.
Peter,Roll a POWx5; I'm not telling you what for just yet.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:15 am
by royya
Peter thinks to himself
OOC:   POWX5 roll: PowX5 (1d100=67)  

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:08 pm
by Kadael
There's a thought tugging at the edge of Peter's mind, but he can't focus on it. He feels as though he's on the verge of a realization, but he has no idea what, exactly, that realization would be. As he puzzles over it, a sense of dread creeps slowly into the pit of his stomach.

Rich is still smiling at him over his shoulder. But...

But the workmen...

The smell of ammonia intensifies, and the dread twists and transforms into fear. Something is wrong about this place.

Both the workmen were wearing handkerchiefs over their faces when Peter walked in. Now Rich isn't. Did he take it off? Peter doesn't remember seeing him take it off. Did he just... not notice?

"I think it's time you run along, little scholar boy," Rich chuckles. His voice is dark as his skin and his teeth are whiter than teeth should be. The way he looks at Peter makes his blood run cold with primal terror.

Peter blinks. When his eyes open again, he sees Rich has turned back to the wallpaper, and the handkerchief is once again knotted around his face.

Was all of that just his imagination?

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:23 pm
by royya
Wha .. hmm...
Peter backs away nauseated from the visage outside to the corridor.
He shakes his head to the sides like trying to shake something off and goes down the stairs to the street to breath some fresh air.
I think I will sit by a little bit
He says to himself and lower himself next to his bicycle. He takes out the book he took from Mr. Farr's place and opens the first page.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:29 am
by Kadael
The book seems to be some kind of diary or journal. The first page is dated March 28th, 1927 to March 29th, 1927:

(9:00 pm) Hope those movers didn't damage my telescope any. It's been so long I hardly remember how to assemble the blasted thing! Ha ha.

(11:15 pm) This isn't so bad. Window in this apartment's got a good view of the sky at night.

(11:30 pm) Tried looking at Saturn for a while but just made myself sad. I need a drink, or a knock on the head, or something.

(12:45 pm) Feel like I'm staring at the same craters on the Moon over and over.

(1:30 pm) Got a decent look at Pleiades but that's about it. Need sleep.

As Peter is reading, a fluffy tortoiseshell cat pads over and meows at him.
OOC,For reference, the current date is May 4th, 1928.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:08 am
by royya
Shooo, Away !
Peter curse the cat and motions a wave in the hair. He wasn't in favor of these animals. He was a dog kind of guy.

He will read until the detective that he saw in the second floor will come out.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:29 am
by Kadael
The cat meows indignantly and runs over to a group of children who are playing marbles.

Most of the book is mundane nighttime observations about the stars and planets. It's all going over Peter's head, and is written in a very dry, technical manner that threatens to make his eyes glaze over.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:45 pm
by royya
Peter flip the pages to the last entries.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton]

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:13 am
by Kadael
Peter,Much of the last entry (including the date) has been obscured by dried blood, and towards the end, the handwriting becomes increasingly chaotic and illegible: [i]...clouding over. Better skip looking at Pleiades, go straight to Saturn rings. I wish those lights would be switched off... can't see a damned thing with all that light streaming in. Wish to blazes they'd never put them in! (10:00 pm) Must be getting tired. Just saw strange geometric hallucination. Take a rest then resume, get some fresh air! Must be working too hard... ha ha! (12:00 am) Still looking at those beautiful rings--God, I fall in love every time I see the blasted things! Saw a shadow of a moon across the rings. (12:15 am) Another wretched hallucination... really, what's wrong with me tonight. Must remember to buy a new brand of cocoa next time. NOOO[b]OOOOO![/b] After me! Coming... now. [b]STOP!![/b] Evil putty jelly... Close my eyes! Yes! Yellow! Yellow! [b]But red in the middle! Go AWAY![/b] There is only one way! [b]NO!![/b][/i]
Dutch exits the apartment building to find the witness sitting on the front steps, reading a book.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:01 pm
by royya
Peter close the book quickly and stands up.
Hi, I was waiting for you detective.
Peter says as he extends his hand to the man.
My name is Peter, Peter Walton, we met in the university, I'm working in the University Library and was intrigued by the recent events with Mr. Farr. I'm a Sherlock Holmes fan and wanted to research a little bit and I did find some interesting stuff. I would like to offer my help with solving the case if I may.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:17 pm
by Captain Impossible
"I'd be very interested to hear what your research has uncovered, Mr. Walton," Dutch says as he shakes the librarian's hand. "As well as a few other things." The detective isn't quite sure what to make of the man and his forthright offer. Part of him wants to read the riot act to Walton for walking into a crime scene, not to mention what Dutch presumes to be the missing journal in his hands. However, the detective is probably going to need an academic if he is to figure out what stars have to do with the case, and throwing the librarian in the pen is likely to shut a lot of doors at the university. Dutch decides to take a chance. "Did you come here on foot? I can give you a lift if you need it."

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:17 pm
by royya
I was quite disturbed by the scene in the university and I asked the scholars in the library if they ever heard about an astronomer named Mr. Farr. Somehow I managed to find an article about the man and his living place.
Peter replies
I had some business in this part of Arkham, I had to bring some personal notes from the historical society down the road so I rode my bicycle and decided to drop by and play Sherlock a little bit as I am a big fan. I asked some questions and found that he might saw something in his telescope that made him hurt himself. I wrote down the coordinates of the telescope, found out that he saw something around 3:00 AM and found Mr. Farr astronomy notes in that notebook.
Peter hands the notebook to Dutch.
One of the men that clean the apartment said something that troubled me ... he said Mr. Farr ate his eyes, is it true detective ? I wonder what he saw in the telescope, check the last pages.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:34 pm
by Kadael
The last entry in the book,Much of the last entry (including the date) has been obscured by dried blood, and towards the end, the handwriting becomes increasingly chaotic and illegible: [i]...clouding over. Better skip looking at Pleiades, go straight to Saturn rings. I wish those lights would be switched off... can't see a damned thing with all that light streaming in. Wish to blazes they'd never put them in! (10:00 pm) Must be getting tired. Just saw strange geometric hallucination. Take a rest then resume, get some fresh air! Must be working too hard... ha ha! (12:00 am) Still looking at those beautiful rings--God, I fall in love every time I see the blasted things! Saw a shadow of a moon across the rings. (12:15 am) Another wretched hallucination... really, what's wrong with me tonight. Must remember to buy a new brand of cocoa next time. NOOO[b]OOOOO![/b] After me! Coming... now. [b]STOP!![/b] Evil putty jelly... Close my eyes! Yes! Yellow! Yellow! [b]But red in the middle! Go AWAY![/b] There is only one way! [b]NO!![/b][/i]

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:23 am
by Captain Impossible
Dutch reads the last blood-stained pages. "Unfortunately, I'm not an astronomer and I'm not a head doctor," he says to Peter. "I can't make heads or tails of it. As for the eyes, I couldn't say." The detective thinks for a minute. "Mr. Walton, how well do you know the faculty at Miskatonic University?"

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:58 am
by royya
I'm working part time as a librarian in the university as I need to pay tuition. I'm doing my M.A in the department of foreign languages, trying to decipher old tomes and scrolls from Asia that were written in Arabic and Chinese. I'm not into sciences but I had an observation night with Henry Witherspoon a professor of astronomy and physics in the past. Somehow we bumped one into each other in the library and I helped him to translate an old Chinese sky map . We can ask him for help if we want to repeat the observation Mr. Farr did.
Peter says.
And I have access to most of the books in the library, so much knowledge in one place.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:44 pm
by Captain Impossible
Dutch listens to the man. "I believe Professor Witherspoon was also a witness to the incident at the university," he remarks. "Perhaps we should pay him a visit. I'll wager he's still at the university."

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 9:30 am
by royya
I'll be happy to join you detective and ride with you if you have a place for my bicycle on your back seat.
Peter says

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:16 am
by Captain Impossible
"Shouldn't be a problem," Dutch says as he opens the door to his Model A. He helps Peter load the bicycle before getting into the driver's seat.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:18 am
by royya
Peter helps the detective and enters the car.
So ... how long you have been a detective and what's this case all about ?

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:49 am
by Kadael
OOC,If you guys are planning on entering the other thread with everybody else, I need to wait for it to catch up with an important development. Feel free to carry on chatting while you drive. If you want to hit the University but not talk to the others yet, say the word and I'll put you there. I am assuming you are doing the former.

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 7:09 pm
by royya
OOC:   The idea was to connect ourselves with the others, that is why I suggested we speak to Prof. Witherspoon about the astronomy observation. I was thinking of speaking with the Prof. Witherspoon right away.  

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:45 am
by Captain Impossible
"Five years as a detective," Dutch says as he starts the car. "Before that, five years as a patrolman. As for the case, right now it's just another story of a lunatic. That and a hunch there's more to it. Speaking of which, what happened between you and the cleaners back in the apartment?"

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:26 pm
by royya
Not much. They cleaned the room while I was checking the telescope and notebook. Not sure what happened, but one of them freaked me out with a wierd voice and I felt an urge to leave, so I left and waited in the street
Peter replies

Re: IC: In Crumbling Pages [Peter Walton/Jacob Vrees]

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:59 pm
by Kadael
As Dutch is coming up on the University, he catches a glimpse of everybody in the same place he left them, behind the Physics Department.
Peter and Dutch,Park the car and move to the following thread: [url=]Perception[/url] Do not read any posts above the one you have been linked to.