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Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:14 pm
by Airbornexo
"Welcome, I'm Colonel Hargreaves of the Office of Strategic Services, the OSS. Our branch specialises in covert operations, usually deep behind enemy lines. Espionage, sabotage, infiltration; that's the business we're in ladies and gentlemen."
Creating your character

The Pit of Lokheri is a Call of Cthulhu adventure set in the 1941. Your character will be undertaking a serious task; they are expected to work with a expedition from the notorious Nazi organisation the SS Ahnenerbe, the so called "study society for Intellectual Ancient History".

You will be playing one of the good guys out to observe the intentions of Hitler's minions and stop them in whatever nefarious scheme they are intent upon. With this in mind there are several things to consider when you create your character:

1) OSS or other friendly - The Ahnenerbe expedition to the Congo will be taking along a handful of civilian Anthropologists, Archaeologists, Historians, Professors, Guides, Archivists, medical professionals, etc... to supplement their efforts. Each will have been carefully vetted by the Nazis and by me the Keeper. Players must decide whether they will play as a covert member of an American OSS team sent to spy on the expedition or just an 'ordinary' civilian caught up in less than ordinary circumstances. If you choose an OSS member, ensure that you have a 'cover' profession prepared.

2) Skill set - Despite using the BRP rules, this is far from a normal game of CoC. You will be entering a world where the nearest libraries are thousands of miles away. Be aware that if you invest all your points in skills suited for an urban investigation you may feel cheated! The expedition is to a jungle, keep this in mind when creating your character. The Nazis aren't interested in taking along mercenaries or professional soldiers though, that's what the Wehrmacht are for.

3) Fists first - Normally characters in CoC are dissuaded from taking skills in weapon and firearms proficiencies. This will by no means be an "all action, all the time" adventure, but combat will be unavoidable at times. Make sure that you are aware of this, now it maybe that your backstory calls for a shy, bookish retiring academic - however the Nazis are not likely to allow a 70 year old, wheelchair bound Forensic Pathologist to tag along.

4) Equipment - I will be using the 1920s investigator guide, combined with Wikipedia to equip the party. I am more interested in have a good game than a historically accurate one.


A quickplay copy of the BRP rules can be found HERE!

Cheers, Hal

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:25 am
by Airbornexo
Kirsten Hart


Player: Mr. Handy
Name: Kirsten Hart
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Occupation: Actress/OSS Agent
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California, USA
Colleges, Degrees: M.S., History, UCLA

STR: 7
CON: 16
SIZ: 13
DEX: 10
APP: 13
INT: 15 (Idea - 75)
POW: 12 (Luck - 60)
EDU: 18 (Know - 90)

Sanity: 60
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 15
Magic Points: 12
Damage Bonus: +0

Appearance and Personality: Tall, slender, and shapely, Kirsten Hart fits well into Hollywood glitz and glamour. She is a real people person, able to relate to others and eager to make friends. Unlike many in Hollywood, she truly cares about her fans and likes getting to know them. She has always enjoyed excellent health and is very tough, able to take anything that is thrown at her.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT.)
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art(Acting) (05%): 50%
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
.Climb (40%): 60%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%): 50%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%): 50%
Dodge (DEX x 2): 62%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%): 60%
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
.History (20%): 50%
.Jump (25%): 50%
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%): 65%
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Other Language: German (01%): 50%
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 90%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%): 50%
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 45%
.Swim (25%): 50%
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

.Handgun (20%): 50%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

To be determined later. I was thinking of a Walther PPK .32 automatic pistol and a machete.

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:07 pm
by Airbornexo
Carl ‘Lumpy’ Vanderblit


Player: Chivalrybean
Name: Carl ‘Lumpy’ Vanderblit
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Occupation: Combat Medic

STR: 13
CON: 5
SIZ: 12
DEX: 7
APP: 8
INT: 11 (Idea - 55)
POW: 10 (Luck - 50)
EDU: 16 (Know - 80)

Sanity: 50
Phobias/Mental Disorders: none
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 9
Magic Points: 10
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Appearance and Personality: Coming soon...

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT.) Occ:320 Hob:110
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art(Acting) (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%): 45
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
.Dodge (DEX x 2): 34
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%):80
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
.Listen (25%): 45
Locksmith (01%):
.Martial Arts (01%): 21
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%): 50
.Natural History (10%): 30
.Navigate (10%): 40
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Other Language: German (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%):
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%): 40
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%): 47
Psychology (05%): 45
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 45
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%): 75
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

Handgun (20%): 70
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%): 70
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):


Income: $10,000

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:26 pm
by Airbornexo
Freyja Staahl - Oxenstjärna


Name: Freyja Staahl - Oxenstjärna
Nationality: Swedish
Occupation: Drop out Nurse in training, singer, seductress (ONI officer since 1935, intelligence gathering)
Date of birth: 1912 - 07 - 14 (currently 28 years old)

STR: 12 DEX: 16 INT: 11 Idea: 55
CON: 10 APP: 17 POW: 16 Luck: 80
SIZ: 11 SAN: 80 EDU: 14 Know: 70
Damage Bonus: none

Sanity Points: 80

Hit Points:
Power Points: 16


* Extra Curricular skills

Accounting 10%
Anthropology 1%
Archaeology 1%
*Art: Singing 65%
Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5%
Biology 1%
Chemistry 41% Create poison
Climb 40%
*Conceal 40%
Credit Rating 15%
Cthulhu Mythos 0%
Drive Auto 20%
Electrical Repair 10%
Fast Talk 45% "Sit still - this won´t hurt, honey..."
First Aid 30%
Geology 1%
Hide 10%
History 20%
Jump 25%
Law 5%
Library Use 25%
Listen 25%
Locksmith 1%
Machine Gun 15%
Martial Arts 1%
Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5%
Natural History 10%
Navigate 10%
Occult 5%
Operate Hvy. Machine 1%
Own Language: Swedish 70%
Other Language: English 46%
Other Language: German 46%
Persuade 15%
Pharmacy 1%
*Photography 45%
Physics 1%
Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 30%
Ride 5%
Spot Hidden 45%
Submachine Gun 15%
Swim 25%
Throw 25%
Track 10%

* .32 Automatic* 65%

Code: Select all

 Dam: 1d8 / 15yrds br / ROF=3 (!)/ MAG=6 / malf:99 / 8HP
Fist/Punch 50%
Head Butt 10%
Kick 25%
Grapple 25%
Dodge 32%
Small Knife* 25%

Code: Select all

Dam:1d4 / 9HP
Rifle 25%
Shotgun 30%
Handgun 20%

ONI skills:

Conceal, photography, .32 Automatic, Fast talk, chemistry.

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:09 pm
by Airbornexo
Alvaro Uribe


Player: Anatomist
Investigator Name: Alvaro Uribe
Occupation: Revolutionary
Colleges, Degrees: None
Birthplace: Barcelona, España
Mental Disorders: None
Sex: M
Age: 39

STR: 16
CON: 15
SIZ: 13
DEX: 15
APP: 10
INT: 10 - (Idea: 50)
POW: 8 - (Luck: 40)
EDU: 11 - (Know: 55)

SAN: 40
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99
Damage Bonus: +1D4

Occupation in Bold.

Accounting 10%
Anthropology 1%
Archaeology 1%
Astronomy 1%
Bargain 5%
Biology 1%
Chemistry 1%
Climb 50%
Conceal 15%
Credit Rating 15%
Cthulhu Mythos 0%
Dodge 50%
Drive Auto 20%
Electrical Repair 10%
Fast Talk 5%
First Aid 40%
Geology 1%
Hide 50%
History 20%
Jump 40%
Law 5%
Library Use 25%
Listen 25%
Locksmith 1%
Machine Gun 15%
Mechanical Repair 20%
Medicine 5%
Natural History 10%
Navigate 10%
Occult 5%
Operate Hvy. Machine 1%
Persuade 15%
Pharmacy 1%
Photography 10%
Physics 1%
Psychoanalysis 1%
Psychology 5%
Ride 5%
Sneak 35%
Spot Hidden 52%
Swim 25%
Throw 25%
Track 40%

Hand to hand:
Fist/Punch 60%
Head Butt 20%
Grapple 50%
Kick 25%
Martial Arts 62%
Blackjack 40%

.22 Bolt-Action Rifle* 52%
.32 Revolver* 60%
12-gauge Shotgun (pump) 30%
Submachine Gun 15%
Shotgun 30%
Rifle 52%
Handgun 60%

Equipment: (not yet there...)

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:23 pm
by Airbornexo
William Percy


Name: William Percy
Age: 27
Profession: Archaeologist

Power: 15, Dex: 14, St: 14, Con: 12, Int: 17; Size: 13, App: 12, Edu 17
Idea: 85%, know: 85%, DB: 1d4, Pow: 75%, HP: 13, Sanity: 75%

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):51%
Art (05%): 40%
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
.Climb (40%): 50%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%): 50%
Dodge (DEX x 2): 62%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
.Hide (10%): 45%
History (20%): 60%
.Jump (25%): 45%
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 45%
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%)
Other Language: German (01%):35%
Other Language: Latin: 50%
Other Language: Ancient GreeK 50%
Other Language: Ancient Egyptian: 45%
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 85%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 40%
.Swim (25%): 40%
.Throw (25%): 40%
.Track (10%): 40%

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

.Handgun (55%):
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:31 pm
by Airbornexo
Paul Eckhart


Name: Paul Eckhart
Age: 46
Profession: Professor of Botany, Cambridge University

STR 8 CON 12 DEX 8 SIZ 10 INT 14 APP 5 EDU 19
Idea 50 Knowledge 95 Luck 70 MP HP 11 Sanity 70 DB +0


(8) Occupation skills EDU x15 =285 Hobby skills INT x10 =100
**There is not a "Botany" skill, so I have added one :).**
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%): +20
Botany (01%): +50

Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2):
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%): +40
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%)
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): +25
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%): +30
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Other Language: English (01%): +40
Own Language: German (EDU x 5%):
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%): +40
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%): +40

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

Sword 1d6 +1 (10%): +50
Handgun 1d10 (20%): +50

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:49 pm
by Airbornexo
Jurgen Schmidt

Player: Job

Name: Jurgen Schmidt
Age: 29
Sex: Male

Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Current Residence: Frankfurt, Germany
College, Degrees: B.S. + unfinished graduate work due to war, Mechanical Engineering, University of Stuttgart

STR: 11
CON: 7
SIZ: 9
DEX: 11
APP: 9
INT: 16 (Idea = 5 X INT = 80)
POW: 8 (Luck = 5 X POW = 40)
EDU: 17

Sanity (5 X POW): 40
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points (SIZ + STR / 2): 10
Magic Points: 8
Damage Bonus: +0

Appearance and Personality: Jurgen is of average height and average looks, stocky in build, with thick, wavy dirty-blonde hair. A pair of small, wire-rim glasses are always perched upon his nose. He is intelligent, meticulous to a fault, and quiet, but possesses a strong stubborn streak. He considers himself unlucky, but makes up for it in determination. German is his native language and he is also fluent in English. Jurgen is an accomplished mechanical engineer with years of service in the fields of construction and demolition.

Occupational Skill Points = EDU X 20 = 340 (Chemistry, Electrical Repair, Geology, Library Use, Mechanical Repair, Operate heavy Machine, Physics, Conceal)
Personal Interest Skill Points = INT X 10 = 160

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art(Acting) (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%): 46
Climb (40%):
Conceal (15%): 85
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2): 22
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%): 35
.Fast Talk (05%): 35
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):26
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%): 50
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%): 75
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%): 51
.Other Language: English (01%): 51
Own Language: German (EDU x 5%): 85%
.Persuade (15%):40
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%): 46
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
.Sneak (10%): 35
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%):
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

.Handgun (20%): 50%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):

To be determined – probably German 9mm Luger pistol specially modified by Jurgen

Re: Getting the team together - Characters

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:51 pm
by Airbornexo
Thomas Werner


Player: Captain Impossible
Name: Thomas Werner
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Occupation: Athlete/OSS Agent
Current Residence: Cincinnati , Ohio, USA
Colleges, Degrees:

STR: 17
CON: 18
SIZ: 16
DEX: 11
APP: 13
INT: 11 (Idea - 55)
POW: 16 (Luck - 80)
EDU: 13 (Know - 65)

Sanity: 80
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Maximum Sanity: 99
Hit Points: 17
Magic Points: 16
Damage Bonus: +1D6

Appearance and Personality: Werner is a physical dynamo. Tall, with broad shoulders and a powerful build, Werner's occupation is obvious even to those unfamiliar with his career. Short, blond hair and pale blue eyes accentuate a face that is handsome, if somewhat brutish. Though friendly, he is naturally competitive, and loves contests, be they of strength, skill, or intellect.

Skills: (Non-default skills BOLD, Professional Skills ITALICS, Hobbies preceded by a DOT.)
Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%): 50%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
.Credit Rating (15%): 25%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2): 42%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%):
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (20%):
Jump (25%): 55%
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%):
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):31%
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
.Other Language: German (01%): 31%
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%): 65%
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Rapier/Heavy Epee (10%): 80%
Ride (05%): 55%
Sneak (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%):
Swim (25%): 75%
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

.Fist/Punch (50%): 60%
Grapple (25%):
Head Butt (10%):
Kick (25%):

.Handgun (20%): 70%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%):
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%):


Heavy Epee
.32 Automatic
Survival Stuff