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Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:45 am
by Pickman37
Genevieve considers what Eliza passes on but can't decide if this is important. She has no knowledge of Astronomy and what she does know...that there is no constellation named 'Judith'...forces her to weigh her options...

Small wonder. She is under but I need her to be calm. I need to leave her or place her somewhere where she can be calm...

Genevieve is pleased with her accomplishment, the hypnotism of a relatively sedate hysteric, but needs to investigate this claim....but in her mind, this seems to be the story of some escaped mental patient. If she could calm Eliza, she could get to campus and maybe get some additional information but, in her mind, this is just a random occurrence...

"Eliza, you have done well and realize where you're at. You're safe and no one can hurt you..."Genevieve gently plies. "I need you to decide on a safe haven. You' re a student away from family. Can you stay here and relax or do you need to accompany me? I'll be going places you may not want to attend...."

Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:12 pm
by Kadael
Eliza chews on her lip for a moment, weighing her options. Her teeth are small, like a child's. "...I want to stay with you. You'll keep me safe..."

Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:26 am
by Pickman37
"O.K. Eliza. You will be safe. Now I need you to focus again on my voice. I am going to count to ten. With each number, you will feel yourself becoming more aware as if awakening from a pleasant sleep. When I get to ten, you will open your eyes becoming fully aware but rested and relaxed."

Genevieve begins to slowly count up...


As she counts, Genevieve listens for changes to Eliza's breathing, from deep to more regulated...


Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:22 pm
by Kadael
Eliza wakes gently, blinking at Genevieve like a too-bright light. "I... hello again. Thank you, really, thank you--I feel much better."

"Are... are you going to go where it happened? Behind the-- the Physics Department?"

Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:39 am
by Laraqua
Genevieve pauses. "I really have to...." She was a student. She had certain responsibilities. Surely she couldn't keep on gallivanting about.... But then she looked at Eliza and felt sorry for her. "Would it help if I did? Would you feel better? I could let you know that there's nothing wrong there."

Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 4:29 am
by Kadael
Eliza takes a breath and releases it in a sigh that makes her whole body slump a little more. "I was only thinking... that I should stay here and rest after all. E-especially if you're going to look into what happened."

She looks back at Genevieve and smiles ruefully. "I just don't want to think about it anymore. And I-- I'm sure you have better things to do than watch over me."

Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:53 am
by Laraqua
Genevieve nods. Well, that's that then....

"I'll be back shortly to let you know that nothing's there."

Nothing is there, right? Surely the madman would have run off.

She starts for the door, pauses to look back at Eliza, then heads out.

Re: IC: Returning to Darkness [Genevieve Carrington]

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:42 pm
by Kadael
Eliza has gotten up and is moving out of the common room when Genevieve looks at her. A second ticks by--and then she's gone.
Genevieve,Move to the following thread: [url=]Perception[/url] Do not read any posts above the one you have been linked to.