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Character sheet

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:32 pm
by Kallisto73
Here, you can post your character stats.

Re: Character sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:10 am
by Pickman37
Congrats Kallisto73 on getting your first forum...

I responded to your PM so hopefully you received that...

I will be creating a character that was a former con, but after serving some time, decided to go on the straight and narrow by becoming a P.I. However, he is not an established businessman and is still trying to establish himself by word of mouth...Hopefully, this character works for the adventure. I am not familiar with the Monograph series you are using so we should be good to go as I know nothing. :D

I should have the character up by Monday night.

Re: Character sheet

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:57 pm
by Kallisto73
Great! I'm really excited. PI works very well, if you can, it would be good to give him good library skills (I would assume he had plenty of time to read in the state penitentiary.)

Re: Character sheet

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:43 am
by Pickman37

Name: Anthony DeCarlo
Profession: Private Investigator (Former Convict)
Age: 20
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Player Name: Pickman37


STR: 11
CON: 11
SIZ: 10
INT: 12
POW: 15
DEX: 14
APP: 9
EDU: 11

99-Cthulhu Mythos: -
Damage Modifier: None

Total: 11
Current: 9

IDEA: (INTx5%) 60
KNOW: (EDUx5%) 55
LUCK: (POWx5%) 75


Original: 75
Current: 76

SKILLS: (*=INT skill points)
Bargain 40%
Fast Talk 60%
*Law 25%
*Library Use 75%
Locksmith 36%
Other Language (Italian) 10%
*Photography 25%
*Psychology 40%
Sneak 40%
Spot Hidden 60%

Handgun 40%

YEARLY INCOME: $1500 + Room & Board
SAVINGS: Game Start - $25.00 In Game - $73.00
CASH ON HAND: Game start - $15.00 In Game - $63.10

GEAR AND POSSESSIONS: Corduroy Norfolk Suit, Chesterfield Overcoat, Leather Work Shoes, Felt Fedora, Cheap Casual and Work Wear (Trousers, Shirts, etc.), Pocket Knife, Tool Outfit (20 tools), .22 Short Automatic and ammo (12 bullets)

WEAPON ------------------------------------- ROF A% / P% DAMAGE AMMO
.22 Short Automatic 3 40% N/A 1D6 6

The son of Mario and Geraldine DeCarlo, Italian immigrants to Boston in the late 1890s, Anthony grew up in Boston's North End. Always small for his age but with a temper bigger than his stature, Anthony began fraternizing with the wrong crowd in his teenage years, mostly due to the bullying he encountered in his youth but also as a rebellion against his parents' strong religious convictions. He left school and home at age 15 but at 18, he was nabbed in the heist of an automobile of a prominent Boston businessman. He would spend two years at Deer Harbor Prison in Boston but, it was here, supported by his parents' undying love and the kindness of Father Griffin, that Anthony turned his life around. Spending hours upon hours in the Prison's library, Anthony decided to pursue life on the other side of the law and become a P.I. Upon release, Anthony took up residence in Arkham, Mass. but times have been tough. Outside of a case investigating a cheating spouse, he has had to supplement his income by working the docks in Arkham as a laborer. He is desperate for a case and will likely take anything offered his way. He has worked on controlling his temper but is prone to irrational decisions and still wears the chip on his shoulder from being short. However, he prides himself on being quick and clever, as well as embracing his Italian heritage. Most of his contacts are other former gang members from Boston, who have either left to pursue legitimate interests in the quiet confines of Arkham or continue their criminal ways in this city. He has yet to make friends with the local authorities but has met a few people on the Arkham docks.