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Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:21 am
by Chivalrybean
Carl follows Percy's suit and orders a gin and tonic.

"This should be fun to watch." He leans over to Ellie. "Never been to Washington myself. I'd have my leave of politics. Traveled to enough places in need to know that sometimes the powers that be only stand in the way of humanity getting the basics rights they are owed!
edit,Thanks Mr. Handy. I changed ideas mid stride and in my haste I broke what I was going to do. Edited to say what my character actually said, not just what the player foolishly mid-dictated. {:0p

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy
Carl,You might want to edit that post. You've used "leave" twice and haven't used "owed" at all.

"I shall have to take my chances, then, shan't I?" says Kirsten. "I'm no Ginger Rogers, but I think I can avoid stepping on your toes. Foxtrot sounds good to me."

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:44 pm
by Airbornexo

With the machine cranked up and the dancing begun, it wasn't long before others from the expedition team joined them along with several patrons from the hotel itself. The barman, ever efficient, kept the drinks flowing and a general feeling of contentment settled over the assembled group.

Breathless from the exertion, Ellie made a point of catching Kirsten and Carl at the bar. Alvaro, unabashed, began to Charleston like their was no tomorrow.

Eckhart too proved to be an unexpected hit and rather spry for a man of his years and position. That was until a over-elaborate twirl took him clean into one of the German Mechanical Engineers from the expedition, upending the poor fellow's drink!
Kirsten & Carl,"[color=#0000FF]Well it looks as though I have some really good friends here after all! I was told to be on the lookout for you coming into the city. I have to admit I am starting to worry about my partner now,[/color]" She sees their raised eyebrows, "[color=#0000FF]yeah I know the line about my brother was a little corny but it kinda caught me on the hop![/color]"
OOC - Job you may interact with the party as if you have a passing acquaintance with their names and roles within the group!

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:41 am
by Job
"Ach du liebe Zeit!" yelled Jurgen in surprise as he leapt to his feet, tipping over his chair in the process. He stood there, arms spread, looking down at the dark splotches on his shirt as drops fell from his nose. His face reddened and he shifted his angry gaze up, but a moment later this was replaced by a look of recognition and a laugh, "A ha! Ha ha! HA HA, Professor!"

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:30 am
by Chivalrybean
Carl orders another drink for Ellie "Partner?"

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:40 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I can't see the movie.

"Have you met Freyja yet?" Kirsten asks Ellie, indicating the gorgeous blonde. "She's with us too. How can we help?"

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:08 am
by Tabs
There's a movie? I wanna see it!
Job wrote:"Ach du liebe Zeit!" yelled Jurgen . . .


"Es tut mir Leid." Prof. Eckhart clutches at Jurgen's arm to steady himself. "God! was I getting carried away with the dance. I think it safer--for the glasses--if I just watch from now on. Let me buy you another, what will it be?"

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:26 am
by kabukiman
They really don't lose their time, right- says Percy to the barman- enjoying every spare time.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:07 pm
by Anatomist
Airbornexo wrote: Breathless from the exertion, Ellie made a point of catching Kirsten and Carl at the bar. Alvaro, unabashed, began to Charleston like their was no tomorrow.
'You go hunny and refresh' 'im catching up with you' Alvaro puts on a smile and disapears ut of Ellies sight while he dances.
After a while Alvaro sees his opportunity to take a smoke going out of the lobby to take some air.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:19 pm
by Job
Tabs wrote:"Es tut mir Leid." Prof. Eckhart clutches at Jurgen's arm to steady himself. "God! was I getting carried away with the dance. I think it safer--for the glasses--if I just watch from now on. Let me buy you another, what will it be?"
Jurgen grabbed the Professor's arm to help him get his footing, laughing and saying, "Apology accepted, my friend. You were dancing so well that I was not expecting your, ah, change of direction. But it is OK. I am drinking beer, and it is not as good as those from the Mother Land, I must say, but it is satisfactory."

Jurgen then grabbed a cloth from a nearby table to wipe off his face and shirt and righted his chair. While cleaning his wire-rim glasses, he turned and spoke to the three colleagues at his table, "Dies ist ein freund von mir, Professor Eckhart." They nodded their heads, smiled at the Professor, and continued their conversation in German.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:17 am
by Airbornexo
Kirsten & Carl,Ellie acknowledged Freya with a raised eyebrow, "[color=#0000FF]Heavy allied presence tonight then! Thomas went to the dock to get a look at a container ship that the Italians were guarding a little [i]too[/i] well. He was supposed to be in and out whilst the docks were crowded in the evening, I expected him back over an hour ago. If he doesn't come back soon I guess I'll have to go find him and haul his ass outta trouble.[/color]" Ellie paused as she saw Alvaro leave the dance floor, "[color=#0000FF]I must say, I'm rather flattered by your friend's attention, this job has its perks![/color]"
From the bar Ellie saw Alvaro heading to the terrace and waved at him jauntily. She then made a mime suggesting she is not quite finished with the dancing just yet and he should meet her on the dance floor in a while.

Heading out into the gathering darkness, the air was still warm yet the wind carried a cooling crispness, instantly refreshing. The Spaniard pulled out a packet of smokes and lit up, the amber glow at its tip waving to and fro, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

The bartender nodded his assent at Percy's question, "those two don't seem to be enjoying themselves though! Are they with your party?" He gestured over at two men who appeared at the door; they are clearly frustrated with one another and sat down at a table in the corner to continue their argument in hushed tones. Percy recognised them as two of the academics from the expedition.

OOC - I'm not sure why that video didn't work? They normally do. Okay I remember, should be fixed now to give a little background ambiance.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:42 am
by Chivalrybean
"I could go for a stroll on the docks later, if you don't mind the company."

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:54 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm free to come along too, if you like," says Kirsten.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:59 am
by Tabs

At the bar, Prof. Eckhart orders mineral water and another cognac, and a jug of beer, which he asks to be sent over to Jurgen's table with the 'Professor's compliments.'"

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:29 am
by kabukiman
-Yes, they are from my group. Probably discussing some obscure academic detail that nobody cares. If they were discussing women or sports they were already at each other throat.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:21 pm
by Job
Tabs wrote:At the bar, Prof. Eckhart orders mineral water and another cognac, and a jug of beer, which he asks to be sent over to Jurgen's table with the 'Professor's compliments.'"
"Thank you, Professor!" Jurgen yelled over when the pitcher of beer arrived at his table, and his comrades added their own, "Dankeschön!", and "Danke, professor."

After a few minutes of further laughing and joking with his friends, Jurgen stood and walked over to the Professor's group, remarking, "My friends have started talking about work, so I thought that I would come join your table. You seem to be having much more fun!"
Airbornexo wrote:[The bartender] gestured over at two men who appeared at the door; they are clearly frustrated with one another and sat down at a table in the corner to continue their argument in hushed tones. Percy recognised them as two of the academics from the expedition.
Jurgen sipped his beer and nodded towards the door, saying to Professor Eckhart, "Although those two over there do not seem to be having a good time..."

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:45 pm
by Tabs

"Yes, they do look unhappy."

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:54 am
by Airbornexo
Carl & Kirsten,Ellie shoots a relieved glance at Carl and Kirsten, "[color=#0000FF]I'd be glad of the company, those sailors treat a girl rough if you'd let 'em![/color]" She looked at a brass clock hanging over the bar, "[color=#0000FF]thirty more minutes and then I'll have to go and look, perhaps the blonde, Freya was it, could look out for him should he arrive late looking for me?[/color]"
Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn by the two arguing academics as they raised their voices in anger, shouting at one another.

A bespectacled, bearded younger man spat, "YOU ARE MAD! WE WILL NEVER FIND IT!" The other a rotund, bald man stood angrily almost overturning the small table and then threw his drink in the other man's face. "I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH IMPUDENCE!" He uttered and then stormed from the bar in the direction of the terrace, his face thunderous.

Alvaro leans against the balustrade and watched the man as he stormed out into the night air, mopping his brow with a yellow silk handkerchief.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:36 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sure," Kirsten tells Ellie. "What does he look like?" She watches the argument between the two men with bemusement.

Re: 3: Trouble in Tripoli [all characters]

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:14 pm
by Job
Airbornexo wrote:Suddenly everyone's attention was drawn by the two arguing academics as they raised their voices in anger, shouting at one another.

A bespectacled, bearded younger man spat, "YOU ARE MAD! WE WILL NEVER FIND IT!" The other a rotund, bald man stood angrily almost overturning the small table and then threw his drink in the other man's face. "I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH IMPUDENCE!" He uttered and then stormed from the bar in the direction of the terrace, his face thunderous.
Jurgen rushed over to help the younger man. "Are you alright? This must be the night for overturned drinks," he said, speaking English with a pronounced German accent, "I just finished cleaning my own shirt." He pulled the lower part of his shirt forward and pointed out the wet areas that had yet to dry from where the Professor had doused him.
For Airbornexo,Does Jurgen recognize the younger man?