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Re: Squad Registry (open)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx


Name: Sam Hobbes
Colleges, Degrees: -
Birthplace: Chicago
Mental Disorders: -
Sex: M
Age: 21
Rank: Private 1st Battalion 9th Marines

Player Name: Played by Seon

Individual permission only

Damage Modifier:___+1d4_____
HIT POINTS Total:_________16_________
IDEA: (INTx5%) ____55__
KNOW: (EDUx5%) ____75____
LUCK: (POWx5%) __60_____
POWER POINTS:_____12_____
SANITY POINTS Original;_____60_____
Primary Role: Heavy Weapons Guy
Specialty: Joker
Secondary Role: Sniper (Yes. It is possible to snipe things with a heavy machinegun)
Archetype: Warrior

Approved for field duty
Combat Skills: .Hand-to-Hand Combat: 55%
Fist 62%
Kick 24%
Direct Fire: 35%

Non-Combat Skills: Alertness: 75%
Camouflage: 55%
Civility: 45%
Observation: 30%
.Profession: 20%

.Hide: 30%
Machinegun: 65%
.Psychology: 35%

M-60 LMG (2 belts 100 rnds each 200 total), Starlight scope

helmet, Camo cover for steel helmet, jungle boots, 2 pairs
of socks, waterproof canvas poncho, P38 can opener,
mosquito-bite lotion, cigarettes, matches, condoms, one
large gauze patch, toilet paper, machete, chewing gum, candies,
C rations, 2 or 3 water canteens, lensatic compass,

Re: Squad Registry (open)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:06 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Name: Tobias Berkowitz
Age: 19
Birthplace: New York City, NY
Rank: Private 1st Battalion 9th Marines
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Gender: Male


Player Name: Played by Pickman37

Individual permission only
STR: 13 CON: 14 SIZ: 10 INT: 16 POW: 13 DEX: 16 APP: 10 EDU: 15
Damage Modifier: None

Total: 12
Current: 12

IDEA: (INTx5%) 80 KNOW: (EDUx5%) 75 LUCK: (POWx5%) 65


Original: 65
Current: 65
ARCHETYPE: Companion

Direct fire 55%
Indirect fire 25%
Hand-to-hand 55%
Fist 55%
Kick 23%

Stealth 55%
Camouflage 30%
Demolitions 55%
Civility 30%

Fast Talk 15%
First Aid 60%
Listen 40%
Mechanical Repair 50%
Persuade 35%
Spot Hidden 40%
Track 40%


Rifle 25%
Handgun 50%

Fist 50%
Grapple 25%
Kick 25%
Dodge 22%


WEAPON ------------------------------------- ROF A% / P% DAMAGE AMMO

M-16 Rifle (4x20 rnds 80 total), bayonet attached,
4 MK 2 Frag Grenades
.45 M1911 Pistol (7x3 rnds 21 total)
Satchel Charge w fuse,
2 Pentrite explosives (2
kgs each), wirings, detonators,

Helmet, 2 flash lights,
Camo cover for steel helmet, jungle boots, 2 pairs
of socks, waterproof canvas poncho, P38 can opener,
penknife, mosquito-bite lotion, cigarettes,
matches, sewing kit, Dr Scholl's foot
powder, condoms, one large gauze
patch, toilet paper, writing paper and
pencils, Sterno field fuel in cans,
safety pins, signal rockets, wire,
razorblades, machete, bayonet or knife,
sun hat, nail-cutters, chewing gum, candies, C
rations, 2 or 3 water canteens, lensatic compass,

Tobias Leonard Berkowitz was born June 5th, 1948 to Max and Abrianna Berkowitz in the Queens district of New York, where his parents ran a hardware store, with his mother moonlighting as a nurse, mid-wive and care giver at various times. His father's constant tinkering with mechanics and his mother's alternating professions would give young Tobias a path for the future.

Middle school was uneventful for young Tobias but high school was a different story. He was ostracized for being a Jew (among the large Italian population), as well as his shy nature. However, he did meet the girl he planned to marry...Myra Bluthe. Young Tobias planned to enter either the fields of medicine or broadcasting after high school but the draft decided otherwise...

Tobias applied himself at boot camp but, despite exceptional ability at first aid and mechanical understanding, his small stature placed him for training as a "Tunnel Rat" and even more bullying from the other draftees. However, he made his way through the trials and rigors of camp and keeps a picture of Myra Bluthe in his pocket, as motivation for the life he will get to live once this episode in his life has passed...

Tobias will fulfill his duties and follow the orders of any commanding officer but has an inferiority complex for accepting responsibility and is close to the FNG archetype description. However, he is very capable and will perform his duties to the best of his abilities, as it brings him closer to Myra and away from the war. As such, Tobias will try his best to survive, especially in a tunnel, which he has never been in as of yet, outside of boot camp training, but it will be desperation time down there and he will try to bring it.....

No matter how he is treated, Tobias will do his best to help others as his conscious will not take it if he acts otherwise....

Re: Squad Registry (open)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:08 pm
by Dave Syrinx


Name: James Beckett
Age: 19
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland
Rank: Private 1st Battalion 9th Marines
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Gender: Male

Player Name: Played by Kadael

Individual permission only
STR: 10
CON: 16
SIZ: 12
INT: 16
POW: 11
DEX: 12
APP: 15
EDU: 12

Damage Modifier: +0

Total: 14
Current: 5 Unconscious, losing blood.
Lost his left forearm to a grenade in Khe Sanh.

Idea (INT x5%): 80%
Know (EDUx5%): 60%
Luck (POWx5%): 55%


Original: 55
Current: 55
SPECIALTY: Fucking New Guy
ARCHETYPE: Companion

Awaiting deployment
Skills chosen with hobby points are preceded by a dot.

Direct Fire: 35%
Indirect Fire: 35%
Hand-to-Hand: 35%
Fist 55%
Kick 21%

Observation: 60%
Civility: 65%

.Biology: 41%
.Fast Talk: 65%
First Aid: 55%
Medicine: 30%
.Psychology: 65%

WEAPON ------------------------------------- ROF A% / P% DAMAGE AMMO
M-16 rifle, Mk 2 frag grenades, double ammunition

Flak jacket, extra rations, medical kit
(a canvas bag containing morphine, adrenaline,
blood packs, malaria tablets, band aids, M&M
chocolates etc),
helmet, camo cover for steel helmet, jungle boots, 2 pairs
of socks, waterproof canvas poncho, P38 can opener,
penknife, mosquito-bite lotion, cigarettes,
matches, sewing kit, Dr Scholl's foot
powder, one large gauze
patch, toilet paper, Sterno field fuel in cans,
safety pins, signal rockets, wire,
razorblades, machete, bayonet or knife,
sun hat, nail-cutters, chewing gum, C rations,
2 or 3 water canteens, lensatic compass,

James Bennet wasn't born to be a soldier. As an able-bodied young man, he was drafted before he could pursue his career of choice - medicine. Though he had little time to study, his skill with the human body will be useful... if he doesn't get himself killed.

He's no good in a combat situation, and everyone knows it. If his confidence was shaky before, his time at boot camp all but destroyed it. The only thing he really trusts himself to do is follow orders.

It's a shame, because James definitely has charisma, but he only uses it for telling stories. Mind you, he can spin one hell of a yarn, but he could lead if he would only speak up. The thought of interacting with the rest of the squad terrifies him.

If he survives, his future career is waiting for him back home, and so is his little sister Lisa.

Of course, no matter how much you can bend a tree, there's a point when it snaps. And therein lies the worry - James isn't looking to become a doctor out of compassion. He takes an interest in the puzzle, as if he were working with a machine. Machines don't interest him, though. To him, there's some kind of thrill when somebody's life is in your hands. His anxiety suppresses it for the time being, but who knows what might happen in the jungle?

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:17 pm
by Kadael


Name: James Beckett
Age: 19
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland
Rank: Private
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Gender: Male

Player Name: Played by Kadael

STR: 10
CON: 16
SIZ: 12
INT: 16
POW: 11
DEX: 12
APP: 15
EDU: 12

Damage Modifier: +0

Total: 14
Current: 14

Idea (INT x5%): 80%
Know (EDUx5%): 60%
Luck (POWx5%): 55%


Original: 55
Current: 55

SPECIALTY: Fucking New Guy
ARCHETYPE: Companion
Skills,Skills chosen with hobby points are preceded by a dot. COMBAT SKILLS Direct Fire: 35% Indirect Fire: 35% Hand-to-Hand: 35% NON-COMBAT SKILLS Observation: 60% Civility: 65% REGULAR SKILLS .Biology: 41% .Fast Talk: 65% First Aid: 55% Medicine: 30% .Psychology: 65%

James Bennet wasn't born to be a soldier. As an able-bodied young man, he was drafted before he could pursue his career of choice - medicine. Though he had little time to study, his skill with the human body will be useful... if he doesn't get himself killed.

He's no good in a combat situation, and everyone knows it. If his confidence was shaky before, his time at boot camp all but destroyed it. The only thing he really trusts himself to do is follow orders.

It's a shame, because James definitely has charisma, but he only uses it for telling stories. Mind you, he can spin one hell of a yarn, but he could lead if he would only speak up. The thought of interacting with the rest of the squad terrifies him.

If he survives, his future career is waiting for him back home, and so is his little sister Lisa.

Of course, no matter how much you can bend a tree, there's a point when it snaps. And therein lies the worry - James isn't looking to become a doctor out of compassion. He takes an interest in the puzzle, as if he were working with a machine. Machines don't interest him, though. To him, there's some kind of thrill when somebody's life is in your hands. His anxiety suppresses it for the time being, but who knows what might happen in the jungle?

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:19 pm
by Mr. Handy
Thanks, I completely missed that part! That'll teach me to try to read and create my character when I'm sleep-deprived. Here's my second set, and that's a significant improvement on POW. My DEX and CON also go up a few points, but everything else is the same. I'll edit my character sheet.

Funny, I used that same exact picture for Reverend Elliot Franklin in ImpInTraining's CoC game Mr. Corbitt over on Dark and Moody.

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:20 pm
by Kadael
Yeah, he sure doesn't look like a soldier :P Those new guys...

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:27 pm
by Seon
He majored in English and worked in the customer service department. In other news..

Oooh raaaah!
Yeah, those customer service agents have a LOT of bones to pick with other people.

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:42 pm
by Seon
Sorry for double posting, but it seems that I can't edit without the computer automatically deleting all the "enter" keys that I have typed in in the previous messages.

So instead, here's the picture: Image

Uploaded with

Isn't he just a friendly little...



Re: Squad Registry (open)

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx


Name: Wallace Edward
Age: 27
Birthplace: NYC
Rank: Private First Class, Marines 20th Special Operations Squadron (AFSOC)
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 76kg
Gender: Male
Player Name: Played by Keeper

STR_____ CON______ SIZ_____ INT_____ POW_____ DEX_____ APP_____ EDU_____

Damage Modifier:________



IDEA: (INTx5%) ______ KNOW: (EDUx5%) ________ LUCK: (POWx5%) _______

POWER POINTS:__________




Under development


Direct fire 5%
Indirect fire 5%
Hand-to-hand 5%


Command 5%
Stealth 5%
Camouflage 5%
Alertness 5%
Observation 5%
Communications 5%
Demolitions 5%
Civility 5%
Profession 5%

Accounting 10%
Anthropology 1%
Archaeology 1%
Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5%
Biology 1%
Chemistry 1%
Climb 40%
Computer Use 1%
Conceal 15%
Credit Rating 15%
Cthulhu Mythos 0%
Drive Auto 20%
Electrical Repair 10%
Electronics 1%
Fast Talk 5%
First Aid 30%
Geology 1%
Hide 10%
History 20%
Jump 25%
Law 5%
Library Use 25%
Listen 25%
Locksmith 1%
Martial Arts 1%
Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5%
Natural History 10%
Navigate 10%
Occult 5%
Operate Hvy. Machine 1%
Persuade 15%
Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10%
Physics 1%
Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 5%
Ride 5%
Sneak 10%
Spot Hidden 25%
Swim 25%
Throw 25%
Track 10%


Submachine Gun 15%
Shotgun 30%
Rifle 25%
Machine Gun 15%
Handgun 20%

Fist 50%
Grapple 25%
Kick 25%
Dodge 22%


WEAPON ------------------------------------- ROF A% / P% DAMAGE AMMO

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:32 am
by Pickman37
Image from Google search - Veteran's Hour

Name: Tobias Berkowitz
Age: 19
Birthplace: New York City, NY
Rank: Private
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Gender: Male
Player Name: Pickman37

Stat Rolls:
Rolls for STR, CON, POW, DEX and APP
Rolls for SIZ and INT
Rolls for EDU
Excess EDU,I chose the 18 roll and divided the remaining three points over 15 into STR, CON and DEX as required by the rules. Also, please disregard my first stats role in Invisible Castle for this character (ID 3382677). I tried to roll all my Stats at once, thinking I had it all figured out but I was mistaken. Sorry about that. I'm a newbie still :)
STR: 13 CON: 14 SIZ: 10 INT: 16 POW: 13 DEX: 16 APP: 10 EDU: 15
Damage Modifier: None

Total: 12
Current: 12

IDEA: (INTx5%) 80 KNOW: (EDUx5%) 75 LUCK: (POWx5%) 65


Original: 65
Current: 65

ARCHETYPE: Companion
SKILLS,COMBAT SKILLS Direct fire 55% Indirect fire 25% Hand-to-hand 55% NON COMBAT SKILLS Stealth 55% Camouflage 30% Demolitions 55% Civility 30% REGULAR SKILLS Fast Talk 15% First Aid 60% Listen 40% Mechanical Repair 50% Persuade 35% Spot Hidden 40% Track 40% WEAPON SPECIFIC SKILLS Rifle 25% Handgun 50% Fist 50% Grapple 25% Kick 25% Dodge 22%


WEAPON ------------------------------------- ROF A% / P% DAMAGE AMMO

M-16 Rifle
MK 2 Frag Grenades
.45 M1911 Pistol
Satchel Charge

Updated 2/20/12

I checked my math and focused my skills at my speciality. I believe all is in order...


Tobias Leonard Berkowitz was born June 5th, 1948 to Max and Abrianna Berkowitz in the Queens district of New York, where his parents ran a hardware store, with his mother moonlighting as a nurse, mid-wive and care giver at various times. His father's constant tinkering with mechanics and his mother's alternating professions would give young Tobias a path for the future.

Middle school was uneventful for young Tobias but high school was a different story. He was ostracized for being a jew (among the large Italian population), as well as his shy nature. However, he did meet the girl he planned to marry...Myra Bluthe. Young Tobias plannned to enter either the fields of medicine or broadcasting after high school but the draft decided otherwise...

Tobias applied himself at boot camp but, despite exceptional ability at first aid and mechanical understanding, his small stature placed him for training as a "Tunnel Rat" and even more bullying from the other draftees. However, he made his way through the trials and rigours of camp and keeps a picture of Myra Bluthe in his pocket, as motivation for the life he will get to live once this episode in his life has passed...

Tobias will fulfill his duties and follow the orders of any commanding officer but has an inferiority complex for accepting responsibility and is close to the FNG archetype description. However, he is very capable and will perform his duties to the best of his abilities, as it brings him closer to Myra and away from the war. As such, Tobias will try his best to survive, especially in a tunnel, which he has never been in as of yet, outside of boot camp training, but it will be desperation time down there and he will try to bring it.....

No matter how he is treated, Tobias will do his best to help others as his conscious will not take it if he acts otherwise....

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:05 am
by Dave Syrinx
Thanks for the picture gallery guys! Now I can set up the sheets in the squad registry.
Error checking and reading up on my part are the next steps.

Consider your characters located at the back of the chopper about to land in the LZ.
Thanks for getting the characters ready.

Over and out!

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:53 am
by Pickman37
I believe Tobias is ready. I double-checked stats, corrected and have a sweet piece of meat background going for him...

I updated under the original post to save space.....

Let me know if I'm in the back of that chopper.......

I think I am!..... :D

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:54 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Almost done with the character creation. I made your characters part of the reinforcements arriving to Khe Sang, 1st Battalion 9th Marines.

I hope you don´t mind that. And I kind of changed your pictures a little to fit the registry better.

And yes, you are all in the back of the helicopter. Here!
@Kadael, "I need some skills for your grunt, Soldier!"

@Mr Handy, "Where´s your photo, son?! Are you hiding something for me? Show your face private!"

@Seon, "You got the chutzpah private. Keep it up and keep your gun close."

@Pickman, "How old are you son? I guess you´re a rat, huh? Our last tunnel crawler got a trip to the gravers. Welcome!"
No, seriously - you are all in the back of the Huey about to step out. The dust and sand is still making it hard to see anything of the base up close.

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:00 pm
by Mr. Handy
The unit is fine with me. :)

Is there something wrong with the photo I already included in my character sheet? Here it is again:

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Oddly it didn´t show in my browser. It just said *image*. I checked the post for the source of the image and now I see it. Weird....
I edit the character page.

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:17 am
by Kadael
@Kadael, "I need some skills for your grunt, Soldier!"
SIR, YES, SIR! Sheet updated.

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:18 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Good, I´ve closed the enlistment run. Good luck out there!

Re: Rules and mechanics - discussion and guidelines

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Regarding posting format:

I´m no writer, just someone with a vivid imagination who tries to weave a story together. Sometimes, what I post will lack congruency and there will be grammar slip-ups. So, bear with me. The idea of the whole pbp gaming experience is the cooperative writing. What you guys put in your posts have the same weight as the things I post. Me being a Swede puts me at a slight disadvantage, hopefully I pass as a relatively decent user of the English language.
Back on topic.

I use Bold face to highlight names. "Blue letters inside quotes stand for speech."

Thoughts are in green italics.

Mostly, I use present tense when posting.
That´s about it. If we all post in similar fashion, the story will have higher readability.

Re: Character creation and deployment

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:38 pm
by committed hero
Reporting for duty!

Re: Archive - History files

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:40 am
by Dave Syrinx
Skärmavbild 2016-06-08 kl. 06.38.42.png