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Boot Camp - Rules and Mechanics

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:09 pm
by Airbornexo
Post Format

To indicate speech: "Blue is used!"

Thoughts are in green and can be in italics

Names are in bold. James Perkins looks at the debris where the helicopter had crash landed.

Out of character comments may either be posted inside spoiler brackets for private messages or in red (OOC - for public messages).

To show who is addressed OOC use the player name in front of the spoiler brackets or within a spoiler button:

Code: Select all

    [Spoiler-Button]Syrinx,This is for you![/Spoiler-Button]
Make sure thereĀ“s a , between the name and the message.

Dice rolls

Register at : and set your player character name in the name field. In the bottom field fill out the reason for the roll. Type of dice is described as 1d100, 1d20, 1d6 etc.

Rolls from the Invisible Castle may be put in OOC-posts either in the IC-threads or the OOC-threads. Alternatively they can be pasted as text using the url brackets:

Code: Select all

The link provided on invisible castle is pasted within the URL and a descriptive text is added between the edited brackets as below James spots a movement on top of the building

[ url =]James spots a movement on top of the building[ /url ]

DISCLAIMER - Stolen from Syrinx - sorry Dave :)

Cheers, Hal

Re: Boot Camp - Rules and Mechanics

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:44 pm
by Airbornexo

Combat is the bane of my PBEM experience so I'm hoping that BRP will streamline the whole experience, if a player has not posted within a reasonable time (to be decided depending on the pace of the game) then the Keeper reserves the right to NPC the character. I will be using this following combat reference:

Combat reference .pdf


1d20 + Dex to decide rank of invesigators (all NPC will go after the players, beginning with friendlies then enemy).

Hit Locations

Code: Select all

Melee   	            Missile   	      Location   	

01-04 	             01-03 	           Right leg 	     
05-08 	             04-06 	           Left leg 	     
09-11                  07-10 	           Abdomen 	  
12 	               11-15 	           Chest 	    
13-15 	            16-17 	           Right arm 	    
16-18  	            18-19  	           Left arm
19-20 	              20 	              Head 	

Hit Points per location

Leg, Abdomen, head - 1/3 of total HP
Arm - 1/4 of total HP
Chest 4/10 of total HP

An example:

Code: Select all

Total HP: 13

Right leg       5
Left leg         5
Abdomen      5
Chest            6
Right arm     4
Left arm       4
Head            5

A hit location is crippled when the location HP is O or a negative score. Effects of a negative location HP differs from HL to HL. Maximum damage sustainable  on one HL is twice the HL HP. If more damage is dealt the surplus damage will affect neighbouring HL. (Only rarely a person survives double HL trauma...) A HL receiving twice its HP is crushed or severed. 
DISCLAIMER - Once again stolen from Syrinx - Sorry Dave ;)

Cheers, Hal