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Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:26 am
by Seon
The door chimed, and the men turned to see Laura poking her head through the cracks.

"Hello," she said. "Hard at work? I, uh, found... a deck of cards if anyone wants to play."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:20 am
by Taavi
"A deck of cards" Luke drawls. "Really? Could I take a look at it? I never play without making sure there aren't five aces in the deck."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:02 pm
by Bookman
"I suppose for American you could try the United States Playing Card Company, they did a bibliography type thing recen...", Harwood tails off noticing no one is listening to him anymore and looks up at Laura. Nodding a greeting he continues,

"Morning M'dear. Cards eh? I could always go for synchronicity and a game of...", his eyes flick over to where Grant is sitting. "You know I should probably get back to work, books to catalogue that kind of thing. Maybe another time. I'll grab that paper for you Mr Llewellyn.".

Harwood goes into the back for a moment to fetch the paper he has saved, comes in, hands it over and then disappears out again.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:56 pm
by AndrewTBP
"Good morning, Miss Laura." says Grant, peering at her over his spectacles, "You may as well come in, for cards are all the rage today."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:54 pm
by andyw666
The observant would notice the distinguished looking stranger make his way over to Capt Penhalligon, at Fullers Table. The two clearly know each other as friends of some sort. Capt Penhalligon almost salutes the stranger, who almost salutes in reply, but instead they shake hands. Penhalligon then speeds off towards the rear of the shop, returning shortly with a cup of tea. The two then sit at Fuller Table.
OOC,BTW, the earlier spoiler button regarding this is currently broken. They don't seem to cope with apostrophes in the heading.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:26 pm
by Dr. Bloodworth
"Thank you, Harwood," says Anthony. He places the paper in the back of a book he picked up which looks interesting. He continues browsing the shelves and keeps one eye on Penhalligon and his visitors as he does so.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:20 pm
by Seon
"I think it's actually missing a black joker... But 5 aces?" Laura said. "Tell me, does 5 aces beat a royal straight flush?"

She took out the deck of cards from its box and began to shuffle it. "You know," she said. "They say that you have to shuffle a deck 7 times to make it completely random."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:31 pm
by Grafster
sorry about formatting posting from mobile device

If you say so Mr. Grant. Wellington beams and deposits his finds on the counter. There are several more books by Dickins, several books in French with particularly nice paper but particularly rotten bindings (looks like they were left in the water, the first and last pages are illegible) and what looks like a hand made "book" with a wooden cover. It's not the worsen set of things he's brought.

"spot of luck actually. Gentleman comes around with his own wine he brews. Just the thing when it's getting colder."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:05 pm
by AndrewTBP
A wine-making gentleman, eh? What name did he give you? Hmm, I’ve got a selection of books on wine upstairs. Do you think he’d be interested?
Bargain,Grant usually errs on the generous side with Wellington for old time’s sake. They quickly come to an agreement.
Now was there anything else, Wellington?

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:36 pm
by Taavi
His curiosity momentarily piqued, Luke reaches out to inspect the French books and the wooden covered book brought in by Wellington, while watching Laura shuffle with half an eye.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:30 am
by Grafster
"you're too generous!" but Wellington accepts the money quickly. "He migh; peculiar sort. Used to be a doctor or something. It's a hobby he says. He's dressed all right; seen better days but then haven't we all?"

Wellington chuckles warmly and heads back out to his cart. "he's due to come around this evening; I'll be sure to mention it."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:51 am
by AndrewTBP
Please do, Wellington.Grant watches Wellington until he's outside.

So, Carse, is that what I think it is? Did I just buy a codex from Wellington?

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:38 pm
by Taavi
"Could be something. I'll just have a gander." mutters Luke, leafing through the pages.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 1:31 pm
by AndrewTBP
Grant piles all but one of Llewellyn's books together.

"Llewellyn, before we get down to brass tacks, I'd like to ask you about this one. Was there another copy? I ask because there's a letter laid in here that refers to an annotated copy, and there are no annotations in this copy."

Grant opens the book and turns it so all can read the letter.

"The marks on the letter match the pages of the book, so the letter has been there a good while. If we can find the annotated copy and work out who 'G' and friend were, the books may fetch a better price together than apart."
Letter Laid In,Brichester, ’11 My friend, I found this book in a small bookshop in Lower Brichester and felt it would suit your peculiar interests. Beware of the annotations : they may mislead. I enclose an unannotated version. Be sceptical of mistakes : they are not what they seem. Page 67 will show you what I mean. Within this book, I believe, is the location we have sought — the wood where αζα Θωθ sleeps. Yours in anticipation, G

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:09 am
by Dr. Bloodworth
"Hmm, interesting," Anthony says, leaning in to look at the letter produced. "There were no other copies of this book that I noticed, but I'll make certain to take a closer look when next I'm home. What was on page 67?"

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:21 pm
by Bookman
Harwood wanders out of the back with a small pile of books.

A few things for pricing Mr Grant, nothing particularly brilliant. The best thing is probably this nineteenth century Musica Mundana, slightly dodgy English translation, the leather's a bit of a state but quite nice inside. I'll leave them here for you.

He turns to Laura, Looks like it's my break, you can deal me in.

He breaks off when he sees the letter and pauses to read it.

How interesting, is that a bibliography? Perhaps the annotations are a book hunter's? What's the subject - particular author? Genre? Location?

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 6:44 pm
by Seon
Laura smiled and dealt Grant two cards.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:21 pm
by Taavi
As the staff are beginning their card game, the front door bell jangles and a tall, elegant brunette woman wearing a woman's double-breasted dress and hat, all in white, enters. Somewhat unusually, her face is concealed by a light veil, although the features show clearly enough through it.
If your Credit Rating is 4+ or Occult 2+ click here,The woman is Contessa Christiana di Napoli,an Italian expatriate, who apparently had a falling out with Mussolini's government leading to her fleeing to London's fashionable Belgravia district; although she seems comfortable enough in right-wing circles. She is an infrequent but high-spending patron, somewhat eccentric, who collects books on a wide range of topics, including Reformation history, the Occult (especially symbolic Alchemy), Theosophy, Guerrilla warfare, and pacifism. She is active in Dion Fortune's Society of Inner Light and other mystical movements which emphasise the feminine and the Sophia.
If your Sense Trouble is 2+ click here,you suddenly feel exceptionally thirsty, as if you'd been working down a mine and your throat was caked with dust.
The woman walks directly to where Mr Grant stands at the counter and speaks in an imperious tone. "Signor Granti. I wish to commission your services, si. To be my agenti at an auction."

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:05 am
by AndrewTBP
Me, Contessa?” croaks Grant, surprised. “You don't want a catalogue agent to do that for you? Like Mr Carse here, for example.

Grant swigs his tea, trying to clear his throat.

Re: (IC#01) An Ordinary Day

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:10 am
by Taavi
The Contessa smiles. "Ah, but Signor Granti, I do not wish to buy a book! And Signor Carse is more likely to attract attention..."

Luke raises his eyebrows, shrugs, and goes back to leafing through the odd wood-bound tome.
OOC,While this is what the Contessa would say anyway, I am going to keep Luke Carse very much in the background as I dislike the Chinese Wall mental gymnastics of Keeping a game and running a lead (N)PC in it.
The Contessa glances around the shop, evidently sees nothing to alarm her, and continues. "You know the American auction, si?"

Spend a point of Bibliography, Auction, Credit Rating, or Bookshop Credit Rating to know all about what the Contessa is talking about, or wait for her to explain and risk losing face with a client. PM me if you wish to spend or if you think some other Ability should apply.