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2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:03 pm
by Airbornexo
Chapter 2 - Berlin Tempelhof Airport


Mid-morning and the small motor bus crunched onto the gravel vehicle park of the crowded Luftwaffe Tempelhof airfield. The airport area itself and the buildings had an enormous size and all looked brand new and each with state of the art features not seen in other buildings around the world. This was an example of Nazi supremacy over all things including architecture. So far so good for the agents who had found entry into Germany easier than they had feared. The other civilians on the bus eyed the Americans with curiosity, then were let off and saw their luggage being transferred a flatbed truck for stowing onboard the transport plane.

OOC,Infact the main building of the airport is still the second biggest "connected" building on earth after the Pentagon.

The OSS agents each remembered the briefing pack: A huge part of the airport area had a basement and bunkers up to five floors deep with it's own railway connection and tunnelled streets. There were also some areas that were used to produce and assemble Focke-Wulf 190 fighters.

Much of the civil aviation had been transferred to the airport Rangsdorf near Berlin in the first years of the building phase but in 1940 it was returned to Tempelhof. As far as known the airport itself wasn't a base for any German Air Force fighter or bomber units and was never used as military airfield in the common manner. However it was the Luftwaffe's showpiece, the jewel in the aviation crown.

A vast Zeppelin lay at anchor on a distant landing field, but the investigator's attention was drawn to the small crowd that had gathered in front of some Junker's transport planes. The figures of SS-Standartenführer Lothar Wahl and Professor Albrecht Eichelberger stood on a raised stage with movie cameras pointed at them, they were about to make a public announcement to the Nazi press. The crowd drew quiet, expectantly...

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:12 pm
by kabukiman
Percy trys to avoid the cameras, and watch his baggage being loaded.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:46 pm
by Anatomist

Alvaro places himself behind the cameras to listen to the propaganda, once the talking is done he will avoid cameras and board the aeroplane finding a empty seat, near some of the beautys he saw boarding with him.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:30 pm
by BenTheRat
Armond blushes slightly as he notices the 2 ladies who seem to be getting ready to travel with him. He had not heard that there were women traveling with him.
He tries to meld into the crowd to listen.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:20 pm
by Chivalrybean
Carl find a place to stand in the middle of the crowd.

edit,Edited after I didn't rush read the posts. {:0p

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Kirsten smiles when she sees the familiar sight of movie cameras. These models look even better than the ones she's used to in Hollywood. I'll say one thing for the Germans, she thinks. They sure make good cameras. They used to make good movies too, before Hitler and his cronies took over. As much as I love being in front of the camera - and as much as the camera loves me - I think I'll stay well behind the lens this time. It might be awkward if footage of me finds its way into newsreels. She finds a spot in the crowd out of view of the cameras and listens intently to the speech.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:28 pm
by Tabs
ooc,Prof. Eckhart ensures the necessary equipment for botanical fieldwork is carefully placed into crates, ready for transportation; namely: --thanks, Ben.
Airbornexo,He also packs his old army Luger and a walking stick/sword stick.
On the bus, Prof. Eckhart inclines his head and says to Armond.

Those Americans spell trouble. What on earth are they doing here? Has no one told them there's a war on.

At Tempelhof.

Prof. Eckhart, suitcase in one hand and a tatty briefcase in the other, wanders through the crowd in order to listen to Eichelberger and Wahl. He ensures he is stood near the front, his intent being to demonstrate--by his presence--support for the expedition.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:27 pm
by kabukiman
Percy looks shocked with the idea of women joining the expedition.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:00 am
by Dave Syrinx
Next to Miss Hart, Freyja gets a tripod up and mounts her camera and shoots Wahl. She also takes a 360 pan of the crowd, hesitating at Miss Hart. Then she focuses on the announcement.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:17 am
by Airbornexo
The military band's fanfare drew to an abrupt close and there was an expectant hush that descended on the crowd of onlookers. Wahl began to speak in slow measured German, pausing between each sentence as a address system translated his words first into English and then into French...

"Gentlemen and Ladies, I welcome you here today to witness history in the making. Today will be a glorious day remembered with fondness and pride by future generations. We head for the dark continent to secure our birthright, to claim that which our Aryan ancestors have bequeathed us. But let us not forget that we are also here today to honour the fallen comrades and to search for any sign of our lost brothers in the Jungles of Afrika."

With this he paused and removed his cap, bowing his head slightly. The moment passed quickly and he looked up, his steely grey eyes showing determination. "We depart today for the glory of the Fatherland; we depart today to make History!"

With that the band struck up again with a rousing Aryan chorus; one of Wagner's marches from Tannhäuser.

The crowd began to disperse slowly into smaller groups - friends chattering amiably; family wishing loved ones a bon voyage; academics in excited discussions. A brawny sergeant in Wehrmacht uniform was overseeing the loading of crates, barrels and other gear onto the transport plane. He shouted over to one of his troopers clearly audible to the investigators, "Hurry we leave in less than an hour."

OOC - Once your gear is stowed and you have selected a seat you have the opportunity to interact for a little while before your journey begins.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:02 am
by BenTheRat
Armond helped the professor with his gear.
He leaned closer and whispered. "Wow that was pretty anti-climatic. Lets get on the plane."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Kirsten observes Wahl carefully while he makes his speech, trying to get more of a feel for him. She takes the hint and boards the plane as quickly as possible, selecting a window seat with an empty seat next to it. TIme to make some friends, she thinks. I'll dangle myself on the hook and see who bites. Whoever shows interest in me first by sitting down next to me will be a good place to start.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:04 am
by Chivalrybean
Carl sits near the back of the plane.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:37 am
by Tabs
Prof. Eckhart
BenTheRat wrote:Armond helped the professor with his gear.
Thank you.
He leaned closer and whispered. "Wow that was pretty anti-climatic. Lets get on the plane."
I thought Wahl was going to cry--he seemed rather emotional; that man regards himself too highly!

As long as we get to do our fieldwork, I'll be delighted; but, don't forget, Armond, for the benefit of science, we need to be "in" with this disagreeable crew--the Nazis--for appearences sake.

On the plane.

Armond, look, that American dolly-bird is sat by herself. Try to find out what the Americans are doing here; I'd do it myself, but I'm too old and ugly!

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:54 am
by Airbornexo

Passengers and crew still crawled all over the aircraft as the investigators began to take their seats, the engines of the massive Junkers JU 290 transport spluttered into life for a test and then are killed after a couple of minutes.


The vast plane was one of the gems of the Luftwaffe, a transport that was also used in a recon and bombing role. Famous for its operations in the USSR, it became incredibly popular for the Nazi elite as Hitler himself chose to have one adapted as his personal transport.


There appeared to seats for about 40 passengers, at least ten of those looked to have been occupied by a military detachment of grizzled Wehrmacht soldiers wearing elite unit patches. The hard-faced veterans sat in quiet conversation with one another, making jokes, sizing up the females of the group, belittling each other as soldiers are wont to do.

There were several civilian academics also taking their seats, through the Window of the transport Wahl could be seen barking orders and making ready for the final preparations. Eichelberger too was busy making statements to the press and overseeing the loaidng of scientific gear.

The journey to Djedjelli in Tunis was scheduled to take around four hours, a little under 2000 miles. From there the expedition was to travel by train to the Belgian Congo.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:19 am
by kabukiman
Percy will sit near anyone from his area of expertize.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:19 am
by Dave Syrinx
Freyja lifts the tripod and one of her lighter backpacks and boards the plane. On the way there, she waves at some German greenhorns to lug the bigger crates and suitcases on to the plane.
Well onboard, she rigs the tripod at the front, just outside the cockpit and shoots the passengers as the take their seats. This time she makes sure she gets good close ups of every one of the expdeition´s members. Done with that, she leaves the camera on the stand and takes one of the seats closest to the front.

She gets her pack of menthols up and flips her lighter. Remebering she probably shouldn´t she pockets both items again and nods at the people seated nearby.

"Wundelich, ja?" "Habits die hard..."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:47 am
by Anatomist

Alvaro walked the planes length once to take a look at where people where sitting, soldiers grouped, civilians sitting near to the people they knew or by profession. At one of the windows he sees Kirsten sitting by herself. 'Miss' 'you mind me sitting with you?' 'Alvaro Uribe at your service' 'ill could use some chatter and updating on the civilization ' 'you look as a woman of the world and with connections to the good gossip' he winks making it clear the gossip part was a joke 'where you from miss...?'

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:36 pm
by Tabs
Prof. Eckhart says to Armond.

Dammit! That spaniard has taken the seat.

Freyja...gets her pack of menthols up and flips her lighter. Remebering she probably shouldn´t she pockets both items again and nods at the people seated nearby.

"Wundelich, ja?" "Habits die hard..."
Prof. Eckhart affects not to have heard.

Gott im himmel! The woman thinks she's a photographer. Hired "comfort" for the men, obviously.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:20 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Getting up for a second, Freyja gets a folder out from her backpack beside the camera equipment. The front reads, Rune finds of Swedish coast 1936, Staahl Oxenstjärna.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:48 pm
by Tabs

Prof. Eckhart, despite his antipathy for Freyja and what he supposes her to be, is only human. Surreptitiously he watches her....

Excuse me, madam, the book: it was written by a relative perhaps? Your name is Staahl Oxenstjärna?

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:00 pm
by BenTheRat
Armond, nods to the professor, but as he approaches Kirsten, the Spaniard nearly knocks him over to get to the seat. Armond decides its best not to make a fuss, and continues onto the back of the plane where Carl is seating.

"Mind if I join you? Name is Armond."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:42 pm
by kabukiman
Percy try avoid laughing.
They may speak of war, politics and great expeditions, but put a women in the middle and they will return to the basic instints no matter the race. This will be interesting to watch. Guess they don't want to use the local women for racial purity.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:50 pm
by Chivalrybean
Carl nods at Armond.

"I'm Carl! Certainly, have a seat!" He gestures to the empty seat. "What area of expert training brings you on this wunderbar mission, Armond?"

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:16 pm
by BenTheRat
Armond laughs a bit while he takes a seat. "Nice to meet you, but I'm no expert. I'm just along to assist Prof. Eckhart up there. He's one of the foremost authorities in the field of Botany. What about yourself Carl? I have to say I was a bit surprised to see so many Americans on the mission."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 8:24 pm
by Chivalrybean
"An, an expert in being helping out, then. Being helpful is a wonderful thing."

Calr glaces around for the professor.

"A botanist? Very nice, I know only a little from the plants where we are going. I know a lot more of the little parasites and diseases you can get. I grew up part of my life in the Congo, with my parents, learning medicine, among other things."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:47 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Did I learn anything from my earlier successful Psychology roll? What language is [b]Alvaro[/b] speaking?

"Be my guest," says Kirsten with a smile, motioning at the empty seat beside her. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Kirsten Hart, the historian with this expedition. I'm from Los Angeles, in America." She extends her hand.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:12 am
by BenTheRat
Armond laughs quietly, "I wouldn't even say I'm an expert on helping but thank you. So what part of the Congo did you live?"

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:53 am
by Dave Syrinx
In reply to prof Eckhart, Freyja says, "Oh, nej. It´s my notes from a symposium I held at a Ahnenerbe meet in 1936. I documented the lot while Reichsgeschäftsführer Wolfram Sievers was in Bohuslän on expedition.", "I´m Freyja Staahl Oxenstjärna, pleased to meet you mein Herr!"
She hesitates and adds, "Do you have some interest in runes, mayhaps professor?"

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:43 pm
by Tabs
Syrinx wrote:Freyja..."Oh, nej. It´s my notes from a symposium I held at a Ahnenerbe meet in 1936. I documented the lot while Reichsgeschäftsführer Wolfram Sievers was in Bohuslän on expedition.", "I´m Freyja Staahl Oxenstjärna, pleased to meet you mein Herr!"
And I'm Paul Eckhart. I am truly impressed!--I mean--and this is a confession--I had doubted your right to be here with us on the expedition; Ms. Staahl Oxenstjärna: you are so, er, young; not at all the academic. I wonder...may I peruse your notes?
She hesitates and adds, "Do you have some interest in runes, mayhaps professor?"
Absolutely not! But I feel the need to learn something more about the expedition. Your notes, please?

Tell me, Ms. Staahl Oxenstjärna, what is your stated purpose in accompanying us? And how did you fall in with those americans?

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:55 pm
by Chivalrybean
BenTheRat wrote:Armond laughs quietly, "I wouldn't even say I'm an expert on helping but thank you. So what part of the Congo did you live?"
"Various places, mostly native villages, but once we lived near on a river that dealt mostly in shipping palm oil. My parents were medical missionaries."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:57 pm
by BenTheRat
"Various places, mostly native villages, but once we lived near on a river that dealt mostly in shipping palm oil. My parents were medical missionaries."
"That is so interesting, on the flight you can tell me all about the Congo. I'm very excited to be going." Armond replied.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:16 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Freyja hands over the notes to the professor.

The Notes:
"Angenehm Herr Eckhart... I´m documenting the expedition as best as I can. To have a movie star on toll, makes it a pleasant task. That´s how I got in touch with Miss Hart. So, was ist dein spezialität, denn?"

"Those notes are mainly on the ancient rune scripture and mythical meanings of certain pictograms... Since the Ahnenerbe visited my place of birth, I volunteered to document the findings and the expedition."

She flips to a section in the notes showing pictures from a cinema in Backa, Sweden. On the picture, Sievers can be seen toasting for a successful expedition with the rather small staff of the expedition.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:21 pm
by Tabs
Freyja...was ist dein spezialität, denn?"

Prof. Eckhart studies the notes. He taps one page which he finds particularly interesting.



So, are there are pictograms to be found at Backa?

He peers round at Eichelberger and Wahl.

I wonder when we depart?...

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:33 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Yes, this one is called son of god..." Freyja points at the one at the top right corner. "Somehow that one interested Sievers the most... Something with a calender and descendants from the Norse gods." "The Hammer of Thor and such... Might be what we´re looking for - a weapon that is reusable?"

She winks at Eckhart and sees that he´s checking for the leaders. Nevermind, she thinks and gets up to take yet another snap shot of the scene.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:52 am
by kabukiman
Percy takes a nap.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:45 am
by Airbornexo
Arrangements are finalised, orders are barked and the various doors to the aircraft are slammed shut. The Sergeant takes his place with his soldiers and gently chides them for their lack of discipline, getting them to stow loose gear and secure their packs in the overhead racks. After another moment both Wahl and Eichelberger took their seats. They began pouring over charts and maps in intense conversation about the logistics of the expedition.

With a gentle rumble the four engines began to turn slowly, then as the pilot pushed up the revs the sound and gentle vibration increased. The large plane began to pivot and taxi across the runway and in another moment was climbing into the sky. Eichelberger turned in his seat and addressed the cabin. "Now the real work begins my friends, my aide will be around presently to hand out the itinerary. Please take time to study it before we land in a few hours."

With that he turned back to Wahl and their planning continued...

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:10 pm
by BenTheRat
Armond kicked back in his seat. "Finally, we are off. Let the adventure begin."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:58 pm
by Chivalrybean
OOC,SAN checks for those afraid of flying.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:57 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,You never said what, if anything, I learned from my successful Psychology roll about [b]Wahl[/b].

While she waits for the itinerary to be handed out, Kirsten takes advantage of the relative silence around her to eavesdrop on Wahl and Eichelberger. Her keen hearing allows her to pick out nearly every word with little effort, and she feigns the appearance of not even trying to listen in.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:01 am
by Dave Syrinx
Dropping the mythical Norse artifact discussion, Freyja leans back and buckles up as the transport is picking up speed.
"Till later, prof."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:08 pm
by Tabs
Syrinx wrote:Freyja..."Till later, prof."
Madam, I will look forward to it.

Prof. Eckhart stares outside at the spinning propellors: this will be his first flight.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:20 pm
by Chivalrybean
Carl asks Armond if he has flown much before?

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:15 pm
by BenTheRat
"A bit, but probably not nearly as much as you. You said you've been to the Congo. Where else have you been to?" Carl responds.

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:50 am
by Chivalrybean
"Just around the Congo and back home in the states, and a short vacation to Europe." He pauses. "The Congo seems more like home, as I grew up there."

Re: 2: Travel Arrangements [All characters]

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:50 pm
by Tabs
Prof. Eckhart unbuckles his seat belt, clears his throat, and makes his way forward to the lavatory--he's had a dicky bladder ever since he was shot in the guts at Tannenberg in 1914.

Damn that espresso.